How to use olive oil for face? Olive oil, benefits, properties and applications.

Olive oil is a real healing elixir for our body. Hippocrates, the father of medicine, also mentioned its beneficial properties. Olive oil has a composition rich in vitamins and trace elements. It can lower cholesterol levels and has anti-inflammatory properties. Experts advise using olive oil for diseases of the gastrointestinal tract and nervous system. In addition, this healing product is able to slow down the aging process in the body, as it contains antioxidants. Olive oil improves immunity, improves memory, promotes the healing of various skin lesions.

Olive oil is widely used in cosmetology. On its basis, high-quality products are made to maintain the beauty of the skin and hair: creams, lotions, balms, etc. At home, when preparing home-made masks, you can enrich their composition with olive oil - just a few drops are enough to increase the effectiveness of any cosmetic product. Even a simple rubbing of the skin with oil is extremely useful: this procedure will relieve peeling and inflammation. Moreover, olive oil can be used for any type of skin.

In order for olive oil to retain all its beneficial properties, it must be used correctly. First, you need to know that cold-pressed oil is considered the most valuable. On the packaging of this oil, you will find the inscription "Extra Virgin". This oil is produced mechanically. That is, it is not exposed to any chemical attack. "Extra Virgin" is an absolutely natural product. This oil is of the highest quality, but it also costs more than other varieties.

Olive oil can be seasoned with salads and used for cooking any dishes, including replacing the usual vegetable oil for frying. Due to the high content of antioxidants, olive oil does not release carcinogens when heated. However, it should be remembered that during heat treatment, the oil still loses not only a number of its useful properties, but also taste. Therefore, if you want to use olive oil for frying, then try not to expose it to heat above 180 degrees. For heat treatment, a cheaper product can be used. Oil sotra "Extra Virgin" has a very delicate taste, which completely changes when exposed to temperature. This oil is best consumed in its natural form. Refined olive oil or a mixture of the two is good for frying. In general, it is best to have a different oil at home and use it depending on the situation. It is better to dress salads, pasta or prepare sauces from high-quality oil, and for cooking, keep medium category oil at home.

When choosing an oil, do not focus on the color of the product. Many mistakenly believe that only the dark and rich color of the oil speaks of high quality. In fact, the color of the oil depends on the harvest time of the olives. An early olive harvest yields a light-coloured oil. Both dark green and light yellow oil can be high quality. It all depends on the pressure. Therefore, the main criterion to be guided by is the varieties and categories of oil.

To preserve all the beneficial properties of the oil, it is important to store it properly. Olive oil must be protected from exposure to light rays and high temperatures. Therefore, you need to store it in dark cabinets and away from heat sources. Never keep oils near the stove. Many housewives put oil near the stove so that it is always at hand. It is not right. So, the quality of the oil will be hopelessly lost. Do not be lazy to put olive oil in the kitchen cabinet.

Pay attention to the packaging too. Buy the product in a ceramic, glass or stainless steel container. Plastic containers are not the best choice for olive oil.

Pay attention to the expiration date of the product. Remember that olive oil does not last longer than 24 months. If you notice that the oil has changed color or it has become rancid in taste, then this product should not be used anymore.

Many women are constantly in the process of losing excess weight. To do this, they use various diets and strict food restrictions. However, these manipulations are far from always effective and worth it. Indeed, in most cases, it is enough to simply review your own diet. Some nutritionists recommend using olive oil for weight loss. This method has gained the greatest popularity in Greece, since this product is of particular value there.

Olive oil for weight loss: benefits

It contains a huge amount of vitamins and minerals. And fatty acids of plant origin contribute to the activation of metabolic processes in the body. Of course, it will not work to quickly lose the hated kilograms by simply adding this oil to the main dishes. It is necessary to introduce some elementary restrictions, for example, reduce the amount of alcohol consumed, stop smoking, do not drink soda, do not eat semi-finished products and other harmful products. In Greece, women have been using olives for weight loss since ancient times. Moreover, not only the figure improves, but also the state of the body, including the work of the heart muscle and nervous system. In addition, experts say that this product is a wonderful prophylactic against the development of cancerous tumors. With its regular use, nails and hair are significantly strengthened.

How to take olive oil for weight loss?

First of all, you should consult a doctor before the procedure. A preliminary examination by a specialist is necessary, since in the presence of gastritis or other problems with the stomach, especially at the stage of exacerbation, the proposed program cannot be used. Of course, a person receives the maximum amount of useful substances from the use of the product in its pure form. However, it is also allowed to add to salads as a dressing, to sauces for meat and fish. So, now every morning before breakfast you need to drink a teaspoon of olive oil, after a week the dose can be increased to the volume of a tablespoon. According to studies, up to five kilograms can be destroyed in just a month. The main difference between this method and debilitating diets is the fact that the lost weight will not return immediately after returning to the previous lifestyle. Olive oil for weight loss in our country is used extremely rarely, as women are in no hurry to use folk remedies, preferring specialized preparations or fasting. However, the oil is a natural product, which means that there will be no harm to health. The principle of operation of the method is based on the properties of the olive to dull the feeling of hunger, which allows you to reduce the amount of food consumed.

Olive oil for weight loss: reviews

Most women notice the appearance of results already in the first week of taking the oil. You should responsibly approach the choice of product. A qualitative result can be obtained only in the case of purchasing unrefined cold-pressed olive oil.

Click on the appropriate item in the table of contents below.

Valuable fat is pressed from fresh olives. Ideally, the pulp of olives is crushed within a few hours of harvest, which lasts from November to March. Otherwise, high-speed oxidation spoils the raw material and the final product.

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Chemical composition

The calorie content and BJU of the product (proteins, fats, carbohydrates) are similar to all vegetable oils.

Per 100 grams - 884 kcal. We give the composition according to the main expenditure unit in nutrition - for 1 tablespoon which contains 14 grams of oil.

  • Calorie content of 1 tablespoon - 120 kcal.
  • Fat - 14 grams
  • Proteins and carbohydrates - 0
  • Vitamin E - 10% DV
  • Vitamin K - 10% DV
  • And scanty inclusions of minerals - up to 0.3% DN.

*DN - average daily burrow for an adult with a diet of 2000 kcal.

Note, according to the US Department of Agriculture natural product does not contain vitamins A and D, the myth about which is widespread in Runet.

With an eye to the BJU of the product, the healing properties of olive oil seem to be an exaggeration. Just liquid fat, where there are no proteins, carbohydrates, dietary fiber, trace elements and moderate amounts of vitamins E and K. Why do nutritionists strongly recommend it for salads and other dishes, especially extra virgin olive oil?

Beneficial features

What is the benefit of olive oil? Let's talk about the best image - unrefined first cold pressing.

A short list of very valuable characteristics for human health.

  1. There is no harm from skewed in omega-6 fatty acids.
  2. Polyphenols as powerful antioxidants and protectors against inflammation.
  3. Oleic fatty acid is a healing omega-9 for the cardiovascular system.

Therapeutic polyphenols

These are complex organic substances with a wide spectrum of action. Studies show that polyphenols from extra virgin olive oil help reduce blood viscosity and harmonize the lipid profile in high cholesterol.

Also, these biocompounds have pronounced antioxidant properties, protect the cell membrane and help fight inflammation.

Harmony omega without distortion in class 6

Excellent health property! And the main positive difference from other oils popular in Russia (sunflower, corn, sesame).

Important! Only oils where omega 6 fatty acids are less than 30% can be taken daily without harm (olive, almond, peanut, peach kernels).

  • Oleic (omega 9 fatty acids) - from 60 to 80%
  • Linoleic (omega 6 fatty acids) - from 5 to 14%
  • Palmitic and others - from 15%
  • A scanty amount of omega 3 fatty acids - up to 1%

The modern diet is oversaturated with omega 6. This leads to accelerated age-related inflammation. Reducing omega 6 fatty acids and enriching the diet with omega 3 fatty acids makes a huge contribution to our mobile and healthy longevity.

Versatile protection for the heart and blood vessels

The benefits of oleic acid and oleocansal have been studied in depth.

  • Reducing inflammation of the inner lining of blood vessels. This is the prevention of atherosclerosis.
  • Protection of low density lipoproteins from oxidative processes - up to 72%. It also insures the heart and blood vessels against heart attack and stroke.
  • Decreased thrombus formation and blood pressure.
  • Containment of autoimmune reactions in all organs and systems. This means fewer allergies, severe arthritis, and other diseases where immune cells mistakenly attack the body's own tissues.

An interesting study about 30 tablespoons of olive oil. The strength of the therapeutic effect is equivalent to the 1st adult dose of Ibuprofen. Including in the diet 2-3 tbsp. spoons daily, we regularly receive microdoses of the anti-inflammatory complex. ()

Benefits during pregnancy and in the children's menu

The benefits of olive oil during pregnancy and in the nutrition of children are significant.

Let's repeat about omega: you should strive for a ratio of omega 3 and 6 as 1:4. In the usual diet of contemporaries, this proportion is about 1:20.

There are two ways to reduce the harm from excess omega-6s:

  1. Remove redundant;
  2. Add omega 3.

When a pregnant woman switches to an omega-6 neutral oil, she insures herself and the baby from many troubles. By introducing this product, and not the popular sunflower, into baby food, we create the best table for the child with the correct proportion of fatty acids.

Don't forget to fortify your omega-3 menu with fish oil containing at least 450mg of DHA. We drink 1 teaspoon of this. Every day for the whole family.

An all-in-one treatment for skin and hair

Olive oil is a valuable ingredient in cosmetology. Softens, nourishes, rarely leads to blockage of pores. Ideal for hair care, including brittle and dull. In summer, healing fat helps to achieve a smooth tan. One of the best remedies for preventing stretch marks during pregnancy. This is largely due to vitamin E and polyphenols.

Use a quality (=expensive) cold-pressed food sample, not store-bought creams with added oil. Strong properties only in pure natural ingredients.

Compare Popular Vegetable Fats

What is more useful olive or sunflower? The answer lies on the surface if you read the information above.

Forget about vitamin E and oleic acid! Yes, in sunflower there is more than the first and there is also the second. Yes, it is a product of our latitude. But the positives are negligible compared to the harms of skewed omega-6s.

It is detrimental to health that sunflower oil is a linoleic fatty acid - omega-6 - up to 54%. Such a high percentage makes sunflower oil an enemy of health. It dramatically increases the risk of myocardial infarction, provokes inflammation and depression, and increases the risk of oncology.

In search of an answer to the question of what to replace sunflower oil with and whether it should be done, rely on the omega profile in vegetable fat. Make no mistake.

Our choice is to at least replace salad oil with olive oil. Even better - switch to a combination of coconut and olive for all dishes as much as possible.

Olive oil on an empty stomach - good or bad

Let's figure it out. Any oil on an empty stomach will cause an active outflow of bile. Any liquid in the amount of 1 glass or more will lead to a sharp activation of the biliary tract. And when drinking at a contrasting temperature, the effect will be even stronger.

Important! People with stones in the biliary tract should not drink oil on an empty stomach or a temperature-contrasting liquid.

Hence the beneficial effects of the olive "panacea" with lemon and honey for constipation. Strengthening peristalsis - the promotion of the food bolus - the release of gases and emptying the intestines. Exactly the same effect will cause sesame, sunflower, almond - any! - oil. The good news is that olive oil does not overload us with omega-6s.

In addition, we are wary of honey in the diet of children, allergy sufferers and people with hyperinsulinism. And allergies and disorders in the metabolism of carbohydrates are the mass problems of contemporaries. For ourselves, we see no reason to supplement the menu with sugars on an empty stomach. Therefore, the morning choleretic in our routine is 1-2 glasses of pure water, cool or warm, depending on the particular family member.

Gastritis olive oil before meals also does not heal. If your stomach is bothering you, you need a gastroenterologist and a Helicobacter pylori test. Diet is extremely important in treatment. If an infection is found, do not be afraid of antibiotics under the guidance of a competent doctor.

Contraindications and possible harm

1) Remember the high calorie content.

Olive oil is the highest calorie liquid fat. 1 tablespoon is capable of covering more than 16% of the average daily energy requirement.

If this figure seems insignificant to you, imagine eating two or even three generously seasoned meals a day. Getting overweight with such a diet is a piece of cake.

2) We exclude the choleretic effect if there are stones in the gallbladder or cholecystitis.

We do not take on an empty stomach! We adjust the amount in dishes - up to 2 tbsp. spoons a day.

3) Ideally, it's still better not to fry food on the extra virgin version.

Because heating destroys healing polyphenols. And in general, frying food is not the best choice for cooking. Only a savage from a tropical island has not heard of this.

If we discard the importance of preserving polyphenols, then we can rely on the latest safety studies. They answer the question What kind of olive oil can be used for frying. The average heat in a frying pan is no more than 170 degrees. This means that it does not provoke the formation of carcinogens in high-quality cold-pressed olive oil. After all smoke point extra virgin version not the lowest - from 191 to 215 degrees.

Even safer refined olive oil- 240 degrees. But this is a "dead version" of superfood. Useful biocompounds are completely destroyed by refining.

Our choice is to steam recipes more often and drizzle with oil after removing from the heat. Simmer over medium heat with water. Eat more salads with fresh vegetables.

Personal experience

For yourself, you can look for another combination of solutions, how to reduce omega-6 in the diet and remove trans fats. Do it if you want to live longer and healthier!

If you really want to fry, then the best choice is. It contains no more than 3% PUFA. The abundance of trans fats simply has nothing to form from. And you can stew with water on both vegetable fats - from olives and from coconut.

Today we are trying to replace both sunflower and corn oil. The opinion is not trivial, but is based on modern knowledge of nutraceuticals and longevity medicine.

Types of olive oil and dosage

The daily dose varies according to age and goals. On average - from 1 to 4 tablespoons per day for an adult. From 0.5 teaspoon for children, starting with complementary foods at 7-8 months.

Important! If you simply add superfood to unhealthy foods, there will be no healing effect.

The composition of the product determines the place where the olives grow and the technology. Below Brief information about each type which can be found for sale. You will learn which olive oil is best for salad and which characteristics are important.

Type of oil /

What's important

extra virginVirginRefinedOlive oil, pomace, light, pure, purified and others
How to produceFirst cold pressed, predominantly green olivesOnly less valuable ripe olives, cold pressed, incl. repeatedRefining (heating from 200 degrees Celsius, including with the use of hexane)Not ideally extracted fat, which is scarce, diluted with refined, cheap rapeseed or sunflower, or refined, enriched with synthetic vitamins, etc.
AcidityUp to 0.8%Up to 2%Up to 0.5%Up to 3.3%
How better


Ideal for salad dressing without heating and in cosmetologyAcceptable for salads, preservation and bakingCheap option for frying, incl. fast foodBest not to eat

How to choose and store

Let's focus on the healthiest version of extra virgin.

A quality product is not cheap. The price in Europe starts from 8 euros for 500 ml.

The main producers are Italy, Spain, Greece. This does not always mean that the fruits were grown in the same country. Italian oil is often pressed from Turkish and Tunisian raw materials.

Most polyphenols contain unripe (green!) Olives. But it is easier to squeeze out of ripe ones. Therefore, the cheaper the product on the shelf, the higher the likelihood that the fat was extracted from ripe, and not green, fruits.

Olives that grow on young trees are inferior in saturation with polyphenols to similar fruits from aged trees. The most healing raw materials are unripe fruits from old trees on the Greek island of Crete.

It is also important how the fruits were harvested from the trees, how the preparation for squeezing took place, how long the workpiece was stored before processing. This directly affects the content of polyphenols. Long-term storage and rough automatic cleaning reduce the cost of oil, and, accordingly, reduce its quality.

From air, heat and sunlight, fat becomes rancid. Import in Russia is carried out from the Mediterranean countries. It is difficult to say only by the type of bottle, under what conditions and for how long the transportation took place.

Conclusion. The inscription "extra virgin" on the label is a necessary but not sufficient quality condition. "Extra virgin" only talks about how the pomace went, but not about what raw materials were used, how it was obtained, and what happened to the oil after bottling.

won't help and product coloring. There is no relationship between the color of olive oil and its quality. Only the level of chlorophyll in olives affects. In close analogues, the color varies from light yellow to bottle green.

Storage periods. Most often, 2 years is indicated on the packaging. They reflect the maximum time for which good oil does not have time to go rancid. However, after a year there are significantly fewer useful compounds.

Houses should be kept olive oil in a tightly closed dark bottle in a cool place. After opening, let's say a refrigerator. When refrigerated for a long time, a good sample will form a cloudy precipitate. This is a simple quality test.

Personal experience and 6 rules for choosing a brand

For ourselves, we have developed a few rules for finding the best olive oil.

  1. "Not!" for products in colorless glass and plastic, or with any words other than "extra virgin oil".
  2. "Yes!" bottle of dark glass and Greece as the country of origin. Tight fitting lid and less than 6 months old spill date. The point of sale is a large supermarket with an active turnover or a popular "grocery boutique", where the goods are also not stale.
  3. The bottle must be marked with acidity - up to 0.8%.
  4. We buy without a stock, each time checking the expiration date (“expiry date”). There must be at least a year and a half left before graduation.
  5. When olive oil is bitter, this is normal. The peak of perfection is a light, barely noticeable bitterness with an admixture of a grassy aroma, like the smell of green tomatoes or freshly cut grass. If the smell is like rotten sausage or old socks, the sample is rancid and there are no polyphenols in it.
  6. The taste of olive oil can be said to be “clean”, “fresh”, “herbaceous”. Olive oil should be bitter. But the degree of bitterness, like color, depends on the feedstock.

As you can see, choosing among worthy samples is like deciding on the taste of your favorite wine or coffee. Depends on personal preference.

In addition to general rules, it is not superfluous to inquire about the results of recent market research. In 2014, the Russian agency NITs NPE "Test" led a comprehensive comparative examination of 11 brands of extra virgin olive oil.

Got the highest score ТМ Mana Gea, Premium, Borges. The trade mark Maestro de Oliva became a good one. The rest of the samples did not meet the high quality criteria.

We will be glad if we could clearly and fully tell about the healing product. How to take olive oil, the benefits and harms, contraindications for taking, a scientifically based foundation of beneficial properties and selection rules will definitely come in handy on your way to a healthy diet in terms of fats. May the shopping luck be with you!

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Proto-amphoras - this is how containers for olive oil were called in Crete. The oldest of those vessels that archaeologists managed to get, date back to the fourth millennium BC. Even then, "liquid gold" was used by mankind for culinary and medical purposes, in cosmetology, to perform sacred rites. A unique product in high esteem to this day. What is its use?

The average Greek consumes about 20 liters of olive oil during the year. Some scientists believe that this is one of the main factors determining the high life expectancy of the population of the country washed by the seven seas.

Production technology

"Liquid gold" is extracted from the fruits of the olive tree. The olives used to make the oil can be of any degree of maturity, from green (unripe) to purplish black (ripe). First, the fruits are pitted, then crushed, and then squeezed out using special devices (most often centrifuges) to obtain oil. Oil can also be pressed from the remaining mass, but of much lower quality, which is called oilcake. When the oil production temperature rises above 25-27°C, its healing and taste properties decrease.


Medicinal properties are determined by the composition of the product. The bitter taste of "liquid gold" gives oleuropein. According to studies conducted by scientists in Saudi Arabia, this substance can prevent the development of breast cancer and Alzheimer's disease. Other useful components are described below.

  • Saturated fatty acids. Stearic, palmitic, lauric. In limited quantities, they are needed to maintain the function of the liver, nervous, bone, and immune systems.
  • Omega 9 Reduce cholesterol, strengthen blood vessels, prevent thrombosis. They exhibit antioxidant properties, slowing down the aging process and preventing cardiovascular and oncological pathologies. Accelerate protein production, activate lipid metabolism.
  • Omega-3, Omega-6. Normalize muscle tone and coordination of movements. They improve the condition of body tissues, participate in the process of blood circulation, and have a beneficial effect on visual function. They accelerate regeneration, promote better absorption of most vitamins, and suppress inflammatory processes.
  • Squalenes. Slow down the development of tumors. They prevent the formation of cancerous pathologies of the colon, lungs, skin.
  • Tocopherols (). They have an antioxidant effect. Improve the condition of the reproductive system.
  • Vitamin K. Optimizes blood clotting, improves the function of the gallbladder, liver, kidneys. Promotes the absorption of calcium, participates in the metabolic processes of bone and connective tissues, provides the synthesis of certain proteins.
  • Chromium. Maintains blood glucose levels, participates in the synthesis of nucleic acids. With a deficiency of iodine in the body, this element can be replaced. Included in fat metabolism.
  • Iron. Provides tissue respiration, improves the function of the nervous system. It is part of hemoglobin and other proteins. Supports immunity.
  • Phytosterols. Optimize the concentration of cholesterol, participate in the formation of cell membranes, reduce the concentration of harmful substances in the body. Strengthen the immune system and stabilize the hormonal background.

The product also contains a small amount of potassium, calcium, sodium, phosphorus.


As can be seen from the table, "liquid gold" can be used to improve health, appearance and strengthen immunity.

Table - The main indications for the use of olive oil

TargetIngestionoutdoor use
Wellness- Intestinal slagging;
- intoxication;
- diseases of the gastrointestinal tract;
- pathologies of the cardiovascular system;
- liver disease;
- high cholesterol;
- high pressure;
- cough;
- constipation;
- excess weight
- Diseases of the joints;
- haemorrhoids;
- wounds, cuts, burns;
- diaper rash;
- runny nose
Elimination of cosmetic defects- Brittle nails;
- dry skin;
- hair loss and poor condition
- Brittle nails;
- dry cuticle;
- dry skin;
- loss and poor condition of the hair;
- cellulite;
- stretch marks

Acquisition and storage

The healing properties of the oil are manifested only if a quality product is used. And since its cost is quite high (it takes about 5 kg of olives to produce 1 liter of "liquid gold"), fakes are not uncommon.


If only mechanical methods are involved in the production of "liquid gold", the product is called natural (virgin). There can also be two more types.

  1. Purified (refined). A refined product freed by physicochemical methods from a specific taste and most of the fatty acids.
  2. Oilcake. Chemical solvents, high temperatures, hexane (saturated hydrocarbon) are involved in the production of the product, oil is made from cake.

International Olive Council (IOC) - The International Olive Council, which appeared in Madrid in the second half of the 20th century. According to the IOC, oil made from olives is divided into six varieties, which will help you get acquainted with the table below.

Table - Varieties of olive oil

extra virgin olive oil- Acidity is not higher than 0.8%;
- first spin, cold;
- Taste tasters call excellent
virgin olive oil- Acidity is not higher than 2%;
- spin may not be the first;
- it is made without chemistry;
- taste - good
pure olive oil- Blend of natural and refined oils;
- chemicals may be involved in the manufacture
olive oil- acidity is not higher than 1.5%;
- without smell;
- Manufactured using chemical processes
Olive-pomace oil- Purified pomace oil, sometimes mixed with natural;
- it is made with the participation of chemistry and high temperatures;
- used in restaurants for baking
lampante oil- Not used for food;
- used for the needs of industry

In the Mediterranean, only a product with an acidity of less than 0.5% is considered medicinal.


Experts note that the color of the product is not the indicator to be guided by. It can vary from dark brown to greenish and depends on where the olives are grown. That's why venerable tasters of "liquid gold" put on tinted glasses so as not to be distracted by an insignificant criterion. And here are four factors that are really worth considering when making a purchase.

  1. Sort. Healing properties have only unrefined oil, extracted without chemicals and elevated temperatures.
  2. Supplier country. The undisputed leaders include Italy, Spain, Greece, Tunisia.
  3. Manufacturing firm. Firms with a reputation have pages on the Internet, some even install webcams in olive groves so that a potential buyer can take a virtual walk in the "inner sanctum". Therefore, it is worth looking for information about the company whose product you plan to purchase. Brands have proven themselves well: Terra di Bari, Monini, Hellada, Maestro de Oliva, Borges, Guillen, Altero, Terra Delicca.
  4. Package . Give preference to a product packaged in dark glass containers.


Useful properties of olive oil are fully preserved throughout the year. Then the product gradually loses its exquisite taste and medicinal power. The oil is “afraid” of sunlight and open air, so you need to keep it in a tightly closed dark glass bottle.

It is recommended to store in a kitchen cabinet, away from the stove. It is not put in the refrigerator, because when the temperature drops, a white precipitate forms, which, however, does not affect the taste and medicinal properties. When heated, "liquid gold" returns to its original form.

The owner of the olive groves, Massi Giovanni, advises that after each use of olive oil, do not forget to close the lid tightly so that the product does not oxidize.


In the treatment of most diseases, an integrated approach is required, therefore, the product can only be used as an adjuvant after consulting a doctor.

Diet Enrichment

In order to prevent, it is enough to simply enrich the diet with oil, seasoning the usual dishes with the product: salads, cereals, soups, side dishes. It is advisable not to exceed the recommended daily allowance - two tablespoons.

Olive oil can even be used for frying: Extra virgin begins to burn at temperatures above 240°C and hardly oxidizes.

A tablespoon contains 14.4 g of olive oil. Calorie content of 100 g of the product - 884 kcal.

Universal way

As a universal way to use the product, traditional medicine recommends drinking "liquid gold" in its pure form on an empty stomach. Every morning you need to use a tablespoon of undiluted product half an hour before the first meal. Treatment should begin with a teaspoon per day, increasing the dose gradually.

Usually, supporters of folk medicine advise drinking oil for a month, then resuming the course if necessary after a month's break. However, the duration of therapy may vary depending on the purpose for which it was used. For example, to achieve a laxative effect, a short course of two to three days is sufficient.

For the prevention and treatment of atherosclerosis, it is recommended to take two tablespoons of oil during the day with meals, distributing this volume into several parts.

8 oral medications

An easy way to avoid severe intoxication is to drink a tablespoon of "liquid gold" 30-60 minutes before the feast. How to use the product to treat existing ailments? Here are eight recipes.

  1. Cough. Mix butter (100 ml) with honey (three tablespoons) and three raw yolks of fresh homemade eggs. Drink two teaspoons morning and evening.
  2. Diseases of the liver and biliary tract. Mix 50 ml of freshly squeezed grapefruit juice with an equal volume of oil. Drink before going to bed.
  3. Slags and toxins. It is used in combination with honey: mix a tablespoon of each component, heat in a steam bath until the honey dissolves. Take daily on an empty stomach. The duration of treatment is three to four weeks.
  4. Intestinal slagging. To cleanse the intestines, you need to prepare the mixture described above and add a tablespoon of fresh lemon juice. The duration of therapy is a week.
  5. Elevated cholesterol. Release the head of garlic from the husk and chop, pour raw materials with 100 ml of olive oil, leave for three to four days, stirring occasionally. Two or three times a day before meals, drink a teaspoon of the mixture, washed down with a teaspoon of lemon juice (or just mix them). The duration of therapy is 30 days.
  6. High pressure. Every day, eat a teaspoon of minced garlic, washing down the product with two tablespoons of oil. The duration of therapy is a month.
  7. Dyspnea. In equal volumes, combine vodka, honey and oil. Drink three times a day for a quarter cup. If the cause of shortness of breath is extra pounds, the remedy will not help.
  8. Ulcer. Mix the juice squeezed from two lemons with 0.5 liters of oil and 0.5 kg of honey. Take a tablespoon each time before meals. Such a mixture is useful for the stomach due to its "enveloping" properties. Duration of therapy - no more than two weeks.

6 outdoor products

Regular rinsing with this composition will help get rid of bad breath: half a teaspoon of sea salt dissolved in two tablespoons of oil. Here are six more ways to use the product externally.

  1. Pain in the joints. Prepare tincture: boil 200 ml of the product over low heat and combine with 20-30 g of dry inflorescences, let stand for 10-15 minutes, filter. Use warm to rub the sore joint.
  2. Lumbar sciatica and sciatica. Use the oil in its pure form for rubbing the diseased areas.
  3. Runny nose. Grind the wild rosemary herb and pour a tablespoon of raw materials into 100 ml of oil. Infuse for 21 days in a dark place, shaking from time to time, filter. Instill two or three drops into each nostril, then reduce the dosage to one drop. Duration of therapy - no more than a week.
  4. Wounds. Mix oil and pure beeswax in a ratio of 2 to 1, bring the mixture to a boil, cool. Put the mass on gauze folded in several layers and apply a bandage to the pre-washed wound.
  5. Diaper rash. Rub pure olive oil into areas prone to diaper rash, wait for it to dry, and only then get dressed. Use three to four times a day.
  6. Haemorrhoids. Mix oil and honey (one teaspoon each). Soak a cotton swab with the composition and apply to the affected area for 10-15 minutes, repeat two to three times a day. Use until relief occurs.

weight loss

Due to the activation of metabolic processes, the use of oil can speed up the process of getting rid of excess weight. For this purpose, the product can be used to enrich the diet, or consumed on an empty stomach.

However, this is not a panacea - proper nutrition and rational physical activity are necessary for weight loss. In addition, the oil contains a lot of calories - 884 kcal per 100 g, so you cannot exceed the daily allowance, otherwise the opposite effect is provided in the form of unnecessary body fat.

the beauty

To improve the condition of the skin, hair and nails, it is recommended to eat a teaspoon of a special mixture daily. The composition is prepared as follows: mix a glass of honey with half a glass of lemon juice and 50 ml of oil, send it to the refrigerator for storage. However, for cosmetic purposes, "liquid gold" is more often used externally.


The product is used to improve the structure and appearance of curls, prevent and treat excessive hair loss and accelerate hair growth.

  • Mask. Heat two tablespoons of oil in a steam bath, mix with egg yolk, apply to curls. Wrap your head with cling film, warm with a towel, leave for 30-40 minutes (you can leave the mask on overnight), wash your hair in the usual way. Repeat once every one to two weeks.
  • Scrub. Pour a tablespoon of finely ground sea salt with oil until a scrub-like consistency is obtained. Lightly moisturize the scalp. Apply the composition to the skin with massaging movements, leave for five to ten minutes, rinse with warm water, wash your hair in the usual way. Repeat every three to four weeks.
  • Split ends remedy. On a steam bath, heat a tablespoon of coconut oil, add an equal volume of olive oil, apply the mixture only on the ends of the hair for 30-40 minutes. Can be used before every hair wash.

"Liquid Gold" is suitable for all types of hair. However, owners of oily curls can use the product no more than once every 10-14 days and only in combination with other components.

Face and neck

It is not recommended to use the product for the face in its pure form due to its dense consistency. You should mix "liquid gold" with lighter textured oils (apricot, almond, peach), observing a ratio of 1 to 10. Such mixtures can be used in two ways.

  1. Nutritious cream. Apply along the massage lines, after 20 minutes, blot the unabsorbed product with a clean napkin. The procedure is carried out in the evening, two hours before going to bed. Use daily for no more than a week. If necessary, the course can be repeated after a break of two to four weeks.
  2. Mask. Heat the composition in a steam bath and moisten gauze folded in several layers in the composition. Apply matter on the face for 15-20 minutes, wash with warm running water. Repeat no more than once every 10-14 days.

Owners of oily and problem skin should be careful: the use of the product can aggravate the situation.

Hands and nails

Olive oil in its pure form can be used to care for the cuticles, applying the product with rubbing movements. Here are three more ways for those who want to pamper their hands and nails.

  1. Bath. In a steam bath, heat 200 ml of olive oil (in order to save money, you can mix it with sunflower oil), add a teaspoon of sea salt and lemon juice. Immerse your hands in the composition for 15-20 minutes, rinse with running water, wipe dry and lubricate the skin and cuticles with a nourishing cream. Repeat every 10-14 days.
  2. Mask. Boil a potato in milk, mash the hot vegetable into a puree and mix with two tablespoons of butter. Apply the mass cooled to a comfortable temperature (the mixture should be warm) on your hands, put on cotton gloves. After 20-30 minutes, wash your hands, apply the cream.
  3. Cream. Melt a tablespoon of shea butter, mix with an equal volume of olive oil. Lubricate hands with massaging movements. Use in the evening, a couple of hours before bedtime.


When losing weight, "liquid gold" can also be used to care for the skin of the body. Its use increases the firmness and elasticity of the epidermis, which contributes to a more effective fight against cellulite and prevents the appearance of stretch marks. The three methods described below are also suitable for those who just want to make their skin soft and beautiful.

  1. Massage. Heat the oil in a steam bath and introduce any citrus essential oil (two or three drops for every two tablespoons of "liquid gold") Use to massage problem areas (abdomen, buttocks, chest, thighs, arms, legs). To enhance effectiveness with stretch marks, juice can be added to the composition by mixing the component with olive oil in a 1: 1 ratio.
  2. Scrub. Dilute two tablespoons of cane sugar to a paste-like consistency with oil, add two to three drops of citrus essential oil. Moisturize the skin of the body and apply the composition to problem areas in a circular motion, after two to three minutes, rinse with running water. Lubricate the body with a moisturizer or anti-cellulite agent. Repeat no more than once a week.
  3. Wrap. Scrub the body. Heat the oil on a steam bath, add citrus essential oil (two or three drops per two tablespoons). Apply to problem areas, wrap with cling film, put on loose clothes and lie down for 15-20 minutes, rinse off the composition with running water, apply a moisturizing or anti-cellulite cream to the body. If a strong burning sensation occurs, immediately wash off the composition.

"Liquid gold" can be used to prevent stretch marks during pregnancy. To do this, undiluted product should be applied to areas prone to stretch marks (abdomen, chest, shoulders, thighs and buttocks), once or twice a day from the first months.

Olive oil is a tanning agent. It can be applied neat one hour before sunbathing. Or use immediately before bathing in the sun, diluted with water in a ratio of 1:1.


Direct contraindications to the use of oil are diseases of the gallbladder and individual intolerance. Caution and obligatory consultation with a doctor requires the use of the product for diseases of the stomach and intestines, diabetes mellitus, therapy with drugs prescribed for diabetes and hypertension. Reception of "liquid gold" is recommended to stop two weeks before the upcoming surgery.

Excessive consumption is fraught with side effects:

  • excess weight;
  • lowering blood pressure;
  • mild diarrhea.

Wraps are contraindicated for fungal infections and dermatological lesions, gynecological diseases, oncology, pathologies of the cardiovascular and endocrine systems, pregnancy and individual intolerance to the components of the composition.

Comparison with sunflower oil

There is an opinion that oil made from olive fruits is much preferable to a product created from sunflower seeds. To dispel this myth, we analyze their compositions using the table below.

Table - Comparison of olive and sunflower oils

Saturated fatty acids12% 13%
Polyunsaturated fatty acids10% 72%
Monounsaturated fatty acids77% 16%
Vitamin E12 mg40-60 mg
Vitamin K21 mcg5-6 mcg
PhytosterolsIn 100 g 433.6% of the daily valueVirtually absent

It turns out that these are two complementary products. That is, there is no need to completely replace the more affordable sunflower oil with olive oil. Especially considering that the latter has a high cost and there is a risk of buying a fake.

According to doctors, to increase antioxidants in the blood, reduce the level of bad cholesterol, it is enough to eat 2 tbsp. natural olive oil per day. It's no secret that antioxidants are extremely necessary for the human body.

They prevent the harmful activity of free radicals that destroy the cells of the body. The oil also normalizes metabolic processes, lowers cholesterol levels, being an excellent prophylactic for cardiovascular diseases.

Let's talk today about the nutritional benefits that it gives, find out how olive oil is useful, how to use it in cooking, try to make delicious sauces and dressings for various dishes from the oil.

What are the health benefits of olive oil?

The benefits of using this product have been confirmed by numerous studies. It has been scientifically proven that its composition contains a large amount of very valuable vitamin E. It contributes to a better absorption of vitamins A, K. Therefore, with the regular use of a small amount of oil, a general rejuvenation of the body occurs.

Scientists have long found that the fruits, the bones of the olive tree contain unsaturated fatty acids, which reduce cholesterol. Therefore, it is useful to use olive oil even for those suffering from indigestion, diseases of the liver, kidneys, and gallbladder.

Olive oil is an excellent skin stabilizer. Regular use of a small amount of the product, replacing it with mayonnaise, ketchup, will make you slimmer, younger, more beautiful, give a feeling of lightness, give you a great mood.

Taking 1 tbsp. l. olive oil on an empty stomach, helps get rid of peptic ulcer. Also for these purposes, season them with salads, cereals, add to main dishes.

It also recently turned out that it contains oleic acid, which is necessary for women to prevent cancer.

Residents of many European countries and the Caucasus have long understood that olive oil is only good in nutrition. This is also why there are so many centenarians.

How to use olive oil in nutrition?

To begin with, substitute olive oil for other oils that you use to cook various dishes. For example, add it to vegetable, mashed potatoes, porridge, instead of creamy.

Although the products fried on it will retain vitamins, they will remain much more useful, since the components of olive oil are less prone to decay when heated. But do not use it for frying, it is best to use it fresh.

Also, the Greek salad, which is very popular among Russians, is best seasoned with unrefined olive oil. When using another oil, the taste from the combination of tomatoes and feta cheese spoils.

Try making a flavorful salad dressing. Cut ripe juicy lemons (2 pcs.) into slices, salt, leave for 20 minutes until the juice appears. Then put them in a clean glass jar, pour in olive oil, close the lid tightly.

Then put the jar in the refrigerator for about 3-4 weeks. Shake vigorously periodically. You get a sauce similar to mayonnaise, but much healthier. It can be used to season fish dishes, salads, etc.

If you are going on a picnic, want to fry meat on a grill, take this meat dressing with you. It should also be prepared in advance, and then stored and used as needed: Pour oil into a clean, dry jar, add a slice of lemon with skin, 2 bay leaves, a few grains of cloves, a pinch of black peppercorns.

Also remove the jar for 3-4 weeks, shaking the sauce occasionally. Lubricate the pieces of meat with this dressing before frying, it will be very tasty!

For filling meat dishes, steaks, try to cook such a spicy sauce. It will give familiar dishes novelty, pleasant aroma and unusualness. To do this, finely chop a few fresh leaves of marjoram, salvia, add a sprig of rosemary, a couple.

You can put a few juniper berries, salt and pepper to taste. Also let it brew, and then water the food during cooking.

If you add mint to the dressing, you get a very interesting taste that can be used to prepare Mediterranean dishes. Cut 4-5 fresh sprigs of mint, a few green onion feathers. Put everything in a jar, add crushed peas (2 each) of black and green pepper. Also insist, like the other dressings described.

For pasta, rice, and your other favorite dishes, make an olive oil garlic sauce. Pass 3 fresh garlic cloves through the garlic maker. Put them in a jar, add a sprig of marjoram, a few basil leaves, you can add a pod of red pepper if you like "pepper food". Also, insist everything for 3-4 weeks, then use it as a dressing.

Now you know a lot about olive oil, the nutritional benefits of it are on the face! In addition, its use is not limited to salad dressing. Prepare delicious, unusual dressings for your favorite dishes from it, take it as a medicine for 1 tbsp. l. on an empty stomach and it will undoubtedly bring invaluable benefits to your health. Be healthy!
