Original style dress. The main features of fashionista clothing and who wore it in the Soviet Union

The desire to stand out from the crowd, without merging with the gray mass, to bring charm, enthusiasm and bright notes - these were the main motives of the dudes of the last century. Born in the 60s. during the Soviet era, the style of dudes affected not just the fashion industry: it was a way of life, behavior, manner of speaking.

Inspiration was drawn from across the ocean, from distant and inaccessible America. Often dudes copied movie characters. Note character traits style:

  • Print and color palette . A riot of colors - all shades of the rainbow - this is the main touch in clothes. Polka dot prints, bright flowers, stripes are also welcome.
  • Women's clothing. She assumed outfits made of crepe de chine, satin, bouffant skirts and dresses with fitted bodice. The waist is definitely emphasized by a bright belt.
  • Women's shoes. Popular shoes with a pointed toe and a small heel (4-5 cm) were comfortable and at the same time allowed the ladies to look spectacular.
  • Men's clothing. Jackets with patch pockets, broad shoulders, trousers-pipes, colorful shirts, jumpers and pullovers with deer and snowflakes, and certainly colorful herring ties - this is a set of clothes for a stylish guy.
  • Men's footwear. Shoes were fashionable white color, but it was allowed to wear and colorful patterns. The sole was valued rubber.
  • Decorations . Earrings, short and long beads, as well as bracelets in bright colors were very popular.
  • Makeup. This paragraph concerned female half. Eyeliner, painted bright lips - an invariable accompaniment to the image of dudes.
  • Hairstyle. Lush, high hairstyles called "babette", "corolla of the world" completed the image of girls and women. For men, the hairstyle "kok" with a fleece was relevant.

At the very beginning, the clothes of this image suggested several attributes and accessories: flared trousers, an awkward jacket, a colorful tie plus wide-brimmed hat. After some time, the style acquired features already familiar to many. Stylish clothes for men and women embodies the main principles of style style - "no" dullness and routine!

main subject men's wardrobe dudes, as noted, are skinny pipe trousers. Length - certainly to the bones. It performs an additional function: "opens the world" multi-colored socks and tight shoes. The second most important attribute is the jacket. Large cage, stripe - these are 2 popular prints. The shirt, echoing in unison with trousers and a jacket, suggests juicy shades: pink, orange, blue. Variegated options are also allowed. A narrow tie, which is tied in a miniature knot, completes the men's set.

Women's fashion this style- these are fluffy skirts with the presence of several petticoats (as bright as the skirts themselves) or crinolines. The length reaches the knee or slightly below. The waist is accentuated with a contrasting satin sash. Large, conspicuous jewelry is quite simple design: bracelets, rings, earrings, beads. Bandages from the same satin as on the waist, as well as headbands, hairpins and bows, act as decorations for the hairstyle. A small hat is also used.

Photo of clothes in the style of dudes of the 60s

"Everything new is a well-forgotten old." This saying fits perfectly with modern fashion trends. Memorable images of young people are popular, and the style of dudes is the embodiment of brightness, originality, and the desire to stand out from the crowd. Designers recreate forgotten images of the 60s. twentieth century, following the interest and demand. Take a look at photo of clothes in the style of dudes, and you will certainly want to try on this eccentric and carefree image.

Where to buy stylish clothes?

Of course, for those who, having looked into their grandmother's closet, found an actual outfit, we will simply envy. This is a rarity: do not refuse such an outfit! It will not be difficult to sew clothes in the style of dudes for needlewomen. In this case, the advantage is that it is sewn according to your own sketches and will fit you perfectly. But what about the rest of the category of people? Where to buy stylish clothes? Huge selection provide both regular and online stores. Of course, among the many models you will find the one that suits your needs. internal state outfit. In addition, in specialized stores you can rent such outfits.

Stilyagi are guys who at one time in the distant 60s excited those around them with their image, thinking and habits. They broke stereotypes and brought joy to life, everything new and unknown. Their outfits and hairstyles were distinguished by boldness and brightness; it is simply impossible to confuse the stylish style with something else. Laying in a stylish style and still has not lost popularity among young people. They great way add color to life and express yourself. In addition, one of the advantages of such hairstyles is the ease of implementation. Laying in a stylish style without any problems can be done independently at home.

Who will suit and like

Stylish styling is available to almost everyone, and neither the length nor the condition of the hair is important here. A variety of hairstyles allows you to choose great option both for long and for enough short curls. Such hairstyles are quite peculiar and certainly distinguish their owner from the crowd. Therefore, modest quiet young ladies may not be comfortable in this way, but for open, loving attention Girls, this is just what the doctor ordered.

Features of styling styling

Styling styles are characterized by lush bouffants, cocoons, retro curls, pipes, and intricately curled bangs. Also, all of them are united by such common features as originality and singularity of forms. Ribbons, scarves, hairpins, headbands, flowers and many other bright accessories are used to decorate hairstyles in a stylish style. For many stylish styling, it is quite possible to use hairpieces and false curls if your length is not enough.

Stylish hairstyle options

Styling styling is quite diverse. All are beautiful and impressive in their own way.

Monroe's famous curls

  • We separate part of the hair near the forehead with a horizontal parting;
  • We divide it into several strands;
  • We wind each strand with a curling iron, carefully remove each ring and fix it with a hairpin to the head;
  • Then, a little lower, we make another parting, divide it into strands, twist and fix the rings;
  • Let the hair cool a little, unwind the rings of the lower zone and lightly comb with a comb with wide teeth;
  • Gently crushing the curls with our hands, we collect them in free beam and stab;
  • Then spin middle part hair and style in the same way;
  • We comb the hair of the front zone into a side parting and lay it on both sides of the face, bend the ends inward;
  • We fix everything with varnish and the hairstyle of Marilyn Monroe in the style of dudes is ready.

This hairstyle is often based on a regular ponytail, collected from the hair at the back of the head. But the front curls play a major role. Curls of them can be located in any interesting way.

One of the design options for the style of the tail

  • We twist all the hair on large curlers;
  • Spray curls with varnish;
  • We select the central strand from the forehead, gently twist it to the top and pin it with an invisible one;
  • In the same way, we take strands on both sides of the side zones and pin them up, wrapping them up;
  • We collect the rest of the curls in the tail;
  • Decorate with a bright elastic band or bow.

Stylish bouffant "high flight"

There are several options for "high flight", but they are all invariably united by a high lush pile on top. In a stylish version, both all hair and only top part. Selection features will add their own personality to each.


The famous beloved babette is not only an excellent evening hairstyle, but also a faithful comrade of the style movement. There are also quite a few varieties of babette hairstyles. In the spirit of dudes, the main thing is that it should be lush and stand out from the gray masses.


The same goes for shells. Styling style does not tolerate boredom. Here, an ordinary shell turns into an eccentric bright hairstyle of lush, possibly bizarre shapes.

A bun in the style of dudes

Stylish bun creative hairstyle, which will suit both adult ladies and young women. Its main advantage is speed of execution. You can assemble it in 5-10 minutes.

  • Carefully comb the curls on the side parting;
  • We comb all the hair well;
  • We remove the bangs to the side;
  • We collect the remaining strands in high tail and twist into a roller;
  • We form a beautiful bun from the roller, stretching the edges of the beam with our hands;
  • We pin the bundle with hairpins and smooth the broken strands;
  • Spray with varnish;
  • The bangs can either be smoothed or twisted with the ends up and fixed with varnish.

Hairstyles with curls in the style of dudes

Buckley is another integral part of the retro style. Letters can be decorated as the entire head of hair, or just bangs. They can decorate bouffants, tails, buns and more.

Bangs are an important element

The design of the bangs plays an important role in stylish hairstyles. No boring correct forms. Only bouffants, bizarre curls, extraordinary pipes.

Style pipes

In order to make a bang a pipe, you need to perform only a few simple fictions.

  • We separate part of the hair near the forehead, bangs will be formed from them;
  • We pin them with a clamp;
  • The remaining curls can be wound on a curling iron and left flowing, or you can collect it in a fancy tail or make a bun;
  • Having finished with the main long, we remove the clip from the bangs;
  • We wind it on a curling iron, carefully forming one integral pipe;
  • Having removed the curling iron, we pin the pipe with invisible ones and fix it with varnish.


  • We leave a thick strand near the forehead for the future cook;
  • We decorate the remaining hair with curls or collect it in a ponytail;
  • The left strand - we comb the bangs well, twist the end;
  • We turn it into a roller and fix it with invisibility;
  • We fix the hairstyle with varnish and you're done.

Ideas for a retro look for special occasions

Today it is extremely fashionable to hold celebrations in retro style. Wedding, birthday, graduation will undoubtedly turn out bright and unforgettable. To fit the theme of the event and be stunning, you need to not only do cool hairstyle, but also think through the whole image to the end: outfit, accessories, makeup. The following compilation of ideas will introduce you to the principles and provide you with inspiration to find the best look.

It is easy to flutter, not noticing the stupid framework and senseless prohibitions. Passionately indulge in all-consuming dances and love! A dandy-style party is a bright way to relax, having fun and noisy celebrating a birthday or other occasion to get together.


  • in the summer dudes met in nature, away from the eyes of ideological Komsomol members;
  • being with manyushki, we rested in the legendary Cocktail Hall, so the classic hall of the restaurant / cafe is ideal;
  • hipster parties in an elite apartment were also not uncommon- while the parents are away, their grown-up children came off to the fullest;

  • "secret" meetings were held in abandoned houses, construction sites, etc.. Intriguing "underground club" atmosphere. AND original idea decorating a stylish party - dilapidated walls, semi-darkness, old furniture;
  • they also appeared at organized dances, in parks and clubs. True, dancing in style was not allowed. But the mischievous youth wanted to sneeze at these rules!

In addition to the film "Dandies", to immerse yourself in the atmosphere, we recommend reading the book of the same name by V. Kozlov. In it, those who were once contemptuously called dudes talk about the mood of that time, fashion, music, and parties.


Of course, stylish design should be bright - the whole range is at your disposal. But it is important to feel the line between a stylish extravaganza of color and a kindergarten hodgepodge of colors. Shades should overlap, complementing each other. The "parrot" interior is a caricature representation.

Start decorating the hall (room?) by getting rid of details that violate the atmosphere of the 50s. What cannot be removed, hide behind drapery or decorations. For example, a themed banner will cover an unsuitable closet and serve as a photo zone. We offer ideas for theme party style style:

  • replace boring curtains with bright canvases. Plain curtains can be simply decorated colorful ribbons and accessories. Cover sofas, sew covers or drape chairs with fabric, tying it with lush bows around the back;
  • buy Balloons dotted. Use a stripe, a cage, a colorful flower pattern in the design. Just do not interfere with everything in one heap;

  • hang up christmas garlands, preferably with large bulbs- multi-colored shimmer will create a festive mood;

If the chandeliers do not fit into the style, change the shades or hide them behind paper screens on wire frame. "Retro" lampshades are easy to sew from fabric or assemble from beads / beads. Ask your friends for "vintage" floor lamps, table lamps.

  • do paper garlands in the style of dudes - socks, boots, ties, bows, skirts. At this party, garlands from old labels, candy wrappers will be appropriate - a reference to the era of the USSR. Cut serpentine from Krokodil, Pravda and other magazines/newspapers;

  • print cartoons, posters, photos of real dudes. They can be supplemented by printing anti-advertising, jokes, poems, quotes from the film on top. Or, with the help of FS, replace faces with pictures of friends - you get a funny surprise;
  • photos of legendary performers, covers of music albums, guitars and saxophones will come in handy(you can fake life-size - for competitions, a photo for memory);
  • you need a lot of records for a dandy-style party. If there are no real ones, cut out the “plates” from paper, make the centers multi-colored. Several in a row on a satin ribbon - a vertical decoration of the hall (ceiling or walls). From thick cardboard- coasters, miniature - for compositions, from fabric - applications on textiles.

It is easy to make a stylish decoration from an old, completely dead vinyl:

  • multi-tiered supplies, fruit/candy vases;
  • flower pots. Plant multi-colored gerberas, live or paper;
  • paintings. A white silhouette, a bright bud or a butterfly on a black background look chic.

If there are unnecessary x-rays, make "music on the bones." Creepy, but very atmospheric decor in the style of dudes!

  • for a party at the hut, collect antiques for friends: dishes, appliances, furniture, bedspreads, carpets. Great if you can find a record player or an old radio;
  • pioneer / Komsomol attributes are appropriate. You can divide the hall into two zones, clearly demonstrating the difference between everyday life and a stylish lifestyle. Decorate the gray side of the "goons" with USSR posters, carnations, tie flags, busts / images of leaders. And a bright stylish one - with pin-up posters, records and all the above-mentioned paraphernalia.

photo zone

The easiest option is to make a tantamaresque or banner. This could be a scene/poster from the movie Stilyagi, a photo of the Cocktail Hall or Broadway. Leningrad dudes huffed along Nevsky Prospekt, metropolitan - along the street. Gorky. Or decorate the banner with posters, cartoons - aged, with torn edges, glued deliberately carelessly.

Soviet retro car 40-60s - a chic photo zone for a themed party in the style of dudes! Golden youth drove around the city on the Volga, Seagulls and sparkling, luxurious ZIL-111. In the film, the hipster Fred drives a Hudson convertible. For a wedding, a vintage car can be rented. If the party is less pompous, print/draw, cut and glue the image onto a solid base.


When composing the text of the invitation, use the slang of a dude - let the guests feel the theme in advance. Come up with stylish nicknames for your friends by remaking the name in the American style: Annie, Lucy, Alex. Write in light, friendly phrases without formality: “Hi, Pat! 17.17. we hang out at Frank's house. There will be a lot of stylish dudes, jazz and US whiskey. We wait!".

You can issue invitations in the form of a postcard-plate, a saxophone, skirts for girls and ties for guys (bright, in the style of dudes). An unexpected invitation to the party will be a mini-clip or a song recorded on CD. If a lot of cinematic details are visible in the decoration of the hall, you can make a poster or a ticket to a stylish past.


The image of a dude is not as simple as it might seem at first glance. A lot of attention was paid to the details: costumes for a party in the style of dudes should be seasoned, not lurid. As in the decor, the “parrot” in clothes is more of a ridicule, a caricature.

Chuvikha, Borukha

Courage in choosing clothes often turned into a loss of reputation, which was a disaster for women of that time. If dude guys were considered just hooligans, then the weaker sex was accused of debauchery. Therefore, the clothes of the girls walking in the company of dudes were not too frank (so to speak, on the verge). What to wear to a fashion party for a girl:

  • bright dress to the knees or below. The waist is slightly high, on the belt there is a wide ribbon with a bow. The hem is bell-shaped or lush, with a tulle petticoat. Hip-hugging dresses with a frank neckline are appropriate - this option was considered more daring;
  • blouse "accidentally" unbuttoned by a couple of extra buttons. Skirt - fluffy or tight, boldly opening the knees;
  • apart from typical women's clothing, stylish girls wore trouser suits - classic or sports. But this was decided mainly by residents major cities, where society less sharply perceived youth quirks.

To emphasize the image, you will need accessories and recognizable elements of the costume:

  • tights, fishnet stockings;
  • closed shoes with slightly above average heels (too high heel interferes with active dancing);
  • large bright beads, earrings, bracelets;
  • hair band or plastic headband. On the side, this accessory was decorated with a bow, a flower bud;
  • trendy "cat" or square glasses in a colored frame;
  • gloves of any length, light openwork;
  • miniature handbag thin strap or clutch.

Women's hairstyles in the style of fashionistas are distinguished by reliable fixation, neat styling and smooth lines: world halo, puffy tail, babette, high flight. Makeup is also neat - traced eyebrows and arrows, bright shadows with clear boundaries, red, cherry or pink lipstick. The main thing - without negligence. Don't forget a bright manicure.


The male image is more imposing and obviously outrageous. According to the memoirs of contemporaries, the girls looked almost imperceptibly against the background of dudes, the clothes of the guys were so defiant! It is not surprising that numerous poems, phrases, cartoons, etc. more often it was male fashionistas who were ridiculed. So, a dude costume for a party consists of the following elements:

  • bright shirt, plain or patterned;

  • checkered jacket, double-breasted, a bit too big in the shoulders (jackets);
  • tight trousers "pipes", also in scotch plaid . Could be part of a suit or different color from a jacket. The pipes are slightly short so that a sock can be seen from under the leg;
  • socks (socks) are bright, usually in harmony with a shirt or tie;

  • herring tie (tayok) long, thin, tied in a small knot. Often with monkeys, saxophones, palm trees, and other bright drawings;
  • suspenders in the color of other style accessories;
  • pointed boots, high platform or without it. To imitate the platform, the guys built up a layer of rubber, often white (shoes on a decoy). Shoes with a conversation were considered very fashionable - pointed, with a pattern of holes on the toe.

On the head of a real dude, a cook, fixed tightly, was sure to shine. If the length of the hair is not enough, put on a hat - the dudes wore them too.

In addition to the stylish girl and dude, the following people can come to the party:

  • combatants, Komsomol members "in uniform";
  • cartoons. Everything described above, but "too", clearly exaggerated. Too much Short dress, too tight trousers, an unthinkable combination of all shades of the rainbow in clothes;

  • Outback dudes, imitators and loaf girls. regular clothes 50's, (fucked up), but with some stylish accessories, often clumsily matched;
  • "early" dude. A comical image in many respects: wide long pants, a thin belt almost above the navel, a huge baggy jacket, a hat with wide brim, wide flashy tie. A parody of the American "zoot suit";
  • farce hiding under the skirts of a long jacket a variety of colors of ties, ribbons, suspenders and other accessories for sale.

All clothes are easy to buy. But it will take time to think through the image and select elements - let us know about the party a couple of weeks in advance. For forgetful guests, prepare tie-buckles and beads-hairpins.

Menu, serving

There were no special pickles in the hut, and even more so in an abandoned house. Yes, and the goal is different - to dance, heal and find a mate. Snacks in tenth place.

It is quite possible to get by with pizza, hamburgers, hot dogs and snacks - nuts, corn sticks, chips. Of course, many of the above were not available to real dudes. But they tried to imitate the Americans in everything! So it will be appropriate to compose a menu for a party based on this principle.

If you are planning a home feast, choose the usual, “our” dishes. It doesn't matter which ones: tobacco chicken and jellied sturgeon or potatoes with herring and Moscow salad. The main thing is not exotic cuisine.

Completely in the style of dudes, a classic buffet, because the party is dance. The rule is the same - the recipes for the menu are simple, including for the most part products available in the USSR. Make mini sandwiches with herring, cucumbers, caviar, boiled sausage and servelat as a tribute to tradition.

Desserts will become the main decoration of the table, if you try. With colored fondant, colored frosting, and caramel, it's easy to create a sweet rainbow of hues—bright and fun! And for your birthday, order a stylish cake in the form of a record, saxophone or other recognizable attribute.

Use miniature cards, paper applications, color disposable tableware, bows. For entourage, you can put on the table several jars with labels that have hardly changed over the past decades - sprat in tomato, squash caviar, condensed milk, etc.

Be sure to prepare a punch and several bright cocktails: Cherry, Amber, Volga, Old Thomas, Cowboy, Carnival - they were all served in the Cocktail Hall, recipes are on the Web. Stick the labels “pouring”, “port wine” on the bottles, labels “Rizhskoye”, “Leningradskoye”, “Zhigulevskoye” on the beer. Buy Georgian wines - they were most often drunk by dudes. And, of course, whiskey is a tribute to fashion!


There are entire collections of suitable music for a dude-style party on the Web. Or download the soundtracks for the films "Dandies", "Sun Valley Serenade". Absolutely in the theme of the work of Glenn Miller. His "Train to Chattanooga" is even considered the anthem of dudes.

Foreign performers: Benny Goodman, Eddie Rosner, Duke Ellington, later - Chuck Berry, Buddy Holly, Elvis Presley. Ours: Zero, Cinema, Bravo, Time Machine, DDT, Zoo, Aguzarova.

Build a party scenario in the style of a dude on a dance basis - the main entertainment of the rebellious youth of the 50s. For example, prepare music for foxtrot, boogie-woogie, rock and roll, twist, and jive. Arrange a competition in six stages:

  • presenter, choreographer or big screen for a couple of minutes showing the main movements;

  • all dancing together, five minutes(if longer, guests may get bored);
  • further any contests, games, treats. After a while - the second dance. After a while, the third one. And so all five. Of course, you can learn all the dances in a row without interruptions, but it's boring and physically hard.
  • in the sixth step, turn on a medley of music for the five learned dances, replacing each other. Guests will have to adapt, remembering the “lessons” they have gone through throughout the party.

The finale of the scenario will be the solemn awarding of the best style couple. Or all the guests, if friendship wins. Gifts: alcohol, sets of sweets, "trophy" pens and lighters, decks of cards with half-naked girls, bright jewelry. Rewards: a cup in the shape of a saxophone (buy a toy, stick it on a stand, sprinkle it with gold paint) or a record on a stand (inscription in the center).

Include in the party script funny contests so that dudes can take their minds off their dance lessons. Any competitions will do (you can use ours, from childhood). We offer options:

Attractive music

Hang a large fake plate in the center of the hall. Spread the guests to the walls, blindfold everyone. On command, you need to turn around yourself three times, reach the plate and take it. Who is faster? You can continue: the last one is eliminated, and so on until the absolute winner is determined.

catch the rainbow

Guests are divided into pairs. Each pair is given two paper cups and a dozen sweets. To the cheerful stylized music, you need to throw candy to each other with cups. The couple with the most candies left at the end of the song wins.


To the ankle on a rope (so that it dangles a little) is tied balloon, to all participants. The goal is to burst the neighbor's ball (crush it with your foot) and protect your own from encroachment. Very fun ride!

Guess the color

Color cards. Everyone takes turns pulling and gestures to show what color they got. Of course, you need to show the object (orange - orange). But do not tell the guests of the party about this, let them improvise.

Who is there?

Free in all senses, love is entirely in the style of dudes. Therefore, not quite puritanical contests can also be included in the party scenario, if the morals of the company allow.

The goal is to guess who is in front of you. Difficulties - blindfolded, three pairs of thick mittens. The method is touch.

Sweet life

Blindfolded girls feed ice cream to their boyfriends. Fun, though not entirely clean - tie dudes bibs. And take photos, they will turn out gorgeous!


Stylish slang, translate or come up with phrases, answer questions on the topic, etc. Table rest for guests to relax. Just? Not at all! For example, what hero of a famous cartoon is a caricature image of a dude? Dunno! And which of the former fartsovschikov knows the whole of Russia? Vine, Nagiyev, Tinkov, Mavrodi, Melnikov. Even for the most prepared company, you can come up with tricky questions.

And the dudes loved to flaunt themselves. Every city had its own Broadway. Brightly dressed noisy youth strolled along this street, amused by the reaction of the gray mass. It was almost an attraction: will we be lucky today or will we run into DND again? "Druzhinniks", often even hooligans, with the tacit support of the authorities, shaved dudes, cut off ties, striped trousers. Sometimes there were beatings. Such walks were a manifestation of courage, a landmark act.

If summer is outside, be sure to go for a walk around the city. Dance, play forfeits, sing in full view of passers-by. It will be fun!

Do you want the holiday to be noisy and bright? So that the atmosphere is conducive to dancing, outdoor games and unrestrained fun? Then a stylish party is exactly what you need! After the release of the film of the same name, this is one of the most popular retro destinations for organizing a celebration, whether it's a wedding, graduation or birthday.

Stilyagi are the brainchild of the USSR. It's a unique subculture developing theme the more rapidly, the more rigidly society reacted to its manifestations. Style - steal, borrow. The dudes “stole” small pieces of freedom, forbidden and inaccessible to the gray masses of the 50s. For worshiping the West, they were expelled from the Komsomol, the combatants cut their hair, cut their clothes, and could beat them. Where did the rebellious youth gather?

1. Dilapidated, unfinished and abandoned buildings, away from residential buildings. Perfect atmosphere for a themed party. The dandies danced, listened to forbidden music and discussed goons who could at any moment discover the "underground" and ruin the holiday. Shabby walls, chandeliers and lamps without shades, rough furniture, modest treats.

2. Apartments of the Soviet elite. It was the children of those who traveled outside the USSR on duty who spread Western trends among young people. Solid Soviet furniture, carpets on the walls, floor lamps, lace napkins, a tube TV. For hanging out at the hut of a phaser who left on a business trip.

3. Cocktail lounge. The legendary place where forbidden jazz sounded, served hundreds of types of cocktails, punches, mulled wine and much more. The interior is chic - columns, a twisted staircase, huge chandeliers, small round tables, thin white tablecloths, napkin huts, roses in miniature vases.

So, decorating a party in the style of a dude can be both pompous and costly, and quite inexpensive, literally from what is at hand. To create an atmosphere suitable:

  • balloons, butterflies, lush bright flowers (lilacs, peonies or roses), satin ribbons, bright open umbrellas. Serpentine and paper garlands (old labels, newspapers, posters and slogans, everything can be downloaded from the net), electric garlands(better with large round bulbs, multi-colored);
  • posters, magazine clippings, caricatures and cartoons, photographs of jazzmen can be arranged as a mini-exhibition or simply decorate the walls with them, freely or on stands;
  • vinyl records as various decorative elements (glass holders, compositions, garlands, collections in rows and stacks). If you can find old X-rays, make a hole in the center and trim the corners to make a circle or polygon. Music on the bones for a dude party is the most iconic attribute!

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By the way, about music. Of course, first of all it is jazz and rock and roll. Some modern performers will do - Zero, Zoo, Bravo, Zhanna Aguzarova, Time Machine. From retro - Louis Armstrong, Bing Crosby, Glenn Miller, Chuck Berry, Duke Ellington, Elvis Presley, Buddy Hawley, Benny Goodman.

  • turntable vinyl records, saxophones, guitars. Of course, real, rare ones are better. But you can improvise - fake cardboard, painted foam or paper, children's toys, photos and postcards;
  • stand for a memorable photo session. Moscow in the 50s (for example, Gorky Street - stylish Broadway), retro car or motorcycle, tram. You can redraw or use photo printing to transfer to the stand the only surviving high-quality shot of the Cocktail Hall cafe:

Or come up with a fun tantamaresk:

Make original invitations to the party - a bright fashionista tie, a dude dress, a record or a saxophone. You can stick a paper blank on a CD and send a video or audio invitation to your friends, or just make postcards. Mention the password and review - let the guests be met by the inspector, who will accurately distinguish the disguised goon from the real dude. Passed the test? Get a funny badge with a stylish nickname (Masha - Mary, Sasha - Alex, Irina - Irene).

Don't forget to mention in the invitations how to dress for the party. The image of a dude, along with records, music and bright colors- one of the main components of the rebellious atmosphere.


In those years, the authorities promoted community. The Soviet people were positioned as a single organism - no individuality. Any attempt to stand out from the crowd was perceived as dissatisfaction with the established way of life. Screaming clothes in the style of dudes - a consequence of fatigue from post-war poverty and scarcity, a rebellion against totalitarianism, a manifestation of free will. At least in the choice of outfits.

So, you have four looks to choose from - dude or dude (by the way, ladies in men's suits look stylish and funny), caricature and loaf. Rosy loaves were called girls who did not quite match the style. This is a random element that got into the company through acquaintances. bright lips, clumsy black arrows, pigtails or a ponytail, a bell dress or a loose knee-length skirt made of calm floral or polka dot fabrics typical of the USSR.

A trendy dress for a hipster party is colorful, puffy, knee-length or slightly lower. With a slightly high waist, which is emphasized by a ribbon tied in a bow or wide belt. Stockings with arrows, on suspenders. Pumps with an ankle strap.

Read also: Fresh ideas for an Italian mafia-style party (+ photo)

The hair is neatly laid up, without protruding strands (a la babette), bright accessories- earrings, bracelets, beads, glasses, gloves, ribbon or headband in the hair. The lips are juicy, the arrows are clear, expanding to the outer corner of the eyelid, the eyelashes are fluffy. But more time and effort to create the image was spent not by dudes, but by dudes!

The caricature is an exaggeration of the stylish style. Usually these are guys from the outback who take everything too literally. The trousers are so tight that they cannot be removed without outside help. The jacket is huge, with wide shoulders. The sole of the boots rises by 15 cm, the tie looks more like a lace. An excess of color - green trousers, pink jacket, blue T-shirt, yellow socks, red tie.

Men's suit for dudes- tight trousers-pipes, double-breasted jacket, shirt, pointed shoes on the platform (" semolina"from rubber). The guys skillfully combined elements of clothing, managing to look catchy and bright, without turning into crazy parrots. For example, the shirt is fiery red, the tie and socks are yellow, and the trousers and jacket are calm. Brown(cell, strip). If the suit is defiantly bright, the image is balanced by a shirt and accessories (a narrow herring or bow tie, suspenders, glasses). Hairstyle - the famous Elvis cook (if the length of the hair is not long enough for a bouffant, put on a hat).

What else is appropriate to wear to a party? In addition to dudes, in the crowd of guests you can see a blacksmith in long raincoat, under which expensive handicraft ribbons, ties and suspenders are hidden. And Komsomol members who wandered into the light out of curiosity or with a patriotic goal to reason with regular youth.


There is no special style menu - the guys gathered for the sake of music, dancing and fun, not thinking about gastronomic pleasures. In order not to spoil the atmosphere, take as a basis popular dishes in the USSR: Moscow salad, fish salad, spring salad, herring under a fur coat. Hot: tabaka chicken, roast with mushrooms and meat, Moscow-style stellate sturgeon, chops, meatballs. By the way, “old” jars of condensed milk, sprats in tomato, sprats, etc. will come in handy. (you can print labels and re-glue). If a feast is not planned, organize a rainbow buffet - cutting, tartlets, canapes, baskets with meat, mushrooms and salads.

For a themed party, stylish drinks are more important - champagne, whiskey and cola, punches, cognac and lemonades. And, of course, real stylish cocktails, bright and colorful, beautifully decorated - with umbrellas, pieces of fruit, twisted tubes, in decorated glasses and glasses. Cocktail Carnival (one of the most expensive in the Cocktail Hall) - five unmixed multi-colored layers of liquor. Cocktail "Amber" - champagne with a spoonful of liquor and a drop of tangerine jam.

IN Lately people love to have hipster-themed parties. But why does this style attract people so much now and beckoned almost 70 years ago? Call. She gives freedom. From boredom, standard, dullness of everyday life, prejudices. In the USSR, young people tried to break out of the shackles of a difficult post-war period, when the country was trying to start living anew.

WITH Tilyags were not accepted by “normal” society, they looked askance at these reckless loafers who bowed to Western delights. Now a person gets tired of the supersonic pace of life and sometimes dreams of turning back the clock, plunging into a party where they listen to music not through USB or gadgets, but in secret sophisticated ways. Where they look like a paint factory has exploded. Bright, catchy, comfortable for dancing... Stilyaga is a special feeling and an amazing, bright element of the fashion world.

Stilyagi style in women's clothing

G The main sign of this style is a dress with a fluffy (often multi-layered) skirt and a fitted bodice. Thin waist was a big plus, V modern times special corrective underwear will help you create an image.

IN The second sign is a bright color scheme. In the image of a dude, several juicy flowers, for example, lilac, emerald, sunny orange. Girls were not afraid of prints on dresses, in the form of stripes, large polka dots, poppy dots. Buds of poppies, forget-me-nots, asters and lilies bloomed in lush gardens.

T ufli or sandals of stylish girls choose graceful, with medium heels, with a comfortable block ( how else to dance or run away). Another very important detail- thin gloves to match the color of the dress or contrast it. And, of course, you can't do without neat handbag, large multi-colored beads and wide tape in the hair.

TO articles about hair. The whole image of a hipster girl is very expressive, right down to the hairstyle. Bouffant, babettes, curls, an abundance of hairspray ( and in Soviet times it was replaced by a sugar solution). This style does not accept any untidiness for sure.

Stilyagi style in menswear

D in order for a man to look like a real dude, you need pantsuit. But not classic. Pants - shortened pipes of bright color. Stylish jacket with stripes or a cage, possibly with wide line shoulders and patch pockets.

WITH heapy shirt - not from this story. It should correspond to the costume and attitude of the dudes as a whole. And it means to be bright, incendiary color - blue, pink, yellow, light green, orange. How on women's dresses, on the shirt of the dudes, there can be colorful prints, floral or tropical.
