Individual pension coefficient - what is it? Retirement points: what it is, how they are calculated, how much it will take for pensioners to retire. Calculation of a pension using the IPC

Since January 01, 2015, new rules for determining the amount of insurance pensions have been introduced. One of the key concepts of the new rules was the IPC - individual pension coefficient. About what it is, we will tell in our article. We also hope that the article will be useful and you will find in it the information you are interested in about the individual pension coefficient e.

The value of the individual pension coefficient (IPC): what is it

The Individual Pension Coefficient (IPC) is a certain numerical indicator measured in points. The value of the IPC is calculated for each citizen individually. The calculation is made annually by adding to the current value of the IPC pension points earned by a citizen over the past year. Thus, the IPC increases annually by the amount of pension points earned during the year.

Upon retirement, the entire amount of pension points earned by a citizen, which is the value of the individual pension coefficient, is multiplied by the value of one pension point, which is valid at the time the pension is awarded. The amount obtained by multiplying will be the basic pension. After adding to it the full amount of the citizen's insurance pension will be obtained.

This algorithm for determining the size of the insurance pension was introduced several years ago on the basis of the law on insurance pensions 400-FZ.

How is the number of pension points determined?

The number of pension points (PB) is determined for each citizen annually for each year worked according to the formula:

PB \u003d (sum of insurance premiums from the employer / amount of insurance premiums from the limit of the base amount) x 10

Let's explain this formula:

  • the amount of insurance premiums from the employer- this is the amount transferred by the employer to the FIU for the year, which is taken into account on the individual personal account of the citizen and which, in fact, affects the pension points earned by the citizen. The value of this amount is 16 percent of the official salary of a citizen;
  • base amount limit- this is the amount that is annually established by the state for calculating insurance premiums for pension insurance. In 2019, the base amount limit is RUB 1,150,000 (in 2018 it was RUB 1,021,000);
  • the amount of insurance premiums from the limit value of the base amount- this is the amount of insurance premiums that the employer would transfer to the Pension Fund from this limit at a rate of 16 percent;
  • 10 - conversion factor.

The number of points depends on the "white" salary: the higher the salary, the more pension points.

Consider an example of calculating the annual number of pension points. An employee in 2018 had a salary of 50,000 rubles per month. During the year he earned 600,000 rubles. The employer transferred 16 percent of the employee's annual salary, that is, 96,000 rubles, to the Pension Fund. The amount of the base amount limit is 1,021,000 x 0.16 = 163,360 rubles (recall that in 2018 the base amount limit was 1,021,000 rubles).

The number of retirement points an employee earned in a year would be (96,000 / 163,360) x 10 = 5.88.

How to calculate individual pension coefficient (IPC)

IPC is a parameter that reflects the amount of a citizen's pension rights to a pension. The calculation of the individual pension coefficient for the appointment of a pension is considered to be made by summing up the pension points earned by a citizen for each calendar year.

When assigning an old-age pension, PFR specialists calculate the IPC of each citizen either on the day the retirement age is reached or on the day the pension is established (if, for example, the citizen retires after the entitlement to it).

I must say that the calculation of the individual pension coefficient is carried out by the Pension Fund using special methods that allow the transfer of pension rights of citizens earned by them before 2015 (when no pension points existed) into modern pension points. Therefore, it seems to us that it is quite difficult to calculate the IPC on our own.

The maximum value of the IPC in 2019

Note that the law on insurance pensions provides for a limit on the maximum value of the annual IPC, i.e. limit on the maximum amount of pension points that a citizen can earn in one year. This means that a citizen can annually receive an IPC that does not exceed the amount established for a given year. The maximum number of pension points in 2019 is 9.13. This means that even if a citizen in 2019 has a salary at which, according to the formula for calculating pension points, the sum of his pension points will be more than 9.13, the value of 9.13 will be used when calculating his IPC.

The above means that there is such a value of the average monthly earnings for one year, at which the maximum value of the individual pension coefficient is achieved. In 2019, this value of the average monthly earnings (official salary) of a citizen is 77,681 rubles. With such an average monthly salary, a citizen in 2019 will earn 9.13 pension points - the maximum possible number in 2019. With an average monthly salary of more than 77,681 rubles, a citizen will still be credited with 9.13 pension points.

In 2021 and in subsequent years, the maximum value of the annual IPC will be 10 points.

The table shows the maximum values ​​of the annual IPC (maximum pension points for the year) that will be used in the calculation in 2019 and subsequent years.

Year The maximum value of the annual IPC
at failure from the formation of a funded pensionat formation funded pension
2017 8,26 8,26 <*>
2018 8,70 8,70 <*>
2019 9,13 9,13 <*>
2020 9,57 9,57<*>
2021 and later10 6,25

<*> Note. During 2016-2021, regardless of whether a citizen has chosen the formation of a funded pension, his pension rights are formed only for an insurance pension based on the entire amount of accrued insurance premiums. In this regard, the maximum value of the annual individual pension coefficient is the same for any option for forming a pension.

The minimum value of the IPC for the appointment of a pension

In 2019, the minimum IPC that a citizen must “earn” in previous years in order to assign him an old-age insurance pension will be 16.2. Going forward, the number of pension points required to qualify for an insurance pension will gradually increase, namely, it will increase by 2.4 annually until it reaches 30 in 2025. In subsequent years, the minimum value of the IPC for the appointment of an insurance pension will remain at the level of 30.

Year Duration of insurance period (years) Minimum amount of IPC (number of pension points)

Year Duration of insurance period (years) Minimum amount of IPC (number of pension points)
2017 8 11,4
2018 8 13,8
2019 10 16,2
2020 11 18,6
2021 12 21
2022 13 23,4
2023 14 25,8
2024 15 28,2
2025 and later15 30

How much does a pension point cost in 2019

Until 2019, the value of the pension point was subject to annual indexation, which was carried out from February 01, when the value of the individual pension coefficient (IPC) was set. And from April 1, the value of the established value of the pension coefficient could be specified.

However, since 2019, the procedure for determining the value of a pension point described above has changed. Law 350-FZ, adopted at the end of 2018, canceled the annual indexation of the pension score. At the same time, the cost of the pension point for 2019-2024 was set.

The cost of IPK in 2019 is 87 rubles 24 kopecks. This cost was established from January 01, 2019 by the Federal Law of October 3, 2018 N 350-FZ.
For subsequent years, the following values ​​of one pension coefficient are established:

  • in 2020 - 93 rubles 00 kopecks;
  • in 2021 - 98 rubles 86 kopecks;
  • in 2022 - 104 rubles 69 kopecks;
  • in 2023 - 110 rubles 55 kopecks;
  • in 2024 - 116 rubles 63 kopecks.

How pension points were calculated before January 1, 2015

For citizens (future pensioners) with seniority until 2015, the new pension legislation provides for the so-called conversion of pension rights formed before 2015.

The essence of the conversion is that the insurance part of the pension until December 31, 2014 is converted into individual pension coefficients. The conversion was carried out by the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation according to special methods in an unclaimed manner for each future pensioner. The basis for the conversion was information on the estimated pension capital, length of service and wages of each citizen, available in the PFR database.

The number of pension points (IPK): how to find out

Probably, a large number of citizens are wondering how to find out the individual pension coefficient. You can find out the number of pension points (IPK) on the PFR website in the section "Calculate pension points for 2019" at: .

If you would like to know your current Individual Pension Rate (IPR), IPC before 2015 and IPC since 2015, and other information, you can:

  • apply to the territorial office of the PFR at the place of residence;
  • order a certificate on the status of an individual personal account on the PFR website in the “personal account of a citizen”;
  • request information about the status of an individual personal account with the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation (including history) on a single portal of public services.

We really hope that you have found useful information about the individual pension coefficient in our article.

Changes in pension legislation continue to be one of the most discussed topics, as the “optimization” of methods for calculating pension accruals carried out by the state leads to the development of more and more complex formulas.

Today, not every citizen - working or already old - can clearly formulate exactly how his pension is formed, how much he will receive, for example, a year after retirement, whether the pension will be preserved in the event of loss of a breadwinner, etc.

One of the innovations in 2015 was the introduction of the use of pension points, another “variable” that is intended to influence the amount of pension benefits paid, in particular insurance pensions. What it is? How does the number of pension points affect the amount of the insurance pension? What is the value of a pension point in 2017 and can it change?

What are Retirement Points and how do you calculate them?

Before considering the issue of pension points, their number, cost and periods of accumulation, it is necessary to recall the basic formula for calculating a pension. Today it can be represented as follows:

Pension = Fixed payment + Funded part + Insurance part

  • The fixed part of the pension is set by the state, but can be changed by multiplying it by the premium or individual pension coefficient (used when retiring later than the official retirement age).
  • The funded part has several options for its formation, among which citizens have the right to choose the most suitable one (including one that does not depend on the age of retirement or length of service).
  • The insurance part (or insurance pension) is calculated based on the number of pension points multiplied by the value of one pension point. Thus, the pension points introduced since January 2015 affect only the insurance part of the total pension payment.

For reference: in Russia, you can retire at the age of 60 for men and 55 for women. At the same time, as you approach old age, your “retirement age” can be increased. This is called a “deferred pension”, when a citizen, at his own request, can extend the period of work experience by 5 years or 10 years. Such a decision will allow him to use the coefficient for calculating the fixed part of the pension:

  • for 5 years - coefficient 1.36;
  • for 10 years - a coefficient of 2.11.

Each officially employed citizen earns pension points by deducting the corresponding amounts to the Pension Fund (since 2017 - to the Federal Tax Service). In other words, their number directly depends on how much in monetary terms the employer transferred funds in the form of 22% of the accrued wages (recall that 6% goes to the formation of a fixed part, 16% to the insurance pension).

Since Russian legislation uses the practice of applying limit values ​​​​of deductions (for example, in 2017 the taxable base cannot exceed 876 thousand rubles, that is, the maximum annual amount transferred for the formation of an insurance pension cannot exceed 876,000 * 0.16 \u003d 140,160 rubles), the calculation formula the number of pension points that a citizen can receive in 2017 will look like this:

Actually transferred amount / 140160 * 10

For example: in 2017, the employer Ivanova I.I. transferred 70 thousand rubles to the tax service as a mandatory 22 percent payment. Accordingly, only 16% or 50,909 rubles went to the insurance part of the future pension. The number of pension points that Ivanov I.I. will receive for 2017 will be equal to:

50909 / 140160 * 10 = 3,6

Thus, during the entire period of his labor activity and as he approaches old age, this citizen will “collect” points, which, upon reaching retirement age, will be taken into account when paying an insurance pension.

About the cost of a pension point

The amount of the insurance pension depends on the number of points and their value, which is revised upwards annually. At the same time, when performing calculations, the principle of using those value values ​​​​that were in effect at the time of accrual of pension points is used. Points earned by citizens before January 1, 2015 have a value of 64.1 rubles. In 2016, the rate increased to the level of 74.27 rubles. The cost of each pension point that will be accumulated in 2017 is set at 78.58 rubles.

Accrual of pension points in 2017

The current pension legislation establishes a minimum at which the insurance pension cannot be paid. In 2017, this is 11.4 pension points. Every year, this bar is raised by 2.4 points, i.e. by 2025, when it is planned to evaluate the results of the pension reform, in order to receive an insurance pension, a citizen must have accumulated at least 30 pension points (and the total period of seniority - at least 15 years).

Simple calculations show that the maximum that can be accumulated in 2017 is 8.26 points. This is how much a citizen who earns more than 876 thousand rubles per year will receive. There is also the concept of a minimum: an annual salary of up to 87.5 thousand rubles (as much is needed to receive one pension point in 2017) will not allow you to save anything. Accordingly, citizens with such a low annual income and a short period of service run the risk of depriving themselves of their insurance pension at some point, including in the event of loss of a breadwinner. It is this fact that many observers call the main drawback of the past pension reform.

About the purposes of introducing pension points

And individual pension coefficients, and points, and the opportunity to choose how to form the funded part of the pension - all this is aimed at giving the citizen who has lived to old age exactly the pension that he really earned. The insurance part of such payments can objectively have the greatest weight in the total amount, so the introduction of pension points is intended to encourage future pensioners to work officially and earn a decent “white” salary.

Officials often remind citizens that Russia is a social state, where a lot of benefits, allowances and preferences are provided (surcharges for seniority, in case of loss of a breadwinner, etc.)

At the same time, it is argued that before in practice the principle of social equalization of citizens was often applied: citizens who worked all their lives often received only a little more than those who had many times less seniority.

Pension points, which affect the size of the insurance pension, are designed to make the principle of accruing funds to people who have reached old age more equitable.

Federal legislation informs: officially working citizens of the Russian Federation, temporarily residing foreigners and stateless persons are required to register in the pension insurance system. The registration procedure and mandatory insurance payments, along with the Pension legislation, guarantee the financial support of elderly citizens of the Russian Federation.

Until 2015, mandatory pension contributions, which amounted to 22% of monthly income, consisted of an insurance (16%) and funded (6%) part. The 2015 reform divided pensioners:

  • for those who left insurance savings (22%) in the PFR;
  • agreed with changes in the system of pension savings, where the insurance part is 16%, and the funded part is 6% (and is invested by the NPF or Vnesheconombank).

We will talk about the pension coefficient (what it is), how points are calculated and why reform the insurance coverage of pensioners in this material.

Need for reform

Individual pension capital - the material savings of citizens, which will soon replace, according to the government, the existing insurance part. The need to reform the pension system became apparent after the freeze on savings in 2014. No revenues, while massive payments are around the corner in 2022. According to the forecasts of the Ministry of Labor, from 2022 to 2031, about 9 million people should receive a lump sum payment human.

The idea of ​​pension reform is that a working citizen makes payments to his own account. The concept of transition to the formation of individual pension capital involves the voluntary inclusion of citizens in the new system and the growth of deductions up to 6% over the next 6 years. In the project being considered by the government, it is planned to provide the right to:

  • refusal to participate in pension savings;
  • to independently determine the level of deductions;
  • for a five-year "vacation" with the right to continue.

At the same time, the size of the employer's deductions will remain at the level of 22%. Testing and launch of the reformed system of insurance savings is planned for 2019.

System reform

Until 2015, the accrual of pensions in the Russian Federation was provided by Federal Law No. 173 of December 17, 2001, according to which older people received the right to receive payments by age with an insurance period of 5 years. Savings of citizens consisted of two parts:

  • accumulative;
  • insurance.

Starting from 2015, these parts have turned into separate types of insurance coverage, which has changed the conditions for calculating and calculating payments. Today both parts are regulated by independent laws:

  • the insurance part is subject to Federal Law No. 400 dated 12/28/13
  • accumulative - Federal Law No. 424 FROM 12/28/13.

According to Federal Law No. 400. Article 8, the employee has the right to receive a pension:

  • upon reaching the appropriate age: 60 years for men, and 55 for women;
  • work experience;
  • 30 IPC points.

The given data correspond to the norms of the Federal Law No. 400, art. 35.

The essence of the IPK

What is an individual pension coefficient IPC? Changes in the rules that form the methods of material support for pensioners began with the reform of 2015. Until that moment, the calculation was made on the basis of pension capital, now the amount of payments depends on a personal indicator.

The individual pension coefficient (IPC) is a parameter for evaluating a person's work for a year, expressed in abstract units of measurement - points. When calculating payments in a new way, all annual personal indicators are summed up. The periods before and after the transition to the new accrual method, in 2015, are calculated separately.

The value of the individual pension coefficient IPC - what is it

The amount of accruals depends on the number of points before and after 2105 and on the size of the multiplying coefficient. The maximum score in 2017 is 8.26. According to the adopted provisions, the amount increases every year by 2.4 units. until 2025, when the smallest IPC is 30 points.

What does the value of the individual pension coefficient IPC mean?

The units of accumulation calculated for the year are the ratio of the material resources held in the PF accounts to the mandatory payments accrued under the law from the maximum allowable taxable income. In principle, everything is pretty clear.

What affects the value of IPC

The cost of a pension point is determined by the relevant government services. Adjustment and correction of data occurs twice a year - during the second and fourth months. Scheduled recalculation allows you to adjust the point price in relation to inflation and price changes. Insurance payments consist of:

  • from the fixed part;
  • from premiums adjusted for unit cost.

So, in 2017, the price of one point was 78.58 rubles, and the cost of the fixed part was 4,823 rubles.

The value of the individual coefficient, according to the new method, directly depends on the size of the salary - the higher the income, the larger the deductions.

When calculating the amount of monetary security, units are accrued individually, for each year worked. The meaning of the planned innovations is to translate the length of service into relative units convertible into rubles. But it is here that the greatest number of questions arise, since the number of points scored depends on the employee, and the cost of the funded unit and the level of inflation depend on the state.


The norms of legislation guaranteeing the material well-being of pensioners provide for certain preferences that increase the amount of regular payments. The coefficient of growth of points for calculating mandatory payments for existing types of pensions is used in case of loss of a breadwinner. This is allowed in the following cases:

  • appointment of an insurance pension for the first time or ahead of schedule after the emergence of the right to this type of security;
  • in case of refusal of security and repeated restoration of receipt of payments;
  • as well as when assigning mandatory payments related to the death of the breadwinner who did not apply for the provision of security, or refused to receive a pension.

IPC levels

In Federal Law No. 400, Article 55 provides for an annual increase in the upper limit of the IPC. So, in the current maximum level was:

  • 2017 - 8.26;
  • 2018 - 8.7;
  • 2019 - 9.13 etc.

If the calculated indicator is higher than the allowable one, further calculations are made taking into account the maximum index. For example, the result obtained during the calculations is 8.7, and the established norm for 2017 is 8.26. So, in further calculations, you need to rely on the number 8.26.

Advantages and disadvantages of the system

Citizens of the Russian Federation have an ambiguous attitude to the new payment method, since, along with the advantages, the system also has significant disadvantages. The advantages of the reformed pension provision are:

  1. Reducing the financial burden on the federal budget.
  2. The interest of employees in the maximum length of service.
  3. The ability to quickly respond to changes in inflation and prices.

The disadvantages include:

  1. The minimum amount of pensions for citizens with low wages.
  2. Confusion in calculations and formulas. It is difficult for unprepared people to understand the determination of the size of pension payments.

Dissatisfaction is also caused by the increase in the minimum length of service from 5 to 15 years, planned until 2024.

How to calculate

Consider the calculation formula. To calculate the individual pension coefficient, you need to divide the insurance part of the accumulation by the amount of the maximum mandatory payment established by the state, and increase the result ten times (~).

Example: During 2016 for an employee of the enterprise, the employer contributed 80.tys. rub. The maximum size of the individual pension coefficient in the current year is 187.2. We divide 80 by 187.2, we get 0.43 and increase by 10 times. The IPC coefficient of a hypothetical employee is 4.3.

Important in the calculation is given to the value of the insurance rate. So, with the same salary, but different rates, different coefficients are obtained.

With a salary of 20 thousand rubles. and a rate of 10%, the index will be 1.28. At a rate of 16% it will be equal to 2.05

Online calculator

How to calculate the pension coefficient? The given examples of calculations are simple, but with more complex calculations it is not always possible to obtain accurate data. This is due to the need to take into account many factors in the calculations, for example, data on the periods for which additional points are awarded and their value.

Help in complex calculations will be provided by online calculators posted on the Internet on special accounting sites. There is also a special pension calculator on the official page of the Russian Pension Fund. The use of calculators is free, but registration on the site is required.

You can also contact the nearest branch of the Pension Fund for assistance in making calculations. However, even here a 100% result is not guaranteed, as well as the fact that payments will be accrued within the limits of preliminary calculations. The inaccuracy of calculations is associated with fluctuations in the cost of points and other macroeconomic indicators.

Cost in 2017

The government's strategy regarding the formation of the cost of IPC units is aimed at the annual indexation of indicators and their subsequent systematic increase. These increases are based on data on inflation and price changes over the past year. So, on February 1, 2016, the pension savings of citizens were increased by 4%, which affected the value of the IPC, which in 2017 amounted to 74.27 rubles.

Indexation of pensions in 2017

Retirement savings in 2016 not fully indexed. Based on the calculations of economists, the full indexation of pensions last year should have been 12.9%, while the carried out - 4%, and for working pensioners - 0%. For the current 2017, the government guaranteed the indexation of pensions, depending on the level of inflation in 2016 and an increase in the assessment threshold to 78.58 rubles.

Retirement points tables

Minimum points to receive a pension:

Year Number of points
15 6,6
16 9
17 11,4
18 13,8
19 16,2
20 18,6
21 21
22 23,4
23 25,8
24 28,2
25 30

The maximum amount of points for receiving a pension

Year For insured persons for whom contributions to the funded pension are not credited to the funded capital For insured persons for whom contributions to the funded pension are made and accrued
15 7,39 4,62
16 7,83 4,89
17 8,26 5,16
18 8,70 5,43
19 9,13 5,71
20 9,57 5,98
21 onwards 10,00 6,25

The main features of the 2015 reform were the following innovations:

  • division of the labor pension into two independent payments - insurance and funded(previously it was two parts of one pension);
  • new conditions for the appointment of an insurance pension;
  • the possibility of refusing to form a funded pension in favor of an insurance pension (in this case, not 10%, but 16% of the citizen’s salary will be transferred to it);
  • the introduction of premium coefficients, motivating citizens to go on a well-deserved rest later in order to receive larger payments.

13.8 × 81.49 + 4982.9 = 6107.46 rubles.

Therefore, the main task of the workers at the moment is to obtain as much as possible more points for periods of employment.

The procedure for indexing the pension coefficient and its value

Despite the crisis and the objective recession in the economy for various reasons, both internal and external, the state is trying to support the pension sector indexing- an increase by a certain percentage of certain values, such as a fixed payment or the value of an individual pension coefficient.

  • The increase in the cost of points occurs at a level not lower than inflation in the previous year.
  • Therefore, the size of the pension will somehow be guaranteed to grow due to the increase (indexation) of the fixed payment and the value of the individual pension coefficient.

The increase occurs annually on February 1 by the amount of inflation calculated in the previous year. In 2017, inflation was set at 2.5%, while in 2018 the pension was increased by 3.7%.

As a result of large-scale reforms in the pension insurance system in the Russian Federation in 2015, such a thing as an individual pension score or coefficient, abbreviated IPC, arose.

Today, the number of points determines the right of a citizen to receive an insurance pension. How is the process of their accrual carried out and what is the cost of a pension point? More on this later.

Why you need an IPC

The Pension Point is a special coefficient introduced for evaluation of each year of a citizen's labor activity. Points are awarded for insurance contributions to the Pension Fund made by the insured of the future pensioner. This means that you can only receive points with official employment.

In Article 3 of the Federal Law "On Insurance Pensions", the IPC is limited as a parameter reflecting the rights of a pensioner, taking into account other factors:

  • the age of the recipient of the pension;
  • the amount of contributions transferred by the insured to the account in the personalized accounting system.
For information! The insured is the employer, or the recipient of payments himself, if he was an individual entrepreneur or carries out other activities that require independent transfer of contributions.

The IPC is one of the values ​​in the formula for calculating insurance payments to a pensioner, which encourages future recipients of benefits to control the timely and complete receipt of insurance premiums to the account with the Pension Fund. This is the main purpose of the new parameter of pension payments.

According to the Government, the IPC is able to ensure the transition of many employers to a more honest organization of tax reporting, so that citizens will no longer receive income in a hidden form.

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How much does an IPK cost?

The amount of pension payments of a citizen after retirement largely depends on the number of accumulated points. Incoming insurance premiums are transferred to the IPC at the current rate, after which, at the final stage, the points are re-converted into rubles.

Therefore, the value of the pension coefficient:

  1. strictly regulated by law;
  2. subject to inflation.

Since the entry into force of this parameter, one point has been equated to the amount of 64.1 rubles. As a result of all indexations made in 2019, the coefficient is 81.49 rubles.

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How the coefficient is indexed

In connection with growth in consumer prices, annual indexation is applied not only to various pension benefits, but also to the pension point itself. According to Dmitry Medvedev, the size of the IPC will react to the inflation index annually, in accordance with the issuance of certain government decrees.

The inflation chart looks like this:

  • February 1 - planned indexation in full for last year's inflation;
  • April 1 - additional indexation.

In 2016, the indexing schedule was slightly disrupted. In addition, the inflation index was not applied in full. In 2019, the IPC was increased as scheduled. In the future, the Government promises not to violate the indexation plan.

Index date 01.01.2015 01.02.2015 01.02.2016 01.02.2017 01.04.2017 01.01.2018
IPC cost64.10 71.41 74.27 78.28 78.58 81.49
Attention! In 2016, the indexation rate was 4%. In 2019, the IPC was increased by 5.8%, which is in line with the 2016 inflation rate.

How to find out the number of accumulated points

It is not difficult to get an official notification about the size of the individual pension coefficient today, there are several ways to do this:

  • request an extract from a personal account on the PFR website or in person at a branch of the Fund;
  • get the necessary information on the website of public services or at the MFC, if there is one in the city.

The extract will show not only the accumulated points, but also the amount of savings and the size of the applicant's insurance period.

Important! The statement will not display data for periods prior to the year 2000.

In addition to these methods, there is another one - an independent calculation of the individual coefficient.

Calculation of the individual coefficient

The number of accumulated points is determined for each year during which transfers were made to the FIU for a citizen.

According to the calculation formula, the total amount of insurance premiums made is divided by the maximum amount contributory annual income of the future pensioner.

The formula for calculating insurance points:

IPK=SV /MV *10,

IPC - individual pension coefficient;

SV - the amount of contributions made by the insured;

MV - the maximum possible taxable base.

The latter indicator is annually established and fixed at the legislative level. In 2019, the maximum annual salary for calculating the pension coefficient is 876000 rub.

Important! The restriction also applies to the number of points earned. So, even if the annual income of a citizen is 1,000,000 rubles. , the coefficient will not rise above the set value.

How many IPCs are required to assign a pension

In 2019, a minimum of 11.4 IPC points is required to qualify. Every year this figure changes upwards. By 2025, it will reach 30 points.

If the amount of the IPC of a citizen is insufficient, he will be denied the accrual of payments. This also applies to early retirement.

How to bypass the rejection when accumulating insufficient points

An individual coefficient, the value of which does not correspond to the established minimum value, will serve as a reason for refusing to accrue an insurance premium. To avoid this, it is worth taking some measures.

What will help legally avoid refusal:

  • official employment, no breaks in work experience;
  • high wages, fully legal income;
  • postponing early retirement or old-age pension.

Duration and a high salary will help to accumulate more points, which means that they contribute to an increase in the amount of future payments.

The postponement of a well-deserved rest was also awarded additional IPC. The maximum allowable period for deferring a pension is 10 years, while the individual coefficient is allowed to be increased by 2.3 times.

The state also charges IPC for certain types of activities other than labor:

The main directions for the development of the pension system of the Russian Federation, as well as its basic indicators, are predetermined until 2025. But this does not relieve citizens from worrying about their future as pensioners, as questionable decisions are made from time to time in the Government. So, in 2016, a meager indexation was carried out, and this year a law appeared to increase the retirement age.

In addition, changes are planned in the tariffs of pension points. Now their size will directly depend on the inflation index, as well as on the state of the country's budget.

Decisions on most issues related to indexing and the future of the individual coefficient are taken at the beginning of each year.

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What are Retirement Points for?

September 5, 2017, 19:49 February 11, 2019 23:10
