Why are girls cold. There is a question: why do women freeze more than men

Approximately 75% of the energy produced by a person is spent on maintaining the optimal temperature of the organs (37 degrees). This is an important factor in the functioning of the body as a whole. We are informed about the fact of freezing by our limbs (arms and legs). If they begin to freeze, the whole body becomes cold. Moreover, a person feels cold 4 times more intensely than heat.

It has been scientifically proven that women are colder than men. It is known that the body, due to the most uniform distribution of subcutaneous fluid, retains heat better. The blood from these fatty layers quickly flows to the internal organs and maintains their normal temperature. However, she does not have time to approach her hands and feet, and they begin to freeze.

It has also been proven that a woman's perception of cold can vary depending on the phases of the menstrual cycle. During this period, the internal organs can fall and rise by 1 degree. According to research in 2001, the internal temperature of the fairer sex increases by 1 degree immediately after the onset of ovulation.

However, not only hormones allow women to feel the cold more strongly. They are more sensitive to temperature changes due to fatigue, night sleep (at this time, a woman has a minimum body temperature) and excess weight. Strange as it may seem, fat people freeze faster than thin people. Due to the thick fatty layer, blood flows to the surface of the skin and to the extremities in a smaller amount. Therefore, they get less heat.

Much less able to freeze people engaged in or leading an active lifestyle. They have excellent blood circulation. But smokers feel cold more because of impaired blood circulation.

Scientists from Yale University conducted an experiment. People were given hot drinks and drinks, and after drinking they were asked to rate how trustworthy the people in the photographs are. According to the conclusion of the experiment, it was revealed that the most gullible were people who drank hot drinks.

From this it becomes clear that the warmth of the soul and body are interconnected in our subconscious much more closely than it was customary to think about before. It turns out that just one cup of coffee or tea can make a person more trusting of the people around him. Is this why it is customary in good stores or car dealerships to offer customers a cup of coffee?

Psychologists recommend drinking cold drinks before making an important decision. There was also a relationship between feeling cold and mood. It turns out that the more lonely and unhappy we feel, the faster we begin to freeze.

Meet 50-year-old Galina Kutereva from the city of Tolyatti. She works as an assistant kindergarten teacher and does not feel the cold at all. In sub-zero temperatures, she walks the streets in summer dresses, does not get sick and looks much younger than her years. How is this possible? - you ask. Let's find out.

Many come up and ask what happened? They offer clothes or a ride in a car. She replies with a smile that everything is in order - she just has such health. There is no end to those who want to know how she does it, and just get to know each other. It is quite possible that a resident of Tolyatti is the only one in the whole of Russia or even in the whole world. Meet Galina Kutereva, assistant teacher of kindergarten No. 67 with the symbolic name "Joy". She is reluctant to talk about herself, embarrassed by this and believing that it is better to talk about the Togliatti psychotherapist, thanks to whom her life has changed 180 degrees. But first things first.

In general, I was born in the Donbass, near the Sea of ​​Azov. I am from the south and love the heat very much, - says Galina. - I came to Togliatti in 1982 in the direction after the chemical-mechanical technical school. At first she worked at Phosphorus, but not for long. Since 1986, when I sent my daughter to kindergarten, I have been working as an assistant teacher.

The fact that you go without winter clothes - is that how you become tempered?

No, although I also do hardening procedures - I take a contrast shower. I walk down the street like this because I'm not cold. I am not cold in winter, not hot in summer, when everyone is tired, I continue to work, I don’t need smoke breaks - that’s my body.

What do you feel when it's cold?

Slight tingling, like a hot summer day and a fresh breeze blowing. The stronger the frost and blizzard, the better for me.

And what is the coldest temperature you can tolerate?

I don't know, but all last winter I wore summer clothes and felt good.
- What if it rains?

When it rains, I don't hide - I feel good. Some pay attention to the fact that I walk in sandals through puddles and snow. And they think my feet are cold. No - the snow is melting on my feet. My hearing, smell, vision improved - I took off my glasses. Improved memory.

You are such a spectacular woman, and your hair is gray. Do you want to color them?

No, this is on purpose to show how old I am. I used to have more gray hair, now it's less. I don't use makeup either. I only wash my face and hair with water. There is nothing artificial in my appearance, it is completely natural.

How did you achieve all this?

Like many people, far from being an adult, I developed very serious illnesses. The doctors had little use for treatment: the help was temporary, the diseases did not go away, but worsened over the years. I started looking for other ways to get better. She was engaged in self-treatment, including clay, but all these methods did not give a stable result. In 1989, I learned that there was a Togliatti doctor - then he conducted sessions at the Burevestnik cinema. I visited them, and then many diseases, as well as fears and addictions, disappeared from me.

Feeling the improvement, I began to live my old life, but time passed - new diseases, new problems appeared. By 2005, illnesses had overcome me so much that I again remembered the doctor, began to look for him - and found him. Since that time, I have firmly decided to change my lifestyle, my attitude to everything that surrounds me. I have fully recovered, and not only that - my body has rejuvenated. To come to this, I became a different person.

What is the treatment? What have you changed in yourself?

The whole system of treatment is built on goodness. When a person is kind and benevolent and in a good mood, he is healthy. When there is health, there is longevity. Man must love the world and live in harmony with it. I love life and want to live. I know what I live for - to be kind, benevolent and do good every day. My soul and body became cleaner and brighter.

Is walking down the street naked also part of the practice?

Yes. The fact is that in the cold a person holds his breath. In this case, the blood comes to diseased organs, and the body itself begins to recover. Vessels become clean, elastic, blood begins to circulate easily and freely. We hold our breath several times a day. I also walk on my knees 400 steps a day, because there are points of longevity under the knees, and a person gets rid of many diseases: the spine, joints, intestines, and so on recover. Anyone can live a hundred years. "Chelo" - "age" - for each chela a century is defined. To do this, you need to cleanse your soul, be kind and benevolent. What you wish for someone will be for you.

Whole teaching...

Yes, first of all, the word heals. “With a word you can kill, with a word you can save, with a word you can lead regiments behind you ...” We are treated with both word and thought, because thought is material. That is why you need to learn to speak and think correctly, to watch your words. And words and thoughts have power. We do not hear a thought, but our soul perceives it, and when a person is thought of with love, it supports him.

Did you also eat differently?

Yes, I practice separate meals and once a week I refuse food so that the body rests. On this day I drink water.

The fact that you have improved your health, rejuvenated - is this not the limit? Is there anything else you can achieve?

Oh sure. Sometimes they tell me: if you have recovered, why do you need to continue with this system? The fact is that I want to be healthy and happy, and I want to help other people in this.

For what?

So that my children, grandchildren, great-grandchildren and great-great-grandchildren live happily ever after and that they meet kind and benevolent people everywhere. All people should love each other. I want love and gratitude to be inherent in everyone - this is what gives health and success.

How do your family members feel about your health care?

My husband supports me, understands and practices this system himself. He had problems in terms of oncology, but thanks to this practice they went away - the tumor disappeared. After 10 days, when he came to the oncologist, the doctor said: “If I hadn’t seen this myself, but someone had told me, I wouldn’t have believed it.” My daughter is a psychiatrist. With a medical background, it's hard for her to fully accept that everything I do is beneficial. At the same time, seeing the result - my health, she also supports me in many ways.

Why does a person get sick? Because he's evil?

From envy, jealousy, anger, irritability. Problems and diseases - from the wrong view of life. We misunderstand the circumstances of our lives. Now people are so passionate about survival that they forget that it is necessary not to survive, but to live. Life is an exciting journey in which we must enjoy, live and relax. If you don't want to work, love the job and you won't have it. You will go to her like a holiday.

What are your future life plans?

I have a lot of them. And I'm going to live more than a hundred years - without disease, happily ever after. I believe in it very much.

And those illnesses that you had, will not interfere with you?

The me, who was sick a lot, who had a lot of problems, is simply gone. I am completely different, I was born again. All my views have changed.

Were you more negative?

I was weak - both in health and in spirit. I looked at life wrong. I felt that what I was doing was good. But it wasn't good. I tried to live not my own, but someone else's life, and it was wrong. Everyone should live their own lives, go their own way. Now I help people look at life correctly, and I need to live happily ever after for more than a hundred years in order for my dreams and desires to come true.

Nobly taking off his jacket (in a more modern version - a bomber jacket) and throwing it over the shoulders of his beautiful companion. A typical story from a Hollywood movie? Perhaps, but not only. This is also the harsh truth of life, due to physiology, which once again reminds us that girls, for the most part, are colder than men. Let's try to figure out why this happens.

Body temperature

The main reason why women freeze faster is that the normal temperature of a woman's body is higher than that of a man's. A study by the University of Maryland School of Medicine in 1992 found that while body temperature fluctuates throughout the day for both women and men, women's averages are always slightly higher. This leads to the fact that women feel the effect of cool air more acutely.

cold extremities

At the same time, a higher body temperature does not mean that the body itself in women remains warmer throughout the day. In 1998, researchers at the University of Utah found that while a woman's body temperature is indeed warmer than a man's, women's hands and feet are always colder. Experiments have shown that women's limbs are on average 3 degrees colder than men's.

Interestingly, this difference in temperature indicates that women are better at keeping warm. However, the internal organs are heated first of all, and the hands and feet are forced to pay for it.


Men have a faster natural metabolism than women - and this is a huge injustice. But this fact says not only that it is easier for them to keep their weight under control, but also that men warm up faster. Thelist.com cites data from a study where men's metabolism is estimated to be 23% higher than women's. At the same time, in essence, metabolism is the way in which our body turns food into energy, while warming the body along the way. And that explains everything.

Height and weight

Body size also matters when we talk about how men and women perceive cold. On average, men are larger than women, both in height and weight. "Because women tend to be smaller, they tend to have a higher surface area to volume ratio, which means they lose more heat," says Brad Fiero, lead expert at Pima Community College.

Different sensations

Another interesting explanation for why women are colder is that men and women just feel cold differently. "When women feel cold, their bodies constrict blood vessels near the surface of the skin to maintain core body temperature, but this makes them feel colder overall," said researchers David Niesel and Norbert Herzog of Medical Discovery News. In other words, our bodies simply have completely different physical responses to the same temperatures.

temperature in the office

Women who spend their weekdays tend to dress warmer than men. And this is understandable, given the data of a study conducted in 2015 and published in Nature Climate Change. For example, scientists have shown that most office buildings set "comfortable temperatures" based on outdated formulas from the 1960s, when experiments were conducted exclusively on men.

The study also found that the long-term “thermal comfort model” used by offices takes into account another factor: clothing insulation levels. And this factor focuses on classic men's suits, in which it can be quite hot, but not on skirts and thin blouses, with which everything is just the opposite.

Many people know "amazing" people who can, in woolen socks, and when the slightest cold snap occurs on the street, they immediately shake, freeze, as if from a severe frost. Such a strange “phenomenon” of a person, of course, has its own explanation.

First of all, those people who, in one way or another, wanted to build up, freeze - this is the price for a slim figure. The "frosts" most often include thin people. After all, it is more difficult for such a person to accumulate and retain body heat. Many older people are also prone to "freezing", because with age, a person's metabolic processes and blood outflow slow down.

People who suffer from vegetative-vascular dystonia often freeze. Due to low blood pressure, human organs and tissues do not have enough energy. Such a person can often simply fall asleep, regardless of fatigue or the weather, sometimes even fainting may appear, often there are headaches (and causeless ones). It is about such people that people are often used to talking about: arms and legs, like a frog.

Moreover, if a person, then later on, fainting in a person, pallor of the skin, brittle nails and hair, unusual taste and olfactory preferences may simply appear. A symptom of iron deficiency in the human body is the very feeling of cold, since such people experience oxygen starvation.

Can often be a symptom of "frostiness" - a hormonal factor. It can manifest itself in pregnant and lactating women, as well as in adolescents, for whom stress due to exams is also added to puberty.

"Coldness" can also manifest itself in disorders of the thyroid gland in humans, then weakness, apathy and a feeling of cold are felt. People with diabetes mellitus begin to freeze faster due to damage to the walls of blood vessels.

Naturally, it is possible and necessary to get rid of such “frostiness”. But it is important to monitor your health and life in general, especially:

1. Always dress for the weather.

2. It is recommended to drink hot black tea before going outside. It is this tea that will help a person warm up best. But, at the same time, it is important to remember that coffee is not good for “warming up” - this drink can cause vasospasm.

3. Particular attention should be paid to the diet. It is in the diet that it is necessary to include high-calorie foods (dishes), especially rich broths. The second best for such people is beef or liver, which are rich in iron, and especially for those who have low hemoglobin. Able to reduce spasms of blood vessels in the human body and fatty fish.

4. Do not forget about hardening, because it helps to train human vessels. For example, a contrast shower is a great helper in such situations. It is good to accustom yourself to walking barefoot.

If a person is always more cold in the legs, most likely the reason for such “frostiness” is the thin sole of the shoe. In order to "warm up" you just need to add a warm insole to your shoes, and this can be done with both shoes and boots.

- A wide pepper plaster can be glued to the sole of the boots.

According to research by American scientists, it has been established that:

- "frosts" are able to live longer. In such people, the body temperature is lowered, the metabolism is slowed down - as a result, energy is saved, and the life span is lengthened.

This secret is well known to Indian yogis, who know how to lower a person's body temperature and at the same time fall into a state of samadhi. This is a trance that can last for years, and vitality is practically not spent. Only this principle is effective only for Indian yogis. By the way, yoga classes should be attended and always practiced with caution. After all, there you can “extract” for yourself (health) and very serious consequences if you practice yoga without control by specialist doctors.

It has long been known that carbohydrates that a person receives from food are spent to maintain body temperature. Accordingly, with the help of a rigid low-carb diet, it can be lowered, but before applying this or that diet, it is important to consult with specialist doctors. Otherwise, all diets can only harm a person’s health, and a person’s “frostness” can only increase from this. It is important to remember that with such manifestations of "frostiness" jokes are bad. Healthy and nutritious nutrition, a healthy lifestyle, reducing stress, stress on the body, sound and healthy sleep ... these are just some of the main rules for reducing “frostiness” in a person, for his own health and well-being.

It is not easy to answer this question unambiguously. There are a lot of reasons for chilliness, therefore, a thorough medical examination is necessary to identify a specific source of constant “underheating”.


In the regulation of the heat of our body, all systems and organs are involved under the guidance of three - the heart, liver and hypothalamus.

The liver uses biochemical reactions to heat the blood. Pumped by the heart, it runs throughout the body, evenly delivering heat to all its parts. Therefore, the vessels can be compared with the pipes of central heating radiators.

Depending on the external temperature, the "pipes" either expand to give off excess heat outside the body (in summer), or contract to better store it (in winter). But this process can be disrupted under the influence of various diseases or pathologies that cause constant “freezing”.

Why does a person always freeze

Iron deficiency anemia or simply an insufficient level of hemoglobin in the blood causes a delay in the delivery of oxygen by the blood to the internal organs and tissues.

The body is trying to improve the situation of oxygen supply to the organs, and the vessels dilate to increase blood flow, that is, they behave as if a tropical heat has come or you are in a sauna. Accordingly, heat transfer increases - the body is deprived of the necessary supply of "heating" and freezes.

In fact, they didn’t sit - a lack of vitamins A and E, as well as fats in the diet, can also lead to constant chilliness even in warm weather.

The biochemical processes in the liver that are responsible for heating the blood are unbalanced, and the “batteries” are slowly cooling down.

Body fat is not just a dubious decoration, but a dense compressor. By squeezing the blood vessels, it leads to a narrowing of the blood flow, and then everything follows a well-known scheme - inadequate nutrition of the internal organs with oxygen and an attempt by the vascular system to compensate for this deficiency. The heat goes to the side, the person freezes.

The thyroid gland is responsible for the regulation of energy processes in the body - the distribution of energy reserves, including for heating.

When its function decreases (with hypothyroidism), the energy “branch” experiences a lack of attention, processes are disrupted, and high-quality heating becomes impossible. The thyroid gland, working at half strength, at the same time slows down the metabolism. Accordingly, the formation of heat from the calories received with food is also inhibited.

Cold feet at any time of the day can indicate the hormonal cause of "frostiness".

But most often, cold feet (and sometimes hands) are a sign of impaired peripheral capillary circulation. Heating simply does not reach the final points - in the limbs. Often this is associated with a condition such as vegetovascular dystonia (mainly of a hypotonic type), and a person begins to freeze the more the more he worries, or experiences stress, or suffers from hypodynamia.

Vascular problems leading to chilliness can also be of a completely different nature. For example, nicotine addicts and people suffering from atherosclerosis often experience spasms.

Age-related "freezing", forcing older people to pull on several layers of clothing or blankets, is also associated with a deterioration in vascular functions.

People who eat too little, who do not get enough of their daily calorie intake, are also doomed to freeze. After all, they simply do not provide the "furnace" with "wood" - in the absence of regular intake of calories, the body has nowhere to take energy from.

If a person is thin and moves little, he is doomed to slowly cool down during his lifetime. Even his body temperature drops.

Diabetes mellitus turns out to be “guilty” of almost any disorder in our body, and constant chilliness is no exception. Serious disturbances in metabolism and in the work of the cardiovascular system become the root cause, but it is impossible to explain everything that happens in a nutshell. A clear sign of diabetes can be considered cold feet, in which sensitivity also disappears.

There is also a specific cold syndrome - Raynaud's disease, which is expressed in a violation of the arterial blood supply to the extremities. At the slightest emotional stress, as well as under the influence of too cold or warm temperatures, such people experience a strong vascular spasm that disrupts thermoregulation.
