Legends of garden flowers. Stories about meadow and wild flowers in pictures for children

Riddles about flowers open to both children and adults an amazing and diverse flower world. Riddles tell about the types of flowers, their colors. Well, if at the same time they are at hand visual aids- pictures, herbarium, flower beds.

Flowers are varied. They grow everywhere - in gardens and orchards, in city flower beds and biological gardens, in forests, fields, on the banks of rivers and lakes. Breeders bred great amount decorative highlights that amaze with their colors, aromas and shape of flowers. In tropical countries grow very unusual flowers- they are larger, brighter, have a pronounced aroma. And it doesn't have to be pleasant. Flowers provide food for many insects, they collect nectar and pollen from them.

Riddles about colors develop memory, thinking and imagination. Children are happy to solve such riddles, they are easy to remember. And with what joy the eyes of the little ones shine when they meet this or that flower in the flower beds!

Rye is earing in the field.
There, in the rye, you will find a flower.
bright blue and fluffy,
Just a shame it's not fragrant.

I am capricious and tender
Needed for any holiday.
I can be white, yellow, red,
But I'm always beautiful!

There is a curl in the garden -
White shirt,
Golden heart.
What it is?

A lush bush in the garden blossomed,
Attracting wasps and bees.
All in large terry flowers -
White, pink, burgundy!

Bush window and balcony.
Leaf - fluffy and fragrant,
And the flowers on the window -
Like a hat on fire.

white polka dots
On a green leg.
(Lily of the valley)

I turn white like a fluffy ball in a clean field,
and the breeze blew - the stalk remained.

These people of the river
Petals are hidden at night.
(Water lily)

On the window, on the shelf
The needles have grown
Yes, satin flowers -
Scarlet and red.

In the garden, on the path, under my window
The sun has blossomed on a high leg today

beautiful flowers
Blossomed in the garden
splashed with colors,
And autumn is on the way.

From a green chicken
Fully covered with fluff
I become proud
Scarlet cockerel!

At snow-covered bumps,
Under the white snow cap
We found little flower,
Half frozen, a little alive.

This blue flower
Reminds us of you
About the sky - pure, pure,
And the radiant sun

There is a curl in the garden -
White shirt,
Golden heart.
What it is?

We have no fingers, no hands -
Only petals around.
We are strangely named
But we don't need a manicure!

In the flower bed by the window
Planted potatoes.
Its flowers are huge.
Both light and dark.

The blue bell hangs
He never calls.

yellow, fluffy
The balls are fragrant.
Sheltered from the frost
In their branches...

This blue flower
Reminds us of you
About the sky - pure, pure,
And the sun is radiant!

beautiful flowers
Blossomed in the garden
splashed with colors,
And autumn is on the way.

It's very easy to recognize me:
By name, I am related to tigers.
Red speckled my flower
Among the greenery, like a spark!
(Tiger lily)

I am in the winter garden
I'll spend the whole day.
I'll take watercolors.
I'll draw...

Even at night an ant
Do not miss your home:
Pathway until dawn
Illuminate the lanterns.
On large poles in a row
The lamps are white.
(Lily of the valley)

My flowers are orange flames
And the leaves are like green medals.
In the name - eastern country.
Well guys, do you recognize me?

Our park has lawns,
Blossomed there ... gramophones!
Purple, white, cherry...
It's just that you can't hear the music.

I climb higher and higher
I'll climb all the way to the roof!
Let me not have arms and legs -
Sometimes I'm called...

There is a cockerel in the garden -
purple scallop,
And the tail is fighting,
Saber curve

Everyone is familiar with us:
Bright as a flame
We are namesakes
With small nails.
Admire the wild

According to legend, my flower
Treasure opens.
They say that once a year
Miracle happens.
But I'll be honest:
I don't flower at all!

On the winding path
The sun is growing on the leg.
As the sun ripens
There will be a handful of grains.

In the field by the ravine
Red porridge.

There is a spring flower
Signs not to be mistaken:
Leaves like garlic
And the crown is like that of a prince!

First to get out of the ground
On the thaw.
He is not afraid of frost
Even though it's small.

I'm good at wedding bouquet,
And in the garden where the nightingales whistle.
All year round in many countries of the world
I serve as a declaration of love.

I am in the winter garden
I'll spend the whole day.
I'll take watercolors.
I'll draw...

yellow flowers -
varnish cheeks,
five beaters,
And the leaves are changeable.

I am not a flower of the field
I am a water dweller.
And my girlfriends -
Green frogs.
(Water lily)

Though I'm not a beast and I'm not a bird,
But I can defend myself!
Spread my claws -
Just touch my flowers!

Jugs and saucers
They don't sink and they don't fight.
(water lilies)

Grown from an onion
But it's not good for food.
On a bright glass
It looks like a flower.

Dandelion Sisters
Hats are motley:
Who is in white
Who is in red
Who is in pink.

Autumn has come,
Breathe the cold...
And burns in the flowerbed
Last star.

Flowers are perhaps the most beautiful of all that is found in nature. Red, green, yellow - they make us happy for the holidays and help us to endure troubles more easily. However, what do our kids know about flowers? Can they distinguish between the beautiful representatives of the plant world? Do they know where and how flowers grow, what is required for their growth, what does a plant look like?

You can check your own knowledge and develop your child's knowledge right on this page. There are many interesting and fascinating mysteries related to the flowers and flora of the Earth. Guess riddles, develop the kid, giving him new knowledge.

beautiful flowers
Blossomed in the garden
splashed with colors,
And autumn is on the way.

* * *
A lush bush has grown,
Not superfluous on the window
Leaves are invisible
And forbidden fruits.

* * *
Leaf with a hump, groove,
Has thorns, but can't hurt,
But heals us at any hour.

* * *
On the window in winter and summer
Forever green and beautiful.
bright red color
It burns gently ... (balm).

* * *
It is worth the color-dried flower,
Nevyanka grass,
With velvet dress
And cat feet.

* * *
All winter and all summer
Dressed in a red dress.

* * *
Bright blue, fluffy
He will be born in bread
not good for food.

* * *
Rye is earing in the field.
There, in the rye, you will find a flower.
bright blue and fluffy,
Just a shame it's not fragrant.

* * *
Everyone, I think, will know
If he visits the field,
This little blue flower
Everyone knows ... (cornflower).

* * *
So little Vasya is called
And those flowers that are collected in the field.

* * *
We carried mushrooms in a basket
And a blue flower.
This little blue flower
Named ... (cornflower).

* * *
Leaf - arrow,
Flower - plate,
And the blade-stalk
Curled like a spring.

* * *
A flower grows on the water
White petal.
(Water lily)

* * *
Everyone is familiar with us:
Bright as a flame
We are namesakes
With small nails.
Admire the wild
Scarlet ... (carnations).

* * *
Bush window and balcony.
Leaf - fluffy and fragrant,
And the flowers on the window -
Like a hat on fire.

* * *
In the flower bed by the window
Planted potatoes.
Its flowers are huge.
Both light and dark.

* * *
At the gardener - the first fashionista
Did the dress fade?
Whether the paint has changed:
Everything was purple
It became cornflower blue.

* * *
Many sharp petals -
Red, yellow, white, variegated.
Look at me,
I am called ... (carnation).

* * *
I am a herbaceous plant
with a flower lilac color.
But change the emphasis
And I turn into candy.

* * *
Covered glass with water
Hedgehog mitt.

* * *
He grew up under the burning sun
Thick, juicy and prickly.

* * *
Purple, then blue
He met you at the edge.
They gave him a very sonorous name,
But he will hardly be able to just ring.

* * *
The blue bell hangs
He never calls.

* * *
Oh, bells Blue colour,
With a tongue, but no ringing.

* * *
Jugs and saucers
They don't sink and they don't fight.
(water lilies)

* * *
We will shoot among the swamp
Great photo.
Very bright picture -
Blossomed here ... (water lily).

* * *
This flower blooms in May
He wears white beads.
(Lily of the valley)

* * *
white bells
In my garden
On a green stem
Hiding in the shade.
(Lily of the valley)

* * *
It blooms in May,
You will find him in the shadow of the forest:
On a stalk, like beads in a row,
Fragrant flowers hang.
(Lily of the valley)

* * *
Even at night an ant
Do not miss your home:
Pathway until dawn
Illuminate the lanterns.
(Lily of the valley)

* * *
On large poles in a row
The lamps are white.
(Lily of the valley)

* * *
On a green cord
White bells.
(Lily of the valley)

* * *
Vasya brought flowers to class
Unprecedented beauty.
Petals like plastic
At Vasily's flowers.
Give me a vase
He will put ... (lilies).

* * *
I open my mouth like a lion
And I'm called ... (snapdragon).

* * *
yellow, fluffy
The balls are fragrant.
Sheltered from the frost
In their branches ... (mimosa).

* * *
Yellow-gold flower
Like a chicken, fluffy.
Withers immediately from frost
Our sissy ... (mimosa).

* * *
Long thin stem
Above - a scarlet light.
Not a plant, but a lighthouse -
It's bright red... (poppy).

* * *
The sun is burning my head
Wants to make a rattle.

* * *
From a green chicken
Fully covered with fluff
I become proud
Scarlet cockerel!

* * *
I dress the steppes in red silk
And I give the name to the candy.

* * *
He is a flower prince-poet,
Wearing a yellow hat.
An encore sonnet about spring
Will read to us ... (narcissus).

* * *
My flowers are orange flames
And the leaves are like green medals.
In the name - the eastern country.
Well guys, do you recognize me?

* * *
Here is a clearing, all in flowers,
Like light blue dots.
I will collect here for Anyutka
Blue forget-me-nots).

* * *
We have no fingers, no hands -
Only petals around.
We are strangely named
But we don't need a manicure!

* * *
early morning sun drops
Appeared in the meadow.
It's in a yellow sarafan
Dressed up ... (dandelion).

* * *
On a long green leg
The ball has grown by the track.

* * *
I am a fluffy ball
I whiten in a clean field,
And the wind blew
The stalk remains.

* * *
Above the meadow parachutes
They swing on a twig.

* * *
The ball grew white, the wind blew - flew away.

* * *
According to legend, my flower
Treasure opens.
They say that once a year
Miracle happens.
But I'll be honest:
I don't flower at all!

* * *
A lush bush in the garden blossomed,
Attracting wasps and bees.
All in large terry flowers -
White, pink, burgundy!

* * *
golden sieve,
There are a lot of black houses.
How many black houses
So many white people.

* * *
Antoshka is spinning
On one leg
Where the sun stands
That's where he looks.

* * *
Black top, yellow edge.

* * *
Grew up in the field house-
The house is full of grain.
The walls are gilded
The shutters are hardened.

* * *
Planted a seed
Raised the sun.

* * *
The field, as if in yellow waves.
Here grows a flower...
Turns deftly
He is behind the sun head.

* * *
On a forest clearing
A small flower has grown.
Hiding in deadwood
White ... (snowdrop).

* * *
A sprout breaks through
Amazing flower.
Grows out from under the snow
The sun will look - it blooms.

* * *
At snow-covered bumps,
Under a white snow cap,
We found a small flower
Half frozen, a little alive.

* * *
Up the steep wall
Cast on concrete
centipede crawling,
Carry leaves with you.

* * *
fragrant face,
And the tail is spiky.

* * *
I am capricious and tender
Needed for any holiday.
I can be white, yellow, red,
But I'm always beautiful!

* * *
I'm good in a wedding bouquet,
And in the garden where the nightingales whistle.
All year round in many countries of the world
I serve as a declaration of love.

* * *
Grows on bushes in the garden
The smell is sweet, like honey.
But tears often fall
Those who tear them. This is ... (roses).

* * *
There is a curl in the garden - White shirt,
Golden heart. What it is?

* * *
I was walking along the path,
I saw the sun on a blade of grass.
But not hot at all.
sun white rays.

* * *
There is a curl in the garden -
White shirt.
golden heart,
what it is?

* * *
We will weave wreaths in the summer
For Oksana, Masha, Sveta,
For Alenka, two Natashas.
All wreaths from ... (daisies)

* * *
wonderful flower,
Like a bright light.
Lush, important, like a pan,
Delicate velvet ... (tulip).

* * *
To the sun through the glass
It didn’t scorch in our window,
I'll put up a curtain
On a white streak
Not crocheted wicker -
Live and green.

* * *
With milk, not a goat
With bark, not vine.

* * *
Purify the air
They create comfort
Green on the windows
Bloom all year round.

* * *
From an elegant bright cup
Insects are eating.

Quiz for older kids preschool age about flowers

I offer a summary of the game - quizzes for children 5 - 7 years old
Subject:"Connoisseurs of flowers!"

Kiseleva Svetlana Mikhailovna, educator, MDOU Kindergarten"Birch" No. 80
This game - a quiz will be useful for educators of senior preschool age, teachers additional education while reinforcing knowledge about colors.
Target:- entertain, give pleasure, arouse interest, consolidate children's knowledge of colors in game form.
- contribute to the consolidation of children's knowledge about colors;
- develop curiosity, thinking, ability to work in groups;
- bring up humane attitude to nature, a sense of beauty;
Equipment: crossword with riddles; cards with confused color names; pictures with texts of fairy tales; cut cards with the image of flowers; hats chamomile, rose, carnation, dandelion and poppy flowers for the game "Find me"; magnetic boards, magnets; 2 drawing paper, felt-tip pens; phonogram of songs:
"The happiest" - p. K. Ibryae, M. Yu. Chichkov
"Magic Flower" - p. M. Plyatskovsky, Y. Chichkov
"Friendship" (CD "Barbariki").

Lesson progress:

To the music of "The Happiest" they enter the hall.

If I pick a flower, if you pick a flower.
If everything: both me and you, if we pick flowers -
All glades will be empty and there will be no beauty!
Is someone talking about flowers here?
The teacher and children greet the guest

I am a Flower Fairy, so I love flowers very much. I came to you not empty-handed, but with riddle verses about my favorite plants. I will read you the first lines of the poem, and you have to guess last words in lines. If you manage my task, then we will go on a trip to my country together, listen:
Summer is a wonderful time
The kids are screaming…….(Hurrah!)
Us and rivers and forests
They give in the summer ... ... ... (Miracles)
Among the ears by the river
Turned blue ...... (Cornflowers)
And greet the guys
The bells are ringing)
How nice it is to run
By chamomile ...... (Meadows)
Here on the mirror of the river
They danced... (floats)
And around - gentle, clean,
Lily white …….(Flowers)
Like sunbeams
Golden…. (Dandelions)
To the world of goodness and beauty
Transform the world…..(Flowers)
Well done! Did it! Then go, my friends.

Competition 1. Crossword

Fairy: We have a crossword puzzle on the board with riddles about flowers, it has a secret! If you and I solve it correctly, then the secret will be revealed.
Teams take turns solving a crossword puzzle. If one team does not cope, then the right to guess passes to the opponent's team.
1. He is a flower prince - a poet, wearing a yellow hat
An encore sonnet will read to us about spring ... (narcissus).

2. We carried mushrooms in a basket and another blue flower
This little blue flower was called ... (Cornflower).

3. A small flower grew on a forest thaw
Hiding in a white deadwood ... (snowdrop).

4. A wonderful flower is like a bright light.
Lush, important like a pan, delicate velvet (tulip).

5. Look - at the fence, the queen of the garden has blossomed.
Not a tulip and not a mimosa, but a beauty in thorns ... (rose)!

6. Golden and young turned gray in a week,
A day later, two bald head,
I'll hide the former in my pocket ... (dandelion).

7. Here is a clearing all in flowers, as if in light blue dots.
I will collect blue ones here for Anyutka ... (forget-me-nots).

8. Long thin stalk, scarlet light on top.
Not a plant, but a lighthouse - it is bright red ... (poppy).

After guessing, children find in the middle the word - the secret of the "flower"

Held Find me game.
Children stand in five circles. A character stands in each circle - Chamomile, Rose, Carnation, Dandelion and Poppy. To the cheerful music, the children move freely in a circle. The music stops. Children sit down and close their eyes. The characters are swapped. The music plays again. Children "wake up" and look for their character.

Competition 2. Wind is a mischievous.
Fairy: I prepared cards with the names of flowers, and the mischievous wind mixed up all the letters.
Rearrange the letters, restore the names of the colors.
Summing up the competition: the flower team is the winner in this competition.

Competition 3. Flowers in the realm of fairy tales.
On the cards are excerpts from fairy tales where flowers meet. Your task is to guess the name of the fairy tale and the author.
The teacher and the Fairy take turns reading the passages, and the children guess.
Assignment to team number 1.
1. She “…planted a barleycorn in flower pot, and immediately a big wonderful flower will grow out of it ...
- What a glorious flower! the woman said...
But suddenly! “Something clicked and the flower blossomed…”
("Thumbelina" G.H. Andersen)

2. The petals of what an amazing flower helped to get mountains of toys, many, many sweets, you will visit the North Pole ... And finally, understand that happy man can you become only when you help others, take care of someone?
("Flower-Semitsvetik" V.P. Kataev)

3. “The younger daughter bowed at the feet of her father and said this word:
- Sir, you are my dear father! Do not bring me gold and silver spoilage, nor Siberian black sables, nor a necklace ... nor a semi-precious wreath ... but bring me ... a flower that would not exist in this world. ”
(“The Scarlet Flower” by S.T. Aksakov)

Task for team number 2
4. In what fairy tale, a girl with blue hair, washing her face in the morning, powdered her cheeks and nose with pollen, and then tried to teach a disobedient wooden boy to read and write, forcing him to write a magical dictation: “A rose fell on Azor’s paw”?
(“The Adventures of Pinocchio” by A.K. Tolstoy)

5. Children sang, holding hands, kissed roses, looked at the clear sun and talked to him ...
How wonderful it was under a bush of fragrant roses!
One day, when Gerd was looking at a picture book ... Kai suddenly exclaimed: “I was stabbed right in the heart and something got into my eye!” And then winter came ...
(“The Snow Queen” by G.H. Andersen)

6. Under the New Year's holiday
We issued an order:
Let them bloom today
We have snowdrops!
The grass is green
The sun is shining
Swallows with spring
It flies to us in the canopy!
(“Twelve months” by S.Ya. Marshak)

Competition 4 is held the game "Collect a flower".
Children from cut pictures collect flowers.
Then the children name these flowers.
Collect a flower from cut material on a magnetic board and sign its name.
Summing up: the flower team is the winner in this competition.

Competition 5. Relay "draw a camomile".
On command, children draw 7 petals of a chamomile with a marker (each child has one chamomile petal)
Fairy: What wonderful daisies have appeared in our hall.
(whose team is the first to complete the task gets another flower in the bouquet)
How much wind and space!
How many songs and flowers!
Wake up with the birds
And with flowers we grow!

Purpose of the lesson: to concretize children's ideas about the conditions of plant life.

Program tasks:


Clarify children's ideas about flowers (forest, field, garden, indoor);

To consolidate the ability of children to establish relationships between the state of the plant and environmental conditions.


Teach children to behave in a way that does not harm nature;

Activate the technical skills of working with gouache, using an unconventional technique (drawing with a stamp).


Support the desire of children to reflect their impressions in drawing;

To form an aesthetic attitude to the world around.

Health saving:

follow correct posture children;

Ensure the technological comfort of each child;

Observe the duration of the lesson in accordance with sanitary and hygienic requirements.



What did the flowers say

Purpose of the lesson : to concretize children's ideas about the conditions of plant life.

Program tasks:


Clarify children's ideas about flowers (forest, field, garden, indoor);

To consolidate the ability of children to establish relationships between the state of the plant and environmental conditions.


Teach children to behave in a way that does not harm nature;

Activate the technical skills of working with gouache, using an unconventional technique (drawing with a stamp).


Support the desire of children to reflect their impressions in drawing;

To form an aesthetic attitude to the world around.

Health saving:

Monitor the correct posture of children;

Ensure the technological comfort of each child;

Observe the duration of the lesson in accordance with sanitary and hygienic requirements.

Preliminary work:

Acquaintance with children;

A conversation with the teachers of the group in order to identify the knowledge and skills of children on this topic;

Drawing up a summary of the lesson.


Flannelgraph, a flower for Thumbelina, Handout, gouache different colors, pictures depicting flowers, easel, flower hats.

The children enter to melodious music.

Vos: Good morning!

Children: Good morning!

Vos-l: And this morning is actually good. The sun is shining. Let's smile at the sun. What a beautiful field. What is there in the field?

Children: ladybugs, bees, flowers.

Vos-l: Guys, look, we have another flower! Let's get closer and take a look at it. It's probably magical fabulous flower. How it all shimmers and sparkles in the sun. (unties the bow). Oh guys, who is this?

Children: Thumbelina.

Inch: Right. I am Thumbelina. I flew to you from the land of elves. The elves sent me to you, they need your help. They sent a message for you. Listen!

(on the screen m / f Thumbelina)

Hello guys! We are elves, and we want you to tell us all about flowers.

Vos-l: Let's help the elves?

Children: Yes!

Vos-l: I propose to tell everything that we know about flowers. Thumbelina, we will tell you, and you will tell the elves everything you learn about flowers.

Guys, what do you think, what are the flowers for?

Children: To be beautiful.

Vos: Right. And flowers decorate the earth and make the most ordinary day of our life festive. And what flavor do they give off?

(offers to smell the flower). Does it smell good?

Children: Yes.

Vos-l: Your flowers pleasant smell attract insects that collect nectar, pollinate them, so that later seeds appear and new flowers grow. Guys, do any of you know where flowers can grow?

Children: In the forest, in the garden, in the room, in the field.

(the teacher pays attention to each habitat)

Vos: Let's play a game! Look how many flower pictures we have. Take 1 picture of a flower and take it to where it should grow.

(room - in the room; forest - in the forest; field - in the field; garden - in the garden)

Game: "Habitat of flowers" (to the music)

Vos: Well done. Sit down on the rug and think about what the colors have in common? What does each flower have?

Children: Root, stem, leaves, flower.

Vos-l: shows a drawing with a flower and says: Right. All flowers have roots, stems, leaves, flowers (pointing).

What is the name of this flower?

Children: Dandelion.

Vos-l: And now let's make our flower. What is the most important thing in a flower.

Children name and glue flower parts on the flannelgraph.

Vos-l: What beautiful flower we got it, what is it called?

Children: Chamomile.

Inch: I want to dance with you.

Vos-l: And now Thumbelina and I will turn you into flowers. Stand in a circle, close your eyes.

The teacher arranges flowers.

Vos-l: at the expense of 3, open your eyes. Have a seat. Put caps on your head.

Inch: I'll teach you to dance the waltz of flowers.

Vos-l: Let the flowers join hands

And they will converge in a round dance

Let the rainbow color planet

Will never bloom.

Waltz of the Flowers.

Vos-l: Guys, what do you think, have we told Thumbelina about flowers?

Children's answers.

Vos: But I don't think so. I have prepared another game for you. On one side of the flower on the flannelograph, I will stick pictures, which is useful for the growth and development of the flower, and on the other side, which interferes with development.

Pictures: earth, water, sun, bees, a breeze, a smoking chimney, a hand tearing a flower, a car, a fence creating a shadow.

Vos-l: praises children. Well, Thumbelina, we told you all about flowers.

Inch: Thanks guys, I'll tell the elves all this.

Vos-l: Let's make a gift for the elves.

Children sit at tables.

The teacher conducts finger gymnastics"Flower"

The flower slept in a magical dream

was closed, but then

A petal appears

And behind him is his friend,

So the third did not sleep,

And the fourth did not lag behind,

Here is the fifth petal

And the whole flower opened.

Children draw flowers. (a basket is drawn on a piece of paper, children should draw flowers in a basket)

They give Thumbelina their flowers.

Inch: Thank you. The breeze rises and it will take me to the land of the elves. Goodbye.

The teacher sums up.

The lesson consisted of 3 parts:

I introductory

II main

III final

In total, the session lasted 20 minutes, which corresponds to given age. In the structure of the lesson, the principles of thematic unity, the combination of new and the consolidation of the material covered are observed.

In the introductory part of the lesson was used surprise moment(appearance from magic flower Thumbelina, a video letter asking for help), which motivated children to collect information about flowers.

The second part of the lesson consisted of 2 stages:

At the first stage, the children found answers to a number of questions I posed;

At the second stage, the children painted flowers with stamps.

Between the stages I spent a physical minute “Waltz of the Flowers”. Before the children began to draw, I did the finger gymnastics "Flower"

In the third and final part of the lesson, the children gave their flowers to Thumbelina.

In each part of the lesson, I used time rationally. Throughout the lesson, she asked questions of different content:

Reproductive, requiring a statement of facts;

Problematic, requiring the ability to draw conclusions, conclusions that contribute to the activation of the mental activity of children.

She also used a variety of forms of questions: direct, suggestive, prompting.

During class I used different methods and tricks




Relationships with children were democratic. I think that the children at the lesson worked enthusiastically and naturally. They actively answered questions, listened to my explanations with great interest and attention. The children had the opportunity to speak.

The purpose of the lesson has been achieved. Most of the children learned program material: concretized ideas about the conditions of plant life. I calmly completed the lesson, I think that I managed to prevent the moment of onset of fatigue in children and a decrease in their cognitive activity.

In this article you will find many interesting material about flowers and herbs for children. No need to tell the child immediately about all the plants. After all the main task- this is not to fill the baby with information, but to awaken his curiosity. to teach to ask questions, think, draw conclusions, experiment, find relationships. These are the tasks you will find in this article.

First, during a walk, find the flowers that your baby meets most often and introduce him to them. Give your child the opportunity to see the amazing in the inconspicuous and familiar! This is a completely different view of the world - the view of a Homo sapiens, a Man - a creator, a Man - a researcher and an artist!

It is very important that the child sees the plant in nature, and not just in the picture or in the video, so that he carefully and gently strokes the leaves, the stem, smells the flower, watches the insects that circle around the flower and sit on it. These are the life experiences that nothing can replace!

Consider with your child some meadow or wildflowers (2-5) that you can find. Ask the child:

  • What is common between all of them? (These are flowers. They have a root, a stem, leaves, a flower - name these parts of a flower).
  • Why does a flower need a root? What will happen to the flower if it is left without a root?
  • Why does a flower need stems? Leaves? Seeds?
  • How are flowers different from trees? From bushes?
  • How are these flowers different from each other? (How do their stems differ? Leaves? Flowers? in size, shape, arrangement, color).

Come up with riddles-descriptions of flowers together with your child. Write them down in a beautiful notebook or album. guess friends and relatives. It is good if you make a whole guidebook with pictures about flowers and enter riddles invented by the baby into it.

Coming up with a riddle about a flower is very simple. Lay out 3 pictures with flowers in front of the baby. And ask him to describe one flower so that you can guess what it is. The rule - you can’t name the name of the flower, it’s a mystery! Examples of pictures: for children 4-5 years old - chamomile, cornflower, clover. For children 5-7 years old: cornflower, chicory, bluebell (all flowers blue tint, so they are more difficult to describe).

  • What kind of stem does the flower have (thick or thin, straight or curving. branched.
  • What kind of leaves does the flower have (large or small, narrow or wide, sharp or with rounded edges).
  • What kind of flowers does the flower have (what color, size, shape, what is the middle of the flower, where are the flowers located, are there many of them on the plant).
  • What else do we know about the flower (how it is used, fairy tales about the flower, where it grows, etc.)

To orient in the world of flowers and herbs, to discover their secrets will help you and your kids educational videos for children, as well as stories, tasks, pictures from this article.

Presentation "Flowers in pictures and tasks for children" based on the materials of this article with pictures in high resolution, you will find in our Vkontakte group "Child development from birth to school" in the "Documents" group section under the group's videos. It will be more convenient for you to look at pictures with children. I'll post it in the next few days - stay tuned for updates on the group wall!

Educational video for children "Meadow flowers": children about their native nature.

Informative video for children "Aromatic herbs": we get acquainted with plants in the summer.

Stories about meadow and wild flowers in pictures for children.

Meadow geranium.

Geranium grows not only at home on the windowsill. It also grows in the meadow. The geranium that grows in the meadow is called... what do you think? If it grows in meadows, then what is it like? Meadow-way. This meadow geranium. What color are the flowers room geranium at our house? And meadow geranium flowers (bluish-purple). What is the difference between our indoor fragrant geranium and meadow geranium?

Flowering meadow geranium very little - only two days! But she has a lot of flowers, so it seems to us that geraniums bloom for a long, long time.

meadow geranium flower from five petals. The edges of the petal are rounded, even. Several stems grow from one root.

Geranium pollen very fond of various insects and crawling bugs. But geranium is an amazing flower. She does not give her pollen to bugs, but saves it for bees and butterflies. How does she protect herself from bugs? How do you think? Let the kid come up with his own version - try to find the answer to this question. It turns out that the stalk near the geranium flower is covered with a sticky liquid. And the bugs just can't crawl through it. But it does not interfere with butterflies and bees. Why? Let the kid find the answer to this question, make a guess. Even if he did not guess correctly, encourage him for not being afraid to think and express his opinion. That's right, because bees and butterflies fly and sit on the flower from above! And this sticky liquid on the stalk at the bottom of the flower does not bother them at all. If the baby is not clear, then cut out the silhouette of a butterfly from paper and show how it sits on the palm of your hand - a flower. She does not crawl along the stalk, but sits on top and does not touch this sticky substance.

Another name for geranium is geranium. What word does it look like? That's right, the word crane, crane. How is a geranium similar to a crane? Look at the fruits of geraniums. They appear closer to autumn, when the geranium has faded. What does this fruit look like? Yes, the fetus has a long beak, like a crane. Therefore, they also call meadow geranium crail.

As such a fruit with a beak near a meadow geranium ripens, seeds will fall out of it. Where they fall, there they rise next year new plants of geranium meadow.

Geranium is a medicinal plant. Meadow geranium gruel was applied to snake bites, changing it every 10 minutes, and it helped both people and animals a lot.


Dandelion all children and adults know. And they know its peculiarity - this flower is first yellow, and then white with many parachutes with seeds.

wears a dandelion

Yellow sundress.

Grow up - dress up

In a white dress.

light, airy,

Obedient to the breeze (E. Serova).

Dropped the sun

Golden beam.

rose dandelion

First, young!

He has wonderful

golden color,

He is a big sun

Little portrait! (O. Vysotskaya)

Why are dandelions called "a small portrait of the sun" in the poem? What would you call them? They're yellow like... (like what?)

And do you know that dandelion can predict the weather at? Guess how he does it? How can he tell us that it will rain soon? The dandelion does not know how to speak like a person, but it tells us in its own way: it closes its petals and lowers its head. And if the dandelion is already white, then before the rain it folds its parachutes - it hides from future rain. And he says to us: soon the rain will begin.

Dandelion - very useful plant:

  • They make jam from dandelions! Yes, real honey. So it is called "dandelion honey". But for such a jam, you need to collect flowers very far from the city and from the roads. How do you think why?
  • Dandelion roots are dug up in autumn and used to treat various diseases. After all, dandelion medicinal plant, they were treated by people in antiquity.
  • Salads are made from young dandelion leaves. But so that the leaves are not bitter, they are first kept for half an hour in salt water. What a dandelion!

bells grow both in the meadow and in the forest clearing. They are very beautiful - blue and purple. There are single flowers on a bell, and there are whole bouquets.

Bell - blue color
You tell us your secret
Why don't you call
Even if you move your head
Then you bend from the wind,
Then you will hide from the sun (N. Sergeeva).

The bell can also tell us about the weather. Surely your baby has already guessed how the bell speaks to us and how to “read” the language of flowers? Yes, in cloudy weather and at night the bell closes, that is, lowers its head - hides. And in it, like in a house, small bugs, spiders and flies are hiding. It's warm for them there and it's good as in a tower.

like this bell - teremok. Very different small insects love him for this!

Try with your child to compose a fairy tale "Bell - Teremok" or "Under the bell" about how, during the rain, under the bell, various insects hid and got to know each other (by analogy with Suteev’s fairy tale “Under the Mushroom”). It is best to play such a fairy tale in pictures or with toys. In this fairy tale you will be able to consolidate the baby's ideas about insects, stimulate dialogic speech. Start the fairy tale yourself, and the kid will continue the sentences you started: “There is a teremok-teremok in the meadow. He is not low, not high, not high. That Teremok is called a bell. Once... She ran up to the bell... And she said... And the bell answered her.... And she began ... to hide from the rain in a bell, ”and so on. By beginning phrases, you help your child learn how to build a text and how to connect sentences in a text. Be sure to write down the resulting fairy tale, retell it - the baby needs to feel that his achievements in writing and speech creativity significant for close adults!

Ivan da Marya.

This flower has unusual flowers - they are of two colors: yellow and lilac.

Ivan da Marya the flower is very pretty. But you don’t need to tear Ivan da Marya! The flower will quickly wither and lose its beauty. Let it please us better in the meadow!

And about where this flower got its name from, there is one fairy tale.

Tale about the flower Ivan da Marya.

Once upon a time there lived Ivan and the beautiful Marya. Once they went to the forest for mushrooms and berries. But a storm arose, a thunderstorm began, thunder struck. They had nowhere to hide. Then Ivan shielded Marya from the rain with himself, and Marya sat down near the bush. The storm ended, and in this place a flower appeared. This flower had yellow flowers, which were covered with blue leaves on top. Here, in memory of Ivan and Marya, they called the flower Ivan da Marya. And you find in the flower, where is Ivan, and where is Marya in this plant?

Mary sat down by a bush in the rain. And since then, this plant alone has not lived. It always attaches itself to another flower, “sits down” next to it and feeds on it.

Ivan tea (Kiprey).

Do not confuse Ivan-da-Maria and Ivan-tea. Look at the picture - this is Ivan-tea. In another way it is called "fireweed".

Ivan tea is a tall plant. Its flowers are collected in a brush, similar to a candle. They are a very beautiful bright lilac-pink color. Ivan-tea flowers contain a lot of nectar, so bees and beekeepers love this flower. Delicious honey! Real tea is made from Ivan-tea - “Russian tea”, “Ivan's tea”. That's why it's called that.

On the meadow by chance
flushed blooming Sally:
"My purple color, Friends,
there's no way around it!"
He bowed kindly:
"It's good to drink fragrant tea!" (A. Alferova)

Fireweed wakes up very early, when we are still sleeping. He opens his flowers at 5-6 in the morning. And if the weather is rainy, then the flowers close.

fireweed- the most amazing flower! And it is famous and useful not only for tea! Read to your child an excerpt from the story "Caring Flower" by Konstantin Paustovsky, and you will discover a lot of interesting things in this plant!

“Near the house where the forestry was located, a shady garden has grown along the slope of the ravine. A river flowed along the bottom of the ravine. Immediately, not far away, it flowed into a large river.
The river was quiet, with a lazy course and dense thickets along the banks. In these thickets a path was trodden to the water, and a bench stood near it. In their free moments, the forester Mikhail Mikhailovich, Anyuta and other employees of the forestry liked to sit on this bench for a while, to watch the midges hustle over the water and how the setting sun burns out on clouds that look like sailing ships.
That evening I also found Mikhail Mikhailovich and Anyuta on a bench on the river bank.
An unusually green duckweed swam in the pool at our feet. In clean places, water-color bloomed - white and thin, like cigarette paper, flowers with red core. Above the whirlpool, on the steep bank, fireweed has grown in islands.
“Kiprey is our assistant,” Mikhail Mikhailovich noted.
“And squirrels are also good helpers,” Anyuta added.
“I just learned about squirrels,” I said. - From the boys. Is it true that you take pine cones from squirrels?
- But how! Anyuta replied. - There are no better bump collectors than squirrels in the world. Come with us to the forest tomorrow. You will see for yourself.
“Well then,” I agreed, “let’s go.” But fireweed helps you, I don’t know. Until now, I only knew that its leaves are brewed instead of tea.
- That's why people called him Ivan-tea, - Mikhail Mikhailovich explained. And he helps us with this...
Mikhail Mikhailovich began to talk.
Fireweed always grows in forest fires and logging. Recently, fireweed was considered a weed. He was only good for cheap tea. The foresters mercilessly tore out all the fireweed that grew next to the young pines. They did this because they believed that the fireweed drowns out the shoots of pine trees, takes away light and moisture from them.
But they soon noticed that the pines in those places where the fireweed was destroyed cannot fight the cold at all, and from the very first morning frosts, which occur in early autumn, they completely die.
Scientists, of course, began to look for the cause of this and finally found it.
- What happened? - Mikhail Mikhailovich asked and answered himself: - But it turned out that fireweed is very warm flower. When the autumn frost hits and the hoarfrost silvers the grass, then there is no hoarfrost near the fireweed. Because there is warm air around the fireweed. This flower gives off warmth. And in this warmth, all the neighbors of the fireweed grow without fear, all weak shoots, until winter covers them, like a wadded blanket, with deep snow. And note that fireweed always grows next to young pines. This is their watchman, their protector, their nanny. It happens that in severe frost the entire top of the fireweed will freeze, but he still does not give up, lives and breathes warmth. Selfless flower!
- Fireweed, - Anyuta said, - not only warms the air, but also the soil. So the roots of all these shoots do not freeze.
- Do you think one fireweed is so wonderful? Mikhail Mikhailovich asked me. - Almost every plant can be told such amazing things that you just gasp. Whatever the flower, then just a story. Plants save us from diseases, give deep sleep, fresh forces, dress, feed - you can’t count everything. We have no better friends than plants. Yes, if I could tell fairy tales, I would tell such things about every blade of grass, about every inconspicuous little buttercup or spikelet, that all the good old storytellers would envy me.
- Still would! Anyuta said. - If they knew then what we know now, then there would be no need for fairy tales.
The next day, I went with the boys and Anyuta to the Moss Forest, saw squirrel warehouses pine cones, I saw thickets of fireweed on burned areas and young plantings, and since then I began to treat squirrels, fireweed flowers, and young pines as my true friends.
Before leaving, I plucked a bunch of fireweed. Anyuta dried it for me in dry sand. From this, the flowers retained their bright crimson color.
In Moscow, I put this dry brush of fireweed in a thick book. It was called "Russian folk tales". And every time I opened this book, I thought that the life that surrounds us, even the life of this simple and modest flower, is often more interesting than the most magical fairy tales.


Chamomile is also known to everyone and will never be confused with other flowers. Although no! Confused! If you see one large flower on one stem - this is not a chamomile, this is a popovnik. A chamomile has a strongly branching stem. And on one chamomile plant there are always a lot of small flowers. Chamomile is called so - medicinal chamomile, because it helps with many diseases.

Housed white daisies

Through meadows among tall grasses,

Like someone scattered papers

Draw the suns on them.

Ringing bell invites

They gather in a field bouquet,

But daisies are tricky girls -

They just smile back. (G, Novitskaya).

What are the daisies compared to in this poem? What else do they look like - what would you compare them to?

Good afternoon, chamomile,

White shirt,

yellow center,

The leaves are like a boat! (L. Kuklin).

What kind of shirt does chamomile have? And what is the middle? How does its leaves look like a boat? Also, what do they look like?

Do you think it is possible to grow chamomile at home? Listen to the poem.

Chamomile bloomed in the garden
Petals one and two...
All carved lace.
Nastya ran to the kindergarten
And I saw a daisy
And she clapped her hands:
“Oh, how good he is!
This white flower
We will transplant into a pot."
Mom kindly said:
“But there is not enough room in the pot.
Let chamomile grow in the garden
white shirt,
Here is the sun and water,
Let it bloom in the garden! (L. Nekrasova)


Tansy very easy to find out. She has flowers like yellow buttons, collected in a bunch. What do her flowers look like? Listen to the poem. What did the poetess compare tansy flowers to? Is it true that she thought it was interesting?

Let tansy- modest
yes, it's curative
No wonder the flowers
look like pills
Also for chickens
so far bright yellow
To the touch - on suede
puppy nose (T. Golikova).

Consider carefully two pictures - tansy and mountain ash. How are tansy and mountain ash similar? What is the difference? Why do you think tansy is called "wild mountain ash"? (In tansy, leaves look like rowan leaves. And clusters yellow flowers similar to bunches of rowan. So they called her "wild mountain ash")

Tansy - special flower. It is medicinal, i.e. used for treatment. It's also a real compass. Yes, if you do not have a compass, then tansy will replace it! Tansy has a secret. The edges of tansy leaves are always directed from north to south!

Made from tansy green paint- threads, fabrics are dyed with it.

And tansy repels insects. She has very bad smell. The hostess picks the tansy, brings it home, hangs it on the wall, and all the insects fly away. They do not like the smell of tansy.

Cooks used to collect tansy leaves and put a little bit of the leaves into gingerbread and biscuits for flavor. They say the gingerbread was delicious!


They are visible, invisible
Don't count them!
And who only invented them -
Merry, blue?

Must have been torn off
A piece from the sky
Slightly conjured
And they made a flower.

forget-me-not blooms for a very long time almost until autumn. There are many of them on the banks of streams. forget-me-not petals blue color. What else is blue in summer? Yes, the sky is blue, the stream and the river are also blue. And in the middle of the forget-me-not there is a tiny yellow center like a small sun. She seems to be telling us: "Don't forget." There are many legends about this flower, but for the most part these are legends for adults, not for children.

If you see chicory flowers - it means that now the crown of summer! Heat! Chicory is very strong, even drought is not terrible for him! It has round blue flowers - baskets. And the stem is silvery and sticks up high.

Why is it easy to confuse chicory with cornflower? How are they similar? How can their flowers be distinguished?

Chicory- a medicinal plant. To treat various diseases, its branches are brewed, salads are made from the leaves, and a drink that replaces coffee is made from the roots. Show the baby chicory in the store. And if you drink this drink and you have it at home, then let it taste.

Chicory wakes up very early- at dawn, when many other flowers are still sleeping. And falls asleep in the afternoon. If the chicory flowers do not open in the morning, then it will rain.

Cornflower riddle:

The head is blue and the stem is long.
Well, who does not know him! This is ... (cornflower)

If you go to the field in summer, you will see a lot of cornflowers. Cornflowers have very beautiful shape petal - with jagged edges. And the head of the flower seems to lie on a green cone.

The blue sky fell on the meadow
Blue-blue everything became around,
They bloomed in the meadow, by the blue river,
How blue skies, flowers - cornflowers. (N. Masley)

Golden Sea -
spikelets sing,
Walk among them
Herbs, weeds.
Royal, blue
among ripe rye,
Bold and strong
We stood along the border.
As if capsized
Turquoise from the sky
How beautiful are
blue eyes.
Blue berets -
deep glances
Cornflowers - flowers,
our cornflowers. (T. Tarasova)

What boy's name does the name of this flower look like? Vasily - Vasya- Vasilek.


Buttercup- yellow, beautiful. And when there are a lot of buttercups, you get a real golden carpet of them!

buttercups-buttercups -
Yellow fireworks
Scattered across the fields
Like parachutes.
Scattered through the gardens
And they turn yellow here and there (A. Alferova).

It seems that buttercup is quite harmless. And in fact he is poisonous! Fierce! It's probably not called that for nothing! Fierce buttercup. Who is called fierce? A fierce hurricane, a fierce beast, a fierce robber. That's the character of a buttercup!

Why is buttercup fierce? It has poison juice. And if this buttercup juice gets on the skin of a person, then this place will burn and pinch. In the old days, they even treated with a buttercup - they will smear the back, and this place begins to pinch terribly like from a mustard plaster. So they called him fierce.

And scientists call the buttercup very funny - "ranunculus", i.e. "frog". Why is it called that? Probably because buttercup grows in damp places, which frogs love very much. Or maybe not. Do you know why?

Buttercups have another name - also very interesting. They are called "night blindness". Why? Because buttercups, like chickens, go to bed early!

Yellow buttercups are very beautiful!

Oh, what a terrible thistle! All in thorns, thorns, needles! As if saying: "Don't come near!".

But thistle - it is also a weather forecaster. How does he predict it if he has thorns? Very simple - if the thorns are very hard and stick out in different sides- the weather will be fine. And if its needles stick up, then it will rain. You can check J.

Burdock (burdock).

Burdock is a "sticky" plant. As soon as you pass by him, his baskets with fruits have already stuck to his clothes. They even say this: “I stuck like a burdock”, if a person is very tired. Have burdock baskets stuck to you?

But "stickiness" is very beneficial for the burdock. Clinging to people's clothes, his baskets travel to different places right at us as passengers. We get transport for him! Therefore, burdock grows everywhere - that people and animals carry it everywhere on themselves!

The burdock has hooks-thorns, very small, tiny, which give it the ability to cling. And now, following the model of burdock, people have come up with a Velcro fastener. Show this fastener to your child and look at the two parts of the Velcro. One of them has hooks like a burdock. And it clings to any fleecy surface.


Plantain traveler friend. How do you think he helps him? If you pick plantain leaves, wash them and put them on the wound, they will help the wound heal faster. Here is a doctor - a plantain.

Grows in the field along the paths
A wonderful doctor is a plantain.
I'll tell you a secret now -
He is here for a reason!
If you cut your finger, it will help.
It will heal a scratch too.
Knock down your knee - no problem!
The green doctor is always here! (N. Tomilina)

And why is he so nicknamed - plantain. Wayfarer. On the way to. For the fact that it grows along the roads. And it's very easy to find it!

Not only plantain helps travelers and heals their wounds. Travelers help him too. How? Carry psyllium seeds. Of course, not in a bag like in a seed store. They carry seeds on the soles of their shoes. The seeds of psyllium are very small, stick easily and travel on shoes. And as soon as they fall to the ground, a new plantain grows here.

And the plantain is not afraid of us when we walk on it - its leaves are elastic, tightly pressed to the ground, it is not afraid of trampling like others delicate flowers. But if his leaves were not pressed to the ground, but were raised above it, then he would be afraid of us! After all, the leaves raised above the ground are very easy to break and trample.


Show your child a garden carnation at a flower stand or flower shop. And this is a carnation from the forest. How is it different? Yes, it's smaller! But also very pretty! It was from this small forest carnation that her garden sisters - relatives - descended. People have come up with and created many different beautiful varieties of garden carnations. But they all came from the forest carnation.

Clover- smelly porridge. That's what they call him. For whom is this porridge - porridge? For cows and sheep who love to eat clover. Bumblebees also love clover.

In a field outside the village
Among fragrant porridge,
Blooms kleve R
Chamomile's best friend.
red lumps,
Like cat paws.
flower balls,
The smell of the field is sweet.
Clover for sure
Knows young and old
Hay for the cow.
Nectar for bees.
To have a cow
Milk by the river
She needs food
Field clover.
Let the bees circle
