The history of the holiday October 24 is the day of the library. Information Hour: International Day of School Libraries

International School Libraries Day is celebrated annually on the fourth Monday in October. In 2018, the celebration will take place on October 22. This holiday is not officially a holiday. Inexhaustible knowledge from books has helped many students in preparing for lessons, writing essays and passing exams.

In the modern world, in the age of gadgets and the Internet, the International Day of Libraries is designed to draw public attention to school libraries and their supply with textbooks, necessary and required literature, as well as periodicals.

The holiday International Day of School Libraries was created in order to preserve the amazing traditions of reading and contemplating the love of a “living” book. Electronic devices, which have become very popular in recent years and are capable of storing a huge amount of information, cannot convey all the subtleties of textbooks, such as the roughness of dusty pages and the smell of fresh printing ink. This holiday is celebrated all over the world.

In 1999, UNESCO came up with a proposal to hold a Book Depository Day. In 2005, this holiday received official status. In 2008 School Book Day reached a new level. A month was introduced to replace it, during which events can be held on absolutely any day. It was in 2008 that this holiday was first celebrated in the Russian Federation.

Each year, the month is given a thematic name:

  • "Center of attraction";
  • "Territory of interaction";
  • "Literacy and Learning".

The floating date of the celebration of the International Day of School Libraries, gives the opportunity to organizations to choose the day for holding special events.

Every year, among the events held, there are presentations of the best libraries, honoring veterans, holding seminars, forums and conferences. Events that are dedicated to the love of the book, as a rule, are attended by schoolchildren, benefactors and other invited guests.

Usually, collections of books for library needs are organized at this time, as well as thematic wall newspapers are printed. According to the established tradition, meetings of the younger generation with book authors and critics are held on this day.

On this day, competitions for young poets and artists are held. Everyone has the opportunity to make a donation in the form of a book that will be used for the school curriculum or extracurricular reading.

(International School Library Day) is celebrated in many countries every year on the fourth Monday, since 1999 at the initiative of UNESCO. And every year it is dedicated to a specific topic.

It was first proclaimed by the president of the International Association of School Librarianship (IASL), Blanche Woolles. In 2005, the official status of the holiday was confirmed by the new president of this organization, Peter Jenko.

In 2008, this event reached a new level - in January, project coordinator Rick Mulholland announced that the International Day of School Libraries will be transformed into a month - also international. In October of the same year, the first International School Library Month was held under the motto "Literacy and learning - in your school library."

Participants of the action could choose any day during the month to hold events dedicated to school libraries. Some, however, were not limited to one day or even a week, but announced long-term events - such as, for example, collecting books throughout the month.

October 23 is International School Library Day

In Russia, the International Month of School Libraries was first held in 2008. Then his motto was the words "School library - on the agenda." That year the foundation of the traditional program of the month was laid. It included congresses of school librarians, presentations of the profession "teacher-librarian", honoring veterans of librarianship, training seminars, numerous events for schoolchildren (competitions, conferences, exhibitions, book collections) and their parents and teachers.

And these traditions of celebration are preserved today and are becoming more and more widespread. The main event of the month in Russia remains the Forum of School Librarians, which takes place in Mikhailovsky (Pushkin Reserve in the Pskov region).

In addition to the international day and month of school libraries, domestic school librarians, along with all their colleagues, celebrate their professional holiday in the spring. falls on .

School library -
Temple of beautiful, good books,
This is a chance for a man
So that he comprehends all sciences!

Remember this guys
Go to this temple often
All the wisdom of the world is age-old,
Then open here for you!

Today is Library Day
And with him, I congratulate you,
Read more smart books
And be happy friends!

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Collective creative work (KTD)

"International Day of School Libraries"

Time of the event: 1 hour.

Age of participants: 13 – 14 years old

Event form: game program

Venue: Auditorium


    introduce students to the history of the holiday;

    broaden the horizons of students;

    generate interest in the celebrated holiday;

    contribute to the education of collectivism;


    develop observation, attention, memory;

    develop intellectual activity, the ability to analyze, generalize, compare;

    encourage students to read literature, to visit libraries.

Participants: 7th grade students. The guys are divided into teams of equal strength. The number of teams depends on the total number of children.

Required inventory:

    images of portraits of writers and poets;

    quiz answer sheets;

    forms for solving puzzles and for writing a letter to younger students;

    award medals.

Progress of the event

A quote is written on the board, one of the students reads it aloud:

What a pleasure it is to be in a good library. Looking at books is already happiness. Before you is a feast worthy of the gods; you realize that you can take part in it and fill your cup to the brim.

(William Makepeace Thackeray)

Teacher: Guys, before you are the words of an English satirist writerXIXcentury by William Makepeace Thackeray. How do you understand them?

Children express their opinion.

Teacher: Well done guys, what do you think, what will be discussed at our event today?

Children guess.

Teacher: Quite right! Today we will talk about libraries. October 24 is International School Libraries Day, held annually on the fourth Monday in October. This holiday has been celebrated in many countries for many years, since 1999.

For the first time, the president of the International Association of School Librarianship (IASL), Blanche Woolles, proclaimed this holiday. Only by 2005, Peter Jenko, the new president of this organization, confirmed the official status of the holiday. Since 2008, the International Day of School Libraries has been transformed into a month, held under different slogans.

In our country, the International Month of School Libraries was first held in 2008. During this period, training seminars were held, honoring veterans of librarianship, congresses of school librarians, numerous events for schoolchildren (competitions, exhibitions, conferences, book collections) were organized.

It should be noted that, along with the international day and the month of school libraries, a professional holiday is also celebrated in the spring. All-Russian Library Day, which falls on May 27.

Teacher: Guys, do you like going to libraries? Why?

The children answer.

Teacher: The school library has always occupied a special place in the educational sphere. There were libraries in every educational institution: in theological schools, in gymnasiums, lyceums, etc. Domestic teachers have always considered the library as the most important integral part of the educational process, they spoke about the enormous influence of the content of library resources on the quality of student learning.

The school library develops within the framework of a particular educational institution, plans its work based on the goals that were set for the teaching staff of the school. It is worth noting that the school library becomes the first in a child's life.

So, guys, now we will find out if you go to libraries, how much you read, and how much interesting you know. I suggest you divide into two teams, come up with a name and motto.

Children: The first team is "Librarians", our motto is: "The library is our home, and we feel great in it."

The second team is "Readers", our motto is "We read everywhere and everywhere, because knowledge is like an emerald."

Stage 1

Teacher: So, we begin the first stage of our event. Attention Quiz!

    Sound repetition, mainly at the end, in two or more verses (Rhyme).

    At the Lyceum, this man was seriously engaged in French poetry, for which he was nicknamed "Frenchman" (Pushkin).

    A set of events in a work of art that are presented in a certain connection (Story).

    In his youth, this writer was a participant in the defense of Sevastopol, after which he wrote the cycle "Sevastopol Stories" (Tolstoy).

    When do you think the first library appeared? (The first biblesothe thecae discovered by archaeologists belong toIVcentury BC. During the excavations of the ancient state of Assyria, a huge palace was found, where clay tablets with tests were placed in boxes).

    Oral story, which is based on a miracle, a fantastic image or representation, perceived as reliable (Legend).

    This great poet and playwright never wanted his plays to be recorded and published, he believed that his plays should only be played on the stage (Shakespeare).

    Transfer of the name of one object or phenomenon to another object or phenomenon by similarity (Metaphor).

Teacher: Well done guys, according to the results of the first competition, the Librarians team wins.

Stage 2

Teacher: the next stage is called "Young Poet". For each team, a list of words is provided, from which you must compose your own poem.

List of words for the first team: literature, desire, physical education, message, love, serve, joy.

List of words for the second team: write, poet, educate, advice, book, move, world.

The children are doing the task.

Teacher: Well done boys! Summing up, the Librarians team is still in the lead.

Stage 3

Teacher: Team captains are invited for the next competition, which is called “I am a camera”. This competition will help us find out how attentive our "Librarians" and "Readers" are, and how well their memory is developed, because this is so important.

On the board (for each student separately) there are portraits of famous writers and poets (with names indicated). Your task is to remember all the portraits within 30 seconds, after that, one image is deleted, and each of the captains must announce who was depicted in the disappeared portrait.

Summing up... The team "Readers" wins.

Stage 4

Teacher: Today a letter was received from an unknown writer. But, unfortunately, the content of the letter is not clear, since it consists of a chaotic set of letters, and you guys have to figure out which words are encrypted. Letter to the first team:

Network elbow onod derstvos tats rutkulmyn mechelokov - teinche.

Answer: "There is only one way to become a cultured person - reading." (A. Morua)

Letter for the second team:

Vodasbo tesushchetvus tazem, bochty to die in olibebtics.

Answer: "Freedom exists to go to the library." (I. Brodsky)

Stage 5

Teacher: Well done boys! While the jury is summing up the results of the competitions, your task is to write a letter to younger students, telling them why it is so important to visit libraries.


The kids are finishing up. The total number of points is calculated. The teacher announces the results, awards the winners with memorable prizes.

According to the results of all competitions, the Librarians team wins. (The teacher gives the team "Librarians" medals "Winner", and the team "Readers" medals "For active work"). The teacher asks the guys if they liked the event, he should ask them what they propose to do next time.

One of the very first lessons is held here with first-graders, introducing them to the bottomless magic of books. High school students also come here to prepare for a lesson or exam, choose material for writing an essay. The importance of the school library has long been identified. And today, a holiday dedicated to the school library is held all over the world. The first printed books were very expensive, circulations were small.

Since 1999, on the recommendation of UNESCO, the holiday of school libraries has been celebrated. It usually falls on the fourth Monday in October. Officially, this holiday has acquired its status since 2005 and was confirmed by the head of the International Association of School Libraries. Every year now in many countries this tradition has been entrenched. Every country has a different school library day.

How is the holiday celebrated?

Seven years ago, this holiday began to be celebrated in a new way, under the leadership of Rick Mulholland (project leader) it was declared an international month.

There are usually numerous events throughout October. During this month, each school or relevant organization must choose the days for the main event.

In the calendar of many countries, the holiday of school libraries appeared for a reason. The purpose of this action is to draw public attention to the problems of school libraries: the lack of fiction, especially modern literature, remains at a low level of equipping libraries with technical means. Therefore, as a rule, the months have become charitable - there are voluntary collections of books for libraries "Give a book to a school." School librarians hold many meetings, presentations, conferences with students, both junior and high school students.
At the level of districts, cities, conferences are held for school librarians, where important issues of improving the work of libraries are discussed, and experience is exchanged. The librarian is a worthy profession. This is the person who teaches the younger generation to treat the book very carefully, reverently and accurately, draw knowledge from it, and the ability to use it.

Months are usually held under the motto, for example, "Literacy and learning - in your school library", "School library - on the agenda", "The book is my best friend", "He who reads knows a lot."

During October, school library workers and teachers hold many events: excursions, drawing competitions “My Favorite Literary Hero”, reading competitions, quizzes, intellectual games, dramatization of excerpts from works, “Live, book!” Interesting and exciting will be stories for first-graders about the history of the book and communication with it, about the rules of behavior in the library. For children in grades 2-4, you can conduct library lessons “How is a book built?”

You can work on studying the design of the book, introduce students to the title page, frontispiece, annotation, flyleaf. In the list of events for the celebration of the school library, be sure to include the presentation of the profession "teacher - librarian", honoring veterans, exhibitions of books by writers of the native land and meetings with them.

The month should end in the assembly hall with a big holiday - a literary and musical composition "The book is a source of knowledge." In the script, include the festive decoration of the hall, scenes with statements by famous writers, people of creative work about the book and its significance in human life. It is necessary to prepare a concert program using congratulatory slides. At the end of the holiday, there may be awards for librarians and winners of the monthly contests.

In Russia, the International Day of Libraries was celebrated for the first time in 2008. During the year, all events were held under the motto - "School library on the agenda." The forum approved a list of events for several years. Since May 27, 1995, the All-Russian Day of Libraries has been celebrated. In the Russian Federation, the key event of the Month of Libraries is considered to be a huge Forum, which brings together school librarians. Every year it is held in Mikhailovsky.

The holiday of school libraries is widely celebrated in different countries of the world, but how exactly? In Australia, this day is a free style of dress, or even better - a national costume. Volunteers work in school libraries, book and photo exhibitions are presented, open lessons and class hours are held.

The Italian Association of Libraries and the University of Rome are holding a seminar on the topic “Library: Partner of the school in the educational process. Reflections, experience and perspectives”.
Poland in schools holds competitions, reading books, exhibitions, making and exchanging bookmarks for books.
In Portugal, you can borrow the design of the handwritten wall “In my opinion, the school library is ...”, photo collages “Portrait with a favorite book”.
In Romania, books are donated to the library, students read their favorite works aloud.
In the Czech Republic, it is very interesting to hold cover competitions for books of classical literature, exhibitions of old and rare books, quick translation of book titles in foreign languages, and much more.
Not indifferent to the book and sculptors from different parts of the world. Many monuments are dedicated to the girl with the book, you can see them in France, New Zealand, and the USA.

In the Republic of Ireland and the United Kingdom, for almost two decades this holiday has been celebrated on the first Thursday in March. More recently, a "book children's" show was broadcast there. Famous authors and illustrators took part. The idea was to draw the attention of about 750 thousand schoolchildren to the "book show". In these countries, to mark International Library Day, schoolchildren are given tokens for which they can buy a book from a special selection for as little as £1. In addition, the organizers arrange both festivals and competitions designed for the interests of both adults and children.

What is a book?

A bit of history. A book is not just one of the types of printed matter, as the dictionary says, it is a storehouse of knowledge and spiritual values ​​that each of us needs. She appeared so long ago that it’s even scary. The book acquired its development with the development of mankind. The book not only gives certain knowledge, but also enriches the spiritual and cultural development of a person. A book means a lot to a person, which is why holidays are created that praise both the book and the place where they are stored - its home.

Today it is worth thinking about the future of all mankind, and in order for it to be bright and beautiful, it is necessary to protect the world, spirituality and nature. The book serves as the very source of spirituality, which can protect spirituality. After all, it is the book that helps a person to acquire knowledge, find the necessary life truths, and correctly navigate situations. And the main task now is to introduce the younger generation to reading, especially in the information age. After all, not the one who has a lot of TVs is rich, but the one who has a lot of books is rich. All over the world this holiday is respected and revered.

"Crimean gymnasium-boarding school for gifted children"

information hour

on the topic:

"International Day of School Libraries"


Umerova Lilia Alikovna

Simferopol 2016

Purpose of informing : increasing the level of information culture of students.

International School Libraries Day is celebrated on the fourth Monday in October. In 2016, the events take place on October 24th. The initiative to create and hold the holiday was made in 1999 by UNESCO. Its goal was to attract public attention to the state, formation and replenishment of literary stocks in school libraries.

The event was first celebrated on October 25, 1999. In 2005, the official status of this day was secured by the head of the International Association of School Libraries. The year 2008 was marked by great changes. Then, in October, the first School Libraries Month was held. The participants of this action were able to independently choose a day or a week for holding their festive events dedicated to these institutions - book repositories. Russia first celebrated this event in 2008 with the Month of School Libraries.

Traditionally, on this holiday, collections of books for the needs of libraries are held, meetings with authors of works, presentations, conferences, and competitions are organized. With the help of students, librarians prepare wall newspapers and decorate school corners.

The school library instills in students the need for constant self-education, develops imagination, and fosters civic responsibility.

Both the first-grader and the graduate of the school, and the teacher, and the director of the educational institution are involved in a common orbit, whose name is education. It has been proven that the cooperation of librarians and teachers helps to increase the level of literacy of students, promotes the development of reading skills, memorization, as well as the development of the ability to use information and communication technologies.

Along with the ability to write, read and count today is the ability to independently search for the necessary information, mastering the skills of a culture of reading, which includes:
- Conscious and interested attitude to the book, knowledge of the rules for handling it and reading hygiene;
- Possession of the skills of self-selection of books, the ability to use catalogs, file cabinets, recommendatory lists of literature;
- Acquaintance with different types of reference literature: dictionaries, encyclopedias, reference books, learning to work independently with them to expand and deepen the knowledge gained by students in the classroom.
It is fair to say that it is the interest in the book that unites people at all times, fosters a culture of communication, and is the bearer of moral and spiritual values. Being a kind of "lifeline", the school library opens its doors to everyone, helps children to spend their free time sensibly and interestingly, and helps parents in the harmonious upbringing of their child. It is in the library that children get the first idea of ​​the immensity of the book world, learn to use reference literature. Instilling in a child a love for a book, cultivating a craving for knowledge, the need to comprehend the world around him, teaching the skills of a culture of reading are the main tasks of the school library.

Reading forms views on life, lays many moral qualities. Sometimes it affects a person in contrast to the impressions of the surrounding world, preserving and creating a personality. For many older people, the habit of reading, laid down in childhood, is recognized as one of the most necessary for inner comfort.

According to research by psychologists, reading has a healing effect on a person. It turns out that reading helps with insomnia, with toothache and headaches, with indigestion. For example, Russian classical literature is recommended for nervous disorders and depressive states. Thus, literature affects physical health, but after all, physical health is associated with our mental state.

Improving the spiritual state and thus “charging” a person with positive energy, reading books imperceptibly, but beneficially and powerfully affects us and our health.

And the main thing is not that, while reading, say, a detective story, we get carried away, switch our attention, and the toothache stops bothering us. The main thing is that the habit of constant reading of serious literature harmonizes the personality, lays down a positive attitude towards life. For a growing, still fragile person, this is very important. Adults often complain of being tired from the flow of negative information, "negative" impressions that literally invade our lives - from screens, on the radio, from the pages of newspapers ... But adults know that it should be "wrong", that this is not the "norm" being, that in life there should be much more than another - joyful, bright. The child's psyche is like a sponge, trustingly absorbing all impressions, it has no selection criteria and has not developed ways to protect itself from negative influences. There is a rejection of life, rejection of the environment, in which only gloomy, black is perceived. The result is a growing number of childhood neuroses. The physical health of the younger generation is ensured, first of all, by spiritual health. And here the role of reading cannot be overestimated.

Useful tips.

1. Reading sharpens the eye.

You will better understand and see the world around you and people, and most importantly, yourself. Be sure to read a good book again - you will surely see something new there.

2. Reading keeps you physically healthy.

Putting letters into words, words into images, realizing what the author wanted to express with them, and finding their own explanation for them is gymnastics for the brain. No risk of injury!

3. Reading has a positive effect on the environment.

If you are reading a book, it means that the tree from which it is made was not cut down in vain. There is no need to spend electricity or buy batteries to read books, and they are lighter than a laptop. You read, which means you can’t drive and walk the streets, which leads to a reduction in traffic jams and queues.

4. Reading will teach you how to communicate.

Your interesting remarks will miraculously transform even boring conversations about yesterday's sports events or a television show. And your growing talent for storytelling will allow you to easily take credit for the adventures of fictional characters. This makes a particularly great impression on people who hardly read.

5. Reading helps you enjoy your free time.

You will never get tired of reading books, because there are so many of them, even a few lifetimes are not enough to read them all. You have to try many different genres before you find books that you really enjoy. Don't give up until you find "your" book, because it can change your life.

6. Reading brings peace.

Parents, teachers and other adults will be so happy to see the child reading that they will not pull it once again.

7. Reading is good for your wallet.

First, books are cheaper than computer games. Secondly, your friends will not be tormented by the choice of a gift if they find out that you like to read. (There is one “but”: make wish lists, otherwise you will have to be content with only bestsellers.) And thirdly, for those who did not receive a book as a gift, there are always libraries - books are worth nothing there.

8. Reading helps you concentrate.

You can read both to the music and during classes: read and not pay attention to the fuss around. A trained reader can easily watch four programs in parallel, switching channels all the time. If you wish, you can read in transport.

9. Reading is good for your figure.

Don't be afraid to gain extra pounds. A reading person does not need high-calorie food to cope with the hardships of a boring life. With a book, you can travel as far as you want and make your wildest dreams come true. It’s harder to seduce you with popcorn: after all, the “movie” is already going on in your head.

10. Reading is good for parents.

By watching a child enjoy a book, adults are drawn into reading too, even if they are too busy to read. Adults will be grateful to the child for their newfound happiness.
