Is it possible to urticaria in the bath. Water procedures for urticaria

Festal - enzymatic medicine, used to compensate for the functions of the pancreas and liver that are oppressed for some reason. The composition of the drug includes the following enzymes: amylase, protease, lipase, hemicellulase, and bovine bile extract. Each of them has its own unique role that requires a more detailed story.

Almost any disease that is the object of the efforts of gastroenterologists is associated with certain disorders of digestion or absorption of gastrointestinal contents. There can be many reasons for this, but the end result, as a rule, is the same: “interruptions” with proteins, fats, carbohydrates, vitamins and other essential nutrients, depriving the body of much-needed energy “recharge” from the outside. Digestive enzymes can be called perhaps the most common group of drugs prescribed by a patient by gastroenterologists. "Reinforced concrete" indications for this are acute and chronic disorders of digestion and absorption of the most diverse etiologies in the stomach and duodenum. They are also used as a replacement therapy in patients with chronic pancreatitis. To date, in the arsenal of doctors there is a sufficient amount of enzyme preparations for any, in the most literal sense, taste and color. A striking example of an effective and popular combined enzyme preparation is a festal. The digestive enzymes of the pancreas, which are part of it, are in a higher level than in vivo, concentration. Distinctive feature festal, of course, the form of its release should be recognized: the acid-resistant shell of the dragee protects enzymes from inactivation in acidic environment stomach.

The destruction of the membrane and the release of enzymes to the outside takes place in the small intestine with its alkaline environment ideal for enzymes to perform their functions. As a result, the process of digestion of proteins, fats and carbohydrates runs more smoothly. Naturally, the absorption of nutrients in the small intestine is also facilitated. In case of pathologies of the pancreas, festal eliminates the insufficiency of its functions in the secretion of digestive enzymes and improves the functional state of the gastrointestinal tract as a whole. If, however, we decompose the functions and personal contribution to the common cause of each enzyme, we get the following picture: protease, amylase and lipase facilitate the digestion of proteins, carbohydrates and fats, respectively; hemicellulase enzyme breaks down plant fiber, which reduces gas formation and improves digestion. The bile acids included in the preparation allow correcting biliary insufficiency, which is characteristic of patients with chronic pancreatitis. As for the bovine bile extract, it is included in the composition of festal to facilitate the absorption of lipids and fat-soluble vitamins, stimulate the secretion of lipase by the pancreas and to manifest its choleretic properties.

The duration of the drug course varies significantly and is calculated in days (for digestive disorders due to excessive indulgence in “wrong” food) or even years (as part of replacement therapy for insufficient functioning of the internal organs involved in digestion due to chronic diseases).


enzyme preparation. Compensates for insufficiency secretory function pancreas and biliary function of the liver.

The enzymes that make up pancreatin: amylase, lipase and protease facilitate the digestion of carbohydrates and proteins, which contributes to their more complete absorption in the small intestine.

The enzyme hemicellulase promotes the breakdown of plant fiber, which also improves digestive processes, reduces the formation of gases in the intestines.

Ox bile extract has a choleretic effect, promotes the emulsification of fats, improves the absorption of fats and fat-soluble vitamins, increases the activity of lipase.


Data on the pharmacokinetics of the drug are not provided.

Release form

Dragee enteric-soluble white color, glossy, round, with a slight smell of vanilla.

Excipients: sodium chloride.

Shell composition: cellacephate (cellulose acetate phthalate), ethylvanillin, castor oil, sucrose, methyl parahydroxybenzoate (methyl paraben), propyl parahydroxybenzoate (propyl paraben), gelatin, liquid dextrose (liquid glucose), talc, calcium carbonate, acacia gum, glycerol (glycerin), macrogol ( polyethylene glycol 6000), titanium dioxide.

10 pieces. - aluminum strips (2) - cardboard packs.
10 pieces. - aluminum strips (4) - cardboard packs.
10 pieces. - aluminum strips (6) - cardboard packs.
10 pieces. - aluminum strips (10) - cardboard packs.


The drug should be taken orally, without chewing, during or immediately after a meal, with a small amount of liquid.

Adults 1-2 tab. 3 times / day. Higher doses are prescribed by a doctor.

The duration of treatment can vary from a few days (if the digestive process is disturbed due to errors in the diet) to several months or years (if you need constant replacement therapy).

2 tab. 2-3 times / day for 2-3 days before x-ray or ultrasound.


With simultaneous use with Festal, the absorption of PAS, sulfonamides, and antibiotics is enhanced. It is possible to reduce the absorption of iron preparations.

The simultaneous use of antacids containing calcium carbonate and / or magnesium hydroxide may lead to a decrease in the effectiveness of Festal.

Side effects

From the side digestive system: nausea, diarrhea, abdominal pain, decreased endogenous synthesis of bile acids.

With prolonged use in high doses: possibly - hyperuricosuria, increased levels uric acid in blood plasma.

When used in high doses in children: possible - perianal irritation, irritation of the oral mucosa.

Other: allergic reactions.


  • insufficiency of the exocrine function of the pancreas (including in chronic pancreatitis, cystic fibrosis);
  • chronic inflammatory-dystrophic diseases of the stomach, intestines, liver, gallbladder;
  • as part of combination therapy for conditions after resection or irradiation of these organs, accompanied by disorders of food digestion, flatulence, diarrhea.


  • acute pancreatitis;
  • exacerbation of chronic pancreatitis;
  • liver failure;
  • hepatitis;
  • jaundice of mechanical origin;
  • cholelithiasis;
  • empyema of the gallbladder;
  • intestinal obstruction.

Application features

Use during pregnancy and lactation

The use of the drug during pregnancy and lactation ( breastfeeding) is possible only if the intended benefit to the mother outweighs the potential risk to the fetus.

Application for violations of liver function

The use of the drug is contraindicated in liver failure, hepatitis, jaundice of mechanical origin, cholelithiasis.

Use in children

The use of the drug in children as prescribed by a doctor.

special instructions

In cystic fibrosis, the drug should be administered with caution, since the dose should be adequate to the quantity and quality of the food consumed.

- widely famous drug used to improve digestion, eliminate heaviness in the stomach after a violation of the usual diet. The drug contains enzymes that help break down food, improve the functioning of all organs of the digestive tract. Festal is considered safe, but it has its contraindications.

Pancreatin promotes the production of the pancreas' own enzyme.

The drug Festal is combined. It contains various digestive enzymes, namely pancreatin, dried ox bile, hemicellulase, lipases, amylases, proteases. Each of the components performs its function:

  1. - an enzyme obtained from the pancreas of animals, breaks down proteins and fats, promotes the production of its own pancreatic enzyme.
  2. Ox bile - an extract secreted from their bile of cattle, accelerates the process of digestion of food, reduces the load on your own pancreas.
  3. Hemicellulase - which actively dissolves and breaks down fiber in the body.
  4. Lipase is a substance produced by the pancreas that is used to digest fats.
  5. Amylase is a digestive enzyme that breaks down starch in the body.
  6. Protease - Enzymes for protein digestion.

In addition to all of the above, the preparation contains excipients such as gelatin, glucose, sucrose, talc, etc. Before use, you must carefully read the instructions. The drug affects the absorption of other drugs.

Everyone knows what Festal helps from. It eliminates the feeling of heaviness in the stomach and helps to digest food faster in case of problems with the pancreas, relieves nausea, relieves bloating and excessive gas, eliminates shortness of breath, and normalizes bowel function.

The main function of the drug is to improve digestion and absorption of nutrients in the small intestine. Festal serves not only as a substitute for enzymes in case of pancreatic insufficiency, but also provokes the production of its own enzymes, activating the work of the digestive tract.

Festal is available only in the form of tablets or lozenges for swallowing. They are covered with a special shell that does not allow enzymes to activate ahead of time.

Application and indications for use

Festal - taken to improve digestion.

The drug is sold without a prescription, it is available, it can be found in any pharmacy. In commercials, it is recommended to take it periodically to improve digestion and in case of violations of the usual diet. Single and rare cases use will not cause harm, but taking courses should be agreed with the attending physician in order to avoid side effects and overdose.

Festal is taken one tablet during or immediately after meals up to 3 times a day. If necessary, the dosage can be doubled on the advice of a doctor. Tablets should not be chewed or dissolved, they are swallowed completely. Indications for use are the following diseases or conditions:

  • . Most often, Festal is prescribed for acute and chronic pancreatitis, when the pancreas becomes inflamed and cannot cope with the load. Festal can be taken long enough if necessary. Enzymes will only be effective if the diet is followed.
  • . With inflammation of the gallbladder, enzymes are prescribed simultaneously with choleretic drugs and painkillers.
  • Diet violation. Isolated cases of diet violations, for example, during the holidays, are easily tolerated when taken. However, if the diet is prescribed medical indications, its constant violation even when taking enzymes will lead to an exacerbation of the disease.
  • Disorders of the gastrointestinal tract. Festal can be prescribed for various problems with the gastrointestinal tract associated with insufficient production of bile, as well as for violations of the intestines, stomach, etc.
  • Advanced age. With age, the stomach and pancreas find it increasingly difficult to cope with the usual load. Festal is often present in the first aid kit of older people suffering from digestive disorders. It can be taken not only with errors in, but also with a diet to maintain the pancreas.

For more information about the action of Festal, see the video:

Side effects and contraindications

With an exacerbation of pancreatitis, taking enzymes can aggravate the patient's condition.

Festal, like any drug, has a number of side effects and contraindications. Subject to all the rules of use and dosage, side effects rarely occur. More often in the form allergic reactions on the individual components of the drug (rash, itching, cough, frequent sneezing, lacrimation).

Among the side effects, you can also find intestinal upset, nausea, vomiting, in children - irritation of the oral mucosa. If these symptoms appear, stop taking the drug and consult a doctor. Contraindications are various diseases liver, gallbladder:

  1. Exacerbation of pancreatitis. With an exacerbation of inflammation, a strict diet or complete fasting is recommended. During this period, the pancreas becomes inflamed and swells, the outflow of bile is disturbed. Taking enzymes can increase swelling and aggravate the patient's condition.
  2. . With hepatitis, liver function is impaired and bile production is difficult. Festal partially hinders the production of bile acids, as a result, the work of the liver is further suppressed.
  3. Jaundice. With obstructive jaundice, the normal outflow of bile is disturbed, the bile ducts are clogged. Festal can increase the outflow of bile, which will lead to complications.
  4. Liver failure. With this disease, liver function is impaired. The disease is accompanied by nausea, weakness, swelling. Taking Festal is not recommended due to a violation of the outflow of bile in the body.
  5. Intestinal obstruction. For bowel obstruction stool do not move through the intestine, causing various disorders. This condition requires immediate medical care. Taking Festal can increase intestinal motility, which will lead to various complications.
  6. Empyema of the gallbladder. This is an inflammatory disease, accompanied by an accumulation of pus and a violation of the outflow of bile. Festal increases bile production and may increase swelling.

Festal can be taken by pregnant women, but a doctor should be consulted.

Dosage form Festal belongs to the pharmacological group of enzymatic preparations. Its use is associated with the ability to help normalize digestion, relieve the load that occurs due to improper diet.

Release form and composition

The dosage form of Festal is a combination of various chemical and biological components that help the proper absorption of food.

The main active ingredients of Festal:

  • Pancreatin. A substance obtained by processing the pancreas of animals. Participates in the process of splitting proteins and fats. It has an effect on the human pancreas, helps to stimulate enzymatic activity (192 mg).
  • Bull bile. Synthesized from natural bile of cows or bulls. Under the influence of this enzyme, food processing is enhanced (25 mg).
  • Hemicellulose. Its enzymatic activity is aimed at the breakdown of fiber (50 mg).
  • Lipase. Helps process fatty foods.
  • Amylase. Its action in the body promotes the absorption of starch.
  • Protease. Participates in protein metabolism.

In addition to the active ingredients, Festal tablets include:

  • Gelatin.
  • Sucrose and Glucose.
  • medicinal talc.
  • Castor oil.

Festal is available in foil plates of 10 pills. Cardboard packaging contain from 20 to 100 tablets, which are coated with a white shell that creates an obstacle to premature dissolution in the esophagus (enteric).

Recently, pharmaceutical companies have been producing Uni-Festal, the active substance of which is Pancreatin. Available in tablet form No. 10.

Festal Neo. It also has the main ingredient Pancreatin, in the amount of 192 mg. Its activity is 5000 amylolytic IU. Available in 10 tablets per box. Cardboard packs contain 2 convales, and an annotation (instruction) for the use of the drug.

pharmachologic effect

Festal helps the proper functioning of the pancreas and liver. This is due to the content of enzymatic components in it. The drug causes proteolytic, amylolytic and lipolytic effects.

With the help of its use, the normalization of metabolic processes in the human body is ensured. Bile acids correct the biliary process, this prevents the development of chronic pancreatitis.

Bile extract helps the absorption of fat-soluble vitamins (A, E, K).

Methods and indications for use

Many pathological conditions lead to a violation in, this reduces its ability to produce enzymes. Because of what there is a violation of food processing. Drug therapy helps the pancreas work.

Indications for use

The drug Festal is prescribed for the following diseases:


Dosing regimen:

  • Medication Festal must be consumed during meals drink a small amount of water. Adult patients are recommended to drink 2 pills 3 times a day. The dosage may be increased by the doctor. Therapy with this drug is for a long time(up to several months).
  • Festal is very helpful in childhood in the treatment of gallbladder pathologies. Dosage and appointment are selected individually by a pediatrician or gastroenterologist. Usually it does not exceed one tablet 3 times a day. As in adults, taking pills should be combined with eating.
  • The youngest patients under the age of 3 years Festal before use is crushed and stirred, combining with breast milk. Quality therapeutic effect with this use, it is significantly reduced, but in this period of life, the child does not have the opportunity to swallow the pill on his own.


Despite the good tolerance when using Festal tablets, they have contraindications.

These include the following pathological processes and states:

Side effects of Festal tablets

List of side effects:

Stories from our readers!
“At first I used the drug during attacks, and then I drank the course and was surprised by the result - I eat what I want, and the stomach behaves like a healthy one. I thought for a long time to be treated, but could not find the optimal drug.

Definitely try it if you have stomach problems. I completely got rid of heartburn and digestive problems, no puffiness after every meal. Amazing result!"

Overdose of Festal

If the patient self-prescribes this dosage form and did not comply correct mode the use of this drug, the development of a clinical picture of an overdose is possible.

This condition is accompanied by:

  1. The appearance of dizziness.
  2. Excessive sweating, which is accompanied by nausea, sometimes turning into vomiting.
  3. Sometimes a stool disorder appears ().
  4. Loss of energy and fever.

To help the patient in this condition it is necessary:

  • Purify the stomach (induce vomiting).
  • Take some drug of the sorbent group (Polysorb, Sorbex).
  • Due to the fact that this clinical picture accompanied by symptoms of dehydration, the patient should be put to bed and given hot tea to drink.

Carrying out such events helps to get rid of problems with an overdose of Festal.

If the symptoms do not disappear, you must contact a medical institution.

How Festal helps pregnant women

The use of Festal pills during all trimesters of pregnancy is allowed. Since pregnant women disrupt the proper functioning of the digestive system.

The future newborn intrauterine development putting pressure on internal organs, this can cause a violation of the outflow of bile.

The appointment of Festal helps prevent the development of undesirable consequences. The development of the fetus contributes to a decrease in the acidity of the gastric juice, and women may have problems digesting food.

Before prescribing this medication, it is necessary to correct the diet, balance it in such a way that it helps to eliminate undesirable consequences that occur in the body due to the bearing of the fetus.

Festal can be taken in short courses to prevent overdose symptoms and side effects.

During the period when breastfeeding occurs, the use of Festal is allowed. It helps to restore the proper functioning of the digestive system, which is important for mom and baby.

There are several rules for breastfeeding:

Interaction with other drugs

Drug interaction:

  • Parallel reception of Festal together with antibacterial and sulfanilamide therapy helps these drugs to be well absorbed.
  • Simultaneous combination with drugs based on iron, contributes to a decrease in their effectiveness.
  • This medication not prescribed with medications which lower the level of acid in the stomach.

Does Festal help children?

If the child is under 3 years old, this drug is prescribed very rarely. Because a child at this age cannot swallow a pill whole.

It can be crushed and added to breast milk, but the effectiveness of such an application will be extremely low. There are a number of drugs that can be used in this period of development of the baby.

After 3 years, Festal is prescribed with caution. It helps to eliminate heartburn, improve the functioning of the pancreas, contribute to the normalization of the intestines, but in a child it can cause undesirable consequences.

Festal and alcohol

With the parallel use of this drug and alcohol, a twofold picture can be observed:

Therefore, you should not combine alcoholic beverages with enzymatic preparations.


Festal can be stored for 3 years from the date of its manufacture. It is best to store it in a dark, cool place, this helps to maintain its quality throughout the entire shelf life.

It is very important that Festal tablets do not become the subject of a toy in the hands of children.


This medication belongs to publicly available drugs, it has a low price, and you can buy it at any pharmacy or online store:

  • 20 tablets can be purchased at the price 125-140 rubles.
  • 40 tablets have a price 210-235 rubles.
  • 100 tablets 600-615 rubles.
  • Festal Neo No 20 130 rubles.

Such a pricing policy in Moscow and the Moscow region.

In the Lugansk region, Festal can be purchased at a price 120 rub. for 20 dragees.

What helps Festal or Mezim better?

Festal and belong to the same pharmacological group and are analogues. They have similar properties, indications. They help, and are used in the same pathological processes.

Similar properties under which these drugs are prescribed:


  • Additional components in Festal have an active effect on the breakdown of fatty foods and help the absorption of coarse fiber. Mezim does not have such qualities.
  • When using Mezim, the amount less side effects than Festal.
  • When using Festal per day, you can drink no more than 6 tablets, A daily dose Mezima can be up to 12 pills.
  • The average price for Festal tablet forms is up to 250 rubles. Mezim can cost up to 300 rubles .
  • In the first case, the country of manufacture is India or Ukraine, Mezim is produced by a German pharmaceutical company.

Analogues that help better than others

Festal has many analogues, the most popular are:

  1. Mezim. Has a good therapeutic effect, and helps in the treatment of chronic pancreatitis of various etiologies, inflammatory diseases liver and stomach. As an additional tool can be used in the treatment of pathology intestinal infection, diarrhea. It has few contraindications, It can be prescribed for pregnant women, children, women who are breastfeeding. The average price does not exceed 300 rub.
  2. . Possesses good effect, and helps with increased gas formation of chronic inflammation in the intestines, sluggish inflammatory processes stomach, gallbladder, liver, intestines. The main contraindications are reduced to hypersensitivity to the ingredients of this drug, the period of pregnancy and breastfeeding. The average price for 60 pills does not exceed 40 rub.
  3. . A drug with a wide range of indications. Used in the treatment chronic forms pancreatitis, in postoperative period pancreatectomy, violation of the act of chewing. Helps with heartburn increased gas formation, with diarrhea. It is used as an additional means for weight loss. The list of contraindications is small. The average price does not exceed 250 rub. for 20 capsules.
  4. Gastenorm. It is almost a complete analogue of Festal, has similar indications and contraindications. Can be used during pregnancy in all trimesters. Has a price from 60 to 70 rubles.
  5. Panzinorm. It can be prescribed for diseases of the pancreas, cystic fibrosis, postoperative period, if the operation was performed on the pancreas. Helps and speeds up the passage of food in the intestinal lumen. Big minus considered high price this medicine, up to 900 rubles
  6. . This is the best substitute for this pharmacological group. Expensive drug ( up to 2000 rub.). Can be used by adults, children, pregnant women. It is well tolerated and has few contraindications. Helps restore the pancreas, normalizes its secretion, increases the absorption of high-calorie and fatty foods.
  7. Latin name: Festalum.
    Pharmaceutical product based on enzymes that break down protein, fat and carbohydrate compounds in the human body.
    The active substance of festal: consisting of molecules:

    • Amylase,
    • Lipases
    • Proteases.

    Pharmacological group:

    (from Latin: Pancreatinum). An enzyme that improves digestion.

    Release form and composition of the drug:

    The substances that make up the drug (amylase - 4500, lipase - 6000, protease - 300) are active enzymatic decomposers. But based on the amount of lipase in Festal, the drug is more suitable for the breakdown of poorly digestible fats in the human body.

    In addition to the main enzymes, other components of the drug include: hemicellulase and bovine bile extract (fat emulsifier, excellent for improving digestion, which is indispensable for the liver and gallbladder).

    The excipients in the composition of the drug include: Castor oil, gelatin, ethyl vanillin, sucrose, cellacephate, okasiya gum, glycerol, .

    The drug is produced in the form of a round light tablet with a subtle smell of vanillin. There are several packaging options for Festal on sale: 10 tablets in 2-40 aluminum foil strips, packed in cardboard box.

    The main function of the drug Festal is to help the digestive organs with an abundance of food after stormy feasts, in case of disruption of the digestive gland. Many people, faced with the problem of the work of the digestive tract, know Why does this drug help?

    Festal was created to treat patients with diseases such as cystic fibrosis (mucosal lesions of various organs, quite common at the genetic level), flatulence, non-infectious diarrhea, diseases of the stomach and all parts of the intestine, diseases of the liver and pancreas from pernicious influence excessive alcohol consumption, overeating, prolonged immobility due to the course of a serious illness, sedentary lifestyle, chronic gastritis, with violations of the function of chewing food, effective for pancreatitis, ulcerative colitis.

    Pharmachologic effect.

    Since Festal was created on the basis of Pancreatin, that is, it is a tool that helps the breakdown of proteins, fats and carbohydrates in the body, it restores the lack of work of the liver and pancreas, helps to facilitate the processing of proteins and carbohydrates by the stomach and digestive tract organs. This ensures their complete absorption by the intestines.

    The bovine bile extract contained in the preparation, having a choleretic effect, promotes the emulsification of fat molecules, ensures their absorption along with fat-soluble additives. It greatly enhances the effect of lipase.

    Hemicellulose, which is in the structure of Festal, helps the rapid absorption of plant fiber, which undoubtedly improves peptic processes in the body, reduces increased gas formation.

    Pharmacokinetics of the drug.

    When studying the effect of the drug on the human body, its effect on the functions of the digestive organs and intestinal organs, by conducting studies on animals, it was revealed that there was no absorption of undigested enzymes, as a result of which studies could not be performed thoroughly.

    Application and dosage.

    Like any drug based on Pancreatin enzymes, Festal should be taken orally during or after a meal. Do not chew. In addition to drinking water, it is possible to use non-hot tea and fruit juices.

    Without a prescription from a gastroenterologist, the recommended dose for adults is 1-2 tablets 2 times a day. The time of treatment may vary depending on the severity of the disease and can last from several days to several months and years.

    When using the drug before ultrasound and x-ray examination, an increased dose should be used: 2-3 tablets 2-3 times a day for 2-3 days.


    Festal is not recommended for people with pancreatitis in acute form, liver failure, with hypersensitivity to its constituent components, with hepatic coma and perekoma, cholepitiosis, obstructive jaundice and poor intestinal patency.

    Reception of Festal is possible in special occasions(only when prescribed by a doctor) with cystic fibrosis, pregnancy and lactation, children under three years of age.

    How should accept a drug in pregnancy time, and breastfeeding will be explained to you by a specialist in medical institution. Although its use is highly undesirable during such a period, it is acceptable in situations where the benefits to the health of the mother outweigh the potential threat to the health of the baby.
