Speech development of preschoolers. Speech development of preschool children according to the Federal State Educational Standard Speech development of preschool children according to the Federal State Educational Standard

Consultation for teachers

"Speech development of preschool children in the context of the implementation


Prepared by:

teacher speech therapist

MBDOU No. 34, Shakhty

Lavrinenko N. A.


Tell me and I will forget.

Show me and I will remember.

Involve me and I will learn...

(folk wisdom)

The requirements of the Standard for the results of mastering the program are presented in the form of targets for preschool education. At the stage of completion of preschool education, the child speaks well enough, can express his thoughts and desires, can use speech to express his thoughts, feelings and desires, build a speech statement in a communication situation, can distinguish sounds in words, the child develops the prerequisites for literacy.

Currently, there is a decrease in the speech activity of children, the reasons for which are:

A sharp deterioration in the health of children;

Global decline in the overall level of culture in society;

A significant decrease in the volume of communication between adults and children due to the employment of parents, their unpreparedness in matters of education;

Insufficient attention of teachers to the issues of speech development of children.

Therefore, speech development is still the most relevant in preschool age.

The main goal of speech development in the context of the implementation of the Federal State Educational Standard- development of free communication with adults and children, mastery of constructive ways and means of interaction with others.

Tasks of speech development in GEF DO:

    Mastery of speech as a means of communication and cultures s. It is necessary to form the oral speech of children at such a level that they do not experience difficulties in establishing contacts with peers and adults, so that their speech is understandable to others.

    Active Vocabulary Enrichment . It occurs at the expense of the main vocabulary fund of a preschooler and depends on our vocabulary and the vocabulary of parents; favorable conditions are created for expanding the vocabulary of children with complex thematic planning of work.

    The development of coherent, grammatically correct dialogic and monologue speech. Connected speech consists of a dialogue and a monologue. The building material for it is a dictionary and the development of the grammatical structure of speech, i.e. the ability to change words, combine them into sentences.

    Development of speech creativity . The work is not simple, it assumes that children independently compose the simplest short stories, take part in composing poetic phrases, come up with new moves in the plot of a fairy tale, etc. All this becomes possible if we create conditions for this.

    Development of sound and intonation culture, phonemic hearing . The child learns the stress system, pronunciation of words and the ability to speak expressively, read poetry.

    Acquaintance with book culture, children's literature, listening comprehension of texts of various genres of children's literature . The main problem is that the book has ceased to be a value in many families, children do not acquire the experience of home reading - listening, the book should become a companion of children.

    Formation of sound analytic-synthetic activity as a prerequisite for teaching literacy.

These priorities are not random.

1. Speech is considered as a means of communication. In order to constructively interact with adults and peers, the child must be fluent in dialogical communication and use all verbal and non-verbal means of this communication.

2. The standard is aimed at developing the creative potential of each child, the formation of creative activity and independence. The task of developing speech creativity in preschoolers is to form the position of an active participant in speech interaction.

3. In the process of perceiving the work, the child perceives artistic images in his own way, enriches them with his own imagination, correlates them with his personal experience. The perception of works of art is considered as one of the methods for the formation of a creative personality, which corresponds to the targets of the Federal State Educational Standard for preschool education.

Principles of speech development:

    the principle of the relationship of sensory, mental and speech development;

    the principle of a communicative-activity approach to the development of speech;

    the principle of development of linguistic instinct;

    the principle of formation of elementary awareness of the phenomena of language;

    the principle of the relationship of work on various aspects of speech;

    the principle of enriching the motivation of speech activity;

    the principle of ensuring active language practice.

The main areas of work on the development of children's speech:

    Vocabulary development. Mastering the meanings of words and their appropriate use in accordance with the context of the statement, with the situation in which communication takes place.

    Education of sound culture of speech. Development of perception of sounds of native speech and pronunciation.

    Formation of the grammatical structure. Morphology (changing words by gender, number, cases), syntax (mastering different types of phrases and sentences), word formation.

    The development of connected speech. Dialogical (colloquial) speech, monologue speech (telling).

    Formation of elementary awareness of the phenomena of language and speech. Distinguishing sound and word, finding the place of sound in the word, fostering love and interest in the artistic word.

Forms and methods of work on speech development:

    Visual: direct observation (observations in nature, excursions) and indirect observation (graphic visualization, examination of toys and paintings, storytelling from toys, paintings).

    verbal : reading and telling works of art, memorizing, retelling, generalizing conversation, telling without relying on visual material.

    Practical: didactic games, communicative games, word games, dramatization games, dramatizations, didactic exercises, plastic sketches, round dance games.

Speech development tools:

    communication between adults and children;

    cultural language environment;

    learning native speech;


    fine arts, music, theater;

    classes in other sections of the program.

How is speech development related to other activities?

1. Play activity

Game activity is an important link and a condition for the implementation of the tasks of speech development. Through game activity, the development of dialogic speech occurs; active dictionary; the ability to use in speech words and expressions that reflect the child's ideas about the moral qualities of people. And for a more effective development of speech activity, the teacher needs to: develop the need to follow the rules of speech communication; develop the habit of observing the norms of speech etiquette; help the child accurately, correctly, correctly build a statement and politely express their own opinion in game situations; create optimal conditions for the implementation of effective speech behavior of children in a role-playing game.

2. Cognitive - research activities

Speech development is directly related to cognitive research activities. The formation of speech skills occurs in three stages.

At the first stage (reproductive, with the active participation of an adult) the child develops the ability to formulate reasonable, logically connected statements (from 2 to 5 sentences) both in the form of an independent statement and in the form of an answer to an adult's question.

At the second stage (independent use of well-known algorithms, rules, etc.) the child enriches and refines the active vocabulary, uses new words in his own speech; expands the volume of vocabulary with the words of thematic groups in accordance with the topics of conversations (taking into account age).

At the third stage (creative realization of knowledge and skills) there is a further development of imagination and creative activity, word creation develops, reflecting the child's idea of ​​the world around him (taking into account age).

3. Communicative activity

Communicative activity is one of the main ones for the speech development of children, since it implements almost all the tasks of speech development. Starting from infancy, the child in the process of communication develops understanding of speech, speech attention, assimilation of intonational and sound culture, development of articulation, enrichment of the dictionary; the grammatical structure, phonetic-phonemic processes, and coherent dialogic speech gradually develop.

The main task of the teacher is to create conditions for the practical implementation of children's speech potential.

4. Perception of fiction and folklore

In the course of the implementation of this type of activity through a dialogue with the author, comments and discussion of the content of the work, speech is mastered as a means of communication, the active and passive vocabulary is enriched, and, as a result, a coherent, grammatically correct dialogic and monologue speech develops. It is important here that the teacher gives the child the opportunity to express his thoughts, answer questions. In the process of perceiving fiction and folklore, the text is understood by ear, and at the reflexive stage, children stage the work, sing, which contributes to the development of sound and intonation culture of speech, phonemic hearing and the formation of sound analytical and synthetic activity as a prerequisite for learning to read and write.

5. Design

The organization of group construction, playing around with buildings, discussing structures and naming details help the child master speech as a means of communication, enrich the active and passive vocabulary, develop coherent, grammatically correct dialogic and monologue speech. Construction has a huge impact on the development of fine motor skills of the hands, especially when children work with small details of the designer, appliqué or with natural material, which in turn contributes to the development of speech.

6. Visual activity

The enrichment of the vocabulary of a preschool child occurs through acquaintance with the main and auxiliary colors, works of fine art and its genres (painting, book graphics, folk decorative art, sculpture), with expressive means (shape, color, color, composition). During the implementation of this type of activity, the teacher creates conditions for the use of an active dictionary (description of fragments of drawings), grammatical forms and representations (when describing the details of the application, fragments of drawings); development of coherent speech (questions and answers during productive activities, description of your own product or drawing).

The activation of fine motor skills in the process of creative activity actively influences the brain centers responsible for the development of speech skills.

7. Musical activities

In the process of musical activity, the dictionary is enriched, articulation, sound and intonation culture of speech, phonemic hearing and phonemic perception develop. With specially organized activities, children, using verbal means, express their impressions of musical works through coherent speech.

8. Self-service and elementary household work

In the process of children's self-service activities, the teacher has the opportunity to activate their speech activity, draw the attention of children to their own speech, and cultivate an emotionally positive response to the requests and demands of an adult.

It is important to develop in children the ability to express their request, complaint, question, answer a question, learn to take part in everyday communication with adults and peers, teach the rules of speech etiquette in communicating with others.

9. Motor activity

The development of motor activity and the development of speech are directly proportional: the higher the activity, the better the speech is developed. In addition to including various classes of motor actions in everyday activities and games with a preschooler, it is important to develop the ability to be aware of the actions performed: to talk about the purpose, how and in what sequence they are performed.

The development of a preschool child is most successfully carried out in an enriched developmental environment that ensures the unity of social and natural means, a variety of activities and the enrichment of children's speech experience.

Interaction with parents

An important role in the speech development of children is the inclusion of parents in the educational process. The following forms of family work are recommended:

    Master Class;

    round table;


    parent club;

    intellectual game "What? Where? When?";

    individual consultations;

    educational presentations.

Creation of a speech development environment - the most important direction of improving the quality of work on the development of speech of preschoolers.

The following are distinguished as the main components of the speech developing environment:

    speech of the teacher;

    methods and techniques for managing the development of different aspects of the speech of preschoolers;

    special equipment for each age group.

Competent speech of the teacher is one of the most important components, since it is the teacher who lays the foundations for the culture of children's speech, forms the foundations for the speech activity of children, introduces them to the culture of oral expression. The speech of the teacher must meet the following requirements:

    CORRECTNESS - i.e. compliance with language norms.

    ACCURACY - that is, exact speech - is a speech in which reality is adequately reflected and what is to be said is unambiguously indicated by the word.

    LOGIC - that is, the presence in the statement of 3 semantic components: the beginning, the main part and the end of the statement.

    PURITY - that is, the absence in speech of elements alien to the literary language.

    EXPRESSION is a feature of speech that captures attention and interest, creating an atmosphere of emotional empathy.

    WEALTH - it is judged by the number of words and their semantic richness.

    RELEVANCE - that is, the use of units in speech that correspond to the situation and conditions of communication.

Create yourself. As there are no children without imagination, so there is no teacher without creative impulses. Creative success to you!

Speech development of preschool children.

A preschool educational institution is the first and most responsible link in the general system of public education. Mastering the native language is one of the most important acquisitions of a child in preschool childhood. It is preschool childhood that is particularly sensitive to the acquisition of speech. Therefore, the process of speech development is considered in modern preschool education as the general basis for the upbringing and education of children.

Mastering speech is one of the most complex and mysterious problems of child psychology and pedagogy. It remains incomprehensible how a small child, unable to concentrate on anything, not proficient in intellectual operations, in just 1-2 years practically perfectly masters such a complex sign system as language.

Speech, as a historically established form of communication, develops in preschool childhood. The path that a child goes through in the first years of life is truly grandiose. The child uses speech in order to express his thoughts, feelings, i.e. influence the environment. The speech of a small child is formed in communication with the adults around him, and in a preschool institution and in classes for the development of speech. In the process of communication, his cognitive and objective activity is manifested. Mastering speech rebuilds the baby's psyche, allows him to perceive phenomena more consciously and voluntarily.

KD Ushinsky said that the native word is the basis of all mental development and the treasury of all knowledge. Timely and correct mastery of speech by a child is the most important condition for full-fledged mental development and one of the directions in the pedagogical work of a preschool institution. Without well-developed speech, there is no real communication, no real success in learning. Preschool age is a period of active assimilation of the spoken language by the child, the formation and development of all aspects of speech - phonetic, lexical, grammatical. Full knowledge of the native language in preschool childhood is a necessary condition for solving the problems of mental, aesthetic and moral education of children in the most sensitive period of development. The sooner the teaching of the native language is started, the freer the child will use it in the future.

At preschool age, the circle of communication of children expands. As children become more independent, they move beyond narrow family ties and begin to communicate with a wider range of people, especially with peers. Expanding the circle of communication requires the child to fully master the means of communication, the main of which is speech. The increasing complexity of the child's activity also makes high demands on the development of speech.

The development of speech is a complex, creative process, and therefore it is necessary that children, perhaps earlier, master their native language well, speak correctly and beautifully. Therefore, the sooner (according to age characteristics) we teach the child to speak correctly, the freer he will feel in the team.

The development of speech is a purposeful and consistent pedagogical work, involving the use of an arsenal of special pedagogical methods and the child's own speech exercises.

In working with preschool children, the following means of speech development of children are used: communication between adults and children, cultural language environment, teaching native speech and language in the classroom, various types of art (fine arts, music, theater), fiction. The development of speech in the process of familiarization with fiction occupies a large place in the general system of working with children. Fiction is the most important source and means of developing all aspects of children's speech and a unique means of education. It helps to feel the beauty of the native language, develops the figurativeness of speech. The development of speech goes in several directions: its practical use in communication with other people is improved, at the same time speech becomes the basis for the restructuring of mental processes, an instrument of thinking. This determines the relevance of this topic.

The speech development of children is one of the main components of their readiness for schooling. The study of the level of language acquisition allows obtaining data not only on the speech abilities of children, but also on their holistic mental development. In order to understand the essence of speech readiness for schooling, we must clearly understand what is included in the content of oral speech abilities and which components are the most important for learning speech.

Speech development is considered as the development of the ability to understand and use the language: the development of phonemic hearing and sound analysis, vocabulary, awareness of the composition of words, the formation of grammatical categories, the development of communication skills, skills and abilities of coherent speech. Language acquisition is an important condition for mental development, since the content of the historical experience acquired by the child in ontogeny is generalized and reflected in speech form and, above all, in the meanings of words.

The timely development of the vocabulary is one of the important factors in preparing for schooling. Children who do not have sufficient vocabulary experience great learning difficulties, not finding the right words to express their thoughts. Teachers note that students with a rich vocabulary solve arithmetic problems better, master reading skills, grammar more easily, and are more active in mental work in the classroom.

Features of the development of children's vocabulary have been studied quite fully in physiology, psychology, and psycholinguistics.

In the development of the vocabulary of preschool children, two sides are distinguished: the quantitative growth of the vocabulary and its qualitative development, i.e., mastering the meanings of words. Preschool age is a period of rapid vocabulary enrichment. Its growth depends on the conditions of life and upbringing, therefore, in the literature, data on the number of words of preschoolers of the same age vary greatly. The first meaningful words appear in children by the end of the first year of life. In the modern domestic methodology, 10-12 words per year are considered the norm. The development of speech understanding is largely ahead of the active vocabulary. After a year and a half, the enrichment of the active vocabulary occurs at a rapid pace, and by the end of the second year of life it is 300-400 words, and by the age of three it can reach 1500 words. A huge leap in the development of the dictionary occurs not only and not so much due to mastering the methods of forming words from the speech of adults, but due to mastering the methods of forming words. The development of the dictionary is carried out at the expense of words denoting objects of the immediate environment, actions with them, as well as their individual features. In subsequent years, the number of words used also increases rapidly, but the rate of this growth slows down somewhat. The third year of life is the period of the greatest increase in active vocabulary. By the age of 4, the number of words reaches 1900, at 5 years - up to 2000-2500, and at 6-7 years - up to 3500-4000 words.

Individual differences in the vocabulary are also observed in these age periods. According to D.B. Elkonin, the differences in the dictionary are "greater than in any other area of ​​mental development."

The number of nouns and verbs increases especially rapidly, the number of adjectives used grows more slowly. This is explained, firstly, by the conditions of upbringing (adults pay little attention to the acquaintance of children with the signs and qualities of objects), and secondly, by the nature of the adjective as the most abstract part of speech.

The first words are very peculiar, they are characterized by polysemanticism. These first words, in essence, are not yet words. A real word is born as a designation of an object and is associated directly with a gesture that points to an object.

After 4-5 years, children who speak speech attribute a new word to not one, but to many objects. While assimilating ready-made words from adults and operating with them, the child is not yet aware of all the semantic content that they express. Children can learn the subject relatedness of a word, but the system of abstractions and generalizations behind it cannot.

The figurative meanings of words are not assimilated by children immediately. First, there is the assimilation of the main meaning. The meanings of children's words are dynamic. L.S. Vygotsky drew attention to the fact that the same word, with the same reference to objects and phenomena of the surrounding world, “means” different things for a child of different ages and different levels of development. In a child at the age of 3-5 years, the process of mastering a clear subject-related relation of words and their specific meanings occupies a central place, and at 5-6 years old, a system of so-called worldly concepts, but in which emotional-figurative, visual connections still dominate.

Thus, in its specifically related form, the meaning of a word arises before the concept and is a prerequisite for its formation. The concept denoted by the word, being a generalized image of reality, grows, expands, deepens as the child develops, as the sphere of his activity expands and becomes more diverse, the circle of people and objects with which he enters into communication increases. In the course of its development, the child's speech ceases to be dependent on the sensory situation.

Mastering the grammatical structure of speech has a huge impact on the overall development of the child, providing him with a transition to learning the language at school. The formation of the grammatical structure of speech involves the formation of the morphological side of speech (changing words by gender, number, case), methods of word formation and syntax (mastering different types of phrases and sentences). Without mastering grammar, verbal communication is impossible.

Mastering the grammatical structure is of great difficulty for children, since grammatical categories are characterized by abstractness and abstraction. In addition, the grammatical structure of the Russian language is distinguished by the presence of a large number of unproductive forms and exceptions to grammatical norms and rules.

The process of mastering the grammatical structure by a child is complex, it is associated with analytics - the synthetic activity of the cerebral cortex. The patterns of assimilation of the grammatical side of speech were revealed by the famous linguist A.N. Gvozdev. According to the study, a child learns the grammatical system of his native language by the age of three in all its most typical manifestations. The child's assimilation of the grammatical structure of speech occurs in the form of the assimilation of grammatical categories, which are characterized by the presence of knowledge. The time and sequence of assimilation of individual categories depend on the nature of their assignments. Children find it difficult to assimilate those forms, the specific meaning of which is not connected by the logic of children's thought, that is, that which is not clear in meaning.

Mastering the ways of word formation is one of the aspects of the speech development of children. Preschoolers mainly use the morphological method of word formation, which is based on a combination of morphemes of different meanings. To form words, a child must master word-building models, lexical meanings of word stems, and the meaning of significant parts of a word. In psychological and psycholinguistic literature, word formation is compared with children's word creation, which indicates the active assimilation of the grammatical structure by children. By the end of preschool age, children's word formation approaches the normative one, and therefore the intensity of word creation decreases.

At preschool age, there are all the prerequisites for the successful mastery of the sound side of the Russian language. These include the corresponding development of the cerebral cortex as a whole, phonemic perception of speech and the speech motor apparatus. Contribute to the mastery of the sound composition of speech and such features of the child - a preschooler, as a high plasticity of the nervous system, increased imitation, a special susceptibility to the sound side of the language, children's love for the sounds of speech.

According to most scientists, preschool age is the most favorable for the final formation of all the sounds of the native language. Imperfections in pronunciation at senior preschool age are not typical: with the correct organization of work, children by this time can master the pronunciation of all sounds. Sound pronunciation is improving, but some of the children have not yet fully formed sounds that are difficult in articulation (hissing and r). The process of becoming these sounds, even with targeted systematic training, is slower, as the skill of incorrect pronunciation becomes more durable. However, by the older preschool age, children develop the ability to self-control, awareness of the imperfection of their speech and, accordingly, the need to acquire knowledge and the need for learning. Therefore, the educational activity becomes more serious.

Psychologists emphasize that in coherent speech, the close connection between the speech and mental education of children is clearly visible. A child learns to think by learning to speak, but he also improves speech by learning to think.

The development of coherent speech occurs gradually along with the development of thinking and is associated with the complication of children's activities and forms of communication with people around them.

At preschool age, there is a separation of speech from direct practical experience. The main feature of this age is the emergence of the planning function of speech. In the role-playing game leading the activities of preschoolers, new types of speech also arise: speech instructing the participants in the game, speech-message telling an adult about the impressions received outside contact with him. The speech of both types takes the form of a monologue, contextual.

The transition from situational speech to contextual, according to D.B. Elkonin, occurs by 4-5 years. At the same time, elements of coherent monologue speech appear as early as 2-3 years. The transition to contextual speech is closely connected with the development of the vocabulary and grammatical structure of the native language, with the development of the ability to arbitrarily use the means of the native language. With the complication of the grammatical structure of speech, statements become more and more detailed and coherent.

At a younger preschool age, speech is associated with the direct experience of children, which is reflected in the forms of speech. It is characterized by incomplete, indefinitely personal sentences, often consisting of one predicate; the names of objects are replaced by pronouns. Along with monologue speech, dialogic speech continues to develop. In the future, both of these forms coexist and are used depending on the conditions of communication.

Children 4-5 years old actively enter into a conversation, can participate in a collective conversation, retell fairy tales and short stories, independently tell from toys and pictures. However, their coherent speech is still imperfect. They do not know how to correctly formulate questions, supplement and correct the answer of their comrades. Their stories in most cases copy the model of an adult, contain a violation of logic; sentences within a story are often connected only formally (more, later).

In the middle preschool age, there are some changes in the understanding and comprehension of the text, which is associated with the expansion of the life and literary experience of the child. Children correctly evaluate the actions of the characters. In the fifth year there is a reaction to the word, interest in it, the desire to repeatedly reproduce it, beat it, comprehend it.

In a child of 4-5 years old, the mechanism of forming a holistic image of the semantic content of the perceived text begins to fully function.

The development of speech of children 5-7 years old.

At this age, the staging of missing or incorrectly pronounced sounds, fixing their correct pronunciation and distinct discrimination, preparation for school (prevention of school failure) comes to the fore.

To succeed in school, a child needs to know and be able to do a lot.

Below are exemplary criteria for readiness for school (for the development of speech).

By the start of school, the child “should”:

have a large vocabulary, be able to retell a small text, talk about an event, freely express their thoughts, prove their point of view;

grammatically correctly formulate your speech (correctly coordinate words in a sentence, use prepositions accurately);

pronounce correctly and distinguish all sounds well;

possess some skills of language analysis and synthesis (be able to divide words into syllables, highlight the first, last sound in a word (in small words, name all the sounds in order);

knowledge of letters and the ability to read syllables is desirable.

Most of the mistakes made by a child in oral speech - inaccurate pronunciation of complex words (plumbing - plumber), incorrect agreement of words in a sentence (thinking about planes, five balls), sound substitutions (drying - suska, hand - bow) will lead to similar errors in writing. Underdevelopment of coherent speech (the ability to accurately and consistently tell about an event) can lead to difficulties in writing summaries, retellings, and oral responses.

The state of phonemic perception is of great importance - the ability to "hear" sounds in a word, correctly determine the sequence of sounds and syllables. The underdevelopment of phonemic perception leads to numerous, persistent errors in writing, because in order for a child to write a word correctly, he must “in his mind” decompose the word into sounds, and then reproduce them exactly, in the correct sequence on paper. Promotes the development of phonemic perception teaching the child to read.

When to see a speech pathologist

If your child is already five years old, but he does not pronounce or replace certain sounds correctly;

if you observe the above problems in your child.

A year before school, I would recommend every parent to show the child to a speech therapist, even if your child pronounces all the sounds correctly.

The purpose of a speech therapy examination before school is to identify a predisposition to impaired reading and writing (multiple specific errors), the so-called. called dysgraphia and dyslexia, i.e., in fact, to school failure.

It is possible to identify such a predisposition of children to dysgraphia and dyslexia at preschool age with a high probability.

If timely work is carried out aimed at developing the processes responsible for the development of reading and writing processes, it is possible to prevent or significantly reduce the likelihood of school problems.

The importance of the timeliness of this work is explained by the fact that it is much more difficult to correct this situation at school than to prevent it at preschool age. The same applies to the production of sounds.

Based on my practice, up to eighty percent of children in the kindergarten preparatory group need the help of a speech therapist. If your garden has a speech therapist, help will be provided free of charge. You will only need to do homework (fixing the material covered) and control over the correct pronunciation of the set sounds. Children's clinics also have speech therapists.


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Modern technologies of speech development of children in the context of the implementation of the Federal State Educational Standard of preschool education

“Pedagogy should focus not on yesterday, but on the future of child development, only then will it be able to bring to life in the process of learning those processes that now lie in the zone of proximal development” L. S. Vygotsky

Dear colleagues, I bring to your attention the topic of a public lecture: "Modern technologies for the speech development of children in the context of the implementation of the Federal State Educational Standard of preschool education."
In the Federal State Educational Standard for preschool education, "Speech development" is singled out as the main educational area. (on slide)
At present, the development of children's speech remains one of the urgent problems of modern preschool education. And the decisive moment in the successful solution of the problems of speech development of preschool children is the right choice of pedagogical technologies that would not only be adequate to the age capabilities of children, but also provide the opportunity to easily solve speech problems in various forms of work with children. The organization of the speech development of children in educational activities provides for the search for effective technologies for the development of children's speech.
Pedagogical technologies are a system of methods, ways, methods of teaching, educational means aimed at achieving a positive result due to dynamic changes in the personal development of a child in modern conditions.
You see the requirements for the choice of technologies on the screen.
In connection with the foregoing, I bring to your attention the disclosure of the following technologies used in my practice
1. The first technology that I want to talk about, probably often used by practicing teachers, is the method of visual modeling or (mnemonics).
1.1. Mnemonics (translated from Greek - "the art of memorization") is a system of various techniques that facilitate memorization. What is strongly associated is remembered, and what does not form strong associative links. - is forgotten.
K. D. Ushinsky wrote: "Teach a child some five words unknown to him - he will suffer for a long time and in vain, but connect twenty such words with pictures, and he will learn on the fly."
The tasks of using mnemonic teaching aids are presented on the slide:
Like any technique, work on mnemonics is built from simple to complex. First, the simplest mnemonic squares, mnemonic tracks are used in the work, and then mnemonic tables are gradually introduced.
To enrich the vocabulary and when guessing and guessing riddles, children use mnemonic squares, mnemonic tracks with great pleasure.
When teaching how to compose stories, when retelling fiction, when memorizing poetry, mnemonic tables serve as effective didactic material.
mnemonic table- this is a graphic or partially graphic image of the characters of a fairy tale, natural phenomena, some actions, etc. The reference in the table is the image of the main characters of the fairy tale, as well as those objects, actions and phenomena that are "tied" around them.
Mastering the action of visual modeling contributes to the development of mental abilities of children. The child learns to compare, generalize, group material, in order to memorize, speech, memory and thinking develop. One of the methods of visual modeling is a geometric diagram - Euler circles. With the help of symbols, children visually display the relationship between concepts or sets of objects, laying them out in their circle. Then, at the intersection of circles (Euler circles), the same signs of objects are distinguished. Children compare objects, first identifying their similarities and then their differences.
Euler circles are used in the process of learning to compose creative and plot descriptive stories.
Thus, using this game technology in my work, I form the social experience of children, exercise the ability to find objects that have not one, but several signs at once, and solve a whole class of interesting speech, logical tasks that a child needs when preparing for school.
2. Next, I want to dwell on the technology of activating speech teaching as a means of communication (author Olga Alfonsasovna Belobrykina).
According to the author of the technology, the most important prerequisite for improving the speech activity of preschoolers is the creation of an emotionally favorable situation that contributes to the desire to actively participate in speech communication.
The main activities of a preschooler include play and communication, therefore, game communication is the necessary basis within which the formation and improvement of the child's speech activity takes place through the use of linguistic games.
The linguistic games presented in this technology make it possible to develop various types of speech activity, it is easy and free for each child to show intellectual initiative, which is a specific continuation of not just mental work, but cognitive activity, not due to practical needs or external evaluation.
Dear colleagues, I offer you such an exercise.
Let's try to fully name the proverbs in two words.
- Feeds, spoils
CLICK - Work feeds, and laziness spoils
– House, walls
CLICK – Houses and walls help
– family, soul
CLICK - Family together - the soul is in place. Wonderful!
The most important condition for the development of speech is the creation of a comfortable communicative field in the family, as well as the sincerity and appropriateness of including speech etiquette formulas in various communication situations. The introduction of formulas of speech etiquette into the speech communication of preschoolers is also facilitated by special didactic family games and exercises, which are presented in the collection "The system of work on the formation of speech etiquette and a culture of communication." The common goal of both the family and the kindergarten is a well-mannered, cultured and educated person.
In this collection I have developed a system of rules for courageous and stubborn parents, formulas and situations of speech etiquette. I draw your attention to the slide:
Today we need people who are intellectually courageous, independent, thinking in an original way, creative, able to make non-standard decisions. Pedagogical technologies of speech development can not only change the processes of education and training, but also improve them.

These technologies have a significant impact on the development of coherent speech in preschool children.

Presentation on the topic: Modern technologies for the speech development of children in the context of the implementation of the GEF of preschool education

Julia Ageeva
Speech development in accordance with the Federal State Educational Standard of preschool education

Speech development in accordance with the Federal State Educational Standard

preschool education

The system formed in Russia over many decades preschool education is currently undergoing major changes. The Federal State educational standard of preschool education(GEF DO) . These changes were necessary in connection with the understanding of the importance of preschool education for further successful development and education for each child, ensuring quality preschool education.

The changes affected not only educational activities but also the professional competence of teachers, as well as financing the implementation of the main educational program of preschool education.

educational activities are carried out in various activities and cover certain areas child development, which are called educational areas. GEF defines 5 educational areas:

1) social - communicative development- aimed at mastering the norms and values ​​​​accepted in society, development communication and interaction of the child with adults and peers, the formation of independence;

2) cognitive development - involves the development of children's interests, curiosity and cognitive motivation, the formation of cognitive actions, imagination development and creative activity;

3) speech development- includes mastery of speech as a means of communication and culture, enrichment of the active vocabulary, communication development, grammatically correct dialogic and monologue speech;

4) artistic - aesthetic development - involves development prerequisites for value-semantic perception and understanding of works of art, the natural world, the formation of an aesthetic attitude to the world around;

5) physical development- includes the acquisition of experience in motor activity, the formation of healthy values lifestyle.

Speech development remains the most relevant preschool age.

primary goal speech development is the development free communication with adults and children, mastery of constructive ways and means of interaction with others.

According to GEF DO speech development includes components:

1) mastery of speech as a means of communication and culture (this means that it is necessary to form the oral speech of children at such a level that they do not experience difficulties in establishing contacts with peers and adults, so that their speech is understandable to others);

2) enrichment of the active vocabulary (occurs at the expense of the main vocabulary fund preschooler and depends on the dictionary of the teacher and parents, favorable conditions are created to expand the vocabulary of children with a comprehensive - thematic planning of work);

3) communication development, grammatically correct dialogic and monologue speech (our connected speech consists of two parts - a dialogue and a monologue. The building material for it is a dictionary and mastering the grammatical structure of speech, that is, the ability to change words, combine them into sentences);

4) development of speech creativity(the work is not simple, it assumes that children independently compose the simplest short stories, take part in composing poetic phrases, come up with new moves in the plot of a fairy tale, etc. All this becomes possible if we create conditions for this);

5) acquaintance with book culture, children's literature, listening comprehension of texts of various genres of children's literature (the main problem is that the book has ceased to be a value in many families, children do not acquire the experience of home reading - listening, the book should become a companion of children);

6) the formation of sound analytical and synthetic activity as a prerequisite for learning to read and write (preparation for learning to read and write is the formation of sound analysis and synthesis skills. From the child's ability to analyze and synthesize speech sounds also depends on the formation of the correct pronunciation);

7) development sound and intonational culture, phonemic hearing (the child learns the stress system, pronunciation of sounds, the ability to speak expressively, read poetry; the child learns to name words with a certain sound, determines the place of sound in a word).

Preschool child development age is most successfully carried out in conditions of enriched developing environment which ensures the unity of social and natural means, diverse activities and enrichment children's speech experience.

Educational environment is a natural environment, rationally organized, saturated varied sensory stimuli and play materials.

In such an environment, it is possible to simultaneously include all children in the group in active cognitive and creative activity.

Speech development environment, as part of the general, is aimed at an effective educational impact, at the formation of an active cognitive attitude to the world around and to the phenomena of the native language and speech. Therefore, the creation speech developing environment is the most important area for improving the quality of work on speech development of preschoolers.

Speech developing the environment is not only an objective environment, the role of an adult in organizing the impact of one's own speech on the development of different aspects of speech is also important preschooler.

Speech environment, created in a certain group, is a factor either restraining or activating the process speech development of the child, so creating developing environment, it is important to consider the level speech development, interests, abilities of children of this group. As main components speech developing environments emit the following:

teacher's speech;

Methods and techniques of leadership development of different aspects of speech of preschoolers;

Special equipment for each age group.

One of the most important components is the competent speech of the teacher, since it is the teacher who lays the foundations for the culture of children's speech, forms the foundations speech activity of children, introduces them to the culture of oral expression. The speech of the teacher of the preschool educational institution has a teaching and educational orientation. The main thing is the quality of its linguistic content, which ensures high results of work. The speech of the teacher should answer the following requirements:

1) CORRECTNESS - i.e. language compliance. Listening to the teacher, children should not be distracted from the content, the meaning of speech due to incorrect pronunciation or non-standard construction of the phrase.

2) ACCURACY - that is, exact speech - is a speech that adequately reflects reality and unambiguously indicates by the word what should be said.

3) LOGIC - that is, the presence in the statement of 3 meaningful components: the beginning, body and end of the sentence. It is also important for the teacher to correctly, competently, logically connect all sentences and parts of the statement.

4) PURITY - that is, the absence in speech of elements alien to the literary language. Clogs the language of the teacher and unjustified use of borrowed words, dialect, slang and slang expressions.

5) EXPRESSION is a feature of speech that captures attention and interest, creating an atmosphere of emotional empathy.

6) WEALTH - it is judged by the number of words and their semantic richness. This is a lexical and semantic richness. But there is also a syntactic concept wealth: is the use of the speaker proposals: simple and complex, complete and incomplete, compound, compound, unionless, etc. The richness of speech is directly related to the level of general culture, erudition, and erudition.

7) RELEVANCE - that is, the use of units in speech, relevant situations and conditions of communication. Appropriateness requires educator flexibility speech behavior: can he determine the correctness and expediency of words, forms and turns, their semantic shades, to foresee the work on their assimilation.

Methods and techniques of leadership speech development of children, special equipment - their selection directly depends on the characteristics speech development children of each age group.

Peculiarities speech development first junior group

1. Competent speech of the teacher;

development speech as a means of communication (orders, hints, sample, conjugated speech, etc.);

(stories, reading);

4. independent examination of pictures, toys, books (on the development of initiative speech)

Peculiarities speech development second junior group

1. Competent speech of the teacher;

2. methods and techniques aimed at development speech as a means of communication (orders, hints, sample appeal, sample interaction through speech in different activities);

3. methods and techniques aimed at developing the ability to listen and hear (talking, writing, reading);

4. organization "Corner of interesting things"(stimulation of independent examination of books, pictures, toys, items for development of initiative speech, enrichment and clarification of children's ideas about the environment).

Peculiarities speech development of the middle group

1. Competent speech of the teacher;

2. methods and techniques aimed at development speech as a means of communication (satisfying the need to receive and discuss information; the formation of communication skills with peers; familiarity with formulas speech etiquette);

3. methods and techniques aimed at developing the ability to listen and hear (listening to children; clarifying answers; prompting; teacher's stories - emphasis on stimulating cognitive interest);

"Corner of Interesting Things" development of explanatory speech). organization of activities in "Corner of Interesting Things"(sets of pictures, photographs, postcards, magnifiers, magnets, etc. for development of explanatory speech).

Peculiarities speech development senior and preparatory

to school groups

1. Competent speech of the teacher;

2. methods and techniques aimed at development speech as a means of communication (acquaintance with formulas speech etiquette, purposeful formation of all groups of dialogic skills; ability to competently defend one's point of view);

3. methods and techniques aimed at developing independent storytelling skills (encouragement of children's stories; transformation of statements into coherent stories; recording and repeating stories; clarifications, generalizations);

4. organization of activities in "Corner of Interesting Things"(replenishment of the corner - emphasis on expanding children's ideas about diversity of the world; organization of perception followed by discussion);

With such features speech development in every age group:

1. Favorable conditions are created for the formation speech skills and abilities of children not only in specially organized training, but also in independent activities;

2. A high standard is provided speech activity of children;

3. There is a mastery of children speech skills and abilities in the natural environment of lively conversational speech.

Speech development in accordance with GEF DO includes the development speech and literature.

The main areas of work for speech development are:

1. Vocabulary Development: mastering the meanings of words and their appropriate use in compliance with the context of the utterance, with the situation in which communication takes place.

2. Education of sound culture speeches: development perception of sounds of native speech and pronunciation.

3. Formation of the grammatical structure.

4. Development of coherent speech(dialogical (colloquial) speech monologue speech (narrative).

5. Formation of elementary awareness of the phenomena of language and speeches: distinguishing between sound and word, finding the place of sound in a word. Education of love and interest in the artistic word.

Building educational process should be based on age-appropriate forms of work with children. The choice of forms of work is carried out by the teacher independently and depends on the contingent of pupils, equipment and specifics. preschool, cultural and regional characteristics, from the experience and creativity of the teacher. The leading form of work on development children's speech is educational situation.

Educational situations are used:

- in a directly organized educational activities - in the process of organizing various types of children's activities of children, given GEF. They are aimed at developing in children knowledge, skills to reason, draw conclusions, development skills in different types of activities (game, communication, cognitive research, perception of fiction and folklore, constructive, pictorial, musical, motor);

- during regime moments and are aimed at consolidating existing knowledge and skills, their application in new conditions, the child's manifestation of activity, independence and creativity.

Consider examples educational situations used for .

O. M. Eltsova notes that for development game communication, a game learning situation is used (ios). All qualities and knowledge are formed not by the IEE itself, but by this or that specific content, which is specially introduced by the teacher.

1. Situations - illustrations. Suitable for junior preschool age. Played out simple scenes from the lives of children. With the help of various game materials and didactic aids, the teacher demonstrates to children samples socially acceptable behavior, and activates their effective communication skills.

2. Situations - exercises. Used from the middle group. The child is active in them. Children train in performing individual game actions and linking them into a plot, learn to regulate relationships with peers within the framework of game interaction.

3. Situations - problems. Used from older age. Participation in situations - problems contributes to the assimilation by children of the main directions of social relations, their "working off" and modeling the strategy of their behavior in the world of people. By actively participating, the child finds an outlet for his feelings and experiences, learns to recognize and accept them.

4. Situations - estimates. Used in the preparatory group. They involve the analysis and justification of the decision, its assessment by the children themselves. In this case, the game problem has already been solved, but the adult is required to help the child analyze and justify the decision, evaluate it.

A. G. Arushanova offers as a form speech development children - scenarios of activating communication - learning to play (dialogical) communication. This form includes conversations with children, didactic, outdoor, folk games; staging, dramatization, examination of objects, etc.

A number of authors (L. S. Kiseleva, T. A. Danilina, T. S. Lagoda, M. B. Zuikova) consider project activities as a variant of an integrated teaching method preschoolers, as a way of organizing the pedagogical process, based on the interaction of the teacher and the pupil, a phased practical activity to achieve the goal. Implementation educational field« Speech development» possible through the project method. Using project activities, children automatically learn new concepts and ideas in various areas of life. essence "project method" in education is a member of such an organization educational process, in which children acquire knowledge and skills, experience in creative activity, emotional and value attitude to reality in the process of planning and performing gradually more complex practical tasks. The main task is to help the child to believe in himself, since the most fully and clearly perceived by children is what was interesting, what they found and proved themselves.

Design technology and the use of the project method in preschool educational institutions with integration in various educational areas is a unique means of ensuring cooperation, co-creation of children and adults, a way to implement a student-centered approach to education.

Integrated learning gives children the opportunity to think, create, fantasize, compose, learn, develop communication skills, enrich the vocabulary and form the grammatical structures of speech.

Such a form speech development of preschoolers how the game encourages children to make contacts, is a motive for communicative activity. Bizikova O. A offers games with ready-made texts: movable "King", "Kite", "Snake", "Liski" and etc. ; didactic "I was born a gardener", "Paints", "Smeshinki" etc. (to master diversity initiative and response remarks, to join the implementation of the basic rules of dialogue); didactic games that involve dialogic interaction, but do not contain ready-made replicas: "Who will confuse whom", "Instruction", "Similar - not similar", "Eat a pie", phone games "Doctor's Call", "Call Mom at Work", "Bureau of Good Offices".

Another form example speech development of preschoolers is offered by the authors: Kuzevanova O. V., Koblova T. A.: literary and musical holidays, folklore fairs, dramatization games, different types of theaters, social actions, speech newspapers, homemade books, problem situations, gatherings, interactive speech stands, calendar of events, etc.

Pozdeeva S. I. notes that “when organizing any educational situation, any occupation in preschool educational institution teacher important:

Firstly, to think over the organization of different ways of adult-children's and children's activities,

Secondly, to see the resources of different stages of the lesson for development communicative competence of children.

So way, various forms of work are resourceful in terms of speech development of preschoolers, the formation of communicative competence of children, if: - children jointly solve an interesting and meaningful educational and game task for them, acting as assistants in relation to someone, - enrich, clarify and activate their vocabulary by performing speech and practical tasks - the teacher does not act as a hard leader, but as an organizer of a joint educational activities, which does not advertise its communicative superiority, but accompanies and helps the child become an active communicator.


Topic: "Speech development of preschoolers: problems and ways to solve them."

Take everything I have from me

but leave me my speech,

and soon I will have everything I had.

Daniel Ubster.

I would like to start my speech with the wise words “Almost everyone can speak, but only a few of us can speak correctly.” Speech is one of the main human needs and functions for us. It is through communication with other people that a person realizes himself as a person.

Speech is a wonderful gift of nature. It is not given to a person from birth. It takes time for the baby to start talking. And adults should make a lot of efforts so that the child's speech develops correctly and in a timely manner.

Teaching preschoolers their native language is legitimately regarded as one of the central pedagogical tasks. Language - a means of communication and cognition - is the most important condition for familiarizing children with the cultural values ​​of society.

Speech accompanies almost every activity of the child, improves it and enriches itself. Speech is one of the important lines of child development. Thanks to the native language, the baby enters our world, gets ample opportunities to communicate with other people. Speech helps to understand each other, forms attitudes and beliefs, and also plays a huge role in understanding the world in which we live.

Preschool age is a period of active assimilation of the spoken language by the child, the formation and development of all aspects of speech - phonetic, lexical, grammatical.
It is impossible to judge the beginning of the development of the personality of a child of preschool age without assessing his speech development. In the mental development of the child, speech is of exceptional importance. The development of speech is associated with the formation of both the personality as a whole and all mental processes. Full knowledge of the native language in preschool childhood is a necessary condition for solving the problems of mental, aesthetic and moral education of children. The sooner the teaching of the native language is started, the freer the child will use it in the future. Therefore, determining the directions and conditions for the development of speech in children are among the most important pedagogical tasks. The problem of speech development is one of the most urgent.

Reasons for the low level of speech development:

Half of preschool children are characterized by insufficiently formed skill in constructing a coherent statement.

Based on the results of the analysis of observations in groups, the following shortcomings can be noted:
- connected statements of children are short;

Differ in inconsistency, even if the child conveys the content of a familiar text;

Consist of separate fragments, logically unrelated to each other;
- the level of informativeness of the statement is very low.

In addition, most children actively share their impressions of the events they have experienced, but are reluctant to take up the compilation of stories on a given topic. Basically, this happens not because the child’s knowledge on this issue is insufficient, but because he cannot formulate them into coherent speech statements.
During the lesson, the teacher sees himself and the techniques, but does not see the child, i.e. in the classroom, sometimes, one teacher says.

Insufficient preparation for the lesson.

When viewing a picture, conducting a conversation, it is necessary to carefully consider questions.

The speech culture of the teacher also plays a very important role in the development of speech. It is the teachers who give the children examples of correct literary speech:

The speech of the teacher should be clear, clear, complete, grammatically correct;

The speech includes a variety of samples of speech etiquette.

Parents do not understand their function - communication with the child should begin both from birth and before his birth, in the prenatal period.

"Pedagogical Run"

Dear colleagues, in order for the children's colloquial speech to be well developed, the teacher needs a store of knowledge on the formation of coherent speech.

An express survey "Speech development" is being conducted:

  1. What are the forms of speech? (dialogical and monologue).
  2. A conversation between two or more people on a topic related to a situation (dialog).
  3. What skills are developed in dialogue? (listen to the interlocutor, ask a question).
    4. Name the types of retelling: detailed (close to text) in parts (fragments), with a change of face (I went ... The author went ..), Similarly (creative, with change hero or event), staging (acting with toys or table theater).
  4. From what age group does the work on teaching children monologue speech begin? (from the middle group).
  5. What is the name of the text in which there is a list of signs, properties of qualities, actions? (description).
  6. What are the main methods and techniques for the development of speech of preschool children (visual, verbal, practical or game).
  7. Speech of one interlocutor addressed to the audience (monologue).

All the tasks of developing the speech of preschool children (enrichment of vocabulary, formation of the grammatical structure of speech, sound culture) will not achieve their goal if they do not find their final expression in the development of coherent speech.

Coherent speech - the construction of coherent statements of various types - reasoning, narration, the ability to structurally build a text, develop a plot through a series of pictures, connect parts of a statement in different ways of connections grammatically correctly and accurately.

The development of coherent speech: the solution of this problem is associated with the development of two forms of speech - dialogic and monologue. In the development of dialogic speech, special attention is paid to the formation of children's ability to build a dialogue (ask, answer, explain, etc.), while using a variety of linguistic means in accordance with the situation. For this, conversations are used on a wide variety of topics related to the life of a child in a family, in kindergarten, etc.

It is in the dialogue that the ability to listen to the interlocutor develops, to ask a question, to answer depending on the context. All these skills are also necessary for the development of monologue speech of children.

The central point in the development of such speech is teaching children the ability to build a detailed statement. This involves the formation of elementary knowledge about the structure of the text (beginning, middle, end), ideas about the relationship between sentences and structural links of the statement. The latter is an important condition for achieving the coherence of a speech statement.

Mastering monologue speech is a priority for the full preparation of the child for school and, as many scientists and teachers note, is possible only in conditions of purposeful learning.

Speech develops in different types of activities: in classes to familiarize oneself with fiction, phenomena of the surrounding reality, teaching literacy, etc. As well as in gaming and artistic activities, in everyday life. That is why determining the directions of pedagogical influence and the conditions for the development of speech in children are among the most important pedagogical tasks.

The successful solution of these problems is possible only with an integrated approach to their consideration, as well as with the creation of the necessary conditions for the speech development of children, with the close cooperation of all participants in the educational process.

"Let's discuss":

The child is not interested in the lesson on speech development. What needs to be done to increase interest in speech development classes?

Organize classes so that the child is involved in the process of independent search and discovery of new knowledge. Less control, more autonomy and trust.

Intellectual and practical activities in the classroom should be varied.

It is necessary to constantly change the form of questions, tasks, stimulate the search activity of children, creating an atmosphere of hard work.

The more new material is connected with the child's personal experience, the more interesting it is for him.

Accounting for the individual, age, and mental characteristics of the child.

The emotionality of the teacher, his ability to support and direct interest in the content of the lesson.

Use of ICT technology in the classroom.

  1. If there are many children with poorly developed speech in the group, it is necessary to use more often questions and tasks that require an answer from the child - actions (show something, find, bring, do, etc.).
  2. When talking with a child, you should exercise restraint and patience. If your question was not answered, repeat it and prompt the answer, encouraging the baby's attempts to reproduce the word, phrase after you.
  3. You "failed" to do the job. If you think that this material is important for children, repeat the lesson, but first analyze the reasons - failures (requirements are too high; children were placed unsuccessfully, etc.).
  4. Do not forget to repeat the material covered with the children.
  5. Behave naturally, do not read morals to children.
  6. Praise your children often. Rejoice with them in their successes.
  7. Try to bring something new, unexpected into the lives of children, to please them with surprises that create conditions for developing communication.
  1. Develop pronunciation side of speech:

Prepare the articulatory apparatus for the correct pronunciation of sounds;

Develop a clear pronunciation of words, sentences, a calm pace and a measured rhythm of speech.

  1. Develop and improve vocabulary:

Introduce words denoting qualities, properties of objects;

Learn to understand the generalized meaning of words and use the simplest generalizations in independent speech.

  1. Develop grammatical skills of oral speech:

Exercise in the correct use of prepositions expressing various spatial relationships (on, in, for, from, with, over, between, before, etc.);

Exercise in the use of plural nouns (according to the “one - many” principle) and the formation of the genitive plural of nouns (when answering the question “What is not?”);

Learn to use imperative verbs. Teach the conjugation of the verb "want";

To teach the compilation and distribution of simple sentences at the expense of homogeneous members; subjects, definitions, predicates.

  1. Contribute to the development of coherent speech. Develop dialogic speech:

Create conditions conducive to the active use of dialogic speech (game and problem situations, excursions, theatrical and game activities);

Learn to use language materials depending on the situation (greeting, appeal, request, apology, consolation, gratitude, forgiveness);

Demonstrate to children the culture of dialogue;

Prepare for learning coherent monologue speech;

Through game exercises and various forms of retelling, learn to compose the characteristics of objects and objects (for description); reconstruct the sequence of events in the story.

  1. Don't forget to develop fine motor skills.
  2. Create conditions conducive to the activation of speech:

Considering with children their work on visual activity, encourage them to tell a story about the created images, objects of the world around them;

To create a culturally rich speech environment for the child.
