When the baby smiles. When a child begins to smile - how not to miss the first joyful event

Every mom and every dad wants to see the smile of their baby, addressed to him. But the time for conscious smiles has yet to come, and this does not happen immediately after discharge from the hospital. In this article, we will talk about when the little one begins to smile consciously and how to understand that this time has come.


A newly born person smiles. But he does it unconsciously. Such involuntary smiles are associated with the rapid formation and "debugging" of the nervous system, which began in the period of intrauterine development and continues during the first years of a child's life. A fleeting unconscious smile appears on the face of a newborn at any time when his body is sufficiently relaxed - in a dream, during water procedures, after feeding. This first physiological smile is not addressed to absolutely anyone - neither mom, nor dad, or even grandmother, no matter how much the latter wants it.

A baby can start smiling at a mother or another adult who is caring for a baby, communicating with him only after a number of important conditions have been met in his body:

  • the mimic muscles of the face are ready and “ripe”;
  • the psycho-emotional sphere of the child is successfully developing;
  • the nervous system is ready to activate the mimic muscles at the child's own will;
  • hearing becomes more acute;
  • vision develops and the baby can already examine the face, focus on it, there is recognition of faces.

A newborn does not have all these skills. He has another, louder tool for communication - screaming. With a cry, he shows that he is hungry, that he is wet or in pain. This is not to say that a newborn is devoid of emotionality, it is not. But it is of a different nature and is aimed at providing the first and most natural needs - nutrition, security, survival.

An emotional conscious smile usually appears at the age of 2-3 months. A child can not only smile broadly and toothlessly at dad or mom in response to affectionate treatment, entering the nursery, but also demonstrates a clear sign of emotional maturity - a revitalization complex. He briskly swings his arms and legs, trying to arch his back.

Most often, the ability to smile at loved ones appears at about the same time with the ability to walk and coo. Together, these skills produce an effect of deafening happiness on parents. Contact becomes not one-sided, as in the first weeks of a child's life, but completely mutual.

Why does the baby not express joyful emotions?

If a child does not smile, it is not at all necessary that he has health problems. Quite often, the reason is the elementary lack of a good example. If it is not customary in the family to express emotions brightly, the household members are extremely serious and focused and behave with restraint, then the baby will copy just such a model of behavior.

Children with whom they talk little, who do not see smiles from their mother, and even see their mother only during the next feeding, usually lag far behind their peers in psycho-emotional development. They simply have nowhere to take examples of emotions.

It is necessary to take into account the own character of the child. He was born with him and it is precisely this (with minor adjustments in details) character that he will remain. If from birth the baby is a "beech" or a focused observer, then it will not be easy to make him smile consciously.

Other reasons for the lack of a smile in an infant may be as follows.

  • The baby was born premature. Such children need more time not only for physical, but also for emotional development.
  • The pregnancy was difficult. Any negative effects on the fetus during its gestation period can slow down its development after birth. The main factors are Rh-conflict between mother and fetus, intrauterine chronic hypoxia.
  • Difficult childbirth. Dangerous birth trauma, cerebral hemorrhage, ischemia, acute hypoxia.
  • Neurological diseases, mental disorders, autism, dementia.

The meaning of smiles

After the additional ability to smile is added to the already familiar cry of the baby, he will use smiles to express a variety of emotions. Of course, first of all, to demonstrate the joy of the sight of a loved one. Also, with smiles, a baby from 2.5-3 months begins to express pleasure. A well-fed, dry, healthy child can contemplate the mobile over the crib or the ceiling for quite some time and smile blissfully.

After six months, many babies begin to address smiles not only to their mother and favorite toys, but also to strangers who turn to them - a pediatrician at a clinic appointment, a massage therapist, a neighbor on the landing.

Do not think that inappropriate smiles are necessarily a sign of a mental disorder. What seems serious to an adult can be quite funny to a baby, and at this he will smile. Mental illness in the first year is usually not diagnosed at all.

How to stimulate skill?

The kid will definitely learn to smile and will do it with undisguised pleasure, if from the first days of his life he is surrounded by the attention and love of adult family members. The more often he sees smiles around, the faster he will master this amazing skill. Babies imitate a lot, and their own example of their parents is the best teacher. In addition, a smile is a sign of good nature and safety, and newborns can feel this intuitively.

The more sincere the parent's smile is, the faster the child will understand that this facial expression is very good, and will try to repeat it. The development of a smile is facilitated by massage of the baby's palms and fingers, daily restorative massage, fun exercises that will not only be gymnastics for muscle development, but also training for the child's emotionality.

Unconsciously, the baby can begin to smile within a few days after birth. But this is a reflex smile, which shows that the baby is calm and comfortable during this period. Many mothers are interested in the question of how many months the baby begins to smile consciously. Estimated time frame is 5-10 weeks.

By two or three months, the baby begins to recognize and distinguish between faces and voices. Some children already master cooing and cooing. Most often, after recognizing native faces, a smile begins to appear consciously. Read more about the development of the baby in two months. And in this article we will find out when the child begins to smile.

When the baby smiles

How many months the baby will smile is an individual question. This phenomenon depends on the characteristics of the development and nature of the newborn, on how much attention is paid to the baby. This usually happens at 6-8 weeks. But for some children, a smile appears as early as the third or fourth week, and some guys do not smile until three or four months.

At first, the baby smiles when he sees the talking face of a person. And he smiles at everyone he sees. A smile indicates that the baby distinguishes between people and inanimate objects.

A baby's smile at first may be a reaction to the following:

  • Pleasant or interesting event (someone claps his hands, hums with a baby, sings a song, etc.);
  • Pronounced facial expressions of an adult;
  • Interesting sounds and intonations;
  • gentle touch;
  • Music.

At 7-9 months, the baby begins to see differently, becomes legible and smiles not to everyone in a row. Interestingly, at this age, children already divide people into “bad” and “good”, “ours” and “strangers”.

Many mothers are also interested in how many months the baby will start laughing. It also depends on the individual development and temperament of the child. Some children laugh and laugh as early as three months, and some go without laughter until 7-8 months.

Smiling and breast development

Smiling is the beginning of emotional and psychological development, the basis of communication with other people. At two or three months, when the child begins to smile, he begins to pronounce the first sounds. First this. The baby draws out vowel sounds, such as “a”, “o”, “e” or “y”. At 4-5 months, the consonants “g”, “p”, “m” are added. Gradually, he begins to pronounce the first light syllables, like “ma”, “ba”, “pa”, “yes”.

The smile, emotional state and speech of the baby are inextricably linked. Therefore, it is important to do complex developmental exercises with the child. To do this, constantly talk with the baby, explain each action, tell fairy tales and stories, nursery rhymes and poems, sing songs. Be sure to use facial expressions and gestures! This contributes to the development of speech, will help to bring a smile to the crumbs and even make them laugh.

The development of the baby is provided by bright and musical toys, games of hide and seek and “cook”, the attention of parents. Be sure to use flashcards, pronounce the names of the images with intonation and facial expressions. By the way, children at 6-7 months respond well to the sounds of animals. The baby will quickly remember sounds such as “moo”, “meow” and “woof”.

When the baby gurgles, repeat the sounds and add new ones. Speak softly and calmly! Smile at a baby and he will smile back. It is no secret that children at this age copy the behavior, speech and emotions of their parents.

If the baby does not smile

It is important to provide the baby with comfort and peace of mind. Do not expect the baby to smile if he wants to eat or sleep, if the baby is being tormented, if you are screaming, or if the family is in an anxious situation. Moving, prolonged separation from mother and other negative phenomena can easily cause stress even for a newborn. A calm and favorable atmosphere, good mood and well-being, regular classes guarantee the correct development of the child.

Do not forget about special gymnastics, massage and finger games. Points on the fingers and palms are responsible for emotional and psychological development. Therefore, massage movements of the hands and special gymnastics will help the baby quickly adapt to the world, start smiling and gurgling.

Do not be alarmed if the baby does not smile or coo for a long time. Up to 6-8 months, this phenomenon is considered normal. How many months a smile and laughter, the first sounds and syllables will appear, depends on the characteristics of the child's development.

But if the baby does not smile and does not coo by eight months, contact the pediatrician! This may indicate a hearing problem or a developmental disorder.

A developmental disorder is accompanied by the following factors:

  • The baby does not know how to focus on an object even for a few seconds;
  • Feeling unwell, the baby is not interested in the outside world and does not want to communicate;
  • Does not smile and does not react to external factors, does not know how to coo and roar, does not make sounds;
  • Cannot raise and hold his head in a prone position on his tummy. Does not hold head upright. As a rule, these skills appear after 12 weeks. Read more about this in the article.

If you have any of these symptoms, be sure to consult a doctor. He will select a special development program, prescribe therapeutic exercises and massages, swimming exercises and relaxing baths, vitamins and, if necessary, medications. Do not self-medicate!

If the child develops normally, but does not smile yet, you should not worry. Be aware of the individual pace of development and different temperaments. Some children are more reserved and calm. The kid can explore the world and master new sensations, movements, sounds. Give the baby time, and he will definitely smile!

From birth, the baby often cries for various reasons. Sometimes young mothers from impotence can cry with their baby. And it seems that the joyful moment of the first smile on the face will never come. But do not despair, this moment is closer than you can imagine. When a child begins to smile, how can parents not miss this joyful event? We will try to answer this and other questions in our article.

Let's first try to find the answer to the question: why does a newborn smile? At the very beginning of his life, everything happens at the level of innate reflexes and is completely unrelated to the conscious act.

The first smile on the face may appear a few days after birth. Such a reaction can be observed during sleep, bathing or a fun game.

Why do newborns smile in their sleep? This may speak of their inner peace and satisfaction. Conscious laughter appears 1-2 months after birth in full-term babies. This is due to the development of muscles on the face, the beginning of the work of the part of the brain that is responsible for this process. It is during this period of his life that the baby begins to consciously recognize native people and express his reaction not only in the form of crying, but also with a smile on his face.

Complex brain process in the body

This state is a sign of complete peace and tranquility. This can happen during sleep or wakefulness, when the baby is next to a loved one and enjoys it.

Many parents are interested in the question: when does a child begin to consciously smile? For this, it is necessary that the body starts important processes, namely:

  • development of the corresponding facial muscles and nerves;
  • development of the corresponding zone in the brain.

I have been watching children since their birth. To the question of parents, when the babies begin to coo and smile, I can say for sure that not earlier than 1.5 months after birth. This moment is different for everyone.

The main thing, remember the importance of constant communication between parents and the child, because ignoring can lead to very disastrous consequences.

Often parents do not immediately notice any deviations in the development of the baby and therefore do not seek help. I strongly recommend dealing with children from their very birth, and in case of the slightest suspicion, contact qualified specialists.

Smiling is the exact opposite of crying when the child is in an anxious state (he is tormented by pain, anxiety, etc.). We advise you to find out the time norms for the appearance of the first tears in the article.

All reactions are activated by the end of the first month of life, and in the second they are an integral part of behavior, and in order to demonstrate a conscious smile, the baby must reach the age of 2 months after birth.

When a child begins to smile, a complex chain of reactions occurs in his body: with the help of his visual apparatus, he recognizes the emotions associated with a certain process (playing with mom or dad, bathing, etc.), then a signal is sent to the brain department that responds for relaxation of facial muscles. This is how the first conscious smile appears.

What can bring a smile to a baby's face?

  • game with mom or other loved one. You can use the game in "Okay", the story of a funny nursery rhyme or song;
  • as a response to facial expressions in an adult (grimace of parents) or seen funny pictures.

When and why does a newborn begin to gurgle and coo

The most dear person in the life of every child is a mother. After all, the baby is with her from the very moment of its creation.

Many young mothers are interested in when newborns begin to coo? This process also occurs approximately 2 months after birth.

So the child learns the world and talks to himself, begins to coo, pronounces the sounds "a", "o", "I".

It doesn't last long a month after the baby began to coo - cooing begins.

If the baby knows how to smile, walk - this means that the development and knowledge of the world around is happening normally. All mothers know when a baby cries - something is bothering him. For example:

  • tummy hurts (how to help your baby with colic - read);
  • he is tormented by hunger or thirst;
  • cold or hot;
  • restlessness in a dream;
  • She wants her mother to pick her up and caress her.

When the baby smiles, he is calm and happy. A sleepy baby is a happy baby. This process brings great joy to mom. What can it mean when a child starts to walk and coo? In this case, the baby learns the world and learns to talk to him. Physicians call it "complex of revival".

This also includes chaotic (at first) movements of the arms and legs. With this behavior, the child tries to communicate with his mother, to show that something is bothering him, or vice versa. When children begin to hum, they reproduce the sound they hear and like. This may include a smile on the face, twitching of arms and legs.

Ignoring the kid

Constant contact with one of the parents will help the baby quickly adapt to a completely new world for him and give such a long-awaited smile.

If the mother does not react in any way to the anxiety signals of the newborn, behaves rather coldly and indifferently, ignores the baby - this leads to a delay in its development.

It must be remembered that the full development of her crumbs depends on the mother.

This includes reading books and looking at pictures. At the very beginning, the process lasts several minutes, until the baby learns to focus his attention. Give your baby a massage every day, do gymnastics.

If a mother is always engaged in household chores or herself and does not pay attention to the baby, this leads to his isolation in the future.

It is required to regularly engage with the baby: sing songs to him, tell rhymes, do morning exercises and try to evoke positive emotions.

Principles of Positive Parenting

There are 5 basic principles for parents:

1 To be different or different. It must be understood that each individual child is an individuality and parents must accept this fact and develop their characteristics in them.

2 Everyone can be wrong. This principle says that the baby can make mistakes, and parents should recognize and be able to forgive them, each time giving a chance to start all over again. That is when you can count on the right development.

3 Everyone has negative emotions. It is worth remembering that when experiencing negative emotions, the baby badly needs the support of his parents. If he gets it, he understands that he is not alone.

4 Need to want more. According to this principle, it is necessary to give an independent choice in all the endeavors of the baby. Only in this case, parents will not be able to suppress, but on the contrary, will develop his individuality and uniqueness.

5 The ability to say "no". This applies to parents who allow their little baby too much. You should always be able to stop and forbid if it can harm him.

The baby has no emotions - a reason for excitement

If by 3 months after birth your baby has never smiled, this should cause concern. This deviation may indicate the development of autism. Pay attention to the Apgar score given to the baby at birth.

In this case, you need to visit a pediatric neurologist and pediatrician. They will make the correct diagnosis, or dispel fears.

In order to cause a smile, you need to make a minimum of effort: put the baby on his back, bring your face closer to a distance of about 30 cm from his eyes and tell a funny rhyme. In response, you will receive sincere emotions. It is recommended to show bright pictures in books, colorful toys, such as musical ones. Take the time to study on, and as a result, your goal will be achieved.

Each child is an individual. We are all different in temperament, this also applies to small children: someone smiles often, someone vice versa. There is no need to force if the child does not have the corresponding desire, all people are individual and show their emotions in different ways.


Young parents need to be patient - a conscious reaction in response to a smile will definitely appear in due time. It must be remembered that regular development sessions will help speed up the process. If by the age of 3 months the baby has not smiled and is not babbling at all, consult a specialist for a consultation. So it is possible to diagnose dangerous pathologies at an early stage.

Watch a helpful video that tells the stages of baby development by months and the skills he acquires:

When a child begins to smile, parents and loved ones rejoice. Still, finally, this little man not only cries, but also laughs. But this element of development is important not only from the emotional side, but also from the physiological side. The first smile that appeared in time is a sign of the normal mental development of the child.

What time the child begins to smile at his mother in response - any pediatrician will say. On average, this is the age of 6-8 weeks. Sometimes a little earlier or a little later. Much depends on the people around the child. If he is often carried in his arms, they sing to him, they talk to him, caress him - the child begins to smile consciously as early as 1 month, if less attention is paid to the emotional sphere, then in 2 months. But do not believe mothers who talk about the fact that their children began to smile even in the hospital, that is, immediately after birth. At such an early age, only grimaces are possible, but not conscious smiles. And in response, the child will certainly not be able to smile, because he still sees quite poorly.

A smile is one of the components of the so-called revitalization complex - the emotional-motor reaction of a baby to an adult. This reaction begins to appear at about 3 weeks of a child's life. At such an early age, he only freezes and concentrates when spoken to. A little later, a smile, cooing and motor animation appear, as a reaction to communication with an adult. The revitalization complex reaches its apogee by 4 months. Later, the child's behavior becomes more complex and varied. On unfamiliar adults, even if they are talking to him affectionately, he can react on the contrary by crying. But at this age, he no longer just smiles, but laughs out loud.

How to make your child smile faster? Just love your baby and everything will work out. Be sure to talk to him, even if you think that he still does not understand anything. Children who have not been spoken to by their parents develop more slowly. Later, they begin not only to smile, but also to walk, make sounds and talk.

The most successful, appropriate moment to evoke a conscious smile in a child is to gently touch him or just smile when he is exploring the world - he turns his head, tries to grab toys with his fingers, carefully examines any objects, tries to walk and move.

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The smile of a small child is always a small holiday for his mom, dad, grandparents. And what can we say about the first smile - it is like a gift from heaven, a reward for sleepless nights and hard parental work. Why doesn't he do this when the neighbor's kid of the same age gives everyone a smile? These questions are asked by many new parents. We will try to answer them in our article.

A child's smile is not only a pleasant event in the life of a family, but also an indicator of normal mental, physical and mental development, the beginning of the baby's socialization. Therefore, the moment, consciously, is a kind of next step in the long road of its development.

"My baby started smiling at the hospital!" many mothers say. Don't take their words to heart. What they call a smile is just a grimace, an unconscious contraction of certain muscles that looks like a smile.

When answering worried parents about the appearance of the first conscious smile in a baby, the pediatrician will tell them the age of 1.5-2 months. This smile is addressed, as a rule, to the mother (or the person replacing her). Here, a lot depends on the environment of the crumbs: if from the very first days caring parents next to the baby, who communicate with him all the time, often pick him up, maintain eye and voice contact, he will begin to smile as early as 6 weeks. If the child is given less attention, this will happen only by two months or a little later. Therefore, do not be upset if your child does not smile for a month, there is nothing wrong with that. You just need to wait.

When the child begins to smile, we can talk about the formation of the so-called emotional-motor reaction of the baby in response to the appearance or appeal to him of an adult. This complex begins its formation already at the age of three weeks from birth: the child freezes and looks intently when an adult talks to him. Later, by two months, this reaction develops into a smile, cooing and when communicating with an adult. The peak of the formation of the revitalization complex is four months of age. Later, laughter appears, but the smile is less and less given to strangers, even if they affectionately speak to the baby, often he will even cry in such cases.

By how many months the child smiles, one can to some extent judge the atmosphere in the family, the attitude of the mother towards him, her emotional state. Even if you think that the child does not understand anything, talk to him, so you will speed up his speech and psycho-emotional development: he will begin to walk, smile earlier.

Experts say that boys are less likely to make eye contact and start smiling later than girls of the same age. Therefore, if your son is growing up, devote more time to communicating with him.

The period when the child begins to smile can be decisive in the development of his relationship with his father. The baby begins to send signals, and if the father answers him with facial expressions and voice, a special emotional connection will be established between them, even if it was not there before.

The day your child starts smiling will be the beginning of a long but interesting process in his life - socialization.
