Happy birthday to a woman in Ukrainian. Birthday wishes in Ukrainian

We have chosen for you the best and the most beautiful welcome on the people's day. Potishte the birthday man, or the birthday girl with great words is holy!

Greetings on National Day at prose

On a happy and bright day of your people, I want to encourage a happy today and a happy tomorrow, a beautiful day and your future! Hai leather day will be with a harmonious mood, sincere zustrіchami and a fruitful practice. Happiness and joy at home, healthy "I and a prosperous homeland, inspiration and creativity. Hay the sun peeps at the window, and happiness is in the heart!

On the day of the people, I want to indulge in a well-being palace, a car of patience, a bear of pennies, more smiles and kindness, mіtsnoї friendship, savage enmity, contentment in life and a glass of tears of joy in the fact that everything is in you!

Happy people's day! I hope to raise the price of happiness in the lands, to make your sweater warm, to please the skin day, to fly to success, to kohat with your heart, to make it difficult, to know your place in the sun of your life.

I call for a nameless joy, a dazzling success, an enchanting mood, a lot of laughs, a lot of friends! And also - in the distant days, good news, majestic strength of the spirit, accepting podіy that inexhaustible optimism!

I swear to you! I hope to always be at the necessary place at the necessary hour, I wish to be left alone with my thoughts, if it is necessary for you, I wish far away, merrily and brightly live the skin of my happy life.

Greetings on National Day for girls or friends

I would like to take all the flowers of the world into one bouquet, to throw them today to your years. For me, make it holy, if you entrust. Happy National Day, Kokhana!

Greetings on National Day for a person

Today is the best day in the world, because when you come to the world, it’s more dear to me than a person! I’m happy that I told you among the billions of other inhabitants of the Earth. I and my best friends entrusted. And I will always be with you and I will help you to help all the world! Kiss!

With your saint, I want to indulge in bright chuckles, miraculous dreams, happy spodіvans, cheerful feasts, good feasts, neimovirnih successes, more colors of life, svitankіv nathnennya, romantic goodies, that vikonnannya uh bazhan of your heart.

I will not wish for anything good, only the best: success on the right, healthy "I am in this" ї, heart, shared love, eyes that shine in happiness, new victories, brighter emotions. Let all your life be a blessed saint!

Greetings on National Day at the tops

Happy National Day, shanovny!
Zichimo richly!
Your vdacha is nevgamovna
Let's stir up the world!

Be yourself
Navit at the twisted hour
bathe in love
Start a friendly family!

Happy National Day!
Chiang is healthy, I will bless you!
Groshey povnі, shob kisheni

I good luck in the skin!
Half heart order
And live a happy day!

On this day dear to the heart
We wish you a ticket and a song!
Kind of friends - wide shelters,
Vid zirok - zdijsnennya bazhan!
View of the sun - light and heat,
Schob share a generous bula!
I do not spin the face of the hour,
Let's bless the whole old age!

Let me welcome you today
For the day is such a buvaє times on the river,
Healthy "I'm happy and generous,
For all life, for a new, long time!
To live up to a hundred years without grief and zhurbi,
Vіd hіr, vіd sontsia, vіd kalini
All the blessings of the earth - from the dew and water
Thank you for all of you!

Let it be with you
merry smile and lower glance.
A good friend and the song is quiet,
that breaks the tightness and famously.
Eyes kohanih two lakes,
restless thoughts of your heart.
Hai omine bad luck to you,
live and dream, I wish you happiness!

Life hai grant miraculous moments,
Bright emotions, garni presentations
І friends of the best, with some nadiyno,
I’ll find a person, with some kind of peace.
I want to know I'm in love with the right,
Hi work, you will have a cicava.
Write your problems on "one-two",
Shchob not "boiled" your head.
I wish prosperity, for "caviar with oil".
Healthy "I'm healthy, healthy" I'm not a gra.
I still encourage you to stop:
Hai be happy skinny wound!

On holy day
Take a bath
That nayshchirіshi favor:
Healthy "I'm happy that kindness,
Nanagi, success, warmth.
І all the time, all the time
Hai, everything will be with you!

Hai be healthy with you "I am that strength
Hai share will be affectionate and generous!
Schob nіkoli did not know you vtomi!
Hai peace and blessings will be at home,
Hai the Lord give hope and warmth
For a long time, for happiness and good!

Let it bloom under the blue-eyed sky
Goodbye long-term days,
And the joy is quiet, pure and high,
Schodenno hi to hati wrapped!
Bazhaemo healthy "I, the sun is at the zenith,
Love, kindness and happiness povven dim,
Let the heart have a luxurious summer
And with a sleepyhead kvіtuє gilded.
Hai constant success, joy and prosperity
To huddle up to you, dumb cherry blossoms,
Hai life dosvіd to create holy everyday life,
The Lord grants many years!

Rocks fly, seagulls move over the water,
And at once with them the share is not easy.
And you forever lose your youth,
Live with happiness and joy up to a hundred.
I thank you for the radio svitankiv!
Happy, romantic evenings!
Kazkovih lower dreams
And wide, warm and open words!

Cool greetings on National Day

If I VIP "I have a cup of tea,
I'm sipping on you
With the holy generously I instill
I’m so lucky to say:
A lot of rock and a lot of pennies,
Good guests in your hut,
I am healthy, so I can live a long time,
And reshtu - buy more for the bugs!

Happy people's day
I immodestly adore
Earn so richly
To buy your own house
Behind the cordon of the sea,
Live there, do not know grief.
Another car of a foreign car,
Maybe I'll get a gas station there,
Maybe a bank or a factory,
Mother all without pershkod.
Everything that is bazhane, buy,
What is not a day - vіdpochivati.
Just don't forget about turbos -
Tomorrow, lie to work!

So that you have fun
I wanted and could.
Bulo de i bulo z kim,
Bulo yak i bulo chim.

High clothes will be in haute couture,
In the intestines - the rustle of banknotes,
Soul of high pragne adventures,
And in the amorous right - leash openwork!

Happy people's day,
happiness, joy bazha,
Don't get drunk, take a walk
schirih friends kupu mother.

Happy old day... Oh, that's Happy National Day. Let the brushes not break, let the piss not squeak at you, let your teeth not hurt from the savory cake, and all the candles in the first place try to get zadmukha =)

Happy National Day! Let your life have more cool turns, the refrigerator is cracking at the seams, and pennies are looming from the bags. In the aquarium, a fish lives in gold, as if it were your bazhannya, and in the bedroom sleep a kohan of an obiymak.

I live with your day and I wish you cool fun. Let me remember all day long that you have a name like goodness for your appetizing ass and a wonderful history with elements of good fires and flamboyant dances.

Happy National Day! Leaflets that welcome you with your people's day in your own words, which at the top of your head reaffirm your love, so be original! Instead of banal hospitality, in one word you can familiarize yourself with our selection of verses and prose, you will definitely know what you need for yourself.

Short SMS, verse and prose, hot and serious - you will find all the points on the people's day in the material! People's Day to love the mustache - and children, and grown up, also, it is a blessing to be able to come to skin people. In the case of friends, you can allow yourself a more hot form, and from the shelters for colleagues - varto buti streaming.

Welcome to the people's day at the prose

Happy National Day! I wish you good health, success, kindness, kindness, joy, love, happiness, good mood, laughter, anger. - But you think about it.

Our life is like a great river. I pray that your body can easily pass the thresholds of difficult places, do not waste your time at the whirlwind of the kohanny and add the shoes to the waterfall of happiness. Today, your eyes are shining, a smile is beautiful on your lips, and again it looks like the love of loved ones. Hai so be sure, and not less on National Day.

Beautiful greetings on the people's day at the prose

Happy National Day! Always accept good people, but such a wonderful person, like Ty, is the second receptionist. I sincerely hope that you will always have plenty of everything: laughter, sleepy days, distant situations, success, suffocation, love, shelter, sympathy, great friends, brilliant ideas, chicks to occupy, cherish those emotions, strength, goodness ... Ale smut, so that I will need some fines in You, there will always be those that You need.

I believe that with the skin gathering, another dream was conceived by You. And let the stock of bazhan be unskinned, but for the skin of them - we will remember.

The sages have long ago said that once a new era will come, in a way the world will slowly change to a better one, and let everything become more than one day, but this world of obov "will come brightly! You know, I believe it ... such a person who carries goodness and love in himself, and on your National Day, I wish you a bright happiness!

Let your life be like a fairy tale, rosy with all the colors of the oars: red - all your eternal cohoney, orange - the warmth of friendly stosunkivs, yellow - a bright sun, green - calm and peace in the soul, blaky - pure bezkhmarne sky, blue - true honesty, and if you relax sometimes, then let the hour at the hour for you everything will be purple.

Greetings on the people's day at the prose

Today is your happy day - National Day! Look around: friends, flowers, music, malt! I thank You, not only today, but always, I entrusted the buli vern, loving friends to You! So that not only this year, but the day of your skin, your eyes were delighted with charms, and your soul was filled with the sounds of beautiful music! Let your life be so sweet, like your birthday cake! Healthy "I am Tobі, merry, life successes and victories, good friends and good friends! In the name of the saint!

Friendly! I sing to you on this sweet day - Happy National Day! Let Your life be like candy, which is marvelous and overflowing with various barves. I give mother energy for new animals. Hay friends will always be instructed: to help the twisted quivering and to be happy together with you in the light of happiness. Be happy!

Happy National Day! Let life be like a fairy tale, I will spovnenu miracles and magic. Let yourself be blessed with happy moments and moments, don’t let it be in a new way and bide, but only peace and goodness. Let Your eyes always burn with bright sparks of happiness and love, and over your head, let the sun shine brightly and we will clean the sky.

Speak one word to one word and good luck can be a skin day, but on National Day, a skin word can be especially important and great, they have a special, enchanting power - the stench may be powerful! So let our blessings come true for you - be happy, successful, be on the right side and be loved by the best people!

I live with this miraculous bright day - Happy National Day! I believe that life was filled with happiness and love.

Happy National Day leaflets

Welcoming with the people's day at the virshas of the Ukrainian my

I'm happy people's day
That duzhe I swear
Health, happiness and spring,
Nathnennya, peace and patience.

Kokhannya, calm down, hope,
Shobi zbulisya your dreams,
And also prosperity and warmth,
Well-being and good.

Hai do not write the letter at your doorstep,
Hai every now and then, I’m healthy,
On this holy day I see the soul
I swear by everything.
At the skin right, high to be happy,
V_k generous, like viburnum sucvіtya,
Live with the good.
I love the sight of the sun - gold, the sight of people - goodness,
Among friends - fidelity, among relatives - love and tenderness.
High sun grant you affection and warmth,
And the lower smile osyaє cholo.
High grief to bypass the side,
And good luck to come and fly like a river.
Hai share the gift of litas and litas,
And in the heart, long live kindness.

Happy National Day leaflets

Life hai grant miraculous moments,
Bright emotions, garni presentations
І friends of the best, with some nadiyno,
I’ll find a person, with some kind of peace.

I wish to know that I am in love with the right,
Hi robot will be fun for you.
Write your problems on "one-two",
So that your head doesn't boil.

I wish prosperity, for "caviar with oil".
I’m healthy, I’m healthy, I’m not healthy.
I still encourage you to stay:
May your skin wound be happy!

Take in the soul of our wide air,
May all your plans and plans come true!
Life hai grant miraculous present,
Bright emotions, happy moments.
Schob famously didn’t know the way to hati,
And the share gave you joy forever!

You have a birthday today,
Until I don't give tickets,
I won't fold the shelter
From beaten and barbarous words.
Ale, I'll take it in the arms of the dawn,
I'll take pearls of svitankiv,
I will scoop up the emeralds of the sea
I will give you everything.
I'll weave you holy
I orchestra will call the nightingales,
At the share I will ask you for happiness
I love unskinned!

Today is a special day for you -
Your national day, wonderful and clear!
Let the wine be happy, happy,
Like a warm plank, summer and bright!

I wish the sea of ​​happiness, the sea of ​​flowers
І zdіysnennya of all commandments of dreams.
I wish peace in the house, peace in the world
And peace in your soul!

Happy people's day in your own words

Rocks fly, seagulls move over the water,
And at once with them the share is not easy.
And you forever lose your youth,
Live with happiness and joy up to a hundred.
I thank you for the radio svitankiv!
Happy, romantic evenings!
Kazkovih lower dreams
And wide, warm and open words!

Let the hairs bloom beautiful,
Let's take off thousands of bugs,
Sob the share bestowed only happiness,
No grama bid, no bits of suffering.
Life high kvitne, mov cherry orchard,
І skin day smiled radii,
And the share will give zorepad
Healthy "I, the world, success in hope
The smile of the deep, like the bottom of the ocean,
Y mіtsnogo kokhannya - without mezh i deceit.

Do not cover the sky with gloom,
It’s so transparent to say the roshi,
And already on the left hand - summer,
And rightfully so - autumn.
More eyes didn’t bother,
Yet the heart of life was not tired,
And already on the left hand - youth,
And rightfully so - maturity.
And the hour to fly was far away
And the soul is not young,
On the left hand - all sorrows,
By right hand - all over.
Life does not die with litas,
And good luck - that's an important science,
Hai, be happy with you,
On the left and right hand.

Your anniversary is a happy date.
And there is no doubt here.
Let's go to our hospitals today
To fill your heart with a good note.
Please take the best care
Health, happiness, that rich lit.
All the kindness that is in the world,
All the joy that you live among people,
The best everything that is like a good
We grant you this holy day.
God forbid, let me help you,
And Mother of God take care of evil.
We wish you good health, happy strength,
Earthly joys and warmth.

Happy National Day leaflets

Funny greetings with Ukrainian people's day

When I drink a cup of tea,
I'll sip on you.
I graft with the saint broadly,
I’m so lucky to say:
A lot of rock and a lot of pennies,
Bring guests a lot in your hut,
Health, sob was enough for a long time to live,
And reshtu - for bazhannyam, buy more!

Let's bless us good luck
And happy share,
Two dachas in the Canary Islands
Enough pennies.
Sob in life could get well
Almighty burn,
І shob time at rіk lіtala
On the Chervona Sea.

This day is less for You
Laugh the sun from the sky,
I smell nice
Yogo with warmth,
I woodpecker welcome
Sounded on the light,
І teddy bear
I smiled at the ear,
And the cat looks like
You are good.

On the day of the people - grafting from the prose and from the verses

We keep you holy,
Lantuh joy bazhaєm!
Be smart and agile,
In the Cossack motor style,
With bread generous on the table,
With a kind word from the soul!

Happy National Day!
Happiness, joy bazhaєm!
Be cheerful little bird
Pratsovita, like a goosebump,
Start spinning the bjilka,
Yak blizzard do not scold!
Be penetrating, like a bear,
And the gut is alive,
Be as cute as a baby
Like a long-lived crow,
Like that peahen be removed,
Like a lebidka, be a kokhana!

Short sms-welcome with Ukrainian people's day

Hai plive happily your life choven,
I pass easily, take care of the steep,
I love will be hi vin zavzhdi poven -
That is the worst thing in human life.

Bazhayu without giniv and rib zolotih
Take care of everything that your mind has.
Without good fairy chi evil troll
Know your prince or king!

Beautiful wedding day with Ukrainian people's day

This day may be a magical trip,
Today is Your National Day.
I believe that the sun was warming to you,
People gave you a smile,
Nature is healthy "I have in store for you,
And the last woman brought a lucky bear!

Life hai be more holy:
Vitannya, friends and songs!
Happiness and joy rich
Bring the coming bright days!

Shchab proliskom lower life Your life,
In the spring, kindness buoyed the soul.
Love, goodness Tobi, clear sky
I just human warmth!

I thank the radio svitankiv,
Happy and fun days!
I ask for tickets, orders
I warm warm evenings!

Let your life be good to you,
Rozluk will not be, grief that failure.
Hai rozkvita young soul
Good luck, good luck, good luck!

Greetings on the day of the people at the top and prose of the Ukrainian language

From the blessing of the urochist podії -
Trojans, smiles, kisses, welcome!
Let yourself be inspired by the most merciful dreams
I schirih friends garni pobazhannya!

Happy National Day! Leaflets that welcome you with your people's day in your own words, which at the top of your head reaffirm your love, so be original! Instead of banal hospitality, in one word you can familiarize yourself with our selection of verses and prose, you will definitely know what you need for yourself.

Short SMS, verse and prose, hot and serious - you will find all the points on the people's day in the material! People's Day to love the mustache - and children, and grown up, also, it is a blessing to be able to come to skin people. In the case of friends, you can allow yourself a more hot form, and from the shelters for colleagues - varto buti streaming.

Welcome to the people's day at the prose

Happy National Day! I wish you good health, success, kindness, kindness, joy, love, happiness, good mood, laughter, anger. - But you think about it.

Our life is like a great river. I pray that your body can easily pass the thresholds of difficult places, do not waste your time at the whirlwind of the kohanny and add the shoes to the waterfall of happiness. Today, your eyes are shining, a smile is beautiful on your lips, and again it looks like the love of loved ones. Hai so be sure, and not less on National Day.

Beautiful greetings on the people's day at the prose

Happy National Day! Always accept good people, but such a wonderful person, like Ty, is the second receptionist. I sincerely hope that you will always have plenty of everything: laughter, sleepy days, distant situations, success, suffocation, love, shelter, sympathy, great friends, brilliant ideas, chicks to occupy, cherish those emotions, strength, goodness ... Ale smut, so that I will need some fines in You, there will always be those that You need.

I believe that with the skin gathering, another dream was conceived by You. And let the stock of bazhan be unskinned, but for the skin of them - we will remember.

The sages have long ago said that once a new era will come, in a way the world will slowly change to a better one, and let everything become more than one day, but this world of obov "will come brightly! You know, I believe it ... such a person who carries goodness and love in himself, and on your National Day, I wish you a bright happiness!

Let your life be like a fairy tale, rosy with all the colors of the oars: red - all your eternal cohoney, orange - the warmth of friendly stosunkivs, yellow - a bright sun, green - calm and peace in the soul, blaky - pure bezkhmarne sky, blue - true honesty, and if you relax sometimes, then let the hour at the hour for you everything will be purple.

Greetings on the people's day at the prose

Today is your happy day - National Day! Look around: friends, flowers, music, malt! I thank You, not only today, but always, I entrusted the buli vern, loving friends to You! So that not only this year, but the day of your skin, your eyes were delighted with charms, and your soul was filled with the sounds of beautiful music! Let your life be so sweet, like your birthday cake! Healthy "I am Tobі, merry, life successes and victories, good friends and good friends! In the name of the saint!

Friendly! I sing to you on this sweet day - Happy National Day! Let Your life be like candy, which is marvelous and overflowing with various barves. I give mother energy for new animals. Hay friends will always be instructed: to help the twisted quivering and to be happy together with you in the light of happiness. Be happy!

Happy National Day! Let life be like a fairy tale, I will spovnenu miracles and magic. Let yourself be blessed with happy moments and moments, don’t let it be in a new way and bide, but only peace and goodness. Let Your eyes always burn with bright sparks of happiness and love, and over your head, let the sun shine brightly and we will clean the sky.

Speak one word to one word and good luck can be a skin day, but on National Day, a skin word can be especially important and great, they have a special, enchanting power - the stench may be powerful! So let our blessings come true for you - be happy, successful, be on the right side and be loved by the best people!

I live with this miraculous bright day - Happy National Day! I believe that life was filled with happiness and love.

Happy National Day leaflets

Welcoming with the people's day at the virshas of the Ukrainian my

I'm happy people's day
That duzhe I swear
Health, happiness and spring,
Nathnennya, peace and patience.

Kokhannya, calm down, hope,
Shobi zbulisya your dreams,
And also prosperity and warmth,
Well-being and good.

Hai do not write the letter at your doorstep,
Hai every now and then, I’m healthy,
On this holy day I see the soul
I swear by everything.
At the skin right, high to be happy,
V_k generous, like viburnum sucvіtya,
Live with the good.
I love the sight of the sun - gold, the sight of people - goodness,
Among friends - fidelity, among relatives - love and tenderness.
High sun grant you affection and warmth,
And the lower smile osyaє cholo.
High grief to bypass the side,
And good luck to come and fly like a river.
Hai share the gift of litas and litas,
And in the heart, long live kindness.

Happy National Day leaflets

Life hai grant miraculous moments,
Bright emotions, garni presentations
І friends of the best, with some nadiyno,
I’ll find a person, with some kind of peace.

I wish to know that I am in love with the right,
Hi robot will be fun for you.
Write your problems on "one-two",
So that your head doesn't boil.

I wish prosperity, for "caviar with oil".
I’m healthy, I’m healthy, I’m not healthy.
I still encourage you to stay:
May your skin wound be happy!

Take in the soul of our wide air,
May all your plans and plans come true!
Life hai grant miraculous present,
Bright emotions, happy moments.
Schob famously didn’t know the way to hati,
And the share gave you joy forever!

You have a birthday today,
Until I don't give tickets,
I won't fold the shelter
From beaten and barbarous words.
Ale, I'll take it in the arms of the dawn,
I'll take pearls of svitankiv,
I will scoop up the emeralds of the sea
I will give you everything.
I'll weave you holy
I orchestra will call the nightingales,
At the share I will ask you for happiness
I love unskinned!

Today is a special day for you -
Your national day, wonderful and clear!
Let the wine be happy, happy,
Like a warm plank, summer and bright!

I wish the sea of ​​happiness, the sea of ​​flowers
І zdіysnennya of all commandments of dreams.
I wish peace in the house, peace in the world
And peace in your soul!

Happy people's day in your own words

Rocks fly, seagulls move over the water,
And at once with them the share is not easy.
And you forever lose your youth,
Live with happiness and joy up to a hundred.
I thank you for the radio svitankiv!
Happy, romantic evenings!
Kazkovih lower dreams
And wide, warm and open words!

Let the hairs bloom beautiful,
Let's take off thousands of bugs,
Sob the share bestowed only happiness,
No grama bid, no bits of suffering.
Life high kvitne, mov cherry orchard,
І skin day smiled radii,
And the share will give zorepad
Healthy "I, the world, success in hope
The smile of the deep, like the bottom of the ocean,
Y mіtsnogo kokhannya - without mezh i deceit.

Do not cover the sky with gloom,
It’s so transparent to say the roshi,
And already on the left hand - summer,
And rightfully so - autumn.
More eyes didn’t bother,
Yet the heart of life was not tired,
And already on the left hand - youth,
And rightfully so - maturity.
And the hour to fly was far away
And the soul is not young,
On the left hand - all sorrows,
By right hand - all over.
Life does not die with litas,
And good luck - that's an important science,
Hai, be happy with you,
On the left and right hand.

Your anniversary is a happy date.
And there is no doubt here.
Let's go to our hospitals today
To fill your heart with a good note.
Please take the best care
Health, happiness, that rich lit.
All the kindness that is in the world,
All the joy that you live among people,
The best everything that is like a good
We grant you this holy day.
God forbid, let me help you,
And Mother of God take care of evil.
We wish you good health, happy strength,
Earthly joys and warmth.

Happy National Day leaflets

Funny greetings with Ukrainian people's day

When I drink a cup of tea,
I'll sip on you.
I graft with the saint broadly,
I’m so lucky to say:
A lot of rock and a lot of pennies,
Bring guests a lot in your hut,
Health, sob was enough for a long time to live,
And reshtu - for bazhannyam, buy more!

Let's bless us good luck
And happy share,
Two dachas in the Canary Islands
Enough pennies.
Sob in life could get well
Almighty burn,
І shob time at rіk lіtala
On the Chervona Sea.

This day is less for You
Laugh the sun from the sky,
I smell nice
Yogo with warmth,
I woodpecker welcome
Sounded on the light,
І teddy bear
I smiled at the ear,
And the cat looks like
You are good.

On the day of the people - grafting from the prose and from the verses

We keep you holy,
Lantuh joy bazhaєm!
Be smart and agile,
In the Cossack motor style,
With bread generous on the table,
With a kind word from the soul!

Happy National Day!
Happiness, joy bazhaєm!
Be cheerful little bird
Pratsovita, like a goosebump,
Start spinning the bjilka,
Yak blizzard do not scold!
Be penetrating, like a bear,
And the gut is alive,
Be as cute as a baby
Like a long-lived crow,
Like that peahen be removed,
Like a lebidka, be a kokhana!

Short sms-welcome with Ukrainian people's day

Hai plive happily your life choven,
I pass easily, take care of the steep,
I love will be hi vin zavzhdi poven -
That is the worst thing in human life.

Bazhayu without giniv and rib zolotih
Take care of everything that your mind has.
Without good fairy chi evil troll
Know your prince or king!

Beautiful wedding day with Ukrainian people's day

This day may be a magical trip,
Today is Your National Day.
I believe that the sun was warming to you,
People gave you a smile,
Nature is healthy "I have in store for you,
And the last woman brought a lucky bear!

Life hai be more holy:
Vitannya, friends and songs!
Happiness and joy rich
Bring the coming bright days!

Shchab proliskom lower life Your life,
In the spring, kindness buoyed the soul.
Love, goodness Tobi, clear sky
I just human warmth!

I thank the radio svitankiv,
Happy and fun days!
I ask for tickets, orders
I warm warm evenings!

Let your life be good to you,
Rozluk will not be, grief that failure.
Hai rozkvita young soul
Good luck, good luck, good luck!

Greetings on the day of the people at the top and prose of the Ukrainian language

From the blessing of the urochist podії -
Trojans, smiles, kisses, welcome!
Let yourself be inspired by the most merciful dreams
I schirih friends garni pobazhannya!

On the occasion of the people's day, the most dear people always create special moods for the birthday man. Do not forget about your loved ones and grant them joy at once with Lux FM.

On National Day, a person receives an impersonal welcome. The one that sinks into your soul the most, what is said from the heart, in your own words, is dedicated to the specialness of the birthday man.

We suggest you the best words for the best welcome on the people's day. Qi texts, with which you can express all the love, turbot and love, you can say especially or help to remember.

Create a special atmosphere for your relatives and friends on your day, even if your emotions are richer for all gifts.

Happy people's day - welcome in your own words

Welcoming with the people's day in your own words Ukrainian my

I am happy with the day of the wedding and I pray that you lived licorice and garno. Let wings grow behind your back, as if they will lift you up to heaven, let good fortune and fortune be with you.


On this miraculous day, from the bottom of my heart, I want to indulge you in consecration of all bazhan. Let all the dreams come true! Let success, joy and inspiration become constant companions. Let your head spin only when it's too choked, energy and happiness. I believe that you will forever be ostracized by the radiance and wide laughter of your relatives.


I live on the day of the people and I wish you to take only a positive view of life, but all the more dashingly ominate you by the side. Raise the price, reach your goals and embrace your dreams! You've got everything, I know!


I wish you Happy National Day! I would like to indulge you more and more bright emotions and unforgettable hostility. Sob got confused in the head in the form of love, and the earth went out of the blue into happiness. So that the words of your loved ones and relatives always warmed to you, so that the shadow of roses did not touch your heart. More of you in life smiles and positive. Live, mriy, love, shine, enjoy, marvel.


I give you a bunch of pennies, a sea of ​​love and a lot of time, so that we can enjoy ourselves!


It’s your national day, I love the Christmas atmosphere in everything: in the heart, in the smiles of friends, at the table. Let the wide winds warm your soul and bring an abundance of positive feelings. And in life, high you don’t miss optimism, faith in miracles, shameless happiness, luck and, undoubtedly, love.


Happy people's day! All day long, you will become the first gathering on the path until new beginnings and conclusions from your life. I believe that I entrusted you with the blessings of dbayli and wide friends, luck did not forget to look at you as often as possible, and as soon as it rained over your head, it was only a penny.


I believe that if there weren’t any favors, if there weren’t any great stench, in the presence of your enemies ... and the mustache was angry, to name the least, in the sight of your friends!


Welcoming with the people's day in your own words by my Russian

Happy Birthday! I wish you a wonderful life, and may there always be wonderful events at every turn. I wish you a lot of reasons for joy and good health! May every morning be happy and sunny.


Happy Birthday! I wish you fun, a taste for life, pleasant little things, bright moments, fulfillment of desires, success in business and undertakings, good luck in everything. May your mood be serene and sunny on this day, like a warm spring day! And problems and troubles will forever leave the path of life ... And in honor of the bright holiday, let your innermost desire come true. Happiness, love and understanding with loved ones.


On your birthday, it is customary to wish what all people on the planet dream of. Everyone wants to be healthy – and from the bottom of my heart I wish you good health for many years to come. Everyone wants to be loved - and I wish you with all my heart to be loved. Everyone wants happiness and joy - and I always want to see you joyful, warmed by love, with a happy gleam in your eyes!


I congratulate you on your birthday! May any day of your life be filled with positivity and optimism, interesting ideas and pleasant meetings. May your health never let you down and give you a cheerful mood. Let good luck and success be your constant companions, and let any few difficulties be easily overcome. Happiness, luck on your birthday!


Let life become a long journey full of adventures and discoveries, every day promises a holiday, and the night - a fairy tale!


I wish you to shine with joy, the fulfillment of cherished desires and interesting undertakings. Huge happiness and a lot of positive emotions.


Today your eyes are shining, there is a beautiful smile on your lips, and the air is saturated with the love of loved ones, may it always be so, and not just on your birthday.


Happy Birthday. Let there be mood swings from good to excellent, let there be streaks of luck and incredible luck in life!

* * *
Yakby far away, remember two dawns,
Veselki obv "yazati overweight,
Todi b chantly gifts qi
Today they brought you as a present.
Ale according to our human weakness
Meni, unfortunately, do not go so far,
I thank that generously, from the soul
Kokhannya eternal, healthy "I'm happy!

* * *
We don’t feed on skils of rock
Hai zozulya rahuє in gaya,
Mi іz timi litami vitaєm,
What knocked on your soul.
We pray that people sound good luck,
Hai smile not to leave your face,
Hail your life, I will sing,
And there will be no ending.

* * *
Do not cover the sky with clouds
More so transparently say roshi
And already on the left hand - leto
And by right hand - autumn
More eyes didn’t bother
Yet the heart of life is not tired
And already on the left hand - youth
And rightfully so - maturity
And the hour to fly was far away
And the soul of dumb people and youth
On the lion's hand all sorrows
By right hand all over
Life does not die with litas,
Bo life is an important science ...
Hai be happy with you
By left and by right hand!

* * *
Let love unfailingly shine,
Hai share radio spiva,
For you, the best tickets
I found words.
We wish you a life to live
No tears, no grief, no beat.
Come on, we'll be happy
Today, tomorrow and forever!

* * *
The leaves are circling around the tank,
Trees, start in the half-light "ї, burn.
On the whole day your friends and relatives were chosen
Іz your saint generously instill.
I bazhayu you, shchob bestowed a share
In the autumn sun the spring is warm,
Sob your young soul was sleeping,
And there was no time for sadness.
Hail your heart forever be generous
I widely criticize for people,
Hai youthful strength to rebuild the chest,
Give us free and new ideas.
I thank you for the skin repair
It was successfully inserted into life,
Let the human povaga i vyznannya
Krokuyut entrusted to you in my future.
Love to you and blessings in the homeland,
Do not know grief, turmoil and bidi,
Hai come generously to you
From the sun and the wind, from the dew and water.

* * *
Let's get along smartly: on the robot, in the homeland,
So that the radio mood in the heart does not go out,
Everything is light and garne that people need,
Do not hesitate to come to you!
Hai be happy to come and fly with luck,
High grief to bypass the side,
Hai share grant you dovgi lita,
And in the heart, long live kindness!

* * *
Hay with the breath of the cold winter,
Come happy, knocking at the end,
Thy smut at the end of the day,
Bring you zіgrіє, nache sun,
Hai give a smile and warmth,
Let's sparkle with true love,
І hi sing: What would there be no booze
I'm in order, I'm in order with You!

* * *
Hai roads creep crilato,
Be clean, equal, like a string,
Hai good do not omit the hut,
How do not remember the color of spring
Hai health, joy and prosperity
Creep, dumb cherry blossom,

The Lord grants a hundred years.

* * *
Let it be with you
Cheerful smіkh and lower look.
A good friend and the song is quiet,
What breaks the tightness and famously.
Eyes kohanih two lakes,
Restless thoughts of your heart.
Hai omine bad luck to you,
Live and dream, I wish you happiness!

* * *
Hai skin day is clear by the sky,
Svitanki shine, buy in dew,
At the heart is the joy of the rose of sparks,
І mrії high zbuvayutsya moustache.
Hai your youth for a long time,
A smile is on your lips,
I'm only good, radiant, friendly,
You are changing the way in life!
Happy people's day!

* * *
Let the future come to the unknown,
Entangled with sharpness and fear,
Ale ti svіy choose svіdomo,
I was inspired to go forward with this path.
In life, you bazhaєm won,
In the kohanna, at the car "єrі, above yourself ...
Do not know the bіd, аnі heavy thoughts,
I remember "yatati zavzhdi - we are with you!

* * *
Today's day is a special day!
And if a handful of wines come,
the heart is better than the song,
light, the sound of melodies is being created.
High n_koli in your eyes
pure and bright joy does not go out,
so that there was no grief in dreams!
Hai the Lord is healthy, "I send.
Mother God bless
hai the Savior will be all with you.
Hai in the life of your skin
bestow with the caress of the holy ...
Take care of the pain and beat,
send happiness and a share of the world,
so that life is more beautiful forever
the lower trojan was broken...
(Kavinska N.M.)

* * *
Let Lita not become a loader,
Let your soul not go out of the sky,
High rise to the edge day by day
Goodness and happiness of gold are crying.
Let life go naked
Dozens of years more dream, create,
So we could all our lives
Live in a healthy and joyful way!

* * *
Let the sun not go out for you,
Come on, don't get cold in your soul.
Hai life on the table and God in heaven,
You will always be reprimanded in the water.

* * *
Sob your heart warmed up,
So that in the soul, goodness sank,
Beauty and naked, healthy without a face
I long, long generous century.

* * *
Kvіtіv i dolі, happy happy,
Wider vdachi, lower backs.
Lower kokhannya, lighter light,
Mriy clean I will play you I bazha.

* * *
In life, high moon only warm words,
And the heart never weeps in pain.
I spin your head merrily
Less than love, good luck!

* * *
Let life be good to you,
Rozluk will not be, grief that failure.
Hai rozkvita young soul
Good luck, good luck, good luck!

* * *
Hai in the spring with apple blossoms,
Half "pits from yaskravih kvitiv - in summer,
Autumn with crimson leaf fall,
And in winter with quiet snowfall
To fly into your hands!

* * *
Let the hairs bloom beautiful,
Let's take off thousands of bugs,
Sob the share bestowed only happiness,
No drops, no regrets, no suffering.
Life high kvitne, mov cherry orchard,
І skin day smiled radii,
And the share will give zorepad
Healthy "I, the world, success and hope

* * *

Forget the commandments of the world.

* * *
Bazhaemo peace and light share,
Fuse, energy, strength satisfied.
Creative fire, break and naked,
Generosity of the heart, human povova.
On the long stitches of your field
Be healthy and happy!

* * *
Hai is healthy "I, joy and prosperity,
Siplya, mute cherry blossom,
Hai a small share of weekdays is sacred,
I give you rich litas!

* * *
Hai joy to come to your house,
Rose of indignation, anxiety and that,
Let us live with strength and health
Many more years! Happy share!

* * *
Unforgettable hostility, happy podіy,
Thoughtful thoughts, instilled dreams!
Hai with a beautiful color way of life brightening,
The promises of dreams are being kept alive.
Hai burn in the heart a little high,
And the share gives more happiness to the fates.

* * *
On this day dear to the heart,
We wish you a ticket and a song!
View of friends wide shelters,
Vid zirok - zdijsnennya bazhan!
View of the sun - light and heat,
Schob share a generous bula!
I do not spin the face of the hour,
Let's bless the whole old age!

* * *
Let your eyes shine with happiness,
People are kind to you, chime in.
Hai love will be wide until old age,
I wish you only a few joys!

* * *
Like a fire, start burning,
Don't get old, don't get sick,
Live long and happily
Turboless and beautiful.

* * *
Hai skin day give joy
Let the sun shine on you forever,
Rocks don't age you,
І do not bring in dim bidi.

* * *
Happy share
Let everything be satisfied!
The smile of the deep, like the bottom of the ocean.
Great happiness, without evil that deceit.
І regardless of the weather
Let the panuє in the house of good.
I wish more souls
Love, calm and peace.

* * *
I want to indulge in everything, write a sea of ​​​​phrases,
Hug mіtsno-mіtsno and congratulations again!!!

* * *
Come on from the threshold
Get on the easy road.
Hai life as a periwinkle in "yes,
Share schiro smile!

* * *
Happy People's Day
І bazhaєm on dovgі lita:
Be like that, as we know you
Low, sweet and dear to everyone.
Hai and happiness, and sun glass,
Rush your chauvin to that land,
De Panue is only joy, strength,
Dezbuvayutsya Thy mri.

* * *
Hail your happiness, it's merry,
І hi lunaє skrіz friendly word,
God bless your share
I save you from separation and pain.
Prosperity, happiness, joy and love,
Your homeland in good health!

Welcome mom

* * *
Bouquet of the best pobazhan
It’s impossible for you, mommy love!
Up to 100 live without horuvan
I great-grandchildren to lead to the school!
So that the cold does not creep into the soul,
Sob in the heart of troubles do not come,
I sob no one guessed,
Yakim Rik is already pishov to you.

* * *
Lita vіdlіtayut with leleks in virіy,
At the distance without edge - for obriy to fly,
And to you, dear mother, in the field of life
Today the family is already 60 (70, 80...).
Low uklin to you in the form of children and onucivs,
Healthy "I mіtsnogo z dew and drive,
Give me your laboring hands
Warmth and love are given to us forever.
Thank you mother for sleepless nights,
Thank you, dear, for those that you,
Let the Lord grant you health "I
Nanagi and strength give a day.

* * *
Low to your nig, mom, I'll be shy,
We are in the eternal borg in front of you, mother.
We are working wide by the hands,
For dear, affectionate, turbotlivі eyes,
For the soul I will welcome and more heartily,
For those who are the best in the world of Vi, a little.
Healthy "I'm sorry, honey,
We wish you to be healthy and happy.
Live, matus sche rokiv up to a hundred,
For the world, dear, without you - an orphan.

* * *
On your day, Matusya, anniversary,
We are together with you with you.
Healthy and happy zichimo you generously,
So that your heart, Mamo, did not hurt,
Let's get back to you
With goodness, love, calmness and peace !!!

* * *
God, our Father is one, save our mother,
Hold the skin of the year in your hands.
Grant її healthy "pits, in confusion, calm down,
Bless all life in a difficult work.

* * *
Old look, lower hands -
Mother's is holy!
National Day today!
I'm sleeping with you!
Even though I'm still small,
I go to school
Those who are holy in Nenko,
Don't forget none!
I'll give you a ticket
I will hug you!
My dear, my mother's love,
Holy crap, dear!

Welcome to tatov

* * *
You are today, dear, fifty.
Іz vdyachnistyu mi want vіtati
To you for the wisdom of Batkiv's joys,
For vminnya, help everyone,
For the butt of a man and a sim'yanin
I for the mighty hands of gold.
Let the Lord bless you,
May I be healthy and bestow all the saints.

* * *
Our loving father, best of the world,
With you, we are quiet and light,
Ty garniy lord and tato miracle,
Give turbota and a sea of ​​love.
Thank you for your kindness, for your hands,
What vmієsh pіdtremati in word and deed,
With you at the house, it’s so rich.
Live for us for the sake of happiness in that world,
Hai merciful God from the high sky
Grant everything that you need, tattoo, need,
And Mother of God - the queen is holy -
Grant happy and long life!

* * *
Tata's National Day
Tse zavzhd for me is sacred,
Steel nakrila tablecloth,
The motherland was picked up
Please, tata,
Spread the joy of the holy.
And the first I fly,
Happiness, I wish joy,
Sob is healthy "I and prosperity,
They arrived at our house.
So that we had fun
Everything was planned.
