Draw winter monograms on your nails. Monograms on nails: luxurious manicure with monograms for a special occasion

Looking at the stylish, unusual manicure design with exquisite, fancy curls (monograms), you begin to think that it is extremely difficult to execute - it looks too sophisticated and elegant. In fact, if you perform monograms on your nails step by step, choosing the right tools and following all the rules, then even beginners will be able to easily create beautiful curls on your nails.


Choosing brushes

To make monograms on your nails, you need to choose the right brushes. Brushes are:

  • synthetic, the pile of which is made of artificial, synthetic materials;
  • kolinsky, the pile of which is made of kolinsky hair.

For curls, it is better to use a brush made of synthetic material: it is more elastic and springs better. Core brushes are softer and absorb the paint that is released during the painting process. Synthetic ones do not absorb material well; almost all of it remains on their surface, so the brush must be very thin. A good brush should move smoothly when working, leave a trail behind it, and should not scrape or break.

Brushes come in both long and short. Long ones are better for drawing curls. It is important that they are very thin - zero (0 or 00). Good brushes have fairly thick bristles at the cartridge and taper towards the tip. Cheap brushes have the same thickness of bristles along their entire length. Such a brush will reduce the quality of work: it will not spring and release paint, so it is not suitable.

Choosing paints

Beginner manicure lovers who are taking lessons in how to make step-by-step exquisite monograms can try using regular gel polishes. Then, to make the patterns more voluminous and rich, you can buy paints - gel, watercolor, acrylic. Usually the paints are approximately the same in consistency.

Gel paints can be anything - thick or liquid. They can be brought to the desired consistency using gel polish. You can paint with synthetic brushes without diluting the paint. If we paint with core brushes, the paint will definitely need to be diluted: for example, black paint - with black thick gel polish. The monograms will turn out beautiful and even.

Preparing the nail plate

Before you start trying to draw curls on your nails, you need to prepare your nail plates for the procedure:

  • remove the old layer of varnish;
  • trim the nails, smooth the edges with a file;
  • dry your nails, degrease them with nail polish remover;
  • apply a base coat, then a colored varnish;
  • With a few light movements, polish the surface of the nail plate with a soft old buff to a velvety matte finish - it is easier to draw monograms on a smooth matte finish;
  • remove sanding dust and check for scratches.

Information: It is not recommended to sand the surface of the nail plate with a new buff, as it leaves scratches along which the paint will “crawl”, resulting in unsightly nicks.

Step-by-step execution of curls

How to draw monograms on nails? As a first design, simple and uncomplicated in execution, but looking sophisticated and elegant, you can follow the following tutorial for applying monograms step by step:

  1. Using a thin paint brush, use a twisting motion to pick up some paint from the palette so that it hangs in a small drop from the tip of the brush. If the brush is long, you need to pick up paint approximately to the middle of the bristles. A long brush is convenient because it can be used to paint long, beautiful curls.
  2. Place the tip of the brush on the nail plate, as if placing a dot, then press the brush a little and begin to pull the line in the direction you want. Then press the brush, slightly lifting it, and use a thin tip to draw a line, rounding it until you get an open circle.
  3. Then you can experiment, depending on your imagination: you can draw the same monogram from the first point in the other direction, you can put another drop at the end of the first line and continue the curl, you can make several intertwining monograms. This way, you can create a design by twisting the curls as you want.
  4. Cover your nails with a fixative varnish. You can use glitter to achieve a holographic effect (video).

Important: if you hold the brush with paint for too long before starting to apply, a drop of paint from the tip will transfer further to the bristles, and the tip of the brush will begin to stick out. This shouldn't happen. Take your time. Clean your brush and reload the paint.

If you don’t have enough imagination to come up with a design for monograms on your nails, you can study ready-made diagrams or pictures (see photo). Such diagrams and pictures are shown in large quantities in various video tutorials. You can practice applying curls on special training cards. They can be purchased at the store or printed. However, it must be taken into account that the surface on training cards is flat, unlike nails.

Simple execution of dots

You can try making monograms on your nails for beginners using dots. Even beginners who have never held a brush in their hands can cope with this procedure if they follow all the recommendations step by step.

Curls are applied with gel polish or gel paint using a small diameter dot. If you use gel paint, then you can first coat the nail plates with a matte top coat, then apply monograms on top, and then do not cover them with anything.

Similar to working with a brush, a drop of paint is collected on the tip of the dot, a dot is placed on the nail plate, and a semicircular curl is slowly drawn out until the line disappears on its own. Further, the design of the pattern also depends on the imagination of the performer. You can try dots of different sizes - the larger the dots, the more “bellied” the curl will be. You can combine dots of different sizes in one pattern.

Periodically it is necessary to wipe the dots so that the gel polish (paint) is on the very tip. Then the elements of the pattern will turn out more neat and identical. In this procedure, neither pressure nor angle of inclination matters.

After applying curls with gel polish, the nails are covered with a thin layer of glossy top, then a matte top is applied. You can complicate the execution and appearance of the manicure a little - outline the curls with a glossy topcoat. This manicure will look much more impressive. Dry it, sprinkle some rhinestones, dry it again (photo). Manicure is ready!

Advice: if you don’t have a dots, you can replace it with something with a round hard tip - a pin, a rod.

Fancy interweaving lines - monograms - applied to your nails will make your manicure incredibly delicate, feminine and sophisticated without much effort on your part.

Over the long history of life, manicure has reached its peak only now, when the possibilities of artistic nail painting are combined with the safety of technology.

Likewise, decorating nails with monograms, a nail art beloved by many, today can be done with gel polishes. The main thing is to stock up on the necessary equipment and patience, and you can always learn from experience.

In general, monogram (from the Polish “knot”) is a calligraphic font in which the initial letters of first and last names are artistically intertwined, forming intricate patterns.

In the old days, only members of the aristocracy or royalty had the privilege to use this monogram. Envelopes, medallions and rings were decorated with monograms. Monograms were embroidered on clothes, bed linen and other personal items.

Ah, if only the great Empress Catherine, who left a huge “monogram legacy,” knew how accessible this luxury would be to the people! After all, today the monogram has lost its class and symbolism, having spread in decoration techniques - in particular, in nail art.

You can remove monograms on your nails with ordinary varnishes, but gel polishes have undeniable advantages: they last a long time (up to 4 weeks), do not fade or chip, strengthen the nail plate, and do not contain DBP and formaldehyde.

To paint monograms with gel polish you will need the following set of materials and equipment:

  • base, background, contrast and finishing gel polish;
  • UV lamp for drying gel polish coating;
  • means for degreasing the nail plate;
  • thin brush for drawing monograms (stiper);
  • stencils and training tips for beginners.

Drawing monograms on nails with gel polish: step-by-step instructions

Regardless of whether you draw the monograms by hand or use stencils, you will have to go through all the standard steps of applying a gel polish coating step by step. So…

Step 1. Preparing the nail plate

  1. Model the shape and equalize the length of the nails.
  2. Remove or push back the cuticle (without steaming).
  3. Use a soft buff to give your nails a slight roughness.
  4. Degrease your nails with a specialized product or alcohol.

Step 2. Applying base, background and finish

  1. Cover your nails with base gel polish and place them under a UV lamp.
  2. Apply background gel polish and dry again under the lamp.
  3. Finish the background with topcoat - don't forget about UV drying.
  4. Seal the tips of your nails as you apply each layer.


Step 3: Drawing Monograms

  1. “Buff” the finishing coat so that the monograms lie as if nailed down.
  2. Place gel polish on the tip of a thin brush, transfer a voluminous drop onto the nail and stretch it in the desired direction in a smooth and rounded line.
  3. Don’t “overdo it” with patterns - monograms should not weigh down your nails.
  4. Dry your nails with monograms under a UV lamp.
  5. Apply finish and dry again. Done - enjoy!

Actually, everything except the main thing - how to draw beautiful monograms? If your hand in the field of artistic nail painting is full, be guided by your own imagination or look for “prototypes” on the Internet.

In case of total “crookedness”, use the stamping technique (creating designs using “stamps” on metal plates) or slider design (applying stickers).

By the way, it’s only a rare nail artist who can tell the difference between hand-painted art and sliders.

If you have a persistent desire to master the art of hand painting, practice your hand on training cards, tracing ready-made “curls”, transfer the skill to tips and only then start designing your nails.


  • monograms are drawn in one color; highlighting individual lines with color does not carry any meaning and violates the harmony;
  • before drawing lines that will intersect with already drawn “curls,” the nails should be dried in a lamp;
  • for an everyday option, the background and color of the monograms are chosen in a similar tone; for a “weekend” design, the contrast can be bolder;
  • the use of additional “scenery” is not prohibited - powder, rhinestones, gold and silver sand, liquid stones (not generously, moderately, so as not to distract the “viewer’s” attention from the main plot - curls);
  • and the trend of emphasizing one nail is still in trend, which is very beneficial for beginners who are training in drawing “curls.”

By the way, is “royal” nail painting appropriate in everyday life?

Where and with what to “walk” monograms on your nails?

“Putting” monograms on your nails is one thing, “walking” them in public is another. Sometimes it's better to stay home so as not to be considered tasteless. If the classics (plain manicure or French manicure) go with everything and always, monograms require a special approach.

When artistic painting of nails is timed to coincide with a holiday or special event, you can allow an outfit, the degree of which will not be inferior to the “loudness” of the nails. But even in this case, you should avoid prints and patterns in clothes so as not to lose face behind the intricacies of lines.

Monograms on nails in everyday life require modest, discreet outfits that match the color palette of the manicure or are 1-2 shades lighter (darker). Accents in makeup (eyes or lips) are acceptable, but in this case, accessories, like clothes, should fade into the background.

If you are a creative and eccentric person, you like to stand out from the crowd, the territory of possible combinations of manicure and wardrobe is limited only by your imagination, which, we hope, still lies in the plane of good taste.

In any case, be prepared for sidelong glances from people who have a keen sense of harmony and categorically do not accept such treatment of it. But the good thing about modern fashion is that you can always casually notice: this is a trend. And all claims will be dropped.

Girls should always take care of their appearance, not only their outfit and hairstyle, but also their manicure. A beautiful and flawless manicure is obtained only on well-groomed and healthy nails. There are many different designs and techniques for painting nails. In this article we will present one of the popular techniques in manicure - nail design with monograms.

The concept of a monogram - what is it?

This word can be interpreted in different ways:

Popular Design Ideas

Drawing monograms is a kind of creativity that helps the author bring his ideas to life. There are no special rules or framework for this. But it’s still worth talking about the most popular types.


This is a very unusual, but at the same time delicious option. You can write your full name, or you can just write your initials on one finger.

French design

In this case, monograms are applied over a French manicure. Most often, only a line or corner of the plate is decorated with a pattern.


The entire surface of the nail can be covered with original and complex curls. The same patterns are drawn on all nails. This type of design is popular in salons and among beginning craftsmen at home.


Only original works of masters are presented. The plates can display various designs. But in general it should be a general picture in one color scheme.

Professionals who have extensive experience in creating such equipment gave some advice for beginning craftsmen.

Methods of applying monograms for the lazy

If a girl can’t draw or simply doesn’t want to do this thing, then there are several ways to solve this problem:


You can purchase a plate with a finished image, which you then simply need to transfer to the nail.


The choice of stickers with ready-made monograms is huge. You can simply transfer the sticker by gluing it onto the nail plate and covering it with the top layer.

Hand painted

You can create incredible masterpieces yourself, and this does not require any special knowledge or skills.

Monogram Drawing Tools

We will present the necessary tools and tell you how to perform the technique of drawing monograms step by step.


  • base for gel polish;
  • shellac;
  • gel paint;
  • UV lamp;
  • lint-free wipes;
  • thin brush.

Under no circumstances should you draw with a toothpick or needle.

Stages of work:

In addition to the pattern, you can use various elements (sparkles, rhinestones, beads). This decor is more suitable for an evening manicure or a festive occasion.

Also, monograms look very good on a matte background; you can make gradient patterns

Thus, learning the described skill is not at all difficult, and the manicure turns out divinely beautiful. Remember, beauty is in your hands, both literally and figuratively. In this article you will find many photos on the chosen topic and below we will present video lessons that show all stages of the work.

Today, many women prefer to do their own manicure at home. This is not only convenient, but allows you to save your family budget. Understanding more and more new types of nail design and decoration, girls come to ornate patterns. At first glance, it seems that drawing something like this on your nails is very simple, but it is not so. Today we will tell you how to draw monograms on your nails step by step at home.

Preliminary pen test

If you are a beginner and just learning the art of nail design, we strongly recommend that you be patient. This is what many novice masters lack.

To paint, you will need thin brushes and a special pigmented nail paint. It is used to ensure that the pattern does not blur and is bright. The effect of regular varnish is completely opposite.

On what manicure are monograms appropriate?

It is important to understand that this type of nail decoration is not suitable for any manicure. To prevent the design from looking tasteless, professionals advise combining curls with the following types of manicure:

  • French. One of the best combinations of monograms and varnish is the classic French manicure. Since the jacket itself is a rather natural covering, the pattern will only add zest without adding vulgarity to the image.
  • different colors. Not so long ago, multi-colored manicures came into fashion. The color of the varnish is usually selected according to their similarity to each other. Moreover, it can be any color scheme. Pastel, black and white, etc. Decorate one or more nails with monograms at your discretion.

  • Classic. By classic manicure we mean that the nails are covered with one shade of varnish. Of course, identical monochromatic nails can be decorated in any way you like. The most effective combination is a dark varnish color and a light pattern, or vice versa.

What methods of creating patterns are there?

It turns out that besides drawing monograms with a brush, there are a couple more options for getting a manicure with such patterns.

  • Stamping. The most popular way of creating nail art, which has won the hearts of many women around the world. Essentially, stamping involves reprinting a design from a substrate onto the nail. This is a very convenient and simple way to make a drawing not only quickly, but also in the same way. After all, drawing monograms by hand always makes them at least a little different. This will not happen with stamping.
  • Sliders. The easiest way to make monogram nails is to use stickers. Ready-made sliders are extremely easy to use and quite effective. All you need is to cut out the design you like to fit your nail and place it on a cotton pad soaked in water. After a minute, remove the upper part of the slider, i.e. the thin film with the pattern and transfer it to the nail. Straighten it and let it dry, cover with a layer of finishing varnish.

Choose the method that is closest to you. But keep in mind that drawing patterns is always more valuable and looks more expensive if done in accordance with all the rules.

What materials will you need?

Before starting work, you will need to prepare materials, namely brushes. Nail design masters recommend using two thin, high-quality brushes with artificial bristles when painting. Why artificial, you ask? Because it is the one that is most effective for drawing monograms. And unlike natural paint, in this case the paint goes on smoother and does not smudge.

You may also need dots to create beautiful monograms. This device is a small stick with two spherical metal ends. With its help, dots or peas are drawn on patterns.

Main rules for a monogram master

At manicure courses, experienced instructors give the same advice to beginners on how to learn to draw monograms on nails. Some of the main ones are the following simple rules:

  • Dry the layers thoroughly. After choosing a pattern with monograms, pay attention to how many times one layer of varnish should be applied to another. The intersection of lines should occur only after the first layer has dried. Otherwise, your drawing will be blurred and damaged.
  • Monochromatic. If you want to make a classic manicure, then always use only one shade for the pattern. Two or more colors are suitable for modern types of manicure.
  • No exaggeration. Remember the main rule for successful monogram designs: avoid too many lines in the pattern. 99% out of 100 this design looks sloppy.

Skill training

If you want to learn how to draw monograms on your nails step by step, we recommend starting with small test patterns. Usually they consist of a couple of curls. So, having decided on the pattern, we draw monograms on the nails. For beginners, it is best to use cardboard or thick paper. Or false nails, designed specifically for training nail art masters.

Monogram trainers

To better master nail patterns, you can purchase a special drawing simulator. Outwardly, it resembles a school copybook, but differs in content. Curls are depicted on special thick paper, and next to it there is a blank line on which nail art students repeat exactly the same patterns. Training sheets for training are sold in specialized stores for manicurists. If you can't buy them, you can find copies online and print them.

Drawing monograms on shellac

In order to start practicing beautiful patterns, you need materials and free time, because such a skill does not come immediately. If you want to learn how to draw monograms on nails step by step using shellac, then check out the following instructions.

1. Any manicure begins with removing or processing the cuticle. To do this, put your hands in a bath of sea salt and hold them there for about 10 minutes. During this time, the cuticle will become softer and it will be much easier to remove.

2. After the allotted time has passed, dry your hands with a soft cloth and begin processing the cuticle in a convenient way.

3. Use a file to give your nails the desired shape and, after degreasing them, apply primer. This product is needed for better fixation of shellac polish on nails and for greater durability.

4. Apply base coat to your nails and place under a UV lamp for a minute. Some lamps that are not very powerful require drying the layers for about 1.5-2 minutes each.

5. Now cover your nails with a thin layer of colored shellac gel. Apply it as close to the cuticle as possible and be sure to seal the end of the nail. This technique allows you to wear shellac much longer, eliminating peeling.

6. If one layer is not enough, apply another one and dry in a lamp. Most often, craftsmen apply exactly 2 layers of color coating. But some shellac varnishes require more. Keep this in mind.

7. Now it’s time to draw the monograms. Take a thin brush and, having collected the required amount of varnish on it, make the first curl at the edge of the nail. Always start in the direction where the edge is supposed to be thicker. Exactly in the place where the drop should be located. Next, make another rounded curl in the other direction. If it is difficult for you to understand the technique, use a photo template on how to draw monograms on nails step by step. Draw each line carefully and take your time.

Looking at the instructions with photos on how to correctly draw monograms on nails, make confident movements with the brush. By the way, it is this quality that experienced masters consider to be the main one in drawing patterns on nails. Because when the artist doubts the accuracy of each step, the lines turn out to be “shaky,” and accordingly, the overall picture looks as if a beginner was working. More confidence and everything will work out!

8. When the patterns are ready, place them under the lamp and dry for a minute. If desired, you can decorate the monograms with rhinestones or other decorative elements.

9. Cover the manicure with finishing shellac gel, making sure to seal the ends of the nail.

Manicure for the bride

When it comes to nail design for the bride’s festive look, the most beautiful materials and types of decor are used. Monograms will be a great solution for such a special day. Delicate curls are perfect for the bride’s airy dress, without weighing down the image at all. Read on to learn how to draw monograms on nails for a bride’s manicure.

Before you start doing your manicure, choose a style. Today, the most fashionable is moon manicure. In this type of design, the light part at the base of the nail (the lunula) is highlighted in a different color in the shape of a crescent. In this version, the lunula remains unpainted, but highlighted with lace braid. So, let's learn how to draw monograms on nails.

  1. Having prepared your nails for shellac coating, apply a primer and stick arched strips for a jacket on the base of the nail plates.
  2. Along their contour, cover your nails first with base varnish, and then with pearlescent soft pink, drying each layer. Then remove the strip.
  3. Place a small amount of white nail polish on a thin brush and paint a drop in the center of your middle finger. Then there is another one around her, more. Make monograms from the large drop to all the edges of the nail.
  4. Decorate other nails with monograms, but not so much. Drag the brush along the edge of the lunula, as if highlighting it.
  5. Now you will need a dots to apply even dots. Place some white polish on the end and make dots along the strip separating the lunula. Dry the monograms in the lamp for one minute.
  6. Apply top coat of shellac polish to your nails and seal the ends. The bride's manicure is ready!

Nail design with monograms in dark color

In autumn, you want something deeper and darker, which is why many women choose manicures in blue, brown and black tones. We bring to your attention a variant of nail design with monograms, made in several techniques.

For this type of manicure, prepare translucent black shellac polish, as well as dark turquoise and black shades, dots and a thin brush.

The technique for performing this design is no different from the previous ones, so after preparing your nails for applying varnish, apply a single color to those nails that should be dark turquoise. Looking at the photo, we draw monograms on the nails, repeating the lines.

Apply a thin layer of transparent black shellac varnish to the ring and middle ones and cure in a lamp. After that, use a thin brush to paint a few simple curls with black varnish. On the other nail, use dots to make a dotted pattern, as in the photo. Using a thin brush, outline the nail plate on all sides. Finish with a top coat of polish.

Manicure with monograms in oriental style

Today, oriental style manicure is very popular. Girls choose nails painted with monograms, both for every day and for special occasions. The best option is considered to be a combination of oriental monograms and long, pointed nails, which are also in trend this season. If you like these types of patterns, we recommend trying to make a manicure with monograms yourself.

For this design you will need black gel clay as well as black shellac.

Now we draw monograms on the nails step by step. On plain prepared nails, draw monograms as shown in the photo. This manicure should have a large number of lines and alternating thicknesses. To avoid overcrowding, leave some of your nails undecorated. Make a sculpt of gel plasticine on the middle nail. Transfer a small amount to the surface of the nail and use a brush to create the desired shape. Finally, dry the decor under a lamp.

Today you learned how to draw monograms on nails step by step in different styles. Try repeating one of the presented options yourself.

Do you want your manicure to be suitable for an everyday look, and, if necessary, combined with a festive outfit? Pay attention to the classic nail design - monograms.

Do you love elegant nail designs? Do you want your manicure to be suitable for an everyday look, and, if necessary, combined with a festive outfit? Pay attention to the classic nail design - monograms. Beautiful curls and stripes that form a unique pattern. Compatible with any shape and length of nails. Think it can't be done at home? But in vain! Today the site will tell you how to complete this design step by step.

Types of monograms

Monogram design can be classified according to execution techniques:

  1. Hand painted: the most beautiful classic curls. The drawing is done by hand using a very thin brush. It is difficult to achieve a symmetrical pattern on both hands. Requires some preparation.
  2. Stamping: application using the stamping technique - imprinting the finished design. The results are the same neat patterns. Unlike hand painting, the monograms are not convex, but flat.
  3. Sliders: The easiest way. It involves gluing special stickers or stencils. If desired, the drawing is outlined by hand. Recommended for use by beginners.

In addition to differences in technique, there is a division according to the type of material used for the pattern. So, monograms can be applied classically using gel paint or supplemented with acrylic powder, glitter, or a matte finish.

Monograms with acrylic powder

Applying an invented pattern is only possible when painting by hand. By stamping and using a slider you can only get a ready-made initial curl pattern.

Equipment and materials

The materials used depend on the technique by which you want to achieve this design.

For hand painting you will need:

  • Tools for the preparatory stage: equipment for manicure, buff.
  • Materials for the main coating: gel-varnish, gel or acrylic systems.
  • Gel paint needs colors.
  • Brush hair: marking 0, 00, 000. Focus on visual appearance. Different manufacturers have different brush lengths and widths.
  • Glitter, acrylic powder, fan brush: if you want to decorate monograms.

For stamping:

  • manicure tools;
  • base coating materials;
  • stamping paint;
  • plates with a pattern;
  • stamp;
  • scrapper.

Using sliders:

  • manicure tools;
  • base coating materials;
  • sliders;
  • scissors;
  • tweezers;
  • bowl of water: for water-based sliders.

Now let's get down to the design itself.

Application technique step by step

Before you begin applying the monogram design, you should carefully prepare the nail plate. Perform an edged, hardware or combined manicure. Then carefully go over the buff to polish the nail.

The next stage is applying the base coating. You can use , gel or acrylic. It is possible to apply the top coat immediately, or after the design itself.

Choose one of the techniques for applying monograms and get to work!

Hand painted

If you applied gel or acrylic, then before drawing monograms you should buff the surface of the coating. Don't forget to remove the sticky layer, if any, from it first. And after using the buff, wipe the surface with a cleaner.

Application of design:

  1. Choose a design from a photo or come up with your own.
  2. Dip a thin brush into the gel paint. Don't take a large amount.
  3. Place a point, and then stretch it with a smooth line according to the drawing. Try to make the tail of the line as thin as possible. To do this, when finishing one monogram, lift the brush, reducing it to nothing.
  4. Continue drawing the monograms.
  5. If you decide to decorate the finished drawing, then sprinkle it with glitter or acrylic powder.
  6. Dry the drawing in a UV or LED lamp.
  7. When sprinkling, remove excess with a fan brush.
  8. Apply top coat if you did not use pattern sprinkles and let dry.

The design is ready!

To make your drawing more beautiful and accurate, hone your technique on special training cards.

Training card for painting

Options for painting monograms step by step

White swirls on red

Black gel paint pattern on a turquoise background

Second version of monograms

Monograms that fill the entire nail


Black and white monograms

Monograms sprinkled with powder

Double pattern

Delicate pattern


Apply the design to the prepared nail plate using stamping:

  1. Drop paint onto the design plate.
  2. Use a scraper to distribute and remove excess.
  3. Transfer the design to the stamp.
  4. Place the stamp on your nail to transfer the design.
  5. Dry the design.
  6. Apply top coat and cure in a lamp.

Repeat the manipulations with all the necessary nails.

Stamping monograms


  1. Apply base coat over prepared nail.
  2. Separate the slider from the base using tweezers. Wet it if necessary.
  3. Transfer to nail.
  4. Dry in a lamp.
  5. Apply base over slider.
  6. Dry.
  7. Cover with top coat and dry in a lamp.

Your perfect monogram design is ready.

Monogram slider design

Design options

Have you already tried to draw monograms using our advice? Share photos in the comments!
