Homemade comforter. How and from what to make a balaclava or terror jacket? Automatic construction of a balaclava pattern

Hello everyone, winter is in the yard, the motorcycle is in the garage. There is time to store nishtyaks for the summer.

I was lucky, I myself am not a boom-boom in sewing, but my friend has a very good command of the skills, which is why she works in a repair and tailoring atelier. This is very important, since there is access to good and specialized machines that can do:
A) Flat seam, and in our case it is important.
B) Overlock, here it already depends on the material and did not participate in our project. It is needed to trim the edges from the bottom if the fabric itself unravels.

But first, the backstory of everything. We sat in the evening discussing future plans for the summer and remembered that in addition to updating the helmets, it was not bad to replace the old balaclavas. It came down to the fact that Natalya said: "You can make a simple product yourself, there is fabric." I replied that I would find a pattern to my taste.

The next day, I went online to look for patterns and didn’t find anything interesting, and the idea to make it to my taste already occupied all my imagination. Well, still, you can choose everything: both the color of the fabric and the color of the threads. In the end, the pattern was drawn by ourselves. Dimension L or something between L and M

For you, my friends, I scanned and cut it so that it would be convenient to print it on a regular A4 printer at home and glue it together. The archive also contains the original scan.
The link is relevant in the description of the video on YouTube or here is my pattern

I didn’t shoot the sewing process in detail on video, I think it’s redundant and boring. A beginner will not bother, but for the “pro” everything is clear from the photo.

As you already understood, there are only three main parts in the balaclava: two sides and a center. Plus "edging" on the viewing window, it is sewn with a flat seam that stretches. This is necessary to remove the balaclava from the head, but without removing it from the neck. Well, they went to the store or just wear it in the parking lot for insulation.

The highlight of the project was personalized embroidery, such a small detail personally warms my soul.

About features of use and sensations. Tightly fits the head, can be worn as a scarf, the head crawls through the viewing window, but the photo is a balaclava with a reduced window, but the pattern is already normal. The second product was made for Natalia, everything is ok there! Here it is, already with a different color of the seam, kaef.

In the future, we will sew even from a lighter fabric for the summer. What is positioned on me as winter-spring.
In order to make it even better for you at the bike post, and to show it to your subscribers on YouTube, I made a short video.

You don’t want to buy, and you are thinking how to sew a balaclava with your own hands? Now we will look at several ways. This piece of motorcycle equipment performs many useful functions: hygiene, reduces clogging and greasing of the lining, makes it easier to put on a helmet. Due to the fulfillment of the above kind of problems of ATVs, there is a high demand for balaclavas. And the question of how to sew a balaclava with your own hands also does not go unnoticed, especially since the whole process will take no more than twenty minutes.

By tailoring, they are distinguished by the following types:

  • hats (the upper part of the head surface is closed);
  • one-piece, balaclavas say differently (the head is completely closed, only eye holes are present);
  • masks covering the bottom of the face (attached with Velcro at the back);
  • pipes (the whole neck and the face from below are closed).

In order not to sweat in winter and not to freeze, it is important

We are the first to analyze the options for how to sew a winter balaclava!

First, we select the material. It must comply with good ventilation and breathe (get rid of excess moisture). Wind resistance, providing wind protection, is important for winter conditions.

Preparatory stage:

So, we take measurements of the head. According to the finished approximate dimensions, we draw a stencil on cardboard, cut out the resulting figures from cardboard. We impose on the matter of your choice, circle (try to make a stroke more accurately), cutting out the components of the future balaclava directly. It should turn out approximately like in the picture.


The next step is to sew, making the cut parts together. After the production of the above measures, the work on tailoring criteria is completed. It remains in some places to correct the poor-quality seam and trim the protruding threads.

The second option to invent a winter balaclava will not be so economical, because it will lead to property damage, but you can use it urgently and in a sharp need. We take an ordinary modern sweatshirt with a hood, put it on with the reverse side, try on where the eyes will be, and make holes in the hood of the appropriate size. The balaclava is ready in a hurry.

In general, how to sew a winter balaclava, there are quite a few options, and making them is not at all difficult.

    And a balaclava or terror coat warms perfectly and is often used by both fishermen and people who work in the cold and at a construction site, they put them under a helmet.

    Now you can buy them in many stores. And you can do it yourself from different materials. For those who are engaged in knitting, it will be easy to crochet such a hat or knitting needles from suitable yarn for this.

    If it is difficult to find a pattern for knitting, then you can do it by eye, constantly trying on.

    You can make a terror from a cap with a lapel by cutting holes for the eyes, just like in this picture.

    Or here is another example of how you can perfectly make a terror out of a hat with a lapel.

    As I understand it, we are talking about a stocking with a slit for the eyes, which is put on the head either by special forces or terrorists.

    You can make these things from:

    • knit from acrylic yarn (because wool can prick the skin a lot, but the warmth in wool will be too much, if not winter.
    • look for a thick knit fabric.
  • I really respect people who have the talent of crazy hands. So you can sew a balaclava, you can knit it. And there is another option for the especially lazy, and maybe not particularly gifted. Take a hood from an old unnecessary thing, it would be better if it was knitted or fleece, sew it up and cut out the eyes, nose, mouth, in short, whatever you need. You can take and make a balaclava from an old hat, it will be a little more difficult from a knitted one. Try using a hood too.

    now there are no problems to find a balaclava in a store or on the market. It's also not hard to do it yourself. To do this, you just need to buy a hat with a large lapel, we pump the lapel around the neck and cut holes for the eyes and mouth, and that's it.

    These are such hats with a slit for the eyes and maybe even a mouth.

    As an idea, here they are.

    They are now sold in many stores. But you can also make them yourself.

    You can find a suitable thread color and knit or crochet. It seems to me that the fabric will not be the same.

    You can take an old hat and cut out a gala and a mouth in it.

    You can also take women's tights and also cut holes for the eyes.

    This word comes from the Ukrainian city of the same name in the Crimea - Balaklava. It was just during the Crimean War - in 1853. The frosts were once very big, so the British were given such knitted helmets designed specifically for such a war.

    Later they were already used by terrorists, special forces, ultras, and just climbers.

    The easiest option is to crochet with acrylic or cotton yarn. Knitted with knitting needles. but you need to know the number of loops and it is desirable to have a ready-made circuit. This thing is exotic and you most likely will not be able to find schemes for different sizes. And if you crochet, then you can try on every time or, simply speaking, knit by eye.

    This is more of a matter of taste though.

    You can also take a cheap double-walled hat, as a rule, it is a pipe folded in two. Cut off one end. cut out the eyes and mouth and the terror is ready.

    A similar thing was given out at work to workers who worked on the street in the North in Norilsk, my dad had one with a slit for the eyes so as not to freeze his nose and not be distracted during work when he started to pinch.

    He wore it under a helmet or a hat, so he had no idea that this piece of clothing had such a name, but when he saw it, he remembered.

    you can simply knit it with knitting needles, you can cut it out of the hat and overcast the edges so that they do not bloom.

    The hat should be as long as a stocking with a lapel.

    My husband loves winter fishing very much and so that his face does not freeze when enjoying the process, he took an old knitted hat that was long (he had to tuck it several times), cut holes in it for the eyes, and inserted an elastic band along the edge from below and it turned out terror, which perfectly warmed both the chin and face, but at the same time did not interfere with the collar (it did not twist). He did not make a cut for his mouth, because he is a teetotaler with me.)

    There are two ways. First do as in the photo. A few movements and a cool balaclava is ready or do as in the video below. But the first one is really awesome. No need to sew, because the jersey from which the terror is sewn must be processed on special equipment, and there are no fittings. I just took it and put it on.

    Watch the video of how the balaclava outline looks like. You need to take knitwear that stretches well, sew the halves or find a sleeve from a large black sweater and do it like in the video.

    It's easy and requires minimal effort. It is necessary to sew it like a pipe. Cut out the outline for the eyes, overcast and that's it, the balaclava is ready.

    I propose to watch the video How to make a balaclava with your own hands here:

    You can make a balaclava or terror from women's tights, from a hat, from a knitted scarf, from a piece of dense fabric.

    How to wear a balaclava ways here:

    A balaclava is a mask with small holes for the eyes and nose. It is also called Pasamontana.

    It is a popular balaclava or inner hat for skiers and snowboarders. Warms the face, as it protects from the oncoming wind. Balaclavas come in a variety of colors, lined and unlined. The option of fleece, membrane fabrics, windstopper is used in sports and tourism. Flame retardant balaclavas are used to protect the head from open flames. There are balaclavas for firefighters, tank crews, racing drivers. In a number of countries, such masks are worn by special forces soldiers during operations.

    Also, the balaclava can be easily worn like a regular knitted hat, while wrapping it several times.

    Balaklava (eng. Balaclava from the name of the city of Balaklava), or ski mask - a headdress (knitted hat, helmet) that covers the head, forehead and face, leaving a small slit for the eyes, mouth or for the oval of the face.

    In fact, it combines a hat and a stocking mask. Traditionally made from wool, now also from various types of synthetic knitwear.

  • As one of the options, you can knit a balaclava with your own hands. It is only desirable to know the size of the person to whom the balaclava is intended, so that it does not squeeze the head too much and fits. You can take any yarn for this business, even wool, even acrylic, even a mixture of wool and synthetics. If you knit a balaclava tightly, then 2 skeins of 100 grams will be enough.

    Terrorka can be made not only as many offer from ordinary hats, on which it is enough to make a cut of the right size and carefully stitch the edges of the cut. Another handy option is to take ordinary woolen tights, and then what is your imagination for.

    Another thing is whether, as in the days of the USSR, it is worth carrying all kinds of balaclavas, while now in stores in the free sale of any size and color.

Winter has come, and a couple of weeks ago we opened a new ski season. It was so cold that my whole face turned red. Especially on the mountain when you climb after the lift, the wind whistles, it blows you to the side. Not without a balaclava! It is necessary to sew. (If someone does not know, this is a balaclava, a "ski mask" that covers the face). By the way, mothers can sew a thin knitted hat for their babies, which is worn during frosts under a thick hat.
So, let me share my experience. I took my husband's balaclava and put it on the fabric chosen for sewing, which I folded 2 times.

I chose fleece. Moreover, the sides of the fleece have different properties. It is necessary to take the fleece in your hands and breathe through it - the side through which it is easier to breathe will be adjacent directly to the face. In my case, the fluffier side of the fleece will be on the "street" side. Fold the fabric in half so that the fold passes near the mouth. Moreover, the fabric should stretch in width, and not in height.
So, I circle the balaclava along the contour. Chances are you don't have another balaclava, so take your hat and trace it around the edges, using it as a pattern.

Cut out

We chip off with pins at the place of the future seam, sticking sewing pins perpendicular to the seam.

We select a stitch on a sewing machine for sewing elastic fabrics. On my machine it's like this

If you do not have such a line, sew with a regular zigzag. Do not stretch the fabric while sewing!
My boys perked up terribly when they found out that I was sewing a balaclava for myself, and asked me to sew them too (of course, not pink).

Here I am

I am not a supporter of the statement that “good equipment is easier to sew than to buy” - knowing personally people who sew good backpacks, tents, sleeping bags, I still prefer to pay money for a branded model, especially if it was recommended by a person whose opinion I trust. However, this does not apply to all items of tourist use. For example, any amateur can sew a comfortable fleece hat-scarf - and it will be more profitable than buying.
I say amateur, including myself. My training in sewing ended with the lessons of work in high school, where I was taught to fill the machine and sew aprons. I learned everything else by myself, alone, sometimes forgetting even about the possibilities of the Internet (when it appeared). So for you, these actions (provided with my moderately direct and accessible explanations) will not be difficult at all.

So, balaclava for the evening.
You will need - 30 cm of fabric (fleece, polar, winblock), sharp scissors, thread, tailor's pins (those with ears or colored heads, not English, closing), a sewing machine that can make a "zigzag" or a knitted seam. It is better, of course, if there is also an overlock (and if there is a cover-seam machine, this is generally gorgeous!).
Patterns are attached below. They can be printed "in full size" (using the numbers given in the drawings, but considering that the proportions of the picture may deviate), or they can be redrawn by hand on plain printer paper, gluing a couple of sheets with tape. As you can see, I do not fool around with professionalism, otherwise I would use graph paper. But the result is important to me.

The main thing is not to confuse the inside and outside of the fabric - for fleece-like materials this matters. Outward air should pass better than inside.
The width of the fleece roll ranges from 1.5 to 2 m, which means that you will get a long narrow strip for work. I usually save on seams and arrange pieces 1 and 3 so that the bottom edge of them coincides with the border of the fabric. These edges do not need processing.
Having cut out these three unpretentious details, I first process the bottom edge of the 2nd and the top edge of the 3rd. These are the edges of the “embrasure” into which your face will look out. I just tuck it 2 cm inward and stitch it with a zigzag seam (it is elastic and additionally acts as an overlay).
Then the stitches at the crown. If there is an overlock - everything is clear. I fold separately the 1st and 2nd parts vertically in half so that the inner sides of the wedges coincide (the outer ones will match automatically), I cut off with pins and sew. But you can do it more tricky - fold the fabric so that the sides are on top of each other with an overlap of about 0.5 cm, chop off in this way and stitch with a zigzag seam. The seam will turn out flat, reliable and a little more comfortable, but it will be visible from the outside.
Now - the final chord (we collect the balaclava). Put the 1st part with the outer side up. On it - the 3rd part, with the outer side down, making sure that the center and edges coincide. We chip with pins. By the way - if you do not sew regularly, then you may simply not know that it is more convenient to stick the pins perpendicular to the seam - this way they hold the fabric more securely. Then the 3rd part, also with the outer side down, is placed on the first two. Make sure the bottom edge matches up. We chip off. Once again, we check that what should eventually be outside the product should now be inside. And with one seam we collect all three parts. We take out the pins. Let's see if there are any gaps. We turn out - it's ready!
Spent: time - 1.5 - 2 hours (if you work very slowly). Money - 100 rubles (in Neol on Dubrovka, the thickest and most expensive fabric costs 300 rubles per meter, but we only needed 30 cm, threads, pins are not taken into account, since they will still be needed, and a spool of the simplest, but strongest threads costs 10 rubles).
You can touch (and even try on) the finished balaclava next Thursday (by the hour today) in the evening, before or after class at the BU school.
