How and how to clean the iron (sole and inside) from scale and soot at home (with video)? How to descale an iron: ways to treat internal parts and steam holes on the soleplate.

No matter how high-tech and advanced modern irons are, they still require careful handling and timely cleaning.

The main enemies of any iron are burns and scale. The first is formed on the sole if you accidentally overexpose the iron on synthetics, and also if sticky material gets on the surface, which, when heated, sticks to the sole more and more. Over time, this leads to the fact that the iron begins to glide worse over the fabric, wears out, but the biggest nuisance can be a stain on your things and fabrics: burns from a hot sole will instantly go to the material. As for scale, this problem affects everyone who uses unfiltered water for steam.

Method 1. Salt

It is very easy to clean the iron with salt, so this method can be safely called one of the most economical and simple.

Sprinkle salt on a piece of paper or a napkin (preferably sea salt). Turn on the maximum temperature and turn off the steam, start ironing until the surface of the sole is clean.

Method 2. Citric acid

If the burnt fabric has got into the steam holes, it will be easiest to use citric acid. To do this, dilute the acid with filtered water (150 ml per 1 tsp), then pour into the liquid compartment. Heat the iron to maximum, give it a good shake and press the steam button for about 10 seconds. Repeat several times, then rinse the tank with clean water and wipe the sole with a damp cloth.

By the way, citric acid can be replaced with carbonated mineral water.

Method 3. Vinegar

Ordinary table vinegar will also help clean the iron at home. Dilute it with filtered water in a ratio of 1 to 2, moisten a soft cotton cloth, heat the iron and unplug it, place it on a damp cloth. After 15-20 minutes, wipe the sole with a sponge.

If the contamination is severe, you may well leave the unplugged iron on a cloth soaked in vinegar for several hours.

Method 4. Toothpaste

Simply apply a layer of regular toothpaste to the sole, let it sit, and then thoroughly clean the surface with a damp cloth. Turn on the iron and iron the unnecessary fabric.

Method 5. Nail polish remover

Suitable liquid both with acetone in the composition, and without it. But when using this option to clean the iron, be careful: the liquid can damage the plastic parts. Therefore, it is best to apply the liquid pointwise, with a cotton swab or cotton pad. Just rub the dirt until it dissolves.

Method 6. Soda

Mix 2 tsp. baking soda with a little water or 9% vinegar. Apply the resulting paste to a slightly heated sole and rub with a cloth.

1. Never try to clean the surface of the iron mechanically (with pumice stone, sandpaper, etc.). So you will only damage it.

2. After ironing, while the appliance is still warm, drain off any remaining water.

3. To reduce scale formation, use only filtered, bottled or distilled water.

The main enemies of any iron are burns and scale. The first is formed on the sole if you accidentally overexpose the iron on synthetics, and also if sticky material gets on the surface, which, when heated, sticks to the sole more and more. Over time, this leads to the fact that the iron begins to glide worse over the fabric, wears out, but the biggest nuisance can be a stain on your things and fabrics: burns from a hot sole will instantly go to the material. As for scale, this problem affects everyone who uses unfiltered water for steam.

Method 1. Salt

It is very easy to clean the iron with salt, so this method can be safely called one of the most economical and simple.

Sprinkle salt on a piece of paper or a napkin (preferably sea salt). Turn on the maximum temperature and turn off the steam, start ironing until the surface of the sole is clean.

Method 2. Citric acid

If the burnt fabric has got into the steam holes, it will be easiest to use citric acid. To do this, dilute the acid with filtered water (150 ml per 1 tsp), then pour into the liquid compartment. Heat the iron to maximum, give it a good shake and press the steam button for about 10 seconds. Repeat several times, then rinse the tank with clean water and wipe the sole with a damp cloth.

By the way, citric acid can be replaced with carbonated mineral water.

Method 3. Vinegar

Ordinary table vinegar will also help clean the iron at home. Dilute it with filtered water in a ratio of 1 to 2, moisten a soft cotton cloth, heat the iron and unplug it, place it on a damp cloth. After 15-20 minutes, wipe the sole with a sponge.

If the contamination is severe, you may well leave the unplugged iron on a cloth soaked in vinegar for several hours.

Method 4. Toothpaste

Simply apply a layer of regular toothpaste to the sole, let it sit, and then thoroughly clean the surface with a damp cloth. Turn on the iron and iron the unnecessary fabric.

Method 5. Nail polish remover

Suitable liquid both with acetone in the composition, and without it. But when using this option to clean the iron, be careful: the liquid can damage the plastic parts. Therefore, it is best to apply the liquid pointwise, with a cotton swab or cotton pad. Just rub the dirt until it dissolves.

Method 6. Soda

Mix 2 tsp. baking soda with a little water or 9% vinegar. Apply the resulting paste to a slightly heated sole and rub with a cloth.

1. Never try to clean the surface of the iron mechanically (with pumice stone, sandpaper, etc.). So you will only damage it.

2. After ironing, while the appliance is still warm, drain off any remaining water.

3. To reduce scale formation, use only filtered, bottled or distilled water.

But first, I want to tell you, dear hostesses, about the features of cleaning various types of soles from carbon deposits, as well as how modern self-cleaning systems deal with the problem of scale in the iron tank.

So, irons can cope with scale on their own if they have:

1.Built-in self-cleaning system. Irons that are equipped with such a system are cleaned at a high temperature. The cleaning process is as follows:

    • fill the liquid container with water;
    • set the maximum temperature and turn on the appliance;
    • when the heater turns off automatically, turn on the self-cleaning mode;
    • now you will see how a powerful jet of steam will simply “push out” all the scale that has already accumulated in the iron tank through the holes on the soleplate;
    • in order to completely clean the iron from the inside, you should repeat this procedure several times(Do this until only pure steam comes out of the holes without limescale flakes).

2. Anti-limestone cartridges. In the tank of irons, which are equipped with a system of protection against scale, there is a cartridge with granules. The substances in these granules soften the water from the tap.

Some models of irons are equipped with anti-limestone cartridges that are designed for the entire period of operation. In other irons, they need to be changed periodically.

Lime does not settle on the elements of the iron because the rods filter the water mechanically. In order for the iron to serve you for many years, I want to tell you how such filtration occurs. Every hostess needs to know this. After all, understanding the principle of self-cleaning, you will properly and carefully handle the iron.

Well, dear friends, let's see how the anti-scale system works in your favorite iron:

    • in the water vapor supply regulator there is a rod that determines the direction of water supply to the sole of the appliance;
    • moving through the internal elements of the iron, water leaves salt deposits on the rod;
    • the rod does not need to be replaced, it is enough to periodically clean it from limescale;
    • it is necessary to take it out once every 30 days and place it in a special solution, which is prepared from the following components: soda, vinegar or citric acid must be dissolved in water in equal proportions;
    • after a few hours, the limescale on the rod will completely dissolve;
    • after that, gently rinse the rod and install it in the iron.

And now, dear friends, let's figure out together how to clean the sole of the iron from carbon deposits:

1.Teflon surface can be effectively cleaned with vinegar solution:

    • soak a sponge for washing dishes in the solution;
    • get rid of excess moisture;
    • with a rough layer of a sponge, wipe the surface of the iron in a circular motion;
    • moisten a small piece of cotton fabric in the same solution and iron it with a well-heated iron.

2. Ceramic and metal-ceramic coatingcan be easily cleaned with a special pencil for irons. Alternatives to professional cleaners include toothpaste, specialty dish cleaners, the familiar baking soda, or hydrogen peroxide.

3.Chrome and aluminum sole it is well cleaned of any burnt material with a wooden spatula. It is important that the soleplate of the iron is well heated. With such cleaning, the chrome coating is not damaged.

Now you know how your iron works from the inside. I assure you that, starting today, you will treat him completely differently.

I want to give you advice on my own behalf: fill the liquid tank with purified water that you drink yourself. And then the question "How to clean the iron from scale" will never arise before you - I guarantee it to you.

How to clean the soleplate of an iron at home?

Sooner or later, any hostess asks herself the question: "How and with what to clean the soleplate of the iron at home?" No matter how high-quality and expensive your iron is, there comes a time when you are faced with such an unpleasant problem as soot on the sole.

If you notice that your iron has become less slippery on the surface or the carbon deposits have become very noticeable, then it's your turn to clean it. Do not even think about scraping off carbon deposits with sandpaper, a scraper or a knife: so you ruin your iron forever. The soleplate of any modern iron is covered with a special non-stick coating, so that it easily glides over even the most delicate and delicate fabrics and does not catch them. It is necessary to clean the iron as carefully as possible so as not to spoil the smooth surface.

Therefore, now I want to tell you, our dear hostesses, about all the secrets that will help clean the sole of the iron from carbon deposits at home. All the tools we need are in your home. Therefore, you can easily and quickly clean the smooth surface of your favorite electrical appliance.

improvised tool

How to apply?


Cleaning the iron with table salt is the most popular cleaning method among housewives. There are several ways to clean a smooth surface with salt:

  • Method one: sprinkle a few tablespoons of fine salt (preferably extra grade) on a piece of white paper. It is better not to use a newspaper for this, as a hot iron can "copy" the printed text on its sole. Set the temperature to the highest and wait for the iron to heat up, then iron the salt until the soot is completely gone.
  • Method two: take a small piece of gauze and fold it in half. Put a few tablespoons of salt in the center of the patch and wrap it in a bag. Heat up the iron well. After that, carefully clean the contaminated area with a salt bag. In this way, you will not only clean the iron from carbon deposits, but also restore the mirror shine of a smooth surface.
  • Method three: Sprinkle some salt on the stained area and rub it with a rough, damp cloth. The iron does not need to be heated. Clean the surface until the carbon deposits disappear. At the end of the procedure, wipe the soleplate with a dry cloth.

Dear ladies, any of the suggested methods cannot be used to clean a Teflon-coated iron.

Paraffin candle

  • wrap a small piece of paraffin or paraffin candle in cotton cloth;
  • heat the iron well;
  • clean contaminated areas of smooth soles;
  • as the candle begins to melt, tilt the iron so that the wax flows into a previously prepared container;
  • If there are holes on the soleplate for steam to escape, this must be done first. Otherwise, the paraffin will remain in the "holes" and will stain your things during the next ironing;
  • at the end of the procedure, clean the surface of the iron from the remnants of paraffin and soot.

Vinegar + ammonia

  • thoroughly wet a small piece of gauze;
  • clean those parts of the iron on which carbon deposits are present;
  • if the soot is too ingrained, then a little ammonia can be added to the vinegar;
  • This mixture can be used to clean cold iron only.

If these components did not help, then soak a small towel with vinegar and put an iron on it. Leave it like this until the morning so that the acetic acid destroys the soot.

In the morning, thoroughly wipe the sole with a rough cloth or a rough layer of dishwashing sponge.

3% hydrogen peroxide

  • moisten a cotton pad with hydrogen peroxide;
  • slightly heat the iron so that it is warm (peroxide will more effectively destroy carbon deposits if the temperature is slightly increased);
  • wipe the dirty areas with a disc until you clean the carbon deposits.

Acetone or nail polish remover

  • heat the iron to medium temperature so that the acetone works more effectively;
  • soak a sponge or rag in acetone or nail polish remover and work on those areas where stains are present;
  • if such processing did not give results, then moisten the cloth with plenty of water and put the iron on it;
  • leave it overnight so that the soot softens and exfoliates;
  • in the morning, treat the sole of the iron with a small piece of wool.

Dear hostesses, if there are traces of polyethylene on a smooth sole, or if you accidentally burned a synthetic fabric, this product will perfectly clean your iron.


You won’t believe it, but you can clean the iron from carbon deposits using a regular matchbox:

  • heat the iron well;
  • the side where the sulfur is located, clean the surface from carbon deposits.

In order for you to see the result as soon as possible, it is better to take a new box so that the sulfur layer is thicker.


Purchase a hydroperite plate at the pharmacy. One tablet is able to effectively clean the sole of the iron from carbon deposits.

So, to clean the iron, you must perform the following steps:

  • first of all, open the windows, since hydroperite has an unpleasant odor when heated;
  • heat the iron to medium temperature and drive the tablet over areas where carbon deposits are present;
  • in order to quickly clean the surface, press the tablet a little;
  • when the soot exfoliates, its remnants and particles of hydroperite can be removed with a damp cloth.

special pencil

Perhaps the most effective way to clean the soleplate of an iron from carbon deposits is a chemical pencil. It can be found at any hardware store or supermarket section.

Found? Now let's get started:

  • heat the iron well, then unplug it from the mains;
  • carefully rub the sole of the iron with a pencil;
  • soon you will see that a chemical reaction begins, and the carbon deposits are gradually destroyed and flaked off;
  • after that, its residues can be removed with a dry, clean cloth.

Chemical pencil creates an unpleasant odor. But you should not worry, because the vapors released during heating contain only ammonia.

After the iron has cooled down, you can wipe the surface with a damp cloth. After the first application, you will feel the result - the iron will sparkle like new. And, cleaned of soot, it will glide even better over delicate fabrics.

Toothpaste or powder

It is enough to wipe the surface of the iron with toothpaste or prepared slurry of tooth powder and water, then rinse thoroughly with a soft gauze cloth or sponge and wipe dry.

If you are afraid to experiment, then I have in my arsenal a few more gentle means with which you can gently clean the smooth surface of the iron:

1.Laundry soap. Soap will effectively clean the surface of fresh stains.

In order for the effect of the use of laundry soap to be noticeable, you should:

    • slightly heat the appliance, then turn it off;
    • rub the contaminated areas with laundry soap;
    • Rinse the surface with a damp cloth from soap deposits and wipe dry.

2.Baking soda. Soft soda will gently clean the iron from carbon deposits:

    • mix a small amount of soda and warm water until a liquid slurry is formed;
    • using a soft sponge or cotton pad, apply the resulting paste to areas of the surface where there are soot stains ( the iron does not need to be heated.);
    • after that, rinse the surface with a gauze cloth dampened with clean water and wipe the soleplate dry.

Always remember not to use abrasive products to clean smooth soles. The use of knives, scrapers and other metal objects is contraindicated. This may render your appliance unusable.

We all know that it is much easier to prevent problems than to solve them. Therefore, after each ironing, wipe the sole with a damp cloth, and you will not soon think about how to clean the iron.

What to clean from scale?

If scale has appeared in your iron, then in this article you will find for yourself the most effective methods that will help you clean it from the inside. The main cause of this global problem is the hard water that we pour into our favorite irons.

But you should not despair, because we have effective methods to solve this problem.


Mode of application

Lemon acid

Citric acid is an excellent remedy for getting rid of scale at home. In order to effectively clean the iron, you must do the following:

  • dissolve one tablespoon of citric acid in a glass of hot water;
  • thoroughly moisten cotton pads in the resulting solution and attach to the holes on the sole of the iron;
  • after 15 minutes, heat the iron, as scale is effectively destroyed at high temperature;
  • those particles that could not be removed can be removed with cotton swabs dipped in the same solution.

And now I want to tell you, dear friends, how to clean the iron inside with citric acid:

  • dilute a sachet of the proposed product in hot water and pour it into an empty water tank;
  • leave it for 10 minutes;
  • after that, heat the iron to the maximum temperature and shake it several times;
  • press and hold the steam release button and watch how the scale flakes come out;
  • hold the iron over a tub or basin;
  • all scale that has collapsed under the influence of citric acid will irrevocably leave your iron.

Mineral water

Ordinary mineral water can effectively descale the iron. To do this, you will need a glass of mineral water and an empty basin into which water will be poured along with the destroyed scale.

So, let's begin:

  • slowly pour a glass of mineral water into the reservoir of the appliance;
  • connect the iron to the mains and set the highest temperature;
  • after that, holding the iron over the basin, turn on the steam release button;
  • scale, which has peeled off the walls under the influence of mineral water and high temperature, will be thrown out along with a jet of steam.

This procedure must be repeated several times. Only after you see that the scale is no longer thrown out through the holes along with steam, pour boiled drinking water into the tank. Carry out the same procedure again.

If you notice scale residues on the holes, you can use cotton swabs, which must be moistened with vinegar.

table vinegar

Clean the iron with vinegar by analogy with citric acid and mineral water:

  • mix vinegar and boiled water in equal proportions and pour into a water tank;
  • leave the iron with this solution for half an hour;
  • after that, heat it up and start releasing steam.

In order to clean the sole from the remnants of scale, soak a gauze cloth in vinegar solution and iron it thoroughly with an iron.

With a similar tool, you will effectively clean the scale from the inside and outside of the iron.

Special anti-scale products

Of course, there is no doubt about the effectiveness of such funds. Their composition is specially designed to destroy limescale on the internal elements of various electrical appliances.

Now the choice of such funds is quite wide. German products are considered the most effective, which not only destroy scale, but also protect the metal from its further formation.

It is necessary to follow strictly according to the instructions and recommendations for use.

Cillit Cleaner

Yes, yes, you are not mistaken. It is the use of this product, which is designed to remove rust and plaque, that can help to cope with scale in the iron:

  • set the maximum temperature in the iron;
  • disconnect from the mains;
  • put it upside down;
  • “drip” the holes with the proposed cleaning agent and leave for 15-20 minutes;
  • collect all the scale and dirt that came out with a soft, damp cloth;
  • Rinse the iron thoroughly inside and out to remove residues Cillit.

Purified or distilled water

To prolong the life of your iron, use only purified drinking or distilled water for ironing. It is not recommended to pour tap water into the reservoir of the electrical appliance.

But before using distilled water, carefully study the recommendations for use, since such water is not suitable for all models.

Self-cleaning system

If you are the lucky owner of such an iron, you are very lucky. It is not necessary to apply all of the above recommendations. You need to do the following:

  • pour purified water into the tank and heat the iron to the maximum temperature;
  • wait for the automatic shutdown of the temperature;
  • repeat this procedure again.

Dear hostesses, I assure you that the chosen method will effectively deal with the scale problem and clean the iron both outside and inside. However, I want to say that you should always remember about preventive measures and elementary recommendations for handling electrical appliances.

Many simply do not follow the ironing regime, do not adhere to a certain temperature regime. For example:

    • cotton must be ironed at a temperature of 200 degrees;
    • silk can be ironed at a temperature of 100-110 degrees;
    • wool must be ironed through gauze at a temperature not exceeding 130-140 degrees.

If such a nuisance happened to you, and you tried to clean the sole of the iron from carbon deposits with sandpaper, do not rush to throw away your “assistant”. It is quite possible to revive a smooth surface - just do the following simple manipulations:

    • grate a little paraffin on a fine grater and mix with table salt;
    • pour the resulting mixture onto a clean sheet of paper, cover with a thin paper napkin on top;
    • iron it all with a very hot iron;
    • Finally, polish the base with GOI paste.

You won’t believe it, but after these manipulations, the sole of the iron will again become mirror-like and smooth. A similar procedure must be repeated periodically in order to completely “restore” the damaged surface.

Often used during ironing, steaming water is hard, which leads to the formation of scale on the iron - a solid residue that consists of insoluble salts. It collects on the heating elements of the iron and over time makes the appliance unusable. Therefore, it is important to remove scale in time.

If scale has appeared on the iron, you should first consult the manufacturer's instructions and do not ignore the instructions for caring for the appliance. Perhaps the iron is equipped with an anti-limestone rod that protects against scale. Then it will be much easier to take care of it. But protection is not available in all models on the market.

Lime scale often forms on the soleplate and inside the iron

General recommendations for the care of devices Brown, Bosch, Vitek, Bork, Philips, Tefal, Karcher

  1. If you have hard water, dilute it with distilled water in a ratio of 1: 1 (only distilled water is allowed for Vitek irons).
  2. Do not use only distilled water for ironing (it boils at a higher temperature, less steam is produced and the inner coating of the iron may be damaged).
  3. Always empty the water from the ironing tank after finishing work.
  4. Remove deposits from the outside of the iron in time, for example, using a water-vinegar essence (not vinegar!).

Cleaning the safety valve or anti-lime rod

It is very important to regularly care for the lime rod or the safety valve in the devices of the German brands Bosch, Braun, Tefal.

  1. Before removing and cleaning the valve, turn off the iron and pour out the water.
  2. Press the "steam" button so that it rises to the top position.
  3. Gently pull the button without touching the bottom of the valve with your hands.
  4. Dip the valve in a vinegar solution or lemon juice until the scale softens.
  5. Use a non-metallic brush to remove the remaining scale and rinse the rod with water.

Some brands of irons are protected from scale with a special rod

Cleaning the steam chamber

If scale particles appear on the soleplate of the iron, it is necessary to clean the steam chamber with an increased steam jet.

  1. Pour in water and turn on the iron at maximum power.
  2. Wait until the appliance heats up.
  3. Turn it off.
  4. Hold the iron over a bowl or sink and press the "steam" button: the scale will begin to come out along with hot steam and water. Shake the device constantly while doing this.
  5. Wait until the sole has cooled down, clean it.

Cleaning steam generators equipped with scale filters

Manufacturers of steam generators also advise using a mixture of distilled water and tap water and do not add vinegar, starch, perfumes, or reagents to the water. The filter in steam generators is washed with water mixed with a special liquid for descaling. It can be purchased from the after-sales service departments.

How to clean an iron at home

At home, you can remove scale from the outer surface and internal elements of the iron using:

  • special chemicals;
  • citric acid;
  • vinegar;
  • mineral sparkling water.

How to use chemical cleaners

The most common German products, which include organic acid, water and anti-corrosion agents (Topperr, Bosch, Filtero 605).

  1. We prepare a solution of water and funds in a ratio of 3: 1.
  2. The iron is heated to the highest temperature.
  3. Turn off.
  4. We put the device horizontally and leave it for 2 hours.
  5. Pour out the product, and rinse the iron with water 1-2 times.
  6. Before ironing, we check the cleanliness of the iron with the help of steam emission.

Special anti-calc liquids do an excellent job of removing it from the surface of the iron.

The most affordable cleaning method is citric acid

  1. 2 tsp pour citric acid into half a glass of hot water.
  2. Soak a soft cloth in this solution.
  3. Attach it to the holes on the iron.
  4. After a few minutes, remove the cloth and turn on the device, and later clean the holes with ordinary cotton swabs.

To clean the iron inside with citric acid, make a solution of 25 g of powder and 200 ml of water.

  1. Pour the solution into the water container and turn the iron on to the highest temperature.
  2. Wait for it to switch on again, and when the appliance switches off for the second time, release the steam. The heated solution in the form of steam will enter the channels and soften the scale.

Citric acid - the most popular assistant in the fight against scale

Mineral sparkling water from scale

  1. Pour liquid into the water tank.
  2. Heat up the iron.
  3. Chill out.

Removing rust with vinegar

This method perfectly removes rust from the soleplate of the iron, but has several disadvantages:

  • vinegar is not recommended by the manufacturers themselves, as it can damage the device;
  • bad smell.

With a heated sole, lightly iron a cloth soaked in a solution of acetic acid. It is important to take care of the ventilation of the room.

Cleaning with vinegar is not the safest way, but effective when rust needs to be removed.

How to clean a steam iron - video

For the iron to work perfectly, carefully follow the manufacturer's instructions. Clean it often, observe the temperature regime when ironing. If scale has appeared, use the described tips to quickly remove it.

Any hostess sooner or later wonders how to clean the sole of the iron. To choose the right method, two main parameters must be taken into account - the type of pollution and the properties of the material from which the coating is made.

Do not forget about the timely cleaning of the iron

Ideally, the soleplate of the iron should be clean, even and smooth. Then the iron “flies” over the fabric, easily smoothing out any wrinkles and creases. Unfortunately, this is not always the case. On the sole at high temperatures, small fibers of fabric, starch, old stains, residues of detergents form carbon deposits, and hard scale clogs the steam holes.

In the process of ironing cotton fabrics, the iron heats up to 200 ℃

Carbon cleaning

If the iron emits a burning smell when heated, does not glide well on the fabric, or leaves dirty marks on it, it's time to think about cleaning.

Basically, soot is formed from burnt tissue fibers and starch.

Do not grab a knife or a metal brush with a desire to immediately scrape off carbon deposits. Such harsh measures will only harm and finally spoil the surface. Sticky contaminants require careful and thorough cleaning.

The simplest solution would be special pencil, which you can buy at the hardware store. It contains ammonia, so the cleaning procedure is best done in a non-residential or well-ventilated area. The iron is heated to the maximum temperature, unplugged and the sole is smeared with the end of the pencil, without removing it completely from the package. A chemical reaction occurs on the surface, dissolving carbon deposits; foam is formed, which must be immediately (until it has cooled down) wiped with a soft cloth. The pencil treatment is repeated until the surface is completely cleaned, and the sole is then wiped with a damp cloth or napkin.

When applying the cleaning compound, it must be avoided that it enters the steam holes.

Instead of a special pencil, you can use ammonia. They need to wet a soft cloth and iron it several times with a hot iron. All dirt should remain on the rag. After descaling the iron, wipe it with a clean, damp cloth.

When using ammonia, peroxide or acetone, make sure that they do not get on the plastic surfaces of the base and body of the iron.

A similar effect will hydroperite or solution hydrogen peroxide. The processing technology is the same, only instead of a pencil, one or several (depending on the degree of contamination) hydroperite tablets are taken, which are rubbed on the surface. And it is better to apply liquid peroxide on a cotton swab and clean the iron in places of carbon deposits. The advantage of peroxide is that it and its vapors do not have a strong odor.

Another "odorous", but effective remedy, is considered vinegar.

To clean the soleplate with vinegar, you do not need to heat the iron

A piece of a rag or a cotton swab is moistened in vinegar and the places where soot or rust have appeared are treated. Acetic cleaning is carried out in a cold state, not including the iron. If you can’t wipe the surface, you can soak a cotton rag or waffle towel with vinegar and put the iron on it with a soleplate for several hours (overnight). It is better to wipe softened dirt with a coarse, for example, woolen cloth.

Also try using acetone. They are impregnated with a cotton swab and only burnt places are treated, and not the entire surface of the sole. Large pieces of melted tissue can be removed mechanically with a wooden stick or spatula.

First of all, fabrics made of synthetic fibers burn

To clean and even slightly restore the smooth surface of the sole will help paraffin candle. The candle is wrapped in a dense natural cloth and rubbed with a hot iron. The melted paraffin softens the soot and “pulls” it onto itself. Watch where the hot paraffin flows, try not to let it get into the steam holes. After processing, the remains of paraffin and dirt must be removed with a soft, damp cloth.

In case of minor contamination, the sole can be cleaned toothpaste. It is applied to a heated surface and allowed to dry completely with natural cooling. Then the layer of paste, together with the dirt, is removed with a damp cloth and, if necessary, the smoothing surface is additionally rubbed with a dry woolen one.


Housewives with irons with a steam function are faced with the formation of scale. In such irons there is a container where water is poured, and, accordingly, holes on the sole, from where it comes out in the form of hot steam. Over time, scale appears both inside the iron and outside. It interferes with the release of steam and forms dense "stalactites" around the holes on the surface of the sole, clinging to the fabric and leaving stains.

Steam greatly simplifies and speeds up the ironing process, but because of it, scale forms both outside and inside the iron.

The self-cleaning function built into some models of irons is designed to prevent the appearance of scale. If your device has it, carry out self-cleaning regularly, without waiting for problems to arise. In the absence of such advanced features, fill the iron with distilled water only.

For those who are still faced with the problem, we recommend several home methods. Acid solutions will help to cope with lime deposits.

For irons with ceramic coated table 9% vinegar is more suitable. The processing technology is as follows: heat the iron to a warm state so that you can safely touch it with your hand; prepare an vinegar solution in a ratio of 50 ml of vinegar to 50 ml of water; moisten a cloth (soft cotton) in the solution and gently wipe the places of scale formation with it. If you add a little hydrogen peroxide to the vinegar solution and treat the entire sole with it, you can also whiten the ceramic coating, returning it to its original appearance and glossy shine.

irons with teflon coated it is better to get rid of scale using a solution of citric acid. For 100 ml of water, 10 g of acid (standard sachet) is required. Saturate a soft cloth (preferably flannel) with the solution and thoroughly wipe the surface of the sole. Pay special attention to the holes: wipe them around the entire circumference to the maximum depth.

To clean the holes clogged with scale, do not touch them with your hands: use cotton swabs or toothpicks

With old scale deposits, it may not be possible to clean the sole at a time. For a longer action of acids, the iron should be put on a cloth soaked in the solution for a while, and balls of cotton soaked in the solution should be pushed into the most clogged holes.

After external cleaning of all holes, it is recommended to pour a solution of citric acid into the iron, turn it on to the maximum temperature and switch to evaporation mode. You need to do this while holding the iron over the sink or bathtub.

Prevention of the appearance of soot and scale

If you do not want to constantly face the problem of cleaning the iron, pay more attention to the issues of its proper operation. When buying an iron, be sure to read the instructions for use, follow the prescribed recommendations.

Manufacturers on the labels of things indicate the features of care, including temperature and ironing mode.

Various fabrics require ironing at certain temperatures: for example, 110 ℃ is enough for ironing silk, 130-140 ℃ for wool, and all 200 ℃ for cotton and linen. Products made of synthetic fabrics or fabrics with pile, especially woolen, must be ironed through a wet thin cotton cloth or gauze.

Do not fill the iron with tap water; use distilled or purified.


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An expert in the field of housekeeping and a master of culinary masterpieces (according to relatives and friends). She got used to relying on common sense, worldly experience and female intuition.

If the first signs of gestation in the form of untidy pellets appear on your favorite things, you can get rid of them with the help of a special machine - a shaver. It quickly and effectively shaves off clumps of fabric fibers and returns things to a decent look.

The easiest way to remove scale and soot from the sole of the iron is with table salt. Pour a thick layer of salt on the paper, heat the iron to the maximum and several times, pressing lightly, run the iron over the salt bedding.

The habit of using the washing machine “economically” can lead to the appearance of an unpleasant odor in it. Washing at temperatures below 60 ℃ and short rinses allow fungi and bacteria from dirty clothes to remain on internal surfaces and actively multiply.

To combat moths, there are special traps. In the sticky layer with which they are covered, pheromones of females are added to attract males. Sticking to the trap, they drop out of the breeding process, which leads to a decrease in the moth population.

Before removing various stains from clothes, you need to find out how safe the chosen solvent is for the fabric itself. It is applied in a small amount to an inconspicuous area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe thing from the inside out for 5-10 minutes. If the material retains its structure and color, you can move on to stains.

Stretch ceilings made of PVC film can withstand from 70 to 120 liters of water per 1 m 2 of its area (depending on the size of the ceiling, the degree of its tension and the quality of the film). So you can not be afraid of leaks from neighbors from above.

The threads of gold and silver, with which clothes were embroidered in the old days, are called gimp. To obtain them, the metal wire was pulled for a long time with tongs to the state of the required fineness. This is where the expression “pull (raise) the gimp” came from - “engage in long monotonous work” or “delay the execution of the case”.

In the dishwasher, not only plates and cups are washed well. It can be loaded with plastic toys, glass shades of lamps and even dirty vegetables, such as potatoes, but only without the use of detergents.
