How to distinguish a real aquamarine from a fake. Aquamarine and its imitations

Aquamarine- a mineral, a variety of beryl, beryllium aluminosilicate of a ring structure. In the structure of aquamarine, as in all beryls, there are regular hexagonal (hexagonal) rings located one above the other, forming hollow channels. Aquamarine retained the name given to it by Pliny the Elder, who, describing beryls, noted that the most valuable of them are beryls, whose color resembles the pure green of sea waters (from Latin aqua - water, mare - sea).

See also:


Aquamarine belongs to the hexagonal syngony of the dihexanal-bipyramidal symmetry class. The structure of Aquamarine consists of rings connected through Be and Al atoms. The rings form columns elongated along the sixth order axis. The columns of the rings are connected by beryllium-oxygen tetrahedra and aluminum-oxygen octahedra. The channels can contain water molecules, cesium and sodium ions.
Aquamarine crystals are often characterized by regular shape. Their size varies greatly. The habit of the crystals is usually prismatic. Figures of growth and dissolution are often observed on the faces of crystals. When dissolved, spear-shaped crystals are sometimes formed. Aquamarine is also found in the form of parallel, sheaf-shaped, radially radiant and columnar aggregates.
In addition to the gas-liquid inclusions characteristic of all beryls, often located in thin channels, aquamarines sometimes contain white solid inclusions, called "chrysanthemums" and "snow marks", layers of small crystals, thin needle-like inclusions.
The color of aquamarines is due to the isomorphic incorporation of Fe 2 + and Fe 3 + ions into the beryl structure.


Crystals are large, their mass can reach several tens of kg. It also forms continuous granular masses. Mohs hardness 7.5-8. Density 2.6-2.8 g/cm 3 . It owes its color to the presence of an impurity of iron; it turns pale under the action of sunlight. The color intensity increases after heating to 400 °C. Because of the brittleness of the stone, it is easy to crush. It does not melt under the blowpipe, only the edges of the fragments are slightly rounded, and the transparent differences become cloudy (at high temperature).


Despite the uniformity of the color of the crystals, samples are known where the color is distributed zonally. Noteworthy is the Brazilian aquamarine "Marambaya", discovered in 1910, whose weight was 110 kg. The crystal was blue in the center, light green along the edges, and yellow in the intermediate part. The mineral was sawn, one part was sent to New York, and the other was sawn into small pieces, went to the manufacture of faceted stones. Jewelry from them later spread throughout the world.
Other notable examples of aquamarine found in Brazil:
Kachasina, 62 kg.
"Martha Rocha", 34 kg.
"Etrela Dalva", 22 kg.
Large aquamarine crystals were also found on the territory of Russia. The first was discovered at the end of the 18th century in Eastern Transbaikalia. And the largest specimen from this deposit was 82 kg. The very first crystals of Russian stones were found in 1669 in the Urals in the Murzinsky prison.
Nowadays, the aquamarine deposit in Ukraine deserves special attention; crystals weighing up to 15 kg were found here. Among other things, these are aquamarines of unique color purity and transparency. The stones acquired this property due to weathering processes, which dissolved the dirty areas in the cracks of the crystals.


Greisens and pegmatites, deposits that appeared during the “steaming” of rocks with hot gases and solutions, are mainly considered the place of formation of aquamarines.
Similar deposits are being developed in Siberia and Transbaikalia. Gems that can be found in the Urals are mainly milky turquoise in color. Trans-Baikal, Ural and Volyn mines (Ukraine) are also rich in aquamarines, incomparable in color and transparency. In transparent Ural stones along the edges, one can notice light silvery oblique "streams", similar to rain streams. On the faces of opaque minerals of a milky blue color, there is a mother-of-pearl tint, as if giving silkiness to aquamarine. The main mineral deposits were discovered in Brazil, there are mines in the USA, India, South Africa, Burma, Madagascar, Sri Lanka, Zimbabwe and Namibia.
The largest supplier of aquamarine is Brazil, which accounts for up to half of the world's production of the mineral. On the territory of the state, rare stones of a rich blue color are mined, called "Santa Maria". The second deposit of the highest quality crystals is located in Mozambique. Blue Mozambique aquamarines are called "Santa Maria Africana"


There are glass imitations. Synthetic aquamarine is not produced on an industrial scale (not economically feasible). Synthetic spinel or corundum are often passed off as "artificial aquamarines".

Aquamarine is a valuable gemstone. The relatively large supply of raw materials leads to the demand, first of all, for large dark blue stones weighing over 10 carats. To achieve this effect, most of the stones after cutting are subjected to calcination (up to 400-500 ° C) or irradiation, while as a result of the reduction of ferric iron, a color change occurs - for example, from greenish-blue to blue. The evaluation of the quality of stones for jewelry production takes into account the size of the crystal, the presence of cracks and inclusions. The highest value on the international market are faceted stones over 3 carats of intense blue color. Cracks and inclusions reduce the cost by 60-70%.
Large specimens are in the collections of the British Museum, the American Museum of National History, the Smithsonian Institution. Large collections of aquamarines are also found in Russia, Iran and Turkey. A Ukrainian faceted aquamarine weighing 139 g or 695 carats is in the Colored Stones salon in Moscow (data from 1985).

Aquamarines were decorated with royal crowns, used as lenses for glasses (the first lenses date back to 1300). The largest known faceted stone weighs 2594 carats. One of the largest (184 g or 920 ct) faceted aquamarines is set into the crown of the English queen.
Aquamarines are usually cut in stepped or wedge cuts with rectangular or oval cuts, but the emerald cut is most commonly used.

Aquamarine - (English Aquamarine) - C


Strunz (8th edition) 8/E.12-10
Nickel-Strunz (10th edition)
Dana (8th edition)
Hey's CIM Ref. 16.6.1

One of the varieties of transparent beryl, stones with the color of sea water are considered, they are called "aquamarines". At the beginning of the seventeenth century, Beotius de Boot (Boetius de Boot), so called this mineral. Since then, this term has stuck with him and has come down to our days. "Aqua" in Latin means "water", and "marinus" is translated as "sea".

Aquamarine crystals are usually hexagonal and long columnar prisms, with greenish, light blue and dark blue hues. The content of iron ions in the stone affects its color. Also, the brightness of the color depends on the lighting and the place of production.

In artificial and evening light, it becomes much brighter. The Ural and Transbaikal crystals are characterized by a blue tint. Brazilian and Mexican minerals have beautiful, rich, deep blue and sapphire colors. Such specimens were discovered in the mines in 1917, they were called "maxis-aquamarines".

Very rarely, aquamarines are found with white inclusions, the so-called "snow marks", "chrysanthemums" and "stars". There are minerals with a blue-blue edge and a yellowish center. Sometimes you can see inclusions of rutile, phlogopite, ilmenite and biotite, which, under certain lighting, create an optical effect of a running glare (“cat's eye”).

The action of sunlight affects the coloring and over time it becomes less intense. And when the stone is heated to a temperature of 400 degrees, on the contrary, the color intensity increases. Aquamarine is considered very fragile and can be easily crushed.

This mineral is often confused with kyanite, tourmaline, topaz, euclase, and starlite, due to their similar coloration.

Aquamarine is mined in veined mountain pegmatites, which are often found in coarse-grained rocks of granite.

The most significant deposits are located in Russia (in Transbaikal and the Urals), in Brazil (in the state of Bahia, Minas Gerais and Espirito Santo), as well as in Madagascar. Aquamarines are found in smaller quantities in Australia, India and the USA.

The most famous aquamarine deposit in Russia, Sherlovaya Gora or the Sherlovogorsk group of deposits, has been developed since 1723, from the time when a deposit of colored stones was discovered here and aquamarines, topazes, beryl, and smoky quartz began to be mined. However, Academician A.E. Fersman believed that the Mongols and Chinese knew about the deposit much earlier than the Russians, and aquamarines were mined here even before the annexation of Transbaikalia to Russia. Thus, for at least 290 years, work on the extraction and exploration of gemstone raw materials was periodically carried out on Sherlovaya Gora.

In 1910, a very large, high-quality jewelry copy of the mineral was found in Brazil, which weighed one hundred and ten kilograms and five hundred grams, and its diameter was forty-two centimeters. Subsequently, two hundred and twenty thousand carats were obtained from the precious stone.

There are also large specimens in the British Museum, in Turkey, Iran and Russia (in Moscow there is a faceted Ukrainian crystal weighing one hundred and ten grams), in the National Museum of History in America. Among the largest faceted minerals, a stone weighing 2594 carats is considered the king.

The most popular are large aquamarines (ten carats), with a rich blue tint. Therefore, the stones are treated with high temperatures and irradiation. Thus, the color of the stone changes, for example, from a greenish tint to blue.

Aquamarine imitations are often made of glass. Often, artificial corundums and spinels are passed off as a precious mineral.

  • The most famous aquamarines

The most popular emerald cut, which is used for aquamarines, and with an oval or rectangular shape, wedge-shaped stone processing is used, as well as stepped.

The most famous jewelry with aquamarine are earrings, bracelet, necklace, and tiara, which are in the British parure. These pieces of jewelry are a gift from the Brazilian President, made in the mid-twentieth century, to the Queen of England. Now the privilege of wearing Brazilian jewelry belongs to Elizabeth II.

In 1891, aquamarine was used to create Carl Faberge's famous Easter egg. The egg was carved from heliotrope, and the frigate "Memory of Azov", made of gold and platinum, was a surprise. Diamonds were emitted by portholes, and the model was mounted on an aquamarine plate depicting sea water.

The scepter of the Polish king Stanislav is kept in the Moscow Armory. It is made of solid aquamarine, the length of which was thirty centimeters.

Noteworthy is the crystal with an incredibly beautiful color and transparency, inlaid in the crown of the British Queen, it is considered one of the largest processed aquamarines, its weight is nine hundred and twenty carats. Another large stone is in the tiara of Pope Julius II.

A large mineral was discovered on the Chinese border, from which a bust of Napoleon was later made. In 1867, it was exhibited at the Paris Exhibition by the French jeweler Froment-Meris.

Aquamarine is considered a valuable gemstone, and prices vary depending on size, color, inclusions, and cracks. So, because of this, the cost on it can be reduced by up to seventy percent.

The less green tint and the more saturated, deep blue, the higher the minerals are rated. It is known that lenses for glasses were made from this crystal.

Aquamarine is often imitated from blue artificial spinel. They are distinguished by the spherical bubbles that are in the fake. You can also distinguish them through the color filter that jewelers use, by color. Since they are colored with cobalt, this gives a red tint, which is not found in natural aquamarines. Blue topaz is also passed off as aquamarine, although it costs much less. Here, too, a check with a refractometer is necessary.

Jewelry made of white gold most clearly emphasizes the tenderness of color and the bright brilliance of the mineral.

  • Aquamarine and its magical properties

Aquamarine is associated with many legends and myths. This stone is considered the talisman of travelers and sailors. There is a belief that if you put on a ring with aquamarine, it will help you to endure seasickness more easily, save you from shipwreck and storms.

The ancient Greeks and Romans believed in the magical properties of the mineral and made images of the sea gods Triton and Neptune on aquamarine crystals.

In the East, since ancient times, it is believed that the stone changes its color depending on the mood of the owner, as well as changes in the weather. When its owner's soul is calm and joyful, and the weather is clear outside, the color of the stone becomes blue. But if a storm and bad weather are foreseen, the crystal acquires a muddy green tint, as in the sea before a storm. Accordingly, when a person is overcome by negative thoughts, anxiety or longing, the stone fades.

In Tibet and Mongolia, aquamarine is classified as a good biostimulant that stabilizes peace of mind and relieves nervous overexcitation. It is considered a stone of courage, justice and friendship. They say that it allows you to strengthen relationships. For example, when lovers exchange items with aquamarine before a long separation, their relationship becomes even stronger than it was before. Therefore, aquamarine is rightfully considered a symbol of a long and happy marriage. This can be seen in the example of Hollywood celebrities who have exemplary relationships: they always wear aquamarine jewelry.

To everyone who has talismans, amulets with this mineral, it helps to cope with irritation, extinguishes outbursts of anger, and protects from deceit and danger. Contributes to the spiritual strengthening of a person, as well as the removal of fears and stress. It is not advisable for careless people to wear aquamarine, because their bad intentions can be exposed very quickly.

Christians identified aquamarine with the holy apostle Thomas: “He is like the air and the sea,” because the saint made very long journeys to India by sea to preach salvation.

This stone served as an antidote, according to William Langland. And it was enough just to wear it in a ring or necklace.

In The Golden Rose, Paustovsky describes aquamarine as if it is impossible to determine its color, it is soft green or pale blue. Its main highlight is that it is brightly lit from the inside with silver fire, and if you peer into aquamarine, you can see a calm sea with water of the shade of stars.

  • Healing effect of Aquamarine

Aquamarine radiates receptive Yin energy, according to lithotherapists who study the properties of stones. In Indian yogis, this mineral is a very important stimulant of the navel and throat chakras, which are associated with the control of emotions, the thyroid gland, lower back and pelvis, impotence in men, frigidity in women.

It is believed that with its help it is possible to strengthen protective functions, alleviate allergies, relieve pain from the teeth. In case of skin diseases, it is recommended to constantly wear products with aquamarine, and in the old days aquamarine powder was prescribed for the treatment of leprosy and old wounds.

This stone also helps with diseases of the liver, stomach and lungs, and quite simply copes with sea rolling. There are cases of a positive effect of a crystal on vision, if you look at the stone for a long time.

It strengthens the nervous system and relieves stress, fears. It is often used for meditation, to restore harmony. With its help, thoughts are purified and enlightened.

For medicinal purposes, you can wear jewelry made of beads, pendants on gold and silver chains, bracelets, earrings. You can just keep natural crystals with you. Then the positive influence of aquamarine will definitely affect your mood.

  • Aquamarine in astrology

Aquamarine has such an amazing feature that astrologers recommend it for almost all Zodiac Signs as a biostimulant. The exceptions to this list are for Gemini and Scorpio, they will not be as useful to them. But this mineral is ideal for people born under the sign of Cancer, Aquarius, Pisces and Libra.

It will strengthen friendship, protect against deceit, help overcome long journeys, especially if they are connected with the sea, since its element is water. Aquamarine is associated with the planet of the Moon in Pisces, and this helps to strengthen the spirit and expose lies.

Aquamarine is a stone, at first glance, discreet. The saturation of its color is low, and a glance thrown with chalk will determine the blueness of the crystal as whitish, blurry, watery. It is worth, however, to take a closer look at a transparent stone, and it becomes clear: aquamarine is not simple, its dull appearance hides the virtues inherent in the most noble of semi-precious minerals.

The silvery inner radiance of the stone was appreciated in ancient times. Pliny wrote about the high cost of crystals, the color of which coincided with the color of the sea wave. Paustovsky, fascinated by aquamarine, characterized it as a stone of the color of stars.

The aristocracy and the nobility of the whole world have used and continue to use aquamarines with pleasure as a distinctive sign of their chosenness. The scepter of the Polish autocrat, completely carved from aquamarine, is kept in the Armory Chamber of the Moscow Kremlin. Britain, as mistress of the seas, set the sea-colored stone into the imperial crown. Many finely cut aquamarines are kept in private and museum collections in many countries.

Physical and chemical properties of aquamarine

  • The chemical formula is Al2Be3.
  • The shape of the crystals is elongated-prismatic.
  • The color of aquamarine is blue, bluish-green.
  • Transparency - translucent, transparent.
  • Luster - glass.
  • Hardness on the Mohs scale - 7.5.
  • Density - 2.7 g/cm3.
  • Light refraction or refraction period - 1.574-1.580.
  • Cleavage: absent.
  • Fracture: conchoidal, uneven.
  • Syngony: hexagonal.
  • Is the mineral brittle: Yes.

aquamarine color

Not every aquamarine has the color of the sea water. Stones mined in the middle Urals and beyond Baikal are blue. South Ural aquamarines, found in the Ilmensky mountains, are greenish.

Mined in South America, aquamarine crystals can have a very deep blue color. About a hundred years ago, a sapphire-blue aquamarine deposit was discovered in Brazil.

Unfortunately, the color instability of these stones turned out to be even more phenomenal than the color itself. Even a short exposure to bright sun caused the crystals to fade. In a few days of "acquaintance" with daylight, the crystals changed color from blurry blue to dirty yellow, yellow-brown, and even earthy.

Instability to intense electromagnetic radiation of the visible spectrum and neighboring ranges is inherent in all aquamarines. In some specimens of the stone, as noted by Fersman, there is a fuzzy color zoning. The peripheral areas of the crystalline body of aquamarine have a bluish-blue color, the central area shines with yellowness. It is the mixture of the yellow color of the inner zone of the crystal and the blue color of the outer layers that gives the green tint to the overall color of the stone.

Weakly colored blues resemble aquamarine, but in terms of gem quality they cannot be compared with the famous gem. Spinels are characterized by gaseous inclusions in the stone mass, visible as tiny bubbles. Aquamarines do not have such defects.

Similar to aquamarine and. However, topaz shines brighter and gives a much richer play of refracted light. From a certain angle of view, in the thickness of a flat-faceted aquamarine, a silvery reflection is noticeable, shaped like a chrysanthemum flower. Topaz is not capable of such “arts”.

The high (up to 70%) content of quartz in natural aquamarine gives scammers hope to imitate natural stone with glass fakes. But glass tinted with cobalt salts does not have the dichroism effect inherent in aquamarine. A precious crystal (this is especially noticeable in artificial lighting) is seen differently when the angle of incidence of light changes. Tinted glass is the same for any type of observation.

Natural aquamarines of low color intensity can be thermally prepared before sale. Heating the stone to 400˚С in a muffle furnace “thickens” the color, intensifies the natural blue of the mineral. Irradiation of pale aquamarine with X-rays leads to similar results. "Improved" stones, however, often "show holes", acquiring unattractive color zoning or dirty tones in a uniform color.

In addition, such a stone is even less resistant to sunlight than.

Artificial cultivation of beryls of light blue color and gem quality is not practiced.

The magical properties of aquamarine

The high optical properties of natural aquamarine were used by ancient craftsmen: lenses were machined from large stones. Needless to say, in the minds of the people, aquamarine was considered, if not magical, then at least a slightly supernatural mineral.

The mystical perception of bluish crystals thickened as much as possible by the Middle Ages, when aquamarine began to be considered the lord of the water element. Every captain of a serious sea vessel was supposed to own a piece of jewelry with high-quality aquamarines. Repeated sea failures were explained by neglect of the stone.

The magical properties of aquamarine are considered powerful today. The distinctly blue color of the crystal testifies to the transparent and bright prospects in the life of the owner. An unexpected change of color towards green warns of possible troubles. A decrease in the transparency of the stone is a warning of inevitable personal troubles.

Wearing or daily tactile communication with a precious mineral makes a person bolder. The owner of an aquamarine finds it easier to learn complex humanities - philosophy, political science, sociological disciplines.

The healing properties of aquamarine

Looking at a stone illuminated by fire or an incandescent lamp helps improve vision. However, aquamarine plays the main lithotherapeutic role in the anesthesia of the entire digestive tract. It is equally effective for dental, and hepatic, and hemorrhoid pain.

Reducing the sensitivity of nerve endings, aquamarine helps to calm the nervous system as a whole. The beneficial effects of the stone help to stabilize emotions and increase mental endurance.

The noticeable healing properties of aquamarine are also manifested in the fight against thyroid diseases. Faceted blue crystals collected in beads enhance the effect of drugs, balance the synthesis of hormones, and prevent the development of thyrotoxicosis.

Aquamarine for zodiac signs

Water signs can count on the full help of aquamarine. The stone is especially effective in relation to Pisces and Cancers. Air zodiacal signs may wear aquamarine jewelry from time to time, but Geminis should refrain from purchasing aquamarine jewelry.

Active Taurus has no right to expect help from aquamarine: in the presence of such an energetic personality, the stone closes, becomes spiritually inert. Aquamarine can bring disappointment and failure to Sagittarians.

Aquamarine talismans and amulets

Since ancient times, aquamarine has been the talisman of watermen. Whatever you work in the sea or river fleet, buy a few aquamarines and keep them at your workplace or in your cabin!

Aquamarine amulet is the first assistant in getting rid of smoking. Less, but the blue stone also helps in the fight against alcohol abuse. Among other things, aquamarine amulets support in creative and research activities. A stone, mentally tuned to good luck in solving complex scientific problems, helps to find the most rational way to solve the mysteries of nature.

Aquamarine - photos of individual stones, crystals and jewelry

Silver ring with natural aquamarine in the shape of a cabochon.

aquamarine stone
A polished piece of natural aquamarine.

Aquamarine - the name of this precious stone is translated from Latin as "sea water" for a reason, it really looks like sea waves in clear weather. According to its chemical properties, this mineral is a variety of beryl, which is similar to another valuable stone - emerald.

Physics of aquamarine

Aquamarine in nature is in the form of long-column crystals, hexagonal prisms. Aquamarine crystals have a strong vitreous luster, and distinct pleochroism - the color in them changes from pale blue to blue, or bright blue. It is not sea water that gives the color to the mineral: the blue-green color appears due to the admixture of iron, which pales under the influence of ultraviolet sunlight. And when the stone is heated to +400 degrees, the color intensity increases.

Due to the blue-green and blue color, aquamarine is easily confused with kyanite, blue topaz, tourmaline, starlite, euclase, which are used in the jewelry industry.

In aquamarine crystals, long cavities are visible along their faces. There are also gas bubbles, inclusions in the form of snowflakes and "chrysanthemum" stars. There are also inclusions of pyrite, ilmenite, biotite, phlogopite, rutile in the crystal. Aquamarine is a fairly hard stone, but at the same time it is very fragile, it is easy to crush it.

Where is the mineral mined?

Aquamarine is mined on all continents of the planet except Antarctica. In North America, aquamarine contains the subsoil of the United States; in South America - the bowels of Brazil; in Africa - Kenya, South Africa, Mozambique, Namibia, Tanzania, Madagascar; in Eurasia - Russia, Ukraine, Sri Lanka, India, Myanmar. Aquamarine deposits are also found in Australia.

In 1910, the largest crystal in history, weighing 110.5 kg, with a cross section of 42 cm, was found in the mines of Brazil. The find turned out to be of high quality, suitable for jewelry, so the mineral was divided into pebbles with a total weight of 220 thousand carats. Previously, an 18 kg aquamarine "Jacketo" was found in this country, this crystal also turned out to be suitable for the jewelry industry, almost 30 thousand carats of precious stones were made from it.

Where is it applied?

Basically, aquamarine is used in collections, as well as in jewelry production. It is not economically profitable to produce artificial aquamarine, but imitation of painted glass is quite common. Synthetic stones such as corundum and spinel are sometimes called artificial aquamarine.

Since many large crystals weighing more than 10 carats are found in granite rocks, they are used in jewelry production, and they are valued above small ones.

The cost of aquamarine is also affected by its color, it should be saturated blue. Some crystals, to achieve this effect, are calcined to a temperature of 400-500 degrees. As a result of thermal exposure, ferric iron is reduced, and the crystal acquires a beautiful bright blue color.

In jewelry production, the quality of stones is evaluated by the size of the crystal, the presence of inclusions and mechanical defects. Above others, faceted stones of intense blue color, weighing more than 3 carats, are valued.

Not all crystals found in the mines are used to make jewelry. Some of them are in public or private collections. Large aquamarine crystals can be seen at the American Museum of National History, the British Museum, and the Smithsonian Institution. There are also aquamarine collections in the museums of Russia, Turkey and Iran.

Aquamarine, weighing 139 grams (695 carats), found in Volyn (Ukraine) in Soviet times, is now in the Moscow salon "Colored Stones".

The mineral is processed with a step cut, an emerald cut, or a cut with wedges is also used.


For the blue or greenish color of the mineral and the name "aqua marine", it was considered a gift from the god of the seas and oceans, Poseidon. Therefore, in ancient times, sailors and travelers considered it their talisman, and took it with them when they went on long voyages.

Jewelers also liked the stone of a beautiful color, it was used to create jewelry, imperial figurines, animal figurines and other items that adorned everyday life.

In Moscow, in the Armory, you can see the scepter of the Polish ruler Stanislav, which is completely made of aquamarine.

The aquamarine gem was worn in the tiara of Pope Julius II.

The crown of the English queen is adorned with a large aquamarine.

The famous Faberge jeweler, as a gift to the Emperor of Russia Alexander III, made an Easter egg from aquamarine, decorating it with platinum and gold.

The famous aquamarine parure of Grand Duchess Elizabeth was sold at Sotheby's in October 1996. The buyer's name is not known.

In Europe, the set of jewelry is called the Hessian aquamarine parure, but it originally belonged to the wife of Grand Duke Sergei Alexandrovich Romanov, the elder sister of Empress Alexandra Feodorovna, nee Princess of Hesse-Darmstadt.

The aquamarine parure was made by the jewelers of the House of Faberge in Russia, at the request of Grand Duke Sergei Alexandrovich, especially for his beloved wife. Master jewelers made for the Grand Duchess a tiara, a bracelet and a necklace using aquamarine. Later, the collection was supplemented with aquamarine earrings, which were made by the jeweler Koch. In addition to aquamarine, large diamonds are also involved in the jewelry. According to astrologers, the mineral really goes well with diamonds, together they represent the unity of water and air - two eternal and fundamental elements.

After the death of her husband, the Grand Duchess sold the parure to her relative, Ernst Ludwig, Duke of Hesse, bought four houses on Bolshaya Ordynka with the proceeds, and founded the Marfo-Mariinsky Convent of Mercy there. The sisters of the monastery carried out medical and charitable work. In 1959, the Hessian aquamarine engraving was presented to Princess Dorothea of ​​Hesse as a wedding present. It was Dorothea who sold it at Sotheby's in 1996.

Varieties of stone

The types of aquamarine do not have a specific name, and are classified based on color only. The only exception can be a rare species, a translucent mineral that has a special effect - a glow similar to the glow of a cat's eyes. The glow moves across the surface of the crystal when rotated. Most often, cabochons are made from aquamarine of this type - stones with a smooth, convex shiny surface that really resemble the eyes of animals.

Aquamarine blue is considered the most valuable. It is highly valued not only for its color, but also because it is less common in nature than other species. Although, in general, aquamarine is not uncommon.

Aquamarine blue is more common, its value is lower than that of an intense blue mineral.

Blue-green aquamarine is also not a rarity. An untreated mineral, only extracted from the rock, has exactly a blue-green color. The green tint is eliminated during heat treatment, although it is in this color that it most closely resembles a sea wave. The blue-green variety of aquamarine is the cheapest. However, in ancient Rome it was valued above other types, and it was aquamarine, which combines blue and green colors, that was the amulet of sailors and travelers.

Metaphysics of aquamarine

The properties of aquamarine stone are determined not only by its weight, brilliance, strength and color. He has his own characteristics, his own inner world, which is not revealed to everyone.

People paid attention to the unusual properties of aquamarine stone back in ancient times, and therefore they made amulets from it to help tame passions and comprehend the secret meaning of events.

In ancient times, aquamarine was credited with giving a person additional energy and self-confidence. People believed that aquamarine was able to change color “for the weather”, as well as under the influence of the owner’s bad mood and his poor health.

The stone became cloudy in the event that sadness overcame it, or misfortune was approaching, it protected the owner from trouble. If this happened, the owner of the stone had to be more attentive to others in order to reveal intrigues in time, to be more careful in war or hunting.

A stone with the name "sea water" is able to "bring to clean water" deceitful, dishonest people, so esotericists did not advise deceivers and slanderers to wear it, because their deceit will easily reveal the magical properties of aquamarine. At the same time, aquamarine helps sincere and benevolent people in everything.

Aquamarine was considered a stone of judges, scientists and teachers, it gave them clarity in establishing the truth and scientific facts. It is necessary for scientists to comprehend the secrets of the Universe, to achieve a more complete effect from studying philosophy in other sciences.

Lithotherapists and astrologers point out that the stone-sea water well cools the ardor of passions and quarrels, reduces emotional stress, calms the nervous system, and at the same time activates intellectual activity. That is, it brings to the fore in a person the intellect, and not harmful passions, makes him act, guided by reason, and not emotions.

The pendant with natural aquamarine can be worn in case of thyroid diseases. Rings and rings with a stone are useful for skin diseases. Earrings relieve headaches, anxiety, fears, insomnia.

Esotericists believe that under the influence of an amulet with aquamarine, a person begins to correct his thoughts and actions, cutting off everything that violates the laws of the Universe, it was not for nothing that he was called the stone of teachers and judges.

The properties of aquamarine stone are used by magicians, who are called psychics in modern society. The mineral helps them to concentrate their attention during meditation, to assist people in finding missing relatives or valuables.

It is believed that aquamarine develops oratory skills in its wearer, as it is associated with the throat chakra. Jewelry with natural aquamarine will be a great gift for teachers, lawyers, writers and poets. The stone will help them calmly, correctly, without unnecessary emotions, express their point of view.

The properties of aquamarine can be used by diplomats and ambassadors during important negotiations, because it will save them from emotions, and will allow them to find the right words at the right time and place.

Aquamarine is a good helper in solving family problems. It contributes to the restoration of peace in the family, helps to find a common language for people with different characters and interests. No wonder in ancient times he had another magical "load" - to protect loving and faithful people from disappointment.

It is believed that aquamarine is able to enhance intuition, reveal and develop beyond abilities, and even see your own guardian angel, if you look through the stone at the sky from the north side.

As for the compatibility of aquamarine with representatives of various signs of the zodiac, astrologers advise wearing it to "water" signs - Pisces, Scorpions and Cancers. And for representatives of the fire element - Aries, Sagittarius and Leo, it is better to refuse jewelry with aquamarine.

The name given to aquamarine many centuries ago expresses the very essence of the stone in the best possible way, because from the Latin "aqua marina" is translated as "sea water". The name was assigned to the mineral thanks to the ancient Roman writer Pliny the Elder, who lived in the 1st century AD. e. In addition, it was Pliny who noted the similarity between beryls and aquamarines.

Back in the days of the ancient civilization of the Sumerians, which existed until 2000 BC. e., beautiful greenish-blue stones symbolized longevity, happiness and youth. In Rome, aquamarine, being the protector of sailors, also personified sincere love and devotion. And even in the Middle Ages, the stone continued to be used to revive feelings between spouses who had cooled off towards each other.

Physical and chemical properties of aquamarine

Aquamarine is a hard mineral with a vitreous luster and belongs to the beryl family, best known for its precious emeralds. The color palette ranges from deep blue to almost transparent pale turquoise, which is due to iron impurities. Sometimes among aquamarines there are specimens with the effect of asterism or "cat's eye". Such specimens are extremely rare and are of particular value.

When aquamarine is heated above 400 ° C, the saturation and brightness of its color increases significantly. This property is actively used to turn an inexpensive pale stone into a more valuable specimen.

Excellent transparency and good hardness - up to 8 on the Mohs scale - makes aquamarine a favorite of cutters, because the stone allows you to experiment with unusual cut shapes and create real masterpieces. However, the stone is not protected from damage - due to its fragility, it can literally be crushed.

Aquamarine deposits

Aquamarine is mined from granite pegmatites. The stone is not uncommon and is found almost all over the planet. The largest deposits of aquamarine are in Brazil. (including in the state of Minas Gerais), in Madagascar and in Russia - in the Urals and Transbaikalia. By the way, it was in Brazil that the largest gem-quality aquamarine crystal was mined - its weight was 110.5 kg.

Aquamarine is found in small volumes in many countries, for example, in Australia, India, Namibia, Tanzania, the USA and Sri Lanka. Ukraine is also one of the countries where aquamarines are mined. However, few deposits can match the quality of Brazilian stones.

Healing and magical properties of aquamarine

Since ancient times, aquamarine has been considered the lucky stone of sailors. Legends tell of how the Sirens kept aquamarine in their treasuries and offered the gem to sailors who found themselves in the open ocean during a storm.

To this day, aquamarines are considered magical "barometers" - a change in the color of a stone from clear and pure to cloudy and dark speaks of an emotional or physical ailment of its owner.

Although healing properties were attributed to almost all precious stones in antiquity, aquamarine was considered one of the most powerful healers: centuries-old manuscripts call aquamarine a panacea for arthritis, eye inflammation, sore throats and seasickness. In addition, the calm, unique color of the stone helps to restore peace of mind, restore the nervous system and relieve melancholy.

Who is aquamarine for?

Aquamarine is an ideal stone for those born in March, as well as sailors and scientists.
