Is it worth buying things for a newborn in advance? What things can you not rush to buy before the baby is born? Arguments for buying in advance

Do I need to prepare a trousseau for a newborn in advance?


Many women believe that knitting or sewing for a child in advance, as well as buying things necessary for the baby (a dowry for a newborn) - Bad sign. Nothing like this! In the womb, the child senses her mood and reacts to it. Let your baby be sure that he is welcome with joy.
It is better to buy a trousseau for a newborn in advance, so that everything is ready before you return from the hospital with your treasure. Then you will be able to avoid unnecessary mental stress, which is very harmful for a young mother and baby. You should not trust your loved ones to prepare a dowry for a newborn while you are in the maternity hospital. They may buy something completely different from what they need. And besides, you simply won’t know where everything is. Believe me, what's in right moment If you don't have dry pants at hand, it can drive you crazy. The first month at home is the time when mother and baby get used to each other, and the mother just needs to feel confident and independent. And the inability to find a clean diaper in own home I've never given anyone any more self-esteem.
But what a pleasure it is to take your time collecting a dowry for a newborn! This helps many expectant mothers tune in to the baby’s wavelength better than any auto-training. Taking care of the baby even before he arrives, you will already feel like a mother. By placing in the apartment everything you need from the dowry for the newborn, you improve your everyday life and prevent troubles that can lead to postpartum depression. And success in studying the baby goods market and the knowledge that everything is ready for the baby’s arrival gives you self-confidence.

Prepare the essentials from the dowry for the newborn - the rest can be purchased after the baby is born.

Good omens

1. You can buy a crib or stroller in advance. It just shouldn’t be empty until the baby is born. Place a doll there, dressed in children's clothes, and she will “guard” the place for the future owner or mistress.
2. You can purchase, wash and iron clothes, diapers and bedding for your baby. Put these items where they will be stored and keep the cabinets open until the baby arrives. This symbolizes an easy birth.
3. As soon as they start talking to you about different bad omens, sincerely wish the person well and, just in case, quietly cross the middle and index fingers on right hand. :-)

What does a newborn baby need after being discharged from the hospital?

Newborn's dowry – Stroller

Newborn dowry
As a rule, the first item on the list of things given to a newborn is a stroller. However, lack of experience makes choosing a “vehicle” difficult. And only when mommy happens to lift the purchased stroller herself to the third floor, because it doesn’t fit into the elevator, or literally drags it along the snowdrifts in the snowy winter, all the shortcomings will be revealed.

The information we offer will help you do right choice. Choosing a stroller for your baby.

Newborn Baby Accessory – Car Seat

For a dowry for a newborn, choose a model from 0 kg. In this chair you can pick up the baby from the maternity hospital, take it to the clinic, shops and other places. At home, such a chair will be relevant for you from 1.5-2 months. The child can be rocked in it and simply placed in it when the baby is awake. Then he will be able to be close to you and accumulate impressions.

Newborn's dowry – Sling
A sling is a sling in which a child is carried. It can be used from birth. The sling helps mother and baby to always be together. But at the same time parent's hands remain free.
Even before the baby is born, you need to completely prepare the room in which he will live. It is best to have it repaired. It must be completed long before a small new resident appears in it, so that the smell of solvents and paint disappears completely. It is harmful to the child.
It is better to cover the walls with light wallpaper in calm colors. Hang thick curtains on the windows so that the child can be protected from sunlight.
When preparing a room for your baby, think about the time when your baby will begin to be interested in the world around him, take things in his hands, and explore them. It will happen very soon. Don't keep it in the room dangerous objects, especially medications.
The environment should be comfortable to maintain cleanliness. Take away things that collect dust: carpets, rugs, shelves. Let the room always be fresh and spacious - the child needs clean air.
You will also need a table for changing the baby; this is also a dowry for a newborn. It could be ordinary desk with cabinets, suitable for storing children's wardrobes. Before swaddling, place on the table flannelette blanket and a diaper. It will be good if you have a bedside table on which you can place bottles of milk and water, as well as items for the child’s toilet. It is worth getting a wide, low chair with armrests - it is very comfortable to feed the baby in it.

You may or may not have separate room for a newborn. In this case, give your child a bright, draft-free corner. There you will place a crib, a changing table, an armchair and a bedside table, your dowry for the newborn. Now everything is at your fingertips.

Newborn's dowry – Crib Let it be good and strong, because yours wonderful child will sleep in it until about 3-4 years of age. So it's worth shelling out for a crib that's sure to not let you down.
It should be made of natural wood, made without the use of harmful dyes.
The gaps between the slats should be at least 2.5 cm so that the baby does not get stuck in them, and no more than 6 cm so that he does not slide down with his foot. The hinged wall locks must be tight so that the child cannot open them.
The mattress must exactly match the size of the crib and fit snugly against the walls so that the baby’s head is not accidentally pinched. It is better to choose a flat orthopedic mattress. If you are given a crib “by inheritance”, then the mattress for it will need a new one, not deformed by its “predecessors”.
Place the bottom of the crib at a distance of at least 60 cm from the top railings to prevent the baby from getting out. This level must be adjustable.
A protective bumper, which is tied to the walls of the bed, will protect the baby from bruises and protect from drafts.

It’s good if the legs come with both wheels and runners - then you can alternate between motion sickness options.

Newborn's dowry – Bed

A baby does not need a cotton blanket - he can suffocate under it. A good way to include all kinds of cotton blankets and sleeping bag. Your baby won't need a pillow at least another year. Sometimes pediatricians recommend a special orthopedic pad. Buy oilcloth for the sheet and 2 sets of bed linen.

Newborn's dowry – For bathing
baby bath; a ladle from which you will water the baby when bathing;
2 soft terry towels, terry bathing mittens;
thermometer for measuring water temperature;
soap dish with baby soap;
baby shampoo;

Herbs: string, chamomile, oregano, oak bark, valerian.

Newborn's dowry – Cosmetics comb (brush);
diaper rash cream;
children's wet wipes;
cleaning oil;
children's manicure scissors with rounded ends;
lip balm (hygienic lipstick);

Cotton flagella.

Newborn's dowry – Diapers and diapers
If you decide that you will use disposable diapers, for the first time you will need 2-4 packs for a size of 3-6 kg or 2-5 kg ​​in your newborn's diaper.
If you prefer reusable nappies, you can buy ready-made ones or sew them yourself. Each diaper uses 90x90 cm of gauze. You will need at least 20 of them.
You can use cotton diapers (10 pcs.) measuring 80x130 cm when your baby grows up.
Flannel diapers size 80x100 cm – 10 pieces.
Cotton diapers size 80x100 cm – 10 pieces.

All products must be washed, dried and ironed in advance.

Newborn's dowry – Dishes a small silver spoon (very beautiful spoons are now on sale);
bottle warmer;
bottle brush;
sets of bottles with nipples (if you are not going to breastfeed) or one small one if your baby is a natural baby. To feed your baby, buy 5-7 bottles with a capacity of 250 ml. There are many options: choose the one that is comfortable to hold. Bottles with replaceable inserts are convenient - as the baby sucks, the insert shrinks, so the flow of milk does not weaken and the baby does not swallow air.

Stock up on nipples for your newborn - keep them sterilized in case the one you're using produces too much flow.

Other necessary things in a dowry for a newborn
room thermometer;
bucket for dirty laundry;
washing basin ( kids clothes must be washed separately from adults);
changing table or suitable table;
changing mat;
Consider purchasing a baby monitor. This is a convenient invention that allows you to hear your child if he is in another room.
A dowry for a newborn - a baby's wardrobe Clothing in a child's wardrobe should be made from soft, hygroscopic natural fabrics that are easy to wash, boil and iron with a hot iron. Typically this is cotton fabrics. The seams should not be rough.
Buy things in a trousseau for a newborn with a height of 62 cm (this will be enough for the first 2-3 months). Choose clothes that do not need to be pulled over your head. Believe me, you will appreciate it. Newborns aren't particularly excited about changing clothes, so try to make the process as quick and enjoyable as possible.
The things that a baby wears in the first year of life have two features: they are small and they need to be washed often. Therefore, when purchasing, proceed from how you are going to do it. If you do it manually, buy whatever you want. But then the washing will be endless for you. If you want to save time (and money), then wash in automatic washing machine. Then, when buying a dowry for a newborn, select items according to the color scheme. Give preference to plain clothes - the fact is that from large quantity After washing, the pattern fades.
Also, try to avoid clothes with a lot of frills - you will save a lot of time on ironing.
So, in the dowry for a newborn you will need:
“envelope” and “holiday kit” for leaving the maternity hospital;
10 shirts or vests, which can be calico, knitted or cotton velor (these are especially pleasant to the touch);
10 overalls with front snap fastening;
2 knitted blouses;
2 sleeping shirts;
3 pairs of thin socks;
warm socks;
3 caps;
wool cap;
mittens to prevent the baby from scratching himself (newborns have this habit);
3-5 bibs (bibs).
Newborn's dowry – First aid kit for baby
Newborn dowry

There should be a first aid kit in the house so that if necessary, you can always provide your baby with the necessary emergency assistance.


Medicines should be kept out of the reach of children;
do not store expired medications;
never use medications, especially antibiotics, prescribed to treat a specific disease in other circumstances;
For some diseases, antibiotics are necessary, but they weaken the immune system. Therefore, be sure to consult your doctor whether this treatment is the only one possible;
Use all medications only in consultation with your doctor.
The first aid kit should have:
brilliant green (brilliant green solution 1%), methylene blue on water based– for treating the navel and diaper rash, hydrogen peroxide.
potassium permanganate (potassium permanganate) - for hygienic baths for diaper rash. Be sure to dilute manganese crystals in boiled water so that you get a solution soft pink color. Be sure to strain it;
Espumisan syrup, Sub-simplex syrup - taken when intestinal colic and abdominal pain or Linex capsules;
"Kalgel" - an ointment to relieve pain during teething;
“Nazivin”, “Salin” - nasal drops for a runny nose;
"Albucid" - drops for the nose and eyes;
“Sinupret” (drops) – for the treatment of runny nose and cough;
“Paracetamol” is a children’s antipyretic and pain reliever;
aroma oils: chamomile, lavender, eucalyptus, tangerine, neroli, etc.;
Vaseline oil;
cotton buds;
sterile cotton wool;
2 small enemas;
bactericidal adhesive plaster various shapes and size for cuts, scrapes and bruises;
bandages 2.5 cm and 5 cm wide for fixing a cold compress on a bruise and for applying a bandage to the wound until it is examined by a doctor;
sterile gauze wipes for bandages;
tweezers and a set of needles for removing splinters;
pipettes - they are good to use when the baby needs to be given liquid medicine for oral administration. They are also convenient for giving your baby water in the first weeks of life;
thermometer for measuring body temperature: mercury, digital or pacifier;
a nasal aspirator will be needed if the baby has a runny nose;
phone number services emergency care and a first aid guide;

Surely this question haunts many women preparing to become mothers for the first time. One way or another, since ancient times it was believed that taking care of purchasing accessories for a baby in advance was a bad omen, and our people are accustomed to believing in everything supernatural.

Prejudice of the past

Why did this happen? The thing is that in ancient times, childbirth was not always successful, and our grandparents were captive of prejudices and misconceptions, fearing the evil eye and damage. Naturally, for them the question of whether it was possible to buy things for a newborn in advance was resolved: before the baby arrives, no purchases. But times change, and medicine does not stand still. Modern technologies and equipment ensure that adverse birth events are minimized. Naturally, in such conditions, today's mothers give a positive answer to the question: “Is it possible to buy things for a newborn in advance?”

Well, why should something happen to a child if, for example, you take care of children’s toys in advance?

We need to look to the future

In any case, having brought the little one from maternity hospital, you will be completely occupied with it: there will be no time to run around the shops looking for diapers and vests. Besides, I really don’t want to be disappointed in children’s accessories bought in a hurry. Still unsure whether you can buy things for a newborn in advance? Throw aside all fears and prejudices. Pregnancy period - optimal time in order to take a balanced and responsible approach to the choice of attributes necessary for a toddler. In addition to this, there is a mandatory list of supplies and accessories that you will need in the maternity hospital and after discharge from it.

Don't rely entirely on the opinions of others

Even if you are not sure whether it is possible to buy things for a newborn in advance, you should not succumb to horror stories that it is

First of all, father and mother are responsible for their child, and they must make all decisions independently, without regard to the opinions of others. Remember that the first months of life the baby will demand increased attention, and mom will have no time to be distracted by other things. That is why you should not give in to anyone’s opinion about whether it is possible to buy things for a newborn in advance. Moreover, what mother would not like the advance shopping ritual, which is based on caring for the baby who has not yet been born? Such a shopping trip will undoubtedly cause a lot of positive emotions in the future parent. Why deny yourself pleasure?

Things to remember

However, the answer to the question of whether it is possible to buy things for a newborn in advance requires reservations. Experts do not recommend purchasing baby supplies immediately after pregnancy tests are given. positive result. At a minimum, thoughts about this should be postponed until the middle of the term. Don't forget that the first trimester is the peak time for fetal development, and it is better to wait until it begins to develop normally, eliminating the risks of anxiety and stress.

If you can’t wait to take care of your baby, then take preparatory steps: look through catalogs of children’s products, select color scheme and models, study the reviews, think about the interior of the children's room.

Optimal period for purchases

So, we found out whether it is worth buying things for a newborn in advance. But when is the best time to do this? It is in the second trimester of pregnancy. As a rule, at this time parents already know who will be born to them - a boy or a girl. Moreover, already at this stage it will not be superfluous to worry about purchasing large-sized accessories: a changing table, baby car seat, crib, etc. However, this does not mean that you should definitely purchase all this in the first days of your shopping trip. First, explore the range offered in different retail outlets, compare prices, evaluate the advantages and disadvantages of products for children.

List of required accessories

If future mom has a very vague idea of ​​whether or not it is possible to buy things for a newborn in advance, then at least she should know what children's accessories she cannot do without after being discharged from the maternity hospital. Let's list the most basic of them.

Baby cot

Of course, your baby should have a separate sleeping area, despite the fact that many toddlers do not want to fall asleep without their mother.

Today there is a whole arsenal of different models of cribs for babies, from transformers with removable sides to “tourist” options that allow you to put them in a bag and carry them with you, which is very convenient. When buying this or that model of a sleeping place for a baby, pay attention to such factors as the cost of the product, its safety, durability, the presence of drop-down sides and wheels. And, of course, do not forget to prepare a sleeping place for your baby in advance. If sleep is meant to be shared, special preparations not required. If the child will sleep separately from his parents, then a soft mattress and bedding should be placed in the crib.


Is it worth buying things for newborn babies in advance? Of course, yes, if we are talking about a stroller. The choice of this accessory for a toddler should also be taken seriously. It is in this vehicle that the baby will spend a lot of time, especially in warm and sunny weather. Therefore, it is recommended to choose the above attribute taking into account climatic conditions. Today, the choice of strollers is huge: preference should be given to models with a sleeping part on a classic chassis and transformers (a portable cradle with a perfectly flat surface).

If you live in a cold climate zone, then it is better for you to buy strollers with insulation and suspension.

First aid kit

And of course, mom and dad should take care of a first aid kit for the baby in advance. Cotton wool, brilliant green, and hydrogen peroxide should be available. IN mandatory There should be antipyretic drugs (suppositories, syrups) in the house. Don't forget that babies often suffer from rhinitis, colic, and constipation, and for these cases you should also have medications on hand.

Personal care products

Are you still haunted by the question: “Is it possible to buy things for a newborn baby in advance?” Remember that personal hygiene products - baby shampoos, gels, soaps, etc. - must be purchased before the baby is born. Don't forget about towels and swimming caps - the little one will also need them over time. The baby cannot do without a special bath. In the maternity hospital there will be no opportunity to comfortably bathe the baby, but at home it’s a different matter. Take care of this much-needed attribute in advance.

Necessary things for the baby

Of course, the question of whether it is possible to buy things for newborn children in advance becomes irrelevant when it comes to diapers, baby vests, rompers, nappies, socks and fancy suits. These elements of a child's wardrobe will be needed in the maternity hospital.

What to do for superstitious people

It is possible that among mothers there will also be superstitious natures who, no matter what, will not want to purchase any accessories for the child before he is born. Well, everyone has the right to do their own thing. However, there is a very simple way out of the situation. You can make requests for the purchase of specific items in virtual stores on the Runet and arrange in advance for the goods to be delivered on the day of discharge from the maternity hospital. This solution to the problem can suit even the most superstitious woman.

You can do it differently: entrust the purchase of children's goods to your relatives or close people. However, you should help them in this important event: prepare a list necessary accessories for the baby, and don’t be lazy to indicate the color, model and trademark- this greatly simplifies the search.

But you should also take into account that it is better to make the most important purchases, for example, a stroller or crib, on your own or together with your spouse: naturally, in this case, a home delivery service by the seller should be provided.


Both suspicious and not fixated on mysticism women who are preparing to become mothers should remember one important circumstance: everything that happens to us in this life, whether it is negative or positive, is a consequence of our thoughts and mood. Positive emotions give birth joyful events, and a negative attitude attracts grief, and sometimes misfortune. If you are carrying a baby without any pathologies, and from a medical point of view there are no problems, then there is no reason for fear: you can safely buy things for your unborn baby.

Signs and superstitions. What things need to be purchased in advance, and what can you refuse?

Signs and superstitions

Since ancient times, there have been many signs, superstitions and prohibitions surrounding pregnancy and childbirth. So, expectant mothers are not recommended to buy all things in advance. They say that evil spirits will wear the baby’s clothes and thereby harm him in the future. It was forbidden for pregnant women to knit clothes for their unborn baby, since it was believed that the threads symbolized the umbilical cord and if knitted during pregnancy, the child would become entangled in the umbilical cord.
There is no scientific or general evidence that this happens often. In ancient times, sewing clothes for a child before he was born was considered unacceptable. Another thing is a stroller, a crib and other things that require investment of effort, skill and money are not prohibited even today.
It is not recommended to believe these signs and superstitions.

So is it possible to buy things before the baby is born?

Not only is it possible, but it is also necessary. Just packing your bag for the maternity hospital will take a lot of time. It's better to prepare everything in advance. If the pregnancy proceeds normally, then the likelihood of a difficult birth is reduced to the lowest percentage. There is no need to be afraid that something will happen to your child. It’s better to purchase clothes, personal hygiene items, furniture in advance, so that you don’t have to rush around the city looking for “treasures.”

What is the point of buying things before the baby is born?

A newborn needs a lot of things. If you don’t prepare in advance, then there will be unnecessary hassle and stress. The expectant mother needs to be patient and have everything she needs.

Necessary purchases for a newborn

Of the necessary things upon discharge from the maternity hospital, expectant mothers should have prepared in advance:
  • Crib.
  • Stroller. Perhaps not alone.
  • Blanket for a newborn.
  • Bed sheets and various necessary things for the baby.
  • Things to stay in maternity ward hospitals.
It’s better to prepare all things in advance so that you don’t have to ask anyone for help, etc.

What things can you not rush to buy before the baby is born?

Some mothers now claim that before giving birth there was no need to buy:
  • Pacifiers.
  • Mixtures.
  • A crib. The fact is that the baby is very small after birth. It takes up little space. Therefore, you can put it to sleep anywhere, even in cardboard box. From which it follows that the need for a crib is not so great.
  • A table for changing a baby. He is not always in demand.
  • Diapers and undershirts are out of season.
  • Lots of extra clothes.
  • Toys.
Believing in omens is, of course, stupid. For normal birth the appropriate attitude is important. If a woman worries too much, it will not lead to anything good. Buying things for your baby in advance is the norm. Signs arose at a time when there was a high mortality rate of newborn children. Today, most diseases can be controlled, so there is no point in being afraid.

It is unlikely that grandmotherly prejudices that a child’s dowry is bought only when the child is born are very common now. Nevertheless, this point of view remains very popular in some families, especially under the influence of the older generation. Try to approach solving this problem as rationally as possible by asking yourself and then those around you a simple question: who will buy the necessary things and when when the baby is born? After all, the mother will be in the maternity hospital, and when she arrives home with the child, she will be faced with the fact that there will be very little time, if any, for thoughtful and balanced purchases; This means she will have to buy the first one she comes across in the store closest to her home. And when overly superstitious relatives promise to do all the shopping for mom, mom should imagine how much they will implement her wishes or how seriously they will correct them. If a mother is confident that she can entrust the purchase of a child’s trousseau to someone (giving up such pleasure!), then she should do serious preparatory work: think about and make a shopping list in advance, look for the things she likes in the store and leave detailed recommendations with wishes regarding color, shape, model, brand, material and options - what can be replaced with if the desired option is not on sale.

Let's consider another scenario for the development of events - the parents and, above all, the expectant mother herself are involved in purchasing the dowry. How to approach shopping rationally and not buy up the entire assortment children's store, what will obviously be superfluous?

First of all, you need to clearly understand what and in what quantities the child will need. A pre-compiled list needs systematization, which can be based on next principle: furniture, textiles, hygiene products and so on. Below is a list of things that, according to the experience of parents and the opinion of doctors, most fully reflect the needs of the baby and parents. If desired, it can be divided into necessary and desirable, the lists of which are adjusted during the purchasing process.


  • crib
  • mattress
  • tent and crib cover
  • blankets (warm and light)
  • duvet covers
  • sheets

Baby clothes:

  • thin diapers
  • flannelette diapers
  • disposable diapers
  • sleeping bag
  • thin overalls
  • warm overalls (woolen)
  • street jumpsuit
  • thin blouses or vests
  • sliders
  • warm blouse
  • warm socks
  • thin socks
  • thin caps
  • outdoor cap

Walking accessories:

  • stroller
  • rain cover for stroller
  • envelope for the stroller (sintepon or fur)
  • kangaroo backpack or sling
  • car seat

Hygiene and bathing supplies:

  • changing board or table
  • bath (slide in the bath)
  • bath stand
  • bath foam
  • baby soap
  • sponge
  • baby cream
  • wet wipes
  • cotton or gauze swabs
  • children's washing powder
  • gauze for diapers or disposable diapers
  • oilcloth
  • terry towels
  • brush and comb
  • scissors with rounded edges

For feeding:

  • breast pump
  • bottles with nipples
  • bottle sterilizer
  • milk freezing bags
  • heater baby food
  • thermos bag for bottles
  • bottle brush
  • spoon
  • bib


  • "baby monitor"
  • thermometer
  • dummy
  • toys

Now you need to see it all with your own eyes, touch it with your hands and find out what varieties there are. To do this, you can go to children's stores, specialized markets, read magazines for expectant parents and look up information on the Internet. Only then will the mother imagine what it is like and what exactly she wants to see for her child. These same sources often contain analytical information - indications of the advantages and disadvantages of children's products, visible either to specialists or to parents who, in practice, were able to evaluate this or that item. In the process of empirically understanding the children's goods market, changes may well occur in your list - for example, you decide that you want for your baby not the stroller you read about, but a completely different one - in your opinion, more functional and cheaper. Do not forget, in a burst of creative inspiration, to write down the prices of the products you are considering in different stores.

Finally, the mother has all the information, and this information needs material support - the amount of money allocated for the children's dowry. Most likely, when the initial count occurs, a state of shock will set in - the amount will be so large. This is a completely normal part of the dowry buying process. Now you can look at the list more sensibly, remembering the principle of combining what is necessary and what is desired. And shorten it due to the second part. In addition, you can conduct marketing research yourself - by calling stores, comparing prices in search of the most economical option. Don't be upset by the downsizing - be sure that you left what you need and got rid of the unnecessary.

The principle of seasonality of purchased items is also important. Based on what time of year the baby will be born, you can quite guess what kind of things you will need more - light or warm. And approximately what size should clothes bought for growth be, so that it doesn’t turn out that a warm overall, prudently bought by parents in winter, turns out to be too small for a child born in summer. By the way, this is a very common mistake, so it’s better not to buy clothes with a lot of time left when you might need them. This is especially true for shoes, which parents buy, looking with emotion at the adorable tiny shoes.

Once the list has been verified and finally approved, start technical side business: think about who you will go shopping with and, importantly, what. To save time, using the map, you can create the most convenient travel route. And remember: in this promotion, a travel companion decides a lot - he can spoil the pleasure, getting irritated by endless shopping trips, or he can enhance it by being your ally. So, knowing your friends and relatives from this side, do not neglect this important circumstance. If your husband hates shopping, then rest assured: he is unlikely to be moved by shopping for his unborn child, dragging himself around children's stores for several hours. On the other hand, you will need masculine strength to carry things, so perhaps it would be advisable to go with your husband for children's furniture and a stroller, and with your mother for clothes. When buying goods, especially equipment - a stroller, crib, baby monitor, scales, etc. - don't forget to check warranty card and filling it out correctly, so that if something happens there are no problems with exchange or return. But it is advisable to approach the purchasing process more carefully, so as not to waste your nerves on explanations with sellers who are not interested in returning.

Don’t forget to also get all the accompanying pleasures from the shopping process - sit in a cafe, drink a cup of tea, rest on a bench admiring the purchases, and buy something for yourself - for the soul or for the body (except for a breast pump and pads) so that the pleasure is complete.

According to Art. 25 of the Law of the Russian Federation on the Protection of Consumer Rights, a purchased item can be exchanged within 14 days from the date of purchase without explanation. The Law states that “the exchange of non-food products is carried out if the specified product has not been used, its presentation, consumer properties, seals, factory labels, as well as the sales or cash receipt issued to the consumer along with the specified product have been preserved.” But the absence of a receipt cannot be a basis for refusing a return - in this case, the goods can be returned if there are two witnesses to the purchase. If a product similar to the purchased one is not on sale, the buyer has the right to receive the money paid for it or exchange the product when the product goes on sale.

There is a list of goods that are not subject to return or exchange, approved by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of January 19, 1998 No. 55. It includes products for the prevention and treatment of diseases at home (including child care items); personal hygiene items; perfumery and cosmetic products; fabrics and other goods sold by the metre; linen and hosiery; products and materials in contact with food; goods household chemicals; furniture sets; books and some other goods.

When returning your purchase, do not forget to take your passport with you, as in some stores this is required condition to complete the relevant documentation.

With your own hands

Another traditional entertainment for expectant mothers is to sew, knit or embroider something with their own hands. Even those women who have never held a thread and needle or knitting needles in their hands are susceptible to this hobby during pregnancy. This good time to expand the range of your skills. Pick up one of the many books on needlework, select the copy that most touches you and start creating. For those with primary skills, such books provide detailed explanations; For those craftswomen whose level is determined by the beautiful Latin concept tabularasa, there are their own ABCs - how to learn to sew, embroider, knit. Just remember that knitted socks or booties for a child require a certain knitting skill on 5 needles, so the simplicity of their manufacture is apparent. It’s better to start with something simpler: at least sew a cap with your own hands and decorate it with sewing or embroidery, make a diaper or vest with a personalized monogram: your baby will be simply irresistible in them! I wish you creative success combined with rationality!

For a woman, shopping in itself is a kind of relaxation, and when it comes to shopping for her future baby, the expectant mother gets her second and third wind at the same time.

Every pregnant woman, from the beginning of this period, begins to worry about having time to buy everything before the baby arrives, tries to provide him with everything he needs, and therefore often makes purchases of completely unnecessary things ahead of time.

But this kind of shopping cannot be canceled completely, because it’s a lot positive emotions and positive impressions that are so necessary for pregnant women.

When is shopping time and what does the baby need, and what can he do without? What should you consider when purchasing a baby kit? Read the answers to these questions below.

Shopping time

Every expectant mother starts shopping for her child at different time. Some people prefer to buy everything gradually, and start shopping immediately after the first fetal movements. Others are in no hurry, preferring to buy everything at once, just before giving birth.

And some are generally too superstitious, and firmly believe that shopping for a baby before it is born is absolutely a bad omen. Of course, it is a personal matter for each expectant mother when and what to buy for her baby.

Still, for those who doubt when to shop for a child, it is worth noting that you should not wait until the very moment of birth, and then rush everyone who is nearby to the store and buy everything that is at hand. This is the most inappropriate tactic for such a moment. You definitely need to prepare in advance everything you need to take with you to the maternity hospital, and the kit includes things for the baby. When contractions begin, someone else (husband or mother) will have to run to the shops and pharmacies, and they will buy something completely different from what you want to see on your child.

Timely presupposes an assembled kit, starting from the thirtieth week of pregnancy. By this time, you should go around all the stores, find out the assortment and pricing policy of each, and in the thirtieth week you should already go with a specific goal and make purchases. And don’t forget to talk to sales managers and ask them about promotions or discounts for pregnant women. Often this becomes extremely pleasant surprise for expectant mothers and significant savings in their financial budget.

Another option for those who are not fans of children's shopping: you can entrust this important event to your mother, husband, godparents, and so on, anyone you trust, almost the same as yourself. The main thing for everyone is to make a clear list of things that one or another trusted person needs to buy. A shopping list will help you avoid creating unnecessary clutter in your home. the same things. Such a shopping list, a kind of shopping instruction, should be compiled taking into account financial situation each participant in this shopping experience.

What to buy and where?

There is no need to buy a dozen things of the same size at once. Remember, babies grow faster than adults, and therefore you won’t even have time to put many things on your child before they become too small for him.

It turns out that the money was thrown away in vain. Most quickly, various hats - caps and body suits - become small. So be careful when selecting and ordering these items. Two warm hats, three to four thin ones and two body suits will be enough for the first time.

It is also worth knowing in advance that sliders that fasten on a child’s shoulders are not very comfortable when changing diapers, and therefore, while the baby is lying down, it is better to purchase several sliders with light elastic bands.

When buying diapers, you need to look at their sizes. You can buy a couple of packs of the first size, then you definitely won’t go wrong. Subsequently, you will just need to monitor the child’s growth and buy the appropriate size for him.

For the baby, two blankets will be enough - warm and light, one warm walking envelope and a couple of warm suits.

TO important purchases include hygiene products. It is necessary to purchase hypoallergenic products immediately. This fact must be indicated on the packaging; if there is no line on the packaging stating that this drug does not cause allergies, do not take it.

A child under one and a half years old needs his own bath; it is not hygienic to bathe a child in an adult. shared bath. Choose a bath according to your taste, light and beautiful. Today their choice is simply huge. So there shouldn't be any problems.

And it is best to purchase a stroller together with your spouse. After all, men are better versed in all mechanisms. Give him this opportunity to make a convenient and comfortable gift for his future child. Both the crib should not only be comfortable for the child and beautiful to your eyes, but reliable, durable enough and multifunctional. The versatility of a stroller usually lies in the fact that it can play the role of two strollers at the same time - a winter stroller and summer option. The crib should be suitable for the child’s growth, that is, with adjustable height of the bottom and railings.

Don't forget to purchase a mask net for the stroller. It is important.

Shopping can be done where it is most convenient for future parents. Strollers and cribs can be purchased second-hand if they are in good condition. Online stores also provide today huge selection children's goods. But it is best to buy things for a child in specialized and stationary stores to see for yourself that the materials are natural and the right size one thing or another.

The expectant mother may not have to worry about shopping for things at all. After all, most likely, she still has all the things from her firstborn. You just need to take them out in advance, wash and iron them, and put them in a bag for the maternity hospital by about the thirty-fifth to thirty-seventh week of pregnancy.

When there is already one child in the house, and a second one is on the way, the mother just needs to collect hygiene items for the child and for herself, and not fuss about more.
