DIY yellow tulips made from corrugated paper. How to make delicate pink tulips from corrugated paper with candies

First, let's prepare the basket so that ready-made flowers can be inserted into it.

We take a floral sponge, which is designed specifically for working with dry flowers. Cut it to the shape of the inside of the basket. Fill the remaining areas with separate pieces. Please note that the distance from the edge of the basket to the sponge should be about 2-3 cm.

Now let's start making flowers. We divide the skewers into 12 cm long sections. Simply break them in the right place with your fingers. We are preparing 11 of these sticks.

We insert the skewer into the middle of the wrapped part of the candy so that in no case does the stick touch the candy. We wrap the paper well with tape and smoothly move to the skewer.

Now we will make clothes for our candy. We cut the paper along the corrugation into strips 5 cm wide. Then we divide this strip into three equal segments. One tulip will be made from three such segments. Accordingly, for 5 pink tulips made of corrugated paper you need 15 pieces, and for 6 white tulips 18.

Take a piece of one color and fold it in half. Then we straighten it back and at the bend we twist the halves in different directions.

We twist it again, put the halves one inside the other and form a convex petal, slightly stretching the inner part.

We place a candy on a stick into this petal and begin to wrap white threads around the lower base, where there is no candy. We pull the thread very tightly so that it does not unravel.

In this way we form a flower of three petals. We secure the thread with glue from a gun.

Now we need to form the stem of the tulip, thereby hiding the wrapped thread. We attach the tape and begin to wrap it very tightly around a small bud, moving downwards. We wrap it around the middle of the skewer.

Use green paper in the same way on the same stripes, but we form sharp corners on one side and the other. We twist one end with our fingers.

We wrap the stem in a leaf, gluing them together with a glue gun.

Place the sisal into the basket in an even layer so that no foam is visible.

We begin to plant the flowers in the order we need. First, it is better to arrange the flowers in a circle, and then fill the middle.

We tie the bottom of the basket with a ribbon and tie a bow on the handle. DIY candy tulips are ready!

Flowers made from corrugated paper turn out very beautiful. They look gentle and sophisticated, as if they were real. Looking at photos of such flowers on the Internet, some of us think: “I will never be able to do that.” But who said that creating something beautiful is difficult? Making tulips from corrugated paper yourself is very easy! This will only take 10 - 15 minutes.
You can create a bouquet of such flowers together with your children. They will certainly be captivated by the process of work, especially since they won’t have to wait long for an excellent result of their work. This is suitable for restless babies.

Materials and tools:

  • green and pink corrugated paper;
  • 5 disposable plastic spoons;
  • scotch;
  • scissors.

We cut the pink corrugated paper into shreds of approximately 12 by 12 cm, and the green paper into leaves in a shape resembling a triangle with convex sides. For 1 tulip you will need 5 spoons, 5 pink shreds and 3 green leaves.

Place each spoon diagonally on a pink sheet and carefully wrap it.

You will get 5 petals.

Next, we fold the spoons in the following sequence: first we take 2 of them, fold them “facing” each other, as shown in the photo. We fold the remaining three petals around. Secure the bud with tape.

Carefully wrap the resulting workpiece with three green leaves, which can also be secured with tape or tied with a small piece of corrugated paper.

Today, various DIY crafts are very popular. Such souvenirs are usually presented for various holidays and not only. Let's consider how to make such a gift and thus please a loved one.

How to make tulips from corrugated paper?

Let's look at how to make a simple bouquet of tulips with your own hands from corrugated paper at home. For this craft you will need: multi-colored corrugated paper, various wires, a glue gun and scissors.

Master class on creating flowers:

  • from the selected sheets we cut out strips 5 cm wide, in the future these will be the buds of our flowers;
  • then we fold the resulting strip so many times to form rectangles, the length of which is approximately 2 cm greater than their width. Cut them on the sides;
  • Now we cut out the petals from the resulting blanks. It is better to first make a blank on paper, and then cut the corrugation along it. Future petals should be narrow at the bottom and flat at the top;
  • For each workpiece we twist the narrow tip until we get a thin stick;
  • Now we give the petals a realistic shape. To do this, carefully stretch the paper in the middle and slightly deform the free edge. The result should be cup-shaped shapes;
  • Let's start forming the flower. One tulip may require a different number of petals. To do this, we apply the petals one by one to one end of the wire with the concave side up. In this case, the twisted ends are glued to the wire, and then to each other;
  • When the bud is finished, cut off strips of corrugated green paper 1 cm wide and begin to wrap it around the wire from top to bottom. It is recommended to secure the edges with glue. Thus, we form the base of the bud and make the stem itself a natural color;
  • for the petals, cut the green paper into strips 2 cm wide. Then cut the long strip about 10 cm long. Now fold each piece in half, and narrow one edge;
  • We attach the resulting leaves to the stem with glue so that the narrowed edges reach almost to the bud;
  • you can also make stamens. To do this, take a thin wire, cut it into pieces of 2 cm, and form bouquets of 5 pieces. Then a thin strip of yellow paper is wrapped around the free end of each stamen and secured with glue. Then the resulting stamens are glued in the center of each flower;
  • how many flowers to make depends only on personal desire. The bouquet can be of any size.

A bouquet of tulips made with your own hands from corrugated paper is ready, you can give it at the next holiday or just like that.

Bouquet of flowers with sweets

Let's look at how to create a great gift that combines flowers with a sweet surprise. To create you will need: several candies, it is better to take chocolate ones, corrugated paper of various colors, tape, a glue gun, wooden sticks and scissors.

Master class on creating flowers with your own hands:

  • The ideal option for creating such flowers are cone-shaped candies that have only one end. It is for this that we secure them to the edge of the wooden sticks. We do this using tape;
  • Now let's start forming the buds. For each individual flower you will need 3 rectangles, the size of one is 6x17 cm;
  • We fold each strip in half so that one edge is 1 cm longer than the other. Now we fold the paper along the fold, as if twisting it. As a result, the part that is shorter should be inside the long one;
  • stretch the resulting petal carefully in the middle so that it looks like a spoon;
  • We begin to form buds; for each, as is already known, you will need only 3 petals. We attach them to the candy one by one and fix them with tape or glue. Thus, we begin to collect tulip buds with our own hands step by step from corrugated paper;
  • We make the leaves from green sheets, which we cut into rectangles, the dimensions of which are 4x26 cm. Each flower will need no more than 2 leaves;
  • then we do the same manipulations with the stripes as with the petals of the buds. The result should be oblong, slightly convex leaves;
  • Now we cut the green paper into strips 1 cm wide. We will wrap it around the stems. Using glue, we secure the edges, thus forming the base of the bud and the stem;
  • Finally, we attach the leaves to the stem, each one should be glued at a different distance.

To complete the bouquet, you can wrap corrugated paper and chocolate tulips in felt, mesh or sisal and attach a bow.

Making a Decorative Basket

You can purchase a basket for a bouquet or make it yourself. Let's look at a simple way to create a bouquet from a sheet of cardboard. To do this you will need a square sheet with a beautiful pattern on one side.

We draw it into 9 identical squares.

Then we cut from two opposite sides, making four vertical slits. Now we bend the cut middle squares into the middle, and bend the rest so that the opposite edges become parallel to each other, and the others are inclined at the same angle. Glue the edges to the middle squares. You can also use glue or a stapler to attach a small handle made in advance to the sides. The basket is ready, all that remains is to secure the bases for the flowers in it.

For tulip lovers - a master class on creating a stylish gift for your loved ones in the form of a bouquet of flowers with sweets.

To create paper tulips you will need:

- yellow floral corrugation;

Thin green corrugated colors:

Wire to create a stem;

Strong thread;

Aspidistra leaf ribbon;

Thermal gun, scissors, ruler, wire cutters.

Paper tulips with candies step by step:

To create the petals, you will need to cut about six pieces of yellow corrugation measuring about 9*2.5 cm (Fig. 3). Give the “petals” a suitable shape by rounding the top and sharpening the bottom (Figure 4).

Next, you need to form the petals, stretching them in the center with your fingers, giving them the appropriate shape (Fig. 5). Glue together 3 petals overlapping (approximately in the center of the petal height) with a small drop of hot glue (Fig. 6). Place the candy and tuck the tails (Figure 7). Glue the petals together (Figure 8).

Then glue the wire, which will become the stem of the tulip (Fig. 9). Secure with threads, tightening at the base (Fig. 10). Shape the next petals, stretching them a little more than the inner ones (Fig. 11). Glue the petals to the bud in a checkerboard pattern in relation to the inner petals (Fig. 12)

Pull tightly with a thread at the base and cut off the excess paper (Figure 13). Tape (wrap) the flower stem with a strip of green corrugation (Fig. 14)

Now start creating tulip leaves, which need to be cut from the aspidistra in the appropriate shape measuring 3.5 * 15 cm (Fig. 15). Glue the leaves to the tulip stem (Figure 16).

Master class “Sweet souvenir” using the suite design technique.

Author: Nazarova Tatyana Nikolaevna, additional education teacher, House of Childhood and Youth, Millerovo

The master class is intended for additional education teachers, technology teachers and everyone who wants to master the suite design technique.
Purpose: souvenir, gift for March 8, interior decoration.
Sweet design is the creation of compositions from sweets. An original bouquet of sweets can be presented as a gift or even decorate the interior of your room. You just need to know a few techniques and methods for making flowers, as well as your imagination and patience.
Target: make a flower from three petals using the sweet design technique.
Educational: master the technique of making a flower from corrugated paper and candy;
Educational: develop accuracy and perseverance;
Educational: encourage the desire to give gifts made with your own hands. Instill a love for the suite design technique.
Necessary materials:

Corrugated paper red, green; skewers 11 pieces, Toffee candies 11 pieces, scissors, threads, glue gun, tape, transparent packaging film, gold floral tape.


From a roll of red, corrugated paper, cut 11 strips 2.5 cm wide. Randomly cut each strip into three parts. From a roll of green paper, also cut 11 strips 3 cm wide. Also cut the green strips into three parts. Take the green cut strips and use scissors to cut out a leaf, sharpening one side of the strip. Prepare the remaining 10 leaves.

For one tulip you will need three red stripes - petals. Take one strip in both hands, closer to the center, and twist it. Fold the twisted strip as shown in the photo. Stretch the petal at the top with your fingers, making it deeper and more voluminous. Using the same principle, prepare the remaining petals for the tulips.

Take one candy. Wrap the free edge of the wrapper around the skewer and secure it tightly with thread. Do the same with the rest of the candies.

We begin to collect the bud. The candy is firmly held on the skewer, now it needs to be dressed in petals. Surround the candy with three petals and secure with thread.

The petals slightly cover each other. Candy hidden in the petals

Wrap the step tape around the edge of the bud and the skewer around the stem of the flower.

Glue a leaf to each flower with a glue gun.

The result was a bouquet of flowers.

It is better to give flowers in a package. Wrap each flower in transparent film and secure with gold ribbon.
Using the same principle of making flowers, you can make these baskets with crocuses, only instead of a skewer, use toothpicks.

I wish you creative success!
