Create a family tree. How to make a family tree with your own hands

Can do it on his own. By the way, for reference:

Many psychologists, according to professional observations, describe those who do not know their relatives and their family history as less confident in life and, as a rule, having greater internal problems. Knowing your pedigree certainly includes knowing the interpretation of your surname. Still, it doesn’t hurt to know in detail what is our personal identifier, what we hear every day and pass on to our children as an inheritance.

Do family tree families can help themselves in several ways. Of these, the most common are:

  1. The first way is to do it virtually, on a computer.
  2. The second is to make it in reality, from a variety of available materials.

We will describe both methods and start with the first.

Creation of a virtual family tree.

Options are also possible here. One of them is to turn to the many free and not so free sites and communities where you can register and create your tree with pleasure and using built-in tools. Some communities even offer the function of "crossing" different family trees of members in order to find relatives.

The second option is to create a family tree using an editor on a computer (Photoshop, Corel, Paint). For help, you can use the article “Computer collage”. And also the following sequence of actions:

  1. We go to the Internet and look for a suitable picture of a tree to accomplish the task. In a few days (weeks) you will find a lot different options, some of which will form the basis of your design creation.
  2. Next, we methodically prepare photographs of our relatives. In this case, it is advisable to limit yourself to direct ancestors and their spouses, otherwise you will have to look for a completely different picture of the tree.
  3. Then we place them along the tree using any graphics program where you enjoy working. You can add captions under the photos, even mark the place of birth or some historical events(for example, relocation and connection with a noble family).
  4. You can also draw a timeline along the side of the tree. This will very clearly show the development of the family against the background of history. You can also add your family coat of arms(if you have already acquired it), rare family photos, a short information about the history of the family, a link to your personal website on the Internet.

That is, with some imagination and a little time, you can make something beautiful. family tree on the computer. And then - if desired - print it on large sheet paper. But problems may arise with this, since professional printing requires large resolutions of drawings and photographs (300 pixels per inch), and if pictures and photographs are of lower resolution, then they may not look very beautiful when printed. Therefore in in this case, if you want to materialize a family tree, it is better to use the following sequence.

Creating a real family tree

In this case, you are doing nothing more than, so to improve the quality of your work, you can use the articles “Beautiful postcard in 5 minutes” and “Collage - how to make?”. Below is an example of creating a family tree from a piece of wallpaper, felt, photographs and patience. You will also need thick cardboard the size of the wallpaper, double-sided tape and glue.

The sequence of creating a real family tree is very simple:

  1. Draw the outlines of the tree (roots, trunk and branches) on felt with soap and cut it out.
  2. Cut a piece of 50 x 60 cm from the wallpaper. Glue the cut-out wallpaper onto the cardboard using glue or double-sided tape.
  3. Place felt wood on top and glue all thin parts with glue.
  4. Trim the excess protruding parts to fit the size of the base. Paint your photo frames spray paint, placing them in a box with high sides to protect the room from splashes.
  5. Place the half-finished collage in a frame. Glue green yarn (threads, felt) to the top of the tree to imitate foliage.
  6. Insert photos into frames. Place them in the middle of the collage. Place children's photographs at the top, and photographs of grandparents at the bottom. Glue all the frames to the family tree with glue.

Thus, preparing a family tree is very simple.

The question remains - what to fill the family tree with?

Well, the simplest option is three generations:

  • grandparents
  • moms and dads
  • and children.

But you can make it even cooler. You can delve a little into the archives (grandmother’s old photo albums) and conduct an interview (talk to your grandparents). Usually such a conversation makes it possible to go 4-5 generations deep.

And finally, we invite you to download a small presentation (fully automatic) about the family tree. The basic terms are explained simply and clearly (because for children) and the sequence of creating a family tree with source codes is given. Download presentation You can follow the link: family tree.

By the way, for reference:

  • Father-in-law is the father of the husband.
  • Mother-in-law is the husband's mother.
  • Father-in-law is the wife's father.
  • Mother-in-law is the mother of the wife.
  • Matchmaker is the father of one of the spouses in relation to the parents of the other spouse.
  • Matchmaker is the mother of one of the spouses in relation to the parents of the other spouse.
  • Brother-in-law is the husband's brother.
  • Sister-in-law is the husband's sister.
  • Brother-in-law - wife's brother.
  • Shurich (obsolete) - son of brother-in-law.
  • Sister-in-law is the wife's sister.
  • Godfather is the godfather in relation to the godson's parents and godmother.
  • Kuma is the godmother to the godson's parents and to the godfather.

For more detailed reference:

  1. Grandmother, grandmother - mother of father or mother, wife of grandfather.
  2. Brother - each of the sons of the same parents.
  3. Godbrother is the son of the godfather.rat of the cross, brother of the cross, named brother - persons who exchanged pectoral crosses.
  4. Bro, bro, bro, bro, bro - cousin.
  5. Bro - cousin's wife.
  6. Bratanna is her brother’s daughter, brother’s niece.
  7. Bratova - brother's wife.
  8. Brother - a relative in general, cousin or distant.
  9. Bratych is a brother's son, brother's nephew.
  10. A widow is a woman who has not entered into another marriage after the death of her husband.
  11. A widower is a man who did not marry after the death of his wife.
  12. Grandson - son of a daughter, son; and sons of a nephew or niece.
  13. Granddaughter, grandson - daughter of a son, daughter; as well as the daughter of a nephew or niece.
  14. Brother-in-law is the husband's brother.
  15. Grandfather is the father of the mother or father.
  16. The godfather is the father of the godfather.
  17. Dedina, grandfather - uncle's aunt.
  18. Dedich is the direct heir of his grandfather.
  19. A daughter is a female person in relation to her parents.
  20. The named daughter is an adopted child, a pupil.
  21. Dsherich is his aunt's nephew.
  22. Daughter's aunt's niece.
  23. Uncle - assigned to care and supervise the child.
  24. Uncle is the brother of father or mother.
  25. Wife - married woman in relation to her husband.
  26. The groom is the one who has betrothed his bride.
  27. Sister-in-law, sister-in-law, sister-in-law - husband’s sister, sometimes brother’s wife, daughter-in-law.
  28. Son-in-law is the husband of a daughter, sister, or sister-in-law.
  29. Godfather, godfather - see: Godfather, godmother.
  30. A mother is a female person in relation to her children.
  31. Godmother, mother of the cross, is the recipient of the baptismal ceremony.
  32. The named mother is the mother of the adopted child, the pupil.
  33. Dairy mother - mother, nurse.
  34. Mother planted - woman standing in for a wedding my own mother groom
  35. Stepmother is the father's other wife, stepmother.
  36. Husband - married man in relation to his wife.
  37. The daughter-in-law is the son's wife.
  38. A father is a male person in relation to his children.
  39. The godfather is the godfather at the font.
  40. The named father is the father of the adopted child, the pupil.
  41. The father is spoken to, the father is planted, the father is mummered - a person acting instead dear Father at the wedding.
  42. The father is the eldest in the generation.
  43. Stepfather is the mother's other husband, stepfather.
  44. Fatherlander, stepfather - son, heir.
  45. A stepdaughter is a daughter from another marriage in relation to a stepparent.
  46. Stepson is the step-son of one of the spouses.
  47. Nephew is the son of a brother or sister.
  48. Niece is the daughter of a brother or sister.
  49. Nephew - relative, relative.
  50. Progenitors are the first known pedigree couple from which the family originates.
  51. Grandfather - parent of great-great-grandfather, great-great-grandmother.
  52. An ancestor is the first known representative of the gens from which genealogy is traced.
  53. Matchmaker, matchmaker - parents of young people and their relatives in relation to each other.
  54. Father-in-law is the father of the husband.
  55. Mother-in-law is the husband's mother.
  56. Proprietor - a person who is a member of family relations by husband, wife.
  57. Brothers-in-law are persons married to two sisters.
  58. Cousins-in-law are persons married to cousins.
  59. The sister is the daughter of the same parents.
  60. Sister - cousin, daughter of mother's or father's sister.
  61. Sister, sister, sister - cousin.
  62. Sestrenich, sister - son of mother's or father's sister, sister's nephew.
  63. Daughter-in-law, son - son's wife, daughter-in-law.
  64. The wife of a brother-in-law, the wife of two brothers in relation to each other, the daughter-in-law.
  65. Spouse - husband.
  66. Spouse - wife.
  67. A son is a male person in relation to his parents.
  68. Godson (godson) is a male person in relation to the recipient.
  69. The named son is an adopted son, a pupil.
  70. Father-in-law is the wife's father.
  71. Aunt, aunt - sister of father or mother.
  72. Mother-in-law is the mother of the wife.
  73. Brother-in-law - brother wives.
  74. Grand-grand-grand-grand-grandchild - about a relationship originating from the third generation (also second cousin) or even further.
  75. Cousin - about kinship coming from the second generation.
  76. Blood - about kinship within the same family.
  77. Homogeneous - about descent from the same father.
  78. Monouterine - about descent from one mother.
  79. Full-born - about descent from the same parents.
  80. Pra is a prefix meaning kinship in distant ascending or descending order.
  81. Married - about descent from the same parents, but born before marriage and then recognized.
  82. Native - about descent from the same parents.
  83. Step-by-step - about descent from different parents.
  84. An adopted person is a male person in relation to the adoptive parents.
  85. Adopted is a female person in relation to her adoptive parents.

How the entire process of drawing up a pedigree will go depends on your desires and capabilities. The results will largely be the embodiment of your zeal, ability to establish contacts and “detective” thinking. In any case, all the information will be of great value not only for you, but also for all subsequent generations of your big family. It is so important to remember those who were, take care of those who are and think about those who will be.

Schematic representation family ties in the form of a conditional symbolic tree is the family tree of the family. The pedigree can be built in the form of a table or a tree.

Reasons for compilation family tree

One of the most important stages is motivation. There are many reasons that motivate people to create family trees. Let's look at some of them:

Compilation methods

First of all, you need to choose a compilation method. Constructions with finding various papers and folders with groupings of relatives are a thing of the past. Now on the Internet there are many other methods and specialized programs that help to compile data about relatives and present them in a pleasant form. Using various online services, you can collect data about relatives. Then creation family tree becomes simple. Such services have one drawback: the sites exist for approximately 5 years and there is a possibility of it disappearing from the Internet along with your data. There may be various reasons.

For more detailed work on the tree, it is more convenient to use programs, information and data from which you can archive, save, copy, process on any device and be independent of the Internet. There are paid and free programs.

One of these programs that received good feedback, is the “Tree of Life”, which reveals the technology of compiling family tree families.

Although in the free version this program has small limitations, it allows you to familiarize yourself with its actions: create a tree, calculate related degree, save information, videos, photos and other information about the lives of relatives. Install this program on your computer and start composing.

Program "Family Chronicle" will also help in compiling a family tree in the shape of a tree in a colorful way. There is also the possibility of saving photos and documents.

Do you want to create a pedigree in tabular, graphical form? Then the Geno Pro program will help you.

Step-by-step compilation

You need to create a family tree from yourself. Enter information about yourself and then about your closest relatives into the downloaded program. Photographs will help supplement the information provided.

Start organizing personal meetings with relatives, taking a voice recorder with you. A lot of information can be obtained through conversation. It is advisable to talk to each relative in private to avoid confusion. Visiting the oldest relatives should be the initial step, as their verbal recollections are invaluable.

It will be very convenient if you draw up a questionnaire before starting the conversation. What questions will be included there?

  1. Last name, first name.
  2. Birth metric.
  3. Life events (weddings, birthdays, deaths).
  4. Photographs (scanned or re-photographed vintage photographs from albums).
  5. Place of Birth.
  6. Professions.

You can also communicate with those who live in other places via Skype. This a good option because it will save time. If you lack data, you can always turn to the Internet. The interviewees themselves can also provide good assistance.

If certain relatives are no longer alive, archival employees will help. The information received must be thoroughly checked, since there are many namesakes.

Construction schemes

Thus, the material has been collected, and a family tree can be built. When using a specialized program, do as it tells you. If you want to do it yourself, think carefully about the work plan, since there are several types of construction.

So, to build it yourself, take whatman paper and place in the center the person for whom the tree is being compiled. Divide the sheet into two parts: the left (for paternal relatives) and the right (for paternal relatives). maternal side). Under the names, glue an envelope and insert notes and additional photographs about this person.

When choosing a diagram in the form of a tree along an ascending line, the trunk will symbolize the main person, from whom branches will extend in different directions. An important concept is that the person represented in the diagram represents a separate branch of the family. Place the parents on the larger branches, and the grandparents on the smaller ones. It is possible to plant on each leaf a certain person. There are no limits to the imagination when creating and decorating a tree. The main thing is to maintain the accuracy of the information.

Family tree: image options

There are several types of family tree charts. This:

  1. Butterfly is a convenient method for placing on the wall. The key figures are the spouses, whose parents are on the sides and the children are at the bottom.
  2. Branches (ancestors). The key figure is your child, and all the ancestors you have found diverge from him. For indoors, it is the most popular scheme.
  3. Roots (descendants). Such a scheme is a good gift relative The common ancestor is the key figure. In this diagram, all the brothers and sisters of the ancestor are clearly visible.
  4. The hourglass will a great gift for grandpa or grandma. The key figure is the grandmother or grandfather. You put their ancestors at the top and their descendants at the bottom.
  5. The fan is a convenient compressed form that does not take much time. Important parental connections are clearly visible here.

One of the most exciting activities creating a family tree becomes a challenge for the whole family. This activity will not only introduce some family members to relatives, but also unite them in the process of searching for information. The resulting option could be an unforgettable gift relatives or close people, but it will also simply decorate your interior.

How to make a family tree with your own hands and which option is better to choose for creating?

Preparatory stage

This stage involves collecting necessary information about your relatives. In this case, you can use several of the most suitable options:

  • survey – collecting information from relatives or close people so that you can understand what information you are missing;
  • during the discussion, it is important to know not only the person’s personal data, but also the place of education, features of appearance or character;
  • it is important to study family archives, if any, this is very important, since they can provide information that your relatives might have forgotten about;
  • draw up a preliminary version of your family tree in the form of a diagram or table so that you know which family member you are missing information about.

After receiving all the necessary information, you can safely begin creating a family tree, having previously decided on the most suitable or favorite option, shown in the photo of the family tree.

Types of family tree

At first glance, it may seem that creating a pedigree is quite simple, but creating a family tree is nothing to say. However, this judgment is fundamentally wrong.

There are a considerable number of options for family tree trees, here are several options for original family trees:

Rising. Created from man directly to his ancestors. The creator himself will be the trunk, and the branches will be his ancestors. This type helps to establish family reunification, in which the person himself was subsequently born.

Descending. It is built on the principle from ancestors to descendants (tree branches).

Table in the shape of a circle. The center can be a descendant, and the circles represent ancestors. Such a table may look the other way around.

Very often, a family tree is made in the shape of a butterfly. In the center is a couple, and from it all the available relatives are on one side and on the other. No less beautiful and attractive option in the form hourglass. This option is more suitable for recording information about relatives of an elderly couple.

The simplest option is considered to be in the form of a fan. It saves execution time and saves significant space. Variants of trees can be made in any material, depending on what you would like to teach in the final result.

If you do not have time to create a family tree manually, you can use special programs that provide templates and blanks for a family tree.

If you have drawing skills, you can create a tree yourself and without improvised means or ideas. However, in this case you will need a little more imagination. How to make a family tree with your own hands?

Step-by-step instructions for a family tree for beginners

Take a material such as felt as a basis. On it you need to draw the outlines of the future tree with all its elements. After this, you need to cut the workpiece.

The next stage involves creating a similar blank, only from wallpaper and thick cardboard, after which the parts should be connected to each other.

On the branches of your tree you can make frames for each family member small size. All you have to do is fill out the frames with photos and the necessary information.

People often wonder how exactly to fill out family tree information. The answer is quite simple. It is advisable to take at least three generations.

Creating such a model of your family does not require much effort, but a considerable amount of time can be spent on collecting. However, it's worth it. Only in this way can you find out everything about your family and relatives.

Or perhaps your surname refers to some noble family? If you wish, you can refer to the video, which presents a master class for a family tree.

Family tree photo

Finding out your ancestry means finding out your origins. This may be relevant for bearers of famous surnames, for people whose ancestors were famous people.

But even those who do not have famous and historical ancestors often want to know their own genealogy in order to confirm or refute various family stories, passed down from generation to generation.

It is better to learn and comprehend the history of your family in order to find your roots, understand the meaning of your own actions and character traits - all this will help you create a family tree.

How to create a family tree

Information about the pedigree must be somehow systematized and presented as clearly and aesthetically as possible. Genealogical data obtained through research can be presented in different formats, but the most popular presentation is the family tree.

Information about several generations can be presented in various forms.

  • Only direct descendants are represented– the tree is highly branched, the outer level includes a large number of Human.
  • All known ancestors represented– the tree has cut off side branches to present information as compactly as possible.
  • The tree includes all family members with the same surname– branches of married relatives along the female line are cut off.

Systematization criteria may be different, and depending on the chosen option, the design of the family tree is selected.

Even small-scale genealogical research can involve a large amount of information found.
What can we say about full research, in which the clan is restored to the 10-12th generation.

In any case, storing public information will require the use of an organized methodological approach. And to display the visual, the design of the family tree is important.

Designer family tree diagram

This type of design is a layout that is made individually for each family. Photo paper or foam board serves as the basis for the layout. The size can be different - it depends on the number of people included in the tree diagram and the degree of its branching.

The basic version of the tree design includes the work of a historian to systematize information about all relatives known to you, the development of an individual tree layout, design and printing of the tree on photographic paper (format: 61x200 cm) or foam board (format: from 56x84 cm to 1200x1200 cm).

Photo paper

Foam board

Artistic family tree

This is not just systematized information, but a work of art. The design of a family tree in an artistic style is carried out by a professional illustrator who uses engraving techniques or watercolors.

The result is then reproduced on canvas using plotter printing of the highest quality. This method allows you to obtain a digital image highest quality without losing the handmade feel.

The standard format of a painting on a stretcher is 150x90 cm. The resulting “picture” of the family history is inserted into a frame made of baguette. This tree looks solid and fascinating, and can serve as a decoration for any home.

Fold-out family tree

The folding tree is made in original style- in the form of an old railway map. Production is carried out by hand. "Map" has a luxurious cover from genuine leather. This format is convenient for storage in an office or on a family library shelf.

Shezhere tree

Shezhere- perhaps the most original and interesting way draw up a pedigree. IN traditional style, but using the most modern technologies, this design looks very decorative and impressive.

Applicable only natural materials:

  • parchment;
  • tree;
  • canvas thread.

The parchment is stretched onto a wooden frame and secured with canvas threads. Information is applied to parchment by hand. The resulting panel is aged to achieve maximum naturalism.

Carved family tree panel made of solid wood

Your family tree is carved on solid wood, which is made from high-quality teak and treated with a special oil to prevent it from drying out. This tree looks very impressive and solid.

Whatever option you choose, the professionals working at the Christian House of Family Traditions company will be able to carry out the design in such a way that will satisfy the requirements of the most demanding clients.

How to order a family tree design

If you have a desire to explore your origins and family roots, you need to contact our experts. Qualified, experienced historians, who have been working for many years on the successful search for the most lost personalities, will help not only find the necessary information, but also systematize it.

Professional artists, designers, and illustrators will offer a design option that suits you and will appeal to all your relatives.

You can order the service by calling or sending a message to e-mail or by coming to our office in person.

The cost of services and the final result depend on the depth and scale of the search for information about your ancestors, as well as on the chosen design option. Family tree is more than a designation family lines

, branches, a certain number of names, surnames and portraits. This is a journey into the past, to the origins, and a strong connection between this past and the present and future. To create such family tree

  • on the wall we need:
  • interior paint
  • birds pattern and tree pattern

pencil and carbon paper

You can draw a tree on the wall manually, but if you can’t do this, then print out all the pages of the tree template, glue them in the right order (at the top of each page there are 2 numbers - the first is the column number, the second is the row number). The assembled tree must be secured to the wall, placing a carbon copy under it. Now we pencil in our Family Tree

in pictures as shown in the photo. Then we draw birds in the same way, the number of birds there are, the number of family members we will get. The next stage is coloring. Take brushes and paint desired color

and we begin to paint only the tree. Kids will love this simple drawing!! After the tree is painted, you can decorate the birds and write the name of a relative on each one (I would also small photo


Option 2 - you can create a tree in the form of inflorescences

In such a tree there will be a flower for each family member. To people who honor family traditions

, you will definitely absolutely love a family tree made with your own hands. In addition, you can make such a tree of life from quite affordable things that are probably available in every home.

1. Draw the contours of the future tree onto the finished piece of felt. First the roots, then the trunk and finally the branches or crown. Cut it out.

2. Prepare a base on which we will then place our family tree. A piece of old light wallpaper measuring 50 x 0 cm is perfect for this purpose. The cut-out base must be glued to cardboard to give it strength, using double-sided tape. 3. On top of the base using glue gun

glue on the tree cut out of felt. Trim any protruding excess parts of the pattern. 4. Prepare small ready frames

under the photo. If desired, they can be painted with spray paint.

6. Photos of relatives need to be inserted into small frames, and please note that photos of parents are inserted into frames bigger size, they must be placed on top of the created composition. As a rule, photographs of children and grandchildren are placed in the upper part, and photographs of grandparents in the lower part. We glue all the details of the collage, including the frames themselves, using a glue gun.

Tree pattern

The next idea that I would like to present looks like this.
