Father and daughter quotes. Long sentences about dad

  • One father means more than a hundred teachers. (D. Herbert)
  • Everyone writes how they love their mother, but if it weren’t for dad, you wouldn’t exist either ...
  • To mom 100 questions per minute: what to eat, what to wear, what to buy ... To dad alone: ​​where is mom?
  • All fathers want their children to accomplish what they themselves have not been able to do. (I. Goethe)
  • A father should be a friend to his children, not a tyrant.

The best quotes about dad

  • A father's strictness is a wonderful medicine: it has more sweet than bitter. (Epictetus)
  • There is a man in my life who loves me very much, fulfills my whims and says that I am a princess... Daddy, you are the best!
  • It is much easier to become a father than to remain one. (V.O. Klyuchevsky)
  • And the only truly beloved man who will never leave one is dad ...
  • The prudence of a father is the most effective instruction for children. (Democritus)
  • He is the father who educates, not the one who gives birth. (Menander)
  • Anyone can become a father, but only a special one becomes a dad.
  • Beautiful quotes about dad- The father knows his children no worse than the God of all of us, he reads in the depths of hearts and judges the very intentions. (Honore de Balzac)
  • Someone wants an oligarch's dad, and someone just wants him to be ...
  • I believe only one man who, when asked: "Do you love me?", Will answer: "Of course, daughter!"
  • A daughter is the only woman in front of whom dad should not try to look smart, strong, courageous. For a daughter, her dad is the very best ...
  • Dad should be such that the child misses him, and it never occurred to mom to part with him.
  • When you finally realize that your father was usually right, you yourself have a son growing up, convinced that his father is usually wrong. If you don't learn from your mistakes, there's no point in making them. (P. Lawrence)
  • Dear Dad! Maybe one day I will meet a prince, but you will forever be my king!
  • I found a photo where dad is 19 years old. I would marry someone like that too.
  • Will never come out to replace good father the same. (Vasily Sukhomlinsky)
  • I love dad, he will cook, and feed, and clean up after himself.
  • No other sample is needed, When the example of a father is in the eyes. (A. Griboyedov)
  • The father is not the one who gave the seed ... but the one who raised LYALKA! The one who walks with her, plays, braids a shaggy tail ... calls her ... YOU ARE MY BEAUTY. Here it is ... and there is daddy!
  • Everyone writes: I love mommy, mommy is the best! I agree with this, but why have they forgotten about the fathers? My dad is the best too! And each of us has the best father... Just for us!
  • You walk in the morning like a zombie, drooling on the go, shaggy as ever - but only dad will tell you at this moment "oh, my beauty is coming!".
  • Quotes about dad with meaning- When I was fourteen, my father was so stupid that I could hardly bear him; but when I was twenty-one years old, I was amazed at how much this an old man wiser over the past seven years. (M. Twain)
  • No man can love you more than dad loves.
  • Oh these handsome men. They are always smart boys first. And when they have babies, they become fathers. Some even dads. And the very chosen ones not only become, but also remain forever ... (Tatyana Solomatina)
  • The most important contribution to the upbringing of a child is the right father ...

Statuses about dad - Dad should be such that the child misses him, and it never occurred to mom to part with him.

If a man had a son, then he became a father, and if a man had a daughter, he became a papule.

Anyone can become a father, but only a special one becomes a dad.

Dear Dad! Maybe one day I will meet a prince, but you will forever be my king!

The love of a father is exceptional, it is not like the love of mothers, there are few words in it. But she is priceless.

The best thing a father can do for his children is to love their mother.

The father is not the one who gave the seed ... but the one who raised LYALKA! The one who walks with her, plays, braids a shaggy tail ... calls her ... YOU ARE MY BEAUTY. Here it is ... and there is daddy!

Very often, the father cannot properly raise his son, and he follows in his footsteps.

A father for a girl is the first and for a long time the only man in life. He is the best and strongest. You don't have to fight for it, you don't have to look for it. He loves without any conditions.

They say that only mother is worthy of love .... why only mother? Because you still have loving father who also loves you, understands and worries about you...

A child learns from a wise father from the cradle. Whoever thinks wrong is a fool, he is an enemy to the child and himself!

I love and trust only one person who, to the question: "Do you love me?", Will answer: "of course, daughter ..."

Some soft toys not enough to convince your children that they still have a father.

Give children your presence. This is sometimes much more important for them than any gift.

Even if your father is a complete jerk, call him and tell him that you love him. Even if it's not true at all. You may want this later, when he is gone forever.

By nature, of course, not a sweetheart, thank you daddy for everything!

A happy childhood is when there is not only a mother, but also a strong, confident and reliable father.

Nothing warms my heart like my mother's smile and the joy in my father's eyes.

The father only admonishes the one he loves; the teacher punishes only the student in whom he notices stronger abilities; the doctor already despairs if he stops treating.

The older I get, the smarter my father seems to me.

And yet it's cool when you come home, He meets you with the words: "Hello baby" and kisses... I love you dad!!!

You say that you want to warm your hands in HIS pocket in winter? And you try to walk with DAD, believe me, these hands are warmer!!! After all, heat is REAL!

I love my daddy... When I'm not in the mood, he tries to lift him up for me in any way... I love him! He is the best man in my life... Dad you are the best!

I love my dad, for him, if I study without twos, it's good, if without threes, it's generally excellent ... I wonder if I study without fours - will he go crazy or will he buy me a jeep right away ?!

It's so nice when you come up to dad and ask: "Dad, am I good with you?" And he replies: “You are the best!

A mother will never teach her child something bad. Go to dad.

Statuses about father - best father is a father who always finds time for his child, no matter what happens at work, whether he has problems or not.

Dads care so much about their daughters because they really know what to expect from guys.

When I really want to cry in pain, I remember the words of the Pope as a child, when I sat on the pavement with broken knees, and he said: “Is this nonsense really going to make such beautiful eyes cry?”

Life must be lived in such a way that every child can tell you "Daddy"

He is married. He gives me flowers and toys, indulges whims, worries when I'm out late. He is ready for everything for me. And he loves me. In short, thank you dad for being you!

beautiful statuses about dad and son, about dad and daughter with meaning, short and long, touching and sad.

No man can love you more than dad loves.

As dad said, so it will be according to mom!

I am very sorry that you did not have time to see a lot, but you managed to give me the most important thing, this is love! I love you dad!

I looked at pictures of my father when he was young. YES I WOULD LIKE TO GET MARRIED FOR SUCH.

The father is not the one who gave the seed ... but the one who raised LYALKA! The one who walks with her, plays, braids a shaggy tail ... calls her ... YOU ARE MY BEAUTY. Here it is ... and there is daddy!

And my mother often asked me who I was so crazy about, until she saw my father cutting a loaf with a teaspoon, because all the knives are dirty!

A father for a girl is the first and for a long time the only man in her life. He is the best and strongest. You don't have to fight for it, you don't have to look for it. He loves without any conditions.

If only you knew, Dad, with what pride I speak of you.

Dad, dad, who did you want a boy or a girl? — Oh son, I actually just wanted to relax!

The worst thing is that your boyfriend never left you or your girlfriend betrayed you... the worst thing is when DAD DRINKS!

Not the father who only gave life to the child, But the one who, like the mother, did not get enough sleep at night! Who, sparing no time and effort, Cared, nurtured, raised!

The daughter is the only woman in front of whom dad should not try to look smart, strong, courageous. For a daughter, her dad is the best.

The old woman, looking into the stroller, sums up: "The twins look like dad - pink cheeks, plump butts." The offended young father objects: “The one on the right is a melon from the market! My boyfriend is around."

On the morning of the first of January, our children sometimes happily find dad under the tree, who lies under the trunk, imitating a magical gift.

Every daughter dreamed of a father-president, fantasizing about apartments, guards, familiar princes and formal balls.

Who do you love more mom or dad?! - Mom and dad! — And more?! - And no one else!

Mom really wanted a boy, and daddy wanted a girl. Well, that's basically how they met...

Anyone can become a father, but only a special one becomes a dad.

I became too spoiled girl, after you "daddy".

I remember how my mother led me to the first grade and I remember how my father carried from graduation!

The love of a father is exceptional, it is not like the love of mothers, there are few words in it. But she is priceless.

Life is a harsh thing, you can’t do without a second father, for this case there are godfathers.


For each of us, there are only a couple of people who deserve truly devoted trust and understanding - these are our parents. Were they not the ones who raised us and cared for us, spent their time, strength, energy and health in order to, in the end, raise us to our feet and give us a full and happy life. Father and Mother are our support and our comfort. As for the fathers, we have always followed and continue to follow their example. After all, a lot of words do not give us lessons, but good example a person who is native to us by blood is real hero and idol. We have collected statuses about the father for those who respect their parents and take an example from them.

It's so exciting when a daughter tells her dad stupider names about personal things and hide them ... great, hardly anyone will find it.

The student's dad once came to the professor and asked: - I'm afraid that my son might fail the exam, what should I do. The professor replies: - We bet on a thing, what will pass?

Darling, I will be happy if you give birth to a daughter!

At his death, the father began dividing the inheritance among his four daughters. - Damn, Button-Bright thought so lucky!

Best Status:
I felt bad all day, called my dad and tears flowed about his words: Daughter, you are my best!

Dad, am I attractive? - For an amateur daughter, a great lover!

- Son, answer me, do you indulge in weed? - Dad, I'm actually a girl !!

If dad solves his son's 8th grade physics problem, then the world will end!

As Dasha Vasnetsova says: - Life is gloomy, the streak is black, the streak is blackening.

When my Mom told me to buy in a store for eggs, then I immediately burst out: - And what about my own are not the same? Her surprised eyes looked at me with a strange look for a long time.

Dad, I love you very much, I miss you, please come to me in a dream, I promise I won’t cry ...

And only the message history, the folder with photos on the desktop and the heart beyond repair will remain ...

Daughter, wake me up for work when you go to bed))) * Dad *

I admire my dad! He is the only one who has never quit, like some people. envy weaklings)

Grandma told dad: You are a man, not a dishwasher: D

xxx: Yesterday, my father, drunk when he came home, called me Rita xxx: everything would be fine, but I, damn it, Seryozha

You are mistaken, my dad does not need a drinking companion - he does not drink, and my mother represents another son-in-law - not an egoist and a womanizer.

Mommy, why is dad bald? And we have a very smart one! Why do you have so much hair? Shut up and eat!

Don't Cry Girl Don't Cry.. And leave everything as it is.. Listen to Dad. Dad, after all, as before, is right .. No one loves you because he is not who. No one will regret and forgive for everything ...

Set yourself

“Where are you without mommy-daddy!” - that's why every parent thinks so!

When my dad was washing dishes, he was sucked into the drain hole and released into the neighbor's bathroom, like at the moment when the neighbor Nina Po was washing there at least so he told his mother.

Daughter annealed. To the question “Did you fold your briefcase?” (3rd grade) - Mom, don’t beat my brains! I'm out...

Who do you love more, mom or dad? - Both mom and dad! - But who more? - But no one else.

Dad annealed, in the midst of a dispute, : "Daughter, don't fuck ... don't get pissed off ..."

You need to love mom, dad, marmalade, chocolate and summer. The rest is bullshit!

As a child, I was infuriated by 2 questions: -Well, why didn’t the groom appear there? Who do you love more mom or dad?

Children's wisdom: if mom laughs at dad's witticisms, then there are guests in the house.

Someone had it like this: Parents come from the store and dad says: “Daughter, we have a gift for you - a doormat”

Dad bought soap, it says “Bath soap” and with a malicious face signed the letter “E” in front, and neigh, the man is 45 years old. PPC ...)

Dad, where did I come from? - From cabbage. - Dad, am I a vegetable? O_O

The daughter comes home very late. Her father meets her on the threshold. - Well, again, she wandered around, drank, smoked. - Dad, envy - bad feeling!

- Mom, if a giraffe has horns, isn't it a deer? - Son, look at dad ... There are horns, but he is still a donkey.

Moscow 2040. – Dad, is it true that Russians lived here? - Nat, Ahmed, this is fantastic.

“- Daughter, why are you crying? ..- We had a fight ..- And because of this, do you need to cry? Mommy:**..

Today I, tomorrow you, the day after tomorrow mom. - Dad, are you sure that you understand the meaning of the words “family cowards” correctly?

- Mom, look, I'm strong, like dad - I also broke the pitchfork! :)- @la, another m”duck is growing:((

I remember how my mother led me to the first grade and I remember how my father carried from graduation!)

Yesterday on the flat they came off completely ... Wallpaper, plaster, curtains and a chandelier ...)

everyone has their own values ​​... someone is dearer to mom, dad, money in the bank or something else ... but the one that I call mine is dearer to me ... -1

Daddy zhzhot: Sitting watching Dom2 with the sound turned off, In the hands of the phone and playing music from the village of fools =P)))

how touching it is to name a folder with porn "byaka"

Dad, I got married!!! I don’t know anything ... how it gets dark home ...

A cleaned apartment with a working computer and paid for the Internet - no, this is NOT willpower. This is the fear of getting n * zdyuley from dad.

Everyone around praises you .. they say you have become so sweet and kind .. who influenced you so much ?? -he, dad, HE!

We sit at the table and eat. Choked. Mom: "Clap?" Me: (nodding) Him and dad: “Bravo!” And they roar.

I admire my dad! He is the only one who tolerates me for 18 years! And he has never quit, like some people.

There are three favorite men in my life. It's dad... Coffee... Chocolate...

If mom wants a cat, and dad wants a dog, then it means that there will be no brother!

They say the best friend is mom .. yeah, right now, tell her. In the morning, the second girlfriend, Dad, will already know everything.

I will be a gorgeous mom ... It remains to find the same dad. =)

“My children, I am dying, bring me a glass of water. - Dad, January 1, everyone is dying, take it, bring it yourself!

I put on nylon necks, to which dad says: “You warn the guy so that trimmed nails and it will tear when it will take them off!”

It's so nice when you come up to dad and ask: "Dad, am I good with you?" And he replies: “You are the best!

Who is the last, he is dad ...

We’re driving with dad in the car, he smokes, I’m out of habit: leave it to me ... pc made excuses for a long time

I met my classmate. Me: - Hello! Congratulations! I heard your daughter was born ... It's a pity not from you ... - ???!!! - ... Yes, it's a pity that I didn’t hear from you! And what did you think?

Dad quit smoking, switched to an even greater power of the drug and put the whole family on it ... SEEDS!

- Dad! When they come to ask for my hand, don’t fall on your knees, don’t say “You are our Savior!!!”, but just quietly nod your head)

- Dad, can you sign with your eyes closed? - Yes, but what? - Then sign in my diary

For a man, “food” and “love” are synonymous words! (“ father's daughters”)

- Get in the car, I'll give you candy! - No! - And for two? - Dad, I won't sit in a Zhiguli! 1

no, but it happens that parents call their children something special, but calling me in the phone book “dad give me money” is already too much!!!

I want my children to call him dad!

- Slavik, who do you listen to more: mom or dad? - Mom. - Why? - She speaks more.

it’s dad’s fault for everything ... it’s me who is so harmful to him ... ==

Mom and dad wanted me to be good. Well, the sense came out, the stupidity remained

You know, cat, love is a drug from which the tummy grows, it will be born - such a paw will open its eyes and say - dad)

- Radio? Give my dad my congratulations on the holiday from the bottom of my heart to the member ... - Until what? - Daughter. Lena.

Dad, dad, who did you want a boy or a girl? – Oh son, I actually just wanted to relax! =)

A gentle face, every dash, a snub-nosed nose sniffs ... Money, a career - it's not important. Important side by side sleeping!!! I love my daughter!!!

In that New Year I want only one! Mom, dad, let's put up! :)I love you…

I came at 4 o'clock in the morning. Dad in shorts opens the door. - What did you come for? - Have breakfast

- Dad, is it far to America? - Shut up and swim.

After I introduced my dad to my boyfriend, he told me: Yes, love is evil - they loved you too ...

My mom has one. As for my dad, I don't know.

Mom, dad, I fell in love ... I left to break my life ... I'll be back soon. Your fool ...

First, mom persuades you to eat a cake for company at 12 o’clock at night, and then says: “You have something, my daughter, your butt has gotten fat, you should close your mouth”

- Dear, you will soon become a dad! - I can't - I'm leaving!

At the zoo… -Dad! Dad! Why is this monkey looking at me so strangely??? - Don't piss son! We are only at the checkout!

And he doesn't give a fuck what I feel. He doesn't worry. What if he becomes a dad? Oh well, he doesn't care.

Morning...I get up...I go to the bathroom.

Many people simply do not understand that they have everything for happiness ... Everything does not mean clothes, cars, jewelry. Everything is mom and dad.

- Dad, why can't children watch this film? - Sit still! Now you will see for yourself.

my mom has a birthday today!!! mom, dad and I love you very much, despite the fact that sometimes we behave badly

How I learned to swim ... Dad took me to the middle of the river and threw me out of the ship. At first it was difficult to get out of the bag, and then nothing, I got used to it ...

It's nice when dad comes up to you in the morning and says: “Get up, I'm going to work .. breakfast is on the table ..” you get up, go to the kitchen, and there is a plant 🙂

- Daughter, who is this young man who kissed you last night? - And what time, daddy?

Only dad can fall asleep under the TV, and wake up if you turn it off.

You need to love mom, dad, marmalade, chocolate and summer! The rest is so (hobby) ...

You said that I would be nice, mom said that I would be smart, dad looked at me and waved his hand ... Dad was right :)

Dad didn't quit drinking, dad didn't quit smoking...and he won't quit you either)

They say the best girlfriend is mom ... yeah, right now! Tell her ... the second girlfriend-Dad will already know everything in the morning: D

Dad good mood: Runs around the house, tickles, shows his tongue, shares some trick, sings. An adult is called !!!

Hello mom, give dad. -Now. - Hello dad, did Spartak win? -Yes, sure! - give mom. -mom, I heard dad allowed for a dance))

Who is the last, he is dad ...

I often fall into exasperation and remember how my mother led me to first grade, how my father carried me from graduation ...

- Dad, damn it, why if I was at my friend's birthday party, then I immediately drank?!? - I am a mother!

At home, my dad decides everything. And who is our dad - mom decides.

Dad, why do all the children eat cotton candy, and I have the usual one?

- Dad, and dad, give me money!? - Son, well, I don’t have money now, go out, take it from your mother. - But she won’t burn ???

Papuan Papuan - friend, comrade and food.

- Dad! Vasya throws a chair at me! - Throw it at him! - I can’t, I have liquid ...

Selling a folder with photos. The folder is mine, the photos are mom's

Ale, mom, then dad spilled coffee on a white towel. soak it or what? - Don't touch your father. And throw a towel in the typewriter, I'll figure it out in the evening

Where does dad have the “remind me in 15 minutes” function? 0

honest children love not mom and dad, but tubes with cream ...

A boy with dexterous buttocks takes the belt from his dad while spanking..

My happiness - with your eyes, my nose, runs through our house and shouts: “Mommy, look! Dad and I caught a fish!”

Thanks not to me, but to mom and dad for such a creation!

well, durov is original ... he hung some kind of thin branch and like a holiday (((

There are two types of girlfriends: best and scary .. (c).

Girls used to learn to cook like moms .. now they drink like dads

- Dad, what is the difference between a man and a woman? - Look, my foot is 44th size, and my mother's is 36th. Here is the difference between the legs ...

Not for you idiot dad raised a princess!

Dad, I'm not drunk at all (Hic) - I'm mom ...

- Dad, dad, who did you want a boy or a girl? - Oh, son, I actually just wanted to relax!

cooking in the kitchen. dad comes in and says “fuck, Katya, are you cooking to eat? not for nothing that we THEN took you instead of that boy ... ”

Who is the last, he is dad ...

I come home, in the kitchen there is a note “Son, borscht in a saucepan. Mother". Above is another one: “Daughter, I'm sorry, rollton is in the refrigerator. Dad".

Vovochka comes from school, gives dad a diary to read. Dad reads: - Russian - 2, mathematics - 2, physics - 2, singing - 5 - Lord! This moron also sings!

The little one was so good, but she grew up ... and grew up, what grew up©Papa

My daughters, I am going on a long journey, what can you bring back from there??? - Dad, can you somehow go for bread in a less pathetic way?

Mom and dad made it, and judging by the result, they didn’t really try

Why is it only mom is the most sacred, dad also participated! Daddy is the heart for you.

He is married. He gives me flowers and toys, indulges whims, worries when I'm away until late. He is ready for everything for me. And he loves me. In short, thank you dad for being you!

and probably everyone thought what her life would be like if her father was president)

You said I'd be nice... mom said I'd be smart... grandpa said I'd be loved by everyone... and dad sat silently and just waved his hand... dad was right...

my dad says that if I step on a rake once, then I will step again and after that I will jump on them again. my rake is trust in you.

Draws son solar circle the sky around... Women's breasts, fire, barbecue ... And it was daddy who helped him! 🙂

- Dad, why does our grandmother run in a zigzag? - For whom is a grandmother, and for whom is a mother-in-law, give me a second clip.

I'm sitting in a shirt spongebob, with huge headphones yellow color and watch spongebob online. Dad passes by: “You need a guy.”

- Dad, dad, how did you meet mom? - I'm sitting, so I'm on VKontakte, and then op, your mother is added to friends!

Left for a walk. Came home in the morning. I fell asleep. I woke up and the whole apartment: Fuck, menstruation! In response to dad: Huh, menstruation ... =)

Dad, I will not marry, I will live with you. Don't you dare threaten your father!

Anyone can become a father, but only a special one becomes a dad.

God and dad love me. You will be third!

And I'm glad I'm like him. I love you dad.

Dad is the only man who loves you truly and forever.

Dad, who did you dream about, a son or a daughter? - Eh, son. I just wanted to have fun.

Dad is the only man who will love you all his life. Just for being you...

I believe only one man who, to the question: “Do you love me?”, Will answer: “Of course, daughter!”

You say that you want to warm your hands in his pocket in winter? And you try to walk with DAD, believe me, these hands are warmer! It's real warm!

By nature, of course, not a sweetheart, thank you daddy for everything!

A daughter is the only woman in front of whom dad should not try to look smart, strong, courageous. For a daughter, her dad is the very best ...

And yet it’s cool when you come home, He meets you with the words: “Hello baby” and kisses ... I love you dad!

The older I get, the smarter my father seems to me.

The father only admonishes the one he loves; the teacher punishes only the student in whom he notices stronger abilities; the doctor already despairs if he stops treating.

Every dad will feign a lie if he says that he is climbing career ladder for the sake of the son. In fact, he tries for his mother.

"Boleslav Pashkovsky"

Claiming that I could hardly stay on my feet, while plopping down and driving along the sidewalk, is capable, I think, only of my dad.

Even if your father is a complete jerk, call him and tell him that you love him. Even if it's not true at all. You may want this later, when he is gone forever.

I love my daddy... When I'm not in the mood, he tries to lift him up for me in any way... I love him! He is the best man in my life... Dad you are the best!

Only one dad in the world - mine, can slip, ride down the street, get up, as if nothing had happened, and say that he could hardly stand on his feet.

In the supermarket, mom and I were looking for the most fragrant coffee, and dad grabbed cocoa and happily ran to pay for his purchase.

Dad should be such that the child misses him, and it never occurred to mom to part with him.

Give children your presence. This is sometimes much more important for them than any gift.

A child learns from a wise father from the cradle. Whoever thinks wrong is a fool, he is an enemy to the child and himself!

I found a photo where dad is 19 years old. I would marry someone like that too.

It's so nice when you come up to dad and ask: "Dad, am I good with you?" And he replies: “You are the best!

Let the whole world throw stones at you - if your mother or father is behind you, everything will be fine.

Dear Dad! Maybe one day I will meet a prince, but you will forever be my king!

It will never come out to replace a good father with the same one.

"Vasily Sukhomlinsky"

The best man in my life is my dad!

Soft toys alone are not enough to convince your children that they still have a father.

Nothing warms my heart like my mother's smile and the joy in my father's eyes.

A happy childhood is when there is not only a mother, but also a strong, confident and reliable father.
