Approaches to the upbringing of the child in the family and school. New approaches in the upbringing and education of children

This manual presents the results of our own research and literature data concerning the tasks, principles of organization and content of the practical part of the physical education of primary school children assigned to a special medical group. In the final part of the work, sets of exercises are presented that are used in the system of motor rehabilitation for certain diseases and pathological conditions, which are most often the reason for enrolling in a special medical group. The grant is intended…

On the family and the upbringing of children, St. Luke (Voyno-Yasenetsky)

The issues of family relations and the upbringing of children are perhaps the most important in the life of modern society. What is marriage? What are the responsibilities of a husband and wife in a family? What example should parents set for their children, and how can they instill in their children a love of purity, holiness and piety? The words of Archbishop Luke are addressed to everyone: to those who are just about to embark on the path of family life, and to those who seek to make their family a home church. From the publisher Issues of family relations and parenting are perhaps the most important in the life of the modern ...

Saturday Command. A new approach to origin… Roman Romanov

The artistic reconstruction of the circumstances of the Terrible Incident, which happened a million or even more years before our era, is in itself a unique phenomenon in the genre of detective investigations. A necessary part of an objective reconstruction based on facts and regularities known to science is the advancement and verification of a fundamental Hypothesis. A critical preface and a popular science review of theories and signs of anthropogenesis, anticipating the “fairy tale for the younger scientific age”, determine the scale of the set…

Help in raising children with special emotional… Elena Baenskaya

The book discusses the early stages and patterns of emotional development in the norm. The most significant signs of affective distress for early diagnosis are described, their combinations are distinguished, which are characteristic of the distortion of emotional development. The logic of the formation of different variants of early childhood autism is traced, and specific problems for them are identified. Methods of psychological correctional work with children with autism adequate for early age are proposed. The book is addressed primarily to parents educating ...

Pregnancy and childbirth. The Magical Beginning of a New... Deepak Chopra

This book is addressed to future mothers and fathers, as well as anyone who wants to be involved in the birth and upbringing of children. Despite its inspiration and loftiness, it has a very practical character. Her ideas, techniques and exercises will help the expectant mother to listen to the wisdom of her body. You will naturally develop the skills to neutralize stressful situations, balance nutrition, strengthen muscles, increase the firmness and elasticity of your tissues, find inner balance and comprehensively prepare for childbirth. Guided…

Children of Methuselah Robert Heinlein

The Howard Foundation, which set itself the goal of stimulating longevity of people by creating and supporting families in which both parents supposedly carried the genes for longevity, achieved its goal: a century later, a new caste of centenarians was secretly formed in humanity, whose children lived longer and longer ... Only now, an accidental leak of information put all the “children of Methuselah” on the brink of death - they were powerless before the envy and hatred of ordinary people ... And the only way out for them was to capture the first of those under construction in orbit ...

Psychological games for children Tatyana Obraztsova

A collection of various games that contribute to the correct versatile psychological development of children. The games presented in the book are designed for all ages - from toddlers to teenagers. The collection will become an indispensable assistant to parents and teachers who want to make the process of raising children interesting and unobtrusive.

Encyclopedia of family education and training Archpriest A. Malyarevsky

In this issue of the Encyclopedia, we mean to offer the favorable attention of readers only what can be used when raising children in the family, we will talk about the positive means of religious education of children of the first two ages accepted by our Orthodox Church: the youngest, up to about 3 years old and middle , from 3 to 7 years.

Psychodiagnostics and correction of children with disabilities ... Valery Astapov

The reader presents theoretical, experimental and applied studies of domestic specialists in the field of defectology, clinical psychology, child neurology and psychiatry, revealing the problem of disorders and deviations in the mental development of children. It deals with the issues of diagnosis, prevention, training and correction, education of children with mental development problems. The audience of the reader is defectologists, clinical, school, child psychologists, teachers, as well as students and university professors.

New director German Matveev

The book continues the famous story of G. Matveev "Seventeen", dedicated to school life. Here is the same main character - Konstantin Semenovich Goryunov. As in the first book, events unfold not only at school, but also outside its walls: in the police, where several schoolchildren get involved in a gang of thieves, at home in families where they have different attitudes towards raising children. In the center of the story is the problem of educating schoolchildren in work. Before the reader are interesting types of schoolchildren, parents, teachers, school leaders, honest and selfless ...

Children from Heaven John Gray

The best-selling author of Men Are from Mars, Women Are from Venus has given a stunning gift to all men and women who have children. This book will really help you in raising children. Positive parenting will make your children successful, able to cope with any life difficulties, relieve feelings of guilt and fear. And it will make you truly happy parents, allowing you to solve all the problems associated with raising children in the modern world. And how you will regret that this book did not exist at the time of your parents!

It's Too Late After 3 Masaru Ibuka

Here is what Glen Doman, director of the Institute for Human Potential Development, USA, wrote in the preface to the book: “I think that the proposed book is one of the most important books ever written. And I think that all parents living on Earth should read it. The author of this book, by the way, the founder of the SONY Corporation, took up issues of early development for a reason - his own child lagged behind in mental development. As a result of the experience gained in the upbringing and education of his child, with the help of specialists, he founded the "Association ...

Sleeping Dogs by Nancy Kress

AWAKE "Spanish Beggars" (1993) "Beggars and Powers" (1994) "Beggars Walk" (1996) At the beginning of the 21st century, genetic engineering has already made significant progress in such matters as appearance, intelligence and health. At the same time, a Chicago biotech company managed to create a new genome model for raising Awake or not knowing sleep. Nineteen experimental babies of the beta version of this model did not need sleep at all, never slept, thus adding eight hours a day to their “working” time. In addition, the destruction of sleep ...

Ravaged Lands Fred Saberhagen

Foreword by Roger Zelazny Fred Saberhagen is nothing like a berserker creator, Count Dracula's secretary, or Inca's executioner. However, it is these images that come to mind when his name is mentioned, since they are the ones that are remembered the most. Therefore, I want to destroy any impression of him as a modern Lovecraft by noting for those who open this book that Fred is a warm-hearted, witty, erudite man who has a wonderful wife Joan, a mathematician, and three of the most well-behaved children any I have met Jill...

Greco-Roman wrestling: a textbook Team of Authors

Since the end of the twentieth century, martial arts have been rapidly developing in the physical culture and sports movement of the whole world. While doing them, you can quickly and fairly easily get a qualifying degree in the form of a belt of any color or even a master dan, but real combat training can be obtained by completing it with some kind of martial arts. These include varieties of wrestling, boxing and a number of sports hand-to-hand combat. Each person can choose for himself the most psychologically attractive type of martial arts, but if we consider them ...

The book of N.I. Pirogov “Questions of life.” is a brilliant example of philosophical thought. Its pages reflect the spiritual development of a brilliant scientist, selflessly devoted to scientific truth, an outstanding statesman, a talented teacher, a patriot who passionately loved his Motherland, selflessly served his people. Pirogov cosmically perceived the Universe and reflected in the "Diary" about the universal role of the Cosmos in human life, about its unity with the Cosmos, about the influence of the Higher worlds on it and the need for human cooperation ...

Stories by Vladimir Kign-Dedlov

DEDLOV (real name Kign), Vladimir Lyudvigovich - publicist, prose writer, critic. Born into a poor noble family. The writer's father, a native of Prussia, bore the surname Kuhn, which, when his ancestors moved to Poland in the 18th century. was recorded as Kign. Father and Uncle D. became the first Catholics in their family. Mother - Elizaveta Ivanovna, nee Pavlovskaya - the daughter of a lieutenant colonel, a Belarusian nobleman - passed on to her son her Orthodox religion, and love for Belarus, and interest in literature (E.I. Pavlovskaya - the author of articles ...

Book-1: The Third Eye by Lobsang Rampa

The need to make a new translation of The Third Eye, one of the most famous books in the world, gave us a completely unexpected gift. Before you is a new full translation of the book, obviously impossible in Soviet times for censorship reasons. The very small but frequent cuts in the previous edition made the book incomparably poorer. Anyone who has loved this book since ancient times should definitely read it in the new edition. The Third Eye is an amazing story about a spiritual journey, a wonderful autobiographical tale of an extraordinary…

test for educational psychologists

1. Educational activity is carried out on the basis not so much of the child's knowledge (facts), but of his understanding, penetration into his thinking, feelings, experiences (meanings) - this is the position

1. Hermeneutic approach;

2. Acmeological approach;

3. Ambivalent approach.

2. The concept of "helping relationship" was introduced by:

1. K Rogers

2. A. Maslow

3. E. Fromm

Z. Freud in psychosexual development singled out:

1. 4 stages;

2. 5 stages;

3. 6 stages;

4. 7 stages.

4. E. Erickson in the development of personality singled out:

1. 6 stages;

2. 7 stages;

3. 8 stages;

4. 9 stages.

5. The basis for the division of memory into motor, emotional, figurative and verbal is:

1. leading analyzer;

2. object of reflection;

3. activity of the subject;

4. type of activity.

6. When determining the stability of voluntary attention, the following is most often used:

1. hardware methods;

2. Schulte tables;

3. methods of selective (dichotomous) listening;

4. tachistoscopy technique.

7. The problem of mental defense mechanisms was first developed:

1. in Gestalt psychology;

2. in humanistic psychology;

3. in behaviorism;

4. in psychoanalysis.

8. One of the founders of social learning in the behavioral theory of personality is:

1. J. Watson;

2. B. Skinner;

3. A. Bandura;

4. K. Horney.

9. K. Leonhard studied character accentuations:

1. in children of primary school age;

2. in adolescents;

3. in boys;

4. in adults.

10. The method used in developmental and educational psychology for tracking changes in the child's psyche in the process of the researcher's active influence on the subject is:

1. pilot experiment;

2. formative experiment;

3. ascertaining experiment;

4. included observation.

11. Psychological and pedagogical criteria for the effectiveness of training systematized:

1. N.A. Menchinskaya;

2. I.S. Yakimanskaya;

3. N.F. Talyzin;

4. E.I. Kabanova - Meller.

12. According to the Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of April 3, 2003 No. 191, the norm of hours of pedagogical work for the wage rate of a teacher-psychologist in educational institutions is:

1. 40 hours a week;

2. 36 hours a week;

3. 30 hours a week;

4.24 hours per week.

13. Coping is:

1. overcoming stress;

2. the efforts with which the person tries to prevent the threat of stress

3. the degree of perceived threat, determined by the psychological constitution of the individual;

4. cognitive thought process of making an adaptive decision.

14. Within the framework of psychological correction, the formation of:

1. personal position;

2. adaptive behavior skills;

3. neurosis resistance;

4. stress resistance.

15. The ability to establish and maintain the necessary contacts with other people, in particular, in the context of pedagogical interaction is called:

1. interactive tolerance;

2. communicative consistency;

3. communicative tolerance;

4. communicative competence.

16. The concept of "zone of proximal development" implies that:

1. learning must come before development;

2. learning should go hand in hand with development;

3. learning should not coincide with the stages of development;

4. teaching should be guided by morality.

17. Research strategy with registration of external (behavioral, psychophysiological, etc.) characteristics or changes of the object is:

1. method of self-observation;

2. method of introspection;

3. method of objective observation;

4. method of phenomenological self-observation.

18. The psyche exists as:

1. process;

2. condition;

3. function;

19. The ability to sense, which forms the basis of higher forms of mental organization and denotes the evolutionary transition from passive reflection to active knowledge of the world:

1. irritability;

2. reactivity;

3. activity;

4. sensitivity;

20. The highest form of mental reflection of reality, which is active, selective and anticipatory:

1. knowledge;

2. consciousness:

3. thinking;

4. reflection.

21. Rapidly and violently flowing emotional process of an explosive nature, which occurs in critical conditions and is associated with pronounced motor and organic manifestations:

1. mood;

2. emotion;

3. affect;

4. passion.

22. A scientist who singled out the so-called "existential needs of a person" when describing human behavior in the light of the fundamental dichotomy "freedom - security":

2. K. Horney;

3. A. Maslow;

4. E. Freud.

23. The idea of ​​association as a possible mechanism for the formation of mental phenomena was first expressed:

1. D. Hartley;

2. J. Locke;

3. J.S. Millem;

4. E. Thorndike.

24 The scientific and experimental basis of behaviorism was:

1. the position of K. Koffka that learning to write and speak can only be through imitation;

2. the position of E. Thorndike on the characteristics of learning and the data of G. Ebbinghaus on verbal memorization;

3. D. Hartley's ideas about the meaning of memory;

4. allocation of mental reality as an independent sphere of knowledge by R. Descartes and J. Locke.

25. The main periods of the development of intelligence according to J. Piaget:

1. 3 periods;

2. 5 periods;

3. 6 periods;

4. 7 periods.

26. Abstraction refers to:

1. mental operations;

2. thought processes;

3. thinking factors;

4. mental types.

27. The development of mankind in all its aspects, including cultural sociogenesis, i.e. part of the phylogeny, starting with the emergence of Homo sapiens and ending today -

1. anthropogenesis;

2. phylogenesis;

3. microgenesis;

4. otnogenesis.

28. The specific form of relations that are significant for the child, in which he is with the reality surrounding him (primarily social) in one or another period of his life:

1. stage of development of social relations;

2. crisis situation of development;

3. latent period of development;

4. social situation of the child's development;

29. The activity of the child within the framework of the social situation of development, the fulfillment of which determines the emergence and formation of the main mental neoplasms in him at this stage of development:

1. educational activity;

2. leading activity;

3. communicative activity;

4. object-manipulative activity.

30. Correlation of the level of mental development of the individual with the corresponding normative average symptom complex:

1. social age;

2. psychological age;

3. chronological age;

4. conditional age.

31. At the heart of age periodization A.N. Leontief lies:

1. a person's own activity;

2. leading type of activity;

3. the formation of morality;

4. libido satisfaction.

32. The concept of "critical periods" was introduced into psychology:

1. L.S. Vygotsky;

2. B.G. Ananiev;

3. V.V. Davydov;

4. A.N. Leontiev.

33. The main signs of a crisis - loss of spontaneity, mannerisms, a symptom of "bitter candy" - are characteristic of:

1. crisis 3 years;

2. crisis 7 years;

3. midlife crisis;

4. crisis of adolescence

34. The age of intensive intellectual development is considered to be:

1. primary school age;

2. preschool age;

3. adolescence;

4. adolescence.

35. Developmental learning considers the student:

1. as a self-learning subject of learning;

2. as an object of the teacher's teaching influences;

3. as a subject acquiring knowledge, skills and abilities as an end in itself, and not as a means of development;

4. as a subject assimilating knowledge, skills as a means of development.

36. With a liberal style of pedagogical communication, the teacher:

1. single-handedly makes decisions, establishes strict control over the fulfillment of its requirements;

2. involves students in decision-making, takes into account their opinions, encourages independence;

3. gives the opportunity for disclosure and effective interaction to each participant in the pedagogical process;

d) moves away from decision-making, transferring the initiative to students and colleagues.

37. Education as a process of helping the child in the formation of his subjectivity, cultural identification, socialization, life self-determination is considered in the author's concept

1. E.V. Bondarevskaya

2. O.S. Gazman

3.N.E. Shchurkova

38. Knowledge, skills, skills that allow to work on self-knowledge, self-affirmation, self-realization of the child's personality, development of his unique individuality are the basis of the content of education in the author's concept

1. E.V. Bondarevskaya

2. O.S. Gazman

3. G.K. Selevko

39. The system of basic scientific approaches (theories, methods, achievements), on the model of which the research practice of scientists in a given field of knowledge (discipline) is organized in a certain historical period:

1. paradigm;

2.concept; model;

4. All answers are correct.

40. The approach to learning, based on such a way of organizing the educational and cognitive activity of students, in which they are not passive recipients of information, but are themselves actively in the learning process, is called:

1. competence approach;

2. activity approach;

3. personal approach;

4. cognitive approach.

41. A new approach to raising children is:

1. person-centered approach

2. active

3. nature friendly approach

4. cognitive approach

42. The theory of teaching younger students, which is based on taking into account the internal patterns of child development, the development of moral qualities and aesthetic feelings, will, the formation of an internal motivation for learning:

1. psychological theory L.V. Zankov;

2. psychological theory of N.A. Menchinskaya;

3. psychological theory D.B. Elkonin and V.V. Davydov;

4. psychological theory Sh.A. Amonashvili.

43. According to the method of O.S. Gazman, the stages of activities for the pedagogical support of children in the system of personality-oriented education technology include:

1. diagnostic, search, contractual. active, reflective

2. analysis, modeling, implementation, control

3. study of the situation, decision making, joint activities to implement the decision, analysis and reflection

44. Socio-biological characteristics based on the difference between the sexes (the concepts of "man" and "woman"):

1. gender;

2. stereotype of behavior;

4. marginal

34. floor

45. Felixology of education, according to N.E. Shchurkova, E.P. Pavlova, is a scientific and theoretical consideration of the content characteristics of education, which provides, as part of the goal of education, the formation of the child's ability to be:

1. tolerant in life on this earth

2. happy in life on this earth

3. free to live on this earth

46. ​​The process by which a person learns the appropriate models of behavior in society, values, etc.:

1. socialization;

2. differentiation;

3. imitation;

4. identification.

47. Add the title of the document: Federal Law of the Russian Federation of June 24, 1998 “On Basic Guarantees …………………… in the Russian Federation”

1. human rights

2. fundamental freedoms

3. rights of the child

48. Emotional state that occurs in a situation of non-fulfillment of any goal significant for a person, non-satisfaction of a significant need and caused by insurmountable obstacles in their achievement:

1. anxiety;

2. stress;

3. frustration;

4. mood.

49. Creation of new information or use of new ways of its analysis and generalization:

1. theoretical thinking;

2. practical thinking;

3. analytical thinking;

4. productive thinking.

50. One of the first theories of the structure of intelligence was proposed by:

1. D.P. Guilford;

2. A. Binet;

c) C.E. Spearman;

4. T. Simon.

51. A condition caused by congenital or acquired underdevelopment of the psyche and intellect, which makes it difficult or impossible to adequately social functioning of a person:

1. mental retardation;

2. underdevelopment of mental development;

3. pathology of mental development;

4. mental defect.

1. W.L. Stern;

2. K.L. Buhler;

3. G.S. Hall;

4. A.L. Gesell.

53. The creator of the theory of cognitive development is:

1. Z. Freud;

2. J. Piaget;

3. A. Vallon;

4. J. Baldwin.

54. The motivating basis of a person’s mental life, a set of psychological reasons that determine the activity of a person’s behavior:

1. need;

2. motive;

3. motivation;

4. goal.

55. According to the theory of A. Maslow, the highest human need is:

1. the need for security;

2. need for recognition;

3. need for security;

4. the need for self-actualization.

56. The mental process of likening oneself to a communication partner in order to understand his thoughts and ideas:

1. identification;

2. empathy;

3. reflection;

4. perception.

57. The ability to distance oneself from one's own emotional experiences, the ability to perceive feelings and emotional state:

2. emotional disorders;

3. ability to emotional decentration;

4. the ability to have an emotional and value attitude.

58. Stereotypes in the activities of a teacher ...

1. affect relationships with students;

2. do not affect relationships with students;

3. both answers are correct;

4. both answers are wrong.

59. An answer to the question, in what optimal educational system should a growing person be included in order for the transition from the culmination of development in one phase to take place at the culmination of another phase of human development. contained in the methodology;

… 1. hermeneutical approach;

2. acmeological approach;

3.ambivalent approach.

60. What strategy of self-regulation does a person with high self-esteem use in a situation of threat to his own I-concept?

1. "false modesty";

2. self-elevation;

3. "belittling others";

4. "false uniqueness".

61. How do the concepts of skill and skill relate?

1. they are synonymous;

2. skills are formed later than the skill;

3. these are not related concepts;

4. skill is more difficult than skill.

62 Human ability...

1. constant throughout life;

2. are congenital;

3. exist in development;

4. are inherited.

63. Anatomical and physiological deposit is ...

1. the main condition for the development of ability;

2. the result of education;

3. degree of ability development;

4. ability background.

64. Giftedness is ...

1. character trait;

2. combination of abilities;

3. innate quality of the mind;

4. sudden inner insight.

65. Pronounced character traits, which are extreme variants of the norm-

1. psychopathy;

2. accentuation;

3. disadaptation;

4. deviation.

66. Of decisive importance for the formation of character is ...

1. training.

2. education.

3. promotion.

4. punishment.

67. Isolation of a feature in an object and abstraction from the rest is called ...

1. comparison;

2. study;

3. concretization;

4. abstraction.

68. Thinking, which is carried out without a logical analysis of the conditions of the problem and without awareness of the way to find a solution, is called ...

1. rational;

2. intuitive;

3. creative;

4. reproductive.

69. Socialization in full understanding is…

1. the process of assimilation by the individual of the conventional norms of the group;

2. acquisition in the process of education of socially significant personality traits;

3. a two-way process of assimilation of social experience by an individual by entering the social environment, active reproduction by him of a system of social ties and relations through vigorous activity;

4. adaptation of the individual to changes in the social environment through mastering new social roles.

70. Factors of socialization are ...

1. specific groups in which the individual is attached to the systems of norms and values ​​of society;

2. genetically determined physiological and mental characteristics of a person;

3. society, culture, nation, family, labor collective;

4. everything under the influence of which the socialization of the individual is carried out.

71. What stages of socialization are distinguished in domestic social psychology?

1. primary, marginal, stable, maladaptive;

2. pre-labor, labor, post-labor;

3. early and late infancy, early and middle childhood, adolescence, adolescence, early, middle and late adulthood;

4. preconventional, conventional, postconventional.

72. Social attitude can be described as ...

1. experience by the individual of the meaning and meaning of the social object;

2. readiness for activity;

3. satisfaction of vital needs;

4. the status of the individual in the group.

73. L.S. Vygotsky proposed these criteria for the periodization of childhood...

1. neoplasms, the leading type of activity;

2. neoplasms, the dynamics of the transition from one period to another;

3. the dynamics of the transition from one period to another, the social situation of development;

4. neoplasms, the social situation of development.

74. The idea of ​​mental development occurring through the adaptation (adaptation) of an individual to the surrounding social environment belongs to ...

1. Z. Freud;

2. J. Piaget;

3. E. Erickson;

4. L.S. Vygotsky.

75. The idea of ​​mental development as a process of acquiring knowledge, skills and abilities is typical for ...

1. biogenetic concepts of mental development;

2. sociogenetic concepts of mental development;

3. the concept of convergence of two factors;

4. psychogenetic concepts.

76. The highest level of problem-based learning is characterized by ...

1. the ability to solve complex problems;

2. independent formulation of the problem and the search for its solution;

3. the emergence of a cognitive need;

4. fast pace of assimilation of educational material.

77. In the concept of developmental education, L.V. Zankov, the highest level of difficulty is determined by ...

1. a large amount of educational material;

2. independent study of educational material;

3. knowledge of the essential connections of phenomena;

4. the need to remember a large amount of information.

78. The scientific-theoretical type of thinking is characterized by ...

1. mastering logical forms;

2. the formation of meaningful generalizations;

3. mastering a large amount of knowledge;

4. the ability to clearly express their thoughts.

79. What kind of mental formation is the result of internalization of control activity?

1. knowledge;

2. discipline;

3. diligence;

4. attention.

80. The document proclaiming the right of the child to be protected from interference in his private life is:

1. Law of the Russian Federation "On Education";

2. Law of the Republic of Tatarstan "On Education";

3. Convention on the Rights of the Child;

81. In accordance with the Convention on the Rights of the Child, “States Parties recognize the right of the child to education, to this end they shall, in particular:

1. offer free and compulsory primary education;

2. offer free secondary education (general and vocational) and provide, if necessary, financial assistance for further education;

3. offer compulsory primary education, with financial assistance provided if necessary.

4. offer free basic general education and, if necessary, financial assistance for further education;

82. A citizen of the Russian Federation may independently exercise his rights and obligations in full:

1. from 14 years old;

2. from 16 years old;

3. from 18 years old;

4. from 25 years old.

83. Is it allowed to involve students, pupils of civil educational institutions in work not provided for by the educational program, without the consent of students, pupils and their parents (legal representatives)?

1. Yes

2 .No

3. In special cases, by order of higher authorities

4. Allowed occasionally due to

84. Is information competence a mandatory requirement for qualification characteristics for all pedagogical positions of educators?

1) Yes

2) Yes, except for educational psychologists

3) The requirement is presented differentiated from the pedagogical position held

4) The Unified Qualification Handbook for the positions of educators does not contain this requirement

85. According to the requirements of the qualification characteristic, should a teacher-psychologist who is not engaged in teaching work take part in the work of pedagogical and methodological councils, other forms of methodological work:

1) Yes

2) No

3) at the discretion of the administration of the institution

4) in the qualification description for the position of a teacher-psychologist, this requirement is not provided

86. Is the knowledge of modern pedagogical technologies of productive, differentiated learning, the implementation of a competency-based approach, developing learning a mandatory component of a qualification characteristic for the position of a teacher-psychologist?

1) Yes

2. No

3. The requirement is presented differently from the type and type of educational institution in which the teacher-psychologist works

4. This requirement is not provided for in the qualification description for the position of a teacher-psychologist

87. According to the methodology for assessing the qualifications of certified teachers, ed. V.D. Shadrikova, the professional qualification standard of a teacher is considered as a set of:

1. 3 competencies

2. 4 competencies

3. 5 competencies

4. 6 competencies

88. "Social hardening" as a principle of education is declared in the concept of "Education as ....

1. component of socialization "

2. system of socialization"

3. school of socialization "

89. IQ of a mentally retarded child:

a) more than 1.0;

b) less than 1.0;

c) is equal to 1.0;

d) below 0.75

e) above 0.75

90. The difference between children with mental retardation and children with mental retardation:

a) dysplastic appearance and anomalies of the skull;

b) higher learning ability, the ability to perform tasks by analogy;

c) misunderstanding of the read text, lack of logic in retelling;

d) the primacy of speech disorders

Questions and answers to computer testing of educators of the extended day group

1. In what year did the UN General Assembly adopt the draft Convention on the Rights of the Child?

2. A document proclaiming the right of a child to be protected from interference in his personal life is:

1. Law of the Russian Federation "On Education";

c) no, only if the fact of using physical violence is repeated;

d) dismissal is possible only if an employment contract with a teacher is concluded for a certain period of time to perform a certain job.

8. Is it possible, as a last resort of pedagogical influence, to expel a student under the age of 14 from a general education institution?

a) no;

b) yes, for committing unlawful acts, gross and repeated violations of the charter of a general education institution;

c) yes, with mandatory employment or provision of continuing education in another educational institution;

d) yes, with the consent of the guardianship and guardianship authorities.

9. Causes of social orphanhood of children:

1. divorce of parents;

2. deprivation of adult parental rights;

3. death of parents;

10. "Social hardening" as a principle of education is declared in the concept of "Education as ....

1. component of socialization "

2. system of socialization"

3. school of socialization

11. The concept of "helping relationship" was introduced by:

1.K Rogers

2. A. Maslow

3. E. Fromm

12. Conditions for the effectiveness of educational technologies

a) friendships between children

b) having a high goal

c) freedom of choice of program

d) friendly relations between children, the presence of a high goal, the freedom to choose a program

2. secondary vocational education;

3. higher or secondary vocational education;

4. higher or secondary vocational education in the field of study "Education and Pedagogy" or higher and secondary vocational education and additional professional training in the field of "Education and Pedagogy".

51. When was the federal law “On additional guarantees for social support for orphans and children left without parental care” adopted?


54. Under the Convention on the Rights of the Child, every human being is a child until:

1. 16 years of age.

2. 18 years of age.

3. 14 years of age

12 year old

55. Which of the great teachers of the past insisted on the predominant use of the "method of natural consequences" in the upbringing of a child, considering it the most effective?

1. J.-J. Rousseau

1. J.-J. Rousseau

2. J. Locke

57. What principle did J. Locke put as the basis for selecting the content of the child's education?

1. freedom

2. coercion

3. naturalness

4. utilitarianism

58. Who among the teachers listed below was the first to combine education with productive work?

60. Who owns the words; “Learning is good only then, it goes ahead of development. Then it awakens and brings to life a whole series of functions that are in the stage of maturation, lying in the zone of proximal development”?


61. The founder of the concept of personality formation in a team (communal education):

1. Ya. Korchak

64. As psychologists note, the main signs of a crisis - loss of spontaneity, mannerisms, a symptom of "bitter candy" - are characteristic of:

1. crisis 3 years;

2. crisis 7 years;

3. midlife crisis;

4. crisis of adolescence

65. The age of intensive intellectual development is considered to be:

1. primary school age;

2. preschool age;

3. adolescence;

4. adolescence.

66. Developmental learning considers the student:

1. as a self-learning subject of learning;

2. as an object of the teacher's teaching influences;

3. as a subject acquiring knowledge, skills and abilities as an end in itself, and not as a means of development;

4. as a subject assimilating knowledge, skills as a means of development.

67. With a liberal style of pedagogical communication, the teacher:

1. single-handedly makes decisions, establishes strict control over the fulfillment of its requirements;

2. involves students in decision-making, takes into account their opinions, encourages independence;

3. gives the opportunity for disclosure and effective interaction to each participant in the pedagogical process;

d) moves away from decision-making, transferring the initiative to students and colleagues.

68. According to the Procedure for certification of teachers of state and municipal educational institutions, mandatory certification in order to confirm compliance with the position held (in relation to persons who do not have qualification categories, is carried out

1. annually

2. once every 5 years

3.once every three years

69 Attestation for the purpose of awarding the highest or first qualification category is carried out:

1. On the recommendation of the employer

2. According to the employee

3. At the request of the administration of the institution

70. According to the methodology for assessing the qualifications of certified teachers, ed. , the professional qualification standard of a teacher is considered as a set of:

1. 3 competencies

2. 4 competencies

3. 5 competencies

4. 6 competencies

It is in the family that the character and principles of the future adult life of a person are laid. Without the intervention of adults in the educational process, the child will grow up as a slob and an unadapted personality. But you can not allow a completely authoritarian leadership over the life of the baby.

Currently, there is not one method of raising children. But modern society requires a new, innovative approach to this process. It should be based on the interests and principles of life of the children of the present generation.

Education today: its features

Every century, every single era has its own methods of education. Our great-grandfathers and great-grandmothers honored their parents, and they would be surprised by the behavior of modern children. Yes, and we have not followed Domostroy for a long time, which, by the way, is why there is a struggle of generations.

Our parents, and some of us ourselves, grew up in low-income families. Despite the fact that at that time there were many problems, the children received a good education, attended additional classes and circles. How is modern education built?

Unlike our ancestors, today's children live in fairly comfortable conditions. They have access to various gadgets, they have the opportunity to go on a trip, etc. Children owe such a rich life to their parents, because it is they who, sometimes infringing on their own needs, put their beloved child on their feet and make it so that it does not need anything.

Today's children are quite talented. They boast of their talent and energy. As a rule, children do not have ideals, do not recognize authority, but believe in their abilities. Rigid frameworks and ready-made methods of education are alien to them. Therefore, engaging in their development, it is necessary to break the already established principles and invent new ones.

Modern children realize themselves in art. It can be dancing, sports, music, various circles. They express themselves more humanistically and meaningfully than the previous generation. Their hobbies have a more intellectual connotation.

Thanks to new technology, children spend more time at the computer. They keep blogs with interest. And now you have an unusual child in front of you, and a web designer, photographer or journalist.

Modern education is based on respect for children . You need to listen carefully to what children say, and try not to criticize their statements. The educational process depends on the trends of modern society. While children are still learning from their parents, try to show them what is good and what is bad. Teach them to distinguish benevolent people from destructive personalities.

In adolescence, children should already have an idea of ​​the nuances of modern society and be adapted to it. Modern education is aimed at developing initiative in the child and encouraging independence. Children must learn to make decisions and be responsible for them. You don't have to be overprotective of your child. Let him make a mistake, but this will be a lesson for him, from which he will draw useful information for himself.

The methods of modern education are different. Some of them are controversial, but not all are as bad as they seem. Each method is based on the analysis of the behavior of the modern generation. Having studied several methods, you can choose your own - the only one that will be suitable for raising your child.

Torsunov's technique

  1. The first includes scientists who are prone to research and love to learn.
  2. The second category is managers. They are great at managing people.
  3. The author refers to the third category business executives and merchants, who are distinguished by their practicality and desire to get rich.
  4. And, finally, the fourth group includes artisans, repelled by practical knowledge.
  5. Torsunov singled out the fifth category of personalities. These are the losers. As a rule, such people do not receive the necessary education and cannot realize their abilities, since their parents did not take care of this.

Education in passion is the second way of influence. It is the mother who is interested in the successful development of her baby. She makes sure that he gets as much love as possible.

With the third method of education, spoiled children are obtained. According to the author, the child grows up like this because of the ignorant attitude of parents to education. Indifference towards the child is observed in the fourth method. In this case, adults do not pay attention to the personality of their children.

In Vedic culture, the upbringing of children should be based on their abilities. It is necessary to develop those inclinations that exist in a person by nature. Modern education should take into account all these points. We need to teach children to listen and hear. In modern education, Vedic culture and its principles should be taken as a basis. However, today they will have other terms and be interpreted in their own way.

Education according to Asher Kushnir

The author lectures on modern education. They can be found on the Internet. He recommends that parents gradually learn this process. Adults, as a rule, are engaged in raising their children on the basis of the experience of previous generations. There are times when the educational process is completely absent in the family. Kushnir says that educators are trained in special institutions for five years in order to learn all the subtleties of the very process of education. That is why parents should learn it gradually.

The subordination of children to parents, and unconditionally, has long outlived its usefulness. After all, modern society has other principles and foundations. The biggest problem of our time, according to Kushnir, is the upbringing of children. He does not call for deviating from traditions, but at the same time, new trends in psychology must be taken into account.

Litvak and his method of education

Litvak considers the “sperm method” to be the basic basis of the educational process. In it, he put the principle of onslaught, penetration and the ability to maneuver. Raising a child, Litvak believes, can be done in reverse. It is impossible to suppress the personality of a child.

The author believes that when using his method, a negative reaction of the child to the educational process is initially possible. But there is no need to pause. If you continue to follow the principles of Litvak, you can achieve great success.

waldorf school

Psychologists and teachers are trying to develop a system for educating the modern generation so that it is spiritually developed. In this case, the person must be physically prepared. The Waldorf School is also working in this direction. She believes that it is not necessary to prevent the younger student from learning about the world around him. On the example of parents, the child himself will understand what he needs and is interested, and his natural abilities will be the basis.

Problems of education of modern children

Problems are often influenced by the environment. The amount of information that falls on the child is enormous. He learns some part with interest, but excessive loads affect his mental health.

We believe that modern children disobedient . But that's not the case at all. Behind the flow of information and various kinds of loads, we do not notice how disciplined, kind, erudite and smart they are. The whole problem lies in the time in which a modern child has to live.

Our children are quite vulnerable. Injustice is foreign to them. They just don't get it. But society, unfortunately, cannot always provide children with the transparency they want from it.

In every age period there are certain problems in the upbringing of children. So, before school age, their character has not yet been formed, but there are instincts according to which they perform their actions. The kid wants to be free. Hence the arguments with parents about prohibitions. This is where adults want to take everything into their own hands, and the child wants to get freedom. Thus, a conflict arises, which tact, calmness and flexibility in raising children will help to avoid. The kid can be allowed to do something on his own, but at the same time keep him within the limits of what is permitted.

The most difficult period is the primary school age. Here the child receives the freedom that he sought from infancy. He makes new acquaintances, copes with some problems on his own, trying to take his place in society. Therefore, the child can be capricious and show discontent. Parents should treat him with understanding, show kindness and trust their child.

In adolescence, the desire for freedom becomes more acute. The child has already formed a character, there is influence from acquaintances and friends, he has his own views on life. The teenager tries to defend his opinion, while not noticing that he may be wrong. Parental control should be invisible, the child should feel free. He needs a warm and trusting relationship with an adult. When criticizing and giving advice, you should not go too far so as not to hurt the pride of a teenager.

Entering adulthood, the young man no longer listens to his parents. He tries to experience everything that was previously forbidden. There are often conflicts that end in the cessation of all communication. It is important not to bring the situation to such a point. You have to be able to compromise. In order for a young man to share everything with his parents, you need to maintain a warm relationship with him.


The family is a place where the principles of morality are laid down, the formation of character takes place and the attitude towards people is formed. The example of parents is an important indicator of good and bad deeds. This is the basis of the child's attitude to life.

Children should be taught to respect elders and take care of younger ones. If the child takes the initiative and tries to help with household chores, you need to encourage him to do so. Of course, some of the responsibilities will have to be taken over.

No one is forcing you to deviate from tradition. Modern education should absorb the experience of past generations, but at the same time be based on modern principles of life. This is the only way to bring up a worthy member of society.

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