How to make hair stiff at home. How to make coarse hair soft - the best remedies and recommendations

You can't please girls, that's a fact. Beauties with curly hair pull them out with an iron, and ladies with straight curls, on the contrary, make a curl. This is also the case with the hair structure. Silky and soft strands indicate good care and proper nutrition, but they are difficult to style. When it becomes necessary to make an extravagant hairstyle, girls are forced to resort to various methods that give rigidity to the hair. Consider the most popular methods.


The main disadvantage of this method is considered to be the aggressive effect of stylers on the hair structure. Due to this, the technology will help you make your hair stiff in a short time. Purchase a medium hold mousse, foam, wax, or styling gel from a specialist store. Also buy glitter polish (it's more aggressive) and a fine-toothed comb. Spread the styling product along the entire length, first applying it to the palm of your hand. Tilt your head down and blow dry your hair. Comb the curls with your fingers, go through them with a comb. Lift the strands at the roots, spray them with varnish and voila, you intentionally stiffened the hair.

Citrus fruit

Citruses, in particular, lemon and grapefruit, dry strands a lot, which is why girls with oily hair often use them. To prepare the juice correctly, you need to mince 2 lemons and 1 grapefruit along with the zest. After turning the fruits into porridge, spread the mixture through the hair, wrap the curls with foil or wrap with cling film. Leave for half an hour, rinse with warm water. It is important to remember that lemon lightens hair by 1-1.5 tones, keep this in mind.

Baby soap and herbal infusion

Purchase unscented baby soap at the drugstore or supermarket. Wash their hair instead of shampoo, do not use balm after the procedure. It makes hair soft and manageable. Rinse your hair with rosemary decoction. To prepare it, pour 120 gr. herbs with 2 liters of boiling water, let it brew for 4 hours. Warm up, pass the composition through gauze and rinse the hair with a decoction. Repeat rinsing daily, regardless of soap used.

Natural dyes and mustard

Natural dyes include henna and basma. If the components are not mixed correctly, these products will not moisturize, but dry the hair, making it harder. Since this is the effect you want to achieve, purchase henna of the shade you like in the professional cosmetics store. If a color change is not included in the plans, buy a colorless therapeutic composition. To prepare the mixture, you need to take 70 gr. henna and dilute it with water to a thick consistency, then pour 20 gr. mustard powder and mix thoroughly. Wait 10 minutes, then distribute the composition along the length of the hair, rubbing into the roots. Wrap the hair with a film, leave for 45-60 minutes.

To make your hair coarse, you need to purchase crushed sea salt without fragrances and dyes (white crystals). Dilute 70 gr. salt in 1.4 liters of boiling water, mix, wait until the granules are completely dissolved. Heat the solution, pour it into a container with a dispenser, distribute it evenly over the entire surface of the hair, dry it with a hairdryer.

Black bread

The method is suitable for girls with thin but soft hair. Black bread will make them tough and visually dense. To prepare the mask, take half a loaf of Borodinsky, cut it into thin slices and break into pieces, pour over 350 ml. steep boil. Cover the container with a film, wait a quarter of an hour until the bread is completely soaked. Next, grind it with your hands or place it in a blender, squeeze out the liquid, spread it over the surface of the hair. Leave for 1 hour, rinse with water and lemon juice in a ratio of 5:1.

Apple cider vinegar, mustard and tea

Dilute 100 ml. apple cider vinegar (concentration no more than 9%) in 2.2 liters of warm water. Start stirring and at the same time pour 30 gr. mustard powder. Make sure there are no lumps. Rinse your hair with a decoction, put a bag on your head, leave for 1 hour. After the expiration date, prepare a tea infusion. Brew 5 bags of black tea in 1.5 liters of warm water, wait half an hour, then rinse the strands. If desired, you can combine this method with the subsequent treatment of hair with baby soap without using an air conditioner.

Prepare a mixture of grapefruit and lemons, use styling products. Rinse your strands with a solution of sea salt or apple cider vinegar. If the result was incomplete, use henna, rosemary decoction or black bread.

Video: how to make hair thicker and more voluminous

Thick and beautiful hair is the best decoration of a woman and a sensitive indicator of internal health. The density and appearance of hair largely depends on the genetic factor, which determines the number of hair follicles on the head. On average, the hairline consists of 100 - 150,000 follicles responsible for the growth, formation and development of hair. At the same time, proper care is an important factor affecting the condition of the strands. Aggressive thermal effects during styling, frequent staining, stress have an extremely negative effect on the health of curls, slow down their growth, thin and contribute to increased loss. How to make hair thick, what methods or procedures will help restore volume and splendor to hair? Learn about it from our article.

The density of our hair is only 20% determined by heredity, the rest depends on how we properly care for the wealth given to us by nature. There are many reasons that can weaken and thin hair:

As you can see, there are a lot of factors that extremely negatively affect the health of hair. How to strengthen hair and make it thick? This can be achieved by various methods: with the help of professionals - stylists, medical or folk remedies. But first of all, the hair needs to be properly cared for.

Wash your hair properly.
Trichologists say that you should not wash your hair too often. Daily water procedures dry out the scalp and disrupt the sebaceous glands, causing them to produce excessive amounts of sebum. Because of this, the hair quickly becomes greasy, looks untidy, which forces you to wash your hair constantly. Such a vicious circle leads to thinning and hair loss and worsens their appearance.

Another important rule is that you should wash your hair not with hot, but with slightly warm water, so as not to disrupt the function of the sweat and sebaceous glands. If the water is hard, it is advised to acidify it with lemon juice or add a small amount of table vinegar. This will give the hair a lively shine, softness and allow them to stay clean for a long time. Ideally, you should use rainwater to wash your hair, but now only those who live in ecologically clean areas have such an opportunity. The quality of chlorinated tap water in big cities leaves much to be desired, therefore, experts dealing with the problem of hair loss advise using boiled water for washing or at least defending it for a day.

Provide nourishment to your hair.
For normal hair growth and density, it is necessary. This will provide the hair follicles with nutrients and trace elements that are responsible for their health. Therefore, answering the question, experts first of all advise to review the diet and include foods with a high content of protein (protein) in its composition. Protein is a building material necessary for rapid renewal and growth of hair. To get it, include meat, fish, nuts, dairy products in your daily menu. Especially useful in this regard is red meat, which contains carnitine, which stimulates and strengthens hair follicles.

For the density and beauty of hair, it is necessary that the body receives a sufficient amount of vitamins of group B, C, A, E, P. It is especially important to provide nourishment with microelements such as copper and zinc. They can be obtained from fresh vegetables and fruits, nuts, berries, beef, pork liver, cereals. Additionally, take multivitamin complexes that contain the necessary set of useful substances.

. When choosing a shampoo, pay attention to its composition. If the detergent contains sulfates, it is better to refuse to use it, as these components remove the natural protective layer from the hair and make it dry, brittle and lifeless. When choosing care products, be it shampoo, conditioner or hair balm, give preference to those that contain natural oils (coconut, olive, jojoba, etc.), decoctions of medicinal herbs and other natural ingredients.

Be wary of using shampoos and conditioners designed to volumize your hair. The fact is that such products contain silicones and polymers that envelop each hair, make it thicker, but at the same time make the curls heavier. If the hair is strong and healthy, then their use will not cause harm. But if your hair is weakened and rapidly thinning, such cosmetics can increase their loss, moreover, the curls will quickly become dirty and hang with lifeless icicles.

Be careful when choosing care products, do not buy those that make your hair heavier and stick together. Avoid products containing sulfates, silicones, polymers and other chemicals.

To keep your hair strong and thick, learn how to properly care for them. Do not comb the strands immediately after shampooing, let them dry naturally. Try to use a hair dryer or thermal styling products as little as possible, this will prevent damage to the structure of the hair, their dryness and brittleness.

For hair care, use a comb with sparse teeth made from natural materials, such as wooden or bone combs. Limit the use of hairspray, gel, conditioner and other products that stick together and dry out the hair.

Lead a healthy lifestyle, avoid stress, eat right. Eat foods high in protein, vitamins and omega fatty acids. To do this, try to include in the diet meat, fatty fish, nuts. Supplement the menu with products containing folic acid, vitamins, potassium, magnesium, zinc. These are fresh vegetables and fruits, herbs, dairy products. Drink plenty of fluids, this will prevent dehydration and in the most beneficial way will affect the condition and density of the hair.

Protect your hair from the adverse effects of the environment. Hair quickly absorbs harmful substances (tobacco smoke, exhaust gases) and suffers from dust, wind, ultraviolet radiation. When going outside in the hot season, be sure to wear a hat and try to avoid being in direct sunlight for a long time.

How to make hair thick and thick

There are many simple and affordable procedures that will help make your hair beautiful and thick.

A trichologist will help solve the problem of thin and sparse curls, he will advise how to make the hair become thick. In the pharmacy chain you can find a lot of cosmetics for hair care. And here natural oils (burdock, castor, cedar, linseed, almond, etc.) hold the palm. They are used for oil wraps and compresses. The procedure is very simple. It is only necessary to slightly warm the oil in a water bath to a temperature of 33-35 °, rub it into the roots and distribute along the entire length of the hair. After that, the head is covered with plastic wrap and insulated with a terry towel or scarf. The mask should be kept for several hours, then the hair is washed several times with a mild shampoo and rinsed with water acidified with vinegar or lemon.

Vitamin therapy gives excellent results. Experts advise taking multivitamin complexes designed specifically for weak and thin hair or making masks based on liquid vitamins A () and E (tocopherol). In the pharmacy chain, such vitamins are sold in gelatin capsules or ampoules.

In addition, pharmacies or specialized stores offer a wide range of masks for hair density from well-known cosmetic companies (EVELIN, VITEKS, L’OREAL, PLANETA ORGANICA, etc.). Vitamin complexes and caring preparations Prefectil, Revalid, Biosil, Nutricap, Pantovigar are popular. Therefore, you can always choose for yourself a care product that is optimal in quality and price.

How to make hair thicker at home

At home, folk remedies based on the use of natural ingredients help to achieve success: yeast, honey, herbs, natural oils. Here are recipes for several popular masks that can improve hair growth and make them thick and strong.

  • . The procedure nourishes and strengthens the hair, activates its growth, gives volume to the hairstyle. To prepare a medicinal composition, mix 1 tbsp. l. yeast from a briquette with chicken yolk and add herbal decoction. For dark hair, a decoction of oak bark or St. John's wort is well suited. For red hair - calendula, for fair hair - a decoction of chamomile. After that, the mixture is placed in a warm place for 1 hour so that the yeast is activated. When light foam appears on the surface, add 1 tbsp. burdock oil and a few drops (5-6) of any ether (lemon, rosemary, cedar). The mask is applied to the roots and hair along the entire length, insulated and maintained for 40 minutes. In total, 10 sessions are recommended, which are done once every three days.
  • Rye mask. A very simple and effective remedy, ordinary rye bread is taken as the main ingredient. It must be soaked in warm water and mashed into a pulp. Apply the rye mass to the hair and rub into the scalp, warm up and hold the mask for an hour. After that, rinse your hair well, while using shampoo is not necessary, since the bread mass cleanses the hair very well.

  • . To prepare it, a handful of peeled pine nuts are thoroughly kneaded and a small amount of water is added. The result should be a thick mass. Now you need to evaporate cedar milk from it, which contains a unique set of vitamins and useful trace elements. To do this, the nut mass is transferred to a ceramic pot and placed for half an hour in an oven heated to 150 ° C. The resulting cedar milk is slightly cooled and rubbed into the hair roots when warm. The procedure is recommended to be repeated daily for two months. Such a mask will significantly accelerate hair growth and make them stronger and thicker.
  • Honey cognac mask. This recipe effectively restores the structure of weakened and thin hair, activates hair follicles to grow, nourishes and strengthens. First, mix the raw yolk with 1 tsp. liquid flower honey, then 1 tbsp is added to this mass. l. quality cognac and burdock or castor oil. The composition is rubbed into the roots and distributed through the hair, left on the head for 1 hour, warmed with a film and a towel.

  • Promotes accelerated growth and renewal of hair, makes the hair thick and lush. To prepare it, mix 100 ml of warmed milk with 3 tbsp. l. liquid honey and 2 tsp. pressed yeast. The mixture of components is left at room temperature for 1 hour so that the yeast ferments. Then the composition is applied to the roots and rubbed into the scalp. The mask is kept for 60 minutes, washed off with a mild shampoo.
  • Protein mask. If the hair is sparse and quickly becomes oily, a mask based on egg whites will help. To do this, break 3 eggs, separate the protein from the yolk and beat. You can add a few drops of lemon juice or any citrus essential oil to the protein mass. The mixture is rubbed into the scalp, insulated and kept for 1 hour. Such a mask will help regulate the work of the sebaceous glands, eliminate excessive oiliness and dry the scalp. You need to wash off the composition with cool water, since under the influence of hot water the protein easily coagulates and it is very difficult to remove it from the hair.
  • Masks from fermented milk products. Soft masks made from kefir, curdled milk, sour cream have a very good effect on the condition of the hair. They perfectly nourish, moisturize the hair and activate their growth and renewal. You can wash your hair with whey, from which the strands will quickly become stronger and thicker.

In addition, after each shampooing, it is useful to rinse your hair with herbal decoctions of nettle, calendula, sage, burdock, nettle. This will help activate metabolic processes, restore damaged and weakened hair and stimulate hair follicles to grow.

What to do in those cases when all of the above methods have been tried, and the amount of hair on the head is decreasing? The advice of professional stylists and salon procedures will help. You can use medicated shampoos that enhance hair growth and help strengthen them. The specialist will advise the appropriate remedy. In addition, in the salons you will be offered to undergo a massage course and make special masks that accelerate hair growth.

The most advanced and modern method with which you can become the owner of thick and luxurious hair in a few hours is artificial hair extensions. This procedure can be cold or hot. Artificial strands are attached to the hair using special keratin capsules or with a tape method. It all depends on your desire and financial capabilities.

Artificial curls are selected by color and texture, they practically do not differ from natural hair. They can be washed, dyed, curled, styled to your liking. The most popular are English, Italian and Spanish technology. What to choose, you decide, together with the stylist. Hair extensions hold tight, joints are completely invisible, artificial strands can be worn for up to 4 months. Then, as your own hair grows, you need to make a correction.

Thick and healthy hair is a natural decoration of every person. And what to do when your hair is not too pleasing when you look in the mirror. It turns out that you can achieve the desired result with the help of improvised means at home, without spending fabulous sums on the purchase of expensive cosmetic preparations.

A few effective tips from a professional will help you effectively begin the process of restoring the hair structure and strengthening the bulbs, such tricks are quite accessible to every person:

Special attention should be paid to special vitamin complexes from the American company Country Life. They contain B vitamins to strengthen and restore, biotin, and MSM (organic sulfur) to stimulate hair growth. The complex improves the condition of not only hair, but also nails. Presented on iHerb.

There is also a more powerful option that contains a double serving of biotin. It is no secret that malnutrition and constant diets negatively affect the condition of the hair. Nutritional supplements will help remedy the situation. The main thing is to take them correctly. For this, it is best to consult a doctor before use.

How to make thin hair thick folk remedies?

Thin hair needs to be given twice as much time, yes, salon extensions can be done, but how long will this method be effective. It is best not to spend money on such quirks, but to try at home to restore the natural shine and density to the strands. How to do it?

In order for the hair roots to activate their strength and natural energy, you need to carry out a light massage with cedar oil every day, after the procedure, the product can be left on the head until completely absorbed and not washed off if you plan to be at home all day. Otherwise, you need to wash the strands with warm water with the addition of shampoo and herbal conditioner.

It is no less useful to rub the mixture into the head and, the effect can be improved by dropping lemon juice into the composition. This procedure will heal the curls and give them the strength to recover.

Recently, coconut oil has become very popular. This tool is used as masks for dry, thin, damaged, overdried, weakened and dull hair. It is enough to apply this oil to the hair twice a week with light massage movements. Wrap your head in a towel, hold for 30-40 minutes and rinse. After the first application, the hair will noticeably become soft, silky, easy to comb.

Choose unrefined, virgin and cold-pressed oils, they contain the most nutrients that are so necessary for fine hair. Favorable prices are presented on the iHerb website. In particular demand are:

Please note that at temperatures below 20 degrees, the oil hardens. To apply it evenly to the hair, it is enough to warm it up in a bowl or in your hands.

You can use this tool: prepare an infusion of sage, mint, basil, pour 150 ml there and add 7 drops of mint and lavender oil. After close the lid and insist 30 days in a cold place. At the end of the time, take a spoonful of the finished infusion and rub it into the scalp, do the procedure every two days until the visible effect improves.

Nature itself knows how to make hair thicker and thicker, you can use colorless henna, dyeing your hair regularly with it. Such a composition will envelop the hair, and give them a natural volume. The result will be noticed after 2-3 times of using the product.

You can also make a tincture of capsicum, rub it into the scalp and cover with a warm towel, the product should remain on the hair for about half an hour. Wash off with warm water and shampoo. If there is a strong burning sensation, the procedure should be stopped and no longer repeated.

Instead of shampoo, wash your hair effectively with a mixture of water and a spoonful of dry product for two glasses of liquid, or else, the effect will be amazing, the main thing is regularity and patience.

How to make hair stiff and thick with masks?

To get the maximum effect from the procedure, you need to carry it out once or twice a week, using burdock oil, one spoonful, 3 yolks, a spoonful of homemade mayonnaise and a drop of lemon juice.

Mix all the ingredients and apply to the hair with a brush for coloring strands, then close the hair with a plastic bag, and on top with a warm towel. Leave on for 30 minutes and wash off the mask with warm water and shampoo. Rinse is best done at home based on chamomile or oak bark, depending on the color of the curls.

Another mask of yolk and onion juice, for a better result, you can also add a spoonful of honey. Bring all the ingredients to a puree state, rub the mixture into the hair roots, rinse with shampoo after 20 minutes.

The following mask gives a noticeable result:

  • take a glass of kefir, 2 eggs, 2 tsp. cocoa powder, combine into a homogeneous mass and divide into 4 parts;
  • first apply to the hair roots, after drying, repeat the action in the same way three times;
  • then wrap your hair with a film and a terry towel for 25 minutes;
  • rinse with warm water with baby shampoo;
  • rinse with herbal infusion;
  • do this mask three times a week, until the first results are obtained, then continue after a short break, one to two weeks.

You can try this recipe: mix bay oil - 6 drops, avocado oil - 3 tbsp. l., vitamins E and A - half a spoonful, apply to the hair roots and leave for 30 minutes, rinse with running water, repeat the procedure after two or three days.

To strengthen the hair, the following composition is suitable: mix vitamins A and E, olive oil, a decoction of black grape seeds in a toe, keep it on your hair for at least 2 hours, rinse with warm water.

Compresses for hair density

What are the types of compresses?

  1. With oils, they get rid of the dryness of the strands. To prepare the composition, you need to take 10 g of any oil and heat it to a temperature of 40 degrees, apply to your hair 30 minutes before washing.
  2. With bread, such a compress makes the hair thicker and thicker, as well as lush and strong. The bread crumb is poured with boiling water and infused for 15 minutes. After the consistency is kneaded to a mushy state and applied to the hair in a thick layer, it is closed from above with a napkin or towel. After an hour, the composition is washed off with herbal decoction.
  3. With bay leaf oil, you can cook it yourself, take 20 leaves, grind to shaped powders and pour 150 ml of olive oil, leave in a dark, cold place for a week, then rub into the skin 2 hours before washing your hair.

How to make hair thicker at home with the help of expert advice?

It is possible to make thin hair thicker, you just need to follow the rules below for caring for problem hair:

  • it is important to follow a diet, every day to add to the diet foods that contain vitamins and minerals to the maximum to strengthen and improve the structure of the hair, the body will need vitamins of group B, C, A, E, as well as iodine, calcium, magnesium, zinc and silicon;
  • it is important to moisturize the hair sufficiently, because due to dryness they lose their softness, shine, become dry and brittle, it is important to drink at least 2 liters of water per day, make nourishing masks 2 times a week to improve the condition of the strands;
  • regular massages will fulfill their mission, help improve blood circulation;
  • when coloring, it is better to use natural-based products, henna, basma, you can not only modify your color, but also help your hair become thicker and healthier;
  • hair should be washed regularly, albeit not often, but twice a week - this is the law, after cleaning they always look better and become thicker;
  • after washing the hair, you can’t twist it or wipe it strongly with a towel, the strands should dry naturally, and when you go outside in windy, frosty or hot weather, be protected by hats.

To prepare a healing shampoo, you need to take 0.5 liters of dark beer, add 50 g of baby soap, 150 ml of baby shampoo, 40 g of colorless henna, castor and burdock oil, raw chamomile, pepper tincture and dried nettle leaves.

Combine all the ingredients in a non-enameled saucepan, put on a slow fire and bring the mass to a boil, remove from heat after 5 minutes and leave the mixture under the lid until it cools completely, pour into an enameled storage container.

Before use, heat the mixture and add chicken yolk to the composition, rub a portion of the shampoo into the hair with massage movements, use shampoo and warm running water to remove the entire mass.

After washing, dry your hair without using a hair dryer, lightly wipe it with a terry towel, and apply a moisturizing conditioner. It is advisable not to use a curling iron or styling varnishes.

After 2-3 applications, this shampoo will give thickness and healthy shine to your dull hair, make it strong and elastic. And if you also use herbal rinses and conditioners for hair density, then the effect will be simply amazing.

An hour later, a date, but the trouble is - the hair does not obey the comb and does not lend itself to styling. And you want to look perfect in front of your loved one.

What to do? How to make hair thicker in minutes? There is an exit.

In order to make hair stiff, before creating a hairstyle, use store-bought styling products: gel, foam, varnish, mousse, wax.

These components will help to achieve the desired result easily and without wasting time.

However, it is not recommended to abuse chemical mixtures if the natural structure of the hair is naturally weak. For owners "liquid" hair, you should think about strengthening the root system and thickening the curls. You can make your hair stiff with the help of folk remedies and natural products.

How to make hair thicker at home?

To strengthen curls, the same components are used as for nails. Judging by health, the destruction of the structure of the hair and the nail plate occurs due to a lack of calcium in the body. Therefore, if your curls have become thinner and the ends have begun to split, take vitamins containing calcium. The pharmacy sells vitamin complexes to strengthen and restore nails and hair.

In addition, provide the necessary nutrition to the hair at home in several ways:

  • sea ​​or rock salt;
  • tea leaves;
  • gelatin;
  • herbs;
  • laundry or baby soap.

Sea salt is a handy tool. In the old days, women rubbed ordinary salt into the scalp for hair density and growth. The procedure is carried out before bathing.

Wash your head and dry with a towel. Sprinkle with salt and rub into the skin with massaging movements. To facilitate the work, dilute the saline solution in warm water and spray the hair with a spray bottle.

Massage your head with your fingers for 15 minutes and go to wash. Wash off the salt with warm water and shampoo for weakened hair. Do not use balms and conditioners.

How to make dark hair thicker?

This is where black leaf tea comes in handy. Pre-brew the pellets with hot water and let it brew. After washing your hair, dilute the tea with warm water 50/50. The amount of liquid is selected depending on the length. Rinse the curls with tea broth, dry with a towel.

For blondes, this method is not suitable, as the color will change.

Gelatin will help to achieve stiffness of hair. Natural keratin product is diluted in cold water at the rate of 1/3. Measured in tablespoons. For medium length, make a double recipe. The swollen composition is heated in a water bath until the granules dissolve. Having achieved a homogeneous consistency, the mixture is cooled to room temperature and one yolk is driven in there.

After mixing thoroughly, add a tablespoon of any silicone-free balm. The mask is applied along the entire length, fixed with a plastic bag and insulated with a towel. Procedure time 1 hour. Wash off in the usual way.

The next option is rinsing with herbs. More suitable are burdock root, nettle and oak bark. You can buy herbs at the pharmacy. Rinse the curls with freshly prepared decoctions after washing your hair.

A common way to strengthen hair is rinsing with henna. Brunettes can use henna with a coloring pigment, blondes - colorless.

Washing your hair with household or baby soap will strengthen your hair and add stiffness. After shampooing, it is hard to get used to soap, but after a few procedures, the difference will become imperceptible.

Helpful Tip: To achieve stiff curls, make a mask of mustard with honey once every 2 weeks. You can apply firming masks of olive oil with red hot pepper.

I would like your problems, - the owner of a hard and naughty hair will exclaim in response to complaints about too soft hair. However, the problem exists. Soft hair is good and beautiful in itself, but it does not hold its shape at all. Ordinary fixatives do not cope with them: just brush with a brush - and the hairstyle is over. So the question of how to make hair stiffer does not sound from a good life.

Popular and not very popular products lure buyers with promises to soften hair and make it silky. And has anyone seen the means to stiffen the hair? I think no. Therefore, ways to solve the problem are invented independently, by trial and error. The first commandment is the rejection of balms and conditioners. After washing with any shampoo without conditioner, there is a feeling of stiffness and even unwashed hair, it is more difficult to comb hair. Coloring your hair also robs it of its softness. If you dye your hair constantly, the paint literally builds up, thickening the hair.

How to make hair thicker?

By giving up shampoos and switching to washing your hair with soap, you can most easily find the answer to how to make your hair coarse. Lemon juice or apple cider vinegar can be added to the rinse water so that the hair is still washed and does not lose its natural shine. True, acids dry hair, and you should not abuse them. It is preferable to rinse after washing with decoctions of medicinal herbs, for example, burdock root. It not only gives rigidity, but also nourishes the scalp and hair, promotes their rapid growth, and relieves irritation and dandruff.

After any nourishing or regenerating mask, it is recommended that the hair be thoroughly washed and rinsed to soften. And here the answer suggests itself: rinse thoroughly with water, but without emollients. There is a simple and very useful remedy for washing and simultaneously nourishing hair - egg yolk. For half an hour, apply the downed mass on the entire head, rubbing into the roots and skin, then rinse with lukewarm water without soap or shampoo, combing out the egg fibers with a brush, then rinse with an acidified aqueous solution - and that's it. After such a procedure, the hair cannot be called soft. Many suggest how to make hair stiffer even easier - washing it with water without any detergents. Yes, some rigidity can be achieved this way, but purity ... in a word, a moot point. It is better to turn to another well-known recipe - nutrition and washing with gruel from black bread. Here it can be washed off without soap, it is easy to comb out, besides, this mask does not deprive the hair of shine and thickens them a little.

Another tried and true remedy is henna. It is guaranteed to envelop each hair, thickening and healing it. Many are stopped by the coloring properties of henna - after all, not everyone wants to be red. In this case, there is a colorless henna, which has all the advantages of the usual, with the exception of intense staining.

If the hair, for all its softness, is also oily, you need to regularly rinse it with decoctions of plants with tannic properties, for example, oak bark. This is an excellent tool for strengthening the roots, and at the same time a way to make hair stiff.

All of the above are from a number of products that do not harm the health of the hair. Many, however, try not to bother themselves and get out of the situation with an abundant layer of varnish, gel or mousse. But, firstly, this is a temporary solution to the problem, at the very first combing, the hair will again become primordially soft and naughty. Secondly, chemistry is chemistry, and no one has yet benefited from it. Without it, of course, we can no longer live, but we need to experiment with it in doses, alternating with natural remedies.
