The world around us is a golden ring. Lesson about the world around us: "The Golden Ring of Russia"

1. Using the textbook map, label the cities of the Golden Ring.

Write down the names of the cities you have visited.

Vladimir. Suzdal. Ivanovo. Yaroslavl

2. Using the text and illustrations of the textbook, write down the sights of each city in the table 1 - 2

If you know other attractions of these cities that are not mentioned in the textbook, you can also enter them in the table.

3. Imagine yourself as a tour guide. Using a map of one of the cities, take your classmates on an imaginary tour. Show them the sights that you know something about. Tell us about them.

Pushkin Park, monument to Prince Vladimir and St. Fedor and observation deck in the city of Vladimir

A visit to the city of Vladimir will not be complete without a look at the Pushkin Park, a visit to the monument to Prince Vladimir and a look at the city from a specially constructed observation deck.

Park named after A.S. Pushkin is located in the most ancient part of the city, among many historical monuments. The park itself is not large, but very cozy: soft green lawns, elegant lattice fencing, elegant lanterns, birch trees, tiled paths and comfortable benches. It is no coincidence that this park has become one of the favorite vacation spots of the townspeople.

The bright dominant feature of the park was the monument to Prince Vladimir and St. Feodor. The monument was created by sculptor Sergei Mikhailovich Isakov and opened in 2007. It depicts an equestrian sculpture of Prince Vladimir holding a banner with the image of Christ. Next to Vladimirov is depicted Saint Feodor, who, according to legend, brought the Christian faith to northeastern Rus'.

Right next to the monument there is an observation deck which offers a beautiful view of the most ancient part of the city and the Klyazma River.

Epiphany Square, monument to Yaroslav the Wise and Spaso-Preobrazhensky Monastery in Yaroslavl

Epiphany Square is one of the oldest squares in Yaroslavl. Her image began to take shape back in the 12th century. Here is the Church of the Epiphany, the Transfiguration Monastery and the houses of wealthy citizens who lived in Yaroslavl in the century before last.

In the center of Epiphany Square there is a monument to Prince Yaroslav the Wise. The monument, which was created by sculptor Oleg Komov and architects N.I. Komova and A.R. Bobovich, was opened in 1993. Yaroslav the Wise holds a model of the city in one hand, and a lowered sword in the other. According to the authors, this symbolizes the prince’s peace-loving character and his far-sighted policy.

The most famous landmark of Epiphany Square is the Spaso-Preobrazhensky Monastery. It was on the site of this monastery that the most famous ancient Russian manuscript, “The Tale of Igor’s Campaign,” was found. This monastery was founded in the 12th century. In the 16th century, Tsar Ivan the Terrible loved to visit here, and in the 17th century, it was from the walls of this monastery that Minin and Pozharsky set off to liberate Moscow from foreign invaders.

4. Seryozha and Nadya have prepared a task for you. Find out cities by descriptions. Write the names of cities in the boxes.

a) This city is named after St. Sergius of Radonezh. There is a large monastery here - the Trinity Lavra of St. Sergius.

b) The streets of this city are arranged in the form of a fan. Where they converge, there are ancient shopping arcades.

c) This city stands on the Volga in the place where the river bends and flows at an “angle”. There is a watch factory in this city.

d) This city is called a museum city. There are many churches, monasteries, and chapels. There is also a museum of wooden architecture.

5. What great people are the names of cities associated with? Connect with lines.

6. The Wise Turtle asks if you know these sights. Cut out photographs from the Application and place them in the appropriate boxes. Test yourself using the textbook. After checking, paste the photos. Indicate the names of the cities with arrows.

7. Here you can write down questions for a quiz about the cities of the Golden Ring.

  • In which city is the Golden Gate located?
  • Why do you think they are called that? (In the old days, they charged gold to enter the city through the gates)
  • Who founded the city of Vladimir?

Ask these questions to your classmates. Evaluate their answers.

8. Using additional literature and the Internet, prepare a report about one of the cities of the Golden Ring. It is better to choose a city where you have been before. Then you can supplement the collected information with your own impressions.

Message subject:

Message plan:

  1. General information about the city of Suzdal
  2. Main attractions of the city
  3. Tourism in Suzdal

Suzdal - an open-air museum

Suzdal is a real pearl among the treasures of the Golden Ring of Russia. This small town with a population of less than 10,000 people was able to preserve all the heritage left to it by previous generations and turn its city into a real open-air museum. For the first time, a settlement with the name Suzhdal, located on this place, was mentioned in the chronicle of 1024. However, according to archaeological research, protective structures around the settlement were created even earlier.

For centuries, Suzdal was one of the most important cities in Russia. In the 12th century the city was the capital of the Rostov-Suzdal Principality, and in the 13th century - the capital of the Suzdal Principality. Historical battles took place here and important state affairs were carried out.

Now in Suzdal many architectural monuments of those times have been preserved: the Suzdal Kremlin, several ancient monasteries, a rampart, shopping arcades, a stone town house and a huge number of ancient churches, which are invariably of interest to every tourist.

Also in Suzdal, several museums have been created that allow those who wish to be transported back to the times of Ancient Rus'. This is a museum of wooden architecture with restored peasant huts, windmills, barns, wells, barns and other interesting buildings. Very interesting museums are located on the territory of the Suzdal Kremlin and the Spaso-Evfimiev Monastery, a wax museum and an icon-painting workshop.

And in general, the very streets of Suzdal and its hotels - everything is arranged so that guests of the city feel like those distant times. You can ride through the streets on a sleigh or horse-drawn carriage. Drink ancient honey drinks and enjoy authentic Russian cuisine.

AND source(s) of information:
Internet sites, personal impressions of the trip to Suzdal, albums and postcards purchased during the trip.

Here you can write down interesting facts for your message, make drawings based on your impressions, or paste photographs.

Write down the names of the cities you have visited.

I had a chance to visit Vladimir, Ivanovo, Ples.

If you know other attractions of these cities that are not mentioned in the textbook, you can also enter them in the table.

3. Imagine yourself as a tour guide. Using a map of one of the cities, take your classmates on an imaginary tour. Show them the sights that you know something about. Tell us about them.

The Golden Gate performed a number of functions. Firstly, they served as the main entrance to the city - through them the princely squads returning from the battlefield entered Vladimir. A white-stone triumphal arch reaching a height of 14 meters, a grandiose travel tower and massive oak gates hanging on forged hinges gave the building a majestic appearance that corresponded to its purpose. Secondly, the Golden Gate, along with the unpreserved Copper, Irinin, Silver and Volga Gates, formed a single complex of defensive fortifications of the city of Vladimir.

6. The Wise Turtle asks if you know these sights. Cut out photographs from the Application and place them in the appropriate boxes. Test yourself using the textbook. After checking, paste the photos. Indicate the names of the cities with arrows.

7. Here you can write down questions for a quiz about the cities of the Golden Ring.

In which city is the Golden Gate located?

Why do you think they are called that? (In the old days, they charged gold to enter the city through the gates)

Who founded the city of Vladimir?

8. Using additional literature and the Internet, prepare a report about one of the cities of the Golden Ring. It is better to choose a city where you have been before. Then you can supplement the collected information with your own impressions.

Post subject: Suzdal - open air museum

Message plan:

1. General information about the city of Suzdal

2. The main attractions of the city

3. Folk crafts of Suzdal

4. My personal impressions of visiting Suzdal

Source(s) of information: Internet

Olga Anatolyevna Marmuleva, primary school teacher

Municipal educational institution "School No. 15 in Cheremkhovo"

Lesson from the world around us

Topic: “Golden Ring of Russia.”

Target: formation of the foundations of civic identity, a sense of pride in one’s Motherland as part of the implementation of the leading content line “Man and Society”: what is the rich and famous nature of one’s native country, why a citizen loves his Motherland.


    Introduce the cities that make up the Golden Ring.

    Learn to recognize a city by its main attractions and reproduce the learned information about the city in a short story.

    Continue developing skills of cooperation with peers in educational activities.

Formed meta-subject results:

Cognitive: mastery of logical actions of analysis, synthesis, cause-and-effect relationships; conscious and voluntary construction of a speech utterance in oral form ; O mastery of the skill of semantic reading of texts of various styles and genres; search and selection of necessary information, structuring knowledge

Regulatory: goal setting as setting a learning task based on the correlation of what is already known and what is not yet known; planning – determining the sequence of intermediate goals taking into account the final result; assessment - highlighting what has already been learned and what still needs to be learned, awareness of the quality and level of assimilation.

Communicative: planning educational cooperation with peers, managing the behavior of a partner, the ability to express one’s thoughts with sufficient completeness and accuracy in accordance with the tasks and conditions of communication.

Lesson type: learning new material

Equipment: computer, projector, screen .

Didactic support: presentation “Golden Ring of Russia”, cards for groups, textbook “The World around us”

During the classes:

Lesson stage

Activities of the teacher, methods and techniques used

Student activities

Formed UUD

Control and assessment activities

1. Motivation for educational activities.

Guys, I am very glad to see your kind faces and radiant eyes. I will smile at you, and you smile at each other and think how good it is that we are all together today. We are calm, kind, friendly and everyone is healthy. Take a deep breath and exhale. Exhale resentment, anger, anxiety. Forget about them. Breathe into yourself the freshness of such a clear sunny day. I wish you a good mood and careful attitude towards each other. (Children turn to each other, join their palms and get ready to work. “I wish you well, you wish me well, if it’s difficult, I’ll help you...”

- We are starting to study a new section. What is it called?

(Travel to cities and countries)

-By studying this section, what will we learn? (p. 85)

What are people who travel called? (travelers or tourists)

And today we are going on a virtual trip, imagining ourselves as tourists. We will visit several ancient Russian cities.

Creating a problem situation:

1) Do arithmetic and make up a word.

Cat - t + porch - roofs = ?

How do you understand what a ring is?

What are the rings used for? What types of rings are there?

Today in the lesson we will also talk about the gold ring. Imagine that Russia has not a simple, but a special Golden Ring. It is decorated with special Russian gems. Each of the gems decorating the Golden Ring of Russia has its own name. )

-What kind of gems are these?

Let's look at the map. (Display the map on a slide through a projector)

“The Golden Ring of Russia” is a thousand-kilometer tourist route through ancient Russian cities.

Together they form the world-famous Golden Ring.

So what is the topic of today's lesson?

- Gold ring of Russia

Perform arithmetic operations and guess the word RING.

They answer the question.

They make assumptions.

A ring is a piece of jewelry, an object in the shape of a circle.

Rings can be wedding, Olympic, gymnastics...

Stations, stops along the route, decorations, cities.....

2. Goal setting

What are the goals of our journey?

    Why ring?

    And why Golden?

What cities are part of the Golden Ring of Russia?

Learn about the sights and famous people of this city

Accepting the lesson goal, planning activities

Mastery of logical actions of analysis, synthesis, cause-and-effect relationships;

conscious construction of speech utterances in accordance with communication tasks.

3. Identifying the location and cause of the difficulty.

We set off on our trip along the Golden Ring from Moscow.

What do you know about Moscow?

The city of Moscow is the capital of our Motherland. It was founded in 1147 on the banks of the Moscow River. It was founded by Yuri Dolgoruky.

Moscow is a huge city. Both in terms of the number of inhabitants and its size, it ranks among the largest cities in the world.

Answer questions.

Formation of the ability to plan educational activities in accordance with the task and determine the most effective ways to achieve results

4. Construction of a project for getting out of a difficulty (children’s “discovery” of new knowledge)

Research work with text -.

We will travel in pairs. An algorithm on instructional maps will help you get acquainted with the cities of the Golden Ring

Each group (pair) will work on this algorithm analyzing the textbook material, entering the information obtained into route sheets. Then we will hear the groups' reports

Read the text (textbook p.). Answer questions.

Mastering the skill of meaningful reading of texts of various styles and genres, conscious construction of speech statements in accordance with communication tasks;

extracting the necessary information from the text.

5. Implementation of the constructed project.

Organization of independent work

Rules for working in groups and in pairs

1. Know how to listen to your interlocutor, don’t interrupt.

2. I don’t agree - explain why.

3.Prove your opinion calmly and politely

4. Speak only to the point

5.Work together, help each other

Gymnastics for the eyes.

They work in groups and write a short story about the city.

Search and selection of necessary information, structuring knowledge.

Conscious and voluntary construction of a speech utterance in oral form

6. Primary consolidation with pronunciation in external speech.

Organization of group reports, during the story of the students, children fill out the card with. 54

How many cities are included in the Golden Ring?

Members of each group talk about one of the cities of the Golden Ring.

Evaluate their work

Willingness to listen to the interlocutor and conduct a dialogue, express your opinion and argue your point of view and assessment.

7. Independent work


Organization of independent work individually

Key check.

    A city whose name may have come from the word "corner". Is this Uglich?

    Is Plyos a city of artists?

3. Is Nizhny Novgorod part of the Golden Ring of Russia?

4. Are the Golden Gates located in Vladimir?

5. Is the city of Sergiev Posad named after St. Sergius of Radonezh?

6. Is the Chaika watch factory located in the city of Kostroma?

7. Was Yaroslavl founded by Yaroslav the Wise?

8. Is enamel jewelry made in Ivanovo?

9. In Pereslavl-Zalessky, are the streets arranged in the form of a fan?

10. The Golden Ring of Russia - these are the cities in which gold jewelry is made?

Students answer questions in the text, fill out an answer card and evaluate themselves.

Ability to draw conclusions using various types of reading.

8 Reflection on learning activities.

Organizes the game “Choose a phrase.”

Guys, the topic of our lesson is “The Golden Ring of Russia”, please answer, why a ring?

Let's look at the map (These cities formed a ring.

And who can say why “golden”?

That's right, each city of the Golden Ring shines with its rich history and attractions, and together they constitute a treasury of Russian culture, a visual encyclopedia of ancient Russian architecture.

- Our journey has come to an end. The result of our joint activities was a route map of the ancient cities of the Golden Ring of Russia, indicating their main attractions.

I invite you to express your opinion about the lesson using the beginning of phrases written on the board (Slide):

Today I found out...

It was interesting …

It was difficult …

I learned...

I felt) …

I wanted …

Formulates homework.

    Complete the task in the workbook p. 57.

    Make a presentation about one of the cities of the Golden Ring

Choose a phrase from the “reflective screen” on the board.

Listen to homework.

Emotional and personal assessment, the ability to reflect changes in one’s emotional state.


Contribute to the development of cognitive motivation, broadening horizons;

Develop the ability to determine a goal, organize activities to achieve it, and the ability to correctly formulate thoughts in the process of communication;

Develop observation, attention, imagination, thinking, memory, coherent speech;

To develop the ability to listen and hear classmates and teachers.


To promote a sense of patriotism and pride in our country through exploring the sights of ancient Russian cities.

Lesson type: initial presentation of new knowledge

Lesson format: lesson-travel

Equipment: multimedia presentations, a map of the Golden Ring of Russia, photographs depicting the cities of the Golden Ring (small photographs lie on desks, and large photographs are attached to the board), envelopes of different colors with tasks, route sheets, sheets of notes, a fan, a suitcase, a balloon.

Planned results

Personal: formation of the foundations of Russian civic identity, a sense of pride in one’s Motherland; showing interest in the culture and history of one’s people and native country.

Subject: students will learn which cities are included in the Golden Ring of Russia, their location on the map and attractions; why these cities are united in the concept of the “golden ring”.


Regulatory: development of motives for educational activities; developing the ability to maintain the goal of an activity until its result is obtained; monitoring activities; evaluating the results of your activities.

Cognitive: developing the ability to identify features and similarities of different objects in the process of examining them.

Communicative: developing the ability to express one’s thoughts orally with sufficient completeness and accuracy of thought; development of skills of cooperation with peers in group work, the ability to negotiate the distribution of functions and roles in joint activities

Modern pedagogical technologies used in the lesson:

Health-saving technologies (emotional impact on children, physical education),

Problem-based learning (problem situation with surprise, problematic questions),

Gaming technology.

Teaching methods:

Partially search, problem-based (aimed at motivating learning activities); students compared, analyzed, correlated the result of the action performed with the problem posed;

Explanatory and illustrative (organization and implementation of educational and cognitive activities);

Reproductive (reproduction of something according to a model or from memory; in the active form, students independently determine and select an algorithm of actions, and then practice its application);

Conversation, dialogue interaction;

Practical (independent work with task cards).

Organizational forms of the lesson: frontal, group (class is divided into groups of 5-6 people)

During the classes

I. Indicative and motivational stage of the lesson

1. Positive attitude to class

Hello guys.

Look at each other. Give your classmates a smile and a piece of your good mood, which we will carry throughout our entire lesson. I also give you a piece of my good mood.

Hands are in place.

Legs are in place.

Elbows are at the edge.

The back is straight.

2. Updating knowledge

Guys, which of you was attentive and noticed what I entered the class with?

(The teacher enters the class with a small suitcase and a balloon)

What do you think, in life, why do you need a suitcase?

(Students answer to pack things, take them with them on trips, travel)


Why do people travel?

How can you go on a trip?

3. Self-determination for activity

Guys, do you want to know what's in my suitcase?

What am I holding in my hands? (Show wire)

What can you do with it? (Give a wire to each group of students)

Guys, what did I make from wire? (Show circle)

In which lesson do we meet the circle? (In mathematics lessons)

A circle is what... (Geometric figure)

How else can you say what it is? (This is a ring)

Ring- card with the word attach to the board

What is a ring? (This is a circle, a round frame. Decoration, a symbol of unity, rapprochement)

What material can rings be made of? (Made of gold, silver...)

Gold ring? Is the word golden used in a literal or figurative meaning? (In direct)

And when do we use this word in a figurative sense?

Golden- card with the word attach to the board

Make up a sentence using these words.

Who guessed where we are going on our trip? (Let's go travel along the golden ring)

Can you guess where the Golden Ring is? (In Russia)

Russia- card with the word attach to the board

Name the topic of the lesson.

gold ring of Russia- card with the topic of the lessonpin to board

What is the purpose of our journey?

(Get to know the interesting ancient Russian cities of Russia. Learn about their attractions. Learn more about the history of our state)

Reception “I know - I want to know - I found out” - cards are attached reverse side on the board

What do you know about this topic? (Open the first “I know” card)

What do you want to know? (Open the second card “I want to know”)

What is the main question we need to answer? (Why the Golden Ring?)

What kind of transport will we use to travel to admire the beauty of cities from a bird's eye view? (Students list types of transport)

Remember what else I came into your class with? (Show balloon)

So what will we take on our trip? (On the air balloon)

What rules should we follow while traveling? (Students list the rules for safe travel)

What else could be in the suitcase if you and I go traveling? (Students name objects)

Take the card out of the suitcase (Appendix 1)

Why do we need a map? (To know where to go on a trip)

Attach the map to the board(large)

II. Operational and executive stage of the lesson

1. Start of the journey

The suitcase contains both route sheets and sheets of notes for you, with which we will work throughout our virtual journey. Distribute responsibilities in the group: who writes on the note sheets, who marks the places we will visit on the itinerary sheets, who takes photographs (Appendix 2, 3)

We begin our journey from the heart of our Motherland. Where? (From Moscow)

Slide 2(Presentation “Golden Ring of Russia”)

Where are we? (We are located on Red Square)

Look, on the left is the Spasskaya Tower with the chimes, on the right is St. Basil's Cathedral

Let's take a photo for memory. Get out your cameras. (Figuratively, students and the teacher photograph the object, saying “chick”) (Appendix 4)

Mark your departure point on the route sheets. (Students mark the city they visited on the route sheet)

A photo as a keepsake in the route sheet and in the suitcase (Students paste a small photograph on the route sheet next to the symbol of the city. The teacher puts a photo of the city in the suitcase)

What should we write on the travel sheet? What emotions are you experiencing? (Students' answers)

So, let's go. Use your imagination. Imagine that we are flying in a hot air balloon, which will instantly transport us from city to city.

2. Sergiev Posad

Slide 3

From Moscow we go to the northeast, to which city? (Sergiev Posad)

Find this city on the map and mark it with a flag. (Students mark the city they visited on the itinerary sheet)

On the map, on the board, after checking the groups’ route sheets and the teacher, the city they visited is marked with a flag.

Work in groups. There are envelopes with cards on the tables

Opening blue envelope, We read the text and make up questions about the text for other groups.

The city was founded by the Trinity Monastery, founded in the 14th century. The glory of St. Sergius of Radonezh and the monastery he founded attracted pilgrims. Gradually, peasants began to settle near the walls of the monastery. That’s why the city is called Sergiev Posad, and the monastery is called the Trinity Lavra of St. Sergius, which means it is the main, most important monastery in Russia.

Let's check how you completed the task. (Each group asks a question)

Do you want to take a walk around the territory of the Trinity-Sergius Lavra?

Me too, guys. Especially go to the Assumption Cathedral. This five-domed church is located in the center of the monastery. Look how beautiful it is!

Let's take a photo as a keepsake and place it on the route sheet. (Figuratively, the students and the teacher take a photograph of the object, saying “chick.” The students paste a small photograph on the route sheet next to the symbol of the city. The teacher puts the photo of the city in the suitcase)

Work with the travel note sheet. What will you write down? (Students' answers)

3. Rostov

Look, guys, we are not alone here. Someone else is admiring the sights of Rostov. Let's welcome them. (Everyone waves)

Mark the city on the route sheet. (Students mark the city they visited on the itinerary sheet)

On the map, on the board, after checking the groups’ route sheets and the teacher, the city they visited is marked with a flag.

Rostov is one of the most ancient cities in the Golden Ring. Since ancient times he was called the Great. The most remarkable part of the city is the Rostov Kremlin, built in the second half of the 17th century in the city center on the shores of Lake Nero. What do we see behind its white walls?

That's right, you can see numerous domes of churches, the bells of which are famous for their melodious ringing and are known throughout the world. Each of the 13 bells of the belfry, from the largest, the Sysoi bell, weighing 32 tons, to the smallest, sounds special.

Do you want to listen to the famous ringing of the Rostov bells?

Listen carefully. Then tell me how the ringing of the bell made you feel. Try to figure out where the biggest bell sounds.

Slide 4

The Rostov bells ringing

So, when did the 32 ton bell sound?

How did the bell ringing make you feel?

- We take a photo for memory. We put it on the route sheet and put it in the suitcase.

(Figuratively, the students and the teacher take a photograph of the city, saying “chick.” The students paste a small photograph on the route sheet next to the symbol of the city. The teacher puts the photo of the city in the suitcase)

What do you remember about the city of Rostov? What emotions did you experience when you visited the city of Rostov? Write it down on a note sheet.

4. Physical education minute

Suddenly 3rd grade suddenly came to life.

He looked to the right, to the left.

He stretched out his hands to the sun.

And he waved to his friends.

(They waved to another flying balloon)

5. Yaroslavl

Slide 5

Below we see what city? (Yaroslavl)

Check the box for this city. (Students mark the city they visited on the itinerary sheet)

On the map, on the board, after checking the groups’ route sheets and the teacher, the city they visited is marked with a flag.

Yaroslavl is the oldest city of the Golden Ring of Russia, one of the most beautiful cities in the Volga region. It was founded by Prince Yaroslav the Wise.

Who has already guessed what will be one of the decorations of the city of Yaroslavl? Show. (Students call the Church of Elijah the Prophet)

It’s hard not to notice the Church of Elijah the Prophet in the city center. This simple, austere and solemn temple with five widely spaced domes is extremely beautiful.

Let's write down in our travel sheets what we learned about the city of Yaroslavl and what emotions we experienced.

7. Kostroma

Slide 6

Look, what city are we flying over?

Kostroma is also part of the Golden Ring of Russia.

Mark this city. (Students mark the city they visited on the itinerary sheet)

On the map, on the board, after checking the groups’ route sheets and the teacher, the city they visited is marked with a flag.

Take pink envelope. Read the text carefully and fill in the missing words.

If you look at the city from above, you will notice that the streets are arranged in the form of --__________. There is a legend that when Empress Catherine II was thinking about how to rebuild the city, she revealed her ______. This is how the city was made so unusual.

What legend exists about the city of Kostroma?

Open the fan

Do you want to wander the streets of the city?

Look, guys, below we see the Holy Trinity Ipatiev Monastery.

Do you like him?

What caught your attention?

This is one of the most significant monuments in Kostroma. The monastery protected the approaches to the city from enemies.

Hurry up and take a photo as a souvenir before the wind takes our balloon away. We put it on the route sheet and put it in the suitcase. (Figuratively, the students and the teacher take a photograph of the city, saying “chick.” The students paste a small photograph on the route sheet next to the symbol of the city. The teacher puts the photo of the city in the suitcase)

Taking notes.

9. Vladimir

Slide 7

Guys, our journey is probably over?

What city have we not flown over yet? Look at the route sheet.

Mark it in the route sheet with a checkbox. (Students mark the city they visited on the itinerary sheet)

On the map, on the board, after checking the groups’ route sheets and the teacher, the city they visited is marked with a flag.

This is another pearl of the Golden Ring. It was founded by Prince Vladimir Monomakh.

Look around. What do you see?

The majestic beauty of the city and its peaked towers fascinate you. Its ancient temples are the true decoration of the city.

Slide 8

Here is the majestic Assumption Cathedral, which is located on the high bank of the Klyazma River in the center of the city; the Assumption Cathedral in the Moscow Kremlin was built on its model.

Take green envelope.

Read the sentence. Find and highlight the error in it, the discrepancy with reality.

The beautiful city of Vladimir stands on the high bank of the Volga River.

Teacher P suitable for each group. Children will whisper in the teacher's ear about the error they found.

Well done, everyone completed the task. Why? What kind of travelers are you?

Read the sentence correctly.

So how should you travel?

We take a photo for memory. We put it on the route sheet and put it in the suitcase. (Figuratively, the students and the teacher take a photograph of the city, saying “chick.” The students paste a small photograph on the route sheet next to the symbol of the city. The teacher puts the photo of the city in the suitcase)

10. Reinforcing the material learned

Slide 9

Our journey ends where it began. Where?

How can we prove what our travel route is like?

Connect with a red marker the cities we flew over

So where are the cities located?

Name the cities on our route.


All the cities, connected by roads, you correctly noted, are located in a kind of ring to the northeast of Moscow.

We visited some of the ancient cities of the Golden Ring. The route includes other cities of Pereslavl-Zalessky, Ivanovo, Suzdal and nearby cities: Murom, Uglich, Plyos and others.

You will continue to get acquainted with them in the following lessons.

III. Reflective-evaluative stage of the lesson

The teacher reads a poem by V. Stepanov

Ancient cities, bells ringing.

Suzdal and Rostov are like swan birds.

On the wide Volga Plyos and Kostroma,

Carved turrets, a miracle tower.

Ancient cities - facing the sun -

For Russia they became the Golden Ring.

So why did they become the Golden Ring for Russia? Who guessed?

In what meaning is the word golden used, literally or figuratively?

Cities decorate our Motherland. The route is called the Golden Ring because the sights of the cities are priceless and can be compared to expensive metal.

2. Technique “I know - I want to know - I found out” - On the desk

Let’s now work with the “Learned” card (Open the third “Learned” card)

What new things did you learn during the lesson? (Students' answers)

3. Reflection

Did you enjoy our trip?

Would you like to go on an excursion to these cities with your parents or class?

On the itinerary sheet, mark with a checkbox which city you would like to visit?

Tell us where you would like to visit. Why in this city?

What transport is best to take to get to know all the sights of the cities? Why?

Guys, when we return from a trip, what do we bring home?

(Souvenirs, photographs)

We also photographed with you some of the sights of the cities of the Golden Ring. We will begin the next lesson about the world around us by remembering our journey, and I suggest you create a photo collage and tell the other guys where we were and what impressed us.

Take out the frame and photos for the photo collage from the suitcase.


What was our trip like?

Where have we visited virtually?

We took a trip along the Golden Ring - the pride of Russia. Each city of the Golden Ring shines with its rich history and attractions, and together they form a treasury of Russian culture. The Golden Ring is the pride of Russia.

Our lesson-trip around the Golden Ring of Russia has come to an end.

I thank everyone for their active work in class. Thank you!

VI. Ddifferentiated homework

Guys, what did you want to do at home?

Raise your hand, who wanted to make a drawing?

Who wanted to find additional information about the city they liked?

And who wanted to tell their parents about their impressions of our trip?

The ancient appearance is given to them by preserved architectural monuments created from the 12th to the 17th centuries, these are temples, monasteries, and kremlins. The ancient stone walls of the Kremlin rise on the site of wooden fortifications of the 9th, 10th, 11th centuries, which our ancestors built to protect themselves from enemies. Therefore, the Kremlin was usually built on a high place, on the banks of a river or lake. Later it became the center of the city.

An ancient city in the Moscow region - Sergiev Posad, what is it famous for? Here is the main monastery of Russia - the Trinity Lavra of St. Sergius (Fig. 2).

Rice. 2. Trinity Lavra of St. Sergius ()

The monastery was founded in the 14th century by the famous monk Sergius of Radonezh. At that time there were only dense forests around, but already during Sergius’s lifetime a wide road was built from Moscow to the monastery and further to the northern cities. The monastery amazes everyone not only with its beauty, but also with its size. The fortress walls with eleven watchtowers stretch for more than 1120 meters, their height reaches 15 meters, and their thickness is 10. Why is the monastery called “Lavra”? Lavra is a special title that is assigned only to the main monastery itself. This title was assigned to the Trinity-Sergius Monastery in the 18th century by decree of Empress Elizabeth Petrovna. Here are the largest Moscow Theological Academy and Seminary in Russia, where future church ministers study, here is the famous church-archaeological museum, which houses ancient icons, holy books and ancient church furnishings (Fig. 3).

Rice. 3. Moscow Theological Academy and Seminary ()

Sergiev Posad is called the toy capital of Russia. The most famous toy museum in our country is located right here, on Mount Volokushi opposite the Trinity-Sergius Lavra (Fig. 4).

Rice. 4. Toy Museum ()

From its exhibits you can study the history of dolls; today it houses more than 30 thousand toys from different nations of the world. But the main toy is local, this craft has been developed in the city and its surroundings for three hundred years, the amusing goods were always bought by pilgrims visiting the Trinity-Sergius Lavra, among whom were Russian tsars. The village of Bogorodskoye is famous for its folk crafts, wood carving and toy making. According to folk legend, a long time ago there lived a family in the village. The mother decided to amuse her children, cut out a figurine and aura from a block of wood, the children played and threw the aura onto the stove. Once the husband began to get ready for the market and said: “I’ll take the aurka and show it to the traders at the market.” We bought Aurka and ordered more. Since then, carving of toys began in the village, and it began to be called Bogorodskaya.

The city of Pereslavl Zalessky was founded by Prince Yuri Dolgoruky, the city was located in the forest, in the area of ​​​​fields and agriculture. The Transfiguration Cathedral in the Pereslavl (Fig. 6) Kremlin was founded by Yuri Dolgoruky (Fig. 5) in 1150. The cathedral is the first and only one among the local churches of northeastern Rus' that has reached us in almost complete safety. On the shore of Lake Pleshcheevo there is a museum-estate “Boat of Peter I”. Here Peter I began the construction of an amusing flotilla, which was the beginning of the military fleet. When the construction of the flotilla was completed, cannons were installed on a small hill, from which they fired as the flotilla descended onto the lake.

Rice. 5. Prince Yuri Dolgoruky ()

Rice. 6. Transfiguration Cathedral ()

This place has been called Gremyach since that time. On the water of Lake Pleshcheevo, Peter I conducted military exercises; the only surviving vessel of this flotilla has been preserved in a specially built boathouse. Bot “Fortune” means “luck”. This is a historical monument, the main exhibit of the museum, around it are anchors, masts from other ships, these anchors are contemporaries of Peter I.

On the shore of the wide but shallow Lake Nehru lies one of the most ancient cities of the Golden Ring - Rostov the Great (Fig. 7).

Rice. 7. Rostov the Great ()

It has been mentioned in chronicles since 862. In the most ancient and beautiful part of the city is the Kremlin, with fortress walls, watchtowers, white stone churches and golden domes. These are buildings from the 17th century. Tourists come from all over the world to see the miracle city and listen to the famous bells. The heritage of world culture is the Rostov ringing, a unique set of musical works of the 17th-19th centuries. The famous Rostov belfries are inseparable from the musical instrument (Fig. 8).

Rice. 8. Rostov belfry ()

Each of its 13 bells, from the largest to the smallest, has its own special sound. The largest bells even have names. The deepest tone is found in the huge bell named Sysoy, its weight is 32 tons. The smaller bells are called Swan and Ram. Our ancestors have long known that near churches where bells rang frequently, people were less likely to get sick, and epidemics almost did not spread there. Rostov enamel is a Russian folk art craft that has existed since the 18th century in Rostov (Fig. 9).

Rice. 9. Rostov enamel ()

Miniature images are made on enamel with transparent fireproof paints. Enamel, or artistic painting on enamel, appeared in Russia during the time of Peter I. In the middle of the 18th century, the first workshop was created in Rostov the Great. They say that Peter I established a special reward - his own portrait, painted on enamel and studded with precious stones (Fig. 10).

Rice. 10. Award of Peter I on enamel ()

The award was presented for special services to the fatherland personally by the sovereign. Today, products made using this technique are produced at the Rostov Enamel factory.

Yaroslavl is the largest Volga city of the Golden Ring. It was founded around 1010 by Prince Yaroslav the Wise. The white-stone city, with gardens, with beautiful ancient churches, towers and gates, has already celebrated its millennium. The church in honor of the prophet Elijah was the first church in the city (Fig. 11).

Rice. 11. Church of Elijah the Prophet ()

According to the legend about the construction of the city of Yaroslavl, it was founded by Prince Yaroslav the Wise simultaneously with the city itself in honor of the fact that the prince’s legendary victory over the bear took place on the day of this saint. The walls of this temple are decorated with paintings by famous Kostroma artists Gury Nikita and Sila Savin, together with Yaroslavl masters in the 17th century. Such paintings with water paints on wet plaster are called frescoes. In the center you see a large five-domed temple, and to the left and right there are two buildings called tent buildings. The tent is used in the form of a cone in church buildings, topped with a pin with a cross. One of the tents is a continuation of the church, and the other is an octagonal bell tower. There are several such churches in Yaroslavl.

Kostroma-town - Moscow corner. This old saying has long been known to the residents of Kostroma. Kostroma has a historical relationship with Moscow, and the two cities have the same founder - Prince Yuri Dolgoruky. Kostroma is only five years younger than the capital. Residents of the city managed to protect many monuments from destruction. The streets in Kostroma are arranged like a fan, this is clearly visible on the city plan (Fig. 12).

Rice. 12. City plan ()

The legend explains it this way: when Empress Catherine II ordered the city to be rebuilt, she was asked what she wanted Kostroma to be like. At that moment, the Empress opened her fan, and that’s why the city was made so unusual. In the part of the city where the streets converge, there are ancient shopping arcades that are more than 200 years old. In the old days, each product had its own place, so the rows were called differently: butter, gingerbread, flour, tobacco. One of the most beautiful temples of the Golden Ring is the Church of the Resurrection on Debra (Fig. 13).

Rice. 13. Church of the Resurrection on Debra ()

The entrance to the church - the western gate - is decorated with white stone animal figurines in brick windows, and the pillars on which the gate arch rests are called pods. In the Trinity Cathedral of the Ipatiev Monastery, the frescoes of Gury Nikitin and Sila Savin are unique in their depiction and creation of the plot (Fig. 14).

Rice. 14. Fresco of the Trinity Cathedral of the Ipatiev Monastery in Kostroma ()

Artistic crafts flourished in the city, and there was an icon painting school in the Ipatiev Monastery. The Kostroma region was one of the centers of jewelry art. Kostroma is called the jewelry capital of Russia. In Kostroma, the traditions of unique artistic wood carving were passed down from generation to generation. All types of patterned weaving developed, and embroidery became an integral part of folk art.

It’s not far from Kostroma to Vladimir. In 1108, Grand Duke Vladimir Monomakh founded an ancient Russian city on the high bank of the Klyazma (Fig. 15).

Rice. 15. Old Russian city of Vladimir ()

At first, Vladimir was a military fortress. This place is still called Monomakhov City. It is the central part of modern Vladimir. The ancient Monomakh city was surrounded by earthen ramparts, and log walls rose on top of the ramparts. In the old days, it was possible to enter the city only through the golden gate (Fig. 16).

Rice. 16. Golden Gate ()

In the middle of the street rises a white arch with two turrets on the sides, above the arch there is a dome. Now there is a museum there, but in the old days the watchmen watched to see if there was any danger to Vladimir. The city stands on a steep mountain. Ancient white churches sparkle with the tops of their domes. The oldest surviving temples of ancient Rus' were built in the 12th century, this is the white-stone five-domed Assumption Cathedral (Fig. 17), it is twice famous, its walls inside were painted with frescoes by the brilliant Russian icon painter Andrei Rublev.

Rice. 17. Assumption Cathedral ()

Nearby is the Dmitrievsky Cathedral, its walls are decorated with several hundred stone images of amazing plants and fabulous animals (Fig. 18).

Rice. 18. Demetrius Cathedral ()

This is a whole encyclopedia. These churches were built when Moscow did not yet exist, which is why they say about Vladimir: “Moscow’s elder brother.”

We took a trip around the Golden Ring of Russia. Along the tourist route passing through ancient Russian cities, we saw unique monuments of the culture and history of Russia.


  1. Vakhrushev A.A., Danilov D.D. The world around us 3. - M.: Ballas.
  2. Dmitrieva N.Ya., Kazakov A.N. The world around us 3. - M.: Publishing House "Fedorov".
  3. Pleshakov A.A. The world around us 3. - M.: Enlightenment.
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  1. Why did the Golden Ring of Russia get such a name?
  2. What is the city of Sergiev Posad famous for?
  3. What cathedrals does the city of Vladimir own?
