Mini essay "my favorite toy" My favorite toy Brief description of my favorite toy

Probably, many have a favorite toy from childhood, which everyone carefully keeps as a memory of the most joyful, significant events that once happened to him. Teddy bears, long-eared hares, young dolls in lush outfits, the first model airplane or a car with a remote control .... Take such a toy in your hands, and touching memories will immediately flood over you, light sadness will cover you from the understanding that childhood is leaving and will never return. But it leaves us with such a small “piece of joy” in the form of a favorite toy as a memory of ourselves.

I have a lot of toys. I love them all very much and take good care of them. Each has its own unique story of appearance in my life. But I want to tell you about my favorite toy.

This is a little kitten named Punka. She is from the United States of America. Mom and dad and I came up with this name for her not by chance, because her real, native name is Pounce, which means “claw” in English. This toy was given to me by my father, and to him by his colleagues at work, when I was only two years old. Since then we have been inseparable.

Punka is small and can easily fit in the palm of your hand. Only the tail will hang. It is made of soft velour-like fabric. The kitten is bright brown, almost chocolate in color. Her muzzle and abdomen are white, and her paws have light socks. Her ears are small, pointed, with white triangular inserts. Small black eyes look like beads and look at everyone with interest. The tail of Punka is long and thin. Her tummy is full of small, rustling balls. They roll all over the body. It is very funny to roll them all over the paws, then the tummy will become thin and empty, as if Punka was very hungry, but you can collect them all in the tummy, then, on the contrary, it seems that the kitten ate tightly. Thanks to these balls, Punka is very flexible. She can lie with her legs spread wide, or throw them on top of each other, or she can sit or curl up into a ball.

I really like to play with my kitten, dress her in different outfits, build houses for her, feed her and put her to bed. Mom and dad also like to touch her. If we are going somewhere, then I take my little girlfriend with me. When I was six years old, I went to the hospital. Punka was with me and helped me recover. Many children in the ward also liked her, and we played with her all together or in turn. We all enjoyed squeezing her rustling tummy.

Punka will forever remain my favorite toy. It is very dear to me because it reminds me of my early childhood. I still love her and regret it - after all, she was left without the antennae that my younger brother cut off for her.

Cool! 29

A school essay on the topic: “My favorite toy” is written from the perspective of a boy who talks about his ball.

Composition on the topic: "My favorite toy"

I, like many other guys, often dream of a new modern and fashionable toy, a brand new tablet or smartphone, various interactive and radio-controlled models that have many interesting, convenient features. Sometimes they give me or buy a thing that I have long dreamed of. Such a wonderful toy always makes me very happy. I can not part with a gift for days, trying to pass a new level or trying to overcome the difficulties that arise in managing a new helicopter model.

After a while, these toys get a little bored and no longer bring such joy as before. But I have one toy that always brings great pleasure and real joy. A toy that has been with me for more than one year, and together we experienced many interesting and fun events.

My favorite toy is a simple soccer ball. And let it seem to someone that this is a simple and too boring toy. I know that if you have a good ball and a playground, then you don’t have to dream about anything else.

And how many pluses and positive aspects such a toy as a soccer ball has! With it, you can run, jump and jump as much as you like, and not sit in one place, buried in the remote control of the game console or tablet. This is a lot of movement and, of course, clean air, because, as a rule, I go out to play in the courtyard of the house or on the field.

Someone will say that ball games are only physical development, while computer games and various constructors develop the mind and resourcefulness. But this is completely untrue. Games that use the ball require not only strength and dexterity from the player, they make you think about strategy, turn on logic and calculate all your actions a few steps ahead.

And the main reason why I love my toy so much is that it is almost impossible to play with the ball alone. You can practice and work out new tricks, but you won’t be able to really play. For a good game, you need a big and friendly team.

My ball unites all my buddies, and even any dispute can be resolved by arranging a friendly match. Favorite ball, helps me out when I'm sad and lonely. After all, as soon as I go out into the yard, holding a ball under my arm, I am surrounded by friends and comrades. The game helps us become even more friendly. We learn to communicate, support and help each other.

And also, my ball allows me not only to become even closer with old friends, but also to make new acquaintances. Coming to the country or summer vacation, the most important thing is not to forget to take a ball with you for the game. Then, for sure, there will be good friends in the new place who are also not averse to playing with me.

My favorite toy is a great way to communicate and make new friends. What else do you need to never be bored and lonely? Thanks to my soccer ball, I have many true friends, pleasant memories and a lot of plans for new adventures and acquaintances.

More essays on the topic: "My favorite toy"

Probably, many have a favorite toy from childhood, which everyone carefully keeps as a memory of the most joyful, significant events that once happened to him. Teddy bears, long-eared hares, young dolls in lush outfits, the first model airplane or a car with a remote control .... Take such a toy in your hands, and touching memories will immediately flood over you, light sadness will cover you from the understanding that childhood is leaving and will never return. But it leaves us with such a small “piece of joy” in the form of a favorite toy as a memory of ourselves.

I have a lot of toys. I love them all very much and take good care of them. Each has its own unique story of appearance in my life. But I want to tell you about my favorite toy.

This is a little kitten named Punka. She is from the United States of America. Mom and dad and I came up with this name for her not by chance, because her real, native name is Pounce, which means “claw” in English. This toy was given to me by my father, and to him by his colleagues at work, when I was only two years old. Since then we have been inseparable.

Punka is small and can easily fit in the palm of your hand. Only the tail will hang. It is made of soft velour-like fabric. The kitten is bright brown, almost chocolate in color. Her muzzle and abdomen are white, and her paws have light socks. Her ears are small, pointed, with white triangular inserts. Small black eyes look like beads and look at everyone with interest. The tail of Punka is long and thin. Her tummy is full of small, rustling balls. They roll all over the body. It is very funny to roll them all over the paws, then the tummy will become thin and empty, as if Punka was very hungry, but you can collect them all in the tummy, then, on the contrary, it seems that the kitten ate tightly. Thanks to these balls, Punka is very flexible. She can lie with her legs spread wide, or throw them on top of each other, or she can sit or curl up into a ball.

I really like to play with my kitten, dress her in different outfits, build houses for her, feed her and put her to bed. Mom and dad also like to touch her. If we are going somewhere, then I take my little girlfriend with me. When I was six years old, I went to the hospital. Punka was with me and helped me recover. Many children in the ward also liked her, and we played with her all together or in turn. We all enjoyed squeezing her rustling tummy.

Punka will forever remain my favorite toy. It is very dear to me because it reminds me of my early childhood. I still love her and regret it - after all, she was left without the antennae that my younger brother cut off for her.


As a child, I had a lot of toys. Mostly plush, soft bear cubs, hares, mice. I also had simple cars that I liked to carry around the floor. There were various soldiers and dolls. But then I also could not dream that I would have a plane with a control panel.

My parents gave me a brand new, big, beautiful plane for my birthday, which can fly by itself! He has a special remote control with which you can control the movement of the aircraft, determine the direction.

The plane itself is very beautiful. It is finished in silver lacquer, has pointed wings, and has an opening cockpit at the front, in which the driver can be seated. As such, I use one of my dolls - soldiers. On the side of the aircraft there is an inscription in English: "Russia".

Usually I launch the plane on the street, in the yard, when we are walking with friends. Everyone loves my new toy and everyone wants to drive it too. Sometimes I give them a remote control. Also, I almost always take my plane to nature, to barbecues, when we go to the river, to the forest. It's a lot of fun with him! Even my parents sometimes ask me for a plane to play with!

Composition No. 2 Short essay description of a toy - Teddy bear

Every person in childhood had or even has a toy that everyone remembers with warmth and nostalgia for childhood, some have dolls, others have bunnies, cars, barbies.

I also have my favorite teddy bear toy. His name is Misha. I met him when I was very young. My mom gave it to me for my birthday. We play together, sleep together, go for a walk, eat together. We watch cartoons and play.

Rostik, my favorite bear is not big, plump, chubby, gently pink, more like a heel from the Winnie the Pooh cartoon. My bear has a big red heart in his hands. Two pink hearts are drawn on the legs, the eyes of the bear are blue with large cilia, the nose is like a potato. He constantly shows his tongue to everyone, due to this it becomes even funnier.

I have the best and favorite bear. I tell him all my secrets and mysteries. When I grow up, I will never leave my teddy bear. He will always be by my side.

Teddy bear (for boys and girls)

I have a childhood friend. This is a teddy bear Yasha. My grandmother gave it to me on my birthday. It has a nice light color, gray and beige. The bow on the neck makes the bear cub cheerful and good-natured. Together with Yasha, I learned to walk, read books, play. Most of all I like to sleep with my soft and warm friend.

When I'm sad, I share my experiences with the bear. He hugs me with his soft paws and becomes calm. If it's raining outside, Yasha and I sit down near the window. Drops flow down the wet glass, the sky becomes gray and gloomy, and we are warm and comfortable. Before going to bed, I read fairy tales to my soft friend, he listens attentively, then falls asleep.

It is especially convenient to rest on Mishka. At the end of the day, when training ends, I rush home to lie on Yasha and watch my favorite cartoons. Despite the fact that the bear cub is already many years old, it looks neat. If something is torn or dirty, I immediately try to put it in order. I have many beautiful toys, but this bear is my favorite.

my childhood toy

It is generally accepted among biological scientists that the more an animal is played in childhood, the more developed it will become over time. In this matter, we are not far removed from our smaller brothers. Therefore, it is not at all strange that people are often very attached to their toys. Often you can see a teddy bear or a model car in the rooms of adults, family people.

When I was a kid

When I was little, I was often given toys. I really loved it when distant relatives, godparents or just friends of my parents came to visit. They were always very interesting people who told stories that I listened to with my mouth open.

But still, like any other child, I most of all loved toys that were brought from far away. Most often, these were different cubes and designers, because it is believed that they have the best effect on the development of the child. Nevertheless, I loved soft toys more, because you could not part with them even when you go to bed.

Description of the toy (mini essay) Grade 4

I have many of these toys! Among them is a raccoon, for some reason green and with a red breast. However, this did not bother me before, nor now. Even with a poorly developed fantasy, I could not come up with an original name for him and so I called Raccoon.

He used to have a white tuft, but when my older sister and I played hairdressers, she deceived me: she said that it would grow back, and we cut it off. For a long time I could not understand why it remains the same size even after months, when my hair grew back.


Now it is remembered with a smile. When I tell this story to others, they laugh, saying how naive you were. But I'm still so naive, because somewhere inside and now I think that Raccoon is really alive.

When I clean my room, I always take the time to dust off my green raccoon, and I think that soon his tuft will grow back.

4th grade, 5th grade. 3rd grade, 2nd and 6th grade. essays for girls and boys

I have my favorite toy that I try not to part with. This toy is a bunny. This bunny was given to me by my godparents for my birthday. It immediately became clear to me that this bunny would become my favorite and best toy. Bunny is very fluffy and big. He has long ears, big beautiful eyes. They remind me of beads. The bunny also has a red tongue and two large white teeth. The bunny also has a cute little fluffy tail. And in his paw he holds a very bright carrot.
When I go to bed, I always take a bunny with me. I cover him with a blanket to keep him warm at night. I like to take care of him and read him bedtime stories. The bunny always listens attentively and always falls asleep afterwards.
In the morning we also wake up together. Bunny is not just my toy - it's my best friend and my good luck charm. I try not to offend the bunny. I treat him with love and always look after him. If he is dirty, then I bathe him.
I know that years will pass, I will grow up, and the bunny will remain the same little friend of mine. I will cherish it to keep my childhood memories. I am grateful to my godparents for that meaningful gift to me. After all, they gave me not just a toy, but a beautiful furry friend.

Composition my favorite toy plush dog Tuzik grade 4

The toy I want to tell you about came to me a long time ago. This is a fuller ordinary soft plush dog, I call her Tuzik. And although she cannot bark, dance or run and sing songs, she is still my favorite. Why do I love her so much? Yes, because I got it when I was in the hospital and for a long time I could not see my family around.

It was then that my mother bought me this toy and handed it over to the ward. In her paw was a note that my whole family is going through and loves me. And Tuzik, with his contented muzzle, supported me all the time. With him it was not scary to go to bed in a hospital room. Tuzik was with me at all procedures, and I was not so hurt.

Now everything is over and the disease has passed. Tuzik settled in my room and at night I sleep only with him. He continues to help me. Now, together with the puppy, we do homework, go for a walk on the street. My Tuzik has already become old, his eyes have lost their brightness, and the fur has rolled up, but I wash it and put it in order. And sometimes, when I'm alone in the room, I tell my toy everything that worries me and how I feel.

Puppy Tuzik is a soft toy that I will never leave. I love her so much. Every child should have such a favorite toy.

Short mini essay My favorite toy soldiers for a boy

I have toy soldiers. This is a set of 8 people. Among them there is a submachine gunner, a sniper, a medic, a soldier with a bazooka, a pistol and a grenade.

They were given to me for Christmas. I did not immediately realize that for the next couple of years they would become my favorite toys.

When friends come to me, we sometimes play with them. We divide them into teams and arrange a small war. Other toys help us: cars, tanks, an airplane and two helicopters. The winner is the player whose soldiers capture more objects. These items are a bed, an armchair, a chair, a table, a stack of books, three shelves on a closet, and a basket of toys.

When the game ends, we all put the room in order together.

Composition My collection of cars

I really love cars and someday I want to collect the entire collection of cars. I really like to learn something new about them, to play with them. I wish I had a carpet with road patterns in my bedroom so that I can drive on them, and if I need a large shelving unit to store them.

I am already given collectible cars, and I treasure them very much, as they are unusual and are a small copy of large cars. I already know what car I will buy when I grow up. I even want my bed to be in the form of a racing car, I will imagine how I drive it and win prizes. The main thing is that it should be red, because I love red.

Option 10

I have many different toys. Among them there is a big white fluffy bear, a plush hare, two planes, a helicopter and even a railway. But my favorite toy is a set of soldiers. This is a set of 6 real military men. There is a military doctor, a general, and 4 soldiers with different weapons. Each soldier has his own weapon. One has a live grenade in his hands, which he is ready to release at any second. I think that this is the most fearless soldier, because he can undermine the enemy, even sacrificing his own life.

Another soldier has a Kalashnikov assault rifle in his hands. I love this soldier very much because he wields a legendary submachine gun and never misses. It can hit the enemy at any distance and in any situation. The third soldier is excellent at hand-to-hand combat. He has a huge sharp knife in his hand. He fights bravely. Its main task is to quietly neutralize the opponent at close range. The fourth soldier is a scout. He always lies and he has a pistol in his holster. This soldier is a real expert in his field. He always gets the right information about the enemy. Once he was taken by surprise, but he did not lose his head and quickly drew his pistol, the enemy was defeated. The military doctor is a real magician. He always quickly heals wounds and pulls wounded soldiers from the battlefield. The general is the most important and important person. He manages all operations. He is always at the side of his soldiers in every battle. He is already old, but very smart and experienced. There are many wounds on his body that even a wizard doctor cannot heal.

These soldiers are a real close-knit team. She always wins in all battles and operations. Sometimes it's boring to play alone and I invite my friends to play with me. Here the fun begins! I give each friend one soldier, and each performs his own role. Friends bring their toys - military equipment. And it turns out a real division. Tanks, cars, planes, helicopters. Our enemies are a white fluffy bear and a stuffed hare. Don't think they are cute and fluffy. I know that they are still villains.

Most recently, my team has replenished with new recruits. I was presented with a new set of soldiers of 4 pieces. Now they train every day with experienced soldiers, adopting their skills and abilities. They train at a special base so that they are not found by enemies. And when the recruits are fully prepared, the team will give a new fight to their enemies! Their general is still the same beaten old man, but he is already preparing a successor for himself. Who will become them?

There are many options for how to spend your free time. Sometimes you just want to watch a movie or go to a concert. The best option to spend your precious time is to go to the theater.

It's time to finally find the answer to the question: Who do I want to be?. After much thought, I realized that I wanted to become a nurse.

  • Analysis of the story of Chekhov Grisha composition Grade 7

    The plot of the work is based on a psychological portrait of a child, which develops in the era of Chekhov's time. Few character traits were used from little Fedya

  • THE HISTORY OF THE LEGO Brick The company was founded in 1932. Its founder was the Dane Ole, who at that time was the foreman of the team of carpenters and joiners. In 1947, the company expanded production and began producing plastic toys. LEGO sets are produced by the Lego Group, headquartered in Denmark. Here, in Denmark, on the Jutland peninsula, in the small town of Billund, there is also the largest Legoland city in the world, completely built from the LEGO constructor. LEGO's main product is colorful plastic bricks, small figurines, etc. LEGO can be used to build objects such as vehicles, buildings, and moving robots. Everything that is built can then be taken apart, and the parts used to create other objects. Lego GroupDenmarkJutlandBillundLegoland

    LEGO IS MY FAVORITE HOBBY. Collecting Lego is my favorite hobby. I have been involved in this activity since an early age. Then I used to build models from a small number of elements, today I can construct a model from 7,000 parts. Believe me, this is a very exciting activity. Sometimes mom, dad and sister join me for the assembly, and then an exciting game begins. LEGO creators come up with something new every time. I follow the novelties from different series and I am very happy when a new designer comes into my hands!



    Children play from birth. Play is to children what work is to adults. Games develop imagination, dexterity and much more. At present, the problem of choosing such a toy for children is relevant, which would help children to fantasize, reveal their creativity, motor skills, thinking and logic. There are many toys of the same type in stores, and among them there are not so many necessary and important for children's development. Therefore, the selection of toys in our time is a serious and responsible matter. And the mood of the child and progress in his development depend on the solution of this problem.

    That is why it is extremely important when choosing toys to take into account not only their beauty and sanitary and hygienic properties, but also a possible psychological effect. Lego gave us that opportunity to experiment and express ourselves. The language of the Lego game is well known even to kids, it helps to communicate with children all over the world. We live in a complex and diverse world, the game helps to understand it, make it better and more interesting. We love to play because it is exciting, interesting and exciting for us. The game reflects our development, shows what we have achieved. The Lego constructor helps us by adhering to the principle: in the game, children learn and develop!

    Project rationale

    I have a lot of toys at home, of course, most of them are dolls. But Lego also occupies an important place. I collect various models of buildings, rooms for dolls. After assembly, I start the game. Of course, it happens that during the game the parts do not withstand heavy loads and are disconnected, but I do not lose heart and build my models again. One day, my mother asked me if I wanted to know about the history of Lego. I agreed. She began to help me with this, and in kindergarten my teachers told me a lot of new things. Thus began my "research".

    The purpose of the project is to tell about the history of LEGO and to determine if LEGO is useful for children.


    Systematic, systematic and purposeful classes with LEGO constructor contribute to the formation of children's creative and intellectual abilities. (Systematic, systematic and purposeful classes with the LEGO constructor contribute to the formation of the creative and intellectual abilities of children).


    1. Study the history of the creation of Lego-constructors.

    2. Prove the developmental properties of the LEGO constructor.


    1 practical

    2 observation

    3partial - search

    4 getting results

    5 study

    The history of the Lego constructor

    The most famous toy in the world, the dream of many little boys and girls - the Lego constructor appeared in Denmark, the kingdom of children's fairy tales, in the homeland of Hans Christian Andersen.

    It all started in 1932 in Denmark, Ole Kirk Christiansen, then a foreman of carpenters and a joiner, starts his own business and is engaged in the production and sale of ladders, ironing boards and wooden toys. And although the company's toys turned out to be of very high quality, sales were low. Fortunately, one of his sons, Gottfried, began to help his father after graduation. Over time, the news about high-quality wooden toys made in a small workshop began to spread. Ole used the highest quality wood, which was carefully prepared by hand. They worked around the clock so that the customer could receive the toys before Christmas. But soon Ole received a letter stating that the customer had declared bankruptcy and would not be able to buy toys. Then he decided to deliver the toys to the shops himself and with considerable effort sold them all.

    Production developed, Ole realized that the company needed a good name. As a result, he came up with the name Lego, from LegGodt (in Danish, which means "Play well." The company began to move forward. With the proceeds, the company began to purchase machines, which increased the quality of the toys. But on a snowy night in 1942, something happened in the Lego workshop fire. The building burned to the ground, all the drawings and models were destroyed. But Ole did not despair, and this time - a new factory was built, soon the production of toys resumed, the factory began to work smoothly, bringing profit to the company. Ole began to look for new ways to develop the factory and soon purchased plastic injection machines.The company began to produce plastic toys, but it was not yet a legendary designer.

    17 years later, from the day the workshop was founded, in 1949, the first plastic Lego brick was created.

    The idea with bricks finally took shape in 1954, when the first Lego sets were released. The game kits were so popular that the company managed to sell them in many countries. But the designer of that sample had one significant drawback - the Lego parts were not held tight enough, which made the design too unreliable, but the company found a solution by placing hollow tubes at the bottom of the cubes.

    The first plastic Lego Group toys began to be produced in 1947, and the prototype of modern "cubes" was born in 1949 under the name Automatic Binding Bricks. Unfortunately, Olya did not get to see how successful the little cube became - he died on March 11, 1958. Gottfried, now fatherless, had to endure another Lego fire. But Gottfried accepted the problems with his head held high, as his father did. He decided not to resume the production of wooden toys, but to focus only on Lego, and this was the right decision. The final Lego brick was patented in 1958.


    Bricks (cubes)

    The brick is the key element of Lego. It is used not only in constructors, but also in board and computer games.

    Since 1958, the size of the classic Lego brick with eight spikes arranged in two rows has not changed, which allows you to use parts from one set when assembling another.

    It has been mathematically proven that over 915 million combinations can be made from six 8-spiked Lego bricks of the same color. If all the cubes produced by the company are evenly distributed among the inhabitants of the Earth, then everyone will get 62 pieces.

    little people

    Figures of little men first appeared in Lego constructors in 1978, they were attached to the series "City", "Castle", "Space", "Family". In the same year, the first female character (a nurse) was created. During its existence, Lego men appeared in many images - in particular, a knight, an astronaut, a policeman, a football player, a queen, etc.

    Variety of LEGO constructor

    Products for preschoolers.

    This direction is supported by the Lego Duplo series, launched in the late 1960s for children under the age of five. The elements of the designer of this series are much larger than the standard ones and do not have sharp corners, which makes them safe for small children.

    Some themes of Lego sets:

    Lego Duplo (Lego Duplo)

    We have these in the group. A series of construction sets for preschoolers with oversized parts is designed for children from 1.5 to 6 years old. Lego Duplo is themed sets and building brick sets, all of which are compatible with each other and complement each other well. The construction set is universal: both boys and girls enjoy playing with it.

    Lego Duplo is a high-quality, durable and safe designer for kids. Details and additional elements of the designer are large and smooth, the child will not be able to accidentally swallow or injure them, so Lego Duplo is perfect as the very first designer. Thanks to a wide selection of sets and their compatibility, you can expand the collection and gradually complicate the game. For example, starting at 2 years old with a simple set, supplement it with building blocks and other sets and build a whole game world that easily changes depending on the plot of the game. Lego Duplo themed sets include figures of men and animals that are good for role-playing.

    Construction. This category includes standard Lego sets, consisting of bricks and additional elements (windows, roofs, wheels, doors, etc.).

    Role playing. The constructors of this group are built around a certain theme (fire station, racing, police station, knight's castle, etc.).

    Lego Friends (Lego Girlfriends)

    One of these sets was given to me for my birthday. In 2012, Lego delighted its fans with the release of a brand new line of Lego products for girls, the Lego Friends series. It includes pink, purple and turquoise bricks that allow you to create unique models of houses, cafes, and even a beauty salon, as well as stables and much more.

    Unlike a series similar to Belleville, these sets will be based on the stories of five girlfriends: natural-born builder Olivia, dancer Sefani, cheerful adventurer Andrea, nature lover and all living creatures Mia and talented fashion designer Emma - all of them differ in hair color, character, temperament and habits . The sets are very interesting.

    My research and observations

    I tried to find out if LEGO is popular with today's children. Hypothesis #1. The LEGO constructor is also popular in modern society. I interviewed my friends in kindergarten - these are 20 children. “I like LEGO”, - answered 13 people - 65%, “I prefer another game”, - 7 people - 35%. I also visited a toy store with my mother and talked to the salesperson. She confirmed that more often than others they buy a LEGO constructor. Conclusion: the hypothesis was confirmed.

    Hypothesis #2. Using the LEGO constructor contributes to the creative and intellectual development of children.

    I tried to find out what the LEGO constructor is used for in our kindergarten classes. Ready-made toys deprive the child of the opportunity to create himself. Children practice to perform actions without fabulousness, without surprise, without joy. The child gets everything ready, he does not have to think and work on what his toy should be. At the same time, even the smallest set of building elements opens up a new world for the child. The child does not consume, he creates: he creates objects, the world and life. The educators conducted a series of activities with a group of children using LEGO. It turned out that these children better distinguish the color of objects, their vocabulary has increased, they know how to work in a group, listen carefully to each other.

    Conclusion: the hypothesis has been proven.

    Hypothesis #3. LEGO develops imagination and creativity in children.

    The teacher and I gave the children identical sets of building blocks and each was asked to build what he wanted.

    a) From the same set of parts, the children assembled DIFFERENT designs. b) The popularity of the designer and the simplicity of its elements make it possible to use Lego in various interesting projects. Conclusion: the hypothesis has been proven.


    Children play... Playing for them is the same as work for adults. In games, children develop their natural inclinations - imagination, dexterity, emotions, feelings, intelligence, communication and much more. Children play with everything they can get their hands on, so they need things that are safe and durable to play with, and Lego gives them the opportunity to experiment and express themselves. Children all over the world can communicate in one language - the language of the Lego game. The game helps children understand this complex, unimaginable world in which they grow up. Children do not play because it is useful. They play because they like it, because they want to do things themselves. But children's games are not only for entertainment. The game reflects their development, the stages of development that they have reached. Children in their games unconsciously adapt to the level reached and to their environment, preparing to move on to the next stage.

    In this way, Lego is committed to the development of children's creativity, encouraging children to create different things from standard sets of elements - as different as children's imagination can go. Lego adheres to the principle: in the game, children learn and develop! The Lego constructor makes it possible not only to assemble a toy, but also to play with it, and, using the parts of not one, but two or more Lego sets, you can collect an almost unlimited number of toy options and game plots with them.

    Playing with small details develops not only motor functions, but also the speech of the child, especially for children with developmental delays. The thoughtful color scheme of Lego constructors contributes to the aesthetic education of the child: he sees and understands how it should be - beautiful, neat, festively bright, and not as it is in the reality around him - garbage and dirt on the gray streets.

    Lego is a useful exercise for the mind, it helps to develop the creative abilities of a person.

    Collecting Lego, a person does it alone or in a group of people. If he is alone, then he learns to work independently, monitors his discipline, which in real life has a positive effect. Working in a group, a person interacts with other people. Learns to help them and listen to advice. The LEGO building set is a useful toy, and we advise all parents to give it to their children.


    In the course of work, the teacher and I found out that there is a great variety of Lego constructors around. These constructors provide great opportunities through the game to explore the world. Getting acquainted with unusual facts, I realized that everything complex consists of small bricks. Legos are colorful, accessible, versatile, and their parts are interchangeable as they haven't changed size since the middle of the last century. Lego constructors are interesting not only for children, but also for adults. LEGO is a fantasy world, it develops the brain, thinking, logic. This is a game accessible to all ages. She is safe. With your own hands, you, as an artist, create various figures.


    A. N. Davidchuk Development of constructive creativity in preschoolers. M. "Enlightenment", 1976

    2. Komarova L. G. We build from LEGO.- M. "Linka - Press", 2001.

    3. The history of the creation of the Lego constructor. Part 1,

    4. Luss T. V. Formation of skills of constructive and play activities in children with the help of LEGO. - "LitRes", 2005

    5. Shaydurova N.V. Child development in constructive activity. Reference manual. - M. "TC Sphere", 2008.

    6. Yakovleva E. L. Development of the creative potential of the student's personality. Questions of psychology. 1996 Number 3.

    7. www. lego.com2.

