Holidays in October are official. Calendar of historical events in October

October on the calendar, a beautiful time, the trees are dressed in golden clothes. But with every gust of wind, beautiful leaves fall, warm days become less and less. But this is no reason to be sad. Life is Beautiful and amazing.

Take a look at the October holiday calendar, you will find in it a reason to smile and do not miss an important date.

How we relax - working days and days off in October 2018 in Russia

October is a month in which there are no public holidays, so it will rest only on weekends and work on working days. In total, in October 2018 there are 23 working days and 8 days off.

Orthodox holidays

The church calendar informs us about 107 Orthodox holidays in October.

This is one of the favorite and revered holidays of the Orthodox people. It was erected in honor of the great miracle that happened in 910. The Most Holy Theotokos appeared before the parishioners, who prayed for the protection of Constantinople from the invasion of the barbarians. She covered the people with her omophorion and it protected the city. The barbarians were defeated by a terrible storm. The miracle later became a symbol of intercession.

There are many signs and beliefs associated with this holiday.

As the people said: on Pokrov before lunch - autumn, and after lunch - winter.

The weather forecast for the day was winter. If the wind blows from the north - this is a cold winter, if from the south, then the winter will be warm.

It is considered a good omen to have a wedding on Pokrov.

For more information about signs and beliefs, see the video.

Professional, international and unusual holidays in October

In parentheses for reference is the date of approval of the holiday. Please note that some holidays are celebrated on a specific day of the week of the month, so the date changes every year.

    • Day of the Ground Forces of the Russian Federation - (2006)
    • Gerontologist's Day - gerontology is a science that studies the biological, psychological and social aspects of human aging, its causes and ways to combat aging, methods of possible rejuvenation of the body. This direction in science arose about a century ago.
    • International Doctor's Day - celebrated on the first Monday of October
  • International Coffee Day - (2015)
  • International Music Day - (1973)
  • International Day of Older Persons - (1990)
  • World Day of Architecture - (1985), celebrated on the first Monday of October
  • World Shelter Day (World Habitat Day) - (1985), celebrated on the first Monday in October
  • World Vegetarian Day (1977) was established by the North American Vegetarian Society to promote different types of vegetarianism. During the month, various events of this direction are organized, which end with the International Vegan Day (November 1).
  • International Ballet Day (World Ballet Day)
  • Postcard Birthday - (1869)
  • A day of walking along the streets of disappeared cities
  • Urologist's Day - (1869)
  • Vocational Education Day (Young Worker Day)
  • International Day of Non-Violence - (2007)
  • International Day of the Social Educator - (2009)
  • world farm animal day
  • Email Birthday - (1931)
  • World Ostomy Day - (1993)
  • Day of tangled tracks in the autumn park

  • Day of the Military Space Forces (VKS) of the Russian Federation - (2006), timed to coincide with the launch of the first artificial earth satellite on 4. 10. 1957
  • Day of the Civil Defense Troops of the Ministry of Emergency Situations of the Russian Federation - (1932)
  • World Space Week (1999), held annually from 1 to 10 October.
  • International Raccoon Day - (1931)
  • World Animal Day - (1931), dedicated to the day of memory of the patron saint of animals - Francis of Assisi
  • Answer the Unasked Questions Day
    • World Teachers Day - (1994)
    • Day of workers of the criminal investigation department of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation
    • International Smile Day (World Smile Day) - (1999), the motto of the Day is the words: “Do an act of kindness. Help one person smile”, which can be translated something like this: “Do a good deed. Help bring at least one smile.
      Day of the Republic of Adygea - (1922)
    • Day of farewell to flying birds
    • Barrel Aged Day
    • Day of the Russian insurer - timed to coincide with the foundation of the State Insurance of the RSFSR on October 6, 1921
    • World Habitat Day (World Hospice and Palliative Care Day) - (1979), dedicated to the conservation of wildlife and natural habitats in Europe.
    • Chandelier Hanging Day
    • Day of formation of headquarters units of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation
    • Day of the worker of organizational and inspection services of the penitentiary system of the Russian Federation
    • Day of Power Sports Athletes (Power Day) - (2008), celebrated on the first Sunday of October
    • Polite People Day
    • Day of remembrance about warm things
    • Day of the commander of a surface, underwater and air ship - (2007)
    • World Post Day
    • Day of the Special Fire Service of the Ministry of Emergency Situations of Russia
    • Day of reflections in puddles
    • Day of curious events
    • International Mental Health Day (World Federation for Mental Health) - (1992)
    • European Day Against the Death Penalty - (2003)
    • Birthday of the social network Vkontakte - (2006)
    • Racers Day
    • Leaf rustling day

      • Day of the Medical Service of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation - (2007)
      • World Arthritis Day - (1996)
      • HR Day
      • World Egg Day is a holiday for all lovers of eggs, omelettes, casseroles and fried eggs
      • clean glass festival
      • Day of chocolate surprises
      • Day of the Hydrographic Service of the Russian Navy
      • Day of Russian Homeopathy - (2004), celebrated on the second Saturday of October
      • International Day for Disaster Reduction - (1989)
      • World Hospice and Palliative Care Day - celebrated on the second Saturday of October
      • international costume day
      • International Day of Skeptics
      • Birthday of "Beatlemania" - (1963)
      • Sleepy Tree Day

      • Day of the inquiry service of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation
      • Allergist's Day
      • World Healthy Eating Day - (2011)
      • World Anesthesiologist Day
      • World Food Day - (1979)
      • World Bread Day - (1950)
      • Chief's Day (Boss's Day) - (1962)
      • Day touchy
      • North wind day

      • World Menopause Day - (1978)
      • European Day Against Human Trafficking - (2013)
      • Day of Remembrance of Military Cossack Glory - (2000)
      • International Credit Union Day - (1948)
      • Magician's Day
      • Day of sweet molasses and oriental sweets
      • All-Russian Lyceum Day - October 19, 1811, the first Tsarskoye Selo Lyceum was opened, which laid the foundation for this celebration.
      • Bubble Crush Day
      • Day of writing a letter to the future

      • Food Workers Day - (1966)
      • Day of Road Workers - (2000)
      • Colored Umbrella Day

      • International Snow Leopard Day - (2015)
      • Advertising Workers Day - (1993)
      • Garageist Day - (1991), this is not just a day for people who have a garage, this day is celebrated by garage winemakers. The founder of this movement was a former banker from France, Jean-Luc Thunevin, his first wine made a splash among critics.
      • Mole Day - (1991), chemists celebrate this day and it is dedicated to the unit of measurement of the amount of a substance in the International System of Units (SI).
      • tail drop day

October is an amazing month. It is known not only for its changeable weather, which actively prepares Russians for the imminent arrival of winter, but also for festive and significant events. The calendar of the month includes all the important dates of October 2017, which are versatile in nature, but are essential for each of us.


What is an anniversary date? This is a festive event that has a round date. Quite a lot of significant events are planned in the autumn, we will list all the anniversaries of October 2017.

1 - the date of birth of the famous Russian actor Oleg Efremov is celebrated. This year, the outstanding actor of the times would have turned 90 years old.
2 - 100th anniversary is celebrated since the birth of the Russian sculptor - Mikhail Anikushin.
5 - a unique historical date - the 280th anniversary of the birth of Count Alexei Orlov.
The 5th anniversary event is also celebrated by the Russian footballer Andrey Zyryanov. The athlete is celebrating his 40th birthday.
6 - celebrate anniversary events and entrepreneurs. For example, the famous Russian businessman Vladimir Gusinsky is celebrating his 65th birthday.
6 - at the same autumn moment, a unique and sought-after actress, Elisabeth Shue, is celebrating an anniversary event (55 years).

7 - a truly Russian anniversary event - 65 years old is celebrated by our president - Vladimir Putin.
8 - a holiday of a creative nature - 125 years since the birth of the famous poetess - Marina Tsvetaeva.
The 12th - 40th anniversary is celebrated by the Russian singer of popular songs - Jasmine.
14 - 90th anniversary of the birth of actor and entertainer - Roger Moore.
15 - Russian writer Ilya Ilf is celebrated by creative people on his 120th birthday.
16 is a wonderful date - the world-famous singer of the opera stage, Dmitry Hvorostovsky, is celebrating 55 years.
16 - the actor of our Russia - Ivan Dykhovnichny - celebrates his 70th birthday.
19 - popular in recent times, the Brazilian actress, known throughout the world for the TV series "The Rich Also Cry" - Veronica Castro celebrates her 65th birthday this year.
19 - sports anniversary date - 55 years of the famous boxer - Evander Holyfield.
The 23rd - 85th anniversary is celebrated by the Russian writer Vasily Belov.
26 - the popular politician of all America - Hillary Clinton - is 70 years old.
28 - actress, better known for the film "Pretty Woman" - Julia Roberts - celebrates a significant date - 50 years.
30 - Marshal Nikolai Ogarkov celebrates his 100th birthday.
31 - 95 years is celebrated since the birth of the popular Russian actor - Anatoly Papanov.

Important dates

Autumn is also rich in significant dates in October 2017. Festive events are celebrated in large numbers. If the holiday is classified as a cultural value, then it gathers like-minded people at creative evenings. Every Russian keeps public dates in his heart.

What is the popular month of autumn?

The 1st - 105th anniversary is celebrated by the popular Russian historian, as well as the geographer and, of course, the author of numerous research works - Gumilyov L.N.
4 - a unique date for the whole country - exactly 60 years ago, the first artificial satellite of the planet Earth was launched into the depths of space. In honor of the most important event of the year, a space week is announced in the country, which starts on the 4th and ends on the 10th of October.

October is also unique in that this year marks the 60th anniversary of the release of the film The Cranes Are Flying to the masses. Director Kalatozov M. was recognized as one of the best specialists in his profession at the Cannes Film Festival. The outstanding film received a well-deserved award in 1958 - the Palme d'Or.

October holidays

For every Russian, significant dates for October 2017 carry the most important information. This autumn month, there are other equally significant events of the year.

1 - an international music festival meets with creative people.
1 - is celebrated by the whole world today and the holiday of a smile.
1 - Russia celebrates the day of the elderly.
1 - 11th anniversary is celebrated by the Russian ground forces.
2 - the date of birth of the popular and demanded e-mail in the present day.
3 - professional holiday of employees and employees of the OMON.
4 is an international holiday dedicated to animals.

5 - a professional holiday of the utmost importance - teacher's day.
5 - well-deserved congratulations are received by employees of the criminal investigation department.
6 - date of birth of the emoticon.
8 is a holiday dedicated to rural women.
9 - Postal workers and all Russian post offices meet a professional holiday event.
11 is girls day. World date.
12 - the day of the Russian personnel officer.
14 - the Protection of the Most Holy Theotokos is found among Orthodox Christians.
16 is the chef's holiday.
20 - international holiday of the profession - cook.
24 is a professional holiday for special forces officers.
29 - date of birth of the Komsomol.
31 - Halloween.

October calendar of memorable and significant dates, special days, events and anniversaries October 2018, will help us learn more about what made this or that day so special, who, what and what such merits showed in order to be especially noted. In the calendar, you will learn not only about some particularly distinguished days, but also about those that, for one reason or another, were awarded to be especially noted, which are celebrated all over the world or in our country, taken separately, and this is primarily there may be professional holidays, of which we have a sufficient number from various sectors of the economy.

Calendar of memorable and significant dates October 2018

The people who cherish the memory of their significant and memorable dates deserve special respect, celebrate such days depending on their merits and significance, and honor the memory of the heroes of their country. We sometimes hear that memorable or significant dates are another reason to arrange a feast or an organized trip to nature, although this expression is correct to some extent, but in general, this is a tribute to the memory of those who did what for our country something important, special and very useful.

October memorable and significant dates, as well as some anniversaries, are marked in the calendar of dates October months of 2018 and you will now learn about them, namely, who and for what such merits received such a privilege, how to be attributed to special days, expressed by a memorable date in the calendar, read and learn about such holidays and special days.

We have prepared for readers interested in memorable dates and significant events October 2018, in which there are also anniversaries, not only our domestic, but international significant and world-wide recognized holidays and all kinds of dates, which will also be interesting to learn about and get acquainted with.

AT October 2018 there are quite a lot of all kinds and significance of anniversaries, significant October events and anniversaries, some of them are festive, both of a state or Orthodox nature, and professional, for our working population. Read and learn about those days of October that deserve special attention and respect, primarily thanks to their heroes, those who made this or that day especially memorable.

October 2018 dates, dates calendar

October 1 is International Day of Older Persons. (Established by the UN General Assembly on December 14, 1990. Celebrated in Russia since 1992).
October 1 is International Doctor's Day. (Celebrated on the first Monday of October at the initiative of the World Health Organization (WHO).
October 1 is World Human Settlements Day. (Celebrated on the first Monday of October by decision of the UN General Assembly since 1985).
October 1 is International Music Day. (Celebrated annually by decision of the International Council of UNESCO since 1975).
October 2 - Children's Health Day
October 3 - Yesenin Poetry Festival. (Celebrated since 1985 on the birthday of the Russian poet Sergei Alexandrovich Yesenin).
October 3 - 145 years since the birth of Vyacheslav Yakovlevich Shishkov (1873-1945), Russian writer
October 3 - 145 years since the birth of Ivan Sergeevich Shmelev (1873-1950), Russian writer
October 4 is International Animal Protection Day. (It has been celebrated since 1931 on the name day of Francis of Assisi, the protector and patron of animals).
October 4 - Civil Defense Day EMERCOM of Russia
October 4 - 10 - World Space Week
October 4 - Day of the military-space forces. (Established in 1995).
October 5 is World Teacher's Day. (Established by UNESCO in 1994).
October 5 - 305 years since the birth of Denis Diderot (1713-1784), French philosopher
October 6 is World Habitat Day. (Established in 1979 under the Convention for the Protection of Wild Fauna and Flora and Natural Habitats in Europe).
October 6 - 75 years since the birth of Alexander Maksovich Shilov (b. 1943), Russian artist
October 8 - 195 years since the birth of Ivan Sergeevich Aksakov (1823-1886), Russian writer and publicist
October 9 is World Post Day. (Established by decision of the 14th Congress of the Universal Postal Union (1957) on the day of the creation in 1874 of the Universal Postal Union).
October 10 - 155 years since the birth of Vladimir Afanasyevich Obruchev (1863-1956), Russian geologist, geographer, writer
October 10 - 205 years since the birth of Giuseppe Verdi (1813-1901), Italian composer
October 14 - Day of workers of reserves and national parks
October 14 - 80 years since the birth of Vladimir Petrovich Krapivin (b. 1938), Russian writer
October 14 - 65 years since the birth of Tamara Shamilyevna Kryukova (b. 1953), Russian writer

October 16 is World Food Day. (Noted by the decision of the conference of the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations since 1979)
October 16 is World Bread Day. (Established in 2006 at the initiative of the International Union of Bakers and Confectioners).
October 17 is the International Day for the Eradication of Poverty. (Proclaimed by the UN General Assembly on the initiative of the former UN Secretary-General Javier Perez de Cuellar and the French charitable movement ATD-Car Mond. Celebrated since 1993).
October 19 - Day of the Tsarskoye Selo Lyceum. (On this day in 1811 the Imperial Tsarskoye Selo Lyceum was opened).
October 19 - 100 years since the birth of Alexander Arkadyevich Galich (real name Ginzburg) (1918-1977), Russian poet, writer, screenwriter and playwright
October 20 - 95th birthday of Otfried Preusler (1923-2013), German writer
October 21 - 185 years since the birth of Alfred Nobel (1833-1896), Swedish chemist, founder of the International Prize
October 22 is International Day of School Libraries. (Established by the International Association of School Libraries. Celebrated on the fourth Monday in October. It has been celebrated in Russia since 2000).
October 23 - 90 years since the birth of Yuri Sergeevich Saul
sky (1928-2003), Russian composer
October 23 - Day of Advertising Workers. (The holiday of all advertisers, marketers and PR specialists. It has been celebrated since 1994).
October 24 is the International Day of the United Nations. (On October 24, 1945, the UN Charter came into force. Since 1948, it has been celebrated as UN Day).
October 25 - 175 years since the birth of Gleb Ivanovich Uspensky (1843-1902), Russian writer
October 25 - 180 years since the birth of Georges Bizet (1838-1875), French composer
October 29 - 100 years since the birth of Mikhail Kuzmich Lukonin (1918-1976), Russian poet
October 29 - 115 years since the birth of Boris Alexandrovich Begak (1903-1989), Russian critic and literary critic, specialist in children's literature
October 30 is the Day of Remembrance for Victims of Political Repressions in Russia. (On this day in 1974, the prisoners of the Mordovian and Perm camps celebrated the day of the political prisoner with a hunger strike).
October 31 - Halloween. The night before "All Saints' Day" (from October 31 to November 1).

> What are the holidays in October?

Bright September has ended and now rainy, cold OCTOBER has already come. But this month is also rich in holidays. On this page we have published all professional, state, and church ones. Of the professional holidays, the most celebrated by everyone is, of course, Teacher's Day! Back in October, workers in agriculture, customs, post offices and many others celebrate their day.

  • October 1 - World Day of the Elderly
  • October 1 - Day of the Russian Ground Forces
  • October 1 - International Music Day
  • October 1 - World Vegetarian Day
  • October 3 - OMON Day
  • October 4 - World Animal Day
  • October 4 - Civil Defense Day EMERCOM of Russia
  • October 4 - Russian Space Forces Day
  • October 5 - Teacher's Day
  • October 5 - Day of Criminal Investigation Workers
  • October 6 - World Habitat Day
  • October 6 - Day of the Russian insurer
  • October 7 - Day of formation of headquarters units of the Ministry of Internal Affairs
  • October 8 - Day of the commander of the ship (surface, underwater and air)
  • October 9 - World Post Day
  • October 9 - Repose of John the Theologian
  • October 12 - Personnel Worker Day
  • October 14 - Protection of the Most Holy Theotokos
  • October 15 - World Rural Women's Day
  • October 16 - World Anesthesiologist Day
  • October 16 - World Food Day
  • October 16 - Chief's Day
  • October 20 - Signal Troops Day of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation
  • October 20 - Naval Sailors Day (birthday of the Navy)
  • October 20 - International Air Traffic Controller Day
  • October 22 - White Cranes Holiday
  • October 23 - Advertising Workers Day
  • October 24 - Special Forces Day
  • October 25 - Cable Industry Worker's Day
  • October 25 - Day of the customs officer of the Russian Federation
  • October 28 - Russian Army Aviation Day
  • October 28 - International Animation Day
  • October 28 - Grandparents' Day
  • October 29 - Day of employees of the private security service of the Ministry of Internal Affairs
  • October 30 - Mechanical Engineer's Day
  • October 31 - Day of SIZO and Prison Workers
  • October 31 - Day of the sign language interpreter
  • October 31 - Halloween

Floating dates:

  • First Friday of October - World Smile Day (October 5 - date for 2018)
  • First Monday in October - World Architecture Day
  • First Monday in October - International Doctor's Day (October 1 - date for 2018)
  • First Thursday of October - World Housing Day (October 4 - date for 2018)
  • Second Friday of October - World Egg Day (October 12 - date for 2018)
  • Second Sunday of October - Day of Agricultural and Processing Industry Workers (October 14 - date for 2018)
  • Third Sunday of October - Day of Road Workers
  • Third Sunday of October - Day of Food Industry Workers (October 21 - date for 2018)
  • Last Sunday in October - Motorist's Day (October 28 - date for 2018)

Such holidays and festive dates await us in OCTOBER. Now you know calendar of holidays in OCTOBER and you can prepare a congratulation in advance for your loved ones and relatives.

In addition, in October there are a lot of those who celebrate their birthday or anniversary. You can see congratulations for them on our website, just follow the links below ...
Happy Birthday Poems.

The old Russian name is leaf fall or pazdernik (from "pazder" - waste from flax, hemp). Another version is that in the old days the wind was called that it bared the trees, pierced the bones of the peasant. Pazdernik not only bares the trees, but rips off the leaf from the branches. Pazdernik is a month of variable weather, a month of special signs about winter.

The common names for October are dirty or wedding, both names with a transparent etymology, and also bonfires - after all, flax and hemp usually began to be crushed at this time. Other names: first winter, zazimnik, brisket (cf. Ukrainian brisket - December), leaf fall, leaf fall (cf. Ukrainian leaf fall - November), breadmaker, cabbage. Ukrainian name Zhovten.

All state and professional holidays in Russia,
including significant World and International holidays, and other equally interesting holidays and events.

All holidays in October.

Almost every day in October is marked by a holiday. The October holiday calendar will tell you about the upcoming holiday, a significant event of the month, memorable dates, professional days of representatives of various fields of activity and other interesting events.
Do not forget to congratulate your family and friends on the upcoming holiday. What holiday today you will learn from our calendar.

Floating dates:

On the first Monday of October, holidays and events - World Day of Architecture (architect)
On the first Monday of October, holidays and events - International Doctor's Day
On the first Monday in October, holidays and events - World Housing Day
On the first Friday of October, holidays and events - World Smile Day
Second Wednesday of October, holidays and events - International Day for Disaster Reduction
Second Friday of October, holidays and events - World Egg Day
Second Sunday in October, holidays and events - Day of Agricultural and Processing Industry Workers
Third Thursday of October - International Credit Union Day
On the third Sunday of October, holidays and events - Day of Road Workers
On the third Sunday of October, holidays and events - Food Workers Day
Fourth Monday in October - International Day of School Libraries
Last Saturday of October - All-Russian Gymnastics Day
Last Sunday in October, holidays and events - Motorist's Day

  • International Day of Non-Violence
  • International Day of the Social Educator
  • Gandhi Jayanti - Mahatma Gandhi's birthday
  • world animal day
  • Day of the Space Forces of Russia
  • Civil Defense Day EMERCOM of Russia
  • Cinnamon Roll Day in Sweden (Kanelbullens dag)
  • Svarog Day
  • World Habitat Day
  • Day of the Russian insurer
  • Archivist's Day in Belarus
  • Memorial Day in Turkmenistan
  • Egyptian army day
  • Day of the commander of a surface, underwater and air ship of the Russian Navy
  • Croatia Independence Day
  • Columbus Day in the USA
  • world mental health day
  • world day against the death penalty
  • Alexis Kivi Day, Finnish Literature Day
  • Armenian Chemical Forces Day
  • Day of Standardization and Metrology Workers in Ukraine
  • Anniversary of the start of the Cuban War of Independence
  • World Arthritis Day
  • HR Day in Russia
  • world egg day
  • Protection of the Most Holy Theotokos and Ever-Virgin Mary
  • World Standards Day
  • Day of the worker of agriculture and processing industry in Russia
  • world food day
  • world bread day
  • World Anesthesia Day (Anesthesiologist Day)
  • Boss Day (Boss Day)
  • Aliya Day
  • International Credit Union Day
  • international air traffic controller day
  • International Chef's Day
  • World Osteoporosis Day
  • Day of the military signalman in Russia
  • Belgrade Liberation Day
  • All-Ukrainian day of fight against breast cancer
  • Candy Day in the USA
  • International Stuttering Day
  • International Day of School Libraries
  • Day of special forces units of the Armed Forces of Russia
  • United Nations Day
  • World Development Awareness Day
  • Day of the diplomatic worker of Kyrgyzstan
  • Day of Workers of Standardization and Metrology of Kyrgyzstan
  • National Day of the Republic of Austria
  • International Animation Day
  • Day of the motorist (Day of road transport workers)
  • Foundation Day of the Russian Navy
  • Mechanical Engineer Day in Russia
  • Broadcasts

Holidays in October 2018

Holidays archive

  • January
  • February
  • April
  • August
  • September
  • October
  • November
  • December

What are the holidays in October?

October is a beautiful month, the crown of the velvet season. At this time, nature acquires stunning beauty in all shades of gold. And I want to color these days with interesting exciting events. What are the holidays in October - you ask. And a lot of various interesting holidays will tell you our calendar of holidays in October.

October Traditions

Holidays in October are an occasion for the creation of numerous new traditions. You can go every first day of October to eat delicious 4 cheese pizza. Devote the 2nd of the month to general cleaning, and the 3rd to cleaning the yard. On October 7, fill it with bright colors as much as possible. Spend the next day only in a good mood. Every October 10, show your concern for the people you love. On the 11th, pretend to be a time traveler - it's very fun and interesting, and on the 18th, don't torture yourself with dull cleaning. Spend October 30 without swearing and rude expressions, and on October 31 - give your parents nice gifts.

When do we light up?

Reasons for mind-blowing parties begin on October 1 - during the World Cognac Day. You can light up perfectly on October 3 - the national day of champagne, as well as the day of Bloody Mary. On October 10, the day when everything is allowed, you can have an amazing party without restrictions. October 13 - the day of mind-blowing parties, speaks for itself. On the 22nd, you can come up with a non-existent holiday, and light it up on this occasion.

When do we work?

What do we celebrate in October at work? A lot of things. October 1 - when you hate going to work on Monday after the weekend. The next day, be sure to express your ideas to your boss, and get a quick positive response to them. On the 3rd, you can, without hiding, express your own opinion. October 5 is perfect to increase your own income and mercilessly fight your laziness. Congratulate your absent-minded or constantly whining colleagues on October 6, and after work you can play cards with your employees. On October 17, your bosses will definitely appreciate your unique talent. On the 26th, you can not go to work for no reason.

Affairs of the Heart

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October 1, 1550 -Ivan the Terrible laid the foundations of the Russian regular army

Ivan Vasilievich later received a serial number -IVand nickname - Grozny, issued a decree:« On the placement in the Moscow and surrounding districts of a selected thousand service people » , which, as a result, laid the foundations of the Russian regular army.

Later, a system for recruiting military service and organizationally centralized command and control of the army appeared. The following were created: the archery army, guard service, artillery as an independent branch of the military. In parallel with this, mine explosives and handguns were actively developed.

Such actions to strengthen the Russian army led to numerous victories over the enemy.

October 1, 1754 - Paul was bornI

Catherine's sonIIand PetraIII, heir to the Russian throne PavelIwas born on October 1 (September 20), 1754 in St. Petersburg.

According to contemporaries, Paul received a good education. In his youth, he was close to Empress Elizaveta Petrovna, who actually took him away from his parents and was personally involved in his upbringing. When Catherine the Great ascended the throne, and PeterIIIwas killed, the empress began to fear Paul, because he had much more legal rights to the throne than she. Catherine tried not to allow Paul to discuss state affairs, kept him at a distance.

Having come to power in November 1796, PavelIfirst of all, he tried to cross out everything that his mother Catherine did during the 34 years of her reignII.

An important legislative act of Paul is considered to be the law on the order of succession issued in 1797, which was in force in Russia until 1917.

Like his father, Emperor Paul was killed as a result of a conspiracy. His son ascended the throne - Emperor AlexanderI.

October 3, 1903 -The confrontation between the Parliament and the President in Moscow turned into an armed clash

September 21, 1993 Decree of the President of the Russian Federation 1400 was published"On the phased constitutional reform in the Russian Federation" . Its essence is that the president usurped the supreme power in the country, dispersing the Supreme Council and liquidating the Constitution.

All regions of Russia recognized the decree as criminal. Siberia threatened with an economic blockade. The meeting of the Federation Council, scheduled for October 4, was going to demand the abolition of the criminal decree and the simultaneous elections of parliament and the president. In addition, they were negotiating with the Patriarch to restore the status quo on September 21st. The Supreme Council and then the Congress of People's Deputies, on completely legal grounds, removed the president from office. But the ousted president ignored all this. In response, he actually arrested (blocked) the entire Supreme Council.

The crisis was the result of a confrontation between two political forces: on the one hand, the President of the Russian Federation Boris Yeltsin and the government headed by Viktor Chernomyrdin and a small part of the deputies of the Supreme Council and the Congress of People's Deputies of the Russian Federation - supporters of the president, and on the other hand -opponents of the political and socio-economic course of the President of the Government: Vice President Alexander Rutskoy, the main part of the deputies of the Congress of People's Deputies of the Russian Federation and the Supreme Council of the Russian Federation, headed by Ruslan Khasbulatov, the majority of which was the Russian Unity bloc

Political feuds between President Yeltsin and the Supreme Soviet headed by Khasbulatov lasted throughout 1993. At that time, the Kremlin was working on a new Constitution, since the old one, in the opinion of the president, hampered reforms. The new Constitution endowed the President with enormous rights and nullified the rights of Parliament.

Tired of "butting" with the deputies, on September 21, 1993, Yeltsin signed Decree No. 1400 on the termination of the activities of the Supreme Council. The deputies refused to comply, announcing that Yeltsin had carried out a "coup d'état", that his powers were terminated and transferred to Vice President Rutskoi.

OMON blocked the "White House", where the parliament was sitting. Communications, electricity, water were cut off there. Supporters of the Supreme Council built barricades, and on September 3, their clashes with the riot police began, 7 demonstrators were killed, dozens were injured.

Yeltsin declared a state of emergency in Moscow. A. Rutskoi called for the capture of the Ostankino television center in order to gain access to the air. Dozens of people died during the capture of Ostankino. On the night of October 4, Yeltsin gave the order to storm the White House. In the morning the building was shelled from tanks. In total, 150 people died on October 3-4, four hundred were injured. Khasbulatov and Rutskoi were arrested and sent to Lefortovo.

An interview was published in the Komsomolskaya Pravda newspaperAndrei DUNAEV, until the summer of 1993, Deputy Minister of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, supporter of the Supreme Council:

“... If we wanted, we would have stayed in the White House for a month or two. There were supplies of weapons and food. But then a civil war would break out. If instead of Khasbulatov there was a Russian, perhaps everything would have turned out differently. The Rostov OMON, who arrived in Moscow, told me: “Two m ... ka are fighting for power. One is Russian and the other is Chechen. So it's better to support the Russian .

... An employee of the Ministry of Internal Affairs died in front of my eyes, he was mowed down by a sniper from the Mir Hotel. They rushed there, but the shooter managed to leave, only by special signs and style of execution they realized that this was not the handwriting of our MVD, not KGB, but someone else. Apparently, foreign intelligence agencies. And they sent instigators from the American embassy. The US wanted to stir up a civil war and ruin Russia.”

October 4, 1957 - The world's first artificial Earth satellite was launched into low Earth orbit, opening the space era in the history of mankind.

Russian satellite PS-1 became the first artificial celestial body, launched into orbit. He representedyourselfa ball with a diameter of 58 centimeters and a weight of 83.6 kilograms. Equippedfour pin antennas 2.4 and 2.9 meters long necessary for signal transmission. The launch vehicle of the PS-1 satellite was subsequently named the Baikonur Cosmodrome.

The PS-1 satellite spent 92 days in flight and made 1440 revolutions around the Earth, which is approximately equal to 60 million kilometers.

The United States of America was able to repeat the success of the USSR only1st of February 1958 , launching the Explorer-1 satellite on the second attempt, weighing 10 times less than the Soviet PS-1.

October 8, 1392 - Repose of St. Sergius, hegumen of Radonezh, wonderworker of all Russia

Bartholomew (worldly name) was born in 1314 into a boyar family, his father's name was Cyril, and his mother's name was Maria. From an early age, the young man dreamed of devoting his life to serving the Lord. However, the parents did not want to see their son as a monk, after their death, the future Hegumen of the Russian land, with his older brother Stefan, settled on a hill in the dense thicket of the forest, built a wooden church with their own hands and consecrated it in the name of the Life-Giving Trinity. The elder brother soon got bored with the ascetic life, and he left, and Sergius was left all alone. All the days he spent in prayers, and once they were heard, hegumen of one of the nearby monasteries Mitrofan tonsured him into monasticism. From that moment on, Sergei Radonezhsky did not spend a single minute in idleness, he worked and prayed all day long, his only desire was to save his own soul, to live and die in solitude in his own forest.

A few years later, people began to settle around the church built by Sergius. Even during his earthly life, the Reverend became a great intercessor and mourner for the Russian land.

In addition to the Trinity-Sergius Monastery, Sergius founded several more monasteries (Annunciationmonastery on Kirzhach, Staro-Golutvin near Kolomna, Vysotsky Monastery, Georgievsky on Klyazma), he made these monasteries as abbots of his students. More than 40 monasteries were founded by himstudents: Savva (Savvino-Storozhevsky near Zvenigorod), Ferapont (Ferapontov), ​​Kirill (Kirillo-Belozersky), Sylvester (Voskresensky Obnorsky) and others, as well as his spiritual interlocutors, such as Stefan of Perm.

On the eve of his death, the Monk Sergius called the brethren for the last time and addressed with the words of the testament:

“Be careful, brethren. First have the fear of God, purity of soul and unfeigned love... » .

September 25, 1392 Sergius died.

Through30 years, 5 July1422 of the year , wereacquiredimperishablehisrelics , abouthowtestifiedPachomius Logofet . AT1919 year , intimecampaignsonautopsyrelics , relicsSergiusRadonezhwere subjectedautopsyinpresencespecialcommissionsWithparticipationrepresentativeschurches. RemainsSergiuswerefoundinformbones, hairandfragmentsroughmonasticrobes, inwhichhewasburied.

20 April1946 G. relicsSergiuswerereturnedChurches. ATthe presenttimerelicsreverendSergiusareinTrinitycathedral Trinity- Sergievalaurel.

October 11, 1931 - A decision was made in the USSR to completely eliminate private trade

On this day, it was decided to completely eradicate private trade, in the course of eliminatingall property was confiscatedrural kulaks were exiled to Siberia,and city shop owners were deprived of political rights, many were subjected to legal persecution, and only collective farm markets had the right to exist.

Of course, the law on the prohibition of private trade could not completely eliminate it. The shadow economy remained, in addition to this, trade “under the counter” remained - high-quality things, scarce products were all in good demand.

Later, a card system appeared, which existed from 1928 to 1935, during the Great Patriotic War and during Perestroika.

Grand Duke of Moscow and Vladimir Dmitry Ivanovich Donskoy was born in Moscow when he was four years old, his father diedIvan I Danilovich Kalita, and at the age of 9 the young prince had to fight forhis reign in Vladimir. Metropolitan Alexy became the mentor and comrade-in-arms of young Dmitry, the young prince consulted with him on many political issues, trusted him with the most intimate. Dmitry also developed good relations with Sergei Radonezhsky, andIt was to him that the prince came before the Battle of Kulikovo for a blessing.

Since 1363, Dmitry Donskoy became the Grand Duke of Vladimir, and after a big fire in Moscow, the prince builtnew white-stone Kremlin.

In 1380, Dmitry Donskoy, at the head of the combined Russian forces, defeated the troops of Mamai in the Battle of Kulikovo, for which he was nicknamed Donskoy.

Dmitry Donskoy was a believer and a pious person, he supported Orthodox churches, made donations, founded monasteries throughout his reign. The Grand Duke died at the age of 39(19) May 27, 1389 and was buried in the Archangel Cathedral in Moscow. Canonized by the Russian Orthodox Church in 1988.

October 12, 1492 - The expedition of Christopher Columbus reached the island of San Salvador (the official date of the discovery of America)

Based on the theoretical calculations of ancient scientists about the sphericity of the Earth, Christopher Columbus compiled the shortest sea route from Europe to India. With the support of Andalusian merchants and bankers, Columbus organized an ocean expedition. On August 3, 1492, three ships sailed from the Canary Islands, and on October 12 of the same year, ships moored off the coast of modern America (although Columbus was sure that this was India).

There are discussions in the scientific literature that Columbus was the first to discover America. It has been established that the islands and coastal areas of northern and northeastern America were visited by the Normans hundreds of years before Columbus. However, only the discoveries of Columbus were of world-historical significance, since only after his expedition did the American lands enter the sphere of geographical representations.

According to legend, when the Muslim army was advancing on the Byzantine Empire, a Sunday prayer for salvation was held in the Constantinople church.The temple was overflowing with worshipers, unexpectedly holy holy fool Andrew looked up and saw surrounded by angels, illuminated by heavenly light, the Mother of God walking through the air. For a whole hour she prayed with the people, then the Mother of God took off her shiny veil and covered the people in the temple with it. After that, the vision disappeared, the veil became invisible, but the grace of the Mother of God remained with the people of Constantinople.

The Intercession is considered one of the main Orthodox holidays, on this day it is customary to go to the temple with the whole family and pray to the Most Holy Theotokos, ask her for well-being.

October 14, 1905 - Peace of Portsmouth signed

Peace treaty signed on August 231905 years in an American cityPortsmouth . Its signing ended the difficult and unsuccessful period for Russia of the Russo-Japanese War of 1904-1905. the document was an example of the diplomatic art demonstrated by S. Witte.

What was this treaty? The terms of the treatise can be subdivided according to their content into several groups. The first of these concerned the redistribution of spheres of influence in third countries. Russia recognized the prevailing interests of Japan in Korea, and undertook not to interfere with measures to establish Japanese dominance in this country.

The tsarist government also ceded to Japan its rights to lease the Kwantung Peninsula with the naval base of Port Arthur (Lushun) and the commercial port of Dalniy (Dalian) with all concessions and state property, which was a major loss in political, strategic and economic terms.

The next group of conditions related to the loss of Russian territory and property. The tsarist government gave Japan the southern part of Sakhalin (up to the 50th parallel) with the adjacent islands and all state property. The area and population of the territory annexed by Japan were not so large, but it was of serious strategic and economic importance: the possession of South Sakhalin allowed Japan to block the La Perouse Strait and made it easier to block the Tatar Strait. In addition, the island was rich in minerals. The article on Sakhalin annulled the amicable delimitation of 1875, once again placing the territorial issue in the way of good neighborly relations between the two countries.

Japan received free of charge the South Manchurian Railway between Port Arthur and Kuanchenzi station with all its branches, rights and privileges. The total cost of Russia's direct material losses, not counting the territory, exceeded 100 million gold rubles. To this should be added monetary compensation for the maintenance of prisoners of war, the amount of which was not fixed in the contract itself, and was later determined at 46 million rubles.

In 1945, the southern part of Sakhalin Island and the adjacent islands were returned to Russia.

October 14, 1964 - Khrushchev is removed from all posts

On this day, the Central Committee of the CPSU granted the request of Nikita Khrushchev and released him from the post of First Secretary of the CPSU Central Committee and Chairman of the Council of Ministers of the USSR. Khrushchev explained the reason for this decision as follows:« Due to old age and declining health » . Although in fact he was removed as a result of a conspiracy between a new generation of apparatchiks who did not want to see Khrushchev as their leader.

Khrushchev, who has been on vacation since September 30, was deliberately isolated from the center. On October 12, gathered in MoscowPresidium , and 13 - Plenum of the Central Committee at which it was decided to summon Khrushchev toKremlin , present him with a list of charges and force him to resign.

On behalf of the Presidium of the Central Committee, Suslov demanded Khrushchev's resignation. The score of sins presented to the First Secretary was impressive. He was accused of abandoning the collective leadership,voluntarism , administration, the collapse of agriculture, the weakening of the country's defense power, the approval of a new personality cult.

In response to this, Khrushchev did not fight, but simply said:« I'm already old and tired... The main thing I've done... Could anyone dream that we can tell Stalin that he doesn't suit us and offer him to resign. We wouldn't have a wet spot left. Now everything is different, fear has disappeared, and the conversation is on an equal footing. This is my merit » .

October 18, 1009 - By order of the Egyptian ruler Al-Hakim, the Church of the Holy Sepulcher was plundered and destroyed

The beginning of the construction of the Holy Sepulcher began in 325 under Empress Helen, mother of Constantine the Great.

In 1009, by order of the ruler of Egypt, Al-Hakim, the Church of the Holy Sepulcher was looted and destroyed, only separate fragments of the building survived, buried under heavy stone debris.

Unfortunately, historians have not been able to recreate the full picture and the reasons for what happened. Information from various sources describesthe personality of Al-Hakim as a very controversial and unbalanced ruler.

It was the destruction of the Holy Sepulcher that served as the reasons for the start of the Crusades.

October 18, 1867 -

In 1732, a Russian expedition discovered Alaska, after which it became a possession of the Russian Empire.

In the early 19th century, Alaska generated income through the fur trade, but this was not enough for the Russian imperial family, it was obvious to them that the costs of maintaining and protecting this remote and geopolitically vulnerable territory would outweigh the potential profit.

The US began negotiations to acquire Alaska from Russia in 1867 under President Andrew Johnson. And already on March 30, 1867 at 4 o'clock in the morning, an agreement was signed on the sale of Alaskaand the Aleutian IslandsUnited States of America for 7,200,000 dollars (11 million tsarist rubles).

Of course, the inhabitants of America did not want to acquire a useless territory for such a lot of money, they even called it a polar bear reserve, but whengold and rich mineral resources were discovered in Alaska, this deal was recognized as the main achievement of the administration of President Andrew Johnson.

The official handover ceremony for Alaska took place before the money was received on October 18, 1867. On this day, in the capital of Russian settlements in North America, Novoarkhangelsk (now the city of Sitka), the Russian flag was lowered and the American flag was raised under the artillery salute and during the parade of the military of the two countries. October 18 is celebrated in the USA« Alaska Day» . In the state itself, March 30, the day the Treaty was signed, is considered an official holiday.In 1959, Alaska became the 49th state of America.

October 22, 1962 - The beginning of the Caribbean crisis - confrontation between the USSR and the USA

The aggravation of relations between the USSR and the USA occurred as a result of the deployment of Soviet missile weapons in Cuba. Such action was required because of the diplomatic and economic pressure that the United States was exerting on Cuba. The Soviet leadership, at the request of the Cubans, settled their troops on the island, including missile, to suppress the armed aggression of the Americans.

Upon learning of this, the US government announced a naval blockade of Cuba and concentrated a 250,000-strong army on the shores of Florida. In response to this, the government of the USSR gave the command to put all the Armed Forces on alert, and anti-aircraft guns were installed in the squares of Havana, which opened fire during overflights of American aircraft. On the same day, an emergency UN Security Council was created. It was possible to resolve the conflict between the USSR and the USA thanks to the diplomatic efforts of both sides.

The Soviet Union agreed to withdraw the missile launchers from Cuba, and the United States lifted the naval blockade. In January 1963, the UN received assurances that the Caribbean (Cuban) crisis had been eliminated.

October 23-25, 2002 - Nord-Ost.In Moscow, there was a terrorist attack on Dubrovka

At 9:15 p.m., a group of armed men broke into the building of the Theater Center on Dubrovka, just at that time the Nord-Ost musical was on, so there were more than 700 people in the building. All of them in the blink of an eye turned from spectators into hostages. Later, the Russian special services learned that the building had been seized by a detachment of Chechen fighters led by Movsar Baraev, and then, that there are terrorists among the invaders- suicide bombers hung with explosives.

The next day, at 19 pm, the Qatari TV channel Al-Jazeera showed a report where the militants, even before the theater was seized, put forward their demands - to withdraw Russian troops from Chechnya. After that, negotiations began, in which they took partState Duma deputy from Chechnya Aslambek Aslakhanov, Iosif Kobzon, British journalist Mark Franchetti, two Red Cross doctors. The militants flatly refused to accept food and water for the hostages, but still, On October 25, at one in the morning, they let a doctor into the building, he was the head of the Department of Emergency Surgery and Trauma of the Center for Disaster Medicine, Leonid Roshal.

In the morning, in front of the captured building, a rally of relatives and relatives of the hostages was ripe, they demanded, so that the Russian government complies with all the demands of the terrorists.

On October 26, at 5:30 am, three explosions and several automatic bursts were heard near the theater building, and at about 6:00 pm, an assault by Russian special forces using nerve gas followed. At 6.30 in the morning, FSB officials reported that the theater and everyone in it were now under the control of special services, and most of the terrorists had been destroyed.

On October 7, 2002, the Moscow prosecutor's office published a list of the dead, it included 128 people: 120 Russians and 8 citizens from countries near and far abroad.

October 28, 2002 was declared a day of mourning for the victims of the terrorist action.

October 26 -

Iverskayathe icon of the Mother of God is one of the most revered in the Orthodox world, now located on Mount Athos.

In the 9th century it was kept in the city of Nicaea by a pious widow, in the same century the iconoclasts destroyed all the holy icons. Arriving at the house of this Christian woman, one of the soldiers struck the image of the Mother of God with a spear. Immediately, blood flowed from the affected area. The widow was frightened by the complete destruction of the icon and promised the soldiers money for not touching the sacred image until morning. After the soldiers left, the woman and her son took the icon to the sea and lowered it into the water. The waves carried the icon to Athos. Having conducted a prayer service for the gift, the monk of the Iversky Monasteryat the command of the Mother of God, who appeared to him in a dream, he walked on the water, accepted the holy icon and placed it in the temple. The next day, the icon was not found in the temple;- In that way, it ended up above the gates of the monastery, it was removed and carried back to the temple, but history repeated itself. After this, the Blessed Virgin came to Saint Gabriel in a dream and said her will that she did not want to be guarded by the monks, but wanted to be their Guardian. After that, the image was placed over the monastery gates.

October 301696 - At the suggestion of Peter I, the Boyar Duma adopted a resolution"Sea ships to be ..."

The absence of a regular navy in Russia contributed to the political and cultural isolation of the country and a major obstacle to economic and social development.

The first regular fleet was the Azov, it was created during the reign of Peter I to fight the Ottoman Empire for the right to enter the waters of the Black Sea. For four years in Voronezh, Kozlov and other cities located along the banks of rivers flowing into the Sea of ​​Azov, 36-gun ships "Apostol Peter" and "Apostle Paul", four fireships, 23 galleys, 1300 plows, sea boats and rafts were built . It was they who made up the Azov fleet. The first victory was not long in coming, on July 29, 1696, when the Turkish fortress Azak (Azov) was taken. And it was after such a joyful event that the Boyar Duma, headed by Emperor Peter I, adopted a resolution "Sea ships should be ...".

October 31, 1961 - On the night of October 31 to November 1, Stalin's body was taken out of the Mausoleum

Joseph Stalin passed away on March 5, 1953, on March 9 of the same year he was buried in the Mausoleum on Red Square.

Starting in 1956, dissatisfaction began to be heard at party production meetings that the presence of Stalin's body in the tomb of Lenin "is incompatible with the lawlessness committed by Stalin."

On the eve of the XX Congress of the CPSU Party, the workers of the Kirov and Nevsky Machine-Building Plants received a proposal to rebury Stalin's remains in another place. XXII supported this idea and decided:"Mausoleum on Reddish Square, made to perpetuate the memory of Lenin" . It was decided to rebury Stalin's remains on Red Square behind the Mausoleum.Fearing popular indignation, the action was carried out in strict secrecy. At nightOn October 31, 1961, under the pretext of a parade rehearsal for November 7, Red Square was cordoned off and in the presence of countless guards, the funeral team, under the close attention of the reburial commission, took out Stalin's remains from the Mausoleum and buried them near the Kremlin wall.
