The most powerful self-hypnosis. The simplest self-hypnosis technique

Occurring without the influence of another person hypnosis called self-hypnosis. This is a simple and accessible method for everyone to interact harmoniously with the outside world. It is necessary for those who want to master the skills of quick, deep relaxation and restoration of their strength, who want to use their emotions and get the opportunity to get rid of stress. Both hypnosis and self-hypnosis are used to enhance creativity, personal integration, and relaxation. Hypnosis and self-hypnosis is a type of therapeutic suggestion that allows you to manage (neutralize) pain, stress and other negative reactions. A self-instruction manual for real hypnosis and self-hypnosis is the most economical and effective way to master the methodology of hypnotic suggestion.

Healing self-hypnosis - a self-instruction manual for real hypnosis and self-hypnosis

A self-instruction manual for real hypnosis and self-hypnosis was written by professional hypnotist Gennady Goncharov. But even after a quick glance at the content, it will be clear that even an ordinary reader will be able to master and understand the material presented in the book. Hypnosis and self-hypnosis - these methods can be used to solve complex life problems: getting rid of emotional, love, and somatic diseases. The healing power of self-hypnosis does not require financial costs or the use of medications. Your own health improvement will undoubtedly lead to an increase in the quality of life in the professional and material sphere.

Hypnosis, self-hypnosis can be mastered using a real tutorial

Hypnosis and self-hypnosis are serious tools for developing your own skills in any area of ​​life: treatment, career, increasing your own motivation to achieve a goal, effectively influencing others. Hypnosis has been known since ancient times. It has been successfully used by people for thousands of years. Hypnosis is not only absolutely safe, but also extremely beneficial for health. Even the beauty industry uses hypnosis and self-hypnosis - the techniques are used as programs for weight correction. A self-instruction manual for real hypnosis and self-hypnosis is perhaps one of the best teaching aids for those who want to master hypnotism. The book can act both as a textbook for self-study and as additional literature for those who participate in trainings, attend lectures or seminars on hypnosis.

Learning the technique of self-hypnosis does not require a significant investment of time. A few exercises are enough to learn how to put yourself into a trance state, in which you can instill the necessary commands in your subconscious - overcome a phobia, lose weight, quit smoking. Once you learn simple self-hypnosis techniques, you can move on to hypnotizing other people.

What is the ability to put yourself into a hypnotic trance? Perhaps you want to acquire new knowledge (learn English, study, master chess). After several sessions of self-hypnosis with the immersion technique, your learning abilities will increase many times over.

Preparatory exercises

To use self-hypnosis to fulfill your desires, you first need to enter a trance state. Those who are not yet familiar with this technique should go ahead (the page with preparatory exercises will open in a new tab).

To learn the technique of self-hypnosis, you will need a tape recorder or MP3 player, as well as a recording of the self-hypnosis program, the text of which you will find in this article. In the future, you can refuse to listen to the recording, but at the initial stage this is necessary.

It should be borne in mind that self-hypnosis and active self-hypnosis only work effectively if no one distracts you during the session. Turn off your phone, choose a time when you are guaranteed not to be disturbed for at least half an hour. You can conduct a session before bed or immediately after waking up.

So, take a comfortable position, do the preparatory exercises, turn on the recording of the self-hypnosis session (let's call it “Recording No. 1”). For the first time, it will be unusual for you to hear your own voice, but later this inconvenience will disappear.

Preparing “Record No. 1”

Dictate this text into a voice recorder or record it on a computer using a microphone and special software. If you do not have the necessary software, you can download the Audacity program.

“Close your eyes and take a deep breath (pause 3-5 seconds). Now exhale, feel your body relax. Concentrate your attention on your toes. Imagine that they are filled with warm water, becoming heavy and tired.

Now imagine that water begins to gradually fill your body, every cell of it. It goes into the feet (pause 3-5 seconds), spreads into the calves and shins (pause 3-5 seconds), into the kneecaps. Rises higher to the hips and fills the stomach. Take a deep breath, hold your breath (pause 3-5 seconds). Now exhale.

Warm water begins to fill your chest and flow down your arms - from your shoulders to your fingertips. The muscles become heavy and completely relax. Warm water fills the neck and face, reaching the top of the head. Your eyelids grow heavy and close… close… close.”

Note: when you dictate the text of the introductory self-hypnosis technique, pronounce it in an even, monotonous voice, without any intonation. There is no need to rush too much; the hypnotist’s speech should be measured. The text enclosed in brackets does not need to be read.

“Imagine that you are in a cave in which there is twilight. In front of you is a staircase illuminated by a mysterious light source. This staircase has five steps. Now I will ask you to start going down it. With each subsequent step, you will relax more and more, plunging into a state of half-sleep.

Go to step five. Feel how your muscles become flabby and limp. You cannot move your arm or leg. Get down to the fourth step. It’s nice and comfortable here, all the problems are left behind. Third stage. Try to forget that you have a body. Get down to the second step. Nerve endings lose sensitivity.

You have reached the first stage and are now completely relaxed. Allow yourself to enjoy comfort and serenity."

Note: at this stage of self-hypnosis, the brain begins to work in alpha rhythm. This means that critical thinking is turned off and suggestion can be made. The text of the suggestion is compiled in any form, depending on what goals you are pursuing.

For example, if you want to overcome the fear of public speaking in front of a large audience using self-hypnosis, you can read the following text:

“You enjoy interacting with people. You feel relaxed and confident. The audience listens to every word spoken, applause is heard. You express your thoughts easily and freely.”

After it has been said, you will need to end the session. An abrupt exit from the state of self-hypnosis can cause a headache, as well as slight malaise.

The exercise is completed, in the next article we will discuss the technique of putting other people into hypnotic sleep.

Self-hypnosis underlies autogenic training, yoga, Buddhism, Taoism and other systems of personal improvement.

There is an expression: “You are what you think you are.” This means that the qualities of a person’s character, his well-being, emotional state and tone depend on the nature of thoughts (active or passive) that prevail at a certain stage of life or throughout life. The process of thinking itself is essentially self-hypnosis, because not a single thought is wasted, but has a certain effect on the source of the thought, corresponding to the nature of the thought.

The effectiveness of self-hypnosis depends on the strength of thought and the degree of relaxation. Thoughts can be divided into passive and active. Passive thoughts (random, scattered, sluggishly flowing) have a weak impact, but active thoughts (created consciously and purposefully) have a strong impact on the thinker, and the strength of the impact depends proportionally on the strength of the thought. It should be noted that certain passive thoughts, if they are predominant for a long time, have a significant impact.

Self-hypnosis is most effective when active thoughts in the form of target formulas (thoughts that carry a clear, meaningful message to the subconscious) occur against the background of a state of relaxation of the body (relaxation of muscles, blood vessels, breathing). The greater the relaxation of the body, the more pliable the subconscious becomes for target settings, because The “disappearance” of consciousness, which interferes with the entry of target settings into the subconscious, is directly dependent on the degree of relaxation of the body.

The big advantage of this technique is that the hypnotist or hypnotherapist can set a trigger for the desired state. A trigger is usually a predetermined image or thought, by reproducing which a person automatically plunges into the desired state of self-hypnosis. When working with a professional, the trigger is set quite quickly, whereas learning to dive into the required state on your own usually takes much longer.

Attitudes to the subconscious can be expressed in the form of words or in the form of mental ideas. The simultaneous use of verbal formulas and corresponding mental images enhances self-hypnosis.

The strength of the attitude and, therefore, the power of self-hypnosis are directly dependent on the degree of desire (the desire to achieve a specific goal), on the degree of concentration of attention on the attitudes for the subconscious, as well as on the degree of repetition of the attitudes.

Targeted self-hypnosis (performed by a person consciously) can be implemented in the form of:

A mental attitude toward a certain mental state or well-being, toward a certain behavior, toward a certain job;

Autogenic training, where mental attitudes occur against the background of varying degrees of relaxation of the body;

Meditation is a mental state in which a person is able to concentrate on anything of his own free will or not think about what might interfere at the moment (the word “meditation” comes from the Greek “medomai”, meaning “to think about something” and is analogous to the Sanskrit term “dhyana”, meaning “reflection, deepening.” The topic for meditation can be anything, so the number of its specific forms is quite large).

In the 20s, the method of self-hypnosis of the French pharmacist Coue, who called it “a school of self-control through conscious self-suggestion,” became most widespread. Coue's main thesis was: there is no suggestion, there is only self-hypnosis. Patients were asked daily, sitting or lying in a comfortable position, to mentally or whisper repeat 20-30 times self-hypnosis formulas such as: “I am getting better and better... My vision is improving...” Such sessions were recommended 3-4 times a day in a state of rest and relaxation , especially before bed.

In 1932, the German neurologist I. Schultz published the monograph “Autogenic training - concentrated relaxation.” Autogenic training is an active method of psychotherapy, psychoprophylaxis and mental hygiene, aimed at restoring the dynamic balance of the system of homeostatic self-regulatory mechanisms of the human body, disturbed as a result of stress. AT has two levels – lower and higher. The initial course contains six standard exercises. Auto-training begins with learning to relax muscles, followed by classes on mastering the cardiovascular system, influencing the autonomic nervous and musculoskeletal systems. Autogenic training is most effective in the treatment of neuroses, especially neurasthenia, functional disorders and psychosomatic diseases.

Mastering the highest level of AT makes it possible to induce trance states of various levels. Before proceeding to the second stage of AT, the trainee must master the first stage, learning to maintain himself in a state of autogenic immersion for an hour or more. According to Schultz, the AT-2 exercises should teach how to evoke complex experiences that lead to healing through “autogenic neutralization” and catharsis. Analyzing the description of meditative exercises according to Schultz, one can notice that they come down to a series of techniques of a kind of autopsychoanalysis.

Progressive muscle relaxation according to Jacobson is based on the fact that with the help of concentration, the ability to capture tension in the muscles and the feeling of muscle relaxation is first formed, and then the skill of mastering the voluntary relaxation of tense muscle groups is developed. All muscles are divided into 16 groups. The sequence of exercises is from the muscles of the upper limbs to the muscles of the lower limbs. First, a short-term tension is applied to a group of muscles, which are then completely relaxed, and attention is focused on the feeling of relaxation in that area. After complete relaxation, move on to the next muscle group. At the final stage, the patient, after daily analysis of local muscle tensions that arise in stressful situations, independently achieves muscle relaxation and overcomes emotional tension.

By self-hypnosis we mean: the ability to induce a hypnotic sleep in oneself without outside influence and in such a state to instill in oneself this or that idea, feeling, desire. The results of such self-hypnosis are no different from the effect that hypnosis by another person leads to.

A psychologist can teach self-hypnosis techniques to reduce and control excessive anxiety. It has been established that regular practice of self-hypnosis causes a decrease in anxiety and related symptoms. When you practice self-hypnosis, then you feel calmer and more confident, and train your concentration on the present moment. And this in itself is valuable, since anxiety arises when we think about our future. In the present moment we feel calm, and in the next present moment we feel calm, and this allows us to get rid of negative premonitions and heavy thoughts. Fifteen minutes daily is enough to practice self-hypnosis; it can be performed in any environment and at any time. With self-hypnosis, you switch from external sensations to internal ones: remember your feelings when you were driving in a car along a familiar road and lost in your thoughts, but did not miss your turn and did not get into an accident, since some part of your consciousness was watching the road ; remember your feelings when you read an interesting book or watched an exciting film; Remember how children watch their favorite cartoon. These are examples of naturally occurring trance - an altered state of consciousness. It is the trance state that will help you with self-hypnosis. Your subconscious is more powerful than your consciousness, it is capable of finding better solutions than your consciousness, the subconscious has immeasurably more resources.

It should be noted that self-hypnosis is an everyday phenomenon. All of us, without knowing it, plunge from time to time into a spontaneous hypnotic trance. Self-immersion is such an ordinary phenomenon that it doesn’t even occur to anyone to connect it somehow with hypnosis. Spontaneous immersion is a natural result of intense concentration of attention on a book, screen, or any other object of intense activity. An element of hypnosis is also present in religious ceremonies of a ritual nature, especially with the use of musical accompaniment: a significant part of the audience during such services is imperceptibly immersed in a trance. And everyone who drives a car is familiar with the following situation: you are rushing along a deserted highway, relaxed behind the wheel, absentmindedly glancing at the white stripe running into the distance and suddenly catch yourself thinking that you have just driven through the streets of some city and you can't remember anything about him. And everything is explained very simply: you spontaneously entered a hypnotic trance, and upon awakening you experienced partial amnesia.

“A little hypnosis helps patients cope with pain and anxiety about an upcoming minor operation,” doctors say. Patients who have mastered self-hypnotic relaxation techniques experience less pain, require fewer medications to help cope with it, and control their blood pressure more effectively. This conclusion was made by doctors at one of the Boston clinics in the USA, who examined 241 patients, a third of whom mastered the technique of self-hypnosis.

There is a “Quick Allergy Cure” technique. For the first time, the assumption that allergies are similar to a phobia of the immune system was made by Dr. Michael Levy (researcher in the field of immunology genetics, winner of the World Health Association Award) in the mid-80s. This assumption is confirmed by the fact It is known that some allergy sufferers experience a rapid change or disappearance of allergic symptoms when they are distracted or fall asleep. It is also known that some people may become resistant to allergies or allergies go away with age. There have been cases where allergies spontaneously disappear when switching to a balanced diet or in the process of psychological changes in the work of psychologists. Such observations gave reason to assume that there is something in allergies that operates both neurologically and physiologically. Thus, Dr. Levy's assumption prompted Robert Dilts to explore the possibility of using the principles developed by NLP to treat persistent long-term phobias in healing allergies. As a result of the research, the process of three allergy anchors was identified. This process was later reworked through the efforts of Susie Smith and Tim Hallbom into the NLP technique - “Quick Allergy Cure” without the use of medications.

Variants of autosuggestive influences

Currently, a large number of self-hypnosis techniques are used. Let's look at some of them.

The method of “controlled animated dreams” (or hypnotic imagogy) is used to treat neurotics. The main idea of ​​the method is in the vertical direction. The patient is asked to dive to the bottom of the sea and climb a high mountain. In a state of deep self-hypnosis, these images appear clearer, more vividly and more abundantly. The procedure, according to its creators, complements psychoanalysis, reducing its time.

Hypnoanalysis involves patients figuratively experiencing their dreams in a hypnotic state, learning further details, understanding connections and meaning.

The method of “free animated dreams” was developed in 1956 by A. Argus. Particular importance was attached to the patient developing completely free images, without influences or direction from anyone else.

The method of “symbolic visualization” has a close connection with psychosynthesis and makes it possible, in certain conflict situations, to figuratively experience liberating and healing symbolic events.

Fist clenching technique. Place your right hand horizontally, give the subconscious instruction: “let your right hand clench into a fist.” And watch what happens. Of course, you can clench your hand into a fist consciously, but in this case, let the hand clench by itself, let your body do it... In this exercise you can clearly understand the difference between conscious and unconscious movements. You don’t know which finger will bend now, and it is very interesting to watch how the fingers bend: you make a prediction that the index finger will now bend, and the little finger will begin to move. And these movements are jerky. And many of you may have noticed a very special feeling of “creaking” in your finger joints; when you first perform the exercise, this surprises many. And this feeling also indicates the unconscious nature of the movements. In psychotherapy, there is a technique for quickly stopping heart pain, called the “unclenching fist method”; the patient is given simple instructions - to concentrate on the pain, clench his left fist, and give him the command to unclench on his own... This usually takes (like you) five minutes, during which time the pain completely stops. This is also a hypnotic technique, and the descriptions of sensations in patients are the same - “creaking” in the joints of the fingers, unpredictability of the next movement of the fingers, etc.

Technique for bringing hands together. This technique is sometimes called the "super reliable" trance induction technique. It really works very well, it's very simple, easy to remember. It can be used to work with a partner or for self-hypnosis. Sit comfortably. The correct position of the arms is important here: the shoulders are pressed to the body (not pressed forcefully, but simply adjacent to it), the arms are bent at the elbow joints, the forearms are extended forward, suspended, the palms are open parallel to each other. Focus on the sensations in your palms and imagine that there is something in that space between your palms - maybe some kind of magnetic field or biofield, if you like psychic terminology... Or imagine that the space between your palms can change properties - it can become denser or looser... And this field or this space can push your hands apart or attract them... And then it becomes even denser, even more intense... Imagine that between your palms there is a ball filled with energy... And you can give it a more compact size... When your hands come closer together... very slowly or a little faster... with unconscious movements... And then the energy between your palms becomes more and more. .. You can even see its glow... And you understand this when your hands get even closer... And then this ball can shrink to the size of a tablet... which can be made even smaller...

Chapter from our book “Self-hypnosis and active self-hypnosis.

To speed up work on a goal or increase efficiency, you can additionally engage in active self-hypnosis without self-hypnosis. Especially for those who want to get results as quickly as possible with minimal effort, we have several recipes.

Self-hypnosis in front of the mirror

You can practice self-hypnosis several times a day; any mirror in which you can see at least your entire face is suitable for this. Of course, the larger the mirror, the better, but you can be content with small ones.

It is more effective to practice self-hypnosis in the morning, thereby performing such psychological gymnastics, a morning ritual. You can do this along the way, between times, because... We all look at ourselves in the mirror at least once during the day.

Stand in front of the mirror, look at your reflection and affirmatively say your formula of suggestion or epithet of the desired goal, state, mood. For example, in the morning you want to get into a cheerful and working mood; to do this, say the appropriate suggestions in front of the mirror several times: “Cheerfulness! Activity!”, say or even shout (if possible) these words several times in a cheerful and active voice. Include your facial expressions, gestures, and voice into your work as much as possible; the more we involve our entire body in the work, the stronger the effect will be. Depict as much as possible, play from the heart the desired state, because... If in the reflection you look lethargic and sleepy, then even standing in front of the mirror all day will not achieve much of an effect. Repeat several times so that you like it, so that you yourself believe and get used to this role.

Recording text on the player and listening to this recording

This is perhaps the simplest method, which is especially popular among young people, but it also requires some effort. Record your suggestion formula on a voice recorder, and then listen to it on headphones throughout the day. For this, any simple digital player or cell phone that has this function will suit you.

It is better to use small headphones that are inserted into the ear; by the way, one will be enough. Insert one earphone into your non-dominant ear. A person has not only a leading hand or an eye, but also an ear. The lead is the one to which you usually put the phone, so the earphone needs to be inserted into the other ear. Then set the recording to play on repeat so that it automatically repeats itself as soon as it ends, and listen to the same recording all day (or better yet, several days). It is advisable that the suggestion formulas be simple to begin with and affect only one goal, and that the sound of the recording be adjusted so that you hear it, but it does not distract you from your current affairs.

Thus, you go about your business - communicate with colleagues, talk on the phone, work, study, read, and attention is directed to the processes in which you are involved. And at this time, almost imperceptibly, your voice instills in you useful attitudes. Your mind is busy with other things at this time, and the recording will not be perceived critically, which is what we need. Because It is non-judgmental (non-critical) perception that is one of the conditions for suggestion. This is why we immerse ourselves in self-hypnosis, to reduce our criticality, and this method can be an excellent addition during the day.

Self-hypnosis immediately after waking up or before going to bed

This technique is old, it was proposed by Emile Coue, but it also deserves attention. As they say: “everything new is well forgotten old.” Its main advantage is simplicity and good performance.

The technique is based on the fact that during the process of falling asleep or immediately after waking up, a person is more suggestible and more susceptible to attitudes. To do this, you only need to spend five minutes before going to bed or immediately after waking up. When falling asleep, repeat your settings several times (Emile Coue in his writings suggested repeating at least 20 times, counting the repetitions on a rosary), it is important that the last thoughts and words of the passing day are devoted to your goals and objectives.

This ritual can be repeated in the morning, to do this, set the alarm clock a little earlier than you usually wake up, in the morning, when you wake up, go back to bed, close your eyes and repeat the pre-prepared self-hypnosis formulas several times. If you are afraid of falling asleep again and being late, for example, for work, then set the alarm again, giving yourself 5-10 minutes to spare. If you do fall asleep, it doesn’t matter, it turns out that you gave yourself instructions immediately after waking up and before going to bed at the same time. It’s difficult to say whether this will increase efficiency, but it certainly won’t be worse.

Rituals and code words

To enhance the results of self-hypnosis, you can regularly use post-hypnotic rituals. To do this, outline in detail the main goal in your journal (what you want to achieve, what is your task), then express the essence of your goal, task in two or three sentences. And finally, compress it all down to one single signal phrase (maybe up to two or three words) or even one code word. It is advisable for this word to be pronounced to oneself in an unusual way or to be encountered very rarely in everyday life, but it is better to come up with this word for yourself or take it from another very rare and exotic language. Repeat this spell to yourself during self-hypnosis (while imagining the image of the desired goal) and throughout the day.

You can add any ritual to the code word. As a ritual, you can use quite simple and at the same time unusual actions for you. For example, you can brush your teeth with the other hand (if right-handed, then with the left, if left-handed, then with the right) and repeat your spell to yourself.

Kopytov Mikhail Alexandrovich,

hypnotherapist, director of the Siberian Hypnosis Center
