Morning conspiracy to love a guy. A conspiracy to love a man: white magic and black

A conspiracy of white magic to love a man is very often used by women. After all, they usually suffer from unrequited feelings more often and more than representatives of the strong half of humanity.

This is initially due to the fact that men are, in principle, polygamous: if one does not reciprocate, they will find another.

No time for them to bother with suffering. You need to earn money.

For women, it is more important to create a family, to have children. It all sits deep in the subconscious. So you don't even get to.

Leave worries and tears for the weak. Take up witchcraft.

After all, a white conspiracy to love a man can radically change the situation.

Instead of pain, happiness will blossom, and tears will appear in the eyes only in moments of unearthly delight.

Agree, this is exactly what every charmer wants, what to strive for with all the fibers of her soul.

It should be noted how and when such rituals are performed. You need to know this in order to correctly perceive the result.

It doesn't always work out the way you dream. That is, the conspiracies of white magic for the love of a man do not give an absolute guarantee.

You shouldn't get upset.

If the ritual does not lead to reciprocity, then it will surely erase the trace of unrequited passion from the soul, and release it from pain.

Often suffering is not caused by love at all. This or .

Therefore, before practicing white magic conspiracies for the love of a man, it is necessary to cleanse the aura.

Only three days after cleansing, you can start divination.

Keep in mind the thought that you will gratefully accept any result.

If the desire to take advantage of the position or wealth of a man reigns in the soul, then do not expect good. White magic does not help cunning and deceitful people.

Letters from our readers

Topic: I have more money and opportunities thanks to the advice from your site!

From whom: Svetlana(sv****** [email protected])

To whom: Responsible for the site

Hello! My name is Svetlana and I want to tell the readers of the site my story of how I was lucky to get rid of constant lack of money!

I lived like many of us: home, work, children, worries .... and a constant lack of money. You can’t buy toys for children, new clothes, or please yourself with a beautiful dress. My husband also does not have a job.

In general, every month you only think and plan how to stretch the budget so that there is enough money for current needs.

Of course, we in the family have learned to live with our finances. But in my heart there was always a constant feeling of resentment and pity for myself. Why is that, I asked myself. Look, others have money, they bought a new car, built a dacha, it is clear that there is prosperity.

I have already begun to lose hope for a good life. But one day I stumbled across the internet.

You will be amazed at how many positive changes have happened to me! I had no idea that this article would change my life so much!

I got money! And not just a trifle, pocket coins, but a really normal income!

Over the past year, we have done a great renovation in our apartment, bought a new car, and sent the children to the sea!

But none of this would have happened if I hadn't found this site.

Don't scroll past. Take a couple of minutes to this information.

Perform rituals several times. One of them coincide with the full moon.

Posting will help increase the impact.

Before the ceremony, do not eat meat and sweets.

In general, it would be nice to sit for three days on cereals or on fruits. And on the day of the event - go hungry, if health allows.

This preparation does wonders.

And, of course, the "sorceress" should avoid alcohol until her goal is achieved. The last rule is very strict! Please note.

  • Prepare a photo of a dear person. (Read the article -)
  • Even in the church, buy a thick candle.
  1. Light a candle at dawn.
  2. In your left hand, hold the image of a man,
  3. Place a glass of consecrated water in front of you, to which a candle is attached (you can glue it to the bottom, and then pour the water).
  4. Read aloud the following words (from memory):

“I fill this water with the purest power of heaven. I put my love in it. You Saints, standing at the Throne of the Lord, pray for me to the Almighty. Ask to help me, support me, give me hope for happiness. Let the soul of His servant (name) fill with excitement. Let love for me blossom in her. My heart will respond to my call, quickly - quickly beat! As the water touches his body, so the fire of love in the soul will light up! Amen!"

You should try to give the charmed water to the man, pour it into the tea, for example.

If this is not possible, then spill it where he walks.

As soon as he crosses over the "puddle", so your conspiracy will begin to operate.

Conspiracy in nature

Even in the old days, the girls went to the birch, to complain about the fate of the fierce. And modern women are not forbidden to do this.

Go to nature on Wednesday. This is the most cordial of women's days.

Just do not wear trousers for the ceremony.

  1. Dress up in a toe-length dress, take a headscarf with you. Today they don’t cover their heads, so you can tie them around your neck for now.
  2. Find a birch tree that you like.
  3. Hug her and say this:

“Oh, birch, girlfriend. Bitter fate is my heavy! I fell in love with the couple (name). He doesn't look in my direction. He walks past, does not turn around, looks coldly, does not smile. I shed bitter tears every night, but I hug my pillow! You see everything from heaven! Find you in the soul (man's name) the way. Let love into the heart of anxiety. Let our shares be one. Let the souls merge, forget about grief! Amen!"

  1. With a handkerchief that you brought with you, tie two separate branches of a birch.
  2. Sit down and talk to your green friend. Pay off if you wish.
  3. And then leave.

Wait for a response from the forces of nature. They are bright and fair. Be sure to find a way to help or suggest how to be.

White conspiracy for a man's strong love

So far, we have considered methods of "remote" influence on the object, i.e. . Such rites of strong feelings are difficult to achieve.

If you want the beloved to lose his head, then use the contact method.

Of course, this is possible only when you communicate with a man, you have the opportunity to give him a carrier of magical energies.

The method is old and widely known.

For example, on Easter, many people go to church to sanctify Easter cakes.

If you speak the treat correctly and give it to a man, then he will not go anywhere, he will fall in love.

You need to do this: when the priest goes to pour holy water on everyone, you say to yourself:

“Truly! To the love of the Lord slave (name)! Christ is risen! Amen!"

But you can't take the cake home.

You need to give it to the man before you get to your apartment. Then a conspiracy.

It would also be nice to stand together with your Easter cake under the bell.

Its vibrations permeate the space, purifying both it and everyone in it.

That is, your soul will be filled with light, which will certainly affect the beloved man.

And if the holiday is far away, then go with any other delicacy to the temple for service.

Sprinkle it with holy water yourself, saying the above spell. And feed the man.

Just don't use meat for this. It does not contribute to the emergence of pure love, only attraction from such a charmed gift will work.

Many people dream of love, but it is far from always that we meet it on the path of life. And everything would be fine, but if you meet, but unanswered, what to do then?

Everyone dreams of love

If the desired object does not pay attention to your virtues in any way, it does not attract attention from you towards him, and even by tricks and tricks he or she cannot be lured into your networks of love and passion, then you can attract this person into your life with the help of magic. A strong love spell is exactly what a lonely person needs.

The history of love spells

History of conspiracies

Strong conspiracies for love have come to us since ancient times, when girls spoke to the strong feelings of their beloved.

With the help of strong conspiracies for love, more than one strong family was created, because sometimes in the hustle and bustle of modern life, people simply cannot see their soul mates and cannot even dream of having a place in their life for love, relationships and the most sincere feelings.

The power of a strong love spell

Strength comes from faith

A very strong love plot depends not only on the chosen spell and the rite with which it is carried out. The power of a conspiracy is, first of all, the energy of the person who is carrying out this conspiracy. And the energy depends on the feelings that a person has for his desired object, on the faith that he puts into conspiracies, on self-confidence, which further strengthens a person in all his endeavors.

The fact that our thoughts quite often materialize, everyone can be convinced in practice. If, in addition to conspiracies for strong love, you also visualize future relationships for yourself - imagine an understanding and loving relationship with a loving person, see harmony in relationships, coherence, trust and understanding, then in the near future these relationships will be exactly like that.

Therefore, a positive attitude is very important. It makes no sense to conduct a love conspiracy if there is no faith in it and this rite is done only to check whether it will work or not? The concept of "no" simply should not exist in magic for the love spell of love and a loved one. Only the positive attracts the positive, but the negative and the negative always lead to ineffectiveness.

Strong conspiracy to love "Bewitched Heart"

bewitched heart

A very strong conspiracy to love is called the "Bewitched Heart". The plot is accompanied by a love spell ritual, for which you will need a red candle, a clean white handkerchief, a needle, a pen or pencil. The spelling sequence is as follows. On a white handkerchief with wax from a red candle, it is necessary to drip a shape in the form of a heart. First, mark the contours of the heart with drops of wax, then fill the middle with drops of wax.

When the wax heart is ready, you need to write the name of the desired object on it. Then stick a needle into the wax heart and leave it there. From the moment the candle is melted and the wax heart is created, until the heart is pierced with a needle, the following conspiracy must be pronounced:

“I don’t kindle a flame, but I call on the soul of a loved one, I don’t pour out wax, but I ask the body, I don’t pierce my heart, but I call love into my life. Let the soul and body unite and turn into a servant (s) of God (s) (name). His (her) heart is filled with love, he addresses me as a servant (s) of God (s).

The enchanted wax heart must be hidden in a secret place where no one can find it. It is very important - do not rely on the passive attraction of the desired object. After this conspiracy, it is very important, as often as possible, to be close to the one who was spoken to. A person must feel your strength and energy, must see the one whom his heart begins to dream of, and very soon his attention and feelings will switch to you.

The strongest love conspiracy does not depend on the rite, which is accompanied by spells about love and affection. The strongest conspiracy is the one in whose effectiveness a person is 100% sure, therefore it is necessary to cultivate faith in what a person is doing.

If you are sure that the desired object is the person with whom you want to go through life side by side, then you can safely talk to such a person. Even the simplest conspiracies that are simply spoken aloud with thoughts about who you want to speak can be strong.

Strong simple love spells

The simplest conspiracy

A strong conspiracy to love a man can be as follows:

“A person cannot live without water and food, and my beloved (name) cannot live day or night without me (name) - his other half.”

This conspiracy can be changed in relation to a woman. It is enough just to change the words in relation to the female gender on behalf of the man.

Strong love spell for hair

We use hair

If young people communicate and one of them wants to bewitch the other, then you can conspire on your hair. To do this, you need to take five of your drags from the head and three hairs from the head of a loved one. Connect the hairs and throw them into a blazing fire, saying the words:

“Lord, burn with the fire of the Holy Spirit our kidneys and our heart. Amen!".

After these words, a happy time will surely come in the relationship of two people.

There are a lot of very different strong conspiracies for strong love, strong relationships and strong attraction, but each of them is based only on faith in the action of these words and rituals. That is why, if there is a person in life whose love you need like air and water, just always in your thoughts set yourself up for the fact that you will definitely be together, that his heart will definitely turn to you and be filled with your essence.

Strong faith can work miracles, and conspiracies can be used simply to push a person in search of the right path. At the same time, if a person often catches the eye, then he will really perceive you as his soul mate, he will want to see you more often, be around and just enjoy your presence. From such desires, true and strong love is born.

You can safely invent love conspiracies yourself, simply voicing in them how you would like a person to treat you, equating yourself with the forces of nature, seasons, time of day, etc. There is nothing difficult in this. But if you still want to bewitch a person for sure, then it is best to contact a specialist or speak to your loved one with the help of proven conspiracies. Good luck.

A strong love spell can act with the same force as a love spell. There are rituals with which you can achieve the effect of light love, euphoria, ease of communication, sympathy. Love spells can be done independently.

If you are going to read a conspiracy to love a man, then you should first read the prayer "Our Father". Words are pronounced in a low voice, each is clearly pronounced. It is advisable to look at the photo of the chosen one. It is impossible to stray or confuse words. If the ritual belongs to white magic, it cannot be used to harm another person.

A very strong conspiracy

This ritual helps to attract pure, sincere and strong feelings into your life. It helps to start new relationships and life from scratch.

“I will go out, the servant of God, (name), in the canopy, then in the open field and pray to the Most Holy Theotokos and look in all four directions, and pray to the Lord himself: Lord, Lord! Lord and Mother of the Most Holy Theotokos! And I ask: pull the violent winds, and scatter my anguish-grit from a white body, from a zealous heart and clear eyes. Apply my sadness to the sweetheart (name of the chosen one) in his clear eyes, black eyebrows and white face, on a zealous heart. So that for daytime sadness and night longing, and so that he could neither eat nor sleep, and all would think about the servant of God, (his name), and so that everyone would walk and fank like a white swan, and would think of me, about the servant of God, (your name). Be, my words, strong as iron, and expensive as gold. In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen".

Prayer for love and fidelity

A conspiracy to love a man helps to protect yourself and your loved one from people who envy someone else's, true love. There are such envious people who are trying in every possible way to interfere.

To perform the ritual, do the following:

  • Buy a new tablecloth, only white.
  • Three church candles are placed on it.
  • The words of the conspiracy are read three times in a row. After each reading, one candle is extinguished.

“O Eternal Lord, I implore You with tenderness. Create a high wall, create a deep pit, impenetrable fence, insurmountable longing. Depth - three fathoms of earth, height - immeasurable height, and melancholy of immeasurable depth. Lock, Lord, and block so that the servant of God (name) does not leave me, he does not find another girlfriend for himself. Lock it with a key and take it for yourself, help, Lord, God's servant (name). Until this lock is opened, until then the servant of God (name) will not stop loving me. Key, lock, tongue. Amen".

  • When the text is read, all candles are extinguished, they are tied together.
  • Then they light it again and let it burn to the very end.

Conspiracy "bewitched heart"

Love spells with elements of a love spell are considered quite effective and strong. For the ritual, you need to stock up on a red candle. She symbolizes love. Do the following:

  1. Spread a white handkerchief on the table.
  2. A heart shape is dripped onto it with wax from a lit candle. First, the contour is marked, and then the figure is completely filled.
  3. On the finished heart, write the name of a loved one with a pen or pencil.
  4. A needle is stuck into the wax heart, and left.
  5. The figurine with the needle is hidden in the safest place where no one can find it.
  6. From the moment the candle is lit and until the heart is pierced with a needle, the words of the conspiracy are read:

“I don’t kindle a flame, but I call on the soul of a loved one, I don’t pour out wax, but I ask the body, I don’t pierce my heart, but I call love into my life. Let the soul and body unite and turn into a servant (s) of God (s) (name). His (her) heart is filled with love, he addresses me as a servant (s) of God (s).

Men or guys can use this conspiracy to love a girl if they are sure that this is their soulmate. Particular attention should be paid to one aspect. You can not sit and wait for the object of desire to find you and come to you. After the ritual, it is necessary to catch his eye as often as possible. A person should feel and recognize your energy and strength as much as possible. His heart must know and see the one about whom he begins to dream.

A simple love spell

For a simple rite, it is enough to say the following words:

“A person cannot live without water and food, and my beloved (name) cannot live day or night without me (name) - his other half.”

You can do a simple ritual on the hair. To do this, you need five of your own hairs and three hairs of the object of love. They are connected together, thrown into a fiery flame, saying:

“Lord, burn with the fire of the Holy Spirit our kidneys and our heart. Amen!".

After the ritual, peace and harmony will surely come in the relationship. You can use this conspiracy to love a girl.

Ritual for bad weather

Together with conspiracies to attract love, you can use Orthodox prayers. It is not for nothing that the Bible says that you need to read prayers, ask and ask for what you want, and it will definitely come into your life. True, if we talk about a loved one, then he should be free, his heart should not be occupied by another.

Bad weather, heavy rain can help attract love. The ceremony is performed only during rain, thunderstorms, snowfall, or during a very strong faith. You need to read the text only in a whisper. No one should hear the spoken words.

“Went to the church pop. The wheel rolls, spins, rolls under the feet of the ass, clings to the skirts of his clothes. Let the servant of God (name of the guy) rush to me like that, rush at me, spin around me in circles, like a pop on an icon, let him pray for me. Help all the saints, subdue the servant of God (name of the guy) to me. Amen".

Ritual at dawn

Many love plots are read in the morning, at dawn, using her energy. She is able, like the sun, to illuminate your feelings for the object of love. The ritual can be compared with prayers to the forces of nature that came from antiquity. These conspiracies are still used today. They are very effective and quickly make the object of desire pay attention to you.

In the morning, they get up facing the east and read the spoken words to themselves 7 times in a row:

“A person does not live without water and food, and a servant of God (the name of a man or woman) cannot live and be without God’s servant (his name), day or night, without his half - me.”

A conspiracy to love from a photo

A photograph in magic is a special object that reflects the aura of another person. When exposed to it, you can change the behavior of another in the right direction. The photo helps smooth out disagreements in your personal life and eliminate a possible rival. Before the ceremony, it is advisable to read the prayer "Our Father".

In magic, there are several rules by which an image is selected for the ritual:

  1. The pupils of the eyes should be clearly visible on it.
  2. The age on the photo must match the real age of the object of desire. (It is acceptable to use a picture from three years ago).
  3. The chosen one must be alone in the photo. Otherwise, magic can affect another person.

The words of the conspiracy in the photo are read three times a day: at dawn, evening and at sunset. You need to look directly into the eyes of the chosen one in the picture for the magic to work and say:

“Just as a servant of God (pronounce the name) cannot live and be without his shadow, so the servant of God (pronounce the name) cannot without longing for me, God's servant (pronounce the name). Walk, stumble, suffocate from longing. As the Sun goes across the sky, you still go along every road to me, God's servant (pronounce the name). My word is strong and stucco. Amen".

After the ceremony, the photos are kept closer to themselves. But outsiders should not see it. You can't bury photos in the ground. The ritual belongs to white magic and carries a positive.

Love spells are powerful. Their effectiveness lies in the power of the words and the faith with which they are spoken. If it is impossible to live without love, and there is a person with whom you want to be close, you need to mentally set yourself up for this. Before the ritual, in your thoughts you need to imagine the chosen one or look at his photo.

Strong faith in the actions performed can work wonders. And conspiracies for love will help set the desired object in the right way. They will push him to the right path. In rituals, it is allowed to invent words on your own. In the texts, you can express the desired attitude towards yourself. But it is better to use words that have been tested for centuries and use the help of the forces of light, nature and magic.

You can enhance the effect of spoken words using prayers. They help to change the existing reality at the energy level. Prayers and conspiracies contribute to the emergence of positive events in life.

To love and be loved, to have a strong family is an absolutely natural desire for every woman. Read conspiracies for a man's love: white magic at home will help if bright and sublime feelings are not mutual. But resort to magical measures. you need to correctly and carefully, so let's understand everything in stages ...

Any magic, black or white, plays the role of a lifesaver in a difficult life situation.

The history of white magic, its rituals and rituals is as old as the world itself. They were used a hundred, and two hundred, and thousands of years ago, and at the same time they are actively practiced at the present time. Its main distinguishing feature can be called the use of positive, creative energy, natural, like life itself. Therefore, with the right application of strength and skills, it is really capable of much.

The rites of white magic are not aimed at causing harm or harm to anyone. You can even bewitch a loved one with their help only if he also feels something for you or it will benefit both of you from the point of view of karma.

Advice: to achieve the desired result, it is not enough to memorize and read a spell from a book bought in an underpass or a bookstore. You need to really believe in what you are doing and understand how to put your idea into practice.

For the correct performance of various magical actions, appropriate knowledge is required related to the use of various attributes: amulets, talismans, amulets, conspiracies that protect against evil forces. For example, do not confuse such concepts as an amulet and a talisman. The purpose of the first is protection from negative influences (damage, evil eye), and the second is used in magical practice to receive help from supernatural forces and phenomena.

Questions from visitors and answers from experts:

White magic rules

To increase the effectiveness of love rituals, when performing them, you need to follow several important rules:

  • It is necessary to conduct the ceremony only in a good mood, directing all your thoughts to creation and rejecting everything bad from yourself;
  • The words of the conspiracy are pronounced in a low voice, but clearly and distinctly;
  • Conspiracies and love spells of white magic can only strengthen or renew faded feelings. For a love spell of someone else's husband or a person indifferent to you, rituals of black magic are used.

That is, even the most powerful white conspiracy to love a man cannot help if his heart belongs to another. Therefore, in such cases it will be effective to use black magic.

Do not start a white love ritual if you experience negative emotions and spend it in order to take revenge on your ex-husband or boyfriend. First, calm down and think about what it really means to you. In the end, you do not wish evil to your beloved, dear person, but you want to give him real happiness next to you.

How it works

Do not confuse such concepts as an amulet and a talisman. Amulet - protection from negative influences. Talisman - help in magic.

Rites and conspiracies of love white magic have different powers. And, if some of them are more or less harmless and safe and cause the chosen one to feel a slight melancholy and sadness, then others can really deprive him of peace, making him think about the woman who performed the love spell, literally day and night. This category includes sexual love magic, which awakens real passion and desire in a man.

When performing magical rites, various means are used. These include:

  • Food and drink. The appropriate spells are read over them, and then they are treated to the object of passion;
  • menstrual blood. Spells with its use are black. Usually they act for thirty days, after which the feelings of the young man may weaken again. In this case, it repeats again or everything is left as is.
  • natural phenomena. Four elements, heavenly bodies, etc.;
  • A photo of a loved one or his personal belongings.

Love spell of a man for food

One of the most powerful and at the same time simple ways to cast a love spell is a conspiracy to eat for a man’s love to read, white magic. It works in the shortest possible time and almost always works flawlessly.

You can perform a love spell using various means, but it will have the greatest power when adding the menstrual blood of a loving woman to the food of her chosen one. But, having decided to carry it out, be especially careful. After all, if something goes wrong, you and the object of your passion run the risk of losing your "I".

The use of blood should be resorted to only in emergency cases. For all other situations, simpler and more harmless spells will do.

Conspiracy 1 "On the water"

You can also read this conspiracy to water for a man’s love, the white magic of this spell is universal, but it is read exclusively on odd days:

“Bless, God, bread.

Reward with holy water.

Yes, so that my husband (his name)

Always been by my side.

Blood in the liver, salt in food

Your flesh is in me.

Key, lock, tongue. Amen."

Conspiracies over food is the most common, affordable and easiest way to bind a husband, since in most families a woman cooks.

Conspiracy 2: "For food"

To perform it, any food intended only for the object of the spell is used. Everyone else can't eat it. Perform this ceremony on any men's day.

When conducting a ritual, remember that it can backfire in the form of apathy and physical discomfort in the person who undergoes it.

"Servant of God (name),

Satisfy your hunger with food

And always be with me (your name).

In the name of the Father, Son, Holy Spirit,

Now, and forever, and forever and ever. Amen."

Conspiracy 3: "For salt"

Since ancient times, conspiracies for the love of a man for salt have been used to restore love relationships and return faded feelings. To return the love of a husband and help him look at you with the same eyes can be an old rite of the 19th century, performed with ordinary table salt.

Keep in mind: it does not work on strangers!

This conspiracy is read for any drink or food, it is possible for salt, then to add it to food. The words of the conspiracy are:

In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit,I will get up and go from door to door,

From gate to gate, into an open field, andI will meet fire, frying pan and wild wind.

I will rise and bow low to them and say this:

“Goy be the Fire and the Fire!Do not burn the earth's herbs,

And do a faithful, great service:Take it out of me, servants of God (name at baptism),

Longing for melancholy, weeping dryness,carry it through high forests - do not lose it,

Through the rapids - do not drop, hthrough the seas and rivers - do not drown,

And put it in the servant of God (name at baptism), inwhite chest, in a zealous heart,

So that he is about me, a servant of God (name at baptism), tfettered and grieved in the day and night time,

I would not eat in sweet dishes,I didn’t drink in honey, beer and wine,

Be you, my words, strong and sculpting,From now to forever.

I close with a strong lock,And the key is in the water,Amen".

You need to take a few crystals of salt and say the words of the conspiracy over it three times. Then this salt is added to the spouse's food, best of all in a fish dish. In a few weeks, you will notice that the feelings of a loved one flared up with renewed vigor.

  • This is a strong ritual that is performed with charmed salt, it must be performed at night on a full moon;
  • You will need two fresh photographs, in which you and the object of your passion will be separately, these pictures should not contain strangers;
  • In addition, to perform the ritual, you need to stock up on a red candle, a plate, an empty matchbox, matches and salt;
  • When starting the ceremony, tune in a positive way, remember how good it was for you with your loved one, how warm and tender your relationship was;
  • Light the candle while saying the words of the love spell. Do not extinguish the flame on the match you used;
  • It should go out by itself, and all this time you need to repeat the words of the conspiracy;
  • The ashes formed after its combustion must be collected in a plate;
  • Put the photographs on the table, face up, sprinkle your picture with salt, pronouncing the necessary words of the spell, do the same with his picture;
  • After a few minutes, the rest of the salt from his photograph should be poured into boxes and buried in the ground under the aspen.
  • Mix the salt from your picture with the burnt ash and add it to your loved one's food.

Full moon spells

The effectiveness and power of many love rituals is directly related to the changing lunar cycles. Usually, rituals are performed on the growing moon to strengthen and restore broken relationships, and on the waning moon, to destroy love for another woman, to remove protection from magical influence from the object.

On a full moon, all rituals and spells gain special power. In order for them to begin to act, it is enough just to imagine the appearance of a loved one and mentally direct all your thoughts and desires to him, whispering the following short conspiracies, the most effective during the full moon. There are a lot of them, so it remains only to choose the options that are suitable for your particular case.

Spells for the love of a guy or girl exist in order to be loved by those we love. Do not take magic negatively, because it is aimed at good. Love magic and a love spell of a loved one are designed to make people happy.

Many believe that the fate of a person is written in the book of fate even before his birth, and nothing can be changed in it. These people believe that you just need to humble yourself and live life as it is destined from above.

Needless to say, such people are very unhappy for the most part? Especially often their misfortunes come from unrequited love. It seems to them that if a loved one does not look at them, then it is not destiny to be with him and they need to back down.

But there is another philosophy of life, in which a person is the master of his own destiny and independently makes decisions regarding his life and happiness.

Do you want to make him happy and go hand in hand with him all your life? Do you dream of revitalizing relationships and becoming sweet to your husband again? Or maybe you had a trouble, and the person you loved left you, falling out of love? Do not despair! If your thoughts are pure and you not only dream of getting the benefit from magic, then magic will help you.

Perhaps, let's start with helping the youngest readers: it is very important when the first strong feeling is born, because people remember their first love all their lives.

But before I give advice and spells, I want to warn you (since youthful maximalism is a common and often dangerous thing): when resorting to magic, casting magic spells for the affection and love of a guy or girl, remember that if you do it out of your own whim, then there will be trouble, because jokes are bad with magic, and you need to seriously think about how dear this person is to you, whether you can live with him all your life, whether you yourself will stop loving him at the first opportunity.

Try to wisely and responsibly approach this issue, think about your attitude towards the object of love and decide whether you are ready to tie him to you for a long time with the help of magic.

Self-conspiracy for love

To perform the ritual of love magic on your own and at home, get a photo of your loved one (now there are social networks, otherwise people used to suffer when taking out a photo), print it out and read the following words on it:

The main condition for such rituals is to focus on the object of love and think only about him. These conspiracies will also help you if a crack has formed in your relationship with your loved one.

But if you feel that your husband does not love you anymore or is growing cold towards you, and all the more so that he has someone who takes his thoughts away from you, then it is time to use the following means. You need to buy white threads, and not at any time, but on Wednesday for the waxing moon. The next day, go to the same store and buy needles.

On Friday, we thread a needle and make a few stitches in one of the corners of the sheet, in the process imagine your husband’s face as clearly as possible and try not to be disturbed at this time, otherwise everything will have to be repeated in a month. If you fulfill all the conditions, everything will be just great. When sewing, cast the following spell:

Naturally, he should sleep with you on this sheet. Often black magic deals with love issues. For example, you can bind a person to yourself from a photo, but this method of magical influence has its own conditions: first of all, the object of the spell must know you well, and besides, you must be able to contact him when necessary.

Of course, you can try to tie an unfamiliar person to yourself from a photo, but it is hardly worth doing this. Remember that with magical intervention, especially with the help of black magic, in the fate of a person, you also influence his behavior. He can always be alarmed and annoyed - perhaps he will not have feelings for you, he will not be able to get far from you, but he will try with all his might to get rid of you.

That is, magic is magic, and if you don’t inspire feelings for him and don’t deserve his natural good attitude, then magic will only torment you. Think about it, and only with full confidence that he will not be with you only by attachment, start holding a “black wedding”.

black wedding

We take two photos of the same size and in full growth. There should not be strangers in the photo, only objects of the ritual. There should be no cracks and bruising in the photo, not to mention tears and so on.

The place of the ritual is a cemetery, the time is midnight on a full moon or a growing moon. Graves must be chosen with the names of those whom you crown.

During the ritual, you can’t speak (only words of a conspiracy to love), it’s forbidden to laugh and look around. In advance, you need to buy six cubic zirconia candles, three black and three red. We put photographs on the grave, to the left of them we place red candles, to the right - black ones. From a match, we light first red, then black candles and read the wedding spell by heart.

You will need to buy chilibukha leaves in advance (30-40 pieces) and grind them into powder. You also need half a liter of lamp oil (consecrated) - candles, grass and oil can be bought at an esoteric store. After reading the spell, sprinkle the photographs with grass, then generously pour them with lamp oil.

After draining the vessel with oil, read the Black Wedding spells again, take the black candle from the grave in your left hand, the red one in your right hand and set fire to the photo on both sides. Return the candles to their place and wait until the photos are burned to the ground. Then cast the spell one last time and leave. Do not turn around, do not pay attention to the strange noise.

The text of the spell "Black wedding"

Download this spell in .doc format Are you afraid to go to the cemetery at night? You can hold a black wedding at home, but the result will not be so fast and strong.

Home version of the black wedding

We take the same consecrated and crushed chilibukha. We pour lamp oil into it, you also need to add hair, nails or saliva of ritual objects to this mixture. If you tie a guy to you, it would be nice to get his sperm. Six wedding candles are placed on the sides of the photographs and the prepared mixture is poured onto the photograph.

The photographs are then placed face to face and wrapped in black paper. Then the bundle is tied up with a beautiful ribbon, preferably red, and the spell of the black wedding is read by heart on the bundle. Put candles, a bundle and a vessel from under the mass in a box. Hide all this so that no one but you can find and know what you did.

If you return your husband in this way, then put on two candles on opposite sides of him and your wedding rings. After the ritual is completed, the rings must return to their owners. and they must be worn without taking off.
