Magnesium B6 instructions for pregnant women. Magne B6 and pregnancy, why this element is so important

Pregnancy is an amazing experience for every woman. But this period is also the most responsible, since the body gives all its strength to the birth and bearing of a new life. Therefore, the question of a balanced intake of vitamins, minerals and other useful substances is in the first place. A poorly organized diet and an inadequate menu composition cause a deficiency of some elements, which leads to unsatisfactory well-being of a woman and complications during pregnancy. Often, along with vitamin complexes, pregnant women are prescribed Magnesium B6. As a rule, this is caused by increased uterine tone, threatened miscarriage and severe cramps in the limbs. When Magnesium B6 is indicated and why this drug is needed during pregnancy, we will consider in this article.

Magnesium is one of the most essential minerals for a pregnant woman. It regulates metabolic and enzymatic processes, "keeps" the nervous system in a stable state, preventing irritability and tearfulness, and also regulates sleep, provides stable muscle tone and maintains a normal pregnancy. But just getting magnesium from the outside is not enough. In order for the mineral to be able to penetrate into the cellular space and be completely absorbed, it needs a “companion” - pyridoxine (vitamin B6). This vitamin provides high activity and a sufficient concentration of magnesium in a woman's body, so it is the drug Magnesium B6 that has a positive effect during pregnancy. After all, it contains the optimal ratio of magnesium and pyridoxine.

On a note! The daily requirement of magnesium for women during the gestation period is approximately 300-350 mg.

Composition and forms of release

Magnesium B6 is a complex vitamin preparation, which is available in tablet form and as a solution in ampoules for oral administration.

Tablets are produced in a shell. Not intended to be chewed or crushed. Tablet composition: magnesium lactate 470 mg (equivalent to 48 mg magnesium), pyridoxine hydrochloride 5 mg, anhydrous lactose, talc, macrogol, magnesium stearate.

On a note! More often, the form Magnesium B6 is prescribed with a double dosage of active substances. Magnesium B6 Forte during pregnancy is more effective. The fact is that magnesium citrate (618 mg) is present in the composition, which is equivalent to 100 mg of magnesium and has a more stable digestibility in the body (about 90%).

The solution in ampoules is used only for oral administration. The contents of the ampoule must first be diluted in a glass of water. The composition of the ampoules (10 mg): magnesium lactate 186 mg, magnesium pidolate 936 mg (equivalent to 100 mg magnesium), vitamin B6 10 mg, E223, cherry caramel, purified water.

Interesting! About 70% of the total supply of magnesium is contained in human bone tissues, the rest is concentrated in muscle tissues.

Pharmacological properties

Magnesium is an intracellular cation that inhibits too active neuronal function, which reduces the conductivity of the neuromuscular system. This helps to reduce uterine tone, restore blood flow in the organs of the woman and the fetus, and stabilize the nervous state.

Pyridoxine hydrochloride after a series of oxidative reactions passes into the active vitamin form - pyridoxal phosphate. Pyridoxine and magnesium ensure the normal laying and development of all organs of the embryo, help a woman endure and safely give birth to a baby. Since these substances are not able to accumulate for the future, their regular intake is extremely important at all stages of gestation. The complex of magnesium and pyridoxine in Magnesium B6 during pregnancy helps the nervous system of the fetus develop normally if these elements are not supplied in the required ratio with food.

Do you know...
The concentration of magnesium in the blood less than 12 mg/l indicates a severe deficiency of the mineral - hypomagnesemia. The causes of this condition may be kidney disease, congenital pathology of metabolic metabolism, or an unbalanced diet.

The effectiveness of Magnesium B6 in the form of tablets during pregnancy in case of uterine hypertonicity is due to the ability of the drug to remove excess calcium from muscle tissues. Since it is calcium that provokes a violation of the tone, within a few days after the start of treatment, the woman calms down, the firmness of the abdomen disappears, and soreness in the uterine region decreases.

Indications for use

You can find out the features of taking Magnesium B6 during pregnancy and why this drug is prescribed by looking at the publicly available instructions. It clearly indicates the main indicator for the appointment of this vitamin complex. This is the symptomatic treatment of isolated or dependent magnesium deficiency. Such a diagnosis is made according to the symptomatic picture and the results of laboratory tests to determine the amount of magnesium in the blood serum.

You can suspect a chronic magnesium deficiency in a woman in an “interesting” position by the following symptoms:

  1. Hand tremor and nervousness.
  2. Sleep disturbance (short sleep, insomnia).
  3. Malfunctions in the work of the heart rhythm (tachycardia, bradycardia).
  4. Indigestion (diarrhea).
  5. Strong striae (stretch marks).
  6. Pain in the lower back and abdomen.
  7. Uterine hypertonicity and the risk of preterm birth.
  8. Cramps of the calf muscles.
  9. False contractions.
  10. Increase in blood pressure.
  11. Nervous tic of the face.
  12. Chronic stress or signs of depression.
  13. Spasms of the intestines, uterus, pancreas, gallbladder.

Important! The most severe complication caused by magnesium deficiency is eclampsia. This is the last stage of preeclampsia with high blood pressure, the risk of loss of consciousness and convulsions.

Magnesium B6: instructions for pregnancy

The decision to take magnesium B6 is made only in the office of the attending gynecologist after collecting the patient's complaints and test results that confirm hypomagnesemia. In case of a threatened miscarriage or premature birth, this drug is prescribed without prior diagnosis.

Magnesium deficiency at first affects only the woman's well-being. But when the reserve of magnesium in muscles and bone tissues is rapidly decreasing, and additional batches of the mineral do not come from food, the baby begins to experience magnesium deficiency. In such a situation, there is a pathology of the vascular network of the placenta, oxygen "hunger" of the fetus, various anomalies in development. In fact, the usual deficiency of one of the elements disrupts the normal course of pregnancy. Therefore, strict adherence to doctor's prescriptions is very important.

Magnesium B6: dosage and duration of therapy

Women are prescribed Magnesium B6 during pregnancy at a dosage according to the usual treatment regimen for magnesium deficiency. The standard intake system includes taking tablets three times a day, two tablets at a time, that is, 6 tablets per day. It is advisable to take the drug during meals. Of course, the dosage can vary depending on the degree of magnesium deficiency, both up and down. The average course of therapy is 3-4 weeks, but it is possible to take it during all three trimesters of pregnancy. Therefore, how to drink Magnesium B6 during pregnancy should be established only by a medical officer.

During lactation, intake is also possible, based on the recommended dosage of Vitamin B6 - no more than 20 mg / day. But there are no strict restrictions on the amount of magnesium intake. Therefore, if there are medical indications for prolonging therapy after childbirth, then there are no special contraindications.

Possible contraindications for use

Numerous studies do not confirm the obvious toxic effect of magnesium and pyridoxine on the development of the embryo and the health of the fetus in the future. Therefore, only the features of the female body can act as possible contraindications.
Possible contraindications:

  • Individual sensitivity to the components of the drug.
  • Chronic diarrhea.
  • Kidney diseases.
  • Phenylketonuria.
  • Hypervitaminosis pyridoxine.
  • Hypermagnesemia (excess magnesium).
  • Myasthenia gravis.
  • Diseases associated with lactose intolerance.
  • Taking levadopa, diuretics, or drugs that contain calcium salts.

Carefully! Sucrose is present in Magnesium B6, so it is up to the gynecologist together with the endocrinologist to decide how much to take Magnesium B6 during pregnancy, if a woman has diabetes mellitus.

Magnesium B6: use during pregnancy in the three trimesters

Magnesium B6 can be given throughout pregnancy, so the obvious question is how much to drink Magnesium B6 during pregnancy at different gestational ages. There is no fundamental difference in the regimen of taking the drug depending on the trimester. Only the reasons for the therapy differ.

Interesting! Complete replenishment of magnesium deficiency protects the skin of a woman in position from dryness, irritation and the appearance of stretch marks. It also makes the muscles more elastic, which helps to avoid tears.

Magnesium B6: use during pregnancy by trimesters:

  • In the first trimester, Magnesium B6 is used to preserve pregnancy, eliminate pain and increased uterine tone. In severe cases, intravenous magnesium is even practiced.
  • In the second trimester, a woman is overcome by doubts, anxieties and fears of a future birth. Often there are various intestinal disorders. Magnesium deficiency exacerbates these symptoms even more. In addition, the risk of abortion in the second trimester is also high.
  • In the third trimester, magnesium intake helps to “smooth out” the symptoms of preeclampsia: swelling, high blood pressure, night cramps.

Magnesium B6: what to replace?

Medicinal analogues of Magnesium B6 have the same effect on the body, but differ in the manufacturer, the percentage of active substances, the form of release, and, of course, the price.
Analogues of Magnesium B6 during pregnancy include: Magvit B6, Magnefar B6, Magne B6 +, Magne B6 premium, Magnikum, Beresh magnesium plus B6, Magnelis B6, Kormagnezin, Asparkam, Magnesol.
Even the identical composition of drugs cannot be the reason for the independent replacement of one drug with another. Alternative reception is possible only in agreement with the attending physician.

Advice! Magnesium B6 during pregnancy, according to reviews, is considered the most effective drug with high quality. But fakes of this popular vitamin complex often get into the pharmaceutical market environment. Therefore, purchase medicines only in trusted pharmacies with a good reputation.

Foods High in Magnesium and Vitamin B6

Despite the combination of magnesium and pyridoxine, the drug is absorbed in the intestine by no more than 50%, and the remainder is excreted by the kidneys. Therefore, the enrichment of the diet with foods high in magnesium is only welcome.

What foods should be included in the diet of pregnant women:

  • nuts (cashews, almonds, pine nuts);
  • seeds (sunflower, pumpkin);
  • wheat germ (unpeeled);
  • legumes;
  • leafy vegetables (spinach, arugula, cabbage, lettuce);
  • fennel;
  • fresh fruits (banana, grapes, kiwi) and dried fruits;
  • dairy;
  • mineral water enriched with magnesium salts.

It is possible and necessary to eliminate the lack of magnesium during the period of bearing a baby with the help of Magnesium B6. Moreover, this remedy is just a vitamin complex and does not harm the expectant mother and her child. Therefore, at the first bells about problems in the body, consult a doctor and start treatment without fear.

Video "Magne B6 during pregnancy"

The vital element magnesium is involved in almost all biochemical actions of the body - the establishment of the activity of all body systems, the acceleration of metabolism, the restoration and formation of bone tissues.

The need for magnesium during pregnancy increases several times. Its deficiency can cause abnormalities in the development of joints, pathologies in the mitral valve of the heart, etc., premature birth and miscarriage. Muscles, ligaments and tissues lose the necessary elasticity, and this is fraught with rupture of the perineum during childbirth. All these phenomena can be avoided by taking Magne B6 during pregnancy. Its structure includes vitamin B6 - the so-called pipridoxine, which is involved in increasing the absorption of magnesium - improves its absorption from the gastrointestinal tract into the blood, and this, in turn, allows it to quickly penetrate into the cells of the body. During pregnancy, a lack of magnesium is directly caused by a deficiency of pyridoxine, and without it, magnesium salts are not absorbed.

Why is magnesium b6 prescribed during pregnancy

Signs of a lack of magnesium in the body of a woman carrying a child are varied:
  • Convulsions, tics, muscle spasms, lingering pain in the lower abdomen, uterine hypertonicity.
  • Dizziness, poor sleep, headaches, irritability.
  • Arrhythmia, tachycardia, high or low blood pressure.
  • Nausea interspersed with vomiting, constipation and diarrhea alternately.
  • Swelling, chilliness.
With such a picture, the doctor prescribes Magne B6 to the patient.

You should not take the drug on your own. To make sure that Magne B6 is the cause of the unpleasant symptoms, the doctor can refer the woman to laboratory tests. If this is not possible, a trial course is prescribed for a period of five to seven days. If the patient's health improves, then the deficiency in the body of magnesium will be confirmed and you can continue taking the drug.

Magnesium b6 - instructions for use during pregnancy

Increased uterine tone is not uncommon for pregnant women. It is accompanied by pulling pains and a state of anxiety. An alternative to valerian tablets and papaverine suppositories is Magne B6 tablets, which will quickly relieve spasms and calm you down. Its ions reduce the excitability of the nervous system and all muscles, and hence muscle spasms that can provoke a miscarriage. Muscle contractions occur due to the presence of calcium in the muscle fibers. Magne B6 displaces it from there. A decrease in calcium in the blood negates the risk of blood clots in the vessels.

Overdose, compatibility

Often, Magne B6 is prescribed for a long time during pregnancy, but this is not a cause for concern, since the body tolerates it well. 6 tablets 2 three times a day is the usual norm. They are taken with food. It is absorbed in the small intestine, and only half of it will enter the bloodstream. From there, it spreads to the internal organs, muscle tissues, red blood cells, the rest of it is excreted in the urine. This process does not lead to toxic reactions during normal functioning of the kidneys. The doctor should be warned about taking additional vitamin complexes, in which the amount of calcium or iron is increased, he will determine the different time of receipt of these funds in the body, since their simultaneous intake reduces the absorption of these components.


  • kidney disease;
  • intolerance to fructose, which is part of the drug;
  • allergy to ingredients.
Magne B6, taken in prescribed doses, does not have a negative effect.

Adverse reactions:

  • allergy;
  • diarrhea;
  • urges of nausea and vomiting;
  • stomach pains.
If such symptoms occur, you should immediately stop taking the drug and consult a doctor who will prescribe an alternative therapy.

Every woman should take care of her health, especially during pregnancy. It is because of the lack of trace elements and vitamins in the body of the expectant mother that fatigue, irritability, and poor health are observed. The lack of necessary substances can negatively affect the intrauterine development of the child and the course of pregnancy itself, causing the risk of miscarriage.

Quite often, with the threat of miscarriage, a woman is prescribed a complex of vitamins Magne B6 during pregnancy. For most expectant mothers, it is important to know what this drug is and why it should be taken.

What is the role of magnesium in the body, and why is its deficiency dangerous during pregnancy?

The human body has a daily need for magnesium, especially during pregnancy. This microelement contributes to the normalization of metabolic processes and intercellular synthesis, which has a beneficial effect on a woman's well-being, normalizes the interaction of nerve impulses, reduces tension and reduces muscle tone. Gynecologists practice prescribing drugs with magnesium for tonus and spasm of the uterus.

Magnesium contributes to the transport of genetic material from parents to the baby, so it should be used during planning. When conception has occurred, this trace element is necessary for the formation of the child's body and the placenta. Participating in cell construction and metabolic processes, magnesium supports the full functioning of the placenta from the moment it is formed until the baby is born.

With its shortage in the female body, the likelihood of abortion is high. For the embryo in the process of laying and developing organs and systems, the lack of this element can lead to their pathological changes, including fading and underdevelopment of the fetus.

How to determine that the body lacks magnesium?

During pregnancy, the baby's body develops and forms quite quickly. He takes all important vitamins and minerals from his mother. Their untimely replenishment leads to ailments.

With a decrease in the amount of magnesium in the blood of a woman, she has the following symptoms:

  1. Muscle spasms. Magnesium deficiency provokes spasm and muscle tone. Pregnant women feel petrification in the lower abdomen or pulling pain. Many also experience pain in the lumbar region, uterine tone, calf cramps, and numbness of the extremities. If appropriate measures are not taken in time, these symptoms in the early stages provoke a miscarriage, and in the later stages they can cause premature birth.
  2. Deterioration of the psychological and emotional state. Pregnancy is always stressful for the body, so it tries to adapt to the changes taking place. The nervous system reacts especially sharply to them, because. during this period, the expectant mother does not leave the feeling of anxiety for her child, as well as worries about the safe bearing and delivery. With an insufficient amount of magnesium, the psychological state of the mother worsens significantly. At the same time, there is increased irritability, a sharply changing emotional state, loss of sleep, unreasonable anxiety.
  3. Disorders of the cardiovascular system. Magnesium deficiency negatively affects its work. With its low rate in the blood, metabolic processes are disturbed, the heart cannot function properly due to spasms of the heart muscle. As a result, the outflow of blood is disturbed. In a pregnant woman, pressure rises, some experience dizziness or headache against this background. Women note the appearance of arrhythmia (rapid heartbeat), feel pain in the region of the heart. Many are faced with swelling of the limbs, especially the legs. In pregnant women, there is also an exacerbation of sensitivity to temperature changes, most often to cold. If the blood flow is disturbed, women cannot warm up, their hands and feet are always cold, even in summer.
  4. Violation of the digestive tract. Often, pregnant women with magnesium deficiency suffer from constant constipation. This problem is associated with a violation of the peristalsis of the intestinal tract. Improper contraction of the intestinal walls causes stagnation of feces, which subsequently leads to constipation, hemorrhoids and anal fissures.

Features of nutrition with a lack of magnesium

Why, with a lack of Mg, drugs are prescribed simultaneously with vitamin B6 (pyridoxine)? Considering that it is absorbed to a greater extent by the small intestine and absorbed only by 35%, its simultaneous use with vitamin B6 significantly increases this indicator.

A significant magnesium deficiency cannot be filled with food alone. However, for preventive purposes, you can use bananas, greens (parsley, basil, fennel, dill, lettuce, onions), pumpkin and sesame seeds, cocoa, legumes, nuts, bran, buckwheat and oatmeal are better suited from cereals. A large amount of magnesium accumulates in greens, as well as in green fruits and vegetables. Their constant addition to the diet can prevent a decrease in magnesium in the body.

Expectant mothers should be attentive to their health, eat right and get more rest. The abuse of coffee and carbonated drinks, alcohol, sweet confectionery products will not only not be beneficial, but will also help reduce magnesium levels. The simultaneous use of magnesium with calcium significantly impairs the absorption of the former. Significant loss can be caused by:

  • chronic diseases of the endocrine and cardiovascular systems;
  • constant stressful situations and overwork;
  • taking medicines containing calcium salts.

Indications for the appointment of drugs with magnesium and vitamin B6 during pregnancy

Mg B6 can be prescribed in preparation for pregnancy, micronutrient deficiencies and for prevention purposes. The drug is indicated if in the early stages a woman has a uterine tone, which most often leads to spontaneous abortions. Sometimes women drink it throughout their pregnancy from conception to childbirth. Magnesium with vitamin B6 during pregnancy is also prescribed for a pronounced deficiency of the trace element in women suffering from psycho-emotional disorders (increased tearfulness, anxiety, insomnia), or according to the indications of a clinical blood test.

Magnesium for pregnant women is prescribed as part of complex therapy exclusively by a doctor. He will select the daily dosage individually, having studied the needs for taking the drug, the condition of the woman and the characteristics of the course of pregnancy.

Instructions for use with dosages, duration of administration during pregnancy

Today, gynecologists prefer two drugs that contain a sufficient amount of magnesium and at the same time are safe for nursing mothers and women in position - these are Magne B6 and Magne B6 Forte. The active ingredients are vitamin B6 in the form of pyridoxine hydrochloride and magnesium lactate dihydrate. The differences between the drugs are only in the concentration of active and additional substances.

The dose of the active ingredient in Magna B6 Forte is doubled, which contributes to a higher absorption of magnesium (90%). The use of the drug Magne B6 allows you to absorb only 50% of the substance contained. These funds are sold in pharmacies in the form of ampoules and tablets. According to the instructions for use, the daily amount of magnesium consumed should not exceed 6-8 tablets. A single dose is 2 tablets, they are taken three times a day with meals at the same intervals.

Magnesium is also sold in packs of 10 ampoules. The medicine has a brown color and a caramel smell. The drug is prescribed in an amount of 2 to 4 ampoules per day at regular intervals. Before taking the solution must be diluted in a glass of cool boiled water. Which drug to take (in the form of tablets or solution) and how much to drink, only the doctor sets on an individual basis.

The course of treatment according to the instructions is 2-3 months. However, depending on the course of pregnancy and the health of the woman, if necessary, the duration of therapy may vary up and down. Before taking it is necessary to consult a specialist.

When are magnesium supplements contraindicated in pregnant women?

Usually Magnesium with pyridoxine (B6) is well tolerated. If you follow the therapeutic regimen, side effects, as a rule, do not occur. However, Magne B6 is not prescribed for:

  • individual intolerance;
  • diabetes mellitus;
  • hypervitaminosis pyridoxine;
  • lactose intolerance;
  • renal failure;
  • excess magnesium (hypermagnesemia);
  • the use of medicines with calcium (they should be taken at different times).

The best magnesium and B6 products for pregnant women and their features

The use of any pharmaceutical preparations should be agreed with the attending physician, especially during pregnancy. If a magnesium deficiency is detected, a woman should undergo treatment to replenish its reserves. The best means used during pregnancy are.

Magnesium is one of the most important and indispensable trace elements for the human body. And during the period of bearing a child, the need for it increases several times. It is important both for the normal functioning of the maternal body and successful gestation, and for the normal growth and development of the baby.

This trace element is involved in many metabolic processes, contributes to the normal functioning of the muscular, bone, nervous, and immune systems. That is why its deficiency for a pregnant woman can threaten with serious consequences.

What is the role of magnesium?

Magnesium is involved in many metabolic processes in the body. It helps to normalize the process of transmission of nerve impulses in muscle tissue, relaxes muscles, reduces their excessive tone, and calms the nervous system.

Often an additional intake of magnesium is prescribed to a woman at the stage of preparation for conception. It has been proven that magnesium promotes and regulates the process of transferring the genetic material of parents to a child. The Mg 2+ ion takes part in the synthesis of DNA structural components.

Also, this microelement takes an active part in the synthesis of proteins, which are directly the building material for the internal organs and systems of the baby.

Magnesium is also involved in the full functioning of the placenta throughout pregnancy, regulating through it the metabolism between the organisms of the mother and child.

Why is magnesium deficiency dangerous for pregnant women?

Magnesium deficiency (hypomagnesemia) can provoke the formation of intrauterine malformations of the musculoskeletal system or heart in the crumbs. Magnesium deficiency can lead to premature birth or threatened miscarriage.

In the later stages and in childbirth, magnesium is just as important for a pregnant woman as it is throughout pregnancy. The lack of this trace element leads to a decrease in the elasticity of muscle fibers and a violation of their contractility, which can contribute to the violation of labor activity (weakness, discoordination of labor activity). As a result, the risk of trauma and rupture of the birth canal of the mother increases.

The need for magnesium during pregnancy increases by about 30%. After all, two organisms now need it - mother and child.

Compensation for the deficiency of any substances necessary for the child during pregnancy is due to the reserves of the mother's body. Therefore, it is clear that the expectant mother can sometimes have obvious signs of a lack of trace elements.

If not enough magnesium enters the body with food, then the body takes it from the bones, teeth and endocrine glands. So he tries to compensate for the initial decrease in the level of magnesium in the blood plasma.

That is why it is so important for the expectant mother to prevent magnesium-deficient states at any stage - from pregnancy planning to delivery itself.

How to determine the lack of magnesium in the body?

Symptoms observed in pregnant women with magnesium deficiency:

FROM muscle spasm

Often, with a lack of magnesium, the expectant mother is worried about pulling pain in the lower back and lower extremities. There is muscle stiffness and discomfort in the neck.

Magnesium deficiency is also manifested by tension (contraction) of the muscles of the uterus. Women describe this condition as “the stomach stiffens”, “the stomach involuntarily tenses up”. In this case, there is a cramping pulling pain in the lower abdomen. Such an increased tone of the uterus can lead to termination of pregnancy.

Another manifestation of impaired muscle contraction in magnesium deficiency is calf muscle cramps. A sharp, persistent, very painful contraction of the calf muscles occurs mainly at night. The condition is quite unpleasant, painful.

You need to understand that cramps in the lower extremities can indicate not only a lack of magnesium, but also a deficiency of calcium in the body of a pregnant woman.

Changes in the nervous system

During pregnancy, the psycho-emotional state of any woman changes. There are worries about the health of the baby and their own well-being. And with a lack of magnesium, the severity of nervousness, unreasonable irritability, sleep disturbances, emotional lability, tearfulness, and decreased performance increases significantly.

Changes in the cardiovascular system

Magnesium deficiency is manifested by an increase in blood pressure. At the same time, dizziness and headache join the high pressure. Against the background of increased pressure, venous outflow from the lower extremities is disturbed, which is manifested by swelling of the legs.

With a pronounced lack of magnesium ions, cardiac conduction may be disturbed with the development of arrhythmias and the occurrence of pain in the region of the heart.

A decrease in the level of magnesium in the blood serum below 0.7 mmol / l indicates a deficiency of this trace element. In this condition, the exchange of electrolytes (sodium, potassium, magnesium) is disturbed during the contraction of the heart muscle (myocardium).

With a lack of magnesium in the body, the relaxation of the muscular wall of the vessels is also disturbed. As a result, due to constant moderate vasospasm, blood flow to the final parts of the body is less than usual. Therefore, people with magnesium deficiency become more sensitive to cold, get chilly even in summer.

Changes in the digestive system

A lack of magnesium provokes a violation of the contractility of the intestine, that is, its peristalsis. Therefore, constipation and flatulence are frequent companions of such a deficient condition.

Features of nutrition with a lack of magnesium

Magnesium is absorbed from foods in the intestine, mainly in the thin, but partially in the thick part of it. But, unfortunately, only 35% of magnesium is absorbed from foods through the digestive tract.

What can be done to absorb more than 35% magnesium? Its absorption is improved by vitamin B 6 and some organic acids (lactic, citric, aspartic).

It also matters in what form magnesium enters the body. So, its organic compounds, for example, magnesium citrate (compound of magnesium with citric acid), magnesium lactate (compound of magnesium with lactic acid), are absorbed through the intestines well. And inorganic salts are practically not absorbed, for example, magnesium sulfate.

To prevent magnesium deficiency in a pregnant woman, it is necessary to include foods rich in magnesium in the diet. These include: parsley, dill, nuts, legumes, fish and seafood, oatmeal and buckwheat, watermelon, egg yolk, soybeans, bran, bananas, fennel, whole grain bread.

A lot of magnesium is found in all green plant foods. Chlorophyll gives plants their green color. This is a special substance, a complex protein, thanks to which plants carry out a very important process of photosynthesis.

The chemical structure of chlorophyll is similar to that of the human blood protein hemoglobin. Only hemoglobin contains iron ions, and chlorophyll contains magnesium ions. Therefore, eat more green vegetables and fruits. These are the most important sources of magnesium for the human body.

But the richest in magnesium content are still not green foods. Below is a table of food-leaders in terms of magnesium content per 100 g of product. Take a look at which of these products is most suitable for you to replenish magnesium reserves in your body.

The product's nameMagnesium content, mg/100 g of edible part of the product
Pumpkin seeds534
wheat bran448
Cocoa 20%442
Sesame (roasted seeds)356
Cashew (raw)292
Almonds (roasted)286
Pine nuts251
Soy (dry beans)240
Wheat germ, raw239
Buckwheat (raw)231
Sunflower seeds (roasted)129
Peas peeled128
Rosehip (dry)120

Now look at what factors interfere with the absorption of magnesium or contribute to the depletion of its reserves in the body.

  • caffeinated drinks;
  • monotonous diet with an excess of easily digestible carbohydrates and sweets;
  • sweet sodas;
  • alcohol, smoking;
  • chronic pain or stress;
  • endocrine diseases: hypothyroidism, diabetes mellitus;
  • diseases accompanied by increased sweating;
  • taking certain medications (diuretics, anticonvulsants, calcium salts).

Daily requirement for magnesium during pregnancy and lactation

Data on the daily need for magnesium for pregnant women and breastfeeding women in various sources differ. Nutritionists and scientists have not yet come to a consensus.

Below is a comparative table of the increasing need for magnesium, taking into account the age of a woman. These are the figures that the largest number of specialists adhere to.

When is magnesium prescribed for a pregnant woman?

Magnesium deficiency can be detected using a biochemical blood test.

  • with a moderately severe magnesium deficiency: 12 - 17 mg / l (0.5 - 0.7 mmol / l);
  • with severe magnesium deficiency: below 12 mg / l (0.5 mmol / l).

Magnesium preparations are indicated for magnesium deficiency established by clinical tests, as well as for the appearance of signs of magnesium deficiency described above (irritability, tearfulness, poor sleep, fatigue, muscle spasms, etc.).

Additional intake of magnesium preparations is directly indicated for uterine hypertonicity. This condition often develops in the first trimester of pregnancy and increases the risk of miscarriage in the early stages. It happens that treatment is prescribed for the entire period of bearing a child.

Magnesium preparations can be prescribed by a doctor both at the stage of pregnancy planning and during pregnancy at various times.

Selection of a magnesium preparation, determination of its dose, dosage form and duration of treatment is carried out only by a doctor individually in each case.

Most often, a doctor prescribes magnesium to pregnant women in the form of the drug Magne B 6. Below is a description of this drug.

The use of Magne B 6 in pregnant women

The active ingredients of Magne B 6 are magnesium lactate dihydrate and pyridoxine hydrochloride (the active form of vitamin B 6). Pyridoxine improves the absorption of magnesium, promotes its entry into the cells of the body.

Two versions of the drug are produced: Magne B 6 and Magne B 6 forte. During pregnancy it is allowed to take any of these forms. The difference between them lies in the concentration of active substances.

In Magna B 6 forte, the amount of active substance is doubled. Also, due to the content of various excipients, high bioavailability (the ability to be absorbed in the body) has been achieved. The degree of absorption of Magne B 6 forte is about 90%, while the bioavailability of Magne B6 is close to 50%.

There are various forms of release of the drug: white-coated tablets, ampoules with a solution for oral administration and ampoules for injection (solution for intramuscular or intravenous administration). The solution is available in tinted glass ampoules. In a package of 10 ampoules. The solution itself is brown in color and smells of caramel.

Magne B 6 is prescribed, 6-8 tablets per day. As a rule, it is recommended to take it 2 tablets three times a day with meals. The drug in ampoules for oral administration is taken 2-4 ampoules / day. This form requires preliminary dilution of the drug in 200 milliliters of water.

Contraindications and side effects of Magne B 6

Magne B 6 is contraindicated in:

  1. Hypersensitivity to the drug and its components.
  2. Renal failure.
  3. Fructose intolerance, malabsorption of glucose and galactose.
  4. Phenylketonuria, when the metabolism of certain amino acids is disturbed.
  5. Children under 1 year old.
  6. Breastfeeding.

Magne B 6 is generally well tolerated. But the instructions for the drug include the following possible side effects:

  • stomach ache;
  • stool disorders in the form of diarrhea;
  • allergic reactions in the form of urticaria, Quincke's edema.

If these symptoms appear while taking the drug, you should immediately consult a doctor.

Is long-term magnesium supplementation safe?

A long course in therapeutic doses prescribed by a doctor, with normal kidney function, cannot lead to an overdose of the drug. The absorption of magnesium and its entry into the blood occurs gradually. The drug is excreted through the kidneys. Therefore, healthy kidneys can cope with the metabolic products of the drug and its excess.

Magnesium preparations pass into breast milk. Therefore, nursing mothers are not recommended to take this medication.

When prescribing magnesium supplements, be sure to tell your doctor about taking additional multivitamin complexes or other medications (calcium, iron). The doctor must calculate the required dose of magnesium, taking into account the content of this trace element in your complex.

This is also important because magnesium and calcium are antagonists (competitors) in the body and interfere with each other's absorption. Their reception should be divided by time. Also, you can not take magnesium and iron at the same time, as this reduces the absorption of each of them.

Despite the fact that magnesium preparations are considered safe, you should never prescribe them yourself. Only a doctor can calculate the dose of the drug and the course of treatment you need.

Magnesium is a vital element for humans, taking part in almost all biochemical processes in the body. Magnesium is found in almost all tissues of the body, ensuring the functioning of cells, normalizes the functioning of the immune, muscular, nervous systems, promotes the restoration of bone tissues, as well as their formation. The drug Magne B6 replenishes the level of magnesium in the body of a pregnant woman in case of deficiency of this chemical element in the body.

When a woman is pregnant and carrying a fetus, two to three times more magnesium is needed for the normal development of the baby and for her own health. And if the body experiences a deficiency of magnesium, then this can adversely affect the formation of the fetus and the health of the expectant mother.

Magnesium deficiency causes low elasticity of tissues, muscles and ligaments, and for this reason, micro-injuries are highly likely during childbirth. During pregnancy, Magne B6, which contains pyridoxine (vitamin B6), may be prescribed by a doctor if a magnesium deficiency has been established. This can happen for various reasons, for example, magnesium deficiency, isolated or associated with other deficiency conditions, which can be accompanied by symptoms such as increased irritability in a woman, minor sleep disturbances, gastrointestinal cramps or heart palpitations, increased fatigue, pain and muscle spasms pregnant woman.

For example, vitamin B6, which is part of Magne B6 improves the absorption of magnesium from the gastrointestinal tract into the blood vessels, which accelerates its penetration into the cells of bones, blood, muscles. When a woman is pregnant, a lack of magnesium is often directly related to a deficiency in the body of pyridoxine. And without the latter, magnesium salts are practically not absorbed.

Indications for the appointment of Magne B6 during pregnancy

Of course, the role of magnesium in the normal functioning of the body is difficult to overestimate, and its deficiency has a negative impact on almost all organs and systems, their vital activity. And if there is a lack of magnesium in the body, then it can be identified by many signs. Pay attention to the following signs:

  • Muscle cramps and spasms.
  • Drawing pains in the lumbar spine.
  • Tiki.
  • Drawing pains in the lower abdomen.
  • The muscles of the uterus contract, which indicates hypertonicity of the uterus, and this can cause a miscarriage.
  • Irritability, dizziness, headaches.
  • Sleep disturbance.
  • Hypotension or, conversely, high blood pressure. Arrhythmia. Pain in the region of the heart. Cardiopalmus.
  • Vomiting, nausea.
  • The chair is unstable. At first, there may be diarrhea, which is replaced by constipation. My stomach hurts. There may be bowel spasms.
  • A person may have chills, a tendency to swelling. Body temperature drops.

If a woman during pregnancy has noticed at least a few of the above signs, then she needs to immediately make an appointment with a doctor, and if he reveals the need, Magne B6 will be prescribed. Self-medication and treatment is strictly not recommended. The doctor can send for testing to the laboratory to confirm the suspicion that the above symptoms are associated precisely with a lack of magnesium in the body, and self-medication can only aggravate the situation and the condition of both the mother and the fetus in her womb.

If for some reason it is impossible to conduct extended laboratory tests for a pregnant woman, the doctor will prescribe a seven-day trial course of Magne B6. And if the expectant mother immediately feels relief and the adverse symptoms go away, the doctor will determine that the lack of magnesium in the body has been confirmed, after which the course of taking the drug will be increased.

Pharmacological action of Magne B6 during pregnancy

Quite often, during pregnancy, a woman is faced with an unpleasant condition - an increased uterine tone, in which she is worried about tension in the lower abdomen, accompanied by pulling pains and anxiety. With increased uterine tone, doctors can prescribe Magne B6 to a pregnant woman as one of the treatments.

This drug will not only normalize the nervous system, but also relieve muscle spasms. Magnesium ions have the following effect:

  • They keep the entire muscular system calm. Magne B6 rapidly suppresses the excitation of all muscles.
  • Reduce the excitability of the nervous system.
  • Magnesium has antispasmodic and antiplatelet effects.

If a pregnant woman is faced with increased uterine tone, it is especially important to monitor the situation and promptly prevent possible complications and risks of pregnancy. The muscles of the body are reduced most often due to calcium, which is located in the muscle fibers. The principle of action of Magne B6 during pregnancy is aimed at quickly displacing calcium from muscle cells, and the drug copes with the task perfectly. Magne B6 is a calcium antagonist. There is another positive result of reducing the amount of calcium in the blood: the risk of blood clots in the vessels is reduced.

Magne B6 compatibility with other drugs during pregnancy

Doctors quite often prescribe Magne B6 to pregnant women, but is there a danger of incompatibility with other drugs? How to prevent an overdose? Does the drug have a negative effect on the baby? Does it have the ability to accumulate in the body? All these questions rightly concern many expectant mothers.

Firstly, Magne B6 is well tolerated by the body of the expectant mother. Secondly, if you strictly follow the instructions for use and dosage, then there will be no problem with overdose (for oral administration, adults are recommended to prescribe 6-8 tablets / day; while the daily dose of Magne B6 should be divided into 2-3 doses, take during meals and drink warm water).

Absorption of Magne B6 (absorption) is carried out in the small intestine, and only 50% of the active ingredients penetrate into the circulatory system (one tablet of Magne B6 contains: magnesium lactate dihydrate 470 mg, which is equivalent to the content of Mg2 + 48 mg; pyridoxine hydrochloride 5 mg). Blood vessels carry the active ingredients of Magne B6 to internal organs, muscles, bone tissues, etc. Excess is excreted from the body with urine. If the kidneys of a pregnant woman are functioning normally, then taking the drug will not cause any side effects.

It is important to know and remember that an overdose of Magne B6 is still possible, but only if the daily rate of tablets has been exceeded, and the woman has a history of renal failure, due to which the excess of the active substance accumulates in the kidneys and is not excreted from the body . It is possible to identify signs of an overdose with this drug by characteristic signs: nausea and vomiting.

In the case when a pregnant woman takes additional vitamin complexes with a high content of iron or calcium, it is necessary to inform her supervising doctor about this. This must be done in order for the doctor to indicate the time when these drugs enter the body, since if the drugs are taken at the same time, then each of them will be absorbed less and perform their functions worse. And if magnesium is included in the vitamins or vitamin complex taken during pregnancy, then the doctor is likely to reduce the intake of Magne B6 in order to avoid an overdose.

Side effects of Magne B6 and contraindications during pregnancy

Before taking the drug, you should find out what contraindications Magne B6 has during pregnancy. The main contraindications for the use of Magne B6 are:

  • Fructose intolerance. It is part of the excipients of Magne B6 tablets.
  • Allergy to other components of Magne B6.
  • Severe renal failure.

If a woman consciously approaches the issue and takes this drug, strictly following the recommendations of the doctor, then there should not be any negative consequences. There may be exceptions in extremely rare cases, but they can be immediately detected by the following signs:

  • Vomit.
  • Allergic reactions of the body.
  • Disorder of the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract.
  • Nausea.
  • Sharp pains in the stomach.

If after using Magne B6 you encounter these unpleasant symptoms, then you should stop using this drug and make an appointment with a doctor to prescribe other ways to compensate for magnesium in the body.

Do not forget to read the instructions and composition of any drug, including Magne B6, which, for example, contains in one tablet such excipients as: sucrose - 115.6 mg, heavy kaolin - 40 mg, acacia gum - 20 mg, carboxypolymethylene 934 - 10 mg, magnesium hydrosilicate (talc) - 42.7 mg, magnesium stearate - 6.7 mg. Stay healthy and take care of yourself and your baby!
