Haircuts with torn strands for short hair. Creative ragged haircuts for long hair

Strands of various lengths, which are laid in a light chaotic order in a stylish hairstyle, allow you to emphasize the individuality of the female appearance. The indisputable advantage of any “torn” is the ability to emphasize beautiful facial features and give the image a special appeal and eccentricity.

Torn haircuts allow you to visually give a special volume and exclusivity. They create a special naturalness in the form of negligence strands. An interesting fact is that the creation of such styles takes a lot of time.

Professional stylists make such haircuts with a sharp razor blade. It allows you to make clear and even torn strands. Please note that "torn" is not suitable for all hair. This technique is not recommended for curly, thin and sparse curls.


"Rvanka" looks great with different types of strands. Whether it is thick hair or weak thin hair, a ragged style will give them beauty and unusual chic.

The only drawback is that this haircut cannot be done on curly curls. It just won't get the desired effect.

If we consider the shape of the face, then there are no restrictions. This haircut is suitable for all people with any face shape.

torn short haircut


As the basis of any ragged haircut, it is customary to use popular images of classic hairstyles. Most often, this role is taken on by bob, square and cascade. These hairstyles allow you to create a limitless field for the implementation of any ideas of a professional stylist. A torn haircut gives these hairstyles a special zest and originality. All over the world, there are only two main methods for getting a tattered haircut:

  • Cutting hair at right angles. The use of this technique allows you to achieve a much greater severity of torn ends and makes it possible to designate the boundaries of individual curls and strands.
  • Filleting. Gives hair a slightly tousled look that creates more volume throughout the hairstyle as a whole.

Each of these methods is good and interesting in its own way. Both allow you to express all the ideas for the implementation of ideas with torn curls.

haircut with torn bangs

Video: a master class for creating a tattered haircut

Ragged haircut is universal. It suits any type of face. You will learn how to make a “torn” on short strands from our video.

On short strands

Separate popularity of the so-called "rvanka" was obtained among the owners of shoulder-length hair. Girls with short hair are lucky in terms of ragged haircuts. This length of hair is the perfect foundation for the imagination of stylists. The fact is that raggedness looks much better on hair that is very soft and not very long. Another advantage of a rvanka on short hair is its practicality, because this one can save time every day.

Raggedness of short hair gives additional volume and splendor to the whole hairstyle.

torn bob

There are several types of haircuts for short hair:

  • Bob haircut. This haircut model with torn strands will help you stand out from the crowd. With its help, you can express the brightness and originality of your inner world. It takes little time to install. It is enough just to lay naughty curls with hair products. For more originality, you can make bangs obliquely.

On curls of medium length

Ragged haircuts for medium length hair is a good solution for various experiments. It's all about playing with length. Even the most obvious and extravagant game will look extraordinarily great. In this case, it just looks great. Equally important is the choice of any technique.

The average length of hair is so versatile that the choice of technique for performing a ripped cut depends solely on personal ideas and desires.

hairstyle with torn bangs and torn strands on the middle length of the strands

Here you can also use torn bangs, which will not only complement and complete the image. It will give the whole image a special personality. Usually use a specific haircut option:

  • Aurora is the most common model for medium length. A special technique of cascades gives a special elegance. Torn ends make medium-length curls more structured and voluminous. This model is easy to fit and does not require frequent adjustments. One of the best options for straight strands.

On long hair

torn haircut "Aurora"

In this case, often additional layers along the entire length of the curls are made with scissors for milling.

For owners of beautiful long and soft hair, ragged strands are perfect. This is excellent. In the case of long hair, it is necessary to perform a haircut in the form of a ladder or a cascade. It is allowed to select individual strands near the face. Such a solution can visually stretch the oval of the face. After that, trim the ends of the hair.

It is worth considering the rule that all strands should be of different lengths and have a structure in the form of steps.

cascade with torn bangs

As elsewhere, for long hair there are several options for rvanki:

A torn haircut for different hair lengths is a springboard for countless experiments and improvisations. It allows you to get a chic visual volume, an individual image or make all kinds of improvisations of patterns along the entire length of the hair. Such haircuts do not require strong hair care, and styling takes a minimum amount of time. It is only important to always maintain the haircut itself in good condition so that all its features are always as expressive as possible.

In 2016, like last year, a ragged haircut is gaining popularity, performed on hair of any length. Among its advantages are not only versatility, but also originality, uniqueness. There are many options and techniques for performing, so the “torn” haircut in each case allows you to emphasize individuality. In order for the hairstyle to succeed, the hairdresser has to do a truly filigree work. To maintain the image, regular styling is required, which only girls with even thick hair can neglect.

How to determine if a torn haircut suits you?

Haircuts of this type go to many. If earlier only individuals who were not limited by the dress code could afford a creative mess. Today, it is boldly chosen not only by representatives of creative professions, but. Hairstyles created on the basis of torn technique are very diverse.

It is not difficult to choose an image that, having elementary styling skills, can vary from classic to bold negligence.

A haircut with ragged ends threatens with disappointment for those whose hair is naturally thin or weakened, has become sparse, dull due to constant chemical experiments with the hair. Thin strands will not hold the proper volume, they will look careless.

"Rvanka" requires styling, so if you have naughty, curly, problematic hair in terms of modeling, the desired result may not work

Torn is considered universal, as it adorns girls with any type of face. Correct styling will help to correct the appearance. If you lay the strands outward, a narrow face will look wider. Laying the strands in the opposite direction will hide the imperfections of a round face, narrowing it. Asymmetrical curls will hide too wide cheekbones and other features of the face that you want to hide.

It is worth considering the shape of the face when deciding whether you need a bang to determine how much it will decorate the image.

It fits perfectly with long, short haircut options. A long bang hanging over the eyes, forehead, along with a short “torn” looks fashionable and relevant. A smooth, even bang to the middle of the forehead will contrast with a multi-level texture. Perfectly fit into the hairstyle bangs with asymmetry.

All torn haircuts 2016 are perfectly combined and benefit from coloring, highlighting, contrasting coloring.

Technology secrets for short and medium hair with bangs

  • The classics become the basis for torn women's haircuts: cascade, bob, bob. Based on these models, a ragged effect of multi-level strands is formed by cutting hair at a right angle. The boundaries of the curls are clearly defined. To maintain the effect, it is necessary to style the hair daily with an iron, foam or gel. If this is not done, the hairstyle will resemble a washcloth.
Strands can be cut with thinning scissors or a razor

This allows you to create a three-dimensional picture with fluffy tips. In this case, you can limit yourself to styling with a hair dryer.

  • Torn, as well as long ones look very impressive. The basis for them is a ladder or cascade. Both haircuts involve creating steps on the hair that differ in length and depth. The master must take into account the structure of the hair, choose the right size for your strands, step for the steps.
  • A torn haircut for long hair freely allows you to show your imagination, as it is performed in a variety of ways, techniques. Such a haircut will save time, does not require close attention, careful care.
The torn ends on long hair will give the image naturalness, and the hairstyle - volume

Women's short "Rvanka" based on a bob 2017

The popular square is the basis for creating a huge number of fashionable haircuts. Torn curls, angled bangs add volume to the hair. Short ragged haircuts are even for beginners in hairdressing.

  1. Work begins with the distribution of zones on the head.
  2. Separately, it is necessary to select and fix the area of ​​​​the crown, two temporal zones, four occipital (three upper and one lower).
  3. We start from the crown, take the control strand, pull it at a right angle, cut off the planned length. She sets the tone for the whole haircut.
  4. We comb the strands from the back of the head to the control, cut off at the same level.
  5. Then we process the side and crown area.
  6. To maintain the integrity of the image, the hairdresser grades the bangs.
As the experience of the masters shows, a torn bob on medium hair benefits from a long bang with a smooth transition to the ends of the strands on one side.

How to style a female ragged haircut?

"Rvanki" are easy to style, on their basis an elegant hairstyle is created in 5-10 minutes. The hair is dried with a hairdryer, while pulling a little from the roots to the ends. If necessary, twist with brushing in the right direction, smooth with an iron.


Certain types of hair, decorated in this technique, do not require frequent care. For example, a ragged bob haircut looks easy, non-trivial, without requiring pedantic styling for professional work. Styling torn hairstyles are contraindicated. It is worth decorating the tips with gel, foam, then the image will acquire sharpness and character. A stylish solution is a combination of curled and straight strands.

An original haircut is one of the best ways to stand out from the crowd. Those times when only smooth, “licked”, carefully styled hair was considered an ideal hairstyle have irrevocably sunk into oblivion. Naturalness is in fashion these days. Some youth haircuts and styling look as if the girl had not combed and cut her hair for a long time. However, in order to achieve this "natural simplicity", you need to spend a lot of effort.

Hairstyle in the "hooligan" style should look beautiful and fit a particular girl, so to create such a styling, it is best to contact a professional. Experimenting at home is not recommended. Recently, the so-called "torn" haircuts have been very popular. However, despite their name, they are not only for those who are used to walking in ripped jeans. This is a great way to look young, beautiful, stylish, elegant. The main thing is to choose the right styling option and properly care for your hair.

Ragged haircut- This is the most common hairstyle in which the hair at the ends is neatly trimmed with a blade. Thus, the impression of "uneven" tips and maximum naturalness is created. They came to Russia from America. In the United States, such hairstyles appeared in the late eighties and early nineties, when grunge and trash styles came into fashion. Such sonorous names are translated into Russian with such unromantic words as "garbage", "garbage". This is the style of the streets, the fashion of street boys and girls, guys and girls from a neighboring yard.

This style is characterized by simplicity and some rudeness, which, however, looks elegant in its own way. In order to emphasize their looseness and simplicity, the youth of that time wore torn, shabby clothes (or expensive elite clothes with imitation of "wear") and "torn" haircuts. In Russia, such hairstyles have become fashionable since the mid-nineties. They are still very popular today because:

You can make "torn" strands of any length, but this haircut option looks especially interesting on short hair. Such a hairstyle can make a cheerful, perky hooligan out of a respectable lady. The main thing is that it matches the character of the woman. One of the main advantages of this styling is that it does not require frequent updating.

If the “ripped” gets tired and you want to trim the ends of your hair in a classic style, this can be done very easily. True, the hair will be a little shortened, but these are all little things in life. With the help of torn strands, you can successfully mask split ends, hide excessive thinness and brittle hair. The main thing is to wash your hair with a quality shampoo and follow the styling.

Varieties of hairstyles

Most popular among young people and middle-aged women use such hairstyles as:

  • "Ragged Bob";
  • Kare with torn ends;
  • Ragged ladder for medium length hair;
  • Regular hairstyles with torn bangs.

Ragged ends usually go well with natural hair color. Bright, unusual or "acid" colors (like pink or ashy with a bluish tint) are not the best option. Coloring and highlighting looks very good. It is best to choose the so-called California highlights, because it looks as natural as possible.

Carelessly tousled, but graceful hairstyle of hair, "weathered under the sun", will decorate not only a young girl, but also a lady of Balzac's age. At home, for coloring, it is best to choose not persistent dyes, but tint shampoos. Firstly, they have a more gentle effect on the hair and scalp, and secondly, they give a shade close to natural.

Laying rules

Usually, the hairdresser first gives the woman a standard haircut, depending on the wishes of the client, and then simply trims the ends of the hair with a razor so that some strands are longer and some are shorter. Then styling is done. It turns out a very interesting effect: as if the hairstyle is a little disheveled. This is a great way to revitalize thin, dull hair and give it the volume it needs. On straight hair, "rvanka" looks more expressive than on curly.

Often hairdressers do the usual hairstyles with “torn” bangs or “tear” all the strands except for the forehead hair. Of course, the option is possible when they “tear” both the bulk of the hair and the bangs. But this option does not look very nice, it gives the impression of a messy hairstyle.

Usually the owners of torn hair wear them loose. This allows you to most clearly demonstrate the beauty of uneven tips. However, beautiful styling with weaving on long and medium length hair will also look interesting. The main thing is to carefully hide the “torn” ends, otherwise the braid or tourniquet will look messy.

A variety of accessories are well suited to such hairstyles, for example, bright metal and plastic hairpins, headbands.

How to make a "rvanka" at home

Haircut with uneven ends you can do it yourself if you can’t turn to a professional hairdresser. If the result of such a home haircut does not live up to expectations, you should not fix anything on your own, you should urgently go to the hairdresser. There are cases when girls, trying to achieve the effect of torn strands at home, significantly shortened their hair. After that, I had to do a short haircut.

If a fashionista thinks she can revive her hair on her own, you can try. It does not take a lot of time. If you do everything right, the result will certainly be excellent. Similar haircut at home - it saves time and money. So, it is necessary:

Who can wear

Ragged haircuts for short, medium and long hair are usually worn by young girls. Many aged ladies believe that such a hairstyle looks somewhat frivolous and does not go well with “elegant age”. However, this is just a myth, a common misconception. Torn ends help a woman become years younger, but on one condition: the hair must be healthy, well-groomed and (if necessary) dyed. This hairstyle does not go well with gray hair. If a lady has gray hair, highlighting or coloring will help to hide it. It is desirable that the hair color is as natural as possible.

Experts say that torn ends of the hair, if properly styled, help hide some cosmetic defects. However, this is only partly true. The fact is that any unusual haircut, including a ripped haircut, inevitably attracts attention. Therefore, a girl who has chosen the image of a “hooligan” will always stand out from other ladies.

Therefore, before deciding on such a bold version of the hairstyle, it is advisable to get rid of serious cosmetic defects of the skin of the face: acne and rashes, spider veins, age spots. Older ladies are recommended to correct deep wrinkles and so-called crow's feet. Ragged bangs inevitably draw attention to the eyes, so special attention should be paid to the condition of the skin around the eyes.

Ragged haircut is suitable girls and women who are different rebellious, independent character. She will suit a flirtatious person who loves flirting and adventure. A "torn" for long hair is a sign of a feminine, romantic lady. Psychologists say that the right hairstyle helps to change not only the appearance, but also the character.

Torn strands are the easiest way to look interesting, extravagant and stylish. This hairstyle attracts primarily with its simplicity and naturalness. However, before opting for such a haircut option, it is advisable to consult a professional stylist. Every girl and woman is a bright individuality. What suits one lady may look ridiculous and ridiculous on another. Therefore, one should not blindly copy the "star style", because any hairstyle needs to be adapted to the individual characteristics of a particular person.

Attention, only TODAY!

In the eyes of an uninformed person, a ragged haircut for long hair looks like it was made by a novice hairdresser. Why is she so popular?

In order to make the famous “torn”, girls sign up for well-known masters several months in advance, since only they can make a patchwork haircut properly.

Trends are good, but is this trendy hairstyle right for you? A collection of photos will help to understand the issue.

Who does not suit rvanka?

Is haircut really that hard to do? The technology implies that the ends of the strands will be cut off with a razor, which is why you need to look for a master who confidently owns this technique at a professional level.

Consider photos that clearly demonstrate that a torn haircut looks spectacular only on long hair. On medium curls, she looks at least awkward, as if the girl does not take care of herself.

You have long enough hair, you have a desire to make the famous torn, and you even managed to sign up for a fashion salon. It would seem that nothing will prevent the dream from coming true, but there is one “contraindication”.

Note! Hair in different people differ significantly in structure. An experienced hairdresser will never agree to make a torn on wavy curls, as they will not show a wonderful stylish effect.

Strands that are naturally frizzy will be fluffy, and it will look very ugly. A girl with such a hair structure will have to apply smoothing agents on them daily and wield an iron.

And the point is not so much how much time and money will be spent for this, but that these constant actions will lead to hair depletion, and only a short haircut can remove their deplorable state in the future.

Courageous, young - this is for you!

A ragged haircut for long hair looks perfect only for owners of absolutely even strands. In this case, the styling is minimal, but it should still be.

The strands are sheared in the form of a ladder or cascade and seem to be torn off, while the geometric accuracy of all cut lines is required.

They look best on thick hair when there is a combination of thick and sparse hair.

The haircut is done both on a straight line and on a side parting. Bangs can be absolutely any:

  • straight and thick, covering the eyebrows;
  • much higher than the eyebrows with fairly sparse hairs;
  • oblique, which looks spectacular only with a side parting.

Who would definitely like such a creative idea? Mostly teenagers and girls who want to look much younger like to make a rvanka.

Brave girls prefer their haircuts to look even more spectacular. You can achieve creativity with the help of contrasting coloring.

What coloring to choose? On black hair, lightening of their tips is used - it looks very unusual, original and stylish. Another popular shade is red, which looks very impressive on dark curls. It is customary to paint light tips in dark ash, chocolate, black, blue, pink colors.

If there is even the slightest doubt that the ragged haircut you have chosen is not exactly what you need, and the master has nothing against it, maybe you should run away from such a specialist as soon as possible? There are many wonderful haircuts for long hair that can be perfect for you. Search, choose, compare - the heart will definitely tell you the hairstyle you need.

If you prefer short haircuts, then this material is for you. Short hair is always bold, bold and at the same time very practical. The main thing is to choose the right styling that is right for you.

Ragged short haircuts make the face more open, and this makes it look younger. Therefore, they are suitable for both young girls and mature women. At the same time, the face is also visually stretched, which will be a plus for round and oval faces. If you are wondering which hairstyle is right for your type, then it will help you.

What do you need for this hairstyle?

  • styling agent (foam, mousse, cream, etc.);
  • comb with frequent teeth;
  • round comb (or brush) of large diameter;
  • clip (or hairpin);
  • modeling paste (either wax or gel);
  • styler (ironing) of medium diameter.

Creation technique

  1. We apply the styling product to wet hair and distribute it with our hands along the entire length.
  2. Comb the entire head with a comb.
  3. Dry your hair lightly with a hair dryer.
  4. We take a round comb and begin to style the back of the head. Raise the hair at the roots with a comb, blow them with a hairdryer. At the same time, we twist the ends inward.
  5. Then we process the crown and side zones in the same way.
  6. We highlight the bangs, pinning the remaining hair of the crown zone with a clip.
  7. Comb it with a comb.
  8. Spray with varnish.
  9. With an iron, we process the bangs from the roots to the ends, twisting inward.
  10. Select a part of the hair a little higher and repeat steps 6 to 9.
  11. Thus, we process the entire crown zone along the line from the forehead to the back of the head.
  12. We repeat this procedure with the side left part. We start at the ends and move up.
  13. We also lay the right zone.
  14. And finally, the back of the head. We start at the top and gradually go down.
  15. We rub the modeling paste in the palms.
  16. We tousle the entire styling, lifting the hair at the roots with our fingers. We pay special attention to the volume of the back of the head.
  17. Carefully select individual strands from all sides.
  18. Spray the entire hair with varnish.

Video lesson

The lining is completely ready. By highlighting the strands, you create a slightly mischievous, but at the same time very effective feminine hairstyle.

If you have tried this option for yourself, share your impressions in the comments.

Styling a ragged haircut: mischievous strands suit you!, 5.0 out of 5 based on 1 rating
