How to choose your beard. Rare beard types

Fashion goes in cycles and the time has come again when the beard has returned to the peak of popularity. Walking down the street, have you noticed how many young guys and older people with beards are around? I think the answer is obvious. Girls are thrilled by brutal guys, boys become more masculine and sexier in the eyes of women.

Beards started to grow after the 2010s, when the hipster boom hit and both genders lost their identity. Beard - a great way to remind everyone that you are a man. Nowadays, there are a large number of types of beards and with the same number of nuances regarding face shape, style, degree of thickness and shade. I warn you, this luxury costs a lot of effort.

Growing a good and beautiful beard is a rather long process that requires patience. You need to endure that stage of beard growth when you look like a “homeless person.” And so we went:

Triangle face shape

The narrow chin, so characteristic of this type, should be softened a little. A square or round beard, as well as the classic type, will visually expand the lower part of the face, thereby removing the obvious contrast of a narrow chin.

Round face type

A round face should be slightly roughened, highlighting the chin. In time, a trapezoidal or temple-to-temple beard will come. You can also add a neat, medium-sized mustache, which will visually help lengthen the rounded shape of your face. In addition, a goatee is suitable.


It would be a good idea to choose a beard to round out the square shape. In this case, sideburns and a chin will come in handy. Do not overdo it with volume, because a beard that is too voluminous will make your face even wider.

Rectangular face shape

This face shape prefers a thicker beard on the sideburns, cheeks, and a mustache with a shaved chin. A rounded horseshoe beard or regular sideburns will do. It is worth visually expanding the face.


And so congratulations. Those with an oval shape are the luckiest. It suits almost any beard style. So don’t use your imagination and experiment.


Often plump, sometimes with shaving of hair on her cheeks. With a full beard, only the upper part of the cheeks and mustache are shaved.


This wide and thick beard goes well with a neat mustache. This is the case when the beard can look a little disheveled and careless. Grow it to 10-15 centimeters, and then slightly round its base.

"Short Boxed Beard"

Wide Old Dutch beard, but with a mustache.

"Van Dyke"

The characteristic features of this style are a long mustache curled upward, as well as a vertical strip of hairs that start at the chin and extend to the middle of the lower lip.


Worn either alone or with an elegant mustache. It is a neat thin beard along the cheekbones without extending onto the neck. The main feature is the presence of the letter “T” under the lower lip.


We all know the famous Jack Sparrow, after whom this beard style is named. A mustache extends down from the corners of the mouth in combination with a goatee, divided into two braided braids.


Similar to a goatee, but here the beard occupies the entire rounded chin, and in this case the shape is rounder.

"The Zappa"

The style of the American multi-instrumentalist Frank Zappa. Thick, medium-sized mustache with downturned ends, combined with a small island of beard.

"Hollywood beard"

Hollywood celebrities have made this beard a favorite of women and many men. Of course, if you want to look like a Hollywood star, you will have to carefully take care of your beard and visit the hairdresser on time.

"Wide Tanks"

A style suitable for those who are delighted with long and thick sideburns. The chin always remains clean, but what to do with the mustache (to shave or not to shave?) is up to you. It is important here that the lower edge of the sideburns clearly follows the lower line of the chin.


Starting from the temples, goes down, bordering the cheekbones to the corners of the mouth, and then bends upward, smoothly turning into a mustache. The chin remains clean.


Thin, curling mustache, like that of the well-known artist Salvador Dali.

"Friendly Mutton Chops"

Thick sideburns covering not only the cheekbone, but also half of the face. Along the edge of the upper lip, the sideburns connect to the mustache. The area under the lower lip and around the chin is left bare.

"Rap Industry Standard"

This beard consists of very fine contours. Similar to Henry IV's beard, it extends around the mouth. But it has a difference in the form of a thin strip from the chin to the lip.


A beard growing from the top of the face, running along the cheekbone, covering it completely. No mustache needed here.


The name speaks for itself. In this case, the beard line lies along the axis of the chin, passing under the lower lip. The temples and cheeks are shaved.


Shave only your chin and neck, and grow sideburns in other places. This image won't suit everyone, so make sure your personality matches the image.

How to choose a beard shape - video

Human. No wonder spies use this accessory as a disguise. But the main thing in this matter is to choose the right style, then the man will not look comical. The photos and comments presented in this article will help you understand and study beard and mustache styles.

All the pros and cons

It is easier for bachelors to grow paradise on their faces. They do not need to consult or convince anyone. After all, often other halves, representatives of the fair sex, have a negative attitude towards Even if you use special softening balms and deodorants, your hair tingles when you kiss and can emit an unpleasant aroma. This is especially true for smokers. And in the summer, the tan only sticks to the upper part of the face, and if a bearded man decides to shave in the fall, it will turn out very funny.

But there’s a lot more to facial hair than negative ones:

  1. Gives solidity in adulthood.
  2. It adds maturity and maturity to youngsters.
  3. Warms in the winter cold.
  4. The image turns out stylish and unique.
  5. Beard and mustache styles are varied and multiple, you can try several options.
  6. Conceals facial imperfections.

Unpleasant facts

But statistics do not spare lovers of beards: 87% of women vote against them, even taking into account the fact that such an image gives brutality and mystery, it reeks of adventure and something pirate-like, but noble.

A real man will decide for himself whether to use a razor or not. The main thing is not to forget to take care of the “flower bed” under the nose and on the chin. Otherwise, you can be considered sloppy and lazy. Dirty hair sticking out in different directions on the chin will not add anything good to the image.

How to choose a beard style? Self-experimentation

It’s rare that someone manages to find the right image the first time. When deciding to acquire facial hair, first of all, you need to take into account its structure. The second factor influencing the beauty of a beard is the density of the growth.

For two weeks, forget about the razor. Let everything grow and multiply. This is the only way to see where hair grows thicker and where less. Then choosing the shape and style will be very simple. If possible, contact an experienced stylist. He will set the right direction, which you can then correct yourself, armed with a trimmer.

Most Popular Beard Styles

There are countless styles in the world. After all, men have been wearing beards and mustaches since ancient times. Each form is thought out to the smallest detail and fits a specific structure and the most popular and favorite:

  • Balbo - a wide, thick beard ending under the lower lip, and a short mustache. Suitable for temperamental, sexy males who know their worth.
  • Suvorov - a strip of vegetation starts from the temples and flows in a smooth line into the mustache. In this style there is no beard, the chin is clean-shaven and shiny. Suitable for more mature men, it gives majesty and authority to the image.
  • Screen - the hair from the temples goes down in an even line to the chin. The area above the lip remains smooth. This beard gives an intelligent, professorial look. In clothing, it is better to give preference to classic shirts so that the gap between the collar and the beard is minimal.
  • Goatee - an even oval of hair around the lips, extending down the chin. The temple area is smoothly shaved, the entire emphasis is on the area around the mouth. This men's style with a beard is practically a classic of the genre; girls are delighted with it. This beard is preferred by all age groups: from teenagers to cheerful old men.
  • Goat hair is long hair starting from the middle of the chin. No mustache or temporal indentations. Just a patch of hair in the very center of his chin. This style is loved by extraordinary personalities: singers, musicians, dudes. Often they paint it in or just highlight some strands. Quite a common type.
  • English curtains are long, outward-curved tendrils, with thin protruding ends on the sides. True gentlemen usually parade with such a mustache. Well-groomed and immaculately dressed, they look as if they came straight out of a screen or picture.
  • Skipper beard is a smooth beard that follows the oval of the face along its very contour. Gives the face sophistication and elegance.
  • Hollywood - a wide beard ending at half the oval of the face, and a decent, thick mustache. Gives expressiveness and makes even a not-so-pretty person stand out from the crowd.
  • Anchor - the hair on the chin is shaped like an anchor, with the sharp end pointing down. It is rare to find such a daredevil who dares to wear such a “style”.
  • Dali - this style only applies to the mustache. Thin, curved strands sticking out from under the nose will add piquancy to the look.
  • Fork - a wide classic beard with long ends divided in two. This is a style with a beard, the name of which is already shocking in itself.

Find your look

The above beard and mustache styles are the most popular in beauty salons. The masters have already mastered their skills and perform them to perfection.

Females are luckier; they can hide facial imperfections with makeup. But the male part of the population has to veil the shortcomings of nature with a beard and mustache. With their help you can adjust:

  • face oval;
  • expressiveness of the eyes;
  • broad forehead;
  • skin unevenness, scars, acne consequences;

has the meaning

Beard styles are selected taking into account the shape of the face:

  • For chubby men, neat, short hair and a short mustache are suitable.
  • Those with a flat face should get a goatee. It will visually stretch it and add volume.
  • On an elongated, narrow face, fluffy hair with curly sideburns looks harmonious.
  • A triangle face will be decorated with a horseshoe-shaped beard. It will smooth out sharp corners and make the face more gentle, but courageous.
  • The heart-shaped outline will suit any beard style. Here you can enjoy experiments and let the master’s creativity run wild.

Shaving - pleasure or hard labor?

Either very brave people or very lazy people usually decide to get a beard and mustache. For most men, shaving every day is work. Teenagers are looking forward to the day when they will need to pick up a machine. For some, this is a whole event. It is associated with the transition of a youth to adulthood. But over the years, the desire to spend half an hour in front of the mirror and scrape the skin with a sharp object disappears. This is where the creation of a new hairy look begins.

Many men decide to consider beard styles simply out of interest and to add a new look to their look.

Character and lifestyle

For attentive women, a beard is a clue. By its shape you can calculate the character and temperament of a man. First of all, beautiful creatures pay attention to the degree of grooming of their hair. If they are smooth and silky, blinding with brilliance and gloss, then you are looking at a narcissistic person who does not particularly take into account the opinions of others.

If the beard is long and wavy, the owner has high mental abilities, is well-read and intelligent.

Coarse, coarse hair speaks of a man’s Spartan lifestyle. He is brutal and a little rude.

The Goatee beard style will tell girls that the male has increased sexuality and an explosive character. The passion of such an individual will not fade even up to 100 years.

If a man has a thick beard and no mustache, then he is a characterless and boring type, but in some cases there are exceptions.

Proper care

To make your beard happy for you and those around you, take proper care of it:

  1. Wash your beard with soap every 3 days.
  2. Pamper her with hair conditioner once a week.
  3. Comb it every day in the given direction.

Try and improve shapes and images. The photos presented in this article will help you choose the appropriate beard style.

Be sure to consult with your significant other before you start growing your hair. After all, you can gain a beard, but lose your beloved.

I wish you silky beards and only successful experiments with your appearance!

Beards have recently become very popular again. Memes even began to appear on social networks, ridiculing the two main fashion fetishes - beards for men and eyebrows for girls. Sarcastic ridicule appears not at all because it is not beautiful, but because literally everyone is passionate about it. And in the pursuit of perfection, fashionistas and fashionistas often go overboard. For example, some girls are so keen on eyebrow makeup that they become like Marfushenka-darling from the fairy tale “Morozko”. Well, okay, we’ll talk about eyebrows in another article, today’s post is about beard trims, after all.

Unlike young ladies, men are unlikely to spoil their image with a beard. The main thing here is to choose the right haircut. Take, for example, hair color: brunettes only need 3 days of stubble to look brutal, but it’s more difficult for blondes - short stubble doesn’t look very good, so growing a beard will take longer and more difficult.

Types of beard haircuts and their names

  1. Russian beard or full. Stubble covers the neck, chin, cheeks and upper lip.
  2. Anchor. The name speaks for itself: a small anchor-shaped beard + a thin mustache separated by a stripe in the middle.
  3. Balbo. Unlike the anchor, the strip along the edge of the lower jaw is wider.
  4. Brett or Hollywood beard. The main feature and difference is that the beard covers the chin and lower jaw, but is not connected to the sideburns.
  5. Goatee. Its more popular name, but less euphonious, is goatee. It consists of vegetation around the mouth with a long tuft of hair on the chin.
  6. Chinstrap literally translated, a chin strap. A thin border of hair borders the face from one temple to another.
  7. Burnsides (Burnsides) - just thick sideburns with a clean-shaven chin.
  8. Captain Jack, or Van Dyck. It received its first name in honor of Jack Sparrow. Third - in honor of the artist Anthony Van Dyke. Its other names areFrench beard or “Chekhov’s”.

Fashionable beard haircuts 2016: Top 10

We've figured out the main types of beards. Now let's look at which options will be especially relevant in 2016.

That's all, in conclusion, I suggest you look at a few more inspiring examples. By the way, have you noticed that not every beard will suit a particular haircut? So that's it about fashionable men's haircuts 2016 years will be discussed in the next article. In order not to miss out, I suggest subscribing to blog news (on the page “About the blog / about the author”).

Here it is - the fashionable image of a modern man

In the modern world, a beard and mustache have turned into vegetation that protects against the cold - it is an elegant element of a person’s appearance, creating an individual appearance. Growing them is quite simple, but it takes some effort to determine the shape and create a well-groomed appearance. Which beard should you prefer so that it matches your image and is liked by others?

In ancient times, a beard was a symbol of strength, power and courage. In most cases, it can radically change a person’s appearance. Make it more mysterious, more intelligent, more attractive, and the wrong choice of form will lead to a deterioration in external data. If you wear a beard, the attention of others is always focused on your face, creating a specific impression. Types of beard. Fashion trends are constantly changing, experiments with appearance have led to the emergence of new forms of facial haircuts. But it is important to choose a beard that suits only you. She can hide flaws in her appearance. For example, any configuration is guaranteed to suit an oval face. The elongated shape of the head is visually expanded with the help of a round “horseshoe” or sideburns. While goatee and goatee will narrow the face. People with a round shape should use a trapezoidal beard. A triangle face will be changed for the better by a square or “horseshoe” shape.

Which beard will look best on you:

  1. Full (Russian). Quite a popular look. Abundant vegetation emphasizes masculinity and strength in the best possible way. It is characterized by extreme naturalness and minimal control.
  2. Anchor– cut short with an extension at the chin, forming a sharp end, reminiscent of an anchor.
  3. Balbo- a style that includes a neatly trimmed beard along the line of the lower jaw, which is divided by a stripe.
  4. Hollywood beard was popular in the thirties. This form is also called “Bretta”.
  5. Goat– the vegetation covers only the chin. The tiny beard is called so because of its similarity, paradoxically, to the beard of a goat.
  6. French beards. There are many types of French beards: pirate, royale, French fork, Napoleon III, etc.
  7. Box- classic. The hair is cut straight and covers the entire chin, merging with the mustache.
  8. Klingon- a beard that came to us from the creators of the science-fiction film “Star Trek”. The mustache above the upper lip is shaved, and the remaining part is connected to a beard that encircles the entire chin.
  9. "Franz Joseph"– a strip of hair from the sideburns falls to the ear and harmoniously turns into a mustache. The chin is carefully shaved.
  10. Bristle adds charisma to a man. For stylish but busy representatives of the stronger sex, “stubble” is a lighter version of facial care. All you need to do is trim your beard with a trimmer, leaving a small layer of hair.

What you need to choose the right beard shape:
  • Look at yourself in a new way. Familiarize yourself with your face shape, every detail is important.
  • Stop shaving.
  • After two weeks, carefully examine your face again. Determine the places where hair grows best and what shape it has.
  • Mentally imagine yourself with a beard that seems most acceptable to you.
  • If necessary, allow the hair to grow further to the desired length.
  • You can give your hair the desired shape yourself using: a mirror, shaving cream, a fine-tooth comb, scissors, and a trimmer. But it’s better to trust a specialist, and in the future just correct the contours.

Beauty salons and hairdressers offer a newfangled service - computer modeling. Your photo is placed in a special computer program, and you, together with a consultant, choose the ideal beard shape for yourself. You have the opportunity to look at the approximate result in advance.

Remember, choosing a beard is a personal decision, do not set barriers to your imagination, try experimenting with different styles. Hair color should also be taken into account. Blondes, for example, will suit almost any type of beard, while brunettes will have to stick to a compact one.

For every man, a beard is a manifestation of individuality, a special style and distinctive features of his character. Historically, the beard represents a symbol of masculinity, and both in those days and today, many men demonstrate military qualities and manifestations of their strong character, style and attitude to fashion with the help of a beard.

Many centuries ago, a beard demonstrated authority, endurance and strength. Today, a beard is an image and a tribute to fashion, but not a manifestation of physical strength.

Fashion trends do not stand still and people follow them. This also applies to hairdressing, so people are increasingly turning to professionals for help in the hope of changing their image. This applies not only to appearance, clothing design and haircuts, but also to beards and mustaches. It is very important for all those who would like to wear a beard to understand that it is not suitable for every face type, so you need to choose a certain shape for yourself. The density of the bristles is also important.

Features of choosing a beard shape

Charismatic and creative people especially often wear a beard, emphasizing their strong character. Choosing a form is a purely individual process. Some men choose a mustache, sideburns or beard to hide certain imperfections on their face (scars, scratches, imperfect face shape, scars, etc.).

The wrong beard shape can have the opposite effect - distorting your appearance and changing the contour of your face. That's why beard styling is a scrupulous and responsible process that requires experience, knowledge and skills.

When deciding on the shape of your beard, consider the thickness of the stubble and its color. For example, dark hair should not be made too voluminous to avoid strong contrast between the face and beard, as well as to avoid visual fullness of the cheeks.

When choosing a facial haircut, a man's height also plays an important role. For example, short men need to choose a small beard, while guys of average and tall height will suit almost any beard. Moreover, to improve body proportions and visually increase the oval of the face, a thick beard will help tall men.

How to choose the right shape for yourself is shown in the video:

The following criteria will help you decide on the form:

Triangular face contour

To equalize the proportions of the body, since the upper part of the chin is much wider than the lower part, you should make a long or classic beard.

Round oval

A trapezoidal beard will help create an almost perfect facial contour. The shape of such a beard should connect the temples and a mustache, the edges of which should go down, is very suitable for it.

Rectangular face contour

A horseshoe beard and sideburns will help lengthen your face.

Oval shape

If you have the right oval shape, then you can not only wear any beard, but also constantly experiment! In this case you have no restrictions.

Square shape

Beard hairstyle options

There are a huge number of varieties of beard hairstyles today, and if you decide to grow facial hair, you can choose the right shape for you.

Popular fashionable beard haircuts - on video:


This type of beard is also called “Russian” or “full”. In this case, the beard is preserved in its natural form. Basically, it does not require special care or cutting. Of course, the only rule for a classic beard is thick and coarse stubble, since it won’t look good with sparse hair. In addition, such a beard is also not suitable for blondes, especially if the blonde hair is also sparse. The undoubted advantage of the classic is that it can be adjusted to suit your face shape.

Round beard

Canadian - this is another name for this beard shape; it suits almost all representatives of the stronger sex, but not those with a rounded facial contour. In this case, the Canadian will additionally help to add volume, which is not entirely aesthetically pleasing or beautiful. In its classic version, the Canadian style is worn round, but it can also have variations: it is very important that the lower part of the hairstyle and the mustache on both sides merge at the mouth into a narrow strip.

"Hollywood" stubble

This beard is made around the lips and along the extreme jaw line. Everything else should be shaved clean. This stubble hairstyle is also very popular among Hollywood stars.

Combined beard

This type of vegetation is also called “balbo” (for mixing several styles). This form was invented by a very talented person who devoted his life to the profession of a hairdresser. This beard is easy to make and looks like the letter “T”. In addition to it there may be a mustache, but this is to taste and not at all necessary. Visually, the balbo resembles a Hollywood beard, but with one difference - the absence of a thin connecting strip that connects the beard and mustache.

In addition, in this form you need to follow one more rule - shave off excess hair at the bottom of the corners of the mouth. Balbo is more suitable for square and round face contours, as it perfectly corrects and smoothes the shape.

Balbo anchor

This is a slightly modified version of the previous beard shape (balbo). Unlike the previous version, the anchor has a clear outline and small hair size. Among other things, an anchor is a cone-shaped beard with a sharp end and a small strip of hairs from the chin to the lower lip.

It is due to this shape, reminiscent of an anchor, that the beard received its name. It is very original, but difficult to do. Sometimes only a master can do this, since if the symmetry is broken or the cone is touched, the beard will have to be shaved off completely. An anchor helps to visually lengthen the face (stretch it out), so this shape is ideal for men with a round and square contour.

Van Dyck

This style was founded among barbers under the emotions of seeing the work of the artist A. Van Dyck. The characteristic distinguishing features of this type of stubble are long, curled mustaches and a vertical strip of hair that starts at the chin and extends to the middle of the lower lip.

This haircut can visually narrow the face, so it is especially suitable for men with a wide oval.

Goat haircut

This beard has a small vertical stripe under the lower lip and is very popular in many countries, especially among young people.

Sometimes the most creative men do this hairstyle on the chin and it differs in length (they braid it or wear it loose).


It is also called an “island” - this is the lightest beard hairstyle, which involves a small strip of hair under the lower lip in the center.

Skipper uniform

This style is gaining popularity in very wide circles around the world. A beard is characterized by the absence of a mustache and is performed in two variations: a short haircut and a long beard, which is located between the neck and the jawline. With the help of such stubble, you can correct the irregular contour of the chin (if the owner of the beard has an irregular shape) or sharply highlight the lower jaw, outlining it with the help of such vegetation.

Suvorov haircut

This beard style features vertical downward sideburns that rise at the corners of the lower jaw and connect to a mustache. In this case, the chin remains completely shaved. The Suvorov beard can visually expand the face, so it is recommended to be worn by men with a narrow contour.

Duck tail

A beard in this style is identical to the Russian one, but its difference is that it looks more well-groomed (not so long and properly trimmed).


It is also called a “fork” because visually it resembles this kitchen utensil. This haircut includes thick hair on the cheeks and lower chin, as well as a mustache. The tip of the vegetation is forked, which resembles a French fork. This facial hairstyle has a distinctive feature - the longer it is, the more popular, exotic and creative it is.


This beard is also called a “sail”. With this look, the chin is clean shaved, and the thick sideburns are connected to the mustache in a vertical position. In the classic version, the side hairs of the beard remain long and are combed to the sides or upwards.

"A curtain"

The curtain style beard has a "creeping" shape - this is where the hair runs down the lower part of the face along the jawline, which should be perfectly shaved.


These are the main styles of beard hairstyles, but every owner of facial hair can come up with their own original style. The most important thing, as already noted, is to choose the right shape.

If you are cutting facial stubble yourself, you must prepare and know the basic rules. The video shows how to trim a beard correctly and all the features of such a meticulous job:

If you have dark, even, thick stubble, you can experiment with your beard as you please. Even guys 18-20 years old create beautiful beard hairstyles and wear them with pride. For young people, a canadian, fly or anchor is most suitable, but here everything is individual. Adult men most often choose thick Hollywood stubble, Russian uniform, French, etc.

A beard should emphasize advantages and hide existing shortcomings, and not vice versa - this is a priority.

How to properly care for such vegetation - in the video:

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Fashion goes in cycles and the time has come again when the beard has returned to the peak of popularity. Walking down the street, have you noticed how many young guys and older people with beards are around? I think the answer is obvious. Girls are thrilled by brutal guys, boys become more masculine and sexier in the eyes of women.

Beards started to grow after the 2010s, when the hipster boom hit and both genders lost their identity. Beard - a great way to remind everyone that you are a man. Nowadays, there are a large number of types of beards and with the same number of nuances regarding face shape, style, degree of thickness and shade. I warn you, this luxury costs a lot of effort.

Growing a good and beautiful beard is a rather long process that requires patience. You need to endure that stage of beard growth when you look like a “homeless person.” And so we went:

Triangle face shape

The narrow chin, so characteristic of this type, should be softened a little. A square or round beard, as well as the classic type, will visually expand the lower part of the face, thereby removing the obvious contrast of a narrow chin.

Round face type

A round face should be slightly roughened, highlighting the chin. In time, a trapezoidal or temple-to-temple beard will come. You can also add a neat, medium-sized mustache, which will visually help lengthen the rounded shape of your face. In addition, a goatee is suitable.


It would be a good idea to choose a beard to round out the square shape. In this case, sideburns and a chin will come in handy. Do not overdo it with volume, because a beard that is too voluminous will make your face even wider.

Rectangular face shape

This face shape prefers a thicker beard on the sideburns, cheeks, and a mustache with a shaved chin. A rounded horseshoe beard or regular sideburns will do. It is worth visually expanding the face.


And so congratulations. Those with an oval shape are the luckiest. It suits almost any beard style. So don’t use your imagination and experiment.


Often plump, sometimes with shaving of hair on her cheeks. With a full beard, only the upper part of the cheeks and mustache are shaved.


This wide and thick beard goes well with a neat mustache. This is the case when the beard can look a little disheveled and careless. Grow it to 10-15 centimeters, and then slightly round its base.

"Short Boxed Beard"

Wide Old Dutch beard, but with a mustache.

"Van Dyke"

The characteristic features of this style are a long mustache curled upward, as well as a vertical strip of hairs that start at the chin and extend to the middle of the lower lip.


Worn either alone or with an elegant mustache. It is a neat thin beard along the cheekbones without extending onto the neck. The main feature is the presence of the letter “T” under the lower lip.


We all know the famous Jack Sparrow, after whom this beard style is named. A mustache extends down from the corners of the mouth in combination with a goatee, divided into two braided braids.


Similar to a goatee, but here the beard occupies the entire rounded chin, and in this case the shape is rounder.

"The Zappa"

The style of the American multi-instrumentalist Frank Zappa. Thick, medium-sized mustache with downturned ends, combined with a small island of beard.

"Hollywood beard"

Hollywood celebrities have made this beard a favorite of women and many men. Of course, if you want to look like a Hollywood star, you will have to carefully take care of your beard and visit the hairdresser on time.

"Wide Tanks"

A style suitable for those who are delighted with long and thick sideburns. The chin always remains clean, but what to do with the mustache (to shave or not to shave?) is up to you. It is important here that the lower edge of the sideburns clearly follows the lower line of the chin.


Starting from the temples, goes down, bordering the cheekbones to the corners of the mouth, and then bends upward, smoothly turning into a mustache. The chin remains clean.


Thin, curling mustache, like that of the well-known artist Salvador Dali.

"Friendly Mutton Chops"

Thick sideburns covering not only the cheekbone, but also half of the face. Along the edge of the upper lip, the sideburns connect to the mustache. The area under the lower lip and around the chin is left bare.

"Rap Industry Standard"

This beard consists of very fine contours. Similar to Henry IV's beard, it extends around the mouth. But it has a difference in the form of a thin strip from the chin to the lip.


A beard growing from the top of the face, running along the cheekbone, covering it completely. No mustache needed here.


The name speaks for itself. In this case, the beard line lies along the axis of the chin, passing under the lower lip. The temples and cheeks are shaved.


Shave only your chin and neck, and grow sideburns in other places. This image won't suit everyone, so make sure your personality matches the image.

A beard and mustache are something like a stylish accessory to one’s appearance, making a person more attractive and intelligent. Oh, how much I suffered until I chose the design - my wife rejected most of the options. At work, we were often surprised by the constant change of image. Types of men's beards now include dozens of styles. With the help of numerous types and haircuts of beards for men, you can express individuality, as well as add some “zest” and mystery.

And if a few years ago a cool beard was associated only with hipsters, now the very concept of a “hipster beard” is used less and less, and more and more young people are interested in types of mustaches and beard designs. True, more and more young men are asking the question “why do we need a mustache?”

Becoming a brutal bearded man is not difficult, but it will take some effort and time to determine the shape and length. Which type should you choose so that it correlates with your image and evokes the approval of others?

Deciding on your face type

The first step is to determine your face type:

So, if you determine your face type, then the next step is to decide on the thickness and length of your hair. Those with fair hair can afford a thick frame, but those with dark hair can afford less. Height also plays a role when choosing a beard and mustache style. Tall young people can choose wide, thick looks, but short ones can choose a modest and neat hairstyle. For men of average height, something average will suit them.

Having studied what types of beards there are, and decided on the shape of your face, your height and hair color, you need to be patient and get started.

Beginning of regrowth

The algorithm is as follows:

  • stop shaving;
  • after 15 days, carefully examine the changed face in the area of ​​the mustache and beard - in which areas the hairs grow better, what kind of shape emerges;
  • determine the areas where hairs grow better and what shape they have - male stubble grows unevenly;
  • mentally visualize the design you plan to eventually see on your face;
  • if necessary, grow further to the length you need;
  • You can adjust your beard yourself to give it the desired shape. A mirror, shaving cream or gel, comb, scissors, and hair clipper will help with this. But it is better at this stage to trust a specialist, and in the future only adjust and correct the form;
  • Beauty salons and barbershops now widely offer the service of 3D computer modeling of beards and mustaches. Your photo is uploaded into a special program, and together with a stylish haircut specialist, you choose the perfect one for yourself. On the screen you can see in advance how your appearance will change with this or that type of stubble on your face. Soon such a program will appear on our website. Come in and check the top menu - perhaps everything is already ready :) A professional consultant will also give advice on how to cut or shave a beard beautifully, how to grow a mustache, where to get a model beard cut, show photos and names of different designs, what types of beard cuts there are, will help you understand all these complex names and varieties: chinstrap, skipper beard, tartan, hispaniola, roggy knotted beard, Canadian, Spanish.

Common beard types

What kind of beards are in fashion now? Let's consider the world TOP:

  1. Classic. Ideal vegetation in its standard sense of the word. To grow it, take time and patience. First you just need to grow your hair (4-5 weeks) and only then try to give it the desired shape. It is best to trim your beard at a hairdresser or barbershop from a specialist. A true master knows the principles of stylish beard cutting for men. The classic beard is always in fashion.
  2. Balbo's beard. This is an attractive frame of the face with your own thick hair in the shape of the letter T. The mustache is also quite bushy, but does not connect with the beard.
  3. Brett's beard, or Hollywood beard. The main distinguishing feature is that the hair covers the chin and lower jaw, but does not connect with the sideburns. Photo of what Bretta looks like
  4. Goatee beard. It is also often called the Spanish beard

    A continuous goatee along the entire chin is called a van dyke. This is what Van Dyke's beard looks like and its photo
  5. Chinstrap, or skipper's (boatswain's, captain's) beard. Outwardly, it looks like a chin strap. This is a thin strip running along the line of the cheeks and chin. Also on the right and left this line connects to the hair. This beard emphasizes the contour of the face. Below is a photo of a stylish beard for men - Chinstrap
  6. Garibaldi's beard. Named in honor of D. Garibaldi, a famous Italian general and politician of the 19th century. How to do it: leave a wide beard, connected with sideburns and a thick, beautiful mustache. Maximum length – 20 cm. Pairs perfectly with a handlebar mustache. If you decide to choose this type, you may need it, because... You will need a lot of facial hair.
  7. King's beard. This is a small beard around the mouth, adding elegance and light chic to a man. It won't suit chubby people. Another name is the beard of King Henry IV.
  8. Ducktail. This beard hairstyle consists of a beautiful thick goatee with partially shaved cheeks, tapering sharply under the chin. This style is very rare, but looks stylish and fashionable. Shaping a beard and mustache in this case requires a lot of patience and care. And a hussar mustache looks simply fantastic with this type of beard on men. You will look like a Hollywood actor in all photos. See an example of a model beard cut "Ducktail"
  9. “Box” is a type of beard cutting in which there is wide, spade-shaped hair that will add “weight”. A cool beard that looks great on powerful tall guys. Have you chosen this type? Then first read. Photo of what the “box” looks like.

Rare beard types

You can also do beard styling, which results in unusual options:

Also see:

Types of beards for men without mustaches

Every day, such styles without mustaches among men are gaining popularity. Why do you need a mustache? They are able to give any guy masculinity and brutality and hide defects. But beards without mustaches require less maintenance.

Options for those who don’t understand why a mustache is needed:

  • old Dutchman Quite a full head of hair with the top of his chin completely shaved. The length can be infinite. Just be careful that birds don’t build a nest in it;
  • island (front sight). This is a type of beard on men in which a tiny area covered with hair is located under the lower lip right in the middle;
  • goatee without mustache Lincoln, or Scottish. This is a stylish haircut, which is a type of skipper beard. There is no specific standard for how to cut it correctly, so here the owner can be creative.

If you want your facial hair to look decent and attractive, then it needs careful care. The best thing to do is contact a professional stylist who knows what haircuts and beards there are, beautiful mustaches, beard and moustache styles and how to make a beard neat.

But if you decide to take care of the shape, length and contour yourself, then first of all you need to buy a trimmer. Remember that no matter what frames your face - a goatee, a skipper beard, a hipster beard, a Mexican beard, a Spanish beard, a top knot braid - it is part of your fashionable image, and therefore the key to success in building a successful career and making new contacts.

An elegant element of a man’s appearance is a beard and mustache, which can create an individual look. Growing them is not a tricky task, but not every man can take proper care and decide on the shape. Which beard should you choose to highlight your image? How to choose the right beard for your face type? Today we are talking about this.

In ancient times, a beard symbolized power, strength and courage. Now, often, these are dramatic changes in appearance. If the beard is perfectly matched to your face, then you will look more intelligent, attractive and courageous. Otherwise, an incorrect shape can only spoil the appearance.

Types of beard

To choose the ideal beard shape, each man needs an individual approach. It is worth remembering that with its help you can hide some imperfections in appearance or emphasize facial features.

According to face shape

First of all, you need to determine what type of face you have. Any beard configuration is suitable for an oval shape. If we talk about an elongated shape, then the ideal option would be sideburns and a round “horseshoe”. But, under no circumstances should you do a “goatee”. They will narrow the face even more. For men with a round face shape, a trapezoidal beard is perfect. If you have a triangle face, then the best option is square or horseshoe shapes.

By hair height and color

A very important aspect in choosing the right beard is the man’s height. If you are a tall person, it is possible that a fluffy and voluminous beard will suit you. Short men should strive for minimalism. Do not forget also that hair color plays an important role in choosing the type of beard. Brunettes suit a beard with a short haircut, but men with blond hair can consider a curvy beard.

How to choose the right beard shape?

Look at yourself

First, stand in front of the mirror and try to look at yourself in a new way. Carefully study the shape of your face, the main thing is not to miss important details. Stop shaving for two weeks and look at yourself in the mirror again. You will need to determine the places where hair grows best, as well as its shape. Try to imagine yourself with the type of beard that you think suits you best. If the hair has grown sufficiently, you can begin to design your new image.

Program help

A special online program can be a real assistant in choosing a beard based on your face shape. It is with its help that you can quickly determine what type of face you have. Below, in a visual example, you will see how this or that beard will look on you.


Perhaps you have your own celebrity idols who also wear a beard. Check out their photos. This can also help you decide on the shape of your beard, and you will be one step closer to stardom.

If you still have doubts about choosing your own beard type, then it’s time to turn to professional stylists. After telling them your personal preferences, they will offer you several options that will perfectly suit your face.

A beard today looks very courageous and respectable on a man. Regardless of what beard shape you choose for yourself, remember that its main advantage is that you can refuse it if you wish.

A beard is not only a modern fashion solution, but also a way to correct facial features. The correct shape of the beard and mustache will help make the face more elongated or narrow, remove overly feminine cheekbones and highlight the lower jaw. Now there are different types of beards for men, but how to choose the one that is ideal for your face type?

How to choose a beard for your face shape

With the help of a beard, you can not only give a man more masculinity and strength, but also correct facial imperfections. Before choosing a beard, you need to decide on your face type. The easiest way to choose a beard based on your face type is in specialized barbershops. But you can do this at home.

There are the following face shapes for men:

  • Triangular. With this form, a man has a rather wide and high forehead, but the lines of the lower jaw are narrowed. In order to visually expand the face, you can use a beard of the Russian classic shape. This type of beard involves a large amount of stubble on the cheeks;
  • Round. There are many beard options that suit this face shape. The only caveat is that large, long stubble should not be allowed. In some forms, additions in the form of small mustaches can be used;
  • Rectangular. For this face shape, you need to choose classic beards. It is recommended to use sideburns. A beard with sideburns can visually smooth out an angular jaw;
  • Square. For a square face, it is recommended to choose a beard that completely covers the entire perimeter of the face. With this shape, a beard without a mustache is ideal; a photo can be found on the Internet. A beard with a square face can be of any length. If your face is small, it is better to choose short stubble;
  • Oval. With an oval face, a man can afford any shape of beard and mustache. You can also use any length of bristles.

Another problem for men is pronounced cheekbones. They give the face a little femininity. For sharp cheekbones, men are advised to choose a thick beard with sideburns. If your face is large, you can choose the shape of a Russian classic beard.

The most popular beard types

Most representatives of the stronger sex prefer to use traditional types of beards for men. Many of them have existed for centuries and have long gained fame not only among courageous men, but also among the fair sex.

There are the following traditional types of beards for men:

  • "Anchor" form. This shape gets its name from its visual resemblance to a sea anchor. Previously, this form of beard and mustache was widely popular among sailors. It looks stylish, but is also quite easy to make at home. The “Anchor” shape suggests the presence of thick stubble around the mouth and on the chin, with a minimal amount of stubble remaining on the lower jaw. The peculiarity that this type of beard has is a mustache. They should be quite long and beautifully laid. The shape of the mustache can be selected to suit your face type with the help of a stylist.

Unusual beard shapes

The fashion for beards has led to the emergence of a whole trend in the shape, length and location of stubble. Nowadays, photos and names of exotic beard shapes can be found in huge quantities.

  • Skipper beard. This “hairstyle” is a small section of stubble, which is located from one temple to another. In this case, there is a complete absence of vegetation in the area of ​​the mustache and cheeks. The length of the bristles can vary, but most often it is short;

  • Suvorov's beard. With this shape, the beard goes around the cheeks along the jaw line from the temples to the middle of the bottom of the cheek. Then the line rises and turns into a mustache. The cheeks and chin are shaved smooth. The length of the stubble on the cheeks is usually average, but the mustache can be long;
  • Duck tail. With this beard, the shape resembles an inverted duck tail. This is a full beard that covers the cheeks, the area under the nose, and the chin. In this case, the stubble on the lower jaw is short, and the maximum length is achieved gradually from the ears to the chin;
  • French fork. The shape and growth of this beard resembles a duck's tail. The only difference is that the bottom bristles do not look like a wedge, but like a fork. With this beard shape, it is necessary to wear long stubble;

  • Royal. The famous film hero Jack Sparrow wears a similar beard shape. With this shape, the mustache has long, downward ends, and an area on the chin is shaved in the shape of a “goatee” or an inverted arc. The length of the stubble on the chin may vary;
  • In the style of Sean Connery. This shape suggests short stubble with strictly defined fine lines. Such a beard requires careful care, but it will decorate almost any man. With this form there is a mustache and a line of stubble along the lower jaw, which are connected to each other by thin straight strips;
  • Wide tanks. This beard is quite similar to the Sean Connery style. The difference is the shaved chin and rather wide lines that connect the mustache and the bottom of the chin. In this form, there may be no stubble along the border of the lower jaw.
