Relations between the Brezhnev faith and Konstantin Meladze. Konstantin Meladze decided on a bold confession about Brezhnev's faith

For many years, Vera Brezhneva remained the favorite of millions of viewers. The girl was adored for her beauty, for her willpower, for easy temper. Everything changed two years ago when the singer married producer Konstantin Meladze.

Right there on the surface it turned out to be completely unsightly banal story broken alien family. From that moment on, Vera Brezhneva lost many fans, moving into the camp of the "homeless".

Having become the legal wife of Konstantin Meladze, Vera Brezhneva is in no hurry to share moments of personal happiness. The singer carefully hides privacy from prying eyes.

It is difficult to find a photo of her husband-producer on Brezhneva's Instagram.

The Internet is rapidly discussing the upcoming divorce of Konstantin Meladze and Vera Brezhneva

Last night, her new photo appeared on Vera Brezhneva's Instagram. In the picture, the singer looks sad, and the caption to the photo puzzled many of the star's subscribers:

It is very painful to be disappointed in loved ones. It's like everything that was has turned into soap bubble. But it is also an experience, albeit a bitter one. It is important to understand, accept and move on. Love to all of us. Thanks to everyone who is with me.

A similar phrase intrigued the followers of the ex-Viagra. Many in the discussions are trying to support Vera, although she does not seem to be going to reveal the meaning of her words.

Subscribers suggested that the singer had serious problems in personal life. Some suspect that the case smells like a divorce from Konstantin Meladze.

Surprisingly, in the media that published today last news about possible divorce Brezhneva and Meladze, the commentators not only did not express sympathy for the artist, but also gloated, considering this development of events to be quite natural:

If so, then I will believe in the existence of God!

And when Ver betrayed the trust of Yana Meladze, being a member of their house and family - how is that?

Should she write about betrayal? Has the boomerang arrived?

Do you guys believe that boomerangs always come back?

We mark this material in Zen and stay abreast of all the intrigues and scandals of show business.

Rumors about the impending divorce of the popular singer Vera Brezhneva and Konstantin Meladze are circulating in the media. mass media this is not the first time: the couple is regularly credited with parting, and ill-wishers immediately declare that they “knew it”. Recently, the public again found a reason to talk about the divorce of lovers, and Vera Brezhneva decided to tell the details of her personal life with Konstantin herself in order to avoid unnecessary speculation.

But where did Vera's subscribers get the information that the irreparable is about to happen in a couple? It turns out that netizens were alerted by the fact that Brezhnev left for Italy for a long time with her mother, her children and sister. The singer was away for so long that she even missed the award ceremony of the prestigious MUZ-TV award, where, by the way, she was also nominated in one of the categories. The fact of Vera's absence at the event confused the audience even more, and they spoke even more confidently about parting with Meladze.

The fact is that part of the public is strongly opposed to the relationship between Konstantin and Vera, frankly expressing their opinion that Brezhnev "everything will return like a boomerang." The rest are asked not to interfere in the personal life of their favorite singer and keep their own unfavorable opinion to themselves, but still netizens are being found who, in in large numbers write "evil" comments.

Brezhnev and Meladze get divorced?

Vera herself decided to explain what was happening in her pair very eloquently: the singer published joint photo with spouse in home environment. Thus, the performer demonstrated that all the rumors about their divorce are still just rumors, and everything is in order with Konstantin. Vera's fans were happy for their favorite and asked to pamper them with common pictures with Meladze more often.

True, they wrote this under other photographs, since family photo Vera decided to publish only in the “stories” of the social network Instagram. In all likelihood, the singer did not want to start commenting on him. Meladze himself has repeatedly admitted that he eats the most for his wife. tender feelings and is proud that she is his wife. Vera also constantly mentions her reverent attitude to family values.

Brezhnev maintains relations with his relatives, which he constantly tells his fans in in social networks. Vera publishes photos with her sisters and, by the way, already shares pictures with her husband without hesitation. Previously, due to universal condemnation, the singer did not do this in such quantities, but now, after a long time, she decided to make some “revelations” with subscribers.

One of the most beautiful couples show business - Vera Brezhneva and Konstantin Meladze - for a long time hid from the public their tender feelings for each other. And even now, having been married for almost 3 years, they rarely devote the press and fans to their personal happiness. Therefore, evil tongues often speak of problems in star family and promise them a divorce.

What kind of criticism was not subjected to the union of Konstantin Meladze and Vera Brezhneva: “Vera, is this your dad?”, “From rags to riches” and so on. Editorial "So simple!" considers this couple beautiful and very harmonious and decided to tell what is the secret of their idyll.

Vera Brezhneva and Konstantin Meladze

In honor of the 55th anniversary husband Vera Brezhnev posted a touching joint picture on her Instagram, which caused a lot of controversy among network users. Even despite the age difference of almost 20 years, Vera and Konstantin simply glow with love and tenderness when they are next to each other. Each of them had been married before, but it was in this union that they found happiness and personal growth.

Meladze admitted that Brezhnev re-educated him, making him much better. And even changed the diet and lifestyle in general. The singer is known for her love of sports, yoga and healthy food. In addition, she was repeatedly recognized as the most beautiful woman show business, and as you know, only the love of a man preserves female beauty.

“I admire Vera daily, hourly. She has a big heart, she strives to help everyone, finds people who need her help. Vera has amazing energy, looking at her makes me feel better.”.

Now Konstantin enjoys walking long distances and following fashion. After all, with such a beauty, you must always be on top. After the marriage, Meladze forgot about old T-shirts and jeans forever: “Now I am under control. If it were not for his wife, he would have walked in one T-shirt. Previously, it happened, for 5-7 years in the same went ".

He often dedicates lines of his songs to his beloved wife, which is very touching. And Vera inspires the famous composer and part-time husband to be better and create more productively. Isn't this the idyll of husband and wife? Like Valery, Konstantin rarely participates in family photo shoots for magazines and television programs about his personal life.

Probably, this is Meladze and Brezhneva - to live for their own pleasure, and not to arrange a demonstrative game of feelings for others.

35-year-old Vera Brezhneva often posts fresh photos on Instagram, talks about working moments, shares the secrets of beauty and harmony. The only topic that the singer is not ready to talk about is her personal life. In 2015, Brezhnev secretly married producer Konstantin Meladze. Even after the wedding, the spouses do not advertise their relationship and rarely appear in society together.

Konstantin, until recently, also preferred not to raise the topic of relations with Brezhnev. However, in a recent interview with journalist Dmitry Gordon, the producer spoke a little about his wife.


54-year-old Meladze admitted that he had been hiding an affair with Brezhnev from his wife Yana for ten years. However, the relationship between the producer and the singer did not begin immediately. When Konstantin first saw the blonde, he did not really like her. Then Brezhneva did not know how to sing and did not move well to the music. To make a star out of Vera, Konstantin had to send her to courses. A year later, Brezhnev became a different person.

Meladze said that he considers Brezhnev the most beautiful, sexy, hardworking and successful of all the ex-soloists of VIA Gra.

“I don’t want to offend anyone, but objectively, Vera Brezhneva achieved the greatest success from the ex-Viagra. She is an absolutely amazing person, the most beautiful and sexy. Did she get married grandly? Rather, I got married grandly, ”said the producer.

Rumors about the impending divorce of the popular singer Vera Brezhneva and Konstantin Meladze are circulating in the media for the first time: the couple is regularly credited with parting, and detractors immediately declare that they "knew it." Recently, the public again found a reason to talk about the divorce of lovers, and Vera Brezhneva decided to tell the details of her personal life with Konstantin herself in order to avoid unnecessary speculation.

But where did Vera's subscribers get the information that the irreparable is about to happen in a couple? It turns out that netizens were alerted by the fact that Brezhnev left for Italy for a long time with her mother, her children and sister. The singer was away for so long that she even missed the award ceremony of the prestigious MUZ-TV award, where, by the way, she was also nominated in one of the categories. The fact of Vera's absence at the event confused the audience even more, and they spoke even more confidently about parting with Meladze.

The fact is that part of the public is strongly opposed to the relationship between Konstantin and Vera, frankly expressing their opinion that Brezhnev "everything will return like a boomerang." The rest are asked not to interfere in the personal life of their favorite singer and keep their own unfavorable opinion to themselves, but still netizens are found who write "evil" comments in large numbers.

Brezhnev and Meladze get divorced?

Vera herself decided to explain what was happening in her couple very eloquently: the singer published a joint photo with her husband at home. Thus, the performer demonstrated that all the rumors about their divorce are still just rumors, and everything is fine with Konstantin, writes Vera's fans were happy for their favorite and asked to pamper them with common pictures with Meladze more often.

True, they wrote this under other photographs, since Vera decided to publish a family photo only in the "stories" of the Instagram social network. In all likelihood, the singer did not want to start commenting on him. Meladze himself has repeatedly admitted that he feeds on the most tender feelings for his wife and is proud that she is his wife. Vera also constantly mentions her reverent attitude to family values.

Brezhnev maintains relations with his relatives, which he constantly tells his fans on social networks. Vera publishes photos with her sisters and, by the way, already shares pictures with her husband without hesitation. Previously, due to general condemnation, the singer did not do this in such quantities, but now, after a long time, she decided to make some "revelations" with subscribers.
