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Diet Dr. Kovalkov

Dr. Kovalkov's technique is one of the "youngest" nutrition systems that contribute to rapid weight loss. Despite the "young age", the diet managed to gain a lot of fans. The best role model was Alexei Kovalkov himself, who managed to permanently get rid of extra 50 kilograms using his own strict methodology and moderate physical activity.

The diet of Dr. Kovalkov deserves attention, if only because the author has tried it on himself and can confidently assert that the nutrition system is absolutely harmless, unlike many strict mono-diets (strawberry, banana, rice, buckwheat diets and others), where the basic principle is considered Strict restriction of calories and diet. The technique was called "We lose weight with the mind." The nutritionist himself claims that the system of proper nutrition and its basic principles are simple, and absolutely everyone can repeat it. True, it is advisable to consult a good dietitian before starting a diet.

The principles of nutrition according to the system of Dr. Kovalkov

Eat only those foods that the body really needs, have the necessary nutrients (proteins, fats, carbohydrates), contain minerals and vitamins.

Be sure to load the body physically, do fitness. If you can’t go to the gym, it’s enough to start with walking. Are you going to work? Leave home 20-30 minutes early and walk part of the way (only a few stops). A surge of strength and vigor, as well as a good mood for the whole day are provided.

Drink plain clean water. Depending on the season, you need to drink up to 1-2 liters of liquid per day. The first glass of water is drunk immediately after waking up in small sips.

Sleep is at least 8 hours a day.

Be sure to use a complex of vitamins and minerals.

Stages of the Kovalkov diet

- preparatory- it is necessary to clean the gastrointestinal tract and restore the microflora;

- the main first stage- accustoming the body to proper nutrition, as well as active weight loss;

- stabilization of the obtained results (stage 2)- Consolidation of correct eating habits and the introduction of the necessary food.

Diet Kovalkov: menu of the preparatory stage

Those who often resort to dieting have probably heard that the body is experiencing a serious shock due to the fact that it cannot quickly get used to a dietary restriction. Often there is an opposite effect when the weight does not go away, because the body in a state of stress begins to use its own resources more economically. To prevent this from happening, the preparation stage is mandatory, during which natural changes in nutrition occur, natural restructuring, and appetite is reduced by reducing the consumption of foods with a high glycemic index (such foods increase the level of insulin in the blood and a person experiences an irresistible feeling of hunger).

The preparatory phase lasts from 14 to 30 days. The list of prohibited foods includes pastries (white bread, muffins, cakes), marshmallows, chocolate (including black), sweet fruits (banana, figs, grapes), dried fruits, honey, pasta, white rice. Vegetables such as potatoes, carrots, corn and boiled beets are prohibited. Alcoholic and sweet carbonated drinks, compotes and juices are completely excluded from the diet. Sometimes you can drink a glass of dry wine.

Meals should be fractional and include first breakfast, second breakfast, lunch, afternoon tea and dinner. Avoid overeating as the stomach should gradually get used to small portions.

Exact 1 stage menu

The diet contains raw or steamed vegetables, apples and grapefruits, dairy products, as well as bran or protein bread, eggs and nuts. You can drink green tea. The stage lasts 10-14 days. Its duration depends on how many kilograms you plan to lose. Efficiency depends on the quality of the preparation stage.

Diet Kovalkov - stage 1: menu for the week


Breakfast - a handful of nuts, low-fat yogurt (200 ml).
Lunch is a green apple.
Lunch - a salad of cucumbers, tomatoes, bell peppers and cheese with olive oil.
Snack - ½ grapefruit.


Breakfast - cottage cheese (150 g).
Lunch is an orange.
Lunch - a salad of tomatoes, garlic and nuts with herbs.
Snack is a green apple.
Dinner - cabbage and bell pepper salad.


Breakfast - homemade yogurt (200 ml) with bran.
Lunch is a green apple.
Lunch - fat-free cottage cheese (200 g).
Snack - ½ grapefruit.
Dinner - boiled eggs (2 pieces).


Lunch is an apple.
Lunch - cabbage cutlets with egg (300 g).
Snack - orange.
Dinner - vegetable salad of cucumbers and tomatoes.


Breakfast - low-fat yogurt with bran.
Lunch - ½ grapefruit.
Lunch - cabbage rolls from cottage cheese in grape leaves (300 g).
Snack is an apple.
Dinner - baked vegetables (eggplants, peppers, tomatoes).


Breakfast - low-fat cottage cheese (200 g).
Lunch is an orange.
Lunch - vegetable salad with boiled egg and herbs.
Snack - ½ grapefruit.
Dinner - homemade yogurt (200 ml).


Breakfast - homemade yogurt with bran (200 ml).
Lunch is an apple.
Lunch - vegetable casserole with egg (300 g).
Snack - orange.
Dinner - low-fat cottage cheese (200 g).

Diet Kovalkov: stage 2

This stage is the longest. Lasts from 1 month to six months. Weight loss continues, but not as intense. Rather, there is a gradual stabilization of weight, getting rid of fats and normalizing metabolism. The diet gradually includes boiled poultry meat (chicken or turkey), seafood (in small portions). The menu should be as diverse as possible, taking into account the permitted products. Gradually, the diet is enriched with cereals and even potatoes in a small amount. Occasionally, you can allow yourself pastries, dry wine, dark chocolate, and even grilled meat. However, portions should be minimal. For dinner, the diet is the least high-calorie.

Sample menu 2 stages

Breakfast - nuts (30 g), low-fat homemade yogurt (200 ml).
Lunch - an apple or ½ grapefruit.
Lunch - vegetable salad (150 g), boiled meat (200 g).
Snack - unsweetened fruit.
Dinner - vegetable salad with herbs and a boiled egg.

Diet Kovalkov: recipes

Vegetable salad with egg

Cut tomatoes (150 g) into circles, lettuce (100 g) into strips, boiled eggs (2 pieces) into cubes. Mix the ingredients, salt and season with vegetable oil.

White cabbage and bell pepper salad

Cut 300 g of cabbage into cubes, stew in hot oil for 1 minute, add chopped pepper and remove from heat after 1 minute. Sprinkle with lemon juice and eat after 3 hours.

Cottage cheese cabbage rolls in grape leaves

Mix cottage cheese with a raw egg, chopped herbs and seasonings. The filling is laid out in carefully washed and steamed grape leaves, wrapped and boiled for about half an hour.

Cabbage cutlets. 300 g of cabbage are chopped and boiled for 5 minutes in milk, cooled. The resulting cabbage is mixed with beaten egg white, salted and bran is added so that the cutlets keep their shape better. Prepare steamed vegetable cutlets, previously rolled in ground breadcrumbs.

baked vegetables

Peel 200 g of eggplant, 100 g of bell pepper, 200 g of tomatoes and 50 g of onion and cut into small pieces. Bake in the oven for 30 minutes, then drizzle with olive oil.

Vegetable salad with cheese

Cut 100 g of tomatoes and bell pepper into cubes, add 150 g of cheese or Mozzarella cheese, cut into cubes. Add herbs, drizzle with olive oil and lemon juice.

Diet Kovalkov: reviews and results

Among the advantages of this power supply system, the fact that the conditions for its implementation are quite simple is noted. At first, it is really difficult to give up the usual products, but if you wish, you can cook a lot of delicious dishes from the allowed products. The fact that there is no strict restriction in nutrition is also encouraging, and physical activity can be replaced by pleasant walks. In the process of losing weight, you can lose weight, the results of the author himself are especially impressive.

Of the shortcomings, only one is noted that the diet is designed for a long time. Its duration is due to the fact that it is difficult for the body to adjust to a new diet and this must be done gradually.

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Alexey Kovalkov is a nutritionist who is now one of the most popular and sought-after specialists in his field. Although just 10 years ago it was difficult to recognize him. This man suffered from obesity until the time when he gathered the strength to take his weight under control. After that, the doctor decided to create an author's weight loss system, which is based on his personal experience and knowledge. This is how the popular Kovalkov diet was created.

Thanks to this technique, Kovalkov himself got rid of more than half a centner of weight. Only after the diet was tested on himself, the doctor decided to establish a well-known clinic in the country. More than 3,000 Russian citizens have already successfully lost weight in it.

Kovalkov's weight loss technique is described in detail in the books Lose Weight Intensively, Victory Over Weight and Lose Weight Wisely. The main task that confronts a person is to completely change their eating habits. It is necessary to consume food in small portions, to prevent the appearance on the table of foods that contribute to the release of insulin. These simple rules, if followed, allow you to consolidate the achieved result and not gain weight again.

For 4 months, you can get rid of 27 extra pounds. Sometimes it takes about 7 kg in 14 days.

The Kovalkov diet is a weight loss technique based on scientific knowledge and practical experience.

The main tasks that face losing weight:

    It is necessary to determine the reason that leads to a set of extra pounds.

    A person must realize that only he is responsible for his weight and health.

    It is necessary to draw up a weight loss program that will be designed for a long time.

The general principles of the Kovalkov diet are as follows:

    You need to create the right mental attitude. A person must understand that a diet is not a period of severe torment, but a time allotted to improve health, appearance and well-being.

    The menu must contain berries, fruits, vegetables, bran, sour-milk drinks.

    Every day you need to drink 8 glasses of water. Drink it 10 minutes before meals.

    During the diet, you need to take vitamin and mineral complexes.

    You need to eat often, the break between approaches to the table should be no more than 3 hours.

    Salt is not completely abandoned, but its amount is significantly reduced.

    Vegetable proteins and fats should form the basis of the menu.

    Every day you need to walk for at least 15 minutes. In this case, the pace of walking should be fast. Drink a glass of water before walking. You can walk at any time - both in the morning and in the evening.

It has been proven that if you drink 0.5 liters of water before meals, you will lose 44% more weight within 12 weeks, compared to those who do not focus on water ().

Stages of the Kovalkov diet

The Kovalkov diet consists of three stages: preparatory, basic and supporting. In the first two stages, a prerequisite is the implementation of physical exercises. To begin with, aerobic training is enough, and then you need to connect strength exercises. Briefly, all stages of the diet are described in the table below.

Diet stage

How long does it take

What are the goals for losing weight

How much weight can you lose


    Remove fast carbohydrates from the menu.

    Get in the habit of walking a lot.

    Adapt the digestive system to the use of protein foods in large volumes

The timing depends on the individual characteristics of the human figure. The stage continues until the weight is completely stabilized.

    Physical exercise should be daily.

    Food should be enjoyable.

200 g per day.

Maintaining the effect

From a year to a year and a half

    The new way of life should become a habit.

    You can't stop playing sports. Be sure to walk every day. You can use a pedometer to monitor calories burned.

    Combine products in dishes and in the menu as a whole, you need according to the given rules.

Weight returns to normal, at this stage it just needs to be maintained.

Stage 1

The stage lasts 2-3 weeks. During this time, you need to accustom yourself to walk as much as possible, as well as make changes to the diet. It is necessary to refuse products containing fast carbohydrates, as they provoke a sharp increase and load.

Products - sources of animal fats are also reduced to a minimum on the menu, this will allow fats to be completely absorbed by the body, and not deposited at the waist. During the first stage, it will be possible to cleanse the intestines and normalize its natural microflora.

Indicative menu for the first stage:


Breakfast number 2


Lunch #2



Dinner #2

Kefir - 1 glass;
Bran and nuts - one tablespoon each

1/2 part of an apple;
1/2 pear

1/2 grapefruit

whole apple

1/2 grapefruit

Vegetable salad - standard portion;
Hard cheese - 50 g

Boiled eggs (only protein);
Milk - glass

The duration of this stage depends on the body's reaction to the first phase of the diet. The second stage can take several weeks, or maybe several months.

It is good if there is an opportunity at this time to consult a specialist and undergo an examination of the body. It is at the second stage that you need to start connecting strength exercises.

The menu is supplemented with cereals, in general, it becomes more diverse. Now it is allowed to eat fish, shrimp, squid, poultry, seafood.

    The main method of cooking dishes is steam processing. There is no need to use oil or large amounts of salt.

    You should eat 6 times a day, but portions should be small.

    It is not enough just to follow the Kovalkov diet menu, you must definitely drink as much water as possible. This does not apply to carbonated drinks.

Indicative menu for the second stage of the diet:


Breakfast number 2




200 ml yogurt

Pureed fish soup with hake

1/2 part orange

Salad: radish + 2 chicken proteins + olive oil

Steamed omelette (2 eggs + greens), a glass of tea

Herbal tea

Cottage cheese baked pancakes


Lazy cabbage rolls with chicken fillet

Low-fat cottage cheese

Chicken cutlets, vegetable salad

Kefir - 1 glass

Boiled fish, lettuce (Iceberg lettuce + Cherry tomatoes)

Steamed buckwheat, kefir


Salad (cucumber + tomato), boiled veal

Tomato juice

Salad (cherry tomatoes + arugula + tuna), herbal tea

Cottage cheese with kefir and herbs

Herbal tea

Brown rice, chicken cutlet


Salad (bell pepper + cucumber + cottage cheese grains)

Smoothies (berries + kefir)

handful of nuts

Salad (tomatoes + curd beans + fresh herbs + avocado + olive oil)

Salad (salted salmon + cucumber + bell pepper + radish + yogurt)

Stage 3

This stage begins when it was possible to achieve the desired weight. It can be extended by 1.5 years. During this time, you will be able to stabilize the result and learn how to keep yourself in shape. Be sure to keep walking every day.

At this time, cereals (wheat, barley, buckwheat) are gradually introduced into the menu, you can gradually eat potatoes, but only in baked form. The presence of black bread on the table is allowed. Occasionally it is allowed to drink dry wine, eat dark chocolate. In general, it is necessary to adhere to the principles and rules of a healthy diet. If you follow this recommendation, then excess weight will forever remain a problem of the past.

Allowed and prohibited foods of the Kovalkov diet

It is unacceptable to eat fried foods during the diet. It's best to cook for a couple.

During the diet, the following foods are prohibited:

    Any food that contains sugar. This applies, among other things, to honey, ice cream, juices, sparkling water, jams, etc.

    Macaroni, wheat bread, potatoes.

    Cereals. This is especially true for white rice.

    Products that have passed the smoking process are too salty dishes.


    Semi-finished products.

    Alcoholic drinks, especially beer. Occasionally, you can afford to drink a glass of table wine.

Products to be banned:


Glycemic index

French baguette

rice noodles

Beer and ale

Bread for toast

Potatoes fried or baked

Rice flour

Buns for making hamburgers


mashed potatoes

Rice flakes

Ice cream

Corn flakes, popcorn

boiled carrots

Rice flour bread

Boiled potatoes

White rice/brown rice

Muesli with dried fruits and nuts

canned sweet corn


Orange juice

millet groats

boiled corn

White milk chocolate

Marshmallow and marmalade

Vareniki and dumplings

Foods that can be eaten:

    Vegetables (raw, baked, steamed).

    Dairy products with a low percentage of fat: cottage cheese, milk, kefir. If you want yogurt, then you need to choose only a high-quality natural product that does not contain additives.

  • Low fat cheese.

  • Seafood.

  • Chicken eggs, but without the yolk.

    Fruits other than grapes and bananas.

    Fish and meat, but dietary varieties.

Recipes for diet food according to the Kovalkov system

Salad Tenderness

    Chinese cabbage.

    Bulgarian pepper.

  • Lettuce leaves.

    Salt and pepper.

    Any vegetable oil of your choice.

    Lemon juice.

  • Pine nuts.

Cut vegetables into strips, chop greens, mix everything. Separately, prepare a dressing based on vegetable oil and lemon juice, add to the salad, mix again. Garnish with dill and pine nuts.

To prepare the dish, you will need the following products:

  • Boiled eggs.

  • Greens and garlic.

Clean the core of the peppers, place a boiled egg there. Separately grind the cottage cheese with dill and garlic, stuff the remaining place in the peppers with this mixture. Put them in the refrigerator for 2-3 hours, then remove and cut into slices.

To prepare the dish, you will need the following products:

    Tomatoes - 0.2 kg.

    Salad - 0.2 kg.

    Cucumbers - 0.1 kg.

    Egg - 2 pcs.

    Vegetable oil - 40 g.

    Leek - one stalk.

    Salt and pepper.

    Lemon juice.

Eggs are cut into 4 parts, cucumbers are sliced, lettuce is arbitrarily torn by hand. All products are mixed, seasoned with lemon juice and vegetable oil, salt and pepper. Garnish with pre-cut leeks.

To prepare the dish, you will need the following products:

    Low-fat cottage cheese - 0.2 kg.

    One egg.

    Green onion.


    Olive oil - a tablespoon.

  • Pickled grape leaves.

Onions are fried and mixed with chopped egg, cottage cheese and suneli hops. Spread this curd forcemeat on grape leaves, roll them up with an envelope. Dolma is placed in a pan with deep sides, poured with water so that it covers the leaves by 2 cm. The dish is cooked for half an hour.

To prepare the dish, you will need the following products:

    Cabbage - 1/2 head.

    Liter of milk.

    Raw egg white - 2 pcs.

Cabbage is cut and boiled in milk. Drain the milk, cool the cabbage. Mix it with egg white and bran. Cutlets are formed from minced meat, rolled in bran, steamed.

Pros and cons of the Kovalkov diet

Pros of the Kovalev diet:

    The organs of the digestive system will begin to work better.

    Your blood cholesterol levels will drop.

    Metabolic processes will accelerate, the water-salt balance will be adjusted.

    Eating frequently is a healthy eating habit that will keep you from overeating and feeling hungry.

    General well-being improves.

    The skin after weight loss will not sag.

    The condition of the hair and nails will improve.

The method of losing weight has only one drawback - with its help it will not be possible to quickly lose weight. The weight is coming off slowly but steadily.


Diet contraindications:

    Chronic diseases of the digestive system.

    Individual protein intolerance.

Before starting the process of losing weight, it is necessary to undergo an examination.

Russian doctor Alexei Kovalkov has developed a unique weight loss system based on the basics of classical dietetics. The Kovalkov diet is quite in demand in the circles of losing weight - it allows you to fight body fat through dietary nutrition developed from a medical position. The doctor tested his technique on himself and proved its effectiveness by dropping 52 kilograms.

Theoretical basis of the diet

Kovalkov himself has repeatedly spoken out with harsh criticism in the field of modern methods of dealing with excess weight. The doctor is sure that the so-called star diets, which involve rapid weight loss due to actual starvation, eventually lead to even more weight gain. According to the nutritionist, the period of fasting and limiting oneself in everything will certainly sooner or later be replaced by a period of gluttony.

This opinion has been repeatedly confirmed in practice: if the weight goes off too quickly, it can return in case of any breakdown, and sometimes in double volume. This is how the principle of the so-called "compressed spring" manifests itself.

Kovalkov insists that in order to effectively combat excess weight, it is necessary not only to eat right, but also to adhere to a certain lifestyle.

Practical Basics

The doctor considers daily physical activity the basis of his principle of dietary nutrition. For a slender and toned body, you need to take long walks every day. This type of physical activity does not require effort and additional costs, while it has a complex effect on all body systems.

At the second stage of the diet, strength physical exercises are necessarily added to daily walks, which help to get rid of annoying kilograms.

At the third stage of the diet, you can just return to walking again. If possible, be sure to purchase a pedometer, it will allow you to track the results of your walks (modern smartphones already have a built-in pedometer function, so you can do without additional purchases).

Kovalkov's diet: main stages and sample menu

The Kovalkov diet provides for several stages. At the first stage, there is a preparatory period, at the second stage, excess weight is actively shed, at the third stage, the result is fixed. The duration of each stage varies depending on the individual characteristics of the patient's body structure and the amount of excess weight.

Stage one: preparatory

The stage lasts for 2-4 weeks, it is considered the most difficult due to the fact that it is quite difficult for the body to adapt to food that does not contain simple carbohydrates and animal proteins. At first, you will experience a real "breakdown", your head will spin, a feeling of weakness and exhaustion will appear. To minimize discomfort, food should be consumed 5-7 times a day, portions should be minimal until a feeling of slight satiety appears.

Sample menu:

Without fail, the following foods are excluded from the daily diet:

  • Animal proteins - fish, meat and poultry;
  • Bakery and confectionery products;
  • Pasta;
  • Carrot;
  • Beet;
  • Potato;
  • Any strong alcohol (especially with a high sugar content);
  • Carbonated drinks;
  • Beer;
  • Dried fruits;
  • Chocolate and candies.

You can make a menu from the following products:

  1. Bran - the daily norm for weight loss - 100 grams;
  2. legumes;
  3. Nuts for breakfast
  4. egg whites;
  5. Dairy products;
  6. Fruits (preferably for breakfast and lunch;
  7. A small amount of dry red wine for dinner.

Remember that you need to drink at least two liters of ordinary drinking water per day. Water activates the metabolic process in the body and helps to remove toxins and toxins.

At the first stage, daily walks are considered mandatory. Gradually increase the distance traveled, after a month of following the diet, the number of steps taken per day should be at least 16 thousand.

Second stage: cruising

The stage can last from one month to one year. The duration of the stage is calculated individually for each patient. The duration depends on the volume of excess adipose tissue in the body, as well as on the desired result of losing weight.

The entire daily menu is divided into five meals. The products allowed at the first stage are added:

  • Cabbage;
  • cucumbers;
  • Radish;
  • Spinach;
  • Buckwheat;
  • Garlic;
  • And other vegetables and fruits.

Over time, lean meats, cottage cheese and seafood can be introduced into the menu. At the same time, it is imperative to eat a small amount of nuts for breakfast, bran for lunch, washed down with water or kefir, and two boiled chicken proteins before dinner.

Strength exercises are added to daily walks. The stage is aimed at achieving normal weight.

According to Kovalkov's methodology, the so-called "boot days" are allowed twice a month at the second stage. During these periods, the amount of food entering the body doubles. Load days help to activate the metabolic processes in the body and increase the rate of weight loss.

Along with the "boot" days, traditional unloading days are also arranged. At this time, only one watermelon can be eaten during the day.

Third stage: supporting

The third stage continues throughout conscious life, it is aimed at maintaining the result that was achieved within the framework of the second stage. Gradually, forbidden foods, such as potatoes, butter, etc., are allowed to be introduced into the daily menu.

The main thing - do not forget to walk a few kilometers every day.

Compliance with these rules allows you to forget about extra pounds for a long time.

How to get fast results

Compliance with the following principles will achieve the desired result in the shortest possible time:

  1. Drink at least two liters of water per day. Drink should be strictly before meals;
  2. Be sure to include favorite foods in your diet. This category includes bran, walnuts, almonds and pine nuts, egg whites (no more than two pieces per day);
  3. It is allowed to drink about 4 cups of green tea per day strictly without added sugar;
  4. It is advisable to boil or steam all meat products and fish (it is allowed to fry in a grill pan without adding oil);
  5. All vegetables and fruits in food should be eaten raw (if possible);
  6. The optimal side dish for meat dishes is vegetables, for fish dishes - low-fat cottage cheese;
  7. All dishes fried in a large amount of oil are under the strictest prohibition;
  8. Don't forget about walking and strength training. It is desirable to engage in sports in the morning 40 minutes before breakfast. You can drink water during training in unlimited quantities.

The hardest part of any diet is staying within the established limits. Therefore, a sharp and violent change in the diet, style, way of eating often leads to a short-term result and a slight weight loss. Realizing this, Dr. Kovalkov developed a nutrition program, according to which a person gradually, gradually, step by step, changes his food preferences and loses excess weight. The Kovalkov diet is used by those who are set for a long-term result. It is relevant for people who decide to change their lives.

Diet Kovalkov - what foods can be consumed

The diet developed by Alexey Kovalkov includes four phases: preparatory and three main (first, second and third). In the diet of the preparatory stage, products such as cereals that have not undergone deep processing are introduced, necessarily vegetables (except beets, potatoes and carrots), greens, fruits (except bananas), legumes - in general, all those ingredients whose glycemic index is minimal. In addition, it is necessary to maintain the correct drinking regimen, drinking at least ten glasses of non-carbonated liquid per day.

The first stage is aimed at normalizing the work of the gastrointestinal tract, so it is recommended to start each awakening with a glass of warm water. Low-fat milk, yogurt, nuts, chicken eggs, fermented milk products are gradually added to the diet. In the second phase are allowed: low-fat meats and fish, low-fat cottage cheese, cheese, seafood, mushrooms.

And at the last, third stage, the achieved results are consolidated. The body gets used to this regime, due to which the metabolism is fully restored, and the weight is normalized. Please note that the third phase is designed for the rest of your life. But you should not be afraid of this. Sometimes sweet tooth can still treat themselves to chocolate or a delicious croissant. In addition, there are situations when we simply have to support the company, for example, at the festive table and taste a lot of different dishes. In such cases, after a stormy feast, Kovalkov recommends returning to the first phase for a couple of days in order to allow the body to unload a little.

Stages of the Kovalkov diet

Diet Kovalkov - Preparatory stage (2-4 weeks)

The doctor calls this period more of a psychological adjustment to a new lifestyle, and not to another diet. Within 15-30 days, sweets, alcohol and potatoes should be completely excluded from the diet. Get used to eating vegetables and fruits, coarsely ground grains, lentils, beans and pure water.

The body can “object” to change, the main thing is not to give up!

It is important to learn at this stage to independently regulate your diet, get used to and completely abandon harmful foods (fried, canned, spicy and smoked). Be sure to increase the amount of fluid you drink to increase the release of fat-burning hormones. The menu of this stage should contain cereals and soups.

Diet Kovalkov - stage 1 main

The first stage of Kovalkov is the main one. In the first weeks, the body, as planned, got rid of carbohydrate dependence and it is necessary to cleanse the gastrointestinal tract and normalize metabolism. The most important rule is to observe the daily routine. Kovalkov's nutrition system is designed in such a way that excess weight goes away gradually. An obligatory element of the methodology of a nutritionist is sports. At this stage of weight loss, it is allowed to increase portions, but on condition that the load increases. It can be:

  • swimming;
  • walking or running;
  • swimming;
  • exercises with dumbbells;
  • strength exercises (in this case, cereals are necessarily introduced into the menu).

Sample menu for the 1st stage of the Kovalkov diet:

Day meal
Day 1 Breakfast A glass of kefir mixed with 2 tablespoons of bran. 30 gr any nuts
Snack One or two apples
Dinner Broccoli or pumpkin puree soup, you can add a handful of pumpkin seeds and greens to it
afternoon tea half a grapefruit
Dinner Stewed vegetables: onion, carrot, eggplant and cabbage stew. You can spices, but salt is better to exclude.
Day 2 Breakfast Fruit salad of kiwi, peach and apples, pour juice from half an orange.
Snack Tomato juice - 1 glass (without salt), sweet juices are excluded
Dinner For lunch, you can treat yourself to a salad of fresh herbs, tomato, cucumber and sweet pepper.
afternoon tea 1 apple or orange
Dinner We make a nutritious smoothie from low-fat kefir and berries or fruits to your taste.

Diet Kovalkov - stage 2 stabilization

Having received a certain result, you should fix it - the gastrointestinal tract works in a new way, kilograms are lost and there is a desire and need to lose weight more.

Your diet should contain cabbage, cucumbers, radishes, onions, garlic, spinach, parsley, lettuce, apples and pears, citrus fruits (especially grapefruits), blackberries, viburnum, mountain ash, blueberries and lingonberries, pine and walnuts, almonds, low-fat sour milk products. Fruits, vegetables and berries are best eaten raw and minimally thermally processed, you can alternate salads and stewed vegetables for dinner.

Continuing to move towards the ideal weight, we enrich our lunch diet by adding lean beef, veal, whole boiled eggs. The ban remains on potatoes, carrots, beets, bananas, grapes. Particular attention should be paid to fish - it is worth eating fatty fish two to three times a week so that the body receives a sufficient amount of omega-3 polyunsaturated fatty acids.

Gradually increase physical activity (add to walking, for example, squats with dumbbells, jumping, tilting, swimming, cycling, dancing). During this period, nutritionist Kovalkov attaches particular importance to strength exercises, since the body must continue to lose body fat and restore and build muscle mass, which was lost in the first stage. Starting from the moment you started strength training, you can introduce porridge into the diet (it is better not to boil porridge, but steam it in boiling water or pour kefir overnight). Moreover, they are used only on days of power loads.

Sample menu for the 2nd stage of the Kovalkov diet:

Day meal Products and dishes for the Kovalkov diet
Day 1 Breakfast Yogrut or kefir - 200 gr. Yogrut only natural, no additives
Snack One or two apples
Dinner Soup-puree from fish (for example, hake) or fish baked in foil with herbs and vegetable salad.
afternoon tea Half grapefruit or orange
Dinner Lettuce with radishes and two egg whites. As a dressing - olive oil.
Day 2 Breakfast Steam omelette of 2 eggs with herbs. Tea or coffee.
Snack Herbal tea
Dinner Cheesecakes in the oven on semolina.
afternoon tea 1 orange
Dinner Lazy cabbage rolls with meat
Day 3 Breakfast Cottage cheese casserole or low-fat cottage cheese
Snack 1 apple
Dinner Chopped chicken breast cutlets and salad of greens and vegetables
afternoon tea A glass of kefir
Dinner Fish baked or boiled - 200 gr. Iceberg lettuce and cherry tomato salad
Day 4 Breakfast Steamed buckwheat porridge for water and a glass of kefir
Snack apple or orange
Dinner 200-250 gr boiled veal and tomato and cucumber salad
afternoon tea A glass of tomato juice
Dinner Salad of tuna, arugula and cherry tomatoes. Herbal tea
Day 5 Breakfast Cottage cheese seasoned with kefir, dill and parsley.
Snack Herbal tea
Dinner Boiled brown rice with chicken cutlet.
afternoon tea 1 orange
Dinner Light salad of cucumber, bell pepper, grain cottage cheese (4-5 tablespoons) and spices to taste.
Day 6 Breakfast Smoothies from kefir and berries / fruits or vegetables to your taste
Snack 1 fruit of your choice or a handful of nuts
Dinner Salad of avocado, tomatoes, grain cottage cheese, greens. Dressing - olive oil.
afternoon tea A glass of kefir
Dinner Salad of slightly salted trout (you can salmon) - 250 gr. and vegetables (radish, 1 cucumber, bell pepper). Dressing - natural yogurt.

Diet Kovalkov - stage 3 adaptation

This stage of Dr. Kovalkov's weight loss program can be considered a period of exit from the diet. Its goal is the adaptation of the body, the consolidation of the result. The duration of the phase is not limited, ideally its recommendations should be followed constantly. This applies to both nutrition and lifestyle. Diligent exercise here is just as important as eating healthy foods.

The requirements for the diet at this stage are less strict: in addition to fish and meat, it is allowed to consume low-fat meat broth, cereals, potatoes, black bread, alternating these new foods for the diet by day. The fat content in meals - no more than 60 grams per day. Fine flour, sugar, refined rice and fast food should continue to be excluded from the menu.

You should not combine foods containing simple carbohydrates with fats (for example, a sandwich with white bread). From time to time, you can allow yourself to eat a piece of fried meat or barbecue, a slice of chocolate, and enjoy baking. But it is important to remember that such deviations from the rules should not be too frequent. Try steaming, using a slow cooker, on the grill or in the oven.

Portions of food should be small, it is desirable that your entire breakfast or lunch fits in your hands. It is recommended to eat fractionally 5 times a day, the last time - no later than 8 pm. The amount of liquid (together with the first courses) - up to 2.5-3 liters per day. One of the important rules of the Kovalkov technique is the diversity of the diet: the menu should not be repeated every day.

Features of the adaptation period

At this stage of weight loss, the so-called "boot" days are allowed, when you can eat any food, but in reasonable doses. After such a one-day deviation from the Kovalkov diet (it should not be repeated more than 1-2 times a month), you should spend a fasting day on kefir, watermelons or green apples.

If for some reason there has been a serious deviation from the diet (for example, on the occasion of a festive feast), it is recommended to return to the low-carb menu of the first stage for several days. This will allow the body to “shake up” metabolic processes and unload.

Want to lose weight? Then these articles are for you.

Aleskey Kovalkov gives some important tips for his diet:

  • If there is a feeling of hunger, then alkaline water is used to fight it. It will reduce your appetite and help you feel full with a smaller portion of food.
  • You can't drink cold water. It can not only provoke a sore throat, but also increase the feeling of hunger.
  • Drink water before meals, not after meals.
  • When cooking, do not add butter, and salt is used in limited quantities.
  • After 6 pm, you can and should eat, but the menu is designed so that the products do not contain complex carbohydrates.

Video: Alexei Kovalkov's diet Who can better tell about the weight loss system than the author himself? Dr. Kovalkov himself previously suffered from overweight, got rid of it with the help of a diet, and now he helps everyone to go this way. Watch the video and do not doubt the effectiveness of this diet:

The opinion and reviews of doctors, according to the diet of Dr. Alexei Kovalkov

Anastasia Morozova, nutritionist

As a nutritionist, I analyze different methods of losing weight and maintaining weight. A very important part of my work is the observation of patients who have chosen various ways to deal with unwanted body fat and, of course, excess weight. A group of people who followed the diet of Dr. Alexei Kovalkov under my guidance - and this is 12 people - achieved impressive results compared to other methods. There was a decrease in weight from 10 to 30%, in kilograms it looked impressive.

Nikolai Petrov, nutritionist

Rapid weight loss (weight loss) is not the main advantage of this diet. Thanks to the use of a balanced diet, easily digestible foods and substances, the patient receives during the day the entire necessary supply of proteins, fats, carbohydrates, vitamins and minerals, without feeling hungry and other disorders. Thanks to this approach, there have been no cases of diet failure in my experience.

Patients simply do not want to switch to a different diet, because. fully accustomed to proper nutrition. Cooking is easy. In addition to the elimination of excess weight, there were significant improvements in the health of the gastrointestinal tract in the observed, an increase in overall tone, and improved sleep. Based on the received positive experience, I began to recommend this diet to all my patients.

In just three years, Kovalkov's author's diet has gained immense popularity: a Russian doctor has rediscovered the basic values ​​of classical dietology. Eat the right foods in the right amount, drink plenty of clean water, don't sit still... These simple rules are known to every diet lover. However, as part of the Kovalkov diet, they almost for the first time developed into a clear and well-thought-out system, on which the author himself lost more than 50 kg in just six months!

Who are you, Dr. Kovalkov?

Today, Russian nutritionist, Doctor of Medical Sciences Alexei Kovalkov, according to leading business magazines, is one of the most sought-after nutritionists in Moscow. His face is well known to viewers of the largest television channels - Dr. Kovalkov willingly advises on healthy eating and weight loss in popular programs and talk shows. And today the Kovalkov diet is incredibly popular ...

However, ten years ago, Alexei Kovalkov would have made a much less pleasant impression on viewers who dreamed of losing weight - he himself suffered from excess weight. And this is what made him, a professional attending physician, a graduate of the famous Medical University. Pirogov, to become interested in creating a nutrition system that is complete from the point of view of a physician. Kovalkov himself became the first tester of the Kovalkov diet - in six months he lost more than 50 kg!

Having developed on the basis of his own experience one of the most thoughtful and safe diets in terms of health, Alexey Kovalkov founded his own clinic, where over 6 thousand people have already successfully lost weight. In addition, Aleksey Vladimirovich clearly outlined the essence of his methodology in several books.

Judging by the many satisfied reviews on the forums and the unflagging interest in the Kovalkov method, tens of thousands of Russians were able to lose weight and change their lifestyle, guided by these publications as a complete instruction for losing weight.

Diet Kovalkov against diets!

The fundamental point in the nutritional methodology of Alexei Kovalkov was his resolute and somewhere even aggressive criticism of the modern approach to weight loss. Dr. Kovalkov is against any mono-diets, strict diets and, in general, the principle of drastically limiting the amount of food eaten. In his opinion, if a person regulates weight by periodic “dieting”, this leads to alternating periods of starvation and binge eating and, subsequently, to irreversible psychological changes.

“Any prohibition sooner or later comes back to you with an irresistible desire,” Kovalkov is sure, comparing a starving dieter to a prison inmate waiting for release with the intention of catching up.

Trying only to reduce your weight at any cost, you will not achieve success. Because, as the English say, you can't be too rich or too thin. Having become thin as a result of starvation, a person acquires a fear of gaining hated kilograms again and invariably wants to become even lighter; such tactics not only loosen the nerves, but in advanced cases can lead to anorexia.

To get and maintain a normal weight, you must:

  • understand the reason why you have extra pounds;

  • realize responsibility for the state of weight (the doctor will not lose weight for you!);

  • correctly and specifically formulate their goals, taking into account the long-term perspective.

Kovalkov's diet credo: everyone has a chance to become healthy and slim without arranging executions for themselves. The main thing is to accept the mechanism of weight loss, and awareness of the benefits for the body will become the main motivation. Most diets and "magic" methods, like fat burning pills, star exercises, or gold needles in your ear, suggest that something outside of you will take care of your harmony. The Kovalkov diet places the responsibility for what is happening on the person who is losing weight. And, if you take this approach, the result of the Kovalkov diet is not long in coming.

Kovalkov's diet: it's better to see once...

Don't be a victim of a "compressed spring"

Dr. Kovalkov has compiled a professional diet, following which, you can influence the entire set of body systems in a complex and gradually. Only constant work on oneself allows one to lose weight and maintain a normal weight without compromising health, and the Russian nutritionist proved this by his own example. The main task that the Kovalkov diet sets for itself is to help cope with food addiction (and, first of all, with addiction to sweets), and not overweight. It will go away on its own when you start eating what you need, in the right amount and at the right time.

Benefits of the Kovalkov diet:

  • lack of fanatical accounting for the number of calories consumed;

  • a healthy balanced diet, taking into account the necessary proportions of proteins, fats and carbohydrates;

  • the ability to independently choose food and make the right diet;

  • no need to starve and constantly restrict yourself in nutrition (with consistent observance of the stages of the diet).

The purpose of the technique is to change the metabolism, and this is an individual process, which is dangerous to spur, otherwise there is a risk of becoming a victim of the “compressed spring effect” and getting back the lost weight too quickly. The doctor does not name specific dates, but promises: if the Kovalkov diet is followed, weight loss is a matter of time. The main thing is to keep your distance!

Have you decided to lose weight according to the Kovalkov method on your own? Before you start a new life without annoying extra kilos, go through at least the simplest examination at the clinic. In the event that you suffer from serious and chronic diseases, refrain from dieting and consult a doctor. It is also highly recommended not to fight for a slim figure without the full-time support of a specialist if your excess weight exceeds 30 kg.

Stages of the Kovalkov diet

The author divided his methodology into three conditional stages: preparatory, main and supporting. Each of them provides a special nutrition plan. In addition to changes in the menu, losing weight is waiting for tangible changes in the dynamics of life: the Kovalkov diet pays great attention to aerobic exercise in the form of walking. And at the decisive stage of following the methodology, when metabolic changes are already in full swing, and the body is capable of new achievements, strength is added to aerobic loads.

The nutritionist is sure that it is regular activity in the form of simple walking that provides the optimal load on the body's systems, without causing, at the same time, discomfort from sudden changes in lifestyle. Indeed, if a visit to the gym for many of us becomes a whole enterprise, which takes a long time to prepare and which is so easy to miss to just walk, no special preparation or expenses are required.

A little more about each stage of Dr. Kovalkov's methodology:

  • 1 The preparatory stage of the Kovalkov diet. Lasts 2-4 weeks. Losing weight is faced with the task during this time to learn how to walk as much as possible during the day and unlearn the main evil of modern gastronomy - “fast carbohydrates”. These include fast food, flour, confectionery, snacks, sweet soda, in a word, everything that makes the pancreas instantly release insulin. Simultaneously with parting with "sweets", during the preparatory stage, a gentle cleaning of the gastrointestinal tract and the normalization of its work are performed. This effect is ensured by the restoration of favorable microflora. The purpose of the first stage of the Kovalkov diet is to prepare the gastrointestinal tract for the absorption of the maximum amount of protein. The vast majority of those who lose weight at this stage are encouraged by a good result, losing about five kilograms in a set 2-4 weeks.
  • 2 Main stage. At this stage, in addition to active walking, strength exercises are gradually introduced: weight is steadily reduced, and the work of body systems continues to normalize. The food restrictions are not as strict as in the preparatory phase, the portions are quite large, and the main goal is to teach the body to benefit and enjoy the right foods in the right combination. It takes 100-200 grams per day, and the stage is considered completed when you reach your normal weight (you will find the formula for calculating this indicator below).
  • 3 The final stage of the Kovalkov diet. This stage lasts 12-18 months. During this time, the body gets used to the new way of life and "fixes" in the role of a slender, toned body. Strength training is no longer necessary, but pedometer-guided walking continues to play an important role. Nutrition is based on the principle of observing a few simple rules for combining products.

"What would you like to eat to lose weight?" Favorite products:

The first stage on the Kovalkov diet: the right start

Each of the stages of the diet according to the Kovalkov method has its own approach to the menu. At any stage, vegetables are eaten raw or as a salad whenever possible, meat and fish are boiled, steamed or baked. Grains are steamed with boiling water. From allowed products, you can make mashed potatoes, soup, stews - there are no restrictions in the form of serving. You can give free rein to culinary fantasy, remembering, however, that fried food is under the expected ban and it is necessary to refrain from canned food, deep-fried food, fast food and convenience foods.

At the first stage of the Kovalkov diet the consumption of animal protein (both meat and poultry, fish) is excluded, and foods with a glycemic index (GI) above 60 also leave the diet. Sweets, baked goods, white rice, beets, potatoes, pasta, for example, have a high glycemic index, carrot.

At this stage, preference is given to vegetables with low GI, legumes, minimally processed grain products. You can eat egg whites (it is recommended to eat the whites of two eggs before going to bed), nuts (pine nuts, almonds, walnuts - you definitely need to eat a handful for breakfast), dairy products, cheese (brynza, Adyghe). It is important to carefully control the consumption of fats, but you cannot completely refuse them, limiting the daily "dose" at around 30 g.

Bran plays an extremely important role on the stage of the first stage of Dr. Kovalkov's methodology. The consumption of bran at this stage of the diet should be gradually increased, bringing it up to 100 g per day and always drinking water or a sour-milk drink. Bran by the way - an excellent means of combating hunger!

Strong alcohol and beer are excluded from the diet (if the Kovalkov diet is followed, dry red wine is allowed, but not more than 250 ml and only for dinner), honey, chocolate, dried fruits. From fruits, the author of the diet especially advises to "lean" on apples - their use helps cleanse the intestines. However, keep in mind that fruits are best consumed in the morning, as they contain some sugar.

During the initial period (2-4 weeks), eat small meals five times a day. Portion size is an individual matter. Choose the amount of food so that you do not experience hunger, but you should not feast. Please note that lunch in the usual sense and at the usual time is excluded at the first stage. Remember to drink at least 4-5 glasses of plain water. A mandatory addition is walking at a pace that is comfortable for you, but certainly daily.

The first stage of the Kovalkov diet is not in vain considered the most difficult: many are faced with a “withdrawal syndrome” of fast carbohydrates and animal proteins, experiencing real “withdrawal”. In the early days, fatigue and irritability are not uncommon, even poor sleep - this is due to the fact that the concentration of fats and their decay products in the blood goes off scale. To smooth out these unpleasant side effects, the developer recommends being in the sun more often and taking L-carnitine, which helps burn muscle fat with increasing aerobic exercise (during the preparatory phase, it is important to gradually increase the amount of time spent on your feet, trying to reach the indicator in 4 weeks). 16 thousand steps per day).

The second stage of the Kovalkov diet: weight loss tricks

The second stage of the Kovalkov diet when observed in his clinic, it is calculated individually, depending on how the body reacted to the first stage. The menu is made according to the same principle. At this time, metabolic processes change intensively. Separately, it should be said that women should “guess” the entry into this stage from the second (progesterone) phase of the menstrual cycle.

During the beginning of this stage, it is important to immediately begin to accustom yourself to a clear daily routine that you plan on your own, depending on employment and temperament (but the time for eating, walking and resting should coincide from day to day). And at first it is important to save strength, carefully treating the metabolic restructuring of the body. Meals are still five, but they are redistributed - you have lunch again!

Of the products in the diet, cabbage, cucumbers, radishes, onions, garlic, spinach, parsley, lettuce, apples and pears, citrus fruits (especially grapefruits), blackberries, viburnum, mountain ash, blueberries and lingonberries, pine and walnuts, almonds must be present , low-fat dairy products. For breakfast, you can eat buckwheat groats with bran and almonds crushed in a coffee grinder (2 tbsp of groats per 1 cup of kefir).

Gradually, servings of protein are introduced into the lunch menu in the form of low-fat cottage cheese, lean beef, veal, white meat of chicken and turkey, fish (seafood should be consumed at least 2 times a week), seafood. For breakfast, you continue to necessarily eat a handful of nuts, and before going to bed - two proteins (not two eggs!). Now you have entered the main, "cruising" regimen of the Kovalkov diet. Protein intake at this stage should not be less than 70 g per day (how to calculate the optimal amount of protein for yourself, see below), it is recommended to eat meat food with vegetables, and, for example, fish with cottage cheese.

The second stage of Dr. Kovalkov's diet, consisting of two stages, is the main one in his methodology. Its duration is individual and can range from several months to a year or even more. At this time, you, in fact, teach your body to live by the new rules and achieve normal weight. To find out for yourself this indicator, use the Brock formula.

Calculation of normal weight according to Broca's formula

Normosthenic type(proportional chest). The normal weight is:

  • growth minus 100 with growth up to 165 cm,
  • height minus 105 with a height of 166-175 cm,
  • height minus 110 with a height of more than 175 cm.

Asthenic type(narrow chest) minus 10% of the resulting figure.

Hypersthenic type(wide chest) plus 10% to the resulting figure.

Individual calculation of the amount of protein per day for the second stage of the Kovalkov diet: Normal weight X (multiply) 1 g - (minus) 15%.

Following the menu of the second stage of the Kovalkov diet, follow the arrow of the scales - when you have 10% of your excess weight left, start dosed power loads in the walking company. With the start of training, cereal porridges are included in the menu.

The second stage: weight loss incentive - loading days!

During the second stage, the weight is reduced slowly. If he is “stuck” at one mark, it’s time to arrange a day that Kovalkov calls “boot” - the amount of food is sharply increased by half, which “shakes up” the metabolism. On "boot" days, it is supposed to eat foods that are low in fat and high - slow carbohydrates and proteins (vegetables, cereals, high-fiber fruits). Also, don't forget the water. The frequency of "boot days" - once every 2-3 weeks.

Also, no more than once a month, if desired, you can spend "cleaning" rice or watermelon days. If you have a watermelon day - from morning to evening, eat only watermelons without limiting the amount eaten. Rice day, in fact, stretches for two days - during this time it is supposed to eat a pot of rice porridge prepared according to a special recipe:

  • Boil 230 g of brown rice, constantly adding water, until completely boiled. Add a glass of finely chopped dried apricots, a little salt, spices (for example, curry), mix thoroughly. Enjoy your meal! During the rice day, you can drink water without restrictions and green tea.

The third, final stage of the Kovalkov diet

It is assumed that by this time, losing weight (more precisely, losing weight) has already become sufficiently acquainted with his body, realized his comfortable weight and learned to live in a “new” body and negotiate with it. Dr. Kovalkov deliberately does not give his readers precise instructions about the menu, limiting himself to recommendations and their explanation: it is assumed that, knowing the basic mechanisms, a person will make himself a healthy and varied diet.

At the third stage the task is carried out with the help of a properly selected diet and an easy, but constant aerobic exercise, to maintain the desired weight over the next 2-3 years, so the basic rules learned during the second stage continue to operate.

The list of products at the final stage of the Kovalkov diet is gradually expanding, but their glycemic index and the amount of fat, protein and carbohydrates are still under control. Portions can also become larger, and it is important to make all changes extremely smoothly, gradually returning already forgotten ones to the diet, for example, butter and baked potatoes. Unless, of course, you want to - many of those who have experienced the effect of the Kovalkov diet admit that food addictions change once and for all. And they easily walk several kilometers a day. Simply because they have lost the habit of buns and are accustomed to walking.

What and how to drink on the Kovalkov diet

High-quality drinking water stands on an imaginary pedestal in Dr. Kovalkov's nutrition system. The restructuring of the metabolic processes of the body, even a gradual and thoughtful one, becomes a serious burden. If you drink enough and, most importantly, in constant doses, toxins, salts and metabolic products are excreted without problems. In addition, by providing a load on the kidneys, water activates the production of adrenaline by the adrenal glands, and this hormone speeds up the metabolism.

How much to drink on the Kovalkov diet? The doctor himself recommends the following: always keep a bottle of clean water on hand, wrapped in a bright strip of colored tape. As soon as your eyes fall on the bottle, take at least a sip. The main thing in drinking is uniformity, not quantity. And to find out how much water your body needs per day, divide your weight in half. The resulting value is approximately the required volume of water in ounces (1 ounce - 30 ml).

You need to drink water before meals, and not after - so it will not “carry away” gastric juices and will not change their concentration. The older the person and the more problems he has with the gastrointestinal tract, the longer the pause between drinking and eating should be (up to 30 minutes before meals and up to an hour and a half after).

To combat the feeling of hunger, which suddenly arose inopportunely, when the planned meal is still far away, Dr. Kovalkov recommends using not any water, but alkaline (small or medium mineralization). Such water reduces appetite, relieves acute hunger and allows you to get enough with less food.

And be careful with the water temperature! Cold water not only threatens with a sore throat, but also exacerbates the feeling of hunger: it is impossible to get enough of a meal with an ice drink (fast food chains are aware of this and put this mechanism to their service).

When following the Kovalkov diet, you can also drink green tea - up to 4 cups a day, without sugar. Coffee is also not prohibited, but only without sugar and in reasonable quantities.
