Semi-precious rock crystal. Rock crystal - description, properties and photo of the crystal

Rock crystal has been known to mankind since ancient times. In ancient Greece, there was a belief that rock crystal was the tears of the gods that fell from heaven and absorbed their power. The Japanese recognized it as frozen breath and dragon saliva. In Europe, rock crystal was also called Arabic and Bohemian.

Some minerologists suggest that rock crystal got its name from Theophrastus, a Greek scientist. According to this version, the words crystal and crystal come from the consonant Greek crystallus, which translates as "ice". Minerals with this name are described in the Iliad and the Odyssey.

Physical and chemical properties of rock crystal

Rock crystal is crystalline quartz, essentially being pure silicon dioxide (SiO2). The crystals are transparent, colorless or with a pinkish, lilac, golden hue. They have a glassy luster and have the ability to transmit ultraviolet light.

Usually natural rock crystal takes the form of an irregular hexagon from 2 to 4 cm in cross section with a pointed top.

Rock crystal deposits

In nature, the mineral is formed in the voids of geothermal and pegmatite veins. There are both single and fused crystals (druze). Despite the fact that quartz rocks are quite common, deposits of high-quality rock crystal are not common.

In Russia, mineral sources are concentrated in the mountains of the Urals and Yakutia. Development is also underway in Brazil, Kazakhstan, and China. The largest and highest quality crystals are mined in the Middle Urals and in the French and Swiss Alps.

How to distinguish a fake

Despite the fact that rock crystal is far from the most expensive semi-precious stone, its artificial copies can also be found on sale.

Most often, rock crystal imitations are made of glass, but the natural mineral has several fundamental differences that will allow you not to make a mistake:

  • Rock crystal has a fairly high hardness compared to glass. Therefore, if you try to scratch the surface of the stone with something sharp, it will not be affected in any way, the stone will remain intact;
  • In a natural mineral, unlike glass, there can be no bubbles or obviously artificial inclusions;
  • Rock crystal tends to remain cool even in warm hands, heating up only slightly and quickly cooling down as soon as it is released from hands.

Healing and magical properties of rock crystal

The most mysterious and mystical piece of rock crystal was found in 1927 in Honduras on the territory of an ancient Mayan settlement. It was the crystal skull of a woman of very regular and precise form. It is believed that with the help of it, the Mayan priests brought misfortune to their enemies.

Rock crystal has always been a magical stone: it was believed that it could absorb the energy of other worlds and transmit it, so rock crystal crystals were often used in spiritualistic sessions. The Egyptians carved the faces of the dead from them to facilitate their transition to the world of the dead. It is believed that a long contemplation of rock crystal can open the ability to clairvoyance and telepathy. In China, they believed that these crystals could establish a connection between times and allow you to look into the past and the future.

Rock crystal has a warm and light energy, in order to strengthen it, the crystal is charged in the sun. Such a mineral will spread life-giving force and positive energy in the house. It calms, prevents quarrels and eliminates negativity.

Rock crystal stimulates mental activity, sharpens the brain's susceptibility to information, improves memory. It has a general strengthening and healing effect on the body as a whole. In China, pointed crystals are still used for acupressure today. In Tibet, illuminating the injured places with the rays of the sun, passed through rock crystal balls, heal the wounded.

Who suits rock crystal

This is one of the few universal talismans suitable for absolutely all zodiac signs and personality types. The stone is associated with Mercury and the air element.

To activate brain activity, it is good to carry rock crystal with you to students and pupils, especially during exams, as well as to those who are prone to stress and nervous tension.

Rock crystal in many cultures was a symbol of female purity and innocence, and therefore it is believed that it helps girls in their search for true love.

It is worth noting that rock crystal is not friendly with copper, and therefore products with this mineral are best chosen from silver or gold.

The mineral is a transparent, colorless variety of crystalline quartz. Rock crystal stone has unique healing properties, the meaning and influence on the signs of the Zodiac are different. In the people it is called dragomite, colorless quartz.

Rock crystal (Rock Crystal) can often be found, both in the form of single crystals and intergrowths, resembling pencils in appearance. Single specimens have six side faces, while they are rarely the same. Hardness on the Mohs scale - 7 units. It is a transparent and colorless material that transmits ultraviolet light. The crystals have a vitreous luster, transparent with no ability and uneven conchoidal fracture.

Chemical formula SiO 2 . The refractive index is 1.544-1.553, with trigonal system and white birefringence. The stones have a density of 2.651.


It is worth noting that crystal is found in different colors, while changing the name.


Rock crystal deposits often form on a chalcedony substrate. In order for the stone to grow actively, emptiness is necessary, therefore its deposits are more often called crystal cellars. Modern scientists have carefully studied the process of formation of minerals, which allowed them to recreate the process in artificial conditions. It is inferior in quality to the original, but is quite popular, since its price is lower.

Most of the crystal deposits are formed during magmatic processes, at the moment when molten rocks cool down with the access of oxygen.

Place of Birth

This is a common quartz, the deposits of which can be found in many parts of our planet. But valuable specimens are rare. More often they are in Brazil, Russia, on the island of Madagascar, in the Crimea, China, in the Alps. Gem-quality stones are mined in South Yakutia and the Middle Urals.

Associated minerals are mica, field twine, topaz, rutile, calcite, magnetite.


Among the people, a stone (krystallos) is also called mountain ice; many mysteries and legends are associated with it. The first information about nuggets can be traced back to the 3rd millennium BC, where Theophast used the term "crystallos", the Greeks also called it "acconteta without spots". In ancient times, it was perceived as petrified ice, which appeared as a result of the influence of one of the heavenly elements. At that time, crystal objects were a unique value and were recognized as sacred. The world knows the information about the crystal turtles that were found in the Mayan temple. Until now, archaeologists are trying to unravel their mystery and origin. In addition, during the time of the Greek rulers, the mineral served as the basis for unique vases, magnifiers or glasses for glasses.

It is known that goblets were made from crystal, from which the ancient Greek gods and kings drank wine. In particular, a couple of beautiful goblets were made to Emperor Nero during antiquity. It is known from Greek writings that when a person prayed in a temple with a crystal ball in his hands, the gods had no right to refuse him.

The first serious comparison of this stone was made by Robert Boyle, an English scientist. He proved that these two materials are different, since then scientists began a more detailed study of nuggets.


A beautiful mineral, by itself, by nature, pleases the eye for more than one generation. Sculptures, goblets and other utensils were carved from large solid pieces. It was one of the few materials that Carl Faberge chose. Today, souvenirs, Easter eggs, magic balls and jewelry are produced from it. Occasionally rings are inserted.

Jewelry is decorated with rock crystal, and colored crystals are also used. The mineral will make a tandem with different stones and metals.

According to Feng Shui, stones are placed in a room to neutralize negative energy and relieve psychological discomfort among residents, and the atmosphere in the house improves.

Medicinal properties

  • Lithotherapists have noticed that this stone copes well with diseases of the heart, gastrointestinal tract, improves eyesight, restores the functions of the spinal cord and brain.
  • For the period of respiratory diseases, in the off-season, it must be contacted for preventive purposes.
  • Wearing a stone contributes to the stabilization of the spiritual and physical strength of the owner, relieves headaches, helps to restore strength after stress and overcome depression.
  • If you wear a bracelet with rock crystal, its unique ability to regulate blood flow, preventing the formation of blood clots.
  • Since ancient times, nursing mothers have worn pendants from it, which helps to increase lactation.
  • This is a great option to improve the functioning of the gallbladder, if you carry it in your pocket on the right side.
  • It is worth mentioning the use of rock crystal in medicine in India and Tibet. To date, many healers use it to treat wounds. They apply a stone in the form of a ball to the affected area so that the sun's rays pass through it. China also uses the mineral in the massage process. Modern scientists have proven the fact that ultraviolet passing through the thickness of rock crystal is able to kill bacteria and heal wounds.
  • In case of injuries and bruises, rock crystal is applied to a sore spot. Thus, it is a wound healing agent. It is worth remembering that the stone is always cool in nature and helps to alleviate the suffering of the sick.
  • If you insist water on a crystal, you need to not only drink it, but also wash your face or rinse your hair. This will only benefit.

Wearing it is recommended to everyone. But there are limitations depending on the color scheme. For example, smoky specimens relieve irritability and fatigue, and allow you to cope with various addictions. This option is not suitable only for Capricorns, Cancers. The black stone is a guide to a parallel world and allows you to establish contact with otherworldly forces. Its wearing is recommended only for Scorpios. Green minerals have a healing effect on the entire body.

magical influence

  • As a talisman, the crystal attracts to its owner a positive attitude towards life, love and disposition of the surrounding people. It is a stabilizer of family well-being and peace of mind.
  • Wearing a stone helps to cope with insomnia and nightmares. Following the ancient manuscripts, the stone is able to purify not only the body, but also the mind.
  • Rock crystal serves as the basis for amulets, protecting its owner from danger during temperature changes in severe frost or hot heat.
  • It is recommended to be worn by those who are associated with a constant mental load, since its energy perfectly concentrates attention, sharpens mental processes, strengthens memory and improves oratory skills.
  • And today in Tibet, rock crystal balls are used to open the third eye.
  • Most magicians and bioenergy therapists use it to interpret visions. Even the most skilled experts resort to his help in the process of divination sessions. This is no accident, since the mineral is directly connected with the astral world and the cosmos.

Influence on different zodiac signs

Rock crystal is considered a universal stone, it is recommended to wear it as a talisman or install decor items from it in the house. Jewelry will be a great gift for anyone. But it has the greatest influence on Aquarius, Gemini and Virgo.

How to care

Since the stone has a high degree of hardness, it is not afraid of mechanical or chemical stress, so it is easy to care for it. You can wash it with a soft flannel cloth in a soapy solution, finally rinse it with cool running water and wipe it dry. The only thing rock crystal is afraid of is strong heat. With such an impact, cracks may appear on its surface.

How to distinguish from a fake

High quality stones are used to decorate jewelry. More often they are cut in gold or silver. The price category of the product is affected by the quality of the stone, the place of extraction and the complexity of the decoration. A fake often resembles cloudy glass.

There are few minerals in history surrounded by so many beliefs and legends. The magical properties that people attributed to rock crystal were enough for a whole treatise - it was believed that this stone is a symbol of purity, can predict the future and relieves insomnia. Nowadays, it is successfully used as an amulet or charm, used to make jewelry: earrings, rings or necklaces. It is difficult to say how much life will improve if you wear a ring with crystal, but if there are changes, then it is not so important whether they are connected with the mysticism of the stone or with something else.

What is rock crystal

Before us is a colorless variety of quartz, which occurs naturally in the form of single transparent crystals or fused drusen. The mineral owes its name to the ancient Greek scientist Theophrastus, who considered it to be forever frozen water (translated as “crystallos”, it just means “pieces of ice”). Another common name for this stone is dragomite, it is also called the "Arabian diamond".

People in ancient times were fascinated by magical beauty, trying to process the mineral to create elegant products:

  • the Roman emperor Nero had two cups carved from transparent stone,
  • in ancient China, balls of dragomite were used to kindle altars from the sun's rays,
  • several crystal skulls are exhibited in museums around the world, which are carved by South American Indians without the use of metal tools.

Given the rarity of large natural crystals, even small decorative and applied items (boxes, glasses, glasses) will be very expensive, not to mention goblets. The search for a suitable replacement led to the creation of an artificial analogue - this is the crystal familiar to many, from which dishes or chandeliers are made today. Such a substitute for mountain stone, dragomite, is produced by adding barium and lead salts to glass. As a result, a much cheaper raw material for the manufacture of crystal tableware is obtained than the original mineral.

For industrial needs, large crystals are grown in autoclaves using seeds. For a year, such an artificial mineral with high transparency can increase its mass up to 2-3 kilograms, and its unique properties can be programmed in advance. For example, ferrous salts make it possible to obtain greenish crystals, with the addition of cobalt, the stones will acquire a bluish tint, and aluminum compounds will reduce the refractive value. Ready-made crystal crystals are used in the piezotechnical industry and for the manufacture of special lenses.

Chemical composition

From the point of view of its constituent elements, dragomite is pure silicon dioxide (formula - SiO2), which can otherwise be called a modification of crystalline silica, in nature this mineral is represented by several varieties of quartz. This includes semi-precious stones such as amethyst, smoky quartz, morion and citrine, the color of which is associated with different chemical inclusions. These minerals can also be considered separate types of rock crystal.

Although all of the listed stones have been known for many centuries, the final chemical composition of the minerals is still the subject of scientific research. For example, the characteristic purple color of aquamarine, which is widely used for jewelry, has recently been explained by the inclusion of oxides of manganese and iron. The modern scientific point of view is more inclined to think that the color of a semi-precious stone is caused by impurities of an organic dye.

Physical Properties

The most common sizes of dragomite crystals are 3-4 centimeters in diameter and up to 20 cm in height, but in nature there were individual specimens taller than human growth! The mineral is resistant to chemical attack and has a relatively high hardness - 7 units on the Mohs scale (it can scratch glass), but a sharp change in temperature will easily lead to cracking of the mountain stone. If we do not talk about varieties of crystalline quartz, but take pure dragomite, then this mineral is transparent, colorless and has the property of not retaining ultraviolet rays.

magical properties

Crystal has long been considered a magic stone - even the ancient Greeks resorted to divination with the help of a magic ball, trying to see the future. In their opinion, the dragomite had a magical property to concentrate information, being a link between a person and the other world. The ancient Greek belief about the properties of a mountain mineral has survived to this day, and in the 21st century a transparent crystal ball can often be found at sessions of magicians or psychics.

Who suits

Dragomite products are considered to be talismans that tend to attract love, good luck and peace of mind, which makes crystal jewelry very popular among women. For men, an amulet made of this mineral will also be useful - it will not allow you to cool too much during severe frosts, and protect you from heat stroke in the heat. Students will appreciate that the crystal stone improves memory, concentration, and other abilities. Used in jewelry, in addition to decoration, crystal will be an excellent amulet for you from various misfortunes.

Natural crystal for zodiac signs

Dragomit is a versatile mineral that is suitable for everyone without exception, which is why this crystal mountain stone is very convenient to give. But especially astrologers recommend wearing it to those who have the sign of Capricorn, Aquarius or Cancer - for them, the mineral dragomite will manifest itself with maximum impact. It doesn’t have to be a massive piece of jewelry; a bead, a small keychain or a rock crystal pendant will be enough to realize the magical properties.

Medicinal properties

It is believed that crystal products stabilize the physical and spiritual forces of a person, absorbing a negative atmosphere. In order to improve the useful properties of dragomite, it needs to be “charged” with sunlight more often, and in order to cleanse it of the accumulated negativity, wash the mountain stone under running cold water. A properly prepared dragomite will spread a positive aura around itself for a long time, improving the environment and the owner's well-being. And if you have a sleep disorder - just put a stone under your pillow, and insomnia is gone.

Starting a conversation about the medicinal properties of dragomite, it is necessary to mention the special properties of quartz - to transmit ultraviolet radiation, which has a disinfecting effect. This quality was widely used in oriental medicine - Tibetan doctors were engaged in effective treatment of wounds by applying crystal balls to the damage and passing the sun's rays through them. The affected areas disinfected with a crystal ball healed much faster, and suppuration disappeared after several sessions of light therapy with this mineral.

What does a friend look like

Dragomite can have a variety of crystal shapes - the most common are hexagonal prisms. Crystal druses are very common in quartz veins, where individual crystals grow together in a natural way and stick out very beautifully in different directions, like pencils from a glass. A photo will help to better imagine what such a mountain conglomerate looks like: the weight of a druze is measured in several kilograms, but natural crystal giants were also found - the mass of such dragomites reached a ton or more.

Photo of the "ice" stone

Where is it mined

Even taking into account the wide distribution of quartz throughout the planet, there are not so many large deposits of high-quality crystal suitable for making dishes and other crystal products around the world. Brazil, Sri Lanka, Madagascar, Kazakhstan are among the countries with the largest production of dragomite, there is a lot of it in the Crimea and the Alps. But crystal minerals of the best quality, large size, pure color and shade are found only in the Pamirs, the Middle Urals and Yakutia.


If rock crystal contains some mineral impurities (as a rule, salts of various metals), then instead of the transparent colorless color of dragomite, we will get a whole palette of shades. There will be completely black crystals, needle-shaped "Arrows of Cupid" and even ... golden and pink crystal. These will be crystals, different in color and properties, this is a variety of the same mountain mineral.


This stone is characterized by a brown color of varying intensity - from a barely noticeable smoky shade to a very rich dark brown. This mineral has nothing to do with real topaz, although due to the great similarity, unscrupulous jewelers sometimes decide to forge. Rauchtopaz has an interesting property - when heated, the mountain stone changes its dark color and can become completely transparent.


The lemon yellow or golden color of this mineral is caused by lithium salts (less often ferric iron). Under natural conditions, the mineral is not found as often as other varieties of rock crystal, therefore fakes are very common, when a color similar to citrine is obtained by calcining rauchtopaz or amethyst in a furnace at a high temperature. Interestingly, jewelers often refer to citrines as "golden topaz", further confusing the general public who are not familiar with gemstones and jewelry.

The color range of this mineral is from deep blue to reddish-violet, and depending on its transparency, it can be a semi-precious or ornamental stone. Some types of this stone can quickly lose color in sunlight. Our country has mastered the production of artificial amethysts, which are successfully used for making jewelry.


A very dark mineral, due to its color inclusions of titanium. Before being used in jewelry production, black crystal undergoes heat treatment, and when heated to a high temperature, it acquires a golden or lemon color of citrine. In a bleached form, morion is widely used in piezotechnics as a high-quality raw material of the quartz group.


Rock crystal with the inclusion of rutile or tourmaline is called hairy because of the characteristic thread-like processes inside. There are two types of mineral - "Arrows of Cupid" and "Hair of Venus", depending on the straight or fibrous form of inclusions. These stones are extremely popular in astrology, and are considered symbols of success in personal life for all signs of the zodiac.

How rock crystal is used

The most famous use of dragomite is the production of crystal jewelry. Rings, pendants and other products with mountain stone are often found in specialized stores. But crystal is not only a jewelry stone, it is used with no less success for the production of precision instruments. The use of the healing properties of the crystal mineral in folk medicine can also be considered an independent direction.

In science and technology

The technical application of colorless crystal is associated with important properties of crystals - excellent optical performance and piezoelectric effect. Dragomit is used for the production of crystal lenses, refractive prisms and special glasses. The mineral is actively used in radio devices and to create ultrasonic vibrations.

In jewelry

Making jewelry is the most popular use of the dragomite mineral. Rock crystal is not inferior to a diamond in terms of brilliance in the sun, and for this property, at an affordable price, rock stone is valued by fashionistas. But in the manufacture of large crystal objects, natural material, on the contrary, lost ground to its artificial counterpart. It is almost impossible to find a crystal bowl made of natural dragomite rock for sale today - given the very high cost of massive crystals, it would be very difficult to find buyers.

In folk medicine

Rock crystal is also used in non-traditional medical practices - it is believed that the stones have healing properties and help against many diseases. Dragomit is an excellent remedy for diseases of the heart, eyes and stomach, the mineral relieves headaches, helps to relieve high fever. A crystal necklace increases the flow of milk from a nursing mother, and if the owner wears a stone on his wrist, blood clots do not form in the vessels.

Rock crystal products - photo

How to distinguish a natural stone from a fake

Looking at a beautiful picture on the page of the jewelry catalog, it is not difficult to succumb to the charm of an elegant piece of jewelry made of dragomite, but such crystal objects are not always made from natural raw materials. The easiest way to distinguish fakes made from ordinary glass is that the product will be warm to the touch (natural crystal heats up for a long time) and small air bubbles are often found there. You will also need knowledge about the high hardness of dragomite - this property allows the rock mineral to leave scratches on glass, which is beyond the power of ordinary fakes for crystal jewelry.


Data-lazy-type="image" data-src="" alt="(!LANG:rhinestone" width="300" height="280">!} Rock crystal is a natural mineral, which, in fact, is a large-crystalline, perfectly transparent quartz. It has been known to man for many centuries. For a very long time, until the seventeenth century, people were in error, considering rock crystal to be forever petrified ice.

Many incredible stories are associated with him, especially in the field of the occult sciences. The physical properties of the mineral have been evaluated by scientists and are actively used in optics and radio mechanics.

Rock crystal: a story in legends

Ancient people always found this stone at high mountain heights, where there is a lot of ice and snow. And they were surprised that he remained cool to the touch and then, after he was brought home. Therefore, it is not surprising that for so long it was believed that ice and rock crystals have a common nature. The Greeks decided so: since this is a special kind of frozen water, it means that it should be called “kristallos” (“ice” in translation).

Even the great Aristotle himself was deceived on this score, who in one of his works explained the origin of the mineral: a transparent stone is obtained when water completely loses its heat. Why are the Greeks there - even the wisest Chinese linked the birth of crystal with ice and snow. Similar versions are found in ancient sources-descriptions of Japan and North America.

Jpg" alt="(!LANG:rhinestone" width="280" height="231">!}
The scientist Robert Boyle smashed this axiom to smithereens. In the 17th century, it was much easier to conduct physical experiments than in the time of Aristotle. Boyle compared the density of frozen water and the mineral, and on this he proved that the nature of rock crystal is completely different. The density turned out to be as much as 3 times higher than that of the imaginary counterpart, but at the same time its fragility is very high. These properties of the mineral allowed it to be widely used.

Utensils, objects of worship and magical rites were carved from stone by the ancient Hellenes and Romans. The Greeks made lenses that the priests used to produce flames for sacrificial hearths. Then, by means of lenses, they began to make the Olympic flame. The dishes made of ideal crystals were considered by the Hellenes as the limit of perfection, and therefore the gods of Olympus drank only from crystal vessels. Among the Romans, emperors already used such cups, and noble people considered it good form to cool their palms with crystal balls and put cool crystals in drinks to cool them.

The magical properties of rock crystal sometimes carried an ominous meaning. Ritual skulls carved from the mineral have been unearthed in South America. The most impressive - weighing 5 kg - can be admired in the British Museum. The ancient Chinese found a wiser application: already in the 5th century, they learned how to create glasses and the famous Chinese crystal spheres from the mineral. The National Museum of the United States holds a sample of a Chinese ball with a diameter of 327 mm. The Italians also used this stone wisely, but much later, from the 16th century: they made a surface for mirrors from it.

In the Middle Ages, in addition to crystal glassware, apothecary vials for potions and perfume bottles were popular. At the same time, jewelers turned to rock crystal as an ornamental stone: they began to combine it with silver. The pinnacle of craftsmanship: the scepter of King James IV of Scotland, today the oldest British royal regalia.

Jpg" alt="(!LANG:rock crystal ball" width="200" height="220">!} But most of all at all times representatives of occult knowledge loved this stone. For example, the famous mystic John Dee, who later became the personal astrologer of Elizabeth I, loved to hold spiritualistic sessions with a crystal ball. According to legend, he found a connection with the angel Raphael through the magic of crystals. And today's African sorcerers, like centuries ago, carry raw rock crystal in their arsenal of magical tools in their bags.

From legends to science: description of a stone, a deposit

Data-lazy-type="image" data-src="" alt="" width="40" height=" 66"> Like many semi-precious stones, rock crystal is a natural mineral. It is pure silicon dioxide. The composition of rock crystal and silica is the same, its chemical formula is SiO2.

Perfect, defect-free crystal crystals are rare in nature. But their find is a holiday for stone carvers, despite the high cost of such a specimen. Transparent crystals grow in the cracks-voids of ore deposits, which are called crystal cellars. They grow randomly, reaching a length of up to two meters. Nature, as the most ingenious master-creator, gives the stone a beautiful prism cut with a hexagonal base.

There are also bipyramidal crystals of rock crystal - they are ideal in their structure: two merging pyramids are a mirror continuation of each other. Jewelers call them crystal diamonds and use them without further cutting.

Clear quartz has varieties. Jewelers and gemologists are interested in black rock crystal - morion. According to legend, the Buddha Cup was from it. .jpg" alt="(!LANG:morion" width="280" height="329">!} Due to the gloomy color in some cultures, the stone was considered an attribute of necromancers and people communicating with the other world. This is a rare quartz of a dark brown or black hue, which is obtained under the influence of natural radiation. The stone itself does not give harmful radiation.

It should be noted that morion is the rarest quartz. Therefore, more often products with black crystal are decorated with artificially irradiated stone. The healing properties of rock crystal of artificial origin lose to the qualities of natural quartz. It is easy to identify a forgery: you need to look through the crystal into the light: real black quartz has little transparency.

Png" alt="" width="70" height="59"> Transparent quartz and its varieties are mined in the Carpathians, in the Alps, in the Urals, in the Crimea, in Yakutia, in Madagascar. These are both single crystals and large intergrowths. Impressive deposits are developed in the Andes, in the Caucasus, Tibet.

Rock crystal in lithotherapy

The beneficial effect of crystal in the treatment is recognized at the level of medical science. It has been proven that ultraviolet rays, passing through crystal crystals, acquire the ability to disinfect and kill bacteria. The mineral helps restore heat transfer, treats disorders in the lymphatic system. Crystal affects the properties of blood and relieves migraines. It is believed that it is useful for nursing mothers to wear a pendant made of this stone: milk will arrive faster.

Modern oriental medicine, having preserved the traditions of the ancients, uses quartz balls for massage sessions, and crystals with a pointed tip in acupuncture - a point effect on biologically active places on the body. They also attribute the ability to convert any negative energy (both directed at the owner of the stone, and emanating from him) into positive.

rock crystal in astrology

Data-lazy-type="image" data-src="" alt="(!LANG:ring with mountain crystal" width="150" height="104">!}
The power of rock crystal carries a good message for any sign of the Zodiac. You can give jewelry with this stone to everyone. But still, rock crystal is more suitable for individual constellations with its magical properties.

Jpg" alt="(!LANG:Gemini" width="50" height="48">.jpg" alt="" width="50" height="50"> Он станет идеальным оберегом для Близнецов и Дев, потому что связан с их планетой Меркурием и стихией Воздуха. Также камень отождествляют с Луной.!}

The influence of rock crystal on the sign of the Zodiac of any element is due to the fact that it is a channel for the transfer of energy - healing, inspiring, cleansing.

Jpg" alt="(!LANG:Aries" width="50" height="50"> Овну самоцвет поможет усилить жизненную активность, природную искренность. Он сделает их отношения с окружающими более прозрачными и терпимыми.!}

Jpg" alt="" width="50" height="50"> Taurus is recommended to wear transparent quartz for such ailments as addiction to alcohol and other substances. According to observations, the mineral cures these serious diseases in them.

Jpg" alt="(!LANG:Scorpio" width="50" height="50"> Скорпион стоит особняком в этом ряду. Данному знаку гороскоп рекомендует носить чёрный подвид хрусталя – морион.!}

Jpg" alt="(!LANG:Sagittarius" width="50" height="50">.jpg" alt="Capricorn" width="50" height="50"> Некоторые астрологи утверждают, что абсолютно противопоказаны амулеты и украшения с хрусталём Стрельцам и Козерогам. Их чрезмерная фантазия под прозрачными флюидами обретёт большой размах. Есть опасение, что камень горный хрусталь магическим воздействием превратит представителей знаков в отчаянных лгунов. Потому что он действительно волшебный.!}

No wonder the fabulous shoes of Cinderella and the heart of Malvina were made of real crystal. This stone symbolizes, first of all, the purity of thoughts and carries a charge of the right values ​​- honesty, modesty, fidelity. Wearing it on yourself means opening a channel for a subtle connection with all the good that is in this world.

There is natural and artificial rock crystal. However, they differ in characteristics and properties. Many do not know that Swarovski crystals are artificially created, perhaps many now want to know how a real mineral differs from a fake or an artificial analogue?

Description of the mineral

This mineral is a large crystalline quartz, striking in its perfect transparency. The crystals are so perfect and pure that in ancient times this mineral was perceived by people as petrified ice. Crystal has another interesting property: it retains its coolness to the touch, which once again brings to mind the idea of ​​its icy origin. In addition, crystals of this mineral were mainly found in the mountains, among ice and snow.

Scientist Robert Boyle (England) compared ice and rock crystals in terms of density and weight, finding out that these two substances are different. With a high hardness index (on the Mohs scale it has 7 units), rock crystal is quite fragile.

Crystals "grow" in the cracks of ore veins, called "crystal cellars". In empty space, crystals grow freely, filling all space. In length, such a mineral can “grow” from a few centimeters to a couple of meters.

Nature itself gives the mineral a “cut” in the form of a hexagonal prism, in which pointed ends of a rhombohedral shape are formed. The height of the crystals can be 4 times their width. Quite often, bipyramidal crystal crystals are found - due to the lack of a prismatic component, they are called "crystal diamonds". Such stones are used in jewelry without resorting to additional processing of the crystal.

Field and scope

Druse rock crystal

It is not advisable for Capricorns and Virgos to wear smoky rhinestone, except in cases where a person suffers from drug addiction, alcoholism. Moreover, for Aries, like Sagittarius, the mineral in its various varieties is completely contraindicated. Since people of these signs have a penchant for excess fantasy, smoky crystal will only enhance this quality, making them liars.

Black rock crystal has special qualities. The owner of such a stone is able to communicate with the other world. Since this requires a certain energy from a person, only Scorpio can wear it.

How to distinguish a real mineral from a fake?

Basically, under the guise of rock crystal, glass can be produced. You can recognize a fake by a number of signs: the glass in your hands heats up quickly, which does not happen with rock crystal. This feature of the stone was known in ancient times - Roman ladies put their hands into a vessel with rock crystal for cooling.

The second way: if you run a sharp knife over rock crystal, there will be no trace left on it. The glass is bound to get scratched.

It is much more difficult to distinguish artificially grown rock crystal. Its indicators coincide with natural stone, so only an experienced jeweler can distinguish it.
