Development of the child by months to a year. When the child begins to hold his head, roll over, walk, sit, crawl, get up, talk: description by month

A three-month-old baby suddenly notices his hands. He watches one of them move, then the other, then tries to pull both handles towards the object that attracts attention. Soon the baby tries to hook the fingers with one hand to the second and, finally, will take up the object with each handle in turn.

Fine motor development program

Gradually, children's fingers adapt to grab toys hanging nearby. Slowly but surely, the distance is reduced: the baby takes out and feels the toy hanging directly above his hand, then above his chest, and finally - to the side of him.

The baby tries to grab toys while lying on his stomach. It is impossible to truly coordinate the movements of the hands without focusing visually. It is necessary to teach the hands to “obedience”, because the time has come for active exploration of the world around us, which consists of different objects. Everyone needs to be able not only to pick up, but to take comfortably. Then they can be manipulated.

You can't do without special exercises. Some will "acquaint" the left handle with the right, others will allow you to actively manipulate, for example, with your own legs. While playing, the little one develops motor activity, hand-eye coordination, as well as body coordination. But first, a few important rules:

  • Exercise with your baby daily (if possible 2-3 times a day). The exercise takes 2-3 minutes.
  • The kid should please both the process itself and the toys. Praise the baby. because he tried so hard, stretched, grabbed. The child must be encouraged!
  • Toys must be clean: having mastered the "capture" technique, the baby will immediately try to send the prey into the mouth.
  • Choose objects of different volumes so that one can be clasped with the palm of your hand; others - hold with all fingers of one hand; the third - to take only two or three fingers.
  • Toys of different shapes will allow the baby to learn in time to open his palm, turn his hand, grouping his fingers to hold objects.

Fine motor skills at 3-4 months

Development exercise fine motor skills: 1

The kid brings both handles in the middle line. Grabs one handle with another.

Finger games "Funny hands"

A task: stimulate the baby's desire to reach out with his hands to his and his mother's face, as well as attempts to grab one handle with the other.

Objects: mother's face, a bright colored sock, a beaded bracelet.

Terms: the child lies on its back.

Lesson 1: merrily recite a nursery rhyme and perform the necessary actions:

  • Pens, pens, don't be bored!

Grasp the handles at the elbows, shake slightly to relax the fingers.

  • Where have you been? Answer!

In front of the baby's face, bring and spread his arms, holding them by the elbows.

  • Did you sit at home?

Pat the baby's cheeks with open children's hands, touch the head: let him feel his face.

  • And go to your friends!

Do the same exercises with your child's hands with your face.

Lesson 2: put a bright sock or a beaded bracelet on the child's hand. And - start the game with the words of a fun nursery rhyme:

  • Pen, pen, where was it?

Raise your elbow so your baby can see the sock or bracelet.

  • Can you hide from us?

Move the pen with the object in front of the child's eyes, let him observe.

  • We will find you now!

After these words, do not rush to continue, let the baby try to grab the bracelet with his free hand.

  • And let's go play!

If this happens, your words will be a joyful conclusion to the game, if not, push the child’s second hand to the bracelet yourself.

Advice: do not forget to put the bracelet on the baby's arms one by one.

Result: the child actively pulls the handles up, brings them to the center of the body, grabs one handle with the other.

Exercise for the development of fine motor skills: 2

The kid grabs his leg with his hand.

Finger games "Hands and feet"

A task: stimulate the baby's desire to touch the legs with his hands.

Toys: bright sock with a bell.

Terms: the baby lies on its back.

Occupation: put a sock on a child's foot and sing a nursery rhyme.

  • Hands and feet, do not be bored!

Connect the child's feet so that he can see his legs.

  • Where have you been? Answer!

Bring and spread your feet so that the bell on the toe rings.

  • Do you want to play?

Point the opposite hand of the child to the leg with the toe.

  • So it's time to get acquainted!

Help the little one to grab the sock.

Tips: put a sock on the right and left leg, helping the baby to grab with the opposite hand; tickle the child's legs, help him feel the fingers with his hands.

Result: the baby actively grabs the right leg with the left hand, and vice versa.

Fine motor skills at 4-4.5 months

Fine motor development exercise: 3

The kid grabs round and square objects with his hand.

Finger games "Koloboks and stumps"

A task: arouse in the child the desire to capture voluminous and flat objects of round and square shape.

Toys: cubes with a side of 4 cm and balls (three each).

Terms: the baby lies on his stomach (he has a roller under his chest).

Lesson 1: put a balloon in front of the child and cheerfully say:

  • Gingerbread Man, Gingerbread Man,
  • Why are you lonely?
  • Grandma kneaded the dough
  • One was enough!

Did the kid take the ball? Put another one in front of it and continue:

  • No, the test was enough for her!
  • Here's the second one!
  • So more fun.

Did the kid take the ball? Put third:

  • Here is the third bowl!
  • What a rosy side!

Make sure that the child distributes the fingers over the entire surface of the ball.

Lesson 2: put three balls in a row in front of the baby, and a cube between us and start with the words:

  • Koloboks-koloboks,
  • There is only one stump, but there are three of you!

The kid will reach for the "stump". Spread your fingers around the corners of the cube - it's easier to grab it. Then offer alternately the remaining balls.

Lesson 3: again put three balls and a cube (from the edge). Whatever the baby chooses, help capture it correctly. Propose the rest of the figures.

Lesson 4: lay out the balls and cubes one by one, watch how the baby makes a grip, help him conveniently distribute his fingers:

  • Here's a fun bun!
  • Here is a stump in the forest!
  • And now a stump!
  • And now the bun again! Etc.

Advice: alternate voluminous objects with flat ones.

Result: the baby reaches for the object with both hands (brushes are open), grabs it with his fingers, turns it.

Fine motor skills exercise: 4

The kid grabs rectangular and triangular shapes.

Finger games "Houses for gnomes"

A task: arouse in the child the desire to capture voluminous and flat objects, as well as manipulate them.

Toys: rectangular wooden blocks and cones, three figures of each type.

Terms: the baby lies on his stomach (you can put a roller under the chest).

Lesson 1: put a block in front of the baby and say:

  • Let's build a house
  • So that it was spacious in it!
  • We need bars with you
  • Here they are, look!

Did he take the figurine? Put another block and continue the nursery rhyme:

  • One bar, two bars,
  • The house is not low, not high!

Surely the baby will leave the first bar for the second. Now put down the third block and end the game:

  • Well, if you take the third one,
  • He will stand stronger!

It is important that the baby, grabbing the bar, distributes his fingers in the corners.

Lesson 2: put three bars and one cone in front of the child (it is in the center) and again “build a house”:

  • We had three bars
  • And don't forget the roof!

The kid will reach for the "roof". Help him spread his fingers evenly over the surface of the cone. Offer alternately the remaining figures.

Lesson 3: again put three bars and one cone in front of the child (he is from the edge). Watch what the baby chooses, help to capture the item correctly. Then offer him the remaining pieces in turn.

Lesson 4: lay out the bars and cones in front of the child in turn, watch how the baby takes them, help him in time to conveniently distribute his fingers over the surface of the figure:

  • Here are the bars for the houses,
  • Houses for gnomes.
  • Roofs are for houses,
  • For the gnomes to live!

Advice: alternate voluminous objects with flat figures.

Result: the baby reaches for the object he has seen (hands open), prepares his hand in advance to make it easier to grab the figure, grabs it with all fingers, turns it in his hand.

Fine motor skills at 4.5-5 months

Fine motor skills exercise: 5

We press our fingers on the surface of the toy.

Finger games "Pianist"

A task: stimulate the child to try to press the keys of the instrument until a sound is produced.

Toys: toy piano.

Terms: the baby lies on his stomach, in front of him is a musical instrument (put a roller under the chest).

Occupation: play around with the keys first. Then give the baby the opportunity to press the keys with his fingers, tap them with his palm.

  • Here is our artist
  • Famous pianist!
  • He will play now
  • Let everyone in a fun dance!

Tips: help the child "play" with both hands at once; unclench children's fingers and swipe along the keys in both directions.

Result: the baby presses the keys of both hands with the fingers or strikes them with his palms, extracting sounds.

Fine motor skills at 5-6 months

Fine motor skills exercise: 6

The child transfers toys from one hand to another.

Finger games "Ball"

A task: stimulate the baby's desire to shift the object.

Toys: ball with a diameter of 3 cm.

Terms: the baby lies on his stomach.

Lesson 1: hand the balloon to the baby. Did he take it? Start the fun:

  • This is such a bouncy ball!

Squeeze the child's hand with the ball lightly, shake it.

  • He's ready to take off!

Gently pull the toy so that the baby's hand experiences muscle effort.

  • That's what it's like to play!

Rub the toy in the child's hand, prompting him to give the ball.

  • It will be hard to keep!

Transfer the toy to the other hand of the little one or point the ball towards it.

  • The ball bounced and bounced
  • It fell into our hands again!

Be glad that the toy is back in your child's hands.

Lesson 2: the beginning is the same, changes during the game appear with the words:

  • That's what it's like to play!

With a child's hand with a ball, touch the fingers of your free hand.

  • It will be hard to keep!

Keep touching the toy to your fingers. If they are compressed, spread them out.

  • The ball bounced and bounced
  • It fell into the hands of my mother!

Gently take the ball from the child's hands.

Tips: the game can be repeated by increasing the number of "hits" in different handles; alternate the objects with which you touch the baby's fingers, forming the skill of giving different things; organize "developing situations", encouraging the baby to get a toy with one hand and play with it with the other.

Result: the baby (lying on his tummy or sitting) shifts the toy in his hands, gives it at the request of an adult.

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12 habits that shorten your life
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As you know, young mothers are very suspicious and are under close attention of grandmothers and other relatives. And the older generation has its own opinion and advice on everything, although sometimes it is quite practical. And when they notice that the baby is pulling fists and fingers into his mouth, they call it a bad habit, from which it is necessary to wean by no less harmful methods. But is there such a need for this? On average, such a period begins at three months, when the baby is aware of his hands, begins to study the world around him to taste.

Why do children suck their fingers, fists, lip?

wants to eat. It used to be thought to be a sign of hunger. And it really can be a desire to eat, especially if half an hour is left before feeding. It's just that the baby got hungry before the time due to him. Then you should not stick to schedules, especially on it is preferable to apply to the chest on demand. And if the baby pulls his hands after eating, then maybe he just didn’t finish eating.

Having drunk quickly the front milk, he drinks the back milk little by little, drop by drop. That is why you should not give both breasts in one feeding, as the stomach fills up quickly, but it does not fill up for a long time.

Satisfying the sucking reflex. But most often it is a simple desire to satisfy the innate sucking reflex. After all, even in the womb, children can suck their thumb or fist. This is especially true for babies who eat milk or formula from a bottle. Usually they eat their portion 2-3 times faster in five to ten minutes, so the reflex remains unsatisfied. And if the baby is not given a breast, then he will stick what is always with him - his hand. A striking sign of dissatisfaction with the sucking reflex is smacking when sucking the fist.

sedation. The baby has a constant desire to feel his mother. Breast sucking soothes and lulls the baby, gives him a sense of security. Therefore, a baby who does not have enough breasts replaces it with a cam.

If a child begins to put fingers, hands and other things into his mouth that he comes across after four to six months, and this is accompanied by active salivation, parents should wait for the appearance of teeth. Usually it's not even quite sucking, but rather biting, sometimes with frenzy and anger, nervousness, chewing things.

Sucking fingers and fists also has negative points..
When children constantly put their hands in their mouths, this can lead to negative consequences in the future:

  • The ability to infect the oral cavity, and hence the stomach. This leads to, and accordingly, pain in the tummy, colic and drug treatment. The child not only grabs the washed bed, the high chair with his hands, but also everything that he can reach while being carried, tries to grab towels, curtains, mother's hair, live and artificial plants.
  • Due to the stimulation of the oral cavity, increased salivation appears. Because of which sweatshirts, neck, elbows, sheets get wet, and the child loses water, it may begin. And on the cheeks, neck, irritations appear, on the handles - weeping skin.
  • If the baby constantly sucks one finger, then this can lead to its deformation.
  • It also leads to improper growth of the teeth, protrusion of the upper anterior and deviation of the lower ones.

What to do in this case?

If your baby sucks his fist or hand, especially at a young age, then you should not resort to inventive advice from relatives. Many smear fingers with aloe juice or mustard, tie handles or put on devices that do not allow them to bend.

These methods are effective in some cases, but basically, with indulgences, the children continue to suck on the handles. And screaming can cause stress in the baby and can lead to the opposite effect. Then it will be almost impossible to wean a child from this habit. Sometimes, when children are limited in their hand movements, preventing them from sucking, they find a substitute for themselves - a lip.

Start weaning from sucking by carefully tracking the time when the baby puts his hands in his mouth. Try breastfeeding more often, at each baby's request, or increase the feeding periods. Don't switch breasts if you think he's already eaten everything. During feeding, babies can suck up several tides. In addition, this way they get more satisfying, healthy back milk. If he does not want to take the breast or the baby is artificial, then offer a pacifier. Many babies who are on do not recognize nipples, but you can try to deceive them.

The pacifier is dipped in breast milk or rose jam(it is used as a prophylaxis of stomatitis). The new taste will attract attention and even if not for long, the baby will accept the pacifier. Some suggest using honey, but be aware that it is a strong allergen and the child may develop a rash, so be careful with it and do not give it to children who are prone to allergic reactions.

If the mother is bottle feeding, then try to buy a pacifier for an earlier age, where the pressure is small and the baby will have to make an effort to suck. Accordingly, the feeding time will increase.

You can also try to take a child's hands. Distract the baby, play with him games that develop fine motor skills (another plus of such games is the development of speech). Try giving your baby clay or bags filled with various cereals.
If the reason for sucking fingers and cams is teeth, then special teethers will help. Now there are many of them - various shapes and sizes. A novelty is the cooling teethers, which cool the inflamed gums and relieve irritation.

Many mothers treat sucking pens, fists and fingers quite calmly and do not carry out any weaning activities. In fact, if the child is given sufficient attention, he is loved and surrounded by care, then by the age of active movement (nine to twelve months) it will go away on its own.

Features of the development of the child from birth to a year.

The life of a child up to one year of age is the most active period when he develops rapidly: he learns to hold his head and roll over, walk, sit, crawl, walk, say some words ... All this must be treated with a high level of responsibility, since the correct formation of skills and will depend on further adaptation to the conditions of the modern world.

Based on the fact that each baby develops according to an individual plan (ahead of development or behind it), a young mother must know the approximate age when new skills should appear in order not to miss the appearance of possible deviations in the development of the baby.

Baby development at 1 month

This is the most difficult time for a young mother, as she needs to get used to a new life, in which there is a little man who needs care and attention. During this period, the baby sleeps almost constantly, so he adapts to new living conditions, actively grows and gains weight.

Breastfeeding the first month

Breast milk is the best food for a baby. With it, the child receives all the necessary vitamins and nutrients that are needed for full development. For the first month, the baby gains an average of 600-700 g.

IMPORTANT: If the mother cannot breastfeed the baby, it must be replaced with a special adapted formula!

When does the child begin to hold his head, to recognize the voice of his mother?

If during the first weeks of life, during active wakefulness, he can randomly swing his arms with clenched fists, and also press his legs to his tummy, then at the age of one month, the child begins to acquire new skills.

At the age of one month, the baby is able to:

  • hold the head for a few seconds;
  • focus on the faces of parents or bright objects;
  • make some sounds
  • listen to different sounds and voices of people;
  • recognize the mother's voice and her smell;
  • crying to indicate discomfort (colic, hunger).

Video: What can a baby do at 1 month old? Baby development

Baby development at 2 months

This is an active period in the development of the child, his height increases by 2-3 cm, and his weight - by 700-800 g. He begins to sleep a little less, eat more, and examine the surrounding objects.

Young parents often ask the question - when will the child begin to hold his head and walk ?! So, a two-month-old baby is already able to raise and hold his head for a short time due to strengthened neck muscles, as well as make cooing sounds.

When does a child begin to walk, smile, pull handles, distinguish colors?

Features of the development of a child at 2 months of age:

  • starts to roar;
  • raises head, holds it for several seconds;
  • can smile;
  • reacts to the grimaces of parents;
  • tries to pull the handles to the subject of interest;
  • calms down during breast sucking;
  • begins to distinguish colors that did not exist for him before.

Baby development at 3 months

The third month is characterized by the development of new skills that were not there before. The kid is very interested in the surrounding things and objects, sleeps less during the daytime. Able to hold the head, lying on the tummy rises to the forearms, gurgles and babbles.

When a child holds a rattle, removes a pacifier from his mouth, reaches for toys?

Skills of a child at 3 months:

  • holds the head
  • makes various sounds, reacts to the words of the mother, hums;
  • can lean on the forearms;
  • removes the pacifier from the mouth, inserts it back;
  • turns head;
  • smiles;
  • handles reaching for objects;
  • reacts to sounds and extraneous noises;
  • can hold a rattle.

Video: Child development at 3 months

Baby development at 4 months

At the end of this period, the child becomes heavier by another 700-800 g, and his height increases by 2-3 cm.

When a child rises on his arms, picks up toys, recognizes his mother, reacts to his name?

When a child is four months old, he is already able to:

  • independently hold the head;
  • climb on the handles;
  • respond to sounds, turn your head, look for the source of the sound;
  • take toys in pens, examine them, pull them into your mouth;
  • get to know mom
  • hold the breast with handles during feeding;
  • get up to sit down;
  • respond to your name;
  • laugh, pronounce syllables.

With each subsequent month, weight gain will decrease as the child begins to lead a more active lifestyle.

Baby development at 5 months

This period becomes the beginning of a new stage in the development of the child. He is already actively rolling over from his tummy to his back, and vice versa, he quickly learns the world around him.

When does the child begin to roll over on his own, sit with support, pronounce syllables, laugh?

At this age, the baby also knows how to:

  • sit with support;
  • confidently pronounce sounds and syllables;
  • laugh;
  • distinguish native people from strangers;
  • cry when he lacks attention;
  • suck on fingers and toes.

Every day the child becomes more and more interesting and mature, the mother needs to give the baby as much attention as possible so as not to miss the important moments of her development.

Baby development at 6 months

At the age of six months, the movements of the child become even more confident. He begins to show his character more actively and persistently.

When does a child begin to sit, get on all fours, distinguish names, pronounce syllables?

He can:

  • sit down without help;
  • sit with support;
  • transfer objects from one hand to another;
  • get on all fours when lying on the tummy;
  • pronounce the syllables "ma", "pa", "ba";
  • reach out to parents and things of interest;
  • distinguishes names, turns his head when you say his name.

Video: What can a child do at 6 months? baby development calendar

Baby development at 7 months

During this period, the baby begins to show his activity and interest in the world around him even more. Every day he has some new skills. The little fidget can no longer lie in one place, he quickly rolls over from his back to his tummy, and vice versa.

At this age, new foods appear in the diet of the crumbs - cottage cheese and meat, which are so important for the development of the whole organism and the formation of teeth.

When does a child begin to sit, stand up, look at books?

At 7 months, the child is already leading an active lifestyle. He moves more, tries to learn something new and interesting.

At this age, the baby may:

  • sit on the buttocks on their own, sit without support;
  • get up on your feet (holding on to a support);
  • walk with mother's support;
  • crawl, most often in the opposite direction;
  • actively play games for the development of motor skills of pens (for example, "Magpie");
  • pronounce different sounds;
  • memorize parts of your body, shows where his nose, mouth, eyes, etc .;
  • hold the mug while drinking;
  • look at bright pictures, illustrations for a long time.

Baby development at 8 months

From now on, the child should not be left unattended in order to prevent possible injuries due to his active movements.

When does the child begin to speak the first words, try to eat on his own, walk on the crib, dance to the music?

The eighth month differs from all previous ones in that the baby can say the first words - “mom”, “dad”, “woman”, “give”. In addition, the baby also knows how to:

  • move around the crib, along the walls and pieces of furniture, holding on to them;
  • sit on your own, stand on your feet, stand for a long time;
  • crawl quickly;
  • take food in your hands, put it in your mouth;
  • squat or dance to the music.

Baby development at 9 months

Very soon the baby will take his first steps, as he is more and more confident on his legs and walks with support. Perseverance begins to appear in his actions: falling, after an unsuccessful attempt to take a step, he rises again to repeat it.

When does a child begin to manipulate adults, understand simple words, repeat the movements of adults?

At the age of 9 months, new ones are added to the general baggage of knowledge and skills of the baby. The baby can:

  • manipulate adults with their crying;
  • show your negative attitude towards bathing, cleaning your ears, cutting your nails;
  • repeat the movements of adults;
  • say some words, the meaning of which is clear only to relatives and friends;
  • drink from a cup or glass;
  • change direction while crawling around the room.

Video: Child development at 9 months. How to teach a child to speak?

Baby development at 10 months

This age is characterized by the beginning of "communication" with children. For a child, their toys, strollers or things become interesting. He examines them intently - to get acquainted. With the help of his mother, he can already play.

When a child begins to walk, play with toys on his own, is it impossible to understand the word, to name toy animals?

You can see your baby's first steps as early as 10 months of age. First, he will break away from the support, take a few steps and fall on his ass, then rise again, fall again ...

After several unsuccessful attempts to take a step, confident steps will begin to appear, after which the baby will not fall on the ass.

  • At 10 months, a baby can:
  • take the first steps and walk;
  • crawl quickly, squat, dance;
  • play with toys: throw a ball, roll cars, pick up dolls, etc.;
  • remember the name of the animals, tries to repeat them;
  • understands the meaning of the word "no";
  • shows body parts, name them.

Baby development at 11 months

There is very little left before the first birthday. The kid grows up every day, shows his character, tries to do something on his own (repeat the movements of his mother).

When does a child start pointing, waving?

At 11 months of age, a child can already:

  • sit, crawl, walk, jump, squat;
  • wear socks, a hat;
  • show emotions at the sight of familiar people, favorite toys;
  • enjoy new toys;
  • eat and drink independently;
  • shakes his head - "yes" and "no";
  • played with small objects (sorting through cereals, peas, beans).

Child development at 1 year old

At this age, almost all children already walk confidently without support or support. They become adults, try to learn the world on their own.

When does a child begin to chew, drink from a mug, eat with a spoon, take care of toys, disassemble and assemble them?

At the age of one, the child already:

  • walks, jumps, runs, crouches;
  • helps to dress, comb, brush teeth, wash;
  • independently tries to chew solid food, cuckles with a spoon;
  • shows his concern for the dolls;
  • played by a designer: collects parts, disassembles them;
  • speaks easy words;
  • remembers the position of objects and things;
  • eats only the food that he likes.

The first year of a child's life was marked by the emergence of new skills, abilities and knowledge. During this time, the baby has become much more independent, mature and more confident in his actions. There is still a lot of interesting things ahead, the main thing is not to miss all this because of constant employment and various problems !!! Pay more attention to your children, it is very important for them!!!

Video: Child development at 1 year old Family from A to Z

In the first week of life, a newborn loses up to 8% of body weight at birth, then his weight begins to grow. Approximately on the 7th day, the umbilical cord falls off. Until the 3rd week, the baby perceives only loud sounds, since the ears are covered with fetal fluid. Until the end of the month, his skin gradually brightens and acquires a natural color. The muscles of the baby are in a tone called physiological by pediatricians, so the arms and legs are bent all the time, and the palms are clenched into fists. The child can see objects at a distance of up to 30 cm, turns his head to the light. During this period, most often there are colic and regurgitation. The child needs to be laid out on the tummy, while he raises his head and holds for a few seconds. In the first month of life, a weekly visit to the baby by a pediatrician is mandatory. To inform parents of their needs, the baby cries, and calms down when they take him in the arms. At a time, he eats 80-120 ml of breast milk or its substitute - a mixture. The frequency of feeding is approximately every 2 hours. Average weight gain - 1 kg, height - 2 cm.

  • 2 month

The baby is already making distinguishable sounds, purring, gurgling. The tone of his voice changes. At the sight of his parents, he smiles, begins to distinguish voices, listens to conversations. During this period, he smiles for the first time, albeit unconsciously. In order for the baby to confidently hold his head, you need to lay it on the tummy more often. The same exercise will strengthen the abdominal muscles and help get rid of colic. Holds a rattle in the handle, shakes it, carefully watches the toys. Turns on the side and sleeps on it. Lying on your back, straighten your arms and legs. She puts her hand in her mouth, salivating profusely. Tears come out while crying. It's time to develop visual skills to attach a mobile to the crib. For the health of the child, daily walks in the fresh air are very important, and attention should also be paid to developing a sleep and wakefulness regimen. In the second month of life, the child gains about 800 g and stretches a couple of centimeters.

  • 3 month

The kid is already able to touch the environment, sees more and more objects. He likes to be worn in a column to see the surroundings more. Studying palms, fingers. Turns his head in different directions in search of the source of the sound, clearly distinguishes the faces of others. Begins to smell. From this month, parents need to closely monitor the baby, because he begins to roll over from his back to his tummy. Another achievement - he already confidently holds his head, being in a vertical position on his hands or lying on his stomach. Now the baby will like the bright developing rug, rocking the center. If you put a multi-colored toy in front of him, he will try to reach out to it and grab it on his own. Pulls rattles into her mouth. The average weight gain is 800 g, in height - 2 cm.

  • 4 month

The period of colic gradually passes, now the baby can sleep a little longer and wake up for feeding less often. Lying on his tummy, he tries to get up, leaning on his arms. He recognizes his mother among other people, smiles at her, talks. Listens to music. Of particular interest is its reflection in the mirror. Longer can focus on objects or some process. Rolls over from the back to the side and onto the stomach. Tries to roll over onto his back. Reaches for toys, takes a toy with two handles. It is repelled by legs and handles from the support. Lying on his back, he raises his head and presses his chin to his chest. If you pull him up by the handles, he tries to sit down. He takes a toy and shakes it with one hand, joyfully reacts to the music that he likes. Actively tries to participate in the conversation, babbles separate syllables with different strengths. Weight gain - 700-800 g, height - 1-2 cm.

  • 5 month

The baby can easily roll over on his side, from his stomach to his back and vice versa. Lying on his back, he raises his head to see more. He rests his legs on the bed and tries to stand on the "bridge". Lying on his stomach, stretches his arms and legs straight, holds a toy with one handle. More and more surrounding objects arouse interest in the baby, especially colored ones. Shifts toys from one pen to another. Watching a toy fall to the floor. Now he not only takes them in his hands and throws them, but also tries to put them in his mouth. This may indicate the imminent appearance of teeth. The baby cries much less often, smiles and laughs more; he is interesting and funny. The appearance of a stranger can cause a negative reaction and even crying. He shifts his gaze from one present interlocutor to another. For a month, a child gains an average of 700 g and 1-2 cm in weight.

  • 6 month

The baby has learned to sit confidently without support, although he does not sit down yet. Some babies still try to sit up on their own. Lying on the tummy, leans on outstretched arms and rises. With support, he leans on his legs and tries to stand. Makes attempts to get up on all fours. Reaches for distant objects. Chooses a favorite toy from several offered to choose from. Looks at hands and fingers. At this time, it is time to introduce the first complementary foods. Most often it starts with steamed vegetables. The quality of the stool is changing, breastfeeding is becoming less and less. Taste preferences are developed. Drinks from a non-spill cup. Turns when called by name. Begins to pronounce the syllables "ma", "ba", "da". During the day he sleeps 2-3 times. During this period, teeth begin to erupt. This may be accompanied by pain, fever, increased salivation, anxiety. Weight gain - 650 g, height - 1-2 cm.

  • 7 month

The baby likes to spend most of the time lying on his tummy. Begins to crawl, independently takes a sitting position and maintains balance. Some children at this age already sit confidently. The kid pulls his hands to his mother, asks to be picked up. He turns to those around him, calls them. The child no longer falls asleep after eating, he spends more time playing. Sitting with a straight back, while feeding, spinning in different directions, trying to evade. He babbles a lot, tries to imitate the sounds made by adults. Takes a rattle and knocks it on the surface. Holds a bottle. You can offer him to drink from a cup and try to hold a spoon. At this time, the two lower teeth erupt. This can be uncomfortable when breastfeeding. He is no longer gaining weight as quickly, as the nature of the food has changed and he began to move more. Weight gain - 600 g, height - 1-2 cm.

  • 8 month

The kid improves his skills to sit down, turn around. Lying on his tummy, freely turns his head. He is interested in all the surrounding objects, he easily overcomes obstacles. He babbles a lot of new syllables, tries to ask for certain items. Pushes the ball away with the handles. Grabs small objects with two fingers. He likes to throw toys on the floor for you to pick them up. The child tries to get up at the support, stand for several minutes, holding on to the rails of the crib. Dancing, repeating the laughter of adults. He does not like to be alone, he worries when his mother leaves. Now it is important for the baby to talk to him, to voice actions. He already understands the prohibitions. Drinks from an "adult" cup. With noticeable pleasure, he eats cereals, meat, liver, dairy products, fruits, vegetables, cookies. During this month, the baby gained 500-600 g in weight and grew by 2 cm.

  • 9 month

The kid can already play for some time on his own, put toys in a pile. Sitting on the floor, turns the body to the sides. He tries to climb on a chair or sofa, stands for several minutes against the wall or holding on to furniture. His position is still unstable and he funny falls on the ass. If you hold it by the handles, the baby will walk for several minutes. He also confidently stomps at the support. Pulls out the bottom drawers of furniture, takes out all the items from them. Hits object on object. He crawls very fast, moves quickly in a walker, and dances. The baby now has favorite toys that he takes with him everywhere. Starts playing with cubes and sorters. His voice has a clearer emotional color and different intonations. Pulls food into mouth on its own. The baby gains 500 g per month and grows by 1-1.5 cm.

  • 10 month

The child leans on the handles in a sitting position, crawling on the tummy. Moves small objects from place to place. Tries to stand without the support of hands. Some babies take their first steps at this stage of life. Responds to prohibitions, expresses resentment. Surprised to hear unfamiliar sounds. Tries to copy the facial expressions and facial expressions of adults. Tries to pronounce the words "mom", "give" and others. Shows love to parents, hugs hands, tries to kiss. The kid is trying to attract the attention of adults, which is incredibly happy. He is clearly aware of the mood of adults, recognizes their joy or disapproval. Therefore, it is important to respond correctly to his actions so that the baby understands what is good and what is bad. Chews food independently. Weight gain is 450 g, height increases by 1.5 cm.

  • 11 month

The kid is already confidently stomping, holding on to his mother's hand and at the support. Can take a few steps on his own. Dancing to the beat of the music. Can pinch and bite. Performs movements at the request, throws the ball in the indicated direction. The child explores the apartment, finds new unfamiliar objects, knocks them against other objects with special force. Therefore, parents should take care of the safe presence of the baby in the room, remove dangerous things from the reach. Playing patty, cuckoo. He waves his hand at parting, shows with gestures "give" and "well, well." Repeats some words with the appropriate intonation: "mom", "woman", "dad", "give". Shows where the toy has eyes. He understands single, frequently repeated phrases. Eats cookies, an apple, bread. At the end of the 11th month, the child gains 400 g in weight, 1-1.5 cm in height.

  • 12 month

After 12 months, the baby already knows and understands a lot: he walks on his own, builds pyramids from cubes, babbles a lot, repeats individual syllables or even words after adults. He knows his name and its abbreviated form, and responds to it with joy. In most cases, at this age, the baby not only crawls very quickly, but also walks quite confidently. Takes items out of the box, remembers their location. The child asks for food, imitates it with appropriate sounds. He claps his hands, asks for hands. Shows with a pen in which direction he wants to go. Laughs at the sight of animals. Repeats the sounds of some animals, machines. Looking at pictures in books. He rejoices when he is praised. Sleeps once during the day. Drinks and eats on his own. Gradually switches to adult food, pulls from mom's plate. By the end of the first year, the child should triple the weight with which he was born, and in the last month gain 300 g and grow another 1 cm.

Newborns are not yet able to control their hands, control movements and hold objects in their hands. But already in the third week of life, they can get carried away with bright things, follow the toy with their eyes. The baby does not yet control movements, but the grasping reflex is well developed almost from birth.

After two months, the baby begins to wave his arms and legs, and by four he already consciously takes and holds objects in his hands. Let's take a closer look at how many months the child begins to hold toys in his hands on his own.

At what age does a baby start holding objects?

Due to the grasping reflex, the child can hold the toy already from two to four weeks from the moment of birth. He does this involuntarily and cannot control his movements. If you give the baby a small object, he will unconsciously grab it and hold it like a mother's finger. In this case, it is impossible for a newborn to unclench his fingers on his own, so an adult will have to do this.

To attract the attention of the child in the first months of life, use bright toys that you hold at a distance of 30-50 centimeters from the baby's face so that he notices objects. At this age, colored rattles are great. But do not choose too noisy products and do not use harsh sounds, otherwise the baby may be scared.

In addition, babies under five or six months are not recommended to give heavy rattles and objects, otherwise, when playing, they may drop the toy and hit themselves. After two months, the baby can hold compact things in his hand, explore and put in his mouth. And when the child begins to hold a rattle or other toy in his hand consciously, we will find out further.

When a child picks up and holds toys

After four months, babies begin to consciously grab and take objects that fall into the field of vision of the crumbs. In addition, the child attracts toys and even tries to shake them. He grabs the product, which is located at eye level. He squeezes the toy and diligently pulls closer to himself, trying to put it in his mouth. In addition, babies can knock on hanging rattles.

After five months, the baby will begin to pick up the object from the bed or from the changing table, hold it with both hands and gradually move to using only one hand. After six months, the baby should be able to simultaneously hold different objects in each handle. At the same time, he confidently takes the desired thing with only one hand from a prone position on his stomach, side or back.

After five to six months, babies can independently play with a rattle, hold and shake, choose a toy they like and push others away. In addition, he can remove the sock from his foot and interlock the handles with each other. At this age, it is important to ensure maximum safety for the child, because he can grab a passing animal by the tail, bite a tube of cream, and so on.

Remember that each child is characterized by individual development. And if at four months he still cannot hold or grab a toy, there is no need to panic. The necessary skill will be formed a little later. However, you can help master this skill with some light exercises.

How to teach a child to hold objects in his hands

  • Do activities in the form of games, use conversations,. Be in a good mood, do not raise your voice, do not shout and do not get annoyed if something does not work out for the crumbs;
  • Choose a time for games and activities when the baby is healthy and calm, full. It is important that nothing distracts or disturbs the baby. At the same time, do not leave the baby alone with the toy, otherwise he may be injured !;
  • Perform the exercises in turn for each hand so that the skills of only the right-handed or left-handed person are not formed;
  • To teach your baby to clasp the handles, regularly connect the baby's hands so that he feels the clenching of his fingers. Wrapping your arms around an object, such as a rattle or a feeding bottle, helps a lot;
  • Get your child interested in a bright toy. Move the product in front of your face, rattle. When the baby notices an interesting thing, begins to follow with his eyes, put the object in the pen. Place the product across the palm of your hand between your thumb and other fingers. Help the baby to connect the fingers and grab the toy. At first he will keep things for a short time, but gradually the fixation period increases;
  • When the child is already holding the toy tightly and for a long time, diversify the exercises. Start pulling the object, trying to take it away. This will improve the reaction of the crumbs and increase muscle tension. As an educational game, use a patchwork rug with large buttons, beads and other similar items sewn on tightly;
  • To develop a grasping movement, hang bright items next to one of the handles. Let the baby show independence and develop movements;
  • Help your baby shake the rattle and squeeze the squeaky toy. He will remember the movements and will repeat on his own. And in order to develop the skill of shifting an object from one handle to another, bring the free handle to the busy one, let's touch the thing;
  • Be sure to praise the baby when he was able to complete the task. This will allow the baby to rejoice and realize success, and will also become incentives for subsequent classes;
  • Keep toys clean, because babies pull every object into their mouths, especially during teething. Therefore, you need to regularly wash or wash products, and plastic, rubber and glass things -.

What toys to choose for a child

We learned at what age a child should begin to take and hold objects in his hands. But for the formation of skills and safety, you need to choose the right toys. A suitable option for the first classes will be a rattle. Choose products with a long handle of about 15 centimeters. Then gradually move on to smaller things.

Toys should be bright and musical. Choose red, yellow, green, orange colors. Use objects with different shapes and textures. It also develops tactile sensations and fine motor skills, forms preferences and taste. A rattle will be useful in the first month of a baby's life, even if he still does not know how to hold objects. Babies are already reacting to sound.

In the first six months, two or three rattles of different colors and sizes are enough for the baby, one or two hanging toys that are hung in a crib or stroller. Additionally, you can use a music mobile, but not every child likes it. If you use musical hanging products for children under two years old, hang mobiles and similar toys no closer than 40-50 centimeters so that the baby is not scared.

By six months, you can take moving toys and educational products, different in texture. But they should not make too loud and harsh sounds, be large, should not be voluminous and heavy, so as not to frighten and injure the baby. In addition, the baby should easily and comfortably hold objects. You will find a detailed development of the baby by months at the link.
