The best phosphate-free washing powders for adults and children. Which baby washing powder is better to choose

Very often, hostesses share their opinions on forums about washing powders. One of the disadvantages of washing powders for a machine is a pungent smell. Most people do not like this smell, and some even cause allergies. Therefore, it becomes necessary to look for a powder that does not have a smell. We will try to find such powders, analyze their advantages and disadvantages.

Pay attention to composition

When buying an odorless washing powder, first of all, you need to pay attention not to the brand and manufacturer, but to its composition. The list of substances included in the detergent, as a rule, is written in small letters on the back of the package. Feel free to read everything in full, especially if you are looking for an unflavoured powder. Various reasons can force you to look for such a powder, for example:

  • pregnancy or the birth of a child, you try to protect the baby as much as possible from harmful chemicals and odors;
  • allergies or severe itching of the skin;
  • do not like the sharp smells of chemicals that do not disappear for a long time;
  • Pets have allergies and sneeze.

Whatever makes you give up your regular washing powder, you will have to try to find the one that suits you. So, to understand that the powder does not smell until you wash the clothes with it is quite difficult. But, nevertheless, you can eliminate all pungent odors and flavors if you turn to its composition.

The composition should not contain aggressive flavors, pronounced fragrances. Most often, eco-friendly and hypoallergenic powders have this composition, but not all.

Advantages and disadvantages

Laundry detergents have a number of advantages over conventional powders. Here are the pluses:

  • do not contain synthetic aromatic substances that cause allergies;
  • most powders contain natural ingredients;
  • they can be used both for washing adult clothes and for washing children's clothes;

    If enzymes are present in the composition, then it is forbidden to wash wool products.

  • work mainly at a temperature of 40-65 degrees;
  • are economically spent, as they are most often concentrated.

The disadvantage of such powders is that the price for one pack, despite the economical consumption, seems to many to be too high. Not everyone can afford to buy such funds. In addition, due to the absence of phosphates in the composition, and sometimes enzymes, the powder does not remove all contaminants as effectively as we would like.

Overview of funds

Pure Water is a Russian-made odorless powder. Indeed, there are no fragrances in its composition, only zeolites, coconut oil salts, baking soda, sodium citrate, citric acid and sodium metasilicate are present. Such a mixture has practically no smell, but there is a distant smell of clay, perhaps this is the smell of not entirely safe zeolites, but, fortunately, it is barely perceptible.

Bio Mio is another powder from a Russian manufacturer. It also does not contain any fragrances, and therefore it does not have a pungent odor. You can see the full composition in the photo below. Washing with such a powder is liked by many housewives who have tried it. This product is concentrated and is used sparingly.

Ecover - laundry detergent made in Belgium, does not contain substances from petroleum products. The composition of the powder is environmentally friendly and suitable for washing things from any fabric, with the exception of wool. It is impossible to say that this powder does not smell, but this smell is barely perceptible, unsharp. The powder copes well with pollution.

Babyline is an odorless baby powder and all thanks to its natural composition. The powder is made in Germany. This tool gently affects the fabric, rinses well. However, it does not always cope with complex pollution, this is its minus.

LV is a Finnish detergent for washing in an automatic machine. The powder has an eco-friendly composition, which includes only three components, most importantly, there are no fragrances and flavors. There is no smell from the powder either before washing or after. Many users like the convenient packaging for pouring the powder.

Klar is a soap nut powder from Germany. The tool more effectively copes with pollution at high temperatures. Linen after washing does not smell of anything, because it does not contain fragrances.

Note! We have considered a lot of powders from different manufacturers, for example, Burtii, Dalli, Eared nannies. Unfortunately, they contain fragrances.

As you can see, even eco-friendly and hypoallergenic powders can smell. It all depends on the composition, which should not contain aromatic fragrances. As for well-known products such as Tide, Persil, Ariel, etc. they contain such substances, and therefore many of these powders have long been abandoned. But the choice is yours, you decide whether you like this or that smell or not.

Phosphate-free washing powder is an environmentally friendly product that does not contain harmful surfactants, phosphates, phosphonates and zeolites. The composition of the phosphate-free powder is based on natural soap. There are a lot of popular brands on the consumer market that offer environmental powders, but still, in order to protect yourself and your family, you should understand all the nuances of the topic.

Popular brands

The most popular brands of phosphate-free or phosphate-containing powders that manufacturers want to list as phosphate-free are:


Ukrainian products. Galinka products are hypoallergenic and dermatologically tested. The product does not contain synthetic dyes and has no smell. Suitable powder for washing clothes of newborns. The product is universal, used for hand and machine washing.

amway baby

American made tool. All cosmetic and chemical products of this company are expensive, but carry the highest guarantee of quality. The composition of the powder includes active oxygen and natural enzymes. The product is completely hypoallergenic and odorless. It comes in the form of a liquid concentrate, which must be diluted before washing in boiling water. For the convenience of consumers, each package has a measuring container.


Made in Germany. Phosphate-free powder with microgranule technology. The product is suitable for washing white and colored clothes, it washes stains well. The fabric after washing becomes soft, acquires a pleasant aroma, knitted things do not cough. The powder can be used for any type of washing, the main thing is to strictly follow the recommendations for dosage, which are indicated on the packaging of the product.


Powder brand Karapuz, in the composition does not have phosphates, they are replaced by non-harmful silicates. The main component in the composition of the powder is palm soap. Due to this soap, the powder lathers strongly during washing and washes even dried complex stains. Palm oil is great at softening the fabric. The product has no pungent odor. Suitable for washing children's clothes.


Made in Germany. Expensive powder, which is of high quality. The powder contains phosphonates instead of phosphates. These components act as "passive" phosphates. The powder perfectly washes all types of fabrics without damaging them.

You can use powder for washing children's clothes if the child is not prone to allergic reactions.

Denis for children

Powder made in Russia. The composition of the powder is dominated by biological surfactants, oxygen-containing bleach, cotton extract, natural soap, enzymes and fragrance. The powder does not have a pronounced sugary odor. Powder universal for all types of washing. Affordable.

Dermatologically tested and recommended by the Pediatric Association for washing children's clothes.


Powder made in Russia. In terms of washing capabilities, the powder is at a high level, but it is recognized as toxic. It contains a very large amount of anionic and nonionic surfactants, which remain in high concentration in water and on fabrics even after rinsing. Also, the powder has a very strong unpleasant odor.

After using the powder, the likelihood of developing skin dermatitis is high. It is not recommended to use powder for washing children's clothes.

our mother

Powder made in Russia. Children's soap powder in the form of large powder shavings. Means for automatic washing of things is intended. For ease of use, it is worth diluting the chips in a small amount of water, and then pouring it into the washing machine as a liquid concentrate. The product contains only natural soap, biologically surfactant and oxygen-containing enzymes.

The powder is non-toxic, it can even be used to wash things for newborns.


Powder made in Russia. Despite the fact that it belongs to the category of phosphate-free powders, phosphates are 25%. The rest of the composition is occupied by natural baby soap.

The powder hardly dissolves in water, does not wash clothes well, and does not rinse out of the fabric. Also, the product has a pungent unpleasant odor. The powder should not be used for washing children's things and for allergy sufferers.

Klar Eco Sensitive

Powder made in Germany. The product contains soap nuts, vegetable oil soap, oxygen-containing bleach, soda, sugar surfactants, citric acid, salt, rice starch. The powder washes white things perfectly. Do not use high temperature water for washing colored fabrics. The powder is relatively expensive.

The powder has been tested and approved by the Asthma and Allergy Association.

Ecover Zero

Powder made in Belgium. The product contains only biological surfactants. The powder does not contain prohibited and harmful chemical components. The product is suitable for hand and machine washing. There are no exceptions for washing fabric structures or colors. The powder is expensive, but very high concentration. Powder consumption for a single wash is minimal.

organic natural

Powder made in Russia. The powder contains natural baby soap, soda, citric acid, salts of fatty acids. The powder is completely environmentally friendly. The powder is suitable for any washing and for any fabrics.

The manufacturer has an Eco-certificate of the Ministry of Natural Resources and Ecology of the Russian Federation. The tool can be used by allergy sufferers, children and people with sensitive skin without fear.

waschkonig universal

Powder made in Germany. The powder contains biologically active and oxygen-containing components, silicates, enzymes, defoamers and flavors. The powder is very economical. The product perfectly copes with complex stains even at low water temperatures.

The powder has a quality mark according to the European standard, and is relatively expensive. The product does not cause allergic reactions, it is completely safe for washing children's things.


Expensive concentrate. The powder contains only natural soap and oxygen-containing components. The powder is very economical, a minimum of costs is required for one wash. The product is suitable for hand washing and machine washing. The powder perfectly copes with any pollution, washes even in cold water. There are no restrictions on the use of powder in relation to various fabrics and colors. There is a smell, but not caustic and almost completely disappears after rinsing. The powder is hypoallergenic, suitable for washing children's clothes.


Powder made in Germany. The powder is intended for washing colored laundry in the automatic machine. The powder is eco-friendly, but contains zeolites. These components are no less harmful than phosphates. The harmfulness of the component is interrupted by the benefits of palm oil and cotton extract.

Sodasan Ecological

Powder made in Germany. The powder contains natural soap based on meadow herbs, citric acid salt, natural essential oils, natural minerals. The composition of the product does not contain components of animal origin. Also free of phosphates, phosphonates and silicates. Ideal for washing children's clothes and allergy sufferers. The price of the powder is medium high.

The manufacturing company has certificates confirming the quality of the powder according to European standards.


Powder French production. The powder contains natural essential oils, Alepsa vegetable soap, enzymes, oxygen-containing substances, biological surfactants. The product is suitable for all types of washings and fabrics. The substance is highly concentrated, this prolongs its life. At the level of phosphate-free powders, this brand belongs to expensive and branded ones.

Mako Clean

Powder made in Russia. The product is safe and environmentally friendly. The powder contains biological surfactants, enzymes, natural soap crumbs, defoamer, soda ash. The product is intended for washing white fabrics. The powder is odorless. Perfect for washing clothes of children and allergy sufferers.

What are phosphates and surfactants

Most washing powders contain the main harmful components:

  • Phosphates- this is a combination of phosphorus salts with metals. Such substances dissolve very quickly in water, make it soft and enhance the effect of the active substances of the powder. Harmful to health and the environment.
  • surfactant- surfactants, which accelerate the process of dissolution of active chemicals in water. Surfactants help wash stains out of the fabric, they dissolve paint and grease. There are biological (natural) surfactants that are not harmful to health and chemical surfactants are hazardous elements.
  • Phosphonates These are compounds that are substitutes for harmful phosphates. The principle of harmful effects from replacing phosphates with phosphonates is not reduced.
  • Zeolites− hazardous components of the powder, sodium aluminosilicates, which cause allergic skin reactions by destroying the protective fatty layer of the skin.

The harmful effects of phosphates on the body

Phosphates and surfactants in the composition of powders have a negative effect on the body:

  • destroy the upper fatty layer of the skin, thereby reducing its protective functions (the level of pH balance decreases, the level of amino acids and lipids decreases);
  • heavy metals and toxins enter the body through the skin;
  • through the skin, phosphates penetrate into the blood (changing the level of hemoglobin, protein; breaking the structure of the blood);
  • disrupt the metabolism after the penetration of phosphates into the internal organs;
  • develop internal diseases, exacerbate chronic internal pathologies;
  • in case of phosphate poisoning, there is a possibility of developing cancer and infertility;
  • provoke the occurrence of allergic rashes, dermatitis;
  • violate the structure of internal tissues and cells;
  • reduce immunity.

Composition of phosphate-free powders

If the powder is really phosphate-free, then on the packaging in the composition you can find nothing more than the following components:

  • biological surfactants;
  • natural, baby, vegetable or laundry soap;
  • essential natural oils;
  • lemon acid;
  • soda ash or food;
  • salt;
  • defoamer;
  • oxygenated bleach;
  • enzymes;
  • rice starch;
  • salts of fatty acids;
  • sugar surfactants.

Why you should use phosphate-free powders

Phosphate-free powders should be used:

  • to guarantee the health of all family members;
  • for washing children's things from the first days of life of newborns;
  • hand washing reduces the risk of skin allergies;
  • phosphate-free washing powder does not harm the environment;
  • for washing with phosphate-free powder there are no restrictions on the type of washing and the type of fabric;
  • powder economy, since most brands develop concentrate powders;
  • phosphate-free powders can wash out the phosphates of previous powders from fabrics by soaking.

As part of such funds there are no components that can cause an allergic reaction, irritation or rash. An alternative to phosphates is natural additives.

Composition of washing powders. What are phosphates and surfactants?

In 90% of cases, the composition of the product includes:

  • Surfactants (surfactants)- the main detergent component. It is he who corrodes dirt and eliminates stains. Safe concentration in the composition of the powder is 15% (allergy, skin irritation does not occur). The more surfactants, the better the process of cleaning pollution.
  • Phosphates (phosphonates)- minerals that provide softness to water, increase the activity of surfactants.
  • Zeolites- mineral substances that accelerate the exchange of ions in liquid media (water, solutions of detergent compositions). They can make up 1/3 of the total volume of the package.
  • Fragrances and fragrances - additional components, give a pleasant smell, refresh clothes).


The danger of surfactants and phosphates for humans

It is recommended to use a phosphate-free laundry detergent with a surfactant content of 5-6% (the manufacturer indicates the amount on the package). In this case, the risk of negative impact will be minimized.

What are dangerous surfactants:

  • destroy the protective layer of the skin of the hands;
  • cause itching and irritation of the skin;
  • harm the environment.

Phosphates are hard water softeners. The content of the component in the amount of 5% is considered safe. Using ordinary powders, it is recommended to rinse clothes 5-6 times in running hot water. Hand washing is carried out in rubber gloves.

What dangerous effects on health can phosphates have, what do they provoke:

  • poisoning (40% of cases);
  • violation of the functionality of the kidneys;
  • liver disease;
  • activation of cancer cells;
  • violation of the pH of the skin;
  • dermatitis (in 70% of cases - in children);
  • change in the protein content in the blood;
  • deterioration in blood clotting.

Safe reagents for babies

Children's products for removing dirt and stains should have a content of phosphates and surfactants close to zero.

Powder Criteria:

  • aromatic additives are obtained from natural natural components (fruits, flowers);
  • the fabric-cleaning bleach is hydrogen peroxide;
  • the presence of inscriptions indicating the age group on the packages (newborns, children under 3 years old);
  • hypoallergenicity.

Attention ! Indicates that no phosphate salt is present, designation Phospho-NOT. When washing children's clothes, it is forbidden to add separately softeners, balms for linen.

Benefits of Phosphate Free Powders

Washing powders without surfactants and phosphates have the following advantages:

  • suitable for washing baby clothes;
  • after washing, the item retains its structure (does not stretch, does not become visually thinner, does not lose its strength indicators);
  • a qualitative result is possible in a fast mode (10-15 minutes);
  • have a pleasant smell without chemical notes;
  • do not cause an allergic reaction (urticaria, dermatitis, etc.);
  • environmentally friendly, safe for human health;
  • do not accumulate in the fibers of the fabric (there are no stains and white spots after the washing and rinsing cycle);
  • have an antibacterial effect;
  • carefully bleached (the structure of natural fabrics is preserved);
  • less consumption than conventional powders.

Eco-producers of phosphate-free chemicals

You can choose high-quality phosphate-free powder from the following manufacturers and brands:

  • Attack (BioEX and Multi-Action series) - Japan;
  • BioMio (for color and white) - Denmark, Russia;
  • Burti Color (delicate items can be washed) - Germany;
  • Dalli Wohlfuhl (a series of products with a pleasant floral scent) - Germany;
  • Dr. Frank (universal powder) - Germany;
  • Ecover (containing biosurfactants) - Belgium.

100% pollution is eliminated, it is also possible to get rid of unpleasant odors and bacteria. The use of a phosphate-free laundry detergent is recommended at all times.

Rating of safe funds

Below is the top 5 safe products from different manufacturing countries:

  1. makoClean (Russia)- the composition includes soap (crumb) and soda ash. Suitable for washing children's clothes, does not cause allergic reactions.
  2. Ecover (Belgium)- contains biosurfactants, economically consumed. Suitable for all types of clothing, including delicate and natural fabrics.
  3. Ecodoo (France)- No. 1 remedy for removing complex contaminants, the stain disappears after the first wash. The composition includes essential oils (chamomile, rosemary). Soap based on olive oil and laurel oil softens the water. You can wash any clothes. Good performance on all types of washing in the machine.
  4. BioMio Color- based on surfactants, zeolites, cotton extract, palm oil. Not recommended for washing woolen items. Baby need to rinse 3-4 times.
  5. Klar EcoSensitivee(Germany) is used to wash white things (as part of oxygen bleach). If used for colored clothes, then the temperature should be up to 30 degrees. Provides soft action, does not destroy fabric.

When choosing a powder, you need to consider such indicators as:

  • cost per kg (on average varies from 150 to 300 rubles);
  • frequency and duration of washings;
  • the main directions (getting rid of the smell, removing difficult stains).

Softening of water and clothes is provided by the rice starch included in the composition. If washing in 90% of cases is carried out at low temperatures (30-40 degrees), it is recommended to give preference to powders that contain enzymes. They are good at removing old dirt.

Baby laundry detergents

Particular attention is paid to children's washing powders, as the skin of babies is the most sensitive and susceptible to harmful components.

The presence of phosphates will provoke allergies in newborns in 90% of cases. That is why production is aimed at ensuring that the amount of phosphates is kept to a minimum.

Basic requirements for washing compositions for children:

  • compliance with standards for surfactants (no more than 5%);
  • the ability of the components to be 100% washed out of the fibers when rinsing (all types of fabrics and materials);
  • lack of synthetic flavors;
  • powder color - white without inclusions.

Dirt and stains must be removed from clothes and other things completely the first time.

Fabric damage is unacceptable. The best baby powders according to reviews of Russian mothers:

  • "Our mother" (Russia);
  • "Aistenok" (Russia);
  • "Eared nanny" (Russia) - available with a bleaching effect and for colored things;
  • "Karapuz" (Russia);
  • Burti Hygiene (Germany);
  • Amway baby (USA).

It is important to remember that even when using baby powders in 20% of cases, irritation or allergies may occur on the baby's skin - this is due to the individual characteristics of the organism.

It is required to carefully study the composition before use and rinse at least 2 times.


Research data suggests that phosphate-free, low-surfactant laundry detergent is the safest.

The eco-base avoids health problems and protects the environment, as it does not harm the environment. Phosphate-free products do not require pre-soaking and boiling.

Parents prepare in advance for the birth of a baby in the family, acquiring the necessary things: wardrobe items, a crib, bed linen, a stroller, and personal hygiene products. It is very important to choose the right washing powder for baby clothes. An incorrectly selected remedy often causes a number of serious diseases and allergic reactions. Therefore, before making a purchase, experts recommend studying the products offered by the manufacturer and choosing the best washing powder for newborns. This can be done by taking the rating data as a basis and getting acquainted with the criteria for choosing this necessary tool.

The modern market offers a huge assortment of children's washing powder. It is very difficult to figure out which one is the best, this question often confuses parents. At the same time, each manufacturer claims that its products for babies and children of different ages are safe. When choosing funds, you need to look at the components that make up its composition. It should not contain aggressive substances:

  1. Phosphates. They are chemical compounds of sulfuric acid with various metals. Add them to the powder to soften the water. They are not completely washed out of the tissues, they can have a strong allergic effect on the body, reducing the baby's immunity.
  2. Zeolites and phosphonates is an alternative to phosphates. After washing, they make clothes rough.
  3. Surfactants (surfactants). They can enter the body of the crumbs through the respiratory tract and skin and cause serious harm to it. As a result, pathology of internal organs, metabolism, and skin diseases develop. If there is a lot of foam during washing, then the concentration of surfactant is exceeded.
  4. Bleachers. They serve to remove stains, and are optical and chemical. The former should not be present in baby powders, as they rinse out very poorly. The second with chlorine in the composition, they are also recommended to be avoided. The best powder contains hydrogen peroxide, which has antibacterial properties.

When buying baby powders, you must carefully study their composition. The packaging must indicate all the components included in the detergent. If they are not available, you should not take such a package. Also, you should not buy a powder that has a pronounced floral or pungent aroma, there are no inscriptions: “hypoallergenic”, “for newborns”.

Children under the age of three are strictly prohibited from using adult powders.

Consider the best washing powders that are included in the rating according to the portal.


Laundry detergent for newborns, as already found out, should be, first of all, safe. But you should also choose an effective tool that will help remove dirt and stains on children's things that appear on them repeatedly during the day. You can often hear from mommy: “I wash it, but the stains still remain.” Therefore, many are interested in what kind of powders are the best. Consider the TOP 8 of the best products offered by manufacturers.

According to pediatricians, this remedy is considered one of the best. It is hypoallergenic and does not cause side effects in babies.

True, some mothers complain that their children have redness and itching. But this, as doctors say, occurs in children with hypersensitivity of the skin.

Powder benefits:

  • affordable cost;
  • lack of phosphates;
  • good washing quality;
  • does not have a strong odor;
  • linen after washing is soft;
  • the presence in the package of a measuring cup and instructions for use;
  • retains color after washing, effectively removes stains.

Judging by the numerous comments left on the sites, we can conclude that in general this is a good tool. But some users note that it does not wash greasy stains well.

Prices: 41 - 430 rubles. depending on the packaging.

Prices on Laundry detergent Stork Stork magic whirlwind:

It is phosphate-free and contains natural ingredients: coconut and palm oil.

They are not capable of causing allergies, do not affect the skin negatively, regardless of whether things are washed in a typewriter or by hand.

  • the composition contains infusions of string and chamomile, which is very good for newborn babies with delicate sensitive skin;
  • the product is presented in the form of a concentrated liquid that does not cause allergies;
  • effectively removes dirt;
  • the product is enriched with silver ions, has antibacterial properties;
  • convenient packaging.

Before use, it is advised to add hot water to the concentrate, and then drain the solution into the drum if the process is carried out in an automatic machine or into a basin for hand washing. For some parents, this drawback is not significant, especially when you consider that many manufacturers advise doing this operation with many laundry detergents.

Prices: 105 - 1162 rubles. It depends on the amount of concentrate in the package.

Prices on Laundry detergent Our mother Baby soap:

In the production of the product, baby soap is used. Therefore, on the packaging you can see the inscription - soap powder.

It does not contain synthetic flavors, dyes and other substances, including phosphates.

The advantages of the products are as follows:

  • the cost is affordable for most consumers;
  • the powder is consumed sparingly;
  • has a pleasant smell of childhood;
  • has antibacterial properties, perfectly erases, without causing allergies and without overdrying hands.

Parents who have chosen the World of Childhood powder are advised to pour it in a small amount immediately into the drum, otherwise the product will foam. Washed things are soft, pleasant to the touch. Many mothers call this powder a miracle.

Prices: from 175 rubles.

Prices on Laundry detergent Mir detstva Children's:

4 Tobbi Kids

For a certain circle of buyers, this is the best washing powder for children.

It contains only completely harmless soda and laundry soap.

At first glance, beautiful bright packaging and the absence of phosphates attract. In addition, the powder has the following advantages:

  • the absence of fragrances, dyes and harmful chemicals in the composition of the product;
  • minimum, within acceptable limits, the content of surfactants;
  • acceptable cost;
  • no unpleasant odor;
  • safety, the powder does not have a negative effect on babies;
  • perfectly removes stains from drinks, purees, tea, fruits and other products, and dirt.

Disadvantages: not identified.

Prices: 50 - 403 rubles.

Prices on Washing powder Tobbi Kids 1-3:

5 Burti

This powder is made in Germany, the excellent quality of the products of this country is known all over the world. No exception was the means intended for washing wardrobe items. The baby powder from BURNUS GmbH, founded more than 180 years ago, has a lot of significant advantages:

  • high degree of washing efficiency;
  • well removes stains from baby food, paints, herbal and other contaminants;
  • washing is distinguished by delicacy and care;
  • there is no allergy from the powder, it does not dry the skin of the hands, it is completely safe;
  • economical spending;
  • it is made on the basis of natural soap, which ensures the softness of the laundry after the washing process;
  • non-aggressive composition, lack of phosphates;
  • good washing out of detergent from things, rinsing, while maintaining color shades, contributing to their restoration;
  • the presence of a pleasant smell.

Disadvantages: rather high cost.

Prices: 362 - 499 rubles.

Prices on Laundry detergent Burti Baby Compact:

6. Eared Nian

Many parents liked the detergent produced in the Northern Russian capital. Due to the high effectiveness of the powder, those who once tried Eared Nyan in action usually choose it for further use. The undoubted advantage is packaging in packages with different weights. The tool is anti-allergic, while it has a number of significant advantages:

  • perfectly washes all kinds of dirt, including stains;
  • has a pleasant smell;
  • well rinses wardrobe items;
  • can be washed by hand and machine;
  • clothes become softer after washing;
  • can be used for washing adult clothes, bed linen, towels.

The powder contains mild additives that contribute to the preservation of color shades.

Despite the fact that the product is popular, it contains sulfates, phosphates, perfume, so it is not recommended for newborns.

Prices: 62 - 1399 rubles.

Prices on Laundry detergent Ushasty Nyan For washing baby clothes:

This is another product from a German manufacturer that does not contain phosphates and surfactants. The basis of the powder is vegetable soap and safe additives, which allows it to be used when washing things for babies.

The advantages are as follows:

  • perfectly washes various pollution;
  • can be washed in water of varying degrees of hardness;
  • no smell;
  • economical spending of funds;
  • after washing, things do not lose their brightness, do not deform, the structure of the material does not change;
  • does not cause irritation and allergic reactions.

Sodasan Powder has been specially formulated for those with delicate, sensitive skin.

Cons: high cost.

Prices: 752 - 1005 rubles.

Prices on Laundry detergent SODASAN Comfort Sensitive:

This is the best baby laundry detergent for many parents. It dissolves perfectly without requiring additional stirring. Ideal for people with allergies. The product is sold in a colorful convenient packaging that is resistant to water. This indicator also matters. In addition, it has the following advantages:
can be washed by hand and in the machine;

  • no smell;
  • perfectly washes even old stains at any water temperature, preserving the color of clothes;
  • does not contain harmful chemical components;
  • economically spent;
  • has a protective effect against scale;

Cons: high cost.

Prices on Laundry detergent BabyLine for children based on natural soap:

Prices: 259 - 999 rubles.

We reviewed the rating of the best, according to experts and consumers, washing powders for children's clothes. Which one to choose - everyone decides for himself. There is always the opportunity to purchase a small package of funds and experiment.

Powder for baby clothes must meet a number of requirements: high-quality washing of traces of the child's vital activity, natural composition, absence of a pungent odor. Otherwise, you may encounter allergies. How to choose the very brand that you will have to stick to for months, or even years? Experts advise to focus on the following characteristics:

  1. Compound. Inadmissible components are phosphates, which reduce the body's immune resistance and destroy protective functions, as well as surface-active substances (surfactants) in excess of the accepted norm.
  2. Packing tightness. The loss of useful properties of the powder is possible due to a violation of the tightness of the pack.
  3. Delicacy care. Powder for newborns should not have a pronounced aroma. In addition, the agent should not form abundant foam.
  4. Manufacturer reputation. A manufacturer that cares about reputation invests not only in brand promotion, but also in preliminary research on product quality.
  5. Price. Washing baby clothes, especially at first, can occur daily, or even several times a day. Therefore, the difference in cost in this situation is "on the face."
  • characteristics (composition) of the powder;
  • cost (price-quality ratio);
  • user reviews;
  • recommendations of specialists (pediatricians, dermatologists).

The Best All-Purpose Washing Powders for Newborns

4 Stork

The lowest content of surfactants
Country Russia
Average price: 247 rubles.
Rating (2018): 4.6

Among the nominees of the rating, a good price is shown by the children's washing powder "Stork Magic Whirlwind". This is a universal product that is suitable for manual and automatic washing of cotton and synthetics. A distinctive feature of this powder for newborns is the smallest amount of surfactants - no more than 5% against the background of other drugs containing up to 15%. As for the non-ionic surfactant indicator, it is the standard 5%.

The composition indicates that the powder has bleach and enzymes - the necessary components for high-quality cleaning of things from dirt, but phosphates are completely absent in it, which is a big plus of the product. Buyers positively evaluate naturalness, emphasizing the safety of the composition, affordable cost and ease of use in reviews.

3 Eared babysitter

The most popular
Country Russia
Average price: 596 rubles.
Rating (2018): 4.7

According to a user survey, Eared Nanny is a bestseller among washing powders for baby clothes. The manufacturer's slogan "Because there is a child in the house" fully corresponds to the principles of the product - natural composition and high-quality cleaning of synthetics and cotton items. In particular, there is a content of bleach to remove yellow plaque from fabrics and enzymes designed to combat complex protein stains. The key characteristics from the point of view of safety comply with the standards: the content of surfactants is less than 15%, nonionic surfactants - less than 5%.

The hypoallergenic powder is suitable for newborns, as evidenced by the label on the package "From the first days of life." Baby clothes with this product can be washed both manually and in a typewriter. Most users prefer this powder, calling it the best in reviews due to the lack of fragrance, effective composition, high-quality rinsing, and inability to cause allergies.

2 Tokiko Japan

Very economical, keeps the color of things
Country: Japan
Average price: 370 rubles.
Rating (2018): 4.9

We put Tokiko Japan in one of the most worthy places with a special substance that can remove caustic stains. The powder has a slight antiseptic effect, things smell like flowers after washing. The agent softens the fabric, does not wash out the color, does not deform the fibers. There are many components in the composition, but there is nothing harmful or allergenic. It is safe for the delicate skin of the baby, completely rinsing out from the tissues. The manufacturer claims that the powder can be used without conditioner, things will still be soft.

Users say that the funds are enough for many months of regular washing. The manufacturer notes that 2 tablespoons of powder is enough for 5 kg of laundry. Given the price, the tool can be called very budget. The powder is sold in a nice box, but there is no measuring spoon. Enzymes even remove old dirt, coffee stains, traces of children's activities. Some customers don't like the scent, although most say it's pleasant.

1 Meine Liebe

Doctor approved, effective
Country: Germany
Average price: 200 rubles.
Rating (2018): 5.0

Opens the rating of the most worthy products for newborns Meine Liebe, designed for hand and automatic washing. The tool copes with stains even at low temperatures. The powder comes without phosphates, chlorine, dyes and fragrances. Linen does not cause irritation and redness on delicate skin. The product is perfectly rinsed, does not allow clothes to deform. The consumption of the composition is very economical, enough powder for a long time. The tool is recommended by dermatologists for children from the first days of life. A nice plus is the safety for the environment.

Buyers say that the linen has a very pleasant unobtrusive aroma. It is advised to buy an air conditioner from this manufacturer so that things are even softer. The stains are washed well, although there are no chemicals or bleach in the composition. Dirt leaves any kind of fabrics. There are no traces of powder on black things. The only inconvenience is that in small packages there is no measuring spoon or cup. And there is nowhere to put large boxes, as they are very wide. When falling, the contents will immediately spill out, there is no plug.

The best children's washing powder concentrates

4 Ecolife

Best for allergy sufferers and the most delicate skin
Country: Belgium
Average price: 1,200 rubles.
Rating (2018): 4.5

Opens the rating of Ecolife concentrates, created on an enzyme basis. This product is great for washing baby clothes with sensitive skin. The manufacturer claims that stains from food, tea, fat, wine and blood are removed from things. The composition does not contain fragrances, dyes and fluorine, and the particles of the agent are completely rinsed out of the fabric. As stated on the packaging, the dirt is separated from the item, so the fibers are not deformed. The consumption is very economical, 10 grams is enough for a full load (1 kg of powder in a can). Only this company has insured its product in Russia in IC "RESO-Garantiya" against causing harm to third parties.

Users note the absence of chemical odors, so the risk of respiratory irritation is minimal. The skin of the child does not react to the concentrate. The reviews say that clean things do not electrify, they are pleasant to touch. However, stains from branded food, especially from baby purees, are not cleared the first time. Parents recommend adding more powder when washing problematic items. This leads to a disadvantage: the product is very expensive, but it lasts for 2 months with an excess consumption. However, many are willing to spend more for the sake of security. The jar itself takes up very little space.

3 Garden Eco Kids

Odorless, natural ingredients
Country Russia
Average price: 350 rubles.
Rating (2018): 4.6

Garden Eco Kids is considered one of the most environmentally friendly baby products made from coconut and palm oil. Phosphate-, bleach-, fragrance- and chlorine-free formula safely cleans baby's belongings. Pleased with silver ions, known for their ability to kill germs and viruses, preventing the spread of infection. The concentrate is spent much more slowly than the powder, the funds are enough for several months. Garden Eco Kids can be used for any type of laundry at a temperature of 60°. The tool is considered very budgetary, since the expense is minimal. Pleased with a biodegradable composition that does not harm nature.

Buyers warn that the product is poorly washed out if the instructions are not followed. For example, the concentrate really does not like the quick wash mode. The temperature must be above 35 degrees. The composition contains soda, which means that over time, colored things may lose their brightness. If there was phosphate powder in the washing machine in the past, it must be thoroughly rinsed. Although the smell of chamomile is indicated on the box, it is not felt on the clothes.


Eco-friendly, suitable for all fabrics
Country Russia
Average price: 340 rubles.
Rating (2018): 4.7

In a worthy place, we put BioMio BIO-WHITE from a Danish manufacturer, created specifically for very sensitive skin. The product without phosphates, chlorine, essential oils and chemicals gently washes children's things. It contains soap-based ingredients that fight stains, while natural extracts make things softer. The product is suitable for washing both in a typewriter and by hand, the consistency does not irritate the skin. The manufacturer advises using the powder even for natural whimsical fabrics: cashmere, silk and wool. The kit comes with a handy scoop with divisions. It's nice to know that the drug does not harm the environment.

Buyers note the absence of smell, many like it. There is still a floral scent in the box, nothing remains on the clothes. The reviews emphasize the softness of things, although many still add air conditioning. They talk about the amazing ability to remove even old stains from coloring drinks. The only thing that confuses some buyers is the finicky of the laundry detergent. You need to carefully read the instructions and set the correct temperature. Otherwise, the powder will remain on clothes and in the machine.


Best quality natural ingredients. Biodegradable
Country: Germany
Average price: 930 rubles.
Rating (2018): 4.9

The best quality of natural ingredients is a nomination in the rating, which was awarded to Sodasan hypoallergenic washing powder for baby clothes. The first thing worth mentioning is the improved formula, enriched with organic herbal oil, silicates, protein polymer compounds, citrates. Phosphate free, fragrance free. It is a biodegradable product, which means almost natural composition, no harmful effects, easy rinsing.

The powder is intended for machine washing of children's clothes, including newborns. Users share positive feedback about the eco-friendly composition, unambiguously recommending it for purchase.

The best baby laundry detergents based on natural soap

4 Our mother

Natural composition, linen becomes soft
Country Russia
Average price: 130 rubles.
Rating (2018): 4.6

This category opens with soap from Our Mom, created on the basis of palm and coconut oil. It has one of the most natural compositions that do not cause allergic reactions. The product can be used in the machine and hand wash. First you need to dissolve the powder in water, and then pour it into a drum or bowl. The composition contains oxygen bleach, which cleans the fabric from stains and plaque. Colored clothes do not lose their brightness even after many washes. The product is completely rinsed out, does not dry and does not deform fabrics.

Customers talk about a pleasant, gentle fragrance that does not irritate or linger on clothes. The consistency of the soap is gel-like, soft. It is very slowly consumed, but foams little. At first it seems that it is poorly washed off, especially when compared with concentrates. A little depressing is the need to accurately measure the amount of funds. In case of an overdose, a soap film will remain on the fabric. Before use, the solution must be diluted with water, not everyone likes it.

3 Tobbi Kids

Preserves the structure of the fabric, washes gently
Country Russia
Average price: 70 rubles.
Rating (2018): 4.7

As part of this tool there is laundry soap and soda, which clean things. No phosphates, chlorine or chemicals. Only mild hypoallergenic surfactants without dyes and fragrances. The product is consumed slowly, washes clothes efficiently. The manufacturer has developed 3 lines designed for children of different ages. They differ in active ingredients that clean different types of dirt. Buyers warn that there is practically no foam, this is a feature of the soap. There is also no smell, for most this is a plus. Temperature instructions are given on the package.

The reviews say that the product does not clean up old stains immediately, it may not be able to cope with coloring substances. It is difficult to determine the dosage, there is no measuring cup. Having poured a little more, plaque will remain on the fabric. The tool is very dusty, and the excess sticks together in lumps (the soda in the composition is to blame). Therefore, you will first have to experiment with the dosage. But many people like a convenient pack with a special spout, the powder does not crumble. To clean stains from mashed potatoes, juices and cereals, it is recommended to look at other products.

2 Umka

The best soap powder from domestic
Country Russia
Average price: 389 rubles.
Rating (2018): 4.8

Umka children's washing powder based on natural soap is one of the best on the Russian market. Indicators of the content of surfactants correspond to generally accepted standards - no more than 15% of surfactants and no more than 5% of surfactants. The composition of the domestic powder does not contain phosphates, which unscrupulous manufacturers add to further soften the water.

The soap is completely suitable for washing clothes of newborns. On the package there is a mark indicating this - "0+". In the reviews, buyers share the advantages of this powder - it washes well, is suitable for various types of fabric, has no smell, and is economically consumed.

1 baby line

best stain remover powder
Country: Germany
Average price: 739 rubles.
Rating (2018): 4.9

BabyLine laundry detergent based on natural soap is one of the best for newborns. A distinctive feature in comparison with other nominees of the rating is the inclusion of an oxygen stain remover in the composition for better washing of specific contaminants from the life of a child. The manufacturer claims that the concentrate powder is enough for about 1.5 months - about 20 uses. And most importantly - customer reviews about the cost-effectiveness of the product confirm this.

Washing powder is suitable for all types of fabrics - cotton and synthetic, colored and light. The content of surfactants does not exceed the approved standards - up to 15% surfactants and up to 5% nonionic surfactants. Additional pluses are an activator of washing at low temperatures, as well as substances that prevent the formation of scale.

The best disinfectant baby laundry detergents

3 Nordland Laundry powder ECO

Multifunctional, long lasting
Country: Spain
Average price: 750 rubles.
Rating (2018): 4.5

Opens this category Nordland Laundry powder ECO without phosphates and artificial dyes, which is suitable for washing any fabrics except silk at a temperature of 30 to 90 degrees. The tool can be used for white and colored things, synthetic and natural fibers. It works great with children's outerwear. The manufacturer claims that the powder is rinsed out, does not leave marks on black linen, and does not smell. A pack of 1.8 kg is enough for several months. Pleasantly pleased with a measuring cup and detailed instructions with temperature conditions for each type of fabric. Unlike chemical bleaching powders, where the granules are blue, here they are gray and made from laundry soap.

Buyers warn that the solution foams very poorly, this is normal for its composition. However, they object that the consumption is not as economical as indicated on the packaging. It is noted that the tool may not cope with coloring matter without additional help, but most problems go away. Linen after washing becomes soft, conditioner is optional. However, it is difficult to find it in a regular store. It is important to observe the temperature regime specified in the instructions. Then the powder will cope with the greasy sleeves of a down jacket, and with the baby's soiled clothes.


Makes things soft, gently removes dirt
Country Russia
Average price: 130 rubles.
Rating (2018): 4.7

In second place, we put natural PURE WATER powder without dyes, flavors and chemical bleaches. It has an antiseptic effect, does not cause irritation. The manufacturer claims that the powder copes with any contamination on most fabrics. The tool is designed to preserve the appearance of clothes, maintain a bright color. The powder gently displaces dirt, so the fibers of the fabric do not lose their original quality. The product itself comes in a cute box with a cardboard dispenser and washing instructions. The main condition is that the water temperature is from 40 degrees, otherwise the powder will not wash out.

Users say that a pack of 800 grams is enough for several months, but silk and wool cannot be washed. Clean things do not smell of anything, do not irritate the child's respiratory tract. Contrary to the assurance of the manufacturer, the reviews complain about problems with washing juice, compote, fat and complementary foods. But with lighter tasks, the tool copes perfectly. The powder has an unusual consistency, more like soap shavings. It lathers surprisingly well and leaves things soft. Air conditioning is optional.

1 Burti Hygiene Plus

Excellent rinsing, prevents infections
Country: Germany
Average price: 750 rubles.
Rating (2018): 4.9

Closes the top three of the best Burti Hygiene Plus, designed to disinfect baby clothes. The manufacturer claims that the powder kills 99.9% of bacteria, infections and viruses. The product without phosphates and chemicals is safe for the child, it does not leave marks on the linen. With the right temperature, the powder is completely rinsed out. The packaging says that bleach returns things to their original color, does not deform them. The tool is recommended during the spread of infections, as it can also be used for cleaning rooms, toys. The manufacturer recommends disinfecting the drum of the machine. The price is quite high, but it is spent economically.

Buyers note that the powder washes things well, removing even old stains and dyes. The product has a slight fragrance, but it is not felt on the linen. I am glad that it can be used at low and high temperatures, wash any fabric. The manufacturer strongly advises using the drug for white linen, as the ingredients in the composition remove yellowness. One pack should be enough for 18 washes. There is no measuring cup inside, although for such a price I would like to see one.
