General wedding invitation. Best wedding invitation texts for parents, friends, relatives

Dear _____!

We have the honor to invite you to the solemn registration of our family union, which will take place on _____ at _____ hours at _____.

Sincerely _____ (names of the bride and groom)

Expensive _____!

We invite you to share our joy! _____ will be one of the most important events in our lives! We will be happy to see you among the guests at the registration ceremony at _____ hours and at the banquet at _____ hours at _____.

Please confirm your desire to attend our celebration by phone or in person no later than _____.

With gratitude and respect _____ (names of the bride and groom)

Dear _____!

We are waiting for you at our holiday!

Our dear _____!

We want to invite you to our family's birthday! On this day, we are going to say "Yes" to each other, surrounded by the closest and dearest people.

We decided to connect our hearts and destinies of _____, at _____ hours, at _____.

We will be very glad to see you at our first family holiday!

Fate has given us a wonderful gift, and we will arrange a real holiday on this occasion!

Our wedding will take place on _____ at _____ hours at _____.

You can come to the registry office or join us at the banquet at _____ hours, at _____.

We will be grateful for your attention and support on such an important day for us!

Sincerely yours _____ (names of the bride and groom)

"True love is like a ghost: everyone talks about it, but few have seen it." These are the words of La Rochefoucauld.

We are very lucky, our love is real and we want to tell the whole world about it!

We will pledge allegiance to each other on _____ at _____ hours at _____.

And we will certainly celebrate this significant event in the cafe _____ at _____ hours.

We invite you to join our celebration of two loving hearts!

Expensive _____!

_____ (the date) a solemn event will take place in our life - the day of our wedding. We will be glad to see you among our relatives and friends to share with us our happiness - the wedding day.

The celebration will take place at _____.

We kindly ask you to arrive by _____ hours.

Sincerely, _____ (names of the bride and groom)

It is with great pleasure that we invite you to the conclusion of marriage and the celebration dedicated to this holiday.

Marriage registration will be held at the Wedding Palace at: _____.

The solemn part will be held at _____ hours _____ minutes at _____ at the address: _____.

We would love to have you at our wedding!

Sincerely, _____ (names of the bride and groom)

Expensive _____!

_____ (the date) in our life there will be a solemn event _____ the day of our wedding. We will be glad to see you among our relatives and friends to share with us our happiness - the wedding day.

The celebration will take place at _____. We kindly ask you to arrive by _____ h _____ minutes.

Sincerely, _____ (names of the bride and groom)

Our dear _____ and _____.

Bring your most sincere words and biggest wishes in your soul, and gifts - in this envelope.

We look forward to seeing you at: _____ at _____ hours.

AND _____ (names of the bride and groom)

Dear _____!

Our wedding celebration will take place on _____ at _____ hours at the registry office at _____. After that, we are waiting for dear guests at the _____ restaurant at _____.

Sincerely yours, _____ (names of the bride and groom)

Let me invite you to the Most Important Celebration of our life - our First family holiday, where we will unite our destinies and our hearts! We would be very pleased if you witnessed this event and shared with us the exciting atmosphere of love and happiness!

The solemn ceremony of registration of our union will take place at _____, at _____ hours on the last Friday of _____ (month) of this year.

_____ (names of the bride and groom)

Expensive _____.

The wedding ceremony will take place at the registry office at _____ at _____ hours.

For a festive banquet, we are waiting for you at the restaurant _____ at _____ at _____ hours.

_____ (names of the bride and groom)

Expensive _____!

We invite you to celebrate with us the significant day of our marriage on _____ at _____ hours at _____.

_____ (names of the bride and groom)


We are pleased to invite you to our wedding party, which will take place on _____ at _____ at _____ restaurant.

See you! _____ (names of the bride and groom)

Dear _____.

We are pleased to announce that on _____ the wedding ceremony of two loving hearts will take place! We invite you to share this exciting event at the Wedding Palace at _____.

A banquet on the occasion of the celebration will take place in the restaurant _____ at _____.

_____ (names of the bride and groom)

Dear _____!

We will be glad to share with you the joy of this unforgettable day and invite you to a holiday arranged for you in our honor!

Meeting time: _____ hours, _____ of the year. Meeting point: _____.

(names of the bride and groom)

It is with great pleasure that we invite you on _____ at _____ to register your marriage and celebrate this event. Registration will take place at the Wedding Palace at _____.

The wedding celebration will take place at ______ o'clock at the restaurant _____ at _____. We will be happy to see you!

_____ (names of the bride and groom)

We invite you to a celebration dedicated to our marriage, which will take place on _____ at _____ hours _____ minutes at _____ at the address: _____.

We will be glad to see you!

_____ (names of the bride and groom)

Expensive _____!

It is with great pleasure that we invite you to a celebration dedicated to our wedding, which will take place on _____ in _____ at the address: _____, starting at _____.

We look forward to sharing this happy day with you!

Sincerely, _____ (names of the bride and groom)

Let me invite you to the Most Important Celebration of our whole life.

We want to unite our destinies and our hearts _____, and we would be very pleased if you witnessed this event and shared our joy with us.

The celebration will take place at: _____at _____h _____min. by the address: _____.

_____ (names of the bride and groom)

We are pleased to invite you to our wedding party, which will take place on _____ at _____ hours, at _____.

See you!

_____ (names of the bride and groom)

Dear _____.

We are waiting for your congratulations and wishes on our wedding. The banquet will take place on _____ at _____ h _____ min at the address: _____.

_____ (names of the bride and groom)

P.S. Please confirm your presence at the event by phone call. We are looking forward to it!

_____ (the date)

it can pass like an ordinary day and you will not remember anything special, or it can become one of the most pleasant days not only for us, but also for you! We look forward to seeing you at our happy holiday - our WEDDING!

The registration ceremony will take place at _____ (time) at the Wedding Palace at _____.

The celebration dedicated to this event will be held at the restaurant _____ at _____. Please confirm your presence in advance.

_____ (names of the bride and groom)

Our dear _____!

We invite you to a celebration that unites two hearts - our wedding. We really want you to share the joy of this day with us.

The registration ceremony will take place at the registry office at _____, at _____. The solemn banquet will be held at _____, at _____.

We are waiting for you, sincerely your _____ (names of the bride and groom) .

Expensive _____!

_____ (the date) forget about everything! Leave your phones at home, turn off the TV and lock the door, because we are waiting for you at our wedding celebration.

The painting will take place at the Central Registry Office in _____, at _____.

After that, all guests will go to the party, which will be held at _____.

Stock up on a good mood and comfortable shoes, the celebration will be fun.

Waiting for you _____ (names of the bride and groom)

Dear _____!

We will be very happy if you will be with us and share our happiness!

We want to seal our union with the seal of _____ at _____ hours at _____.

We would be grateful for your participation and support on this important day for us. Day of the beginning of our happy family life!

_____ (names of the bride and groom)

Dear _____.

Let me invite you to the Most Important Celebration of our whole life. We want to unite our destinies and our hearts on October 23, 2014, and we would be very pleased if you shared our joy with us.

The celebration will take place in the restaurant _____ at _____ hours.

_____ (names of the bride and groom)

We invite you to celebrate our wedding on _____ at _____ hours at _____.

We will be very glad to see you!

_____ (names of the bride and groom)

Dear _____ and _____!

We are waiting for you _____ at _____ at _____ hours.

_____ (names of the bride and groom)

Dear _____!

We are waiting for your congratulations and wishes on our wedding. The banquet will take place on _____ at _____ hours at _____.

Please confirm your presence at the event by phone call. We are looking forward to it!

_____ (names of the bride and groom)

Dear _____!

Your presence at our wedding celebration will be a wonderful gift for us on this significant day! We will be very glad to see you on _____ at _____ o'clock in the restaurant _____.

_____ (names of the bride and groom)

Dear, beloved and most dear to us _____.

In connection with the circumstances, namely: the inability to look at the empty page 14 of our passports and constantly answer the questions: "Well, when already ???", we nevertheless decided to perform the marriage ceremony.

In this connection, we will be glad to see you at our wedding on _____ at _____ hours at _____.

We will be very glad to see you! ____ (names of the bride and groom)

Dear _____.

We invite you to become a guest of our exciting, but at the same time happy event.

G. at _____ o'clock at _____, our marriage ceremony will take place.

_____ (names of the bride and groom)

Dear _____!

There are happy and joyful moments in our life that we want to share with dear people. Therefore, we invite you to open a new page in the book of our life with us.

Our wedding celebration will take place on _____. at _____ h. at the registry office at _____. After that, we are waiting for dear guests at the _____ restaurant at _____.

Sincerely yours, _____ (names of the bride and groom)

It would seem that it could be easier than composing the text of an invitation to an anniversary or other solemn event, but how many nuances and subtleties arise!

So, let's start with a call:

"Dear (dear, honorable) Ivan Denisovich!"

What if he's not alone? And, for example, with his wife:

"Dear Ivan Denisovich and Marya Petrovna!"

And if you don’t know her and don’t know her name? Oddly enough, they most often write:
"Dear Ivan Denisovich with his wife"...

And the question arises: what about the spouse, not respected?
We advise you to avoid such options of address in the text of the invitation to the anniversary. It's better to write it like this:

"Dear Ivan Denisovich! I invite you and your wife..."

And if Ivan Denisovich is not married, and he has a girlfriend? In this case, in order not to get into a mess, at the end of the invitation, in small print, you can attribute:

"The invitation is valid for two persons".

And immediately everything is clear. Let your friend choose for himself with whom he will be pleased and comfortable to spend a festive evening on the occasion of your anniversary.

You can also refuse the appeal altogether, and start the text of the invitation with the words:

"You are invited to...",
and write the name of the guest on a handwritten envelope or on a business card or box if you chose a scroll as an invitation card.

Now let's remember when to write the word "you" with a small letter, and when with a capital.

According to the rules of the Russian language, we write "you" with a capital letter if we address one person, and we write "you" with a small letter if we address two or more. Here is a simple rule.

But here it should be noted that the text of the invitation to the anniversary can be considered as the author's text, and then even if you write "I invite you..."("You" with a capital letter), then this will not be a terrible grammatical error.

Let's go to the main text. It all depends on your style and imagination.
For example:

I invite you to the celebration of my 50th birthday, which will take place on (date, time, place, address)...
I invite you to a gala dinner on the occasion of my birthday...
We invite you to a gala evening dedicated to the 15th anniversary of our company...
We will be glad to see you at the celebration in honor of the presentation of the new collection...
I will be glad to see you on May 25, 2012 at 18:00 in the restaurant "Prague" and celebrate the anniversary date of my birth with you.
I have the honor to invite you to a solemn event on the occasion of my anniversary...

In the texts of the invitation to the birthday, there is sometimes such an oddity:

I will be glad to see you at my 35th birthday, which oh will be held November 10, 2012

Dress code: smart casual.

Please note: the direct addition after the comma refers specifically to the word "Day", and not to the word "birth". And the word "Day" is masculine, so you need to write "which".

In this example, it is better to remove the words " to be held", and the sentence becomes more pleasant to listen to:

I will be glad to see you at my 35th birthday on November 10, 2012
on the shores of the still very warm Mediterranean Sea in Tel Aviv.
We meet at 19:00 in the banquet hall of the Dan Tel Aviv hotel.

At the end of the invitation, as a rule, should be signature. Here, too, there are pitfalls.

Have you ever wondered why in business letters after the words "Sincerely" is put comma, despite the fact that it is not regulated by the rules of the Russian language?
But in business English it is required :).
This English comma over the past 15 years has taken root in Russia so much that they are trying to attach it to other options, for example:

"Sincerely yours i, C ergey and Irina"
"Best regards i, A lexander"

Do not forget that the signature in the invitation is a kind of props (stamp, seal), and, of course, in the last two examples (from the point of view of the rules of the Russian language) a comma is superfluous.
If you still decide to put a comma in the signature, then do it consciously, based on the specific situation.

About the dot at the end of the signature:

At the end of the signature of the invitation to the anniversary, a dot is not put.

One more addition.
If you start the invitation with the words "Dear Ivan Denisovich", then in the signature it is better not to repeat "With respect" again, you can limit yourself to the first and last name.

Wedding etiquette requires the bride and groom to respect their guests. Therefore, the newlyweds prepare, three to four weeks before the celebration, and then send or hand out wedding invitations in person. For these important details of pre-wedding preparation, there are both obligatory moments and a field for your fantasies ...

Mandatory Information

Wedding invitations must necessarily tell the guest: the date of the wedding, as well as the time and place of both the wedding ceremony and the banquet.
The wedding invitation must be nominal, that is, "Dear Mikhail Viktorovich!" or "Misha!" (depending on what kind of relationship you have with the guest and in what general style the invitation will be designed).
It is customary to invite both men and women in a pair with their other halves, even if their marriage is not officially registered. One invitation for a couple or a whole family is enough.
Be sure to subscribe, because someone from the groom's side may not know the name of the bride and vice versa.
If you are going to get married in a church after registration, then it is necessary to indicate in the invitation in which church and at what time this ceremony will take place. Basically, couples prefer that only the closest people attend the wedding, so the mention of the wedding should be written only on those invitations with which you invite the chosen ones.
This is a must, but wedding invitations can have anything else! Show your imagination and originality, or trust the official template.

official forms of wedding invitations

__________________________________ (names of guests)
It is with great pleasure that we invite you on _______ (date) at _______ (time) to register your marriage and celebrate this event. Registration will take place at the Wedding Palace No. 1 at ________.
The wedding celebration will take place at ______ (time) at the restaurant ________ at _______.
We will be happy to see you!
______ (names of newlyweds)

It is with great pleasure that we invite you on ___________________ 200__ at __ hours __ minutes
for the registration of marriage and the celebration dedicated to this event.
Registration will take place at the Wedding Palace _________
by the address: __________________
The wedding celebration will take place at __ hours __ minutes
in _______________
by the address: _________________.
We will be happy to see you!
(Bride and groom)

We invite you to the celebration dedicated to our marriage,
which will take place on ___________________ 200__ at __ hours __ minutes
in _______________
by the address: _______________________.
We will be glad to see you!
(Bride and groom)

Expensive _______________!
With great pleasure we invite you to the celebration dedicated to our wedding,
which will take place on ___________________ 200__ at ________________
by the address: __________________,
start at __________.
We look forward to sharing this happy day with you!
(Bride and groom)

free style wedding invitation cards

___________ and __________!
Let me invite you to the Most Important Celebration of our whole life.
We want to connect our destinies and our hearts _______ 200_,
and we would be very pleased if you witnessed this event and shared our joy with us.
The celebration will take place at: ____ at ___ h ___ min.
by the address: ___________
(Bride and groom)

____________ !
We are pleased to invite you to our wedding party,
which will take place at...
"__" __________ 200_ at ___ h ___ min.
See you!
(Bride and groom)
Share the joy with us!

Dear ___________!
We are waiting for your congratulations and wishes on our wedding.
The banquet will take place on "__" __________ 200___. at ___ h ___ min at: ___________
(bride and groom)
Please confirm your presence at the event by phone call.
We are looking forward to it!

_________ (the date)
it can pass like an ordinary day and you won’t remember anything special… Or it can become one of the most pleasant days not only for us, but also for you! We look forward to seeing you at our happy holiday - our WEDDING!
The registration ceremony will take place at _____ (time) at the Wedding Palace at _________. The celebration dedicated to this event will be held at the restaurant ______ at ______. Please confirm your presence in advance.
We also invite you to a celebration on the occasion of our Silver wedding - ______ (date) and the Golden wedding - _______ (date).
P.S. The format of the evening involves the presence of guests in evening dresses.
______ (names of newlyweds).

An invitation in verse

We decided to get married
We have a celebration.
Let's sing and have fun
The heart beats happily.
Come to our wedding
We will have fun!
We welcome good guests
Agree now!

Everything turned out the way we wanted.
And now the desired hour will come,
We'll wear chastity rings...
We invite you to the wedding!

Your life path
We both start
For family wedding
And friends are invited!
We are asking you very much
Come to visit us
Celebrate Together
The beginning of the way!

Together we decided forever
Connect your destiny
And we cordially invite you
To share our joy!

From events happened Event -
We aspire to the power of marriage bonds,
We stand on the threshold of discovery -
We open a family union!
We invite those closest to us -
The celebration will be in our house.
Do not forget to congratulate us too:
Come at the indicated time!

Deciding once and for all
Connect your paths
We invite you to the evening
To share our joy
Say a parting word
Exclaim "Bitter" (and more than once!).
We will be infinitely glad
See you at our wedding!

I followed her
Wandered at night
But heartfelt words
I didn't find.
But she found
Came up to me
For life love
She came to us both.
We create our
New family.
Come to the wedding
My best friend!
Congratulations to us
You prepare yours!
Happiness in our life
Brought love!

"As he said ..." or invitation-aphorisms

The time for happiness is now.
The place for happiness is here.
Robert Green Ygersoll

I feel such a surge of love in my heart,
That I can’t be silent, I won’t, I don’t know how!
Athanasius Fet

To love is to find in the happiness of another
your own happiness.
Gottfried Leibniz

To love is not to look at each other
to love is to look together in the same direction.
Antoine de Saint-Exupery

humorous wedding invitation

We have the honor to invite you on a tour of the cultural and historical places of ______ (city name), which acquire special value and indescribable beauty on any day, especially _______ (date). Our program includes:
1. Marriage at _____ (time) in the N-th department of the registry office. In front of your eyes, the fearless groom will stick his head into the mouth of family life.
2. A walk in the garden / park, scaring away pigeons and passers-by with cannonade from champagne bottles.
3. Bonding the sacred bonds of marriage with a particularly burglary-resistant lock to the railing of the bridge, followed by the loss of the keys.
4. Excursion to the ______ restaurant at _______, where you can see and taste the exposition of Ukrainian cuisine.
5. The tour will take place on a comfortable silver tram. The tour starts at the groom's house, at ______ (time). Along the route, sacrifices will be made to the god Dionysus.
___________ (names of the newlyweds).

Wedding invitations for parents

grandma and grandpa invitation

My beloved grandparents, _____ (date) a solemn and significant event will take place in our life - our wedding day.
Among those who should come to this important celebration for us, unique and unforgettable, and share our joy with us, we would like to see you.
The celebration will take place at _______ at _______ (time).
______ (names of newlyweds).

And now you, dear newlyweds, cards in hand! That is, invitations.

Dear ______

We invite you to the celebration on the occasion of our marriage,

Vasya and Glasha

It is with great pleasure that we invite

marriage and a celebration dedicated to this event.

Registration will take place at the Wedding Palace No. 1 at:

Maly Kharitonievsky lane, 10. The wedding celebration will be

take place at 17:00 at the Baltschug Kempinski Hotel, Vladimir Hall

at the address: Balchug street, 1

We will be happy to see you!

Vasya and Glasha

Marriot Grand Hotel, which has extensive experience in organizing receptions for high-ranking and royal persons, will consider it an honor to invite you to participate in the holding and presentation of the ceremony of the unification of Teresa Borodina and Maxim Arakcheev on Thursday, September 25, 2003 at half past seven in the Trinity Hall.
Marriot Grand Hotel
Tverskaya st., 26

Dear … and …!
You opened this delicate transparent envelope, and we invite you to open a new stage of our life with us - just as tender and transparent. We will be happy if you share our joy on this unforgettable day - June 19th.
We are waiting for you at:
M. Kharitonevsky per., 10, Wedding Palace No. 1, at 12:30 pm.
Vasya and Glasha

Theater of Consciously Lost Freedom
"Then they lived happily ever after"
Characters: Vasya and Glasha
Act I "For the Soul"
Marriage on May 24, 2004 at 12:00 pm
Moscow, Wedding Palace No. 3
Act II "For the body"
Reception at 16.00 - restaurant "BM"
Act III "After the wedding night"
Without public participation

The Theater of Consciously Lost Freedom is pleased to invite you to the performance "And then they lived happily ever after ..."
Characters: Groom and Bride
Picture One "Merry"
Bride ransom at 10 o'clock
by the address: ____________________
Painting Second "Emotional"
Marriage at 2 pm
by the address: _________________
Intermission Walk around Moscow
Picture the third "Appetizing"
Banquet at 18
by the address: ________________________
Picture Four "Tempting"
No public participation ;)

Dear... and...!
The Union of Brave Racers invites you on June 19, 2004 to the "Formula of Love" rally. On this route, a lifetime will start:
Vasya and Glasha
The rally will be held in 3 races:
Race I: "To the start"
Registration of riders will take place at the Nagatinsky registry office at 15:00 at the address:
Nagatinskaya embankment, 34
Race II: "Attention"
Start at 17:30 in the restaurant "Phoenix" at the address: Volgogradsky pr-t, 26 building 1
Race III: "March"
Night check-in without broadcast rights

Everything turned out the way we wanted.
And now the desired hour will come,
We'll wear chastity rings...
We invite you to the wedding!
Vasya and Glasha

Your life path
We both start
For family wedding
And friends are invited!
We are asking you very much
Come to visit us
Celebrate Together
The beginning of the way!
Together we decided forever
Connect your destiny
And we cordially invite you
To share our joy!
Vasya and Glasha

From events happened Event -
We aspire to the power of marriage bonds,
We stand on the threshold of discovery -
We open a family union!
We invite those closest to us -
The celebration will be in our house.
Do not forget to congratulate us too:
Come at the indicated time!
Vasya and Glasha

On this beautiful day, we want to give glory to God for what He created, led and kept us for each other. It is a great privilege for us to invite you:
Dear ___________________
To witness our wedding celebration.
We are waiting for you at our holiday!

Dear Andrij and Larisa!
We have the joy of inviting you
To be present at our wedding ceremony
Which will take place
On Sunday, the twenty third of July, two thousand and six
At 16:00, Cathedral of Holly Spirit,
Sobornaja Square, Chernovtsy.
Sincerely yours
Olga and Igor

Love is longsuffering, merciful, does not envy, does not boast, does not pride itself, does not behave rudely, does not seek its own, is not irritated, does not think evil, does not rejoice in iniquity, but rejoices in the truth, covers everything, believes everything, hopes everything, endures everything. Love will never end.

Bible (1 Cor. 13:4-8)

"Each of us is an angel, but with only one wing.
And we can only fly by embracing each other."
"We are each of us angels with only one wing. And we can only fly embracing each other"

Examples of texts for wedding invitations

The text of a wedding invitation can have a different emotional coloring: it can be official, humorous, or simply sincere. If you are organizing a stylistic wedding, then in your invitations try to use turns of speech and individual words that are characteristic of the era that you are going to recreate at the celebration.

Our dear ________ and __________!

Solemn registration of marriage will take place at __ (time) at the address: ____.

The wedding banquet will begin at __ (time) in the cafe "" at the address: ___.

Sincerely, (names of the bride and groom).

Wedding invitation text for witnesses

Our beloved ____________!

Your support, understanding and friendship have always been important to our couple. That is why on the happiest day of our lives, we really want you to be with us!

We are pleased to invite you to be witnesses at our wedding. Solemn registration will take place at the central office of the registry office (date, time) at ___________. The wedding will take place in _______ church in ____.

A festive banquet will be held at the restaurant _____________, at ____ in the evening. We look forward to seeing you.

With love (names of the bride and groom).

There are billions of galaxies in the universe and
My only other half!

We have received the greatest gift from fate:
our hearts are trapped in love,
our souls found happiness in each other!
July 1, 2011 we decided to say our vows and become husband and wife!
Expensive ___ !
We will be very happy if you will be with us and share our happiness!
We want to seal our union at (registry office, address and time).
And celebrate this event at (address). Start at (time).
We would be grateful for your participation and support on this important day for us -
July 1 is the day of the beginning of our happy family life!

Names of the bride and groom

wedding invitation text for parents:

Dear and beloved mom and dad!
You are the main guests at this celebration! Without you, this day would not exist!
Thank you and know that you will be with us.

You opened this bright envelope, and we invite you
together with us to open a new stage of our life -
so sunny and beautiful.
We will be happy if you share our joy
on this unforgettable day.

We are waiting for you on September 9 at 16:00
at the address: st. Mosfilmovskaya, 8
restaurant "Bellagio"
Vitaly and Ksenia

The original text of the invitation to the wedding. "Medieval invitation."

It is issued in the form of a scroll, you can attach a rose to it or decorate it with knightly symbols.

Virtuous sir and sir _______!

We hasten to tell you good news. The Union of Children will be consecrated in two glorious and noble families. It will take place in the ancient castle in the afternoon, on the fifteenth day of a cold January of this year (you can change the date at your discretion).

The noble knight (name) and the young lady of his heart (name) are waiting for you at the evening feast and jousting tournament that will take place (name of the restaurant and its address). Give this event your attention, let a white or red rose be a pass for guests.

With gratitude, (names of the newlyweds)

text for wedding invitations Dear …...!
We will be very happy if you share our happiness with us!
We want to celebrate this event in the restaurant………. Start at….
We will be grateful to you for your participation and support on this important day for us - ... date ... - the day the start of our
happy family life!

Wedding invitation text for wedding in nautical style.

Love is a beacon raised above the storm,
Not fading in darkness and fog;
Love is the star that sailor
Defines a place in the ocean.

ship captain name of the groom
and his muse is the name of the bride

Wedding invitation text for autumn red and gold wedding.
An autumn wedding invitation can be made in the form of an autumn leaf. Another option - a dried yellow or red sheet can be varnished and pasted into an invitation. You can also use red rowan in the design. The invitation describes the dress code: the colors used for decorating the wedding are gold and red.

Saying "I love you" takes a few seconds
show how -
all life…

Under the rustle of golden leaves,
in the crimson beauty of the blushing mountain ash,
in heaven or somewhere higher,
we decided to light the hearth of the family.
We hasten to tell you this news,
Having dared the main decision,
On an autumn day, an autumn leaf
Let the talisman become true.
We ask for support from relatives and friends,
At such an important hour for our couple,
We want to give warmth to everyone
and end it all with a grand ball!

Let nature rejoice with us
our precious guest!
We are waiting for you in autumn clothes: crimson with gold
and red flowers.

Solemn speeches, ceremonies are waiting for you (date, time, place).
The autumn ball will whirl (time, place).

Wedding invitations. Invitation text on postcards

Formal wedding invitation text

Dear (th)_____________________, we have the honor to invite you to the solemn registration of our marriage, which will take place on ____________________________ (date) at ______ hours at the address: __________________________________________.
We are waiting for you at our holiday!

Formal friendly wedding invitations:
Invitation text 1

Dear ___________________________! We will be very glad to see you at the long-awaited celebration dedicated to our entry into the family union, which will be held at: _____________________________________.
Sincerely ____________________________.

Wedding invitation text - 2

Dear ____________________________.
We are pleased to inform you that ___ __________ ____ a solemn holiday dedicated to our marriage will take place. We sincerely ask you to spend this unforgettable day in our lives with us. The wedding will take place at:

Wedding invitation text - 3

Expensive___________________________! We invite you to the wedding celebration on the occasion of our marriage, which will take place on ________________ (date) at ______ hours
by the address___________________________________________.
We will be glad to see you! ____________________________.

Our dear Vitaly and Elena!
Soon, or rather on October 12, 2019, it will happen that
what everyone was waiting for - we decided to get married!
We decided to unite our hearts and destinies, we intend to live happily ever after!
We would be pleased to have you among our guests,
who came to share our happiness and joy with us.
The official part will be held in the Tagansky registry office,
well, and unofficial a little later, namely in
"Casa del Vino" at the address: B. Drovyanoy lane, 7/9
Please be present, have fun from the heart, drink and eat and rejoice for us.
Denis and Natalia

Expensive …!
…July, 2012
we really want to be surrounded
the closest and dearest people to us
that evening when for millennia
the traditional rite will unite our destinies!
We look forward to seeing you at our happy
holiday - OUR WEDDING!!!
The wedding will take place in...
By the address: ….
Beginning at…
The celebration will take place in…
by the address: …
Beginning at…
PS: Bring warm words and congratulations in your heart, and gifts in an envelope.

Cool wedding day invitation texts, wedding invitation text

Funny invitation text with humor

Expensive _______________!

Forget about everything! Leave your phones at home, turn off the TV and lock the door, because we are waiting for you at our wedding celebration.

The painting will take place at the Central Registry Office in ________, at _______.

After that, all guests will go to the party that will take place (date, date, restaurant name, address).

Stock up on a good mood and comfortable shoes, the celebration will be fun.

We are waiting for you (signatures of the bride and groom).

Poetic version of the invitation.
This option is the most creative. If you have a poetic talent, try to come up with invitation texts. They can be both serious and playful. Everything will depend only on your imagination.

Deciding once and for all
Connect your paths
We invite you to the evening
To share our joy
Say a parting word
Exclaim "Bitter!" (and more than once!).
We will be infinitely glad
See you at our wedding!

Let me invite you to the Most Important Celebration of our life - our First family holiday, where we will unite our destinies and our hearts! We would be very pleased if you witnessed this event and shared with us the exciting atmosphere of love and happiness!
The solemn ceremony of registration of our union will take place at (place) at (time) this year. Our First family holiday will take place at (time and place).
A white flower will serve as a pass to the celebration - a symbol of purity and nobility.

Vlad and Alesya

Wedding invitation in verse for a traditional wedding.

Wedding date.

This day is the beginning of all beginnings!
On this day, we will double our happiness!
We were destined in heaven
Become a better fate for each other!
Invite let the joy of the day
Divide and complete the event
A friendly toast of the best wine,
Wishing the love of the century!

Names of the bride and groom

You will like this invitation text if you decide to put more soul into your invitations and not only show that you are not indifferent to the guests, but also emphasize that the wedding day is the most important in our life.

"Dear ...! Let me invite you to the Most Important Celebration of our whole life. We want to connect our destinies and our hearts on September 9, and we would be very pleased if you witnessed this event and shared our joy with us. The celebration will take place at ... at ... hours."

Sometimes it's better to make a note in which you can ask guests to respond to your invitation. This is necessary in order to know in advance how many guests you can count on.

Expensive ___________
January 28, 2011
can pass like a normal day and
you will not remember anything special ...
Might be one of the most enjoyable.
days not only for us, but also for you!
We look forward to seeing you at our happy
holiday - our wedding!

Registration will take place at the Wedding Palace
at 11 o'clock at the address: Voronezh, Lenina Square, 11
The celebration will take place in the banquet hall
at 17:00 at the address: Voronezh, Leninsky Prospekt, 2

We ask you to inform about your consent or refusal before the day, month
by phone: ...

Cool wedding day invitation texts, wedding invitation text

Friendly invitation:
Friendly wedding invitation text

Dear ________________________! We hasten to tell you the good news - we are getting married! We invite you _______ numbers at _______ hours to our wedding. We are waiting for you at _____________________.

Wedding invitation text
We are waiting for your congratulations and wishes on our wedding.
The banquet will take place on “…”… 201… at ... h ... min at: ...
Names of the bride and groom
Please confirm your presence at the event by phone call.
We are looking forward to it!
Oksana and Sergey


Julia and Alexander

French wedding invitation in travel style.

My friend!
You soar behind a cloud with a dream -
You are delirious with the Kursk village ...
Shouldn't we wave to Paris,
So, let's say, on a tour?
Van Gogh will be dedicated to the works
Clock: rural landscapes...
See the Louvre and Notre Dame
Elysian lawns!

We are going on a trip on a wedding charter flight (date, address)
Please bring a minimum amount of luggage with you, and wedding gifts in an envelope.

Wedding invitation text for friends (with humor)

Our beloved _________!

If you want to see your girlfriend (name) in a white dress, and your friend (groom's name) in a classic suit, then you definitely need to free the day (date).

The painting ceremony will take place at the registry office at ____________.

After that, we are waiting for everyone for a fun banquet, which will take place at ____ hours, in a restaurant (cafe and its name), at ____________.

Your (names of the bride and groom)

You opened this delicate transparent envelope,
and we invite you to open a new stage with us
our life - the same gentle and transparent.
We will be happy if you share our joy
on this unforgettable day - ... (date).
We are waiting for you at ... at the address: ...

Your Bride and Groom.

Dear _________ and __________!

_____ (date) a long-awaited event in our lives will take place - our wedding. Among the people who are happy with our happiness, we would like to see you. Please accept our official invitation to the wedding ceremony and gala dinner.

Registration of marriage will take place at __ (time) at: ___.

The banquet is scheduled for ___ (time) and will be held at: ___.

Sincerely yours (groom, bride).

Expensive __________!

No matter how he resisted his happiness (the name of the groom), he did not manage to escape from his Fate: our wedding is scheduled for ___ (date).

We will be very happy if you come to support and congratulate us at ___ (time) at the address: ___ and have fun in a noisy company at the wedding party, which will be held at the restaurant "" at the address: ___, starting from __ h.

Will wait! (groom bride)

In the event that you plan to get married in a church, it is also worth mentioning this in the wedding invitation or preparing separate invitation cards for a narrow circle of relatives and friends.

Our dear ______ and _______!

We are pleased to invite you to the temple "", where __ (date) our wedding ceremony will take place. We will be sincerely glad to see you among our closest and dearest people.

Sincerely, yours (groom, bride).

Cool wedding day invitation texts, wedding invitation text

Wedding invitation with original text for city wedding.

“To love means not to look at each other,
but look together in the same direction"
/BUT. De Saint-Exupery/

We decided to create our own city of the future, the name of which is Family! We dream of living in a house on Love Street in the Joy area, where it is light from the lanterns of Care and the music of Tenderness sounds. We would like to walk along the alleys of Boundless Sincerity and watch the attraction of Passion. On Trust Boulevard, we would sit with friends in the Attention cafe, and we would work on Respect Avenue. Family - City of our future - where all residents are happy!
Expensive ____ !
(Date) we invite you to the official ceremony of laying the first stone of Reciprocity of our future city Family. The ceremony will take place on (Date, time). And we will be glad to see you at a grand celebration in honor of the birth of our city (place)! The city gates will be open for all guests at (time).
Your pass to the first celebration of our city Family will be a red rose - a symbol of our love!

Family city founders
Names of the bride and groom

wedding invitation from bride to girlfriends

Ah, dear friends,
I'm getting married!
My favorite is finally
Made a confession.
There will be a wedding, there will be guests
Soon in our house.
Let's drink, have fun
Let's dance from the heart!
Invitations to all relatives
Sending with love.
You, dear friends,
We invite you to visit!

Official text of the invitation
In this version of invitations, only official words are used, i.e. invitations contain only the necessary information.

Dear Ivan Ivanovich!
We invite you to the wedding ceremony, which will take place on July 10, 20__. at 13:00 at the address: st. People's Militia, 23, bldg. 2 in the Khoroshevsky registry office.
Groom's name, Bride's name.

I followed her
Wandered at night
Suitable words
I didn't find.
But she found
Came up to me
For life love
She came to us both.
We create our
New family.
Come to the wedding
My best friend!
Congratulations to us
You prepare yours!
Happiness in our life
Brought love!

gangster style wedding invitation

Dear don and donna (surname)

We are pleased to inform you that (on such and such a date, at such and such a time) a solemn unification of the two most powerful mafia clans (surnames) will take place.

We are waiting for you for a holiday that will take place (date, month, year, time) in a cafe (restaurant, house) at ________.

The ability to shoot, bluff and dance is welcome.

Signatures of the bride and groom
