Week of psychology in kindergarten: script. Creating conditions for the psychological comfort of the child

Zhanna Shaidarova

“The child is always right. Wrong can only be an adult whose program the child is not interested in. I. Sechenov

One of the most important areas of my work is creation comfortable for children psychological climate in the group.

It is very important for me with what mood the child crosses the threshold of kindergarten.

I would like to see every child going to kindergarten happy and joyful.

Understanding this, I direct all my efforts to ensure the physical, psycho-emotional and moral comfort of their pupils.

Every adult, if he is loving, understanding and has not forgotten how to play, can help the child grow up happy and satisfied with the people around him, both in the family and in kindergarten.

In preschool childhood, the main figures in communication are adults - parents, teachers.

The main condition under which the personality of the child develops harmoniously, he feels emotionally safely, is a personality-oriented pedagogical process.

The main features of the pedagogical process: an adult in communication with children adheres to provisions: “Not near, not above, but together!”.

I pay special attention to the emotional side of the teacher's relationship with children:

build relationships based on cooperation and respect;

I try to see the individuality of each child, to realize his emotional state;

I respond to experiences;

I take the position of a child;

build confidence in myself;

I create in the child a sense of emotional comfort and psychological security.

It is known that one has only to cross the threshold groups you can feel the atmosphere of looseness or closeness, calm concentration or anxious tension, sincere fun or gloomy alertness that is present in group.

The relationship between the educator and the children, basically, determines the atmosphere in group"Chickens".

Good the climate in the group arises then when all its members feel free, remain themselves, but at the same time respect the right of others to be themselves.

The educator has a very significant impact on the quality group climate.

In fact, the educator (and not children, as we usually think) creates a certain climate in the group.

Certainly a decisive role in creation The emotional atmosphere belongs to the teacher-educator, his own mood, the emotionality of his behavior, appearance and, in particular, his speech, intonation of the voice, as well as a loving attitude towards children.

Children have developed an intuitive ability to capture the emotional state of adults, children are very easily infected with negative emotions.

For creating conditions for psychological for a comfortable stay of a child in kindergarten, I adhere to a number of recommendations, moreover, generally accepted ones, which can be found very easily on the Internet. just eat difference: theory and practice!

Completely two different sides of the coin. Do you agree?

And I do it like this:

I accept every child for who they are.

remember: there are no bad children.

I am an entertainer and a participant in children's games and fun.

In difficult situations for the child, I focus on his age and individual peculiarities: to be always with them, and not to do anything instead of him.

remember The child doesn't owe me anything. It is I who must help the child become more independent and responsible.

Imposing my own rules and demands against the will of children is violence, even if my intentions well-behaved.

There should not be too many prohibitions and strict requirements. This leads to passivity and low self-esteem in pupils.

A quiet, shy child also needs my professional help, as does a notorious fighter.

Parents, teachers and psychologist kindergarten should be like-minded people who understand that it is necessary to raise a child through joint efforts.

For this it is necessary create optimal conditions for psychological and emotional well-being of each child.

When writing the text, I used literature and photographs from my personal archive.

MBDOU kindergarten No. 5 Vladimir, microdistrict Orgtrud

SEMINAR for educators

"Creating psychological comfort in kindergarten groups"


educational psychologist

Golovanova E.V.

February 2013


1. Introduce educators to the components of psychological comfort and emotional well-being of children in the group.

2. Contribute to the effective use of educational and educational activities aimed at personally oriented interaction with the child.

Seminar plan.

1.Information part.

1.1. The problem of psychological health at the present stage.

1.2. Creation of psychological comfort in kindergarten to preserve and strengthen psychological health for the development of the child's personality.

1.3. Influence of styles of pedagogical communication on favorable psychological comfort in the group.

2.Practical part.

2.1. Diagnostic tools for educators to assess the psychological climate in the kindergarten group and the emotional well-being of the child.

2.2.Emotional well-being of the teacher as a condition for the positive emotional state of children. Techniques for relieving emotional stress in teachers.

3. Discussion, summing up.

1.Information part.

1.1. The problem of psychological health at the present stage.

Health is a combination of several components. The well-known psychotherapist Elisabeth Kubler-Ross put forward the following idea: human health can be represented as a circle consisting of 4 quadrants: physical, emotional, intellectual and spiritual. Unfortunately, many of us begin to understand the importance of not only physical, but also emotional health rather late.

It's no secret that many children have neurotic deviations. There are many reasons for this, and I think it is not necessary to list them. Such children are difficult for parents, teachers, and society. On the other hand, parents and teachers sometimes turn completely psychologically healthy children into neurotics.

Why is it so important to maintain the mental and psychological health of children? Surely each of you can answer this question by determining the consequences of psychological discomfort for the child:

  • The appearance of phobias, fears, anxiety, increased aggressiveness;

  • The transition of psychological experiences into somatic disorders, when a child who has received psychological trauma becomes physically ill (a kind of self-preservation instinct of the body).

  • The manifestation of psychological trauma received in childhood, in a more mature period in the form of psychological protection - the position of avoidance (isolation, drugs, suicidal tendencies), manifestations of aggressive behavioral reactions (runaways from home, vandalism ..)
Questions about psychological comfort and mental health should be addressed primarily to teachers, because most of the time children are in kindergarten. But many may object that there are objective reasons why it is impossible to fully create psychological comfort in the kindergarten group:

  • Large group occupancy;

  • One teacher per group

  • Unfavorable situation in the family of the child.
Yes, that is the reality. But who will help us and our children, if not ourselves? The preschool institution plays an important role, despite all the problems dictated by the current state of society, arising from its contradictions. Namely: to what extent it is able to create a general positive and stable background for the child's psychological state, to ensure the development of an active and cheerful personality with self-esteem.

1.2. Creation of psychological comfort in kindergarten to preserve and strengthen the psychological health and development of the child's personality.

A person who is competent in communication, first of all, establishes a certain atmosphere of communication, which helps his partner feel free and comfortable. The expression “we have good contact” means “we understand each other.” We are interested in each other, we trust each other.”

Strongly established contact between people will provide in the process of communication an atmosphere of trust and acceptance in which any problems can be discussed.

A certain atmosphere is not only present in the communication of two or three people, but characterizes the general situation in a permanent group of people (work team, family, class) The kindergarten group is no exception, and sensitive people can immediately, only after crossing the threshold, feel the atmosphere of looseness or closeness , calm concentration or anxious tension, sincere fun or sullen alertness that is present in the group. The atmosphere (or climate) in the kindergarten group is determined by:

  1. Relationship between teacher and children.

  2. Relationships between children.
A good climate in the group occurs when all its members feel free, remain themselves, but at the same time respect the right of others to be themselves.

The educator has a very significant influence on the quality of the group climate. In fact, it is the educator (and not the children, as we usually think) who creates a certain climate in the group.

The first step that an educator interested in creating a favorable atmosphere in a group must take is to create and analyze a group situation. Taking into account the directions of humanization of preschool education, the most important thing in the work of the teacher is to create conditions for the development of the child's personality, "turning on" the child's own mechanisms of self-development through the teacher's organization of a developing environment, personality-oriented communication with the child, providing him with freedom of choice of activities, assistance in developing his abilities, creating atmosphere of psychological security, emotional comfort. Considering all this, teachers in the group need to create conditions for the emotional well-being of each child: the subject-developing environment, the style of communication between the educator and the child, the style of communication between educators and with the assistant, the style of communication between the educator and parents; observe how children communicate with each other.

The well-being of a child in a group is satisfaction with the existing relationships in the group, the degree of participation in joint activities, security, inner peace, experiencing the feeling of “we”. All this can be defined as emotional well-being. Emotional well-being contributes to the normal development of the child's personality, the development of positive qualities in him, a benevolent attitude towards other people.

1.3. Influence of styles of pedagogical communication on favorable psychological comfort in the group.

Now I would like to dwell on the styles of pedagogical communication.

They are required to listen carefully, observe, remember, perform, respond. The educator does not notice that the lack of independence of children, lack of initiative is a consequence of his authoritarian tendencies towards overprotection.

The authoritarian educator lacks respect and trust in the personality of the growing person. He lives by the principle "Trust, but verify!", focuses on dominance, command in all communication situations, expects unquestioning obedience and obedience. The desire for children is not enough for him, which means. The formal approach to education clearly prevails. When organizing work in a group, he does not take into account the relationship between children, does not like and does not know how to admit mistakes. Hearing "I'm sorry, I was wrong" from an authoritarian is almost impossible.

In any case, he tries to mask his mistakes. In an appeal to children, it is often heard: “Ivanov, don’t turn around!”, “Ivanov, how much can you repeat?” etc. The educator of this type underestimates the capabilities and abilities of children, and remarks and censures predominate in his evaluative statements. The authoritarian teacher directly and publicly points out to the child his mistakes, shortcomings in behavior. It is characterized by rigid pedagogical attitudes.

Liberal (permissive) style. The liberal teacher leaves the direct leadership of the children's team, hence the lack of initiative, insufficiently developed responsibility, letting things go by themselves, such an educator overestimates the capabilities of children, does not check the fulfillment of his requirements, is completely at the mercy of the desires of children, and therefore is often situational, inconsistent in the decisions and actions taken. Not decisive enough in difficult situations. Takes into account the relationships in the group. Not afraid to admit your mistakes. But he allows them very often. The number of educational influences depends on the situation. Diversity does not matter.

The educator is a liberal man of mood. If he is in a good mood, positive assessments predominate in him, if he is in a bad mood, negative assessments intensify. Does not pay attention to the need for indirect remarks and censures.

Democratic style.

The democrat educator takes into account the peculiarities of the age of children and optimally divides the functions between himself and the children, shows maximum demands on children and maximum respect for them. Experiencing a clear need for feedback from children on how they perceive certain forms of joint activity. The use of knowledge about likes and dislikes between children is considered an important condition for successful work. Knows how to admit mistakes, despite the fact that it is difficult. In the assessment of such a teacher, there are more positive than negative remarks. Prefers a more fruitful conversation with the child in private. An example of an indirect remark would be remarks with a glance. Pedagogical attitudes are dynamic in nature, that is, they change depending on the circumstances.

From all of the above, we can conclude: the most effective and optimal is the democratic style of communication, it is the most favorable in educational impact and fully serves the formation of conscious discipline in children and those around them, a creative attitude to business and the formation of an active life position. It is the correctly chosen style of communication between the teacher and children that will help create favorable psychological comfort for the child in the group.

The socio-psychological culture of the educator implies that he has certain pedagogical views and beliefs, an attitude towards an emotionally positive attitude towards the child, regardless of his personal qualities, and a whole range of communication skills and abilities necessary for the educator for pedagogical communication.

This means that the educator must have not only a system of professional knowledge, but also knowledge about the patterns of communication in the teaching staff and in the children's group, in work with parents. Preservation of children's psychological health largely depends on us, teachers, and for this it is necessary to be very careful about our own psychological health. A huge role in this belongs to the personality of the teacher, his cultural level, intellectual and personal potential.

So, personality-oriented interaction with the child, a democratic style of communication comes to the fore.

And for this, it is important for the teacher to have diagnostic tools for assessing the psychological climate in the kindergarten group and the emotional well-being of the child.

2.Practical part.

2.1. Diagnostic tools for educators to assess the psychological climate in the kindergarten group and the emotional well-being of the child.

1. Interpretation of the children's drawing "I am in my kindergarten group"

Target: checking the psychological comfort of children in the kindergarten group.

We conditionally divide the drawings into three groups:

1. The child draws only the building.

2. The child draws a building with elements of a playground.

3. The child depicts himself in the picture in the room or on the street.

The group teacher and the psychologist examine the children's drawings and give them an interpretation.

1. The group of drawings is the most disturbing. If there is nothing in the picture but a building, then the kid perceives the kindergarten as something alienated, faceless. This means that life in kindergarten does not evoke positive emotions in him and is not identified with the events taking place there.

If a child depicts himself in a drawing, then the events taking place in kindergarten are personally significant for him.

You need to pay attention to other elements of the picture: are there children, a teacher, a playing field, toys in the picture. Their presence suggests that the child depicted in his work a wide variety of connections and relationships to them. If the child in the picture depicts flowers, the sun, birds, all these details testify to the "peace" in the soul of the child.

If the figure shows a teacher, then it is significant for the child. The turn of her face, her back speaks of the degree of her presence and influence on the life of the child.

The color scheme of the picture is also important.

The use of warm tones (yellow, pink, orange) and calm cold tones (blue, light blue, green) testifies to a positive emotional mood.

Saturated purple, black, brown, which is used to paint over the largest areas of the picture, indicate the tension experienced by the child. And the abundance of red is about an overabundance of emotional stimuli. Bold lines, strikethroughs signal increased anxiety of the child, his emotional discomfort.

During the testing drawing, the educator should not comment on the actions of the children, tell them what elements need to be introduced. He only asks the child to tell who he drew, remember the sequence of drawing characters and listen to the child's comments. In order to have a true picture of the psychological state of the child in the group, it is necessary to repeat the drawing in a couple of weeks.

2. For a deeper study of the emotional state of the child in the group, you can carry out color diagnostics " Houses" by A.M. Etkind.

Target: determination of the emotional state that reflects the child's attitude to the preschool institution.

The child is offered to choose one of the houses of different colors: red, yellow, green, purple, brown, black, blue, gray. Then the choice of the child is recorded and, based on the data obtained, three types of children's attitudes towards kindergarten can be distinguished:

1. Negative attitude. This type of relationship to kindergarten is noted in children with a clear predominance of negative emotions (the choice is black, gray, brown house)

2. Ambivalent (neutral) attitude. This category includes children who have an indifferent or anxious reaction to the proposed task. (Choice: blue, green, purple house)

3.Positive attitude. This type of relationship to the preschool educational institution is noted in children with a clear predominance of positive emotions in the course of completing the task (choosing a red, yellow house.)

3. Test for emotional attitude.

Material: sheet of paper, colored pencils

Younger and middle children are given ready-made cards with 5 circles drawn. Older children are invited to draw 5 in a circle through the cage.


1. Fill in the first circle with the color of your mood when you go to kindergarten.

2. Fill in the second circle with the color of your mood when you are drawing.

3. Fill in the third circle with the color of your mood when you play.

4. Fill in the fourth circle with the color of your mood when you go home.

5. Fill in the third circle with the color of your mood when

You go to bed.

Color designation:

Red- excited, enthusiastic attitude

Orange - joyful, pleasant

Yellow - warm, friendly


Blue - sad, unsatisfactory

Purple, brown - alarming

Black - sadness, despondency

4. Analysis by the educator "Atmosphere in my group."

Teachers are invited to analyze the group situation using the following scheme:

Group setting:

1. What is the atmosphere in my group (general impressions)?

2. Why do I think so?

3. What aspects of the atmosphere in my group do I rate as positive?

4. What aspects in my group do I rate as negative?

Relationship between teacher and child.

1. With which of the children do I have good contact?

2. What explains this?

3. With which of the children do I not have such a good relationship?

4. How can this be explained?

Relationships between children?

1. What kind of children have good relationships?

2. What caused it?

3. What kind of children quarrel among themselves?

4. Why is this happening?

5. What kind of children are often offended?

6.Why is this happening?

Thus, having familiarized yourself with practical developments in the field of studying the emotional states of preschoolers, you understand that the creation of emotional well-being and comfort has an impact on all areas of mental development. The results you have obtained represent, at the same time, an assessment of your professional activities, the success of your educational and upbringing activities.

2.2.Emotional well-being of the teacher as a condition for the positive emotional state of children. Techniques for relieving emotional stress in teachers.

Everyone knows that children have developed an intuitive ability to capture the emotional state of adults. Children are very easily infected with negative emotions, so the teacher needs to arrange a psychological shower for himself, which will help him relieve excessive emotional stress.

The psychologist conducts a set of exercises that help increase the energy potential.

1. Standing, bring the shoulder blades together, smile, wink with the right eye, then with the left, repeat: “I am very proud of myself, I am good for a lot”

2. Putting your palm on your chest: "I'm the smartest in the world." Stretching his arms over his head: "I'm not afraid of anyone"; tighten your buttocks: “It’s a miracle how good I am”; relax the buttocks: "Now I will live a hundred years."

3. Bouncing on the right, then on the left leg, repeat: “I am cheerful and energetic, and things are going great!”

4. Rubbing palm on palm, repeat: “I lure good luck, I get richer every day.”

5. Standing on tiptoe, close your hands above your head in a ring, repeat: “I am warmed by a ray of sunshine, I deserve the best”

6. Putting the left palm on the forehead, then the right, repeat: “I solve any problems, love and luck are always with me!”

7. Hands on hips. Leaning your torso back and forth, repeat: “Any situation is within my control, the world is beautiful and I am beautiful!”

8. Hands on the waist, making tilts to the right and left, repeat: “I always take peace and a smile, and everyone will help me, and I will help”

9. Having folded his hands in the castle, taking a deep breath: “The universe smiles at me”; deep sigh: “And I can do it!”

10. Clenching your fists, making rotations with your hands: "I have no obstacles on the way, everything works out the way it should"!

To create conditions for a psychologically comfortable stay of a child in kindergarten, it is necessary:

  • Accept each child for who they are. Remember: there are no bad preschoolers. There are bad teachers and parents.

  • In professional activities, rely on the voluntary help of children, include them in organizational moments for the care of the premises and the site.

  • To be an entertainer and a participant in children's games and fun.

  • In difficult situations for a child, focus on his age and individual characteristics: to be always with him, and not to do anything together.

  • Involve parents in the educational process and turn to them for support in cases of non-standard situations.
In your relationship with your child, try to remember that:

  • The child doesn't owe you anything. It is up to you to help your child become more independent and responsible.

  • In each specific situation, you need to understand what the child is trying to achieve and why he is doing it. Get him to comply with social norms and rules, taking into account his condition and interests.

  • Imposing your own rules and requirements should not be against the will of the children - this is violence, even if your intentions are good.

  • There should not be too many prohibitions and strict requirements. This leads to passivity and low self-esteem in pupils.

  • A quiet, shy child also needs your professional help, as does a notorious fighter.

  • A prosperous social situation of development is the best method of conveying to children the moral norms and rules of human society. Conversations about morality that are not supported by the protection of children from mental and physical abuse are demagogy and dangerous practice.
The development of children is very well affected by such forms of relationships in which the teacher, with the help of various arguments, convinces the child of the advantages of this or that act. In this case, the choice is left to the child. This type of relationship involves an individual approach to the characteristics and current conditions of children. It is in such unobtrusive care that children most of all need and thank the adult with sincere affection for him.

Psychological speech settings.

The purpose of speech settings is to create a positive emotional background in the group, an atmosphere of goodwill and security. The main purpose of speech settings is to set you in a good mood. They can be held in the morning, after charging, the children and the teacher become in a circle, holding hands. When pronouncing speech settings, the voice of the educator must fully correspond to what he is talking about, that is, goodwill, the joy of meeting, etc., must be conveyed by voice and facial expressions.

You are offered approximate schemes of speech settings that may vary according to your desire, but the essence should remain the same: they should show children that they are welcome, set them up for friendly relationships with adults and other children.

Show your imagination, give vent to your creativity.

Today I am glad to see you in kindergarten, in our group! We will spend this day together. May this day bring joy. Let's try to make each other happy.

I am glad to see the children of our group healthy, cheerful, in a good mood. I really want to keep this mood in all of us until the evening. And for this we all must smile, not offend each other and not fight. Let's rejoice in each other.

Hello my good ones! Today it is cloudy and damp outside. And in our group it is warm, light and fun. And we have fun from our smiles. After all, every smile is a small sun, from which it becomes warm and good. Therefore, today we will smile more often at each other.

3. Discussion, summing up.


1.S.V. Terpigorieva Practical seminars for teachers. Psychological competence of educators. Issue 2. Volgorad. Teacher 2011. p. 144

2.Aralova M.A. Formation of a team of preschool educational institutions: psychological support. M. sphere .. 2005 p. 65

The sovereignty of psychological space is the ability of a person or child to control, protect and develop their psychological space. That is, I can act as an individual and at the same time I can act in the interests of the whole group.

Sovereignty also allows the individual to adapt, develop and become productive in different areas of the individual.

Let's look at the areas of psychological sovereignty:

physical body, territory, personal belongings, habits + security moments, social connections and relationships, values.

Physical body – no attempts to disturb somatic well-being. That is, the child has comfortable clothes, the inviolability of the body, the absence of prolonged hunger and thirst.

Territory - it is the feeling and experience of the safety of space. That is, personal space and its inviolability, a corner with toys, the order established by the child.

Personal items - respect for personal belongings, recognition of the right of ownership of the child, independent choice of things, clothes, toys, accessories.

Habits + regime moments- this is the most acceptable form of temporary organization of life. That is, the daily routine, the organization of life in time, the number of classes, the speed of execution, as well as the alternation of work and rest.

Social connections -it is a recognition of the right to have friends and comrades, as well as the right to have secrets and secrets from adults.

Values ​​- it is freedom of tastes and outlook, also respect for the point of view.

The value of the psychological climate in the team:

A favorable psychological climate acts as one of the decisive factors in the effectiveness of activities;

Good and friendly relations in a group or class create additional motives for “studying well”, “doing tasks well”, “coming to the kindergarten group”.

Thus, children receive additional benefit from being in this team.



Child care facility is different

children's institution in the first place

its general style and tone.

A.S. Makarenko

one. " The problem of psychological health at the present stage»

Elisabeth Kübler-Ross put forward this idea: human health can be represented as a circle consisting of four squares:

2. "Creating psychological comfort in kindergarten to maintain strengthening

psychological health and personality development of the child.

Strongly established contact between people provides in the process of communication an atmosphere of trust and acceptance in which any problems can be discussed.

Atmosphere (or climate) in the kindergarten group is determined:
  • Relationship between teacher and children;

  • Relationships between children.

Teachers in groups need to create conditions for the emotional well-being of each child:
  • subject-developing environment;

  • communication style of the teacher with the child;

  • style of communication between educators;

  • communication style of the teacher with the parent;

  • observe how children communicate with each other.

The well-being of the child in the group - this is satisfaction with existing relationships in the group, the degree of participation in joint activities, security, inner peace, feelings of "we". All this can be defined as emotional well-being. Emotional well-being contributes to the normal development of the child's personality, the development of positive qualities in him, a benevolent attitude towards other people.

3. "The influence of styles of pedagogical communication on a favorable psychological climate

in a group".

Styles of pedagogical communication:
  • Authoritarian

  • Liberal

  • Democratic

Test for checking the psychological comfort of children in the kindergarten group

Drawings of children can be conditionally divided

into: three groups:

1. The child draws only the building.

2. The child draws a building with playground elements.

3. The child depicts himself in a drawing in a room or on the street.

Color diagnostics "Houses"

The purpose of the methodology is to determine the emotional state that reflects the child's attitude to the preschool institution.

The technique uses the following colors:

blue purple

green brown

red gray

yellow black

a set of exercises that increase energy potential

1. Standing, bring the shoulder blades together, smile, wink with the right eye, then with the left, repeat: “I am very proud of myself, I am good for a lot.”

2. Putting his hand on his chest: "I'm smarter than everyone in the world"; stretch your arms over your head: "I'm not afraid of anyone"; tighten your buttocks: “It’s a miracle how good I am”; relax the buttocks: "Now I will live a hundred years."

3. Jumping on the right, then on the left leg, repeat: "I am cheerful and energetic, and things are going great."

4. Rubbing palm on palm, repeat "I lure good luck, I get richer every day."

5. Standing on tiptoe, close your hands above your head in a ring, repeat "I am warmed by a ray of sunshine, I deserve the best."

6. Putting the left palm on the forehead, then the right, repeat: “I solve any problems, love and luck are always with me”

7. Hands on hips. Leaning your torso back and forth, repeat: “Any situation is within my control. The world is beautiful and I am beautiful!”

8. Hands on the waist, making tilts to the right and left, repeat "I always keep a calm and a smile, and everyone will help me, and I will help."

9. Folding his hands in the lock, taking a deep breath: "The universe smiles at me"; deep breath: "And everything works out for me."

10. Clenching your fists, making rotations with your hands: “I have no obstacles on the way, everything works out the way it should!”

Psychological workshop
Topic: "Creating psychological comfort in kindergarten groups"

Educational psychologist

preschool department №5,6

Lyceum № 1568

Litvina T.A.
Target: To acquaint educators with the components of psychological comfort and emotional well-being of children in the group. Contribute to the effective use of educational and educational activities aimed at personally oriented interaction with the child.
1. The problem of psychological health at the present stage.

Most often, teachers and parents, regarding their understanding of the term “health”, talk about the stability of physical well-being. But, in fact, health is a combination of several components.

The well-known psychotherapist Elisabeth Kübler-Ross put forward the following idea: human health can be represented as a circle consisting of 4 squares: physical, emotional, intellectual and spiritual. Unfortunately, many of us begin to understand the importance of not only physical, but also emotional health, both for ourselves and in relation to the child, rather late.
Why is it so important to maintain the emotional (mental, psychological) health of children?

Surely each of us can answer this question by determining the consequences of psychological discomfort for the child:

The appearance of phobias, fears, anxiety, increased aggressiveness;

The transition of psychological experiences into somatic disorders, when a child who has received psychological trauma becomes physically ill;

The manifestation of psychological traumas received in childhood, in a more mature age period in the form of psychological protection - the position of avoidance, the manifestation of aggressive behavioral reactions.
Questions about psychological comfort and mental health should be addressed primarily to teachers, since most of the time children are in kindergarten. But many may object that there are objective reasons why it is possible to fully create psychological comfort in the kindergarten group:

Large group occupancy;

One teacher per group;

Unfavorable family situation.

Yes, that is the reality. But who will help our children, if not ourselves?

2. Creation of psychological comfort in kindergarten to preserve and strengthen the psychological health and development of the child's personality.

It is known that as soon as you cross the threshold of a group, you can feel the atmosphere of looseness or closeness, calm concentration or anxious tension, sincere fun or gloomy alertness that is present in the group.

The atmosphere in the kindergarten group is determined by:

1) The relationship between the teacher and the children;

2) Relationships between the children themselves;

3) Relationships between caregivers;

4) Relations between educators and parents.
