Self-massage of the face and neck at home. Mandatory finishing touches of the session

To conduct a facial massage session, it is not necessary to go to an expensive salon: you can easily master simple techniques on your own. home procedure will not take you much time, and the result of self-massage will not be long in coming. If use correct technique and observe regularity, then you can noticeably tighten loose skin get rid of fine wrinkles and reduce puffiness.

Self-massage at home: basic rules for implementation

Before starting a facial rejuvenation session using self-massage, it is important to familiarize yourself with the basic rules for its implementation. Remember that insufficient preparation of the skin for the procedure and neglect of the recommendations for the correct implementation of the massage can lead to the opposite effect.

Facial massage is a wonderful procedure that helps to improve skin tone and improve its condition.

The popularity of using self-massage for rejuvenation is explained by the high efficiency of the procedure: during the application of special techniques, muscles relax, especially facial ones, and metabolic processes are activated. As a result, the surface of the face is leveled - small folds disappear, and deep ones become smoother.


Perform self-massage only on cleansed skin, because with intensive manipulations on the face, any impurities can enter the dermis. Hands should also be thoroughly washed and treated with an antiseptic, otherwise there is a high probability of infection entering the pores, especially after steaming the skin.

  1. Using milk, clean the surface of the face from cosmetics.
  2. Remove hair so that it does not interfere during the session.
  3. Exfoliate half an hour before the upcoming procedure to remove dead skin particles.
  4. Steam your face - to do this, hold it over hot steam. In addition, the use of a compress prepared on the basis of fresh calendula decoction will be effective.
  5. Be sure to lubricate the surface to be treated with cosmetic oil or massage cream - this way you will avoid damage or stretching of the skin and ensure that your fingers slide smoothly over your face.

Give preference to evening sessions of self-massage, when you do not need to rush anywhere. In addition, the subsequent many hours of rest will ensure an increase in the effect of the procedure and a complete restoration of the skin.

Before the procedure, it is advisable to steam the face to open the pores.

Video: preparing for a massage session and popular techniques

During self-massage, it is necessary to follow the direction of the lymph flow lines. If you act randomly on the skin, you will only aggravate the situation with wrinkles and provoke the appearance of edema. Perform movements as smoothly and accurately as possible, avoiding excessive pressure and stretching of the surface.

Remember the main directions of the lines on the face along which the massage is carried out:

  • from the central point on the chin along the lower jaw to the temporal zones;
  • from points in the corners of the mouth along the cheekbones to the temporal regions;
  • from a point on the tip of the nose upward to the bridge of the nose;
  • from the central point on the bridge of the nose along the eyebrows to the points on the temples;
  • from points at the inner corners of the eyes along the upper eyelids to points on the outer sides of the orbits;
  • from points at the temples along the lower eyelids to points at the inner corners of the eye sockets;
  • from the zone of the "third eye" in the direction up to the middle of the forehead and to the sides to the hairline.

Turning to the processing of each next line, perform circular movements and small finger pressure on the temples.

When performing a facial massage, it is important to adhere to the main lines

Video: define massage lines

How often to do the procedure

Self-massage according to the chosen method must be performed at intervals of 2-4 times a week. The duration of one course should be 13-15 sessions. After completing one course, it is recommended to start the next one no earlier than in 2-3 months.

When determining the frequency of the procedure, it is important to focus on the type of epidermis. If the skin is not overly sensitive, then the sessions can be carried out up to 4 times a week, otherwise - no more than 2 times. In addition, age should be taken into account: up to 35 years, procedures can be performed less often, while in more adulthood it is necessary to increase the number of self-massage sessions.

After 50 years, sparing techniques (for example, Ayurvedic or Chinese massage) should be preferred, which do not involve intensive displacement of the skin surface.

Can massagers be used?

For a self-massage session, you can purchase a special massager, but the use of most of them requires mastering some skills, so the first procedure is best done by the master. The most popular massagers are:

  • mechanical, which you just need to carry out along the massage lines;
  • pulse, working by means of microcurrents;
  • ultrasonic, acting on the skin due to high-frequency vibrations;
  • vacuum, creating negative pressure as a result of the absence of air;
  • infrared, which have a deep warming effect on the skin.

At home, the easiest way to use a mechanical massager is to simply swipe it over your face

When choosing a device, be guided by its dimensions and ease of use. Be sure to read the instructions for the massager before starting the procedure. The session should not cause pain: move very smoothly and do not pull the skin. At first, limit the time of self-massage to 5 minutes, in the future, you can increase the duration to 15 minutes.

Remember that the same area cannot be continuously affected by the device for more than a minute.

Video: an example of using a roller massager

What cosmetic oils are suitable

When choosing oil for self-massage, first of all, focus on the individual type of epidermis:

  • with oily or combined, jojoba or sunflower oils are suitable;
  • with dry and fading - apricot seed oil or wheat germ;
  • at normal - olive oil or almond oil.

The base oil is applied in a thin layer, but sufficient for easy gliding of the fingers. At the end of the session, the surface of the face can be blotted with a napkin to get rid of the remnants of the product. Once you're done, apply your regular moisturizer to your face.

To perform a massage normal type epidermis, ordinary olive oil is suitable

Types and methods of implementation

Self-massage can be performed different ways, ranging from ancient Chinese techniques to more modern views procedures. They can be alternated: after completing the course using one technique, try another method if the result does not satisfy you, or continue using the same technique after a break. Over time, you will understand which type of massage is right for you.


It is not difficult to perform Ayurvedic self-massage - it is enough to know the location on the face biologically active points. As a result of the procedure, blood vessels are strengthened, the epidermis is tightened, and the complexion is evened out.

Ayurvedic self-massage is carried out on biologically active points

How is it done:

  1. We place the connected index and middle fingers on the chin area and smoothly move to the earlobes.
  2. Using the same technique, we work out the area from the wings of the nose to the areas of the ears.
  3. We massage the points next to the nose with the same fingers: on the sides of the wings, then on both sides above the eyes, then press the points on the back of the nose and above the upper lip.
  4. We pass to the forehead: we press on the areas between the eyebrows, then close to the outer corners of the eye sockets, then on the “third eye” zone.
  5. We knead the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe eyelids (mainly in circular motions), heading from the outside of the eye sockets to the inside.

Video: doing Ayurvedic massage correctly


The ancient practice of Thai massage involves the use of stroking, pressing and rubbing movements. the main objective techniques - to make the skin supple and smooth out small wrinkles.

How is it done:

  1. We start by patting the neck area, gradually moving on to stroking the surface of the skin from the chin down to the collarbones.
  2. We turn to the processing of the lower part of the face, moving smoothly with our fingers from the middle part of the chin to the ears.
  3. Next, we pass in a circular motion along the cheeks, processing at the same time the area around the nose.
  4. We knead the eyelids, moving along the line from the outer corners to the inner ones (use your index fingers).
  5. With stroking movements, we work out the forehead from the central part to the periphery.

After completing one cycle, repeat all the steps in sequence. 2-3 repetitions are enough.

Video: the basics of Thai massage


Lifting massage uses only upward movements on the face, since its task is to tighten the skin. This procedure is especially useful after 35 years, when the first signs of sagging facial contours appear.

Lifting massage smoothes mimic wrinkles, prevents the formation of new

How is it done:

  1. Place your fingers on the sides of the nose and slide them towards the forehead, passing the bridge of the nose. Next, spread your arms and go down to the chin through the temples and cheeks. Return to the starting point and repeat. Use light pressure while moving.
  2. Focus on the forehead area: massage it mainly in a circular motion using the middle and ring fingers.
  3. Connecting the index and middle fingers, move along the contour of the face from the center point of the chin to the base of the ears.
  4. Massage the area where the second chin is formed with both hands: smooth the skin from the neck to the middle of the chin.

The session takes approximately 10 minutes.

Video: lifting massage lesson

The area next to the eyes is very different sensitive skin, so massage the eyelids must be extremely careful. Use exceptionally smooth and soft movements. With the systematic performance of the sessions, the eyelids are tightened, the eyes “open”, swelling disappears.

Eyelid massage relieves swelling

Moisturize the eyelid area well before starting the procedure with a cream or oil. The plots are worked out with an average or ring finger from the bridge of the nose to the temple and back in a circle with pressing movements. You need to start from the upper eyelid, pressing on which should be slightly stronger than on the lower one. The duration of this massage is about 5 minutes.

Video: getting rid of impending eyelids


The popular Asahi massage is the invention of a Japanese beautician named Yukuko Tanaka. This technique involves the impact on the lymph nodes in order to activate the lymph flow, which, according to the founder of the technique, affects the elasticity of the skin. The use of the technique is especially recommended after 40 years to smooth out nasolabial folds and facial wrinkles.

If you have diseases of the throat, nose and the whole lymphatic system, as well as colds, Asahi massage is contraindicated.

How is it done:

  1. We start with the processing of the cheeks: we draw a smooth line from the cheeks in the upper part of the face down to the neck and further to the collarbones.
  2. We press three fingers to the central point on the forehead (we use pads) and move in the direction of the temples in zigzag movements.
  3. We massage the area near the wings of the nose, applying the middle fingers to the surface of the skin.
  4. Pressing a point in the center of the chin with your fingers, we move along the line of the mouth to the areas of the eye sockets from the inside, then press them for a few seconds.
  5. Pressing with the left palm on the jaw on the left side, we carry out right hand from the lower part of the jaw to the corner of the orbit with inside. Hold for a couple of seconds and repeat on the other side.
  6. We put the open palms to the mouth, connecting the elbows, and press the lips. At the same time, we try to raise them to the level of the nose.
  7. In conclusion, we place the thumbs directly under the chin, and the rest on the nose. We stretch the skin under pressure and linger for 2-3 seconds.

Each movement is carried out with three repetitions. The total session time is about 20 minutes.

Video: Asahi's basic massage techniques


When performing myofascial massage technique, the fascia of the muscles is affected, which improves their functioning. It is believed that the release of tension from the fascia affects the blood circulation in the tissues and prevents the development of congestion.

It is better to entrust myofascial massage to a professional, since for a high-quality study of the fascia, it is important to find places of maximum tension on the face. It is not always possible to do this on your own.

An easy version of this massage can be done independently:

  1. We begin to move from the chin to the corners of the eye sockets, massaging the side zones with pads thumbs. In this case, the skin should be slightly stretched.
  2. Next, we knead the area from the cheekbones to the corners of the mouth with soft movements, gradually increasing the impact.
  3. We perform light pinching of areas from the lips to the temples, and then change the movements to vibration.
  4. We are working on the eyelid area, adhering to the massage lines and trying to relieve tension from this area.
  5. We carry out the pads of the fingers in the direction from the bridge of the nose to the temporal zones.
  6. In conclusion, we press on the central point of the forehead and gently knead the skin towards the temples.

These movements are repeated 3-5 times.

Video: myofascial massage lesson


This version of self-massage does not involve the use of other techniques other than pinching: you simply pinch the surface, grabbing the skin with your fingers (forefinger and thumb). You should move only along the massage lines. Particular attention is paid to the earlobes, brow ridges, lower jaw and the area under the chin. In conclusion, it is necessary to soothe the treated surface of the skin with stroking movements.

When performing a pinch massage, oil is not used, otherwise the skin will be difficult to grasp.

Video: pinch massage session


When using honey as a basis for self-massage, the skin is not only smoothed, but also intensively nourished and cleansed. It is very important to choose natural product and make sure that you are not allergic to it before the procedure. To do this, a drop of the product should be applied to the wrist, and after a few hours, check whether the condition of the treated skin has changed.

To enhance the effect, a couple of drops are added to the sweet mass. essential oil bergamot, juniper, rose or lemon balm.

It is easy to carry out a honey massage: spread the composition over the entire face and wait 10 minutes for it to be absorbed. Next, with soft movements, drive the sticky mass into the skin with your fingertips. Another option: press your palms to your face and gently detach them. The main thing is not to use stretching, kneading and pinching.

Video: honey massage procedure


For development Spanish massage it is desirable to take a training course: it uses special vibrational and other movements aimed at deep study of tissues. For self-massage, you can use simple techniques that will make your skin radiant and more elastic. The main thing is to relax as much as possible and tune in a positive way.

How is it done:

  1. Gently massage the entire surface of the skin of the face using oil, relaxing stagnant muscles. We pay special attention to the nasolabial area and cheeks.
  2. With the help of vibrational movements, we pass along the neck and lower part of the face.
  3. Using light pressure, we process the forehead area along the massage lines. At the same time, we are trying to gently stretch the skin in opposite directions.
  4. We knead the area of ​​​​the bridge of the nose and eyebrows, gradually descending to the cheeks and chin.
  5. Finally, we use pinching and smoothing movements to treat the surface of the neck.

Video: Spanish massage procedure


Sculptural (also called buccal) self-massage is aimed at working with aging skin: it helps to define the cheekbones, create a clear contour of the face and reduce the severity of wrinkles.

Self-massage is carried out in several stages:

  1. Tilt your head slightly and rest it with your palm.
  2. open mouth, thumb massage the muscles of the cheeks from the inside, trying to pull them away from the jaw to the ear area.
  3. Translate thumb to the nasolabial region, kneading this area from the bottom up, then go to the corners of the mouth. Use mostly circular motions.
  4. Work the area under lower lip, performing pressing movements from the middle part of the chin to the sides.
  5. Finally, go over the entire surface of the cheeks from the outside.

Keep track of time: do a session no more than 10 minutes at first, gradually increasing its duration to 20 minutes.

Video: beautician on the rules for buccal massage


To perform a vacuum massage, you must purchase silicone or glass jars with a diameter of 1–5 cm. It is believed that the larger the diameter, the more intense the effect on the skin. Banks must be thoroughly washed and disinfected before each session.

During vacuum self-massage, the circulation of lymph and blood is significantly increased, due to which the muscles of the treated area are effectively tightened, swelling disappears and skin tone improves.

Vacuum jars can be of various diameters

The jar can be used pointwise or to rejuvenate the entire surface of the skin of the face:

  1. If you want to work out obvious wrinkles in one area (on the bridge of the nose, in the nasolabial zone, near the eyes), then attach a jar of the appropriate diameter to such an area: the skin should be pulled inward by 2–3 mm. Squeeze the jar after 3-5 seconds and carefully remove it. Repeat 7-10 times.
  2. To treat the entire face, attach the jar to the skin and smoothly move it in accordance with the massage lines, avoiding excessive pressure. When massaging the cheekbones, chin area and forehead, use circular motions. Finally, separate the jar from the skin and repeat the session (the number of repetitions should be no more than five).

Video: specialist in age-related cosmetology about vacuum massage


The Chinese technique involves performing self-massage with light pressure on special points. It is the impact on biologically active centers that activates tissue regeneration.

How is it done:

  1. With fingertips we move all over the face, smoothing the surface of the skin from the forehead down to the neck area.
  2. Following the same sequence, lightly pat the skin - we perform at least 5 claps for each area.
  3. We place fingers (use index) on the forehead, and put the thumbs on the temples. With smoothing movements, we draw from the center of the forehead to its lateral parts.
  4. Place your fingers on your eyebrows and massage them for a few seconds.
  5. We pass to the area of ​​​​the eyelids. We close our eyes and run our fingers along the inner and outer parts of the eye sockets in a circular motion.
  6. Next, knead the tip and wings of the nose, as well as the area under it.
  7. Place the palm of your hand with fingers wide apart and press it firmly against your cheek and massage it from top to bottom.

Do about 7-10 reps for each movement. The entire session takes no more than 20 minutes.

Video: an example of performing a Chinese massage


The founders of Tibetan massage were Tibetan monks who were of the opinion about beneficial effect massaging special lines and points of the face on general state organism. As a result of this procedure, toxins are removed and rejuvenation processes are launched.

How is it done:

  1. We start by patting the bottom of the chin - where it goes into the neck.
  2. Then we process the cheeks. We carry out soft movements (mainly patting) along the lines from the chin, the corners of the lips and the wings of the nose to the sides to the ears.
  3. We massage the areas from the “third eye” to the hairline, then from the eyebrows to the upper forehead areas.
  4. Let's move on to the chin area: in this part, you need to walk from the corners of the lips up to the eyebrow lines.
  5. We carry out fingers using circular movements from the cheeks to the eye sockets from the inside, then massage the areas under them and then go down to the neck through the ears.
  6. We rub the nose, moving from its bottom to the top.
  7. We are working on the area of ​​​​the eyelids: we draw small circles, moving from the bridge of the nose to the outer corners of the eye sockets and back along the lower eyelids to the inner corners.

We repeat each step about 6-7 times. The whole procedure will take only 10-15 minutes.

Video: learning to do Thai massage


Qigong was invented by Taoist monks. The difference of this technique from others is the ability to influence internal energy: it is believed that with regular exercise, it is gradually restored.

Self-massage according to the Qigong method is best performed in the half-lotus position: the state should be as relaxed as possible, and breathing should be even.

To perform Qigong massage, take the half-lotus position and calm the mind.

How is it carried out:

  1. First, treat the entire face using soft strokes in the following areas:
    • forehead area;
    • area in the interbrow zone;
    • lower and upper eyelids;
    • inner corners of the eyes;
    • the surface of the nose (in the direction from top to bottom);
    • the area of ​​the cheeks from the ears to the center of the face;
    • chin and area around the mouth.
  2. Now go over the same areas, but with patting movements.
  3. Place your fingertips on the areas of the lips and eyes, gently stroking them.
  4. Again, knead all the zones in order - this time using smooth rubbing movements.
  5. Next, treat all areas, pressing on the skin first with the palm of your hand, then with its base, and then only with the pads of your thumbs.

Each movement must be repeated 8-9 times. At the end of the session, it is recommended to imagine golden threads that are applied to all parts of the face and, as it were, tighten the skin.

Video: Qigong massage session

How to make a session safe: contraindications, possible consequences, recommendations

It would seem that a massage session can only bring benefits. However, like any cosmetic procedure, it has a certain set of contraindications. So, the procedure should be abandoned if:

  • warts and obvious moles (especially protruding ones);
  • skin diseases, including acne, herpes, eczema;
  • any damage (wounds, abrasions) and severe inflammation on the face;
  • fragile capillaries or their location too close to the surface of the skin;
  • neurological disorders and diseases associated with the facial nerves;
  • elevated body temperature.

Remember that after cosmetic injections and chemical peeling massage sessions can be started no earlier than a month later.

Possible consequences

With the correct conduct of self-massage, no unpleasant consequences after the procedure is not observed. If you do not follow the recommendations, then there is a risk of getting the following complications:

  • if a session is performed in the presence of contraindications, such severe adverse consequences as damage to the facial nerves and circulatory disorders may occur;
  • if you stretch the skin too intensely, it can sag more;
  • during the procedure without the use massage oils or moisturizers may appear red spots or dry skin;
  • in case of too intense exposure to the skin surface, especially when using aids, pain may occur;
  • with excessive sensitivity of the skin and fragility of capillaries, hematomas can form.

Safety regulations

To make the procedure completely safe, it is important not only to strictly follow the proven technique, but also to follow the following recommendations:

  • cut your nails before the session - this way you will avoid accidental scratches;
  • be sure to remove rings and other jewelry;
  • do not abuse the number of sessions - be sure to take breaks between courses;
  • completely relax your face during the procedure - even slight muscle tension can backfire;
  • avoid intense physical activity and sunbathing (visiting a solarium) immediately before and after the session.

Consult with a cosmetologist before starting home procedures - he will help determine which technique is best for you to massage.

Facial self-massage is a great alternative to expensive cosmetic procedures aimed at maintaining and restoring beauty and health. mature skin faces. Facial massage performed regularly at home helps long time maintain the firmness and elasticity of the skin healthy color and prevent the manifestation of age-related changes on the face.

In order to carry out self-massage at home, you can use a wide variety of facial massage techniques, but classical and Japanese massage techniques are considered the most accessible for independent use.

Classical technique of self-massage of the face

Facial self-massage technique according to the classical method, it is based on the use of two main movements - this is a light tapping and soft stroking of the face along the massage lines.

The main complex of home classic self-massage of the face includes the following exercises:

  • Massage of the frontal area of ​​the face. To do this, with the fingers of one hand, it is necessary to fix the skin at the temporal point, from which, with the fingers of the second hand, stroke the frontal and superciliary folds towards the opposite temple.

You can also gently pull the skin of the forehead from the eyebrows up to the beginning of the hairline.

  • Eye area massage. It is carried out in circular light movements, starting from the outer corners of the eyes towards the bridge of the nose.
  • Cheek massage. To massage this facial area, it is necessary to draw in the cheeks (for example, pronouncing the sound “o”) and from the bottom up, starting from the middle of the chin, stroke the cheeks with spiral movements to the protruding part of the cheekbones.
  • Massage of the nasolabial area. This facial area is massaged with frequent point tapping with the fingertips. Separately, the contour of the nose is massaged - from the tip to the bridge of the nose on both sides, and the circumference around the lips.
  • Massage of the lower part of the face. This facial zone is massaged alternately by stroking and tapping movements of the fingers from the middle of the chin, along the edge of the jaw towards the ear cavity.

In order for the above face massage technique brought visible result It is recommended to perform each exercise at least 10 times. The duration of the classic self-massage of the face is usually no more than 15 minutes.

How to perform a Japanese self-massage of the face?

Japanese massage technique, commonly known as Asahi massage, belongs to the category of deep massages and includes two methods of influencing the face at once - muscular and lymphatic drainage. Japanese massage Asahi's ideal, of course, it is better to carry out at a professional level in a cosmetology center. But, some of the exercises of this technique can be easily performed on your own. Asahi face self-massage naturally restores the beauty of the skin and returns to the face at least 10 lost years.

Massage exercises should be performed on previously cleansed skin using a massage base (sour cream, yogurt, cream and ready-made cosmetic massage milk).

To carry out correctly japanese facial massage, it is necessary to master the technique of completing each separately performed exercise. It consists in the following: at the end of each exercise, regardless of the zone of local impact, you should transfer and fix your fingers on the parotid lymph nodes located slightly above the ear tragus, and smoothly lower along the sides of the face down to the cervical lymph nodes.

Exercises for independent holding Japanese facial massage:

1. Asahi face self-massage, like most types of massages, you should start with the frontal area. To do this, you need to press the fingers of both hands (index, middle and ring) tightly to the middle of the forehead and sharply, with a little pressure, spread to the temples.

2. Eye massage Japanese technology carried out with the pads of the middle fingers. Light smoothing movements should start from the outer corners of the eyes, bringing the fingers to the inner corners along the edge of the lower eyelids, and then along the contour of the upper orbital bones, with stronger pressure, return them to the starting point.

3. At the next stage, the nose is massaged. To do this, you need to put your fingers in the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe upper fossae above the wings of the nose and carry out 5-7 rubbing arcuate movements up and down.

4. To raise the corners of the lips, you should put your fingers in the middle of the chin and with a strong pressure on the skin and muscles of the face circle the lips along the contour, heading towards the inner corners of the eyes. After holding the fingers in this position for a few seconds, it is necessary to move the fingers to the temples and complete the exercise.

5. Japanese self-massage of the face for lifting the lower part of the face provides for the implementation next exercise: press your fingers tightly to the lower corner of the jaw and, with strong pressure on the skin, draw a line to the inner corner of the eye, from where diagonally transfer them to the parotid region to complete the exercise. This technique it is recommended to perform on each side of the face separately.

6. To tighten sagging cheeks, it is necessary to make a ring from the thumb and forefinger of the hand, and with the protruding part of the index finger, with strong pressure, draw from the wings of the nose to the cheekbones.

Important point! Asahi face self-massage performed with strong pressure movements, but at the points of location of the lymph nodes, the pressure of the fingers must be reduced to a minimum.

Conduct japanese facial massage recommended daily for 7-10 days. After that, the result of massage on the face should be maintained no more than 2-3 times a week.

It should also be noted that the classical face massage technique and asahi self massage have contraindications: abrasions, acute inflammatory foci on skin, herpes, facial neuralgia, hypertension, dysfunction circulatory system. Therefore, if you have a particular disease, you should play it safe and consult a practicing cosmetologist who will be able to realistically assess the situation and give permission for massage and self-massage of the face.

The face fully expresses the nature of man. On it, as in a mirror, health or illness is reflected.

- Chinese proverb

We all know that body massage is very useful! But m assage loves not only the body, but also the FACE! Facial massage helps relieve fatigue, promotes skin rejuvenation, returns the face to its natural color, and also has a complex healing effect on the facial nerves, organs of vision, hearing, smell, and even the brain.

Women begin to ask themselves the question of skin rejuvenation with the first appearance of the first wrinkles on the forehead, around the lips and eyes. Someone rushes to buy miracle anti-aging creams from well-known manufacturers, someone decides on cosmetic procedures promising effective and fast action. There is another very effective way to make the skin supple, smooth out wrinkles and prolong its youthfulness - this is a special facial massage for wrinkles, which can be done both in the salon and at home on your own.

What does massage give?

If you do regular and proper massage face and neck, the effect of this procedure will not be long in coming: old wrinkles will not be so obvious, they will be smoothed out, and new ones will stop appearing altogether. The miraculous effect of facial massage is very easy to explain:

  • blood begins to run faster through the subcutaneous capillaries - metabolic processes in the cells begin to occur more intensively - the skin receives the necessary nutrients in greater quantities - collagen and elastin begin to be produced twice as fast - the skin becomes elastic - wrinkles are smoothed out;
  • muscle tissue is strengthened - the effect of saggy skin disappears;
  • puffiness disappears;
  • the skin gets toned;
  • the work of capillaries returns to normal - redness and acne caused by close proximity disappear without a trace blood vessels to the skin;
  • the contours of the face will become more traced, clear, without the effect of sagging skin;
  • proper massage of the face and neck relaxes the skin, relieves tension from it, which leads to smoothing of wrinkles;

Face and neck massage is not only effective remedy against wrinkles, but also an excellent prophylaxis for their prevention.

Indications and contraindications

No need to think that facial massage for wrinkles is recommended only for those who are over 30 and who have noticed the first age-related changes on your face. It's beautiful prophylactic, which not only eliminates premature aging skin, but also warns him. So the sooner you start mastering the technique of this massage, the longer your skin will remain young and beautiful.
You can not treat facial massage as a public and completely safe method rejuvenation, accessible to absolutely everyone. Pay Special attention Despite the fact that despite the enormous benefits that self-massage brings, it is still contraindicated for some, namely:

  • any inflammatory processes;
  • herpes;
  • hemophilia;
  • open wounds and injuries;
  • warts;
  • large moles.

Basic rules for self-massage of the face

To do facial massage at home, you need to follow a few simple but very important rules:

  • Half an hour before the massage, do hot compress on herbs for the face, so that the muscles are thoroughly warmed up and more susceptible to massage actions.
  • Don't let your hair get under your fingers - put it under a hat or scarf.
  • Hands must be washed, cleaned from under the nails of all the dirt, otherwise you can easily bring the infection.
  • Immediately before the massage itself, a moisturizing cream or oil should be applied to a wet face.
  • It is necessary to learn the massage lines along which all movements are carried out, since lymph moves along them. If you massage randomly and chaotically, this can lead to the opposite effect: the skin will stretch, sag, and new wrinkles will appear.
  • Moving from massage of one area to another, you need to be able to perform this correct transition: with fingertips, press on the temporal region, which is the center of all metabolic processes in skin cells faces.
  • Massage movements should be gentle and accurate, especially for the area around the eyes.

Massage lines

There are certain massage lines face and neck, on which the massage is carried out, it is worth noting that all cosmetic products are applied according to the same rules.

  • 1 line - from the chin to the earlobes;
  • 2 line - from the corners of the lips to the middle of the ear;
  • 3rd line - from the wings of the nose to the upper tip of the ear;
  • 4 line - from the middle of the nose to the temples;
  • 5th line - along the back of the nose from the tip to the bridge of the nose, from the back of the nose to the wings of the nose;
  • 6 line - by upper eyelid from the inner corner of the eye to the outer, and vice versa along the lower eyelid;
  • 7 line - first from the middle of the forehead to the temples, and then from the eyebrow line to the hairline (that is, vertically upwards);
  • Line 8 - these lines touch the neck, on the front surface of the neck we massage from the bottom up, and on the side surface - from top to bottom.

To achieve a tangible result that will be visible to the naked eye, home facial massage should be done regularly. For example, 10 days in a row, every day, for 10-20 minutes, then resume the course in a week.

Undoubtedly, facial massage is one of the most enjoyable cosmetic procedures. However, in this issue special meaning has regularity. The thing is that only regular massage can help achieve the desired effect. Otherwise, a massage done only once will not affect the structure of the skin. The skin on the face is very thin, and it needs constant full care.

Video Japanese facial massage Zogan (ASAHI) with Russian translation

Be patient and watch this video till the end. I am sure you will hear and see a lot of interesting things for yourself. And if you also start doing it all regularly, and do it with products "Dr Nona", Amazing results await you: healthy, fresh skin and youthful appearance.

When wrinkles appear and the skin condition leaves much to be desired, it's time to take own beauty in your hands, that is, to do self-massage of the face. – The procedures are effective and very pleasant. But you can help the skin at home. There are several varieties of self-massage: Japanese and Chinese. In turn, Chinese is divided into plucked and Taoist.

Chinese self-massage

Taoist - energy massage. For beginners, it is difficult, and you should not do it yourself at home. Only after mastering the basic movements is it permissible to move on to it, but it is better to use the services of professionals. It is important to massage regularly to get the most benefit.

The effect of self-massage is rejuvenating. It helps to remove dead skin particles and provides mechanical cleaning faces. Puffiness disappears, fats “burn out”, puffiness decreases and muscles become stronger. Carry out the procedure better evening within three to five minutes.

Pinch massage at home is easy to master. First, the skin of the face is thoroughly cleansed of cosmetics. They start from the bottom of the face, with light and quick pinching movements moving towards the ear from the center of the chin. The chin area, as well as the area under it, is worked out in different directions. Then they work with the chin area, raising their heads.

Self-massage rules

How to look younger with self-massage? Start by thoroughly cleaning your skin. Hair should be picked up and neck free from clothing. A hot compress is applied to the skin of the face for several minutes. Warm skin is lubricated vegetable oil or fat cream for better finger gliding.

The type is selected according to the type of skin. For dry skin, you need linseed, olive or wheat germ oil. It is useful to use it winter time. For normal skin fits night cream with plant extracts. For oily skin baby powder and talc are acceptable so as not to provoke fatty means inflammation and acne.

All movements must be carried out only along cosmetic lines. So the formation of new wrinkles is not provoked, which is especially important for the area around the eyes.

The result of the massage is blood flow to the face, improvement of skin firmness and elasticity. To look younger, you need to follow the technique. Movements - rubbing, stroking, pressing. They are done rhythmically with minimum intervals between each to stimulate blood circulation. Repeat three times.

Stroking is done with fingertips:

  • from the center of the chin;
  • from the corner of the mouth; - from the wings of the nose;
  • from the center of the forehead.

Spectacle movements are stroking with the ring and middle fingers along the upper and lower eyelids.

Eight is a massage with the ring and middle fingers outer corner eyes to reduce crow's feet» movements imitating the drawing of a figure eight. You need to repeat the movements ten times. Perform rubbing five times. For pressure - the pads of the index and middle fingers: Staccato is light patting with the pads of the fingers from the center of the face and back.

Movements are made with the back of the hand along the contour of the face. Repeat ten times. These are the basic movements of self-massage. After it, effectively make a mask: facial muscles warmed up, and the effect will be enhanced. You can not carry out self-massage in the presence of inflammation on the face, damaged and irritated skin. At acne and expressed capillary network as well as sunburn.

Japanese self-massage

Asahi self-massage, a two-finger massage, is a direct answer to the question of how to look at least ten years younger. However, it cannot be carried out with skin diseases and diseases of the lymphatic system. According to the rules, for Asahi self-massage, you need to sit or stand, maintaining an ideal posture. All movements are repeated three times.

During the procedure, even bone tissue. The movements are very intense, but the skin reacts with gratitude to such actions. The load must be applied daily to maintain and stimulate the elasticity and youthfulness of the skin of the face. Not only wrinkles disappear, but also bags under the eyes, the oval of the face becomes clear.

Be sure to cleanse the skin. The best way to clean the lymphatic ducts is to use a scrub. However, it will replace any quality product for skin cleansing. Asahi should not be performed on dry skin. Therefore, they apply on the face cosmetic milk or cream. Be sure to study the location of the lymph nodes, without too much pressure on them. Performing all exercises requires a strict sequence. Video explains the procedure best.

Self-massage of the face with spoons

Usually self-massage is carried out with the fingers, but there is a technique of spoon self-massage. It is carried out with spoons of various sizes made of cupronickel or silver. If they don't exist, the regular ones will do. You will need two teaspoons, two containers with very cold and hot water. She will be replaced herbal infusion or green tea.

Temperature contrast will help to get a greater effect on certain areas skin. The remaining components are the same as for ordinary self-massage.

Perform massage better in the morning. Make it with the backs of spoons with pressure, clockwise and counterclockwise, but without pressure. Stroking and pressure stimulate the exchange of fluids and improve the complexion. Each problem area, each wrinkle first hot, then cold spoon. It is better to perform in the morning in front of the mirror.

Completely get rid of deep wrinkles is unlikely to succeed. But small wrinkles become almost invisible, and the appearance of new ones will be prevented. How are your years? Regularly do self-massage of the face.

It is difficult to underestimate the benefits of massage, its beneficial effect on the entire body. Impact on the skin and organs through points on the body is a practice that has been around for thousands of years. Time has shown the effectiveness of massage and its great benefits for the whole body.

Massage can be done not only in an expensive salon with an experienced specialist, but also at home. Self-massage of the face is a great way to make the skin of the face fresh and toned, slow down skin aging and the appearance of wrinkles. The face needs permanent care, and massage is the best thing that can be done for the beauty and youthfulness of the skin.

Video training "Self-massage of the face"

Benefits of self-massage of the face:

  1. Clears the skin of the face.
  2. Makes skin soft and supple.
  3. Improves blood circulation.
  4. Removes puffiness of the eyelids.
  5. Increases the overall tone of the skin.
  6. Improves cell nutrition.
  7. Improves muscle volume and density.
  8. Makes the face beautiful and healthy.
  9. Improves facial sculpting.
  10. Increases skin elasticity.
  11. Gives the skin a healthy complexion.
  12. Helps to get rid of acne and allergic rash.

We do self-massage of the face:

  1. For effective massage faces, it is not necessary to contact a specialist, it can be done even by a person who is not familiar with massage techniques. The instructional video will tell and show the basic movements and principles of self-massage of the face.
  2. The main thing in massage is regularity. Try to set aside 10-15 minutes a day to take care of your face.
  3. Before starting the massage, the face must be thoroughly cleansed.
  4. Massage movements should not be strong and with great pressure. Do not forget that the skin of the face is very sensitive and must be handled very carefully. Stretching the skin of the face and strong massage movements can negatively affect delicate skin.
  5. Before starting the massage, apply on pre-cleansed skin nutritious cream which will soften and improve the elasticity of the skin. Let it soak in, and then gently pat the skin of the face with a napkin.
  6. For best result before starting the massage, you can put a drop of essential oil on the palm of your hand. Essential oils have a variety of effects: soothing, invigorating, relaxing and others. However, be careful as the oils are very concentrated and it is best to consult your dermatologist before using them. He will tell you what type of essential oil is suitable just for your skin type.
  7. We start self-massage from the forehead, gradually descending to the chin and neck.
  8. Before you start the massage directly, it is recommended to soothe the skin with gentle strokes along the massage lines (scheme massage lines can be found freely available on the Internet).
  9. Forehead should be massaged massage movements going from the middle to the temples.
  10. Eyes should be massaged with special care. With fingertips, gently massage the eyelids from the inner corner of the eye to the outer. In the opposite direction, massage the lower eyelid.
  11. The nose should be massaged, moving from the bridge of the nose to the tip.
  12. Cheeks are massaged from the nose to the ears.
  13. Gently massage the chin with sliding movements from the middle to the earlobe.
  14. Massage movements should be light and gentle.

The advantage of self-massage of the face is that it is done independently, at home. It is not difficult to master, and the effect and pleasure of self-massage of the face is simply amazing! Try it!
