Topaz white magical properties. Royal and black topaz

Experts often pose the question: is topaz a precious or semi-precious stone? After some research, it was concluded that it is considered to be a semi-precious stone.

Its good hardness, abundance of desirable colors, combined with relative availability, makes it one of the most popular minerals.

The blue mineral is the most sought after. However, the orange color of the stone, which is also called "imperial topaz", is often found on the shelves of jewelry stores. This crystal impresses with a huge number of medicinal properties, and its magical properties are also widely known. However, it will only benefit some signs of the zodiac and the owners of certain names.

Topaz stone is mostly transparent and colorless. A large palette of colors is due to various impurities in the composition of the mineral itself. Scientists claim that red, blue, yellow, green, black and other colors are obtained due to its special crystal lattice. She, in turn, refracts the rays of light, after which such incredible colors are achieved.

An interesting fact is that during excavations the mineral is transparent, as the sun's rays fall on its surface. But after a special heat treatment process suitable for this stone, a deep blue color is achieved, as well as other topaz colors known today.

The most popular processing method is cabochon. The gemstone is of great importance. Properly cut topazes shine incredibly when exposed to light. Also, before giving a crystal for cutting, you should thoroughly learn about the quality of work of the cutter who will process your mineral, as he requires extreme caution. The following colors of the stone are known.

blue stone

It is considered one of the most durable. Its color can vary from translucent blue hues to deep, rich colors. Basically, it depends on the way the stone is processed.

The bright blue color of topaz may indicate that it is obtained by artificial means, since initially the stone cannot have such a color.

The Blue Mineral Cabochon will help accentuate skin tones and add a touch of sophistication to any outfit. It is also known that this stone should not be addressed to people prone to lies.

But he can become a faithful talisman for honest people who strive for truth and justice. The blue color will also help during the decline of the spirit. It will give energy and vigor to its owner.

yellow crystal

This color has a large number of shades that range from a delicate golden color to an incredibly deep brown. No wonder it was this group of shades that gave the stone another glory as a “fiery” stone. Centuries ago, stones of this color were considered an expensive and valuable gift to kings and sultans.

Even in ancient India, where the valuable properties of the yellow crystal were discovered, it was believed that topaz was suitable for overly emotional personalities, as it would help calm their ardor and add self-control and calmness to their character.

Do not forget about its medical properties, because it helps to speed up the metabolism in the body, and will not allow the liver to "fail". The properties of this topaz will also help with various mental disorders.

Pink and red minerals

Such topaz as a gemstone is considered rare, along with the red mineral. Pink color symbolizes tenderness and devotion between the stronger and the weaker sex. It looks very sophisticated and elegant in combination with the evening dress of its owner.

This mineral is advised not to be worn when exposed to direct sunlight, as it changes color to a more transparent one. Pink and red types of the mineral will help its owner to regain the hope that left him, to survive failures and get out of a stressful state.

green topaz

Green stone has a deep and rich color. However, do not look for bright colors in this type of topaz. Such a stone will always look elegant and noble on its owner. It will emphasize the color of the eyes and add mystery to the image.

The raw green crystal has haze and turbidity. Therefore, you should be careful when buying it. All this signals the fakeness of the stone, its artificial processing and significantly reduces the price.

white topaz

This is a semi-precious stone. Most often, its description is compared with diamonds. Its characteristics are in many ways similar to a diamond: there are many facets, the stones have purity and depth.

Mined in mountainous areas, white stone is close enough to the surface that sunlight makes it completely transparent.

History of topaz

What served as the name of this stone is still unknown. Scientists distinguish two main versions. The first says that the Greek island of Topaz existed, according to which the stone is named. It is believed that the sailors, who set sail, were wrecked near this island, where they soon discovered topaz gems.

The second version talks about the existence of a word in Sanskrit that means fire. From this it can be assumed that, according to the second theory, the minerals found in that place had an orange color.

Since the discovery of topaz, people have treated them with care and sincerely appreciated these semi-precious stones. Archaeologists have discovered many objects made of this stone intended for rituals. Found also amazingly beautiful jewelry.

What is topaz? It is a mineral that is primarily known for its high density. Because of this, in the days of Rus', he was often called a "heavyweight". Also, some museums show huge minerals found by archaeologists. The largest of them weighs 117 kg.

Stone deposits

The exact number of topaz deposits is currently unknown. However, among the found such places, the most famous to the world is the mineral mined in Brazil. It is there that the rarest types of it are located - red and blue topaz, as well as topaz of other colors.

Colorless and golden stones are mined on the island of Sri Lanka. Russia also enriches the world with minerals of various colors. Their deposits are located in the Urals and Transbaikalia.

magical properties

The significance of the topaz stone lies in the fact that it is a powerful mineral and is believed to be associated with magic. It helps its owner find balance and peace. Its properties allow you to relieve stress, balance emotions and bring joy.

It is also believed that it is topaz that brings success and good luck to life, and can be used as a protection against the evil eye and the unkind looks of envious people.

Not many people know the true properties of this gemstone, which will help its owner feel better. However, you should be careful with this crystal, because its effect depends both on the name and on the sign of the zodiac of the owner.

Topaz has the magical properties of a stone. This mineral is directly related to numerous beliefs that appeared in the Middle Ages. Opinions were divided on their account.

Someone thinks that these are ordinary prejudices, while others believe that these are the real properties of the topaz stone. However, many beliefs accumulated and persisted for a large amount of time, and are still in use today. These include the following.

  1. The crystal protects the soul of its owner from evil and envy, and is used as a remedy for various evil eyes. That is, this stone has a strong protective property;
  2. The properties of topaz can help its owner uncover any conspiracies against him, as well as secrets that are carefully hidden from him. Accordingly, it helps to reveal secrets;
  3. The mineral helps to strengthen the immune system and increases psychological endurance, making the owner resistant to irritants from the outside world, and helps to find peace;
  4. Helps the owner to feel joy and enjoy what is happening around him.

Medicinal properties

Topaz has been important since the Middle Ages, and has been very popular in medicine. It was used to treat the plague, and it also helped to deal with less serious problems. Like bad eyesight.

Scientists have not confirmed the medicinal properties of topaz, but, nevertheless, some positive effects on a person and his body as a whole are known. The use of this mineral helps its owner to improve the quality of sleep, get rid of insomnia and sudden awakenings at night.

Varieties of topaz can relieve headaches, lower blood pressure. What is important - it can be used as a replacement for anti-aging creams, because it slows down aging. This mineral is especially important for people suffering from stress.

What signs of the zodiac suits

Topaz has a rich coloration, and, accordingly, affects people in different ways. And in this case, horoscope compatibility is of great importance. Topaz and the sign of the Zodiac must clearly match in order to give even more benefit to its owner in tandem.

Topaz stone is suitable for absolutely all signs, you just need to choose the right color. Astrologers have long dealt with this issue, and found a match between the color of the crystal and the signs of the Zodiac. So, who is the stone suitable for?

  • Blue, purple and gray topaz can suit Taurus, Libra. In this tandem, the ability to reasonably draw conclusions is enhanced.
  • Sagittarians should pick up necklaces with blue stones. This will help calm their temper.
  • Red and pink gems can be worn by such zodiac signs as Leo and Aquarius, they will relieve excessive aggressiveness.
  • What about Pisces? Topaz of any color you like is suitable for this sign of the Zodiac.
  • The transparent and yellow topaz mineral suits Gemini. Such colors will push them to creativity.
  • Green topaz is ideal for representatives of Aries and Virgo.
  • Capricorns are advised to wear green and gray mineral jewelry.

What names are suitable

This is a very strong mineral and topaz stone is not suitable for everyone. It can help hidden traits, both good and bad, to come out. Whose could he be anyway? The word topaz is translated from Greek, which means "to seek." So in what names did topaz as a crystal "find" itself?

Topaz as a stone will favorably influence the female names Anna, Ksenia, Ulyana, Rose. The stone will protect the owner and give a sublime mood. Men with the names Vladislav, Stanislav, Maxim, Igor should pay attention to these stones. They will give self-control and moderate the passion that lies in these names.


Hi all! Today, for everything about the topaz stone, who are interested in this topic, join us!

Among all known to us, topaz is the most sought after. This amazing stone takes its name from the island of Topazion, located in the Red Sea.

Topaz has been known to people since ancient times. Mention of it can be found among the ancient Eastern peoples, who attributed various magical properties to it. Topaz is mentioned in many ancient written sources, including the Bible.

In Rus', topaz has always been valued and was a sign not only of taste, but also an indicator of material wealth. Topazes were used not only as expensive jewelry, but were also used to make utensils, weapons and other items.

The richest deposits of topaz in Rus' were in Siberia, where they began to be called Siberian diamonds.

The popularity of topaz over so many centuries has been made possible by:

  • their varied colors,
  • absence of internal defects,
  • strength and
  • sophistication.

According to their chemical composition, topazes are minerals made of aluminum silicate.

A peculiar hallmark of topaz is their hardness and very high density.

It is for these properties that topaz in the Urals began to be called heavyweights. Topaz, due to their perfect cleavage, is very difficult to scratch, and they are extremely resistant to acids, oils, alkalis.

Topazes usually have a regular geometric shape and are usually cut in the form of a pyramid. Most topazes have a flat bottom underneath, so they can stand on a flat surface.

From heating, friction and compression, topaz is relatively easily electrified.

The color spectrum of topaz is determined by impurities of iron, chromium, vanadium and titanium. Topaz can be yellow, blue, golden, brown, colorless, pink.

The pink color is achieved by treating topaz with high temperatures, which are subjected to red-brown minerals.

There are often polychrome topazes, in which one part of the crystal differs in color from the other.

A distinctive feature of topaz is the change in their color under the influence of light. With prolonged exposure to heat, topazs become discolored, and with radioactive irradiation, they enhance their color.

The physical features of topaz help to distinguish it from stones similar to it, in terms of external indicators.

The main difference between topaz is its optical characteristics. Diamond and spinel do not have the property of refraction. Aquamarine does not luminesce when exposed to ultraviolet light.

Topaz's high density and hardness also make it easy to recognize. Beryl, aquamarine and citrine are less dense than topaz. Topaz can only be scratched with a diamond, but on quartz and crystal, it will leave its own mark.

The main area of ​​application of topaz is the jewelry industry. The demand for this stone in the world is constantly growing, which contributes to the development of manufacturers' design ideas.

Jewelers use topaz to make a wide variety of jewelry. Earrings, rings, rings, necklaces, bracelets are in great demand among consumers.

In industrial production, topaz is used as a material with high hardness for grinding the surface of various materials. In metallurgy, topaz is used as a flux, due to the content of fluorine in it. In all these cases, we are not talking about jewelry stones, but about topaz as a mineral.

Like any other thing, topaz needs careful care.

In order to avoid discoloration of the stone, it is necessary:

  • keep in a dark place and
  • avoid sudden changes in temperature.

Some types of topaz lose their natural color over time. And nothing can be done about it, because it is a property of their nature. Topaz should not be cleaned with chemicals or ultrasonic cleaners.

Be especially careful with "rainbow topaz". They are obtained by coating the mineral with metal oxide, in connection with which such stones can be easily scratched. The perfect basal cleavage of topaz has its drawback: in the event of a blow in a certain direction, it can split. Therefore, it is advisable not to drop topazes and they should be handled very carefully.

If the topaz is dirty, then it can be washed in a warm solution of washing powder. Topaz jewelry should be dipped in soapy water for 20 minutes. If after that dirt remains on the stone, then it must be removed with a soft brush.

The symbolism of topaz is shrouded in mystery and has always attracted attention. This stone has long been considered a stone of joy. As a talisman, it can protect the owner from the evil eye and witchcraft.

Topaz is an almost perfect stone. Good hardness and color combined with affordability makes it one of the most popular gemstones. The most valuable colors of topaz are golden, orange-yellow (imperial topaz), dark rose-red and orange-red. The deeper the shades of these colors, the more expensive the stone. However, the most commonly used topaz in jewelry is blue. Since about the middle of the last century, blue topaz has become very popular in the gemstone market, and since then almost all such stones have been irradiated and heat-treated. Therefore, under the influence of heat or even sunlight, they can lose their intense blue color.

Topaz is an island aluminum silicate with fluorine, impurities of iron, chromium, titanium, vanadium are possible.
First described by Henkel J.F. (1737).
Origin of the name: Topaz is named after the place of the first discovery - the island of Topazios (Topazio, currently Zabargad (Zeberged)) in the Red Sea or from the Sanskrit "topas" - fire. Regarding the island, the information found is contradictory - according to some authors, the Greeks called the island so because they found topazes there, in others - that the stones were called topazes because of the name of the island. (There is a little about the island in the article about chrysolites. It is possible that the stones that were mined there were not topazes.)
Other names: heavyweight (the old name of the Ural miners, due to the large specific gravity of this stone).
Syngony: rhombic.
Color: colorless, blue, yellow, grey, white, greenish, pinkish, red, violet, brown, polychrome. Studies of the reason for the coloring of topaz showed that it has a radiation nature and is due to deviations from ideal parameters in the crystal lattice. Yellow-brown topazes can lose their color to some extent if they are exposed to direct sunlight for a long time. On the contrary, under the influence of radioactive irradiation, colorless varieties acquire an intense wine-yellow to orange-brown color, which, upon subsequent heating, turns into blue.

Topaz, sapphires, diamonds

Transparency: transparent, translucent.
Luster: glassy.
Hardness: 8
Resistant to external influences, does not dissolve in acids.
Special properties: topaz is decomposed by phosphorus salt.
Sometimes pleochroism can be observed in topaz crystals.

Topazes of various colors

Selection form
Topaz forms well-formed prismatic and tabular crystals, radial-radiant and thin-lamellar aggregates (pyknite), confluent very dense masses and cryptocrystalline formations. Topaz crystals are sometimes large, finds weighing up to 60-80 kg are known.
Topaz forms as an igneous mineral in pegmatites and granites, and as a hydrothermal mineral in greisens, rhyolite cavities, and quartz veins.

Place of Birth
The largest and most famous deposits of topaz: Afghanistan, Brazil, Germany, Namibia, Norway, Pakistan, Russia, USA, Ukraine. Stem aggregates of pyknite (a variety of topaz) are common in the Czech Republic.
In many countries, topaz is mined from alluvial deposits.
During the XVIII - XIV centuries. and until the middle of the twentieth century, the largest number of topaz finds was recorded in the Southern Urals, in the Ilmensky mineralogical reserve. At present, the deposits are practically depleted.
Until recently, wine-yellow, blue and two-color zone-colored topazes were extracted in large quantities along with beryl along with the extraction of piezo-optical quartz raw materials in the mines of the Volodarsk-Volyn pegmatite field (Ukraine). Volyn topaz was of very high quality and often reached extremely large sizes: for example, in 1965, a wine-yellow crystal weighing 117 kg was found in one of the mines. The Volyn deposit is unparalleled in the abundance, beauty and quality of the crystals mined there, from which outstanding beryls and topazes originate, decorating the expositions of all museums in the world. And in the local museum of precious and decorative stone, among others, well-known nominal stones are stored - “Akademik Fersman” (14x8x8 cm, weight 2.107 kg, polychrome tea-blue-blue color with a few snow-white "umbrellas" of fluorite inclusions scattered in the depths of the stone) , "Golden Polissya", "Spring", "Fairy Tale. At present, the Volynskoye deposit is mothballed, but far from exhausted.

"Academician Fersman"

The largest topazes - a crystal of 238.4 kg and a crystal weighing 5 tons were found in Brazil. In the mountains of Sri Lanka, deposits were known in antiquity, and topaz was mined as precious stones. Remarkably beautiful collection pieces and individual crystals have been coming in recent years from new pegmatite deposits in Afghanistan and Pakistan.

Pink topaz, aquamarine, diamonds

Topaz is mainly used as a gemstone for making jewelry.
Beautifully colored transparent topazes are relatively inexpensive stones. Good for cutting. Usually, medium-sized topazes are brilliant-cut, sometimes diamond-cut on top and stepped on the bottom, while the platform can be rounded. Topaz is perfectly polished, acquiring a dazzling brilliance. Due to the perfect cleavage, great care must be taken when cutting topaz so that defects do not occur.
Very rarely, topazes come with the effect of a cat's eye, and just as rarely they are processed in the form of a cabochon.
Topaz is often confused with rauchtopaz (a widely available inexpensive smoky variety of quartz) due to the similarity of the names, although upon closer inspection they have very different hue, hardness, luster, and are easily distinguished by specific gravity (topaz is much heavier).
Topaz is the reference mineral in the mineral hardness scale (Mohs scale).

Pink topazes and diamonds

Color change
Laboratory studies of topaz by spectroscopic methods made it possible to understand the nature of their color, thanks to which the technology of artificial coloring of crystals was developed. Under the influence of ionizing radiation, colorless topazes turn brown-orange.
Natural or artificial radiation (a stream of elementary particles of a certain energy), passing through the topaz crystal lattice, interacts with it. The effect of radiation on a mineral can be expressed in the heating of a crystal, the breaking of individual chemical bonds, the redistribution of free electrons between lattice ions and impurities, and the formation of short-lived isotopes. Thus, the irradiation of a mineral brings its crystal structure out of energy balance and, thereby, contributes to the formation of defects within the structure and active color centers.
To enhance the color of natural topaz, two types of radiation are usually used: electron and neutron. Topaz irradiated with an electron gun acquires a blue color similar to the best natural finds. According to the commercial color classification, such stones are called "Aqua Blue". Under neutron irradiation in a reactor, topazes acquire a deeper blue-blue color, sometimes with a slight greenish tint. This color is called Ice Blue. Similar in color to natural, naturally irradiated bluish-green stones are called "Saxon chrysolites".

With the exception of imperial (imperial) topaz, all the variety of names and trade names were invented by dealers in the jewelry trade. These names are widely used today; also, topazes are grouped into subgroups according to shape or color.
Azotic - orange-pink topaz with an iridescent effect. The color is given by applying a thin metal layer to the stone. It got its name from the company that was the first to use this method of "ennoblement" - Azotic.
Imperial is a radiant golden orange-yellow, orange-brown, or orange-pink topaz.
London Blue is a deep sky blue topaz, darker than Swiss Blue.
Mystic is a multi-colored topaz with an iridescent effect, which, like the first type of topaz, is obtained by applying a thin metal film to the surface of the stone.
Rutile topaz - topaz with yellow needle inclusions of the mineral limonite. This stone is very similar to rutilated quartz, hence the name. However, it is not entirely true, because rutile quartz has inclusions of the mineral rutile, while topaz has a different mineral.
Cherry - light orange-brown to brownish-pink topaz.
Silver is a colorless topaz, synonymous with white topaz.
Swiss blue - sky blue topaz, lighter than London.
White - colorless topaz.

Imperial topazes, diamonds Garnets, topazes

Undoubtedly, there are other trade names. There are also many stones that are called topaz, but they are not.
Orange citrine often resembles topaz in color. Some unscrupulous sellers easily use false names when selling citrines to sell them for more. With the exception of imperial topaz, other orange topaz with various names are almost always thermally processed citrines. Here are some titles:
Bahia topaz is a false name for citrine.
Brazilian topaz - may mean topaz from Brazil, but is often the name of a citrine.
Citrine topaz, golden topaz, false topaz, Indian, royal, Madeira, Spanish, quartz topaz - citrine is also hidden under these names.
Oriental topaz is a yellow or orange sapphire.
Smoky Topaz is a dark brown smoky quartz.
Star topaz is a yellow star sapphire.

Imperial topaz, rubies, diamonds

Jasper, garnets, topazes, diamonds

Topaz, diamonds, sapphires, tsavorite, tourmaline

Known topazes:
Many unique specimens of topaz deservedly went down in history. Topazs are world-famous in such famous products as: the neck decoration “Gisella’s Headdress” (X century), the crown of Irina Godunova (XVII century), the colorless topaz of the round cut “Braganza” weighing 1.680 carats in the Portuguese royal crown (also known as "Big Diamond", since it was mistakenly considered a diamond for a long time). One of the rarities of the Diamond Fund is the ancient Spanish Order of the Golden Fleece with five large (3.3x2.4 cm) oval cut Brazilian topazes of pale lilac color.

As we already found out with Margarita, there are several Golden Runes) with different stones)

A faceted blue topaz crystal from Brazil, kept at the Museum of Natural History in Chicago, weighs 5,890 carats. The Mineral Collection of the British Museum of Natural History contains two topaz crystals, notable for their cut. The first is a step-cut stone, square, flawless, blue, weighing 614 carats from Brazil. The second stone is a larger, colorless, oval brilliant cut, without flaws, weighing 1,300 carats.

And more jewelry with topazes:

In preparation, information from the sites,,,,, was used. All photos belong to their respective owners.

Next time we'll talk about chalcedony.

Angelic beautiful

Blue topaz is one of the most delightful gemstones. Sky blue, surprisingly delicate shade. The stone has some unearthly, angelic beauty. Contemplation of its divine palette causes a feeling of harmony and peace. You can look at it endlessly, without taking your eyes off, admire the perfect cut, dazzlingly pure radiance. The soft unobtrusive shade and elegant shine of blue topaz do not look defiant, therefore it is appropriate always and everywhere.

According to ancient legends, this gentle stone with the thinnest aura can calm the most terrible storm and any other element. The first navigators went to distant lands and made their great discoveries with a ring adorned with magical blue topaz, which led them out of impenetrable fogs and saved them during deadly storms. Medieval knights gave their ladies luxurious jewelry with blue topaz, brought from distant campaigns.

Despite the angelic beauty, topaz is distinguished by a certain insidiousness: it helps to achieve financial success, quickly make a career and build your own business. But at the same time, the energy of the stone is so powerful and crystal clear that it reveals lies and ruthlessly rips off masks, destroying illusions and false relationships. This property both helps and hinders at the same time. The owner of such a crystal- "honest" stone needs to be prepared for the harsh and often hard-hitting truth. Blue topaz brings unfaithful husbands, unscrupulous partners to light, reveals the intrigues of enemies, “attracts” real friends and reveals enemies. The owner of the stone gets a more realistic picture of life. It is worth considering thoroughly whether you are ready to see it, and even more so, to endure it psychologically. Going with the flow with such a powerful energy conductor simply will not work. This is a stone for strong, determined people with a philosophical mindset. It opens the owner to a world in which one must fight and act very carefully, but at the same time it is a strong catalyst for decay. This is the "cunning" of the stone - its powerful energy destroys weaker vibrations.

This does not mean at all that jewelry with this stone is contraindicated for people who are sensitive and not very self-confident. Not at all! You need to be able to correctly use the magical power of the stone and wear it only in cases where its crystallinity is relevant and necessary. For example, when meeting new people for the first time, when signing contracts, concluding sales transactions, when it is important to reveal the malicious plans of the seller, if any.

Well, in general, blue topaz is simply indispensable for those who strive for enlightenment and spiritual growth - it is an ideal stone for meditation and spiritual practices.
In terms of the color palette, this mineral is most suitable, of course, for blue-eyed and gray-eyed girls. Topaz has an absolutely amazing ability to emphasize the beauty of blue eyes! At the same time, the stone is able to decorate every woman. All blue topazes have an incredible aesthetic appeal - thin graceful lines, charming color, crystal clear radiance!

Place of Birth
In medieval Europe, blue topaz was called “Siberian diamonds”, since it was in the Russian Urals that they were actively mined at that time. These crystals were called diamonds not only for their similar shade and transparency, but also for their high hardness, in which they were inferior only to natural diamonds and brilliants.

High-quality blue topaz is mined today in Germany, Zimbabwe, Namibia, Australia, and the USA. The leader in the supply of blue topaz on the world market is Brazil, which is why blue topaz is often called "Brazilian sapphires".

Medicinal properties
Best of all, blue topaz affects the nervous system - it saves from insomnia, drives away depression, and protects from nightmares. Such a stone will become a reliable assistant for everyone who has problems with nerves. Contemplation of the heavenly beauty of the crystal balances and calms the weak and disturbed psyche. There is evidence that wearing blue topaz jewelry reduces the frequency and severity of epileptic seizures.

To prevent diseases and strengthen the thyroid gland, it is recommended to wear blue topazes around the neck in the form of a necklace. Due to the high frequency of vibrations of the blue crystal, the regeneration of skin cells and tissues is accelerated, the metabolism is normalized - this helps to start the processes of rejuvenation of the body.

Blue topaz heals a wide variety of respiratory diseases - even such complex diseases as chronic tonsillitis and bronchial asthma. The stone strengthens the immune system, helps with anemia. Regular contemplation of its crystal clearness relieves eye strain after prolonged work, helps to reduce myopia.

In Medieval Europe, blue topaz was actively used as an effective remedy for poisoning. According to the information preserved in ancient books, in the presence of poison, the stone changed its color. That is why expensive glasses and goblets were decorated with topazes.

magical properties
Blue topaz is the perfect stone for Scorpio. Blue topaz gives wisdom to Scorpio men, and charm to Scorpio women.

According to esotericists, blue topaz removes the evil eye and heals from obsession. At the same time, it helps to inspire others with desirable thoughts and moods. The stone is able to change the character of its owner - to make him softer, more benevolent, generous, decent, honest and devoted.

In Indian yoga, blue topaz is recognized as a stone that activates the highest chakra Sahasrara - the Crown, Sacred, Crown chakra, which is the center of human perfection. In Indian practice, blue topaz was actively used in meditation to achieve enlightenment, an all-pervading vision, to connect with the Higher Mind.
Read more: Chakras

According to the famous practice of Ayurveda, blue topaz gives a powerful impetus to the development of intellectual abilities, gives wisdom and intuition, relieves far-fetched fears and kindles passion. According to experts, the stone has the most powerful influence on people who are mature, wise with experience, full-fledged developed personalities.

The stone inspires optimism, helps to achieve success in business and financial matters, gives joy in life. Its long contemplation allows you to feel serene peace, some kind of unearthly peace, causes fireworks of positive emotions and pleasant associations. No wonder this mineral is recognized as a stone of enlightenment. It relieves anger, irritation, hatred. The crystal clearness of blue topaz refreshes energy, allows you to feel bliss.

Blue topaz perfectly manifests its magical properties in any form - in earrings and rings, in pendants and brooches, framed in gold and silver. He does not like the stone of the neighborhood with diamonds and rock crystal.

natural topaz belongs to the second group of jewelry precious stones. This stone is known to almost everyone firsthand. Properly processed topaz is beautiful. He will not leave anyone indifferent. Its business card is a pronounced brilliance, a variety of colors and affordability. That is why he is so loved and appreciated.

The name of the stone came to us from Greece. In the Red Sea there is an island called "Topazos", which in Greek means - to seek, or from Sanskrit - fire.

Physico-chemical properties of topaz

  • Chemical formula - Al2 (F, OH) 2.
  • Impurities of Fe3+, Fe3+, Ti, Cr, V, etc. are possible.
  • Crystals are prismatic, short-columnar.
  • Cleavage is perfect.
  • The syngony is rhombic.
  • Color in nature - Colorless, golden yellow, pale blue, yellow, yellowish brown, violet red, pink.
  • Transparency - transparent.
  • Luster - glass.
  • Hardness on the Mohs scale - 8.
  • Density - 3.49-3.57.
  • Light refraction or refraction period - 1.606-1.638.
  • Fracture - conchoidal.

topaz color

If we take into account the various options for the color range of topaz, then the list will be very large. Natural topaz has many natural shades - tea, pinkish, light yellow, bluish, brownish, peach, cognac. Plus, topaz has an excellent property - it is able to acquire rich colors obtained by various types of heating and radiation processing. I will list the most famous shades of topaz, and their brand names.

London blue topaz- dark blue topaz. Sometimes with a slight presence of gray or green.

sky blue topaz is a light blue stone that resembles the sky on a clear day. The first two colors in this list are obtained exclusively by heat treatment. Sky blue topaz is also obtained by heating, but this color of the crystal can also be found in nature.

Topaz colors" Champagne"(" Champagne ") is also known to many. The soft radiant tone and refined shades radiate natural warmth, tenderness and beauty.

It is considered the most valuable today in the world market. Yellowish golden, reddish golden and pink colors, with a rich and fade-resistant tone. It's all Imperial Topaz.

I also want to note that natural topaz with a red or pink tint is the rarest and most expensive among natural topaz. The price of such a stone can reach 300 - 500 US dollars per carat. Brownish and yellowish shades are much cheaper, but by no means cheap.

Today, the world market, including Russia, offers the widest range of Imperial topaz. A wide selection of shapes and sizes. Why so many high quality stones? The thing is that almost all of these topazes have an artificially obtained color. They have nothing to do with the natural color of imperial topaz. If you take a colorless, natural topaz crystal and bake it in the oven, kneading it into a dough, it will take on a nice yellow hue. Now imagine modern technology! Everything becomes immediately clear.

And a little more about the brown tint

- it's not topaz. This name was coined to attract sophisticated amateurs. Just a publicity stunt. Rauchtopaz is nothing but smoky quartz. any topaz. Thanks to this misconception, many managed to make good money.

There are also colors that are obtained by various kinds of processing. Green, red, pink, mystic or azotic topaz (containing a variety of iridescent spectra; mystic with predominant blue, purple and green colors; azotic with red, yellow and golden colors).

topaz deposits

There are many deposits of this mineral all over the world. The main supplier of quality crystals is Brazil. Topaz is also supplied to the world market from the following countries: Australia, Afghanistan, China, Madagascar, Mexico, Myanmar, Namibia, Nigeria, Russia, Sri Lanka, Ukraine, USA, Zimbabwe and Japan.

Healing properties of topaz

It is believed that topaz helps with nervous disorders, improves sleep, relieves insomnia and nightmares. Topaz is an excellent remedy for diseases of the liver, gallbladder and spleen. Some folk healers with the help of topaz relieve attacks of bronchial asthma, stop bleeding. There is an opinion that topaz should be worn on the body to prevent colds and increase immunity. In ancient times, topaz was used in the treatment of poor eyesight. The most powerful in their energy are golden and honey topaz.

The magical properties of topaz

In the countries of the East, a golden stone is considered a symbol of spiritual enlightenment. It frees from violent and dangerous passions that give rise to a serene enjoyment of life in a person. Eliminates negative emotions - depression, fears, doubts, anger, hatred. In many countries, amulets are made from topaz that can protect against evil spirits, black witchcraft, the evil eye and damage.

Light blue topaz makes you look optimistically at life, strengthens intuition. He gives women - beauty, men - wisdom, and all together - prosperity, recognition and success.
