Funny wedding contests. Competition "Line of family life"

A wedding is an important event in life, the memory of which a young couple will have for many years to come. Entertaining wedding games and contests will help to make a solemn day truly unforgettable and fun. Their organization is often handled by a specially hired presenter, but you can also pick up funny wedding contests without a toastmaster yourself.

Depending on the venue of the celebration, the presence of a host and individual preferences of the newlyweds and invited people, wedding contests for guests are conditionally divided into several options:

If you carefully think over and prepare entertainment events, a home wedding is in no way inferior to a celebration held in a restaurant. Consider the best wedding contests that will make the atmosphere fun and will not let guests get bored at the festive table.

Festive outfit


  • men's and women's clothing;
  • eye patches.

Participants are divided into pairs regardless of gender. Each couple chooses one bag with a pre-prepared set of clothes. The number of items in each package must be the same. Participants are blindfolded and then timed. On command, one of the pair should put clothes on their partner by touch. After that, the second participant does the same. The pair that gets dressed the fastest wins.

It is especially funny to watch the process when a couple consists of two men, and they get the package exclusively with women's things.

Find clothespins


  • eye patches;
  • clothespins.

Two or three couples are called to participate, they blindfold everyone and put them facing each other. Clothespins are attached to the clothes of each of them (about five pieces per person). On command, the music turns on, and blindfolded players begin to look for clothespins on their partner. You should not delay too much, the music should play for 2-3 minutes. When it turns off, the contest stops. The winner will be the one who was able to remove the most clothespins.

If any of the couples can find all the clothespins before the music is turned off, she immediately wins.

Celebration in the restaurant

Surprise for your beloved

no additional items are required, only imagination and originality are needed!

Several pairs are selected. The man tells the toastmaster and the guests what kind of gift he would like to present to his woman, but on the condition that she does not hear it. The woman's goal is, without knowing what the gift is, to describe how she is going to use it. The couple wins if the woman was able to guess what her chosen one came up with.

The game is quite funny, especially if the man decides to make his beloved happy with a pot, and the lady, in turn, talks about how she will put on a birthday present for her friend.


Of the attributes, only a blindfold is needed.

This is a fairly simple comic competition, but, nevertheless, it causes a lot of laughter and positive emotions from the audience and the participants themselves. A couple is selected, while it is desirable that the guy and the girl really be in a relationship. The girl is blindfolded and told that different men will kiss her now, and she needs to find out which one of them is her favorite.

The bottom line is that, apart from the chosen one, no one will kiss her. But she finds out about this only after her choice, excluding "alien" kisses.

Table contests

Wedding contests at the table are perfect for starting the celebration, when the guests have not yet had time to get to know each other and behave quite modestly. You can also hold them in between dances so that those present have time to relax without getting bored.

talking hat


  • headgear (hat, hat or cap);
  • pre-recorded phrases spoken in a funny voice.

The host reports that he has a kind of “miracle hat” that can read the minds of absolutely any person. Then he begins to bring this headdress to the heads of guests and witnesses and say at the same time: “Now we will find out what you are thinking about!”

At this moment, a pre-prepared "voice acting" with cheerful music is turned on. A great mood is guaranteed for all those present!

Wish alphabet

All guests must take turns saying wishes that begin with a certain letter of the alphabet. The first toast will be on the letter "A", then on "B" and so on. For example:

  • "A" - Absolute happiness!
  • "B" - Infinite love!
  • "B" - Always be there!

The prize will be given to the one whose wish will be the most original and memorable.

mobile contests

So that guests do not sit in one place all evening, the entertainment program should include fun wedding contests associated with some mobility, including dancing.

Fancy dance

You will need a small balloon for each pair.

Participants are divided into pairs, each pair is given a balloon. They need to squeeze it between themselves and dance without dropping the ball. Supporting the ball with your hands is prohibited. To begin with, you can turn on slow music, gradually moving to faster and more energetic, thereby complicating the task. The competition is especially fun when different musical genres are used.

The pair whose balloon bursts or falls is out. The winners will be those who can last to the end.

Pass the bottle

Of the attributes you need a plastic bottle.

All participants become in a circle. It is advisable to observe the alternation of a guy-girl. One of them holds a bottle between his legs and tries to pass it to the next one without the help of his hands. The second participant must pick up this bottle with their feet and pass it on in the same way. Those whose bottle falls are out of the game. The last remaining pair is considered the winner.

All these competitions will help to leave only pleasant and cheerful memories of the wedding day not only for the young couple, but also for all invited friends, relatives and relatives. And the feeling of happiness and joy that will remain after this significant event will be a great start to a new family life.

A wedding is a happy and long-awaited event in the life of every couple in love. In order for the holiday to pass joyfully and naturally and remain in the memory of all those present, it requires special and careful preparation. It is important to think over the program of the solemn event in advance.

The main role in creating the atmosphere is played by correctly chosen fun wedding contests for guests. In our case, at the table. By the way, if you have not yet found the right test for redemption -.

What do you need

Board games occupy a special place at wedding events. They are able to brighten up the holiday itself and make any audience laugh.

Competitions are held throughout the banquet. In addition to entertaining guests, games can also pursue other goals: at the beginning of the celebration, they are held to get to know and warm up the guests, cheer up, in the future - for a light warm-up and a fun break.

There are a huge number of competitions that can be held at the table. In such games, all those present or a group of guests can be involved, they can be carried out using all kinds of attributes or without them, they can be playful or intellectual.

The advantages of table competitions are that guests can participate in them without getting up from their seats. Such games will appeal to even the most modest guests and those.

fun options

Let's consider the most interesting ones.

funny predictions

The facilitator distributes sheets of paper and pens to everyone. They are invited to draw any drawing of their choice. After the task is completed, the organizer collects the leaflets.

Predictions are carried out as follows: the toastmaster asks questions related to the future life of the newlyweds, and drawings serve as answers to them.

Sample questions are below.

  1. How will the honeymoon of the newlyweds go?
  2. How will the life of young people change after marriage?
  3. What will the parents of the bride/groom give for their wedding anniversary?
  4. What will be the wealth of the newlyweds?
  5. What awaits the newlyweds in 10 years?

"My light, mirror, tell me..."

The facilitator gives the players a small mirror. Participants of the competition in turn, looking at it, must say at least 10 compliments addressed to them. Guests at this time are trying to make the player laugh and confuse him. The winner is the one who successfully completes the task and never smiles.

Shards of the heart

For this fun table wedding competition, you need to prepare colored paper hearts and cut them into several pieces. Toastmaster distributes blanks to guests wishing to take part in the competition. Players need to quickly collect a whole heart from scraps. The prize is won by the one who connects the figure first.

Missing Ingredient

A group of participants are given leaflets with recipes for cooking well-known dishes (for example, dumplings, borscht, pilaf, and so on). Each of the lists should be missing one important component. Players need to determine which product is not listed as quickly as possible. The first person to name the missing ingredient wins.

Unusual toast

A funny table competition for the wedding day: the organizer divides the guests into two teams and gives them a piece of paper and a pen each. The conditions of the competition are as follows: groups should come up with an original congratulatory toast in honor of the newlyweds. Each participant writes only one word at a time and passes the sheet to another. At the same time, it is forbidden to talk and consult. The team with the most unusual and funny text will win.

Guess the song

Tamada makes a selection of popular musical compositions in advance. Melodies should be known to both the older and younger generations. The rules of the competition are familiar to everyone: the presenter turns on excerpts from the songs, according to which the guests must guess their names and performers. More music competitions.

Continue the proverb

The table competition for all guests at the wedding is as follows: the organizer pronounces the beginning of a well-known proverb or saying, and the participants need to name its end. The one who guesses the most words wins.

kiss or hug

Cool competition at the wedding at the table. For it, you need to inflate 10-20 pink and blue balloons. All balls are randomly handed over to guests. The essence of the game: the toastmaster turns on rhythmic music, the participants quickly pass the balls to each other. When the melody stops, the pairs of players holding the balloons must complete certain tasks. Blue means hug and pink means kiss. Then the music starts up again and the competition continues. It will be funny if you pause as often as possible.

Expert advice. For a wedding, it is best to choose table entertainment that is suitable for people of any age, gender, status and wealth, for example, gold wedding table contests will be less energetic.


The host for this game needs to prepare many small pieces of paper and write interesting tasks on them. All notes are folded into a beautiful bag, with which the toastmaster approaches the guests and offers to extract the forfeits on their own. All tasks must be completed. For those who find themselves, unusual fines can be invented.

Task examples:

  1. Tell a funny anecdote.
  2. Compliment the bride.
  3. Sing a wedding theme song.
  4. Hug your neighbor.
  5. Propose a toast in honor of the young.
  6. Tell a poem about love.
  7. Ask guests a fun riddle.
  8. Play the voice of a famous artist.

Interesting! The word "fant" was borrowed from the German language and translated into Russian means "pledge".

Question answer

For the competition, you need to prepare a lot of cards, some will have questions written on them, others will have answers. The cards are laid out on a spacing in two piles.

Rules of the game: the host approaches each guest in turn. The first participant draws and reads out a question, the next one takes a card with an answer, and then asks a question to another player, and so on. It turns out a very original and funny chain of questions and answers.

Sample questions are below.

  1. Do you dream of becoming an astronaut?
  2. How often do you fly into space?
  3. Have you met Bigfoot?
  4. Do you have thoughts about taking over the world?
  5. Is it true that sometimes you forget your name?
  6. How often do you think about your soulmate?
  7. Do you often dream about your bride?
  8. Do you want to talk to your fiance about politics?
  9. Do you often wake up in an unfamiliar place?
  10. Do you often eat at night?

Consider examples of answers.

  1. Never.
  2. Yes that's right.
  3. I can only dream about this.
  4. I do this every day.
  5. Yes, when I'm drunk.
  6. I will answer this question without witnesses.
  7. No, I don't even think about it.
  8. This has never happened to me.
  9. This happens to me all the time.
  10. This was not enough!

Other cool table wedding contests are in the following list.

  1. The shortest toast Competition conditions: participants need to make a funny short but meaningful toast in honor of the bride and groom. The winner is the author who completes the task best of all: composes the funniest and most capacious text.
  2. original compliment. The competition at the wedding for guests at the table goes like this: the guests take turns coming up with and naming compliments for the newlyweds. You need to complete the task quickly, it is given no more than 15 seconds. The game is very fun and brings out the vocabulary and reaction speed of the participants. The prize is given to the one who will be the last to give a compliment that has not been called before.
  3. Wish box. All participants are given pieces of paper and pens. Guests are invited to write their wishes to the newlyweds, and then drop the leaves into a special box (jar, bag). Congratulations to the bride and groom are read a year later on the day of the wedding celebration.
  4. Continue the story. The competition at a wedding without a toastmaster at the table goes like this: participants in the competition are given cards with funny stories written on them. Each player needs to come up with a funny continuation of the story. Whose text will seem the most fun and interesting to the newlyweds, he wins.
  5. Alphabet. Rules of the game: guests take turns saying their wishes to the newlyweds. Congratulations must begin with the appropriate letter of the alphabet. The first participant pronounces a wish for the letter “a”, the next - for “b”, and so on. The competition is very fun and exciting.

Interesting! Haven't chosen a toastmaster for your wedding yet? in our article.

  1. Games should not affect the political, religious and national views of the guests, as they may provoke unnecessary conflicts.
  2. You should not hold contests related to the performance of indecent tasks, for example, undressing.
  3. Entertainment should be funny, interesting, not complicated and understandable to everyone.
  4. It is important to calculate the number of games in advance, determine the sequence of their holding and allocate the right time for each of them.
  5. For table competitions at a wedding for adults, you need to choose the right musical accompaniment.
  6. It is best to start a wedding banquet with competitions that will help guests get to know each other and get to know each other better. By the way, guests also need to be comfortable.
  7. Competitions for a wedding at the table should be evenly distributed throughout the banquet.
  8. should be alternated with calm ones so that guests have time to relax.
  9. When holding competitions, do not forget about breaks for eating and socializing, outdoor games, dancing and other entertainment.
  10. If the guest has no desire to take part in the game, you should not force him to do so.
  11. Tamada must be chosen carefully.

Table competitions for the wedding and a rich program can fill any celebration with fun and create a warm festive atmosphere. The choice of original contests and their proper implementation will help to create the wedding of your dreams, which will be remembered by everyone for many years to come!

“What is a wedding without a button accordion!” - said our ancestors, emphasizing the great importance of fun at the celebration of the birth of a new family. Modern weddings amaze with the scope of their organization, but the main principle has remained unshakable since ancient times: young people and guests should laugh heartily and have fun in such a way that it will be remembered for a lifetime.

To understand whether a guy and a girl are suitable for each other, they need to make repairs together. This modern humorous wisdom holds true for weddings as well. The coherence of the young in passing playful obstacles is a sign that they will be able to agree in family life. Clockwork tests liberate, create a mood, give positive emotions. If any of the participants of the event feel awkward, involving him in the competitive whirlpool will make him feel free.

Note! A wedding is associated with family life, so the event should not be measured and dull. Natural lyrical moments must be generously interspersed with funny numbers, competitions and competitions, in which the main culprits of the holiday, the bride and groom, will directly participate.

Cool for newlyweds

When preparing cool tests for the young, which they will have to pass together, it is customary to pay special attention to the theme of love and fidelity. At the same time, it is important not to forget about delicacy.

Even for humor do not mention past relationships on one side or the other, allow inappropriate jokes that can offend one of the newlyweds. Competitions are held well, in which it is proposed to recall the joyful moments of the acquaintance of the young, to demonstrate how well they got to know each other, to predict on what principles their family life will be built.

swaddle baby

For this competition, you will need two fairly large dolls, preferably in the form of baby dolls, clothing items for them, diapers and diapers. The bride and groom will have to demonstrate how prepared they are for parental responsibilities. According to the rules, each of them needs to swaddle the baby as best as possible. To complicate the test, you can run it with a time limit, for example, within one minute. The winner is the one who, according to the guests, will cope with parental responsibilities better than the other.

Eat, my good!

In this competition, a very appetizing prop is implied: a cream cake. The bride will have to feed her beloved with them .... blindfolded. To keep the costume clean, it is better to pre-wrap the groom with a film, and when performing these manipulations, it is better not to spread about their true purpose. Guests themselves will make all sorts of assumptions, creating an atmosphere of fun.


This competition will require a red ribbon as long as possible. Its ends should be tied around the young and parted in opposite directions of the hall, as far as possible from each other. The facilitator in turn asks each of the participants a question regarding his spouse. For example, he can ask the bride what the groom’s favorite dish is, how many times he can do push-ups, whether he was sent to the camp as a child. You can ask the groom what size shoes his beloved has, at what age she learned to swim, what kind of chocolate she likes.

Before the participant answers the question put to him, the facilitator must clarify the correct answer from his other half. If the answers are the same, the young ones make a turn so that the tape is wound around their waists, while becoming closer to each other. At the end of the competition, they must come together in a close embrace and dance together.

Understand me

For this contest, the props are a hat or a box containing papers describing situations of future family life. For example:

  • He came home tipsy;
  • She spent all of her husband's salary on shopping;
  • On all New Year's holidays, a husband's friend comes;
  • She and her friends go dancing to a nightclub.

Interesting: it is allowed to call guests from the hall to make scenes from family life even more fun.

The host invites the bride and groom to demonstrate how well they understand each other. First, the bride takes out a piece of paper from her hat, reads what is written there and depicts it so that her beloved understands her. Then they change places.

wedding portrait

In this competition you will need a drawing paper and drawing tools: paints, felt-tip pens or pencils. Whatman paper is carefully cut in half, one part is given to the groom, the other to the bride. The task of each of them is to draw a portrait of their other half.. Finished works are combined with adhesive tape, a family portrait is obtained.

Route built

Not only the bride and groom, but also guests take part in this competition. The essence of the test is to lay a route, bypassing obstacles. The system of conditional alerts is preliminarily agreed upon:

  • "B-i-i-i-p!" means left;
  • "Prrrr" - to the right;
  • "Pip-Pip" - right.

The groom is blindfolded, chairs and guests are arranged in picturesque poses in the hall. His task is to go to the opposite end of the room. The bride helps to cope with the task, indicating where to move by conditional signals.

For the groom

The groom at the wedding should be ready for the most active participation in competitions. It has long been customary that a demonstration of strength, dexterity and ingenuity is the lot of brave fellows. That is why many competitions are designed for strong representatives of humanity. Witness and friends can help the groom in every possible way in overcoming trials, well, the bride - to reward with kisses.

Reality or fiction?

For this competition, you need to prepare facts and tales from the past of the bride by writing them on a piece of paper. The host reads them out, and the groom needs to determine whether this actually happened or not.

Everything for your beloved!

In this test the groom needs to reach the intended goal, for example, to the opposite wall of the hall, carrying the bride in his arms. However, steps are allowed to be taken only under a certain condition: in the case of an affirmative answer to the questions that the moderator will read out. The list of questions might include:

  • Will you always love your bride?
  • Will you bring coffee in bed?
  • Will you clean the house?
  • Will you let her go alone with her friends to a party?
  • If she wins a one-person tour of the United Arab Emirates, do you mind if she goes?

dad hairdresser

This competition can be held if a girl with long enough hair is present at the wedding, not taken into a complex hairstyle. The essence of the test is for the groom to prove himself as a future dad. who has it all. Including combing your daughter when mom is not at home. To accomplish the task, he is given multiple props: all kinds of combs, bows, hairpins, ribbons. In terms of all this, he should soon demonstrate his hairdressing masterpiece to those present.

Carefully! When creating a hairstyle, you need to be careful not to cause pain with careless movements.

For the bride

Brides are so diligent in preparing for the wedding event that they often approach it in a state of great tension. Participation in competitions allows them to relax and feel the festive atmosphere.

When choosing tests that involve the participation of the newlywed alone, it is necessary to correlate them with the character of the bride, her level of physical fitness, her wedding image and other factors. So, if the bride is in a position, you should not prepare competitions for her with a pronounced sports component. A young woman in a complex outfit with a long train will not demonstrate Olympic success, and it will be difficult for a modest woman to participate in broken competitions.

Find out!

The props for this competition is minimal - a blindfold. The essence of the test is that the bride recognizes her betrothed from a number of other representatives of the stronger sex. Men are selected from among the guests, they stand in a row. The host blindfolds the bride and leads to the participants. According to the rules, a girl must identify her husband by touch. A small correction: only noses or earlobes are allowed to be felt.

Clean your testicle

This contest requires boxing gloves and a hard-boiled egg. The host means that it does not hurt for the wife to have strength skills so that her husband respects. She is solemnly put on boxing gloves. And, of course, she can easily cope with any culinary task. Especially something as simple as peeling eggs. The essence of the test is to clean the egg with gloves. The competition can be complicated if it is held with a time limit. For example, you need to peel an egg in one minute.

home stylist

A good wife always takes care of her husband's appearance. To prove this fact, the bride is given a roll of toilet paper, from which she needs to build a tie for her beloved. The task is not easy, since the entire roll must be used up. However, there is some indulgence: the design of a tie can be absolutely anything. Obviously, a sanitary roll is needed as a prop for this competition, it’s good if it is pink so that the tie is smart.

How to organize?

The selection of contests for a wedding must be approached individually.. and moving tests are suitable for a sports couple, song tests - if the bride or groom has musical abilities, romantic newlyweds will be happy with beautiful competitions using candles, guys with a sense of humor will like to overcome cool obstacles.

Important! The host needs to coordinate the selected tests with the newlyweds in advance in order to avoid unpleasant surprises.

In order for the atmosphere at the wedding to be fun and relaxed, and for all guests to receive positive emotions, you need to pay attention to the following points:

  • For contests that involve elaborate props and dressing up, it's best not to call ladies with tall, elaborate hairdos;
  • If one of the guests stubbornly refuses to participate in competitions, you should not pull him by force;
  • When holding competitions, one should not forget about taking pictures, because it is at these moments that you can catch the most genuine emotions of the participants.

Even the simplest test can lead to unbridled fun if the facilitator and the participants themselves actively use humor. You can wittily comment on what is happening, use funny props, make fun of the guests. Those who know how and love to joke can actively help in holding contests.

But do not arrange too many contests in a row. Both participants and other guests can get tired of this. In addition, there are many other important things at the wedding. After holding a couple of competitions, the host must assess the situation and decide whether to arrange another test or let the guests raise a toast, have a bite, dance.

Spicy contests should not be held at the beginning of the evening. Their time comes after 2-3 hours from the beginning of the celebration, when the guests have time to relax from the festive atmosphere and intoxicating spirits. Care should be taken when holding such contests so as not to cross the line of decency. Especially if the bride is the participant.

Useful video

And, finally, another interesting competition for the bride and groom is the distribution of responsibilities. Here's how it goes:


Diplomacy, a sense of humor and knowledge of human psychology are the main things that are necessary for holding at the highest level. If an upbeat atmosphere reigns at the festival, young people and their guests willingly participate in the tests, and smiles spread on the faces of those present and laughter is heard from time to time, it means that the organizers coped with their tasks perfectly.

How can there be a wedding without funny contests and charades? No. Practically only on them the whole gala evening is built. Due to competitions, guests get to know each other better, parents get used to new relatives, and the newlyweds themselves just relax on such a responsible day for them. Therefore, it is especially important that cool wedding contests be an obligatory component of the wedding show.

Contests are the key to a fun wedding

The main requirement for the competition is fun. Only then will it be of interest to the public. Don't involve too many people, but having fun with just one couple isn't all that exciting either. The exception is thematic competitions for newlyweds. They can be easily divided into several groups depending on the target audience.

Competitions for guests

The main audience of any wedding is the guests. So that they do not get bored, it is necessary to involve them in various cool contests at the wedding.

"Pig in a bag"

First, prepare the props. It can be any family clothes, well, just incredible sizes. Next, the guests should stand in a circle and pass each other a bag in which all these things lie. All actions are accompanied by incendiary music or even dance.

At the signal of the master of ceremonies, the music stops. The player who has a bag left in his hands must pull out the thing and put it on himself. The winner is the one with the fewest clothes in the bag. The rest dance an incendiary dance.

"Drive in the gate"

Guests at the wedding are given tickets on which it is written who participates. All participants stand in a row. A bottle of beer is tied to the belt of each guest, hanging to the floor. There is a ball on the floor. The task is to bring the ball to the end (drive it into the goal), loosening the bottle on a thread. The player who fulfilled the condition first receives a prize: a candy or an apple, and the rest read verses with congratulations.

"Where are my clothespins?"

Try to make your wedding guests laugh by playing "Where are my clothespins?". This is not just a joke, but a mind-blowing process. Several couples "man-woman" participate. One of the pair needs to be blindfolded, but 5-6 clothespins are fixed on the second. The first person to find all the clothespins wins.

Contests for newlyweds

The heroes of the occasion are the newlyweds. So that the wedding does not remain in their memory as a sea of ​​\u200b\u200btroubles, you need to involve them in participating in cool contests. For example, in the Mummy.


Participants are divided into two teams, and each is given a roll of toilet paper. On a signal, the participants turn one team member into a mummy. As soon as the paper runs out, the presenter gives a signal and evaluates the results. Do not forget to take a photo with the mummy as a keepsake.

"Living Corridor"

For family entertainment of the newlyweds, there is a competition "Living Corridor". For him you will need candles and a box of matches. 10-15 people line up in two columns. Between the columns should be at least three meters. Newlyweds walk along this corridor, carrying candles in their hands, and the players blow, trying to blow out the flames. The further the candles are carried, the stronger the love of the couple.

"Guess your betrothed (betrothed)"

And there is also a game during which it turns out how well the young people know each other. The groom must drive here. So that he can guess his wife, try to line up some girls in front of him. It will be cooler if you put a couple of men in this row. Touching the knee of each "girl" in the row, the groom
will have to find his young wife. If desired, the competition is done the other way around - for the bride.

Cheerful parents

Often the main burden of wedding troubles falls on the parents. To cheer them up, use cool contests. For example, play with your parents in the "pure truth."

"Pure Truth"

The facilitator asks the parents questions about the children and gives the answers. The parent who answers the questions correctly wins. On the sheet, you can write questions such as the groom's favorite color, leg size, hair length, favorite food, hobbies, and so on.

"Find a son-in-law"

Another cool contest is “Find a son-in-law”. Blindfold your newly-made mother-in-law tightly, and line up all the guys in front of her, who will call her in turn. The task is to find the son-in-law by voice.

"Moms, we are here"

Similarly, the contest "Moms, we are here" is held. Only separate couples, including newlyweds, will call mothers. Mothers must find children by voice.

We involve witnesses

A cool competition for witnesses called "Eggs" is excellently uplifting.


It is required to pass the egg through the man's left leg to the right one without breaking it. To simplify the task, you can use a ball, but a pea taken instead of an egg will complicate the task.

"Wedding sign language"

The game "Wedding sign language translation" will be a good training for those witnesses who know pantomime and have a good imagination. Here you will need to make a portrait of guests or heroes of the occasion without words using pantomime. After viewing the silent scene, the audience will have to indicate who the witness is showing: toastmaster, parents or guests.

"Tears of the Bride"

If the wedding is boring, cheer the audience with the cool Bride's Tears contest. At the same time, the bride herself is unlikely to cry, if only from laughter. During the game, the witness holds a bottle of wine between his knees. Tilting it, he must pour the wine into a glass or glass, clamped in the knees of the witness. How many drops will be on the floor, so many tears will a young wife shed in her whole life.

Competitions at the table

Tired of running around and dancing, you can have fun at the table.

"What am I?"

For the competition "What am I?" you need a mirror. You need to look in the mirror to compliment yourself, but not laugh, but those around you should by any means make laugh the one who looks at himself in the mirror.

"Talking Hat"

Another cool competition for a wedding is the “talking hat”. Clippings from songs with words are recorded in advance, you also need to prepare some kind of hat. The toastmaster brings the "magic" hat to the participant's head and asks the question: what is he thinking about at this moment. The answer is music. Participants of the game can dance and sing along.

We redeem the bride

Not without cool contests and charades and ransom of the bride. Offer to pass the competition "Dragon".

"The Dragon"

Take a chair (it will be an imitation of a dragon) and a nail. But the hammer will need to buy. The joke is that the newlywed will get an inflatable hammer.

"Faux Groom"

You can determine the intentions of the groom with the help of the "Faux Groom" contest. As soon as the real one drives up to the house, a fake one immediately appears, also dressed in a suit and with flowers, assuring that he wants to ransom the betrothed-mummer. For emotional suitors, it is better to prepare a prominent dummy guy dressed in a camisole or in a national costume.

"Guess the finger"

In the ransom of the bride, you can include a cool contest "Guess the finger." It is required to make several holes in the sheet, into which the fingers of the girls (and, possibly, one of the guys) are pushed through. The future newlyweds must find their soul mate on the finger.

Inside the apartment, cover the door to the bride's room with wallpaper, hinting that there are no more rooms. If the groom stubbornly rushes there and tears the wallpaper, take compensation from him for the repair.

The goal is fun

The cooler and more fun the contests are, the better.

"Are you sweet?"

You can cheer up those invited to the wedding with the help of the “Do you like it sweetly?” contest. Let the participants eat a piece of lemon, but make sure that they not only do not wince, but also say how delicious it is. Some fall out of the race as soon as the lemon touches the lips. But there are those who endure it.

"You to me, I to you"

Competition "You to me, I to you". 3-4 couples are selected. First, each player needs to put on clothes corresponding to his gender, in the amount of 3-4 pieces. Then, on command, the girls and boys exchange clothes. The pair that does it the fastest wins.

Cool competitions for a wedding simply cannot be counted. In the process of holding cool contests, you will learn a lot about your guests. The main thing is not to overdo it. Choose the ones that will be fun for your audience. And then the wedding will remain in the memory of the guests as an unforgettable celebration. Most of the competitions do not require complex preparation, but the guests especially like playing with props. For example, like in this video:

What wedding contests for guests, witnesses, parents and newlyweds do you think are more fun than others? Perhaps you have been to weddings more than once, what cool game do you remember more than others? Share your opinion in the comments.

Wedding contests are needed to relieve tension that may appear between unfamiliar guests and to create a relaxed atmosphere. After all, guests come to the wedding not only to enjoy delicious dishes of the wedding table, but also to have fun, to share the most joyful day of their joint family life with the newlyweds.

The bride and groom are rightfully considered the main persons of the wedding celebration, and that is why the competition for the bride and groom at the wedding can be called the most interesting points of the festive scenario.

Preparing wedding contests is considered a difficult and responsible task.

The task of a fun competitive competition is not only the desire to surprise and delight wedding guests with funny pranks, but also to introduce all relatives and guests of the wedding event to each other. Therefore, the newlyweds and the presenter diligently think over interesting and diverse fun competitions in advance.

Almost all wedding ceremonies are not complete without traditional comic wedding games and competitions.

These include:

  • ransom of the bride. For this fun competition, you will need a special “delicious” prop - champagne, sweets, boxes of chocolate or their cash counterpart. One team of "sellers from the bride's camp" meets another team of "buyers" - supporters of the groom and will come up with various comic tests for the future spouse, which he must pass for the sake of his chosen one;
  • wedding divination by determining the sex of the firstborn in a young family. For this contest you need cabbage and a silver coin. Whoever is the first of the newlyweds to find a coin determines the gender of the unborn child. For another version of this fun competition, you will need different props: baby hats in blue and pink. Guests are invited to choose the future gender of the child, and to do this, put a small amount of money in the appropriate headdress. The competition ends with the counting of banknotes in each cap. In which hat there will be more money, of this gender, the first-born of a young couple will be;
  • the touching custom of lighting a family hearth candle, in which the parents of the newlyweds and the bride and groom are directly involved. The meaning of this ritual is the symbolic transfer of warmth and comfort of the parental hearth to the newlyweds.

Of particular interest at the wedding is a fun contest for the bride and groom.

The couple will have to go through comic and funny tests, a kind of test for readiness for a joint married life.

Newlyweds need to show their abilities and skills in everyday everyday life, decide who is the head of the family, show their caring and demonstrate their mutual love.

Competitive tasks are held in a playful fun way. The most interesting competition is a fun verbal contest of questions and answers. On pieces of paper, questions are written in advance on the topic of the duties of the bride and groom. Questions for the bride and groom can be of different content. For example, it is appropriate for a bride to ask the following questions:

  1. How many dishes for your beloved husband will you cook?
  2. How many glasses of champagne can you drink?
  3. How long can you talk with a friend on the phone?
  4. How many coats would you like to have?
  5. How many times will you forgive your beloved husband?
  6. Do you agree to have three or more children?
  7. Do you like the Kamasutra?
  8. Will you look at other people's men?

Options for comic answers are prepared in advance on paper cards that lie on a special beautiful tray.

For answers, the toastmaster invites the bride and groom to choose any card and read it aloud.

Funny answers cause laughter and cheerful exclamations of wedding guests. The bride's responses may be as follows:

  • That's all I think about.
  • On payday.
  • I can, but only in a different room.
  • Interesting to try.
  • Not more than once.
  • You can also try.

The groom can ask the following questions:

  1. What is your wife's favorite dish?
  2. How much alcohol can you drink without getting drunk?
  3. Would you like to spend your entire honeymoon in the matrimonial bedroom?
  4. How many times a day will you say kind words to your wife?
  5. Will you vacation with your wife in the Bahamas?
  6. Do you agree to have three children?
  7. Will you serve your wife coffee in bed?
  8. Who will earn money in the family?

Approximate joke answers of the groom:

  • I'm always ready.
  • Do not even think about it.
  • Only for you.
  • Do not put salt on my wound.
  • Only for you, my love.
  • Just me and no one else.
  • Next time.

The last question to the newlyweds will definitely be the toastmaster's appeal to the bride and groom: “How many times, in your opinion, will the guests shout “Bitter!” to you? Hearing the answer of the young, the guests begin to shout “Bitter!”, after which the bride and groom kiss each other.

Questions should be extremely tactful and cheerful enough to maintain the festive mood of the wedding and not embarrass the newlyweds.

Distribution of duties

You can find out in a comic form the degree of readiness of the newlyweds for life together with the help of a fun competition for the distribution of responsibilities in the family.

This interesting wedding tournament of newlyweds is held in the form of interesting and sometimes unexpected questions and funny joke answers.

The format of the competitive competition on the knowledge and distribution of duties of the bride and groom may be different. Most often, this interesting competition is held in the following versions:

Notes. The host takes out pre-prepared notes with the household duties of the newlyweds. Each sheet is folded in such a way that the phrases written on them are not visible to anyone. Notes lie either in a wide beautiful box or on a tray.

The bride and groom alternately choose notes for themselves and read out their upcoming duties.

The note begins with the words: “I will ...” and reads out what duty they will perform. For example:

  1. Wash dirty dishes.
  2. Take out the trash can.
  3. Earn money for a family.
  4. Play "tanks" for days.
  5. Give birth to children.
  6. Do laundry.
  7. Prepare and bring breakfast to bed.
  8. Talk for hours on the phone.
  9. Breastfeed an infant.
  10. Go fishing with friends.
  11. Knit hats and socks for a child.
  12. Watch TV for hours.
  13. Play football with friends.

You can come up with a large number of interesting questions, but the answers of the newlyweds will be even more interesting.

Definitely, cheerful laughter will cause the bride's answer about the duty: “I will fight for days in the online game“ Tanks ”.

Numbers. Another option for holding a contest on the distribution of household chores is to replace leaflets with prepared answers with cards with numbers. The bride and groom take a card with numbers to the host's proposed questions, which lies numbers down, and show instead of an answer.

Random digital answers to joke questions cause guests to laugh and cheer. For example, the toastmaster asks the groom a question about the continuation of the honeymoon, and the groom pulls out a card with the number 100.

This means that the young spouse agrees not to leave the matrimonial bedroom for a hundred days.

For the bride, you can prepare questions:

  1. How many times will you kiss your husband when you meet?
  2. How many times will you forgive your spouse?
  3. How much champagne can you drink without getting drunk?
  4. How many meals will you cook?
  5. How long will it take you to prepare for going to the cinema or theater?

Suggested questions for the groom:

  1. How many times will you say kind words to your wife?
  2. How many times a day will you carry your wife in your arms?
  3. How much cognac can you drink?
  4. How many children do you want to have?
  5. How much time will you spend fishing with your friends?

The host of the wedding accompanies any number with funny jokes and funny comments that make the wedding guests laugh.

Chamomile. The third option for holding a competition for the distribution of responsibilities will be a kind of lottery - tearing off the petals on a large chamomile. A beautiful large white chamomile is being prepared, on the petals of which all kinds of symbols are written on the reverse side:

  1. Frying pan for cooking.
  2. A glass of beer with friends on vacation.
  3. Cosmetic bag for makeup.
  4. Iron for ironing clothes.
  5. Thread with a needle for sewing and repairing clothes.
  6. A pack of laundry detergent and washing powder.
  7. Skewers for barbecues.

The toastmaster invites the newlyweds to pick the petals one by one and, according to the symbol that has fallen, read out the duties that the young people undertake to fulfill. A variant of a random answer, when the groom comes across a petal with the image of an iron, and the young wife - a glass of beer, usually causes a cheerful laugh.

Still, such a non-standard and unusual distribution of responsibilities in the family is regarded as a funny joke.

The comic contest on the distribution of responsibilities in the family ends with the words of the host: “Now all the guests are convinced that the young people have distributed all household duties among themselves. At the same time, we understand that true love will help the newlyweds to overcome life's difficulties and obstacles."

The interest of guests in competitions related to the family life of the newlyweds is, in general, understandable. Often, guests perceive such a family test as a kind of comic prophecy and listen with pleasure to the funny answers of the newlyweds.

Cheerful competitions of young people for the distribution of household chores in an entertaining way will delight all guests of the wedding celebration.

To know each other

A happy family union is created by loving people who know each other well. At the wedding, for a playful test, the newlyweds are invited to go through several funny tests. The script may contain several types of funny and original contests for the newlywed. For example:

  • "Love Message" For this competition, you need a small prop: a hat and small plates made of thick paper with the name of individual parts of the body: arm, leg, shoulder, eyes, nose, ears. The host sets the task for the groom to read to his bride a pre-prepared love letter with an appeal to his beloved with spaces in the text. The groom begins to read the appeal and takes out a sign from his hat to insert the missing word. The phrase “Honey, I really want to look into your beautiful ones” (and pulls out a note with the word “ears”) causes loud and cheerful laughter from the audience.
  • Competition for the bride "Sew an outfit for the groom from nothing." The toastmaster offers the bride a roll of toilet paper and offers to make a tie out of it for her young husband on one condition - to spend the entire roll of paper for this. Wedding guests are invited to keep a count of paper turns to create a tie around the groom's neck. How many turns - so many kisses the bride should give to her betrothed.

The most common competitions are comic competitions related to guessing the bride and groom among other guests of the wedding celebration.

Guess the bride by her leg, hand, kiss

In the fun contest “Guess your betrothed by the leg”, the blindfolded groom will have to recognize the bride by the legs of the contestants, bare just above the knee. When the groom is blindfolded, the participants change places, several men sit down next to them for a laugh.

The bride is replaced by another girl. To cheerful music, the groom touches the legs of the participants with his hands, thus defining his bride. Similarly, a competition is held to determine the hand of the bride. Women of all ages can participate in this competition: from grandmothers to girls.

Several representatives of the fair sex, including the bride, are invited for the “Know the Bride by a Kiss” contest, the Groom is seated on a chair, blindfolded and offered to recognize the bride by a kiss. The bride always kisses. There is another variation of this funny contest. The newlywed leaves the wedding hall for a while.

The toastmaster offers the bride and other participants in the competition to leave an imprint of their lips on paper. The groom must find on paper the kiss of his beloved.

Recognize the groom by his voice, ear

For the competition "Know me, my love", the toastmaster offers the bride to turn away or blindfold.

Several balloons filled with helium are used as props. Participants - men, among whom there will be a young spouse, are invited to say the phrase: "Darling, I love you so much!" through a helium balloon.

The bride must recognize her fiance among the changed voices of the contestants. Another recognition option is to guess the newlywed by the earlobe. The blindfolded bride must guess her young husband among several contestants. Participants sit on chairs and expose their ears to the newlywed for inspection.

During this amusing competition, the toastmaster comments on the amusing search with cheerful and witty remarks.

Very funny and interesting wedding contest for newlyweds:

At the wedding celebration, the joke tournaments of the newlyweds in a playful and funny way allow guests to relax and have fun in a relaxed atmosphere. Cool, funny contests create a unique atmosphere of a festive celebration. Do you agree with this statement?
