Funny scenes for a man's 70th birthday.

General congratulations

It's very difficult to express in words
What's on our minds today...
No songs, poems
We can't surprise you anymore.

How we love you, how dear you are to us,
Can you find words about it?
How we want you to be cheerful
There was, perhaps, still up to a hundred years!

So that illness does not torment you,
My soul didn’t care for the children,
Your wife was affectionate with you,
She spoke tender words more often.

So that there is always enough pension,
So that the soul would be young.
So that the eightieth anniversary
You also met in a circle of friends.

I didn’t sigh that my life was all behind me,
There are many bright days ahead:
Go fishing more often
Pick berries in the forest,

Dry the mushrooms for the winter,
Plant trees under the window,
Good things to hear from people -
Life is all about little things!

And for your seventieth anniversary
We all need to drink quickly!

Life just so happened that V. G. is rich in children: relatives and those who became family to him. It’s just that everyone had to live apart, but maybe that’s why you are all closer and dear to each other. Present at today's anniversary are the very, very bloody, beloved daughters Tanyushka and Larisa. The word for congratulations to you (congratulations from yourself, granddaughters and Sasha Klimenko)
- Not only granddaughters Katya and Ksyusha could not attend the anniversary today. Irina and Nastya sent their congratulations to VG, I will read the telegrams.
- Yura will congratulate his beloved uncle (congratulations from Lena, Vanya and Tanya)

(A siren sounds) 3 doctors appear in white coats, with a heating pad, thermometer, etc. (huge thermometer) A beautifully designed diploma is read out

We, a team of anniversary medical workers - MEDIUM LLC, have been monitoring the life activity of the respected JUBILER for 70 years! As a result, we approved a new standard of living, which received number 19 during state registration. 03.37 - 03.19.2007 “JUBILEE” On the basis of which the hero of the day was issued a state diploma.
We ask you to listen to him carefully!
The entire council of doctors,
What came to this
I examined the hero of the day,
And, of course, I was stunned!

Ear, throat, nose, liver,
Heart, kidneys, spleen,
Brains were also appreciated
On the subject of blues, melancholy.
Taking the convolutions of the depth,
And intestinal length,
Having calculated the metabolism,
The width of all holes
The conclusion was this:

Overall this copy
Cheerful, healthy, not at all old.
We conclude:
Doesn't need treatment!
Is it just to relax?
Maybe go to the sea.
To the Obskoe Razlivnoe,
To the Siberian Sands.
Or at my daughter’s hacienda,
On the lawn, under the bushes!

G. Berdsk 03/19/2007

How to celebrate Slavin's anniversary
The table is full of guests,
Honest people gathered
The loaf will sing to him.
Dear guests, it’s time to get up from the table, stretch your legs, and sing a song. (A circle is formed, the hero of the day is in the center, “Loaf” is performed)

Happy anniversary,
We wish you happiness together.
This is the width
That's how tall it is.
I went fishing
To bring fish
This is the width
That's how tall it is.
So that from fishing to the doorstep,
And the wife was carrying a pie
This is the width
That's how tall it is.
So that you don’t get bored with Natasha,
I poured a shot glass more often
This is the width
That's how tall it is.
So that guests come,
And they brought gifts
This is the width
That's how tall it is.
So that there would be happiness in the sea,
And if there is grief
These are the dinners
This is how low it is.

First break:

Sister-in-law Olga congratulates VG, her congratulations will be continued by Artem and Lena, a postcard from Yanochka and Kolya is read out.

We want to congratulate you
And also introduce to your friends:
The first was always the artist
The roles are all yours for an encore.
You were both a goblin and a Chukchi,
I sang ditties with Vasya wonderfully,
Ambassador from Kyrgyzstan.
Yours has surpassed all ambassadors.
Where is Kyrgyzstan - there is pilaf
And cook it so that
We are like Aksakal to you
We give you a cauldron and a bowl.
No matter what the pilaf burns,
To get there on time,
Please accept the watch from us
And to the kitchen, good time!
Now cook pilaf for your friends
About three times a year.
We will, eat, praise you,
Drink arak to your health.
Happy Anniversary,
We wish you many years to come.
To be healthy and cheerful,
I didn't forget about fishing.
Treat us with fish,
And in general, so that you don’t get bored.
So that my wife, children and granddaughters
You loved as coolly as possible.

And let them love you
They will caress you and kiss you.
And so be it for a hundred years,
I want a drink for that!

For some, wealth is joy,
For others, it is an honor and a reward.
But any wealth is more valuable
A faithful friend is with you!

Today V.G.’s friends gathered at this table: They all met at different times and under completely different circumstances. First of all, we want to give a word of congratulations to guests from the North! (northern music sounds)
A word to my stage partner, bathhouse companion, and just good friend Vasily Mikhailovich Bulakh!
And this lady, Antonina, is our compatriot twice: in the North and in Kyrgyzstan. In the winter we worked with her in the Far North, and in the summer we sunbathed with her in Bystyry, on the Issyk-Kul sand. Tonya, over to you!
Fishing is a sure way not to be left without friends! And who knows, if it weren’t for fishing, we would have made such wonderful friends as Nikolai and Galina. I met. In G with Nikolai on a fishing trip, and then it turned out that they were also avid mushroom pickers like us. Old friends, don’t be jealous, we now also have wonderful friends here in Berdsk, over to them! (congratulations to the fisherman's friend)
My fisherman friend!
I congratulate you on your anniversary!
But I won’t say loud words,
I wish you good health,
And so that you and I always have a catch!

And so that our wives don’t grumble,
When we came back from fishing,
We caught so few fish
And why don’t they carry fish from the store!

After all, you yourself know what it means,
There will be no luck on this day!
They don’t understand how much patience we need to have,
To sit by the hole with a fishing rod all day!

Oh, it's not easy at all
Our share as a fisherman!
That's why the ice doesn't freeze into rivers,
Otherwise the fish won't bite!

But we will not change our habit,
And as soon as the ice freezes,
You and I will put on backpacks, my friend,
And let's go...!

I will end mine with these words:
May good luck be with us!
Let your hand be light when fishing,
Neither your scales nor your fin!

Fisherman friend Nikolai.

Then a gypsy woman asks to visit us and says that she will tell Grigorich’s fortune for free. Well, maybe we’ll pour her a glass. Well, shall we let her in? (A gypsy woman enters, takes out a deck of cards - postcards on which the fortune telling text is printed. She takes the cards one by one and reads out the text, saying various gypsy jokes. Fortune telling is accompanied by gypsy music.)

The gypsy lays out the cards:
1) Lies and flattery are alien to cards,
The cards will tell it like it is.
I'll spread the cards out to you,
I learn a lot of new things.

2) The cards tell me that your name is diamond Vyacheslav,
And it means yours - Most Glorious!
But you don’t strive to be the most important,
Neither in friendship, nor in big things!
You have equal rights in everything!
Will you willingly agree to help?
You always strive to be useful!

3) You were born diamond on a spring day,
"Two Pisces" is your heavenly sign.
You can't live without fish!
That’s why you are such an avid fisherman, whether in winter or summer, fishing is your favorite hobby. Am I telling you the truth, golden? And you also love fish pie and stuffed fish. Did you guess right? That's my fish!

4) I’ll tell you, dear, that every person is born under the protection of a certain tree. So, the cards say that Lipa protects you. This means that you are a generous person in friendship, a gift in any company! It’s always interesting and fun to be with you, you are an artistic and enthusiastic person! Passionate fan, hunter, fisherman!
Friends are always around you,
You always have a lot of them.
And you have to be born with a linden tree,
To stay cheerful for a long time
With a smart, clear head,
Not an aging soul!

5) Let's look at this card, what it tells about you:
You were born in the year of the ox.
Your life has passed in works and worries.
Ox loves family and is proud of children,
He is faithful in marriage and loved by his wife.
Friends are safe and have fun with it!

6) And also, my golden one, I’ll tell you fortune using a flower horoscope.
So the cards say that your flower is special - Lily.
Let's compare you with such a flower, we will find out
That everyone who comes across Lily will not be saved - they will get carried away.
You are sweet and so cordial, everyone loves you endlessly!

7) It turns out, our precious one, why women love you so much! Yes, and you reciprocate their feelings, you live all your life surrounded by them, like in a bouquet. Come on, accept a bouquet of your favorite women!
(The flowers are made in the form of daisies from colored foil, in the center of each flower there is a photograph of women close to the hero of the day - wives, daughters, granddaughters, nieces, etc. Attached to the bouquet is a postcard, which is read out by the hero of the day himself)
Natasha, Tanyusha, Larisa, Irina!
Katyusha, Nastyusha, and Ksyusha and Nina!
For you, my heart is one with love!
And Yana and Olya, Larisa and Tonya!
Galina and Vera, Raisa and Lena!
Sister Margarita, niece Dasha
I really need your love!
I love my women
They reciprocate, I know!
My whole life with you is warmed like the spring sun!
And at seventy years old, mine is certainly not sung!

Second break:

There can never be too many pleasant words and congratulations, so I propose to congratulate VG once again. Everyone who received a prize - a postcard with congratulations, read these congratulations to him.

Today there were a lot of kind and wonderful words addressed to the hero of the day, perhaps it’s my turn to say everything I think about him!
My dear husband, we are going through life, with you, neither more nor less, but for 33 years already. There was everything in our life: both joy and sorrow, but when we are together, it is twice as easy to overcome it all!

We crossed the field of life with you,
It's not in vain that we've lived together for so many years.
We worked and argued with fate,
Giving each other the warmth of our souls.

It was both very easy and difficult for us,
Life was full of misfortune and happiness.

Today I want to wish, my love,
To you health, happiness and warmth.
So that the blizzard does not chalk your life,
And life was bright and happy.

Dear guests, I ask you all to raise your glasses and drink once again to the health of the hero of the day!!! Let’s all shout “CONGRATULATIONS!” together three times.

And now V.G. wants to say a response!

Competitions, mini postcards with congratulations are given to guests as prizes.

First break:

For guests, guessing words with missing letters.
Words with missing letters are written large on pieces of paper, for example:
UD...CH...A; O...YAT...;...KU...L (fishing rod, honey mushrooms, perch) You can come up with a lot of words related to the hobby of the hero of the day. When guessing, you can help guests by suggesting what this word means for the hero of the day.
- What do we think about the hero of the day! (each guest pulls out a piece of paper with the text, then, when all the sheets of paper are distributed, the texts are read out) For example, on the sheets of paper it is written:
I can't live without you. Don’t teach me how to live, but rather give me money. You are the most faithful friend.
It's better for you not to know. Nothing bad can be said about you. Sometimes you allow yourself too much. You are worthy of emulation. You're hard to please. There is a secret hidden in you. We appreciate your wit. Etc.
- Relay race of two teams of 5 people. You can even arrange this in the hallway of an apartment, moving from one end to the other in two teams. Returning to the beginning of the competition, the first pair passes the baton to the second pair, etc. (the first pair is running in sacks, you can use small bags of 10 kg of sugar - it will be even more fun; the second pair can move around with a piece of paper in front of them - cover of a magazine, then step on this piece of paper, go to the next similar piece of paper, turn around and take the previous piece of paper, put it in front of you, etc. The third pair runs with a ball clamped between their legs; 4th and 5th people run fourth, turning around, with their backs to each other and holding each other's arms.
- Thermometer. Without using their hands, both teams quickly pass the fake thermometer so that it is always under their left hand.
- Strongest. The strongest, most dexterous and courageous men are invited - no more than 5 people. Newspapers have been prepared in advance. The task is to hold the right hand behind your back, using only your left hand, holding the newspaper by the corner, and form it into a fist. Whoever is the fastest and most agile is the winner.

Second break:

- "Rybakov"
A rope is tied to a fishing rod (you could use a mop handle), with a nail at the end. You need to hit the neck of the bottle with a nail. You need to stand at a distance of the length of the rod. Guests compete in turns, the one who hits the neck with a nail the most times in 1 minute wins.
- for guests: 4 ribbons attached to a pencil. Who can twist the entire ribbon faster?
- Crooked path.
On the floor, draw a curved, serpentine line - a path - with chalk (you can put colored tape). Looking at your feet all the time through inverted binoculars, you need to walk the path from one end to the other without tripping.

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70 years old for a man - only at first glance seems pretentious, boring or serious. In fact, such an event can be quite interesting and even fun.

Of course, such an advanced age imposes a number of restrictions both on the celebration itself and on gifts, toasts, congratulations, and even on the decorations used for the room.

What to consider when choosing a script?

For such a man’s anniversary (70 years old), a cool scenario that requires excessive physical activity is not always suitable, even if its content turns out to be interesting and understandable to the elderly birthday boy.

When choosing a ready-made script or creating your own, you should definitely take into account the following nuances:

  • health of the birthday person and guests;
  • age characteristics;
  • personal preferences of the hero of the day;
  • Lifestyle.

The ideal conditions for organizing such an anniversary are to know exactly how the birthday person wants to celebrate the holiday, in order to only complement and diversify these wishes.

Why do you need to pay attention to health?

Of course, when preparing a script for a man’s 70th birthday, there is no need to ask the birthday boy and his guests for medical records or certificates from doctors. You should also not ask direct questions, since they are unethical and may offend the older man.

Relatives, especially close ones, in principle, do not have to find out anything; conversations about health are always present within the family. But distant relatives or strangers will have to find out this information.

Health should be understood not only such important points as an unhealthy heart, but also delicate “little things” that, at first glance, have nothing to do with the celebration scenario. It is important to know whether an elderly person has difficulties with digestion, whether he is prone to flatulence, whether he suffers from plethora, whether he has short-term memory disorders, neurological pathologies, tremors, and so on. If possible, you should obtain similar data about elderly guests.

This information is required for only one purpose - to understand which competitions, jokes and table entertainment are not very appropriate for a particular anniversary.

For example, if the birthday boy suffers from indigestion and is prone to flatulence, he should not be forced to actively compete in the center of the hall, as an unpleasant embarrassing situation may occur.

Neurological disorders, as well as increased or intraocular pressure, are absolute contraindications to the use of club type lighting. That is, flashing light design for numbers or competitions, flickering lights and other modern technical techniques associated with color spotlights.

The hero of the day, suffering from plethora, cannot be forced to bend over and squat; accordingly, such competitions are subject to exclusion.

If the birthday person has short-term memory disorders, you cannot use table entertainment with the need to remember something. Tremor is an obstacle to all activities that involve hand motor skills. Writing, throwing darts, throwing balls into baskets and other similar games also do not need to be included in the celebration scenario for this disease.

A tendency to stroke or heart disease does not allow a man (70 years old) to use a cool scenario for such an anniversary, “a new word in organizing holidays,” as they say about such events in agencies, that is, practical jokes. Such entertainment can provoke a heart attack or rupture of a blood vessel in the brain. Of course, we are talking about big draws, and not about scenes at the table.

Unfortunately, in Russia there is no such concept or legal precedent as the responsibility of event organizers for the health and mental comfort of their clients. Meanwhile, in the West, every specialist involved in organizing such events always finds out the full picture of the health status of the hero of the day, and this does not surprise or offend anyone.

What do we mean by age characteristics?

This moment directly determines whether you need to use a cool scenario for a man’s 70th birthday, with an abundance of jokes and humor, or whether you shouldn’t do it. At 70, all people feel differently, this applies not only to health, but also to intellectual capabilities and social position.

That is, for example, one elderly celebrant will enjoy a humorous stand-up comedy table competition, while another simply will not understand what is being said at the table. But out of politeness he will smile.

These are the age characteristics that must be taken into account in everything - from the content of entertainment to the decorative elements in the hall.

How to relate to the personal preferences of the hero of the day?

The scenario of a 70th anniversary for a man, with or without competitions, should correspond as closely as possible to the birthday boy’s ideas about the celebration and his desires. Every birthday should focus on the hero of the occasion's introduction to the celebration, regardless of age. But the older a person is, the more important it is to organize everything the way he wants.

For example, if the birthday boy likes singing to the accordion, the program should be filled with such numbers and competitions, and not jumping in bags. Finding out the preferences of the hero of the day is not so difficult. You should simply ask about them, while offering various scenario options, and, if necessary, explaining what they look like in practice.

Selected in this way, individual fragments and entire scenarios for the anniversary of a 70-year-old man, with humor and competitions, with a program, time for congratulations and toasts, presenting gifts and breaks in the feast, will not disappoint the birthday boy and will be positively received by his guests.

Why consider lifestyle?

A person’s lifestyle shapes his interests and determines what is close to him. For example, you can decorate your anniversary in a nautical style. Accordingly, its program, competitions and other entertainment will be carried out on the same topic. To do this, you will need a white cap with the inscription “Sea Wolf” for the birthday boy, and for guests - “Skipper”, “Boatswain” and so on.

The success of the holiday, where all the guests get on the ship and sail along the waves of years, is guaranteed. However, if the lifestyle of the birthday boy and his friends is dacha, fishing, watching television films, then the most “flat” joke on the topic of a vegetable garden or relating to television characters will evoke much more intense emotions and, moreover, will be remembered for a long time, and theatrical “sea” scenes will be forgotten after just a few minutes.

This is the meaning of paying attention to the lifestyle and habits of the birthday person. Only by taking them into account can you organize a holiday for the hero of the day, and not just a beautiful and cheerful celebration.

Do you need a presenter?

The anniversary scenario - a man's 70th birthday - is not so difficult to implement without a toastmaster, but a presenter will still be required, moreover, depending on the complexity of the program and the number of guests, there may even be several of them.

By “toastmaster” most people mean hiring a person who will “come and do everything.” You can really do without this, moreover, independently prepared and held anniversaries are always better, since close people are far from indifferent to whether the birthday person likes the holiday or not.

As a rule, those who prepared the script for the man’s anniversary lead the celebration. The 70th birthday is the age at which a person can already have adult grandchildren. If they exist, then the right to host it should be given to them; the birthday person will like it.

So that the hosts do not feel left out, which often happens during celebrations in restaurants with a large number of guests, responsibilities should be divided among all close relatives. That is, if there are, for example, 6 people in a family, then all six take turns spending a certain part of the holiday. This approach is also appropriate if the scenario of an anniversary at home is being implemented. The man is 70 years old, that is, a person, even in excellent physical shape, periodically thinks about what he has done, how he has lived his life, what legacy he will leave. Changing family members during an anniversary, of course, if it looks natural, demonstrates the unity of relatives. From the outside, with this style of management, the holiday looks as if the whole family was preparing it.

Are the scenarios different for a restaurant and a home environment?

The number of guests, the availability of free space in the room, the preferences of the birthday boy and much more determine what an anniversary such as a man’s 70th birthday will be like. The scenario at home is no different from what can be implemented in a restaurant, with the exception of some nuances.

For example, the restaurant hall has something that is not in the apartment:

  • space;
  • a platform for musicians or a stage;
  • opportunity to host a large number of guests.

However, a table in the common room, and not a completely rented room, on the contrary, significantly limits the celebration.

There is not a single scenario that cannot be implemented in an apartment. You just need to take into account all its possibilities and come up with an option for implementing the desired competition or artistic performance. For example, live music, which most restaurants tout as a benefit, is not that hard to replace with karaoke. If you need to get free space, you can temporarily move the furniture or move it to another room.

A home celebration has many advantages; it is not acceptable only when there are a large number of guests.

What should an interesting script contain?

An interesting scenario for the anniversary of a 70-year-old man differs from a boring one only in that its program resonates with the birthday boy and his guests. Only this criterion determines whether the script is good or not.

In order for the holiday to be successful, you don’t need creativity. Brilliant ideas are good, but while they are carried away by the implementation of their own unique thoughts, the organizers constantly forget about the main thing - a specific person celebrates the anniversary and the holiday is made for him. If an elderly birthday boy is interested in playing “table detective” or throwing darts, then this is what should fill the script, and not lightsaber fights, wishing trees, etc.

How to write a script?

Any scenario for holding an anniversary has a frame, a kind of lattice, onto which the fragments that make up the celebration are “strung”.

The constant components of each scenario:

  • preliminary part;
  • anniversary opening;
  • the beginning of the celebration;
  • program;
  • completion of the holiday stage with competitions, entertainment, etc.;
  • after-walking

We must not forget that during each part of the script, in addition to the opening, preliminary moments and independent follow-up, there must be breaks.

How to calculate time?

When creating your own scenario for a celebration in a restaurant, you should start by taking into account how many hours are allocated for the event. This time must be divided between the structural components of the script. You should leave at least two hours for the last part, and an hour for the preliminary part. Of course, meeting and seating guests will take less than an hour, but it is better to have time in reserve than to face a lack of it.

The rest of the time is distributed based on the following determining factors:

  • number of guests, close friends and family members;
  • the duration of breaks in the program is from 10 to 20 minutes;
  • On toast it takes from 5 to 8 minutes, with an interval of 8 to 15.

It is unknown how long the guests will talk. The interval is also not a constant value. For example, in the opening part of the anniversary, the period of time between table speeches is always shorter than in the middle of the celebration.

It would be optimal to rehearse the holiday. To do this, you do not need to invite the birthday person and guests. 3-4 family members playing guest roles are enough. Of course, this will only give a rough idea of ​​how the celebration will go. But even such a rehearsal will allow you to avoid many minor mistakes.

What's in the opening?

It is always one of the organizers who begins to implement the scenario for the anniversary of a man turning 70 years old. It’s good if this is done by the “favorite” of the hero of the day. Every family has a favorite grandchild or another “favorite”. Even if this person had nothing to do with the organization of the celebration, one should give him the right to deliver the first congratulatory speech at the table, opening the celebration.

The toast that opened the anniversary is followed by congratulations from family members and very close people. After they are completed, a break is required. This is where the opening of the holiday ends and its main part begins, which alternates:

  • toasts from other guests;
  • program numbers and other entertainment;
  • breaks.

The speech opening the banquet should not be too long, but it should also not be nominal, consisting of a couple of stock phrases.

What to say in the first toast?

The speech opening the anniversary can be delivered in any genre that is pleasant to the birthday person.

An example of an opening in prose style:

"Good evening. We have gathered here to congratulate (name) on an amazing holiday - his birthday. Amazing because every year we live always surprises and gives something new to those who never grow old in soul. And this is precisely your main quality, (name). 70 years is a milestone in the knowledge of life, but there are no less interesting and amazing things ahead.

Let's raise our glasses and open the door to the eighth decade for (name). For you, dear (name)! Happy anniversary!".

How many competitions do you need?

The fullness of the program depends on the number of guests, the duration of the celebration, the availability of artistic performances and a number of individual moments. As a rule, there are no fewer than 4 competitions.

You should prepare at least six. It is better to have a reserve in the program than to face a lack of entertainment. However, you need to remember that quality is more important than quantity. You can, for example, use one big competition that lasts the entire anniversary, if the birthday person himself is against any “special” entertainment.

What can you do if there are a lot of guests?

If there are a large number of guests, a good and interesting option would be a competition such as a raffle for the right to make a toast.

For this, you will need to prepare numbers in advance and attach them to each chair. It's easier and more convenient than handing it to guests. The same numbers must be placed in the drum.

After the opening of the holiday is completed, the host announces that all toasts will be sounded in the order of the lottery drawing, which will begin in 10 minutes. This is very convenient because it will streamline the time that guests spend on a break.

He spins the reel and takes out the winning number, of course, the birthday boy. This competition lasts throughout the celebration, with breaks for rest and other elements of the scenario.

Are there any popular competitions?

A competition such as forfeits is always interesting and in demand. If forfeits are included in the scenario for the anniversary of a man turning 70, then they should be played out:

  • toast;
  • songs;
  • ditties;
  • poetry;
  • jokes;
  • “start-continue” and so on.

The one who draws the forfeit, for example, “poems”, must recite a poem to the hero of the day. Of course, forfeits should be focused on the theme of the holiday.

You can play them many times in an evening. A holiday with forfeits is always interesting and original.

How to end an anniversary?

The holiday, or rather, only its official part, is completed by the same person who opened it. You can close the official part with a toast, in which you need to once again congratulate the hero of the day, express your wishes and encourage guests to raise their glasses.

It is at this moment that you need to bring out a large cake with candles. If fireworks, indoor pyrotechnic effects, or a firecracker salute are planned, it should begin after the candles are blown out.

When the fireworks stop and everyone present has had a drink, it is necessary to announce that the holiday continues and indicate the remaining time.

A man’s 70th birthday is a particularly important date. A holiday that confirms a large number of life achievements, good health and definitely the resilience of the hero of the day. And even though this date is the golden mean of old age, the health of the hero of the day still allows him to enjoy life.

Most likely, the man has achieved a lot by these years: he has long ago acquired a beloved wife, has children, grandchildren are growing up, perhaps even great-grandchildren. That is why such an anniversary is rightfully considered a family holiday.

The 70th anniversary must be celebrated. For the hero of the day at this respectful age, gifts are not so important, but more - the warmth, affection and care of people close to him. Therefore, a man needs to carefully prepare for the celebration of his 70th birthday. For such a case, you can invite specialists in the field of cultural entertainment. But the hero of the day will be more pleased if people close to him take care of the organization and celebration of his significant date.

Yes, preparing this celebration will indeed require a lot of effort and effort. But still, this is a fairly doable and, importantly, enjoyable task. To begin, outline an event plan for yourself. It may consist of several points. This will make it easier for you to control their implementation.

  • Guests. Decide on their number. Most likely these will be the closest people - wife, children, grandchildren and great-grandchildren, friends. Be sure to think about your invitations.

  • Venue of the event. It is better to celebrate your 70th anniversary in a calm, family environment - at home, in the country or in the fresh air. Think about how to decorate the room. There is no need to invent super-fashionable decorations here. Everything should be in a calm, homely style. Balloons, posters with photographs of the hero of the day, and wall newspapers will help you add a holiday to the atmosphere.

  • Table. Think carefully about your menu. Keep in mind that guests of different age categories will be present at the celebration. Therefore, simple home-cooked dishes are better suited here. Also think about the seating arrangement of your guests.

  • Prepare a script.

  • Think about the final part of the event (especially if the celebration will take place at home). Cleaning, how to see off guests - all this should not fall on the shoulders of the hero of the day.
  • Cool scenario for a man's 70th birthday

    To celebrate a man's 70th birthday, you can prepare a cool scenario with fun games and jokes. The program of the gala event must be drawn up in such a way that absolutely all guests have fun and interesting. And, of course, give the hero of the day a central place, surround him with care, warmth and love.

    Don't forget to choose a leader. You can invite a professional toastmaster, but it will be much more pleasant for the hero of the day if someone close to him takes over the event.

    The celebration should begin with a congratulatory speech. Then set aside time for gift giving. The presenter can briefly highlight the life path of the hero of the day and voice his successes. Do not overload the holiday with numerous fast dances and active competitions. Prepare more table games, intellectual competitions, quizzes, etc.

    Take care of the musical accompaniment. Consider the taste of the hero of the day. Retro melodies and hits are suitable here. Perhaps someone will play a musical instrument. It's good if it's a button accordion. This will greatly enliven the atmosphere and immerse the hero of the day in warm memories.

    Happy anniversary: ​​husband turns 70 from his wife

    For a 70-year-old man, his wife is the closest person. They went through a lot together, raised children, help raise grandchildren and great-grandchildren. And therefore, it is from his wife that the hero of the day expects warm and affectionate words on this significant day.

    In congratulating your wife, you need to express your love, carried through the years, and thank you for your reliable rear. It wouldn’t hurt to admire the courage and spiritual strength of the birthday boy. Let him know that you still love and appreciate him as many years ago. It is important for the hero of the day to hear this, especially on such a day.

    Happy Anniversary Congratulations: Dad Turns 70 from Children

    Dad's seventieth birthday is a very important day for children. There is no way to miss it. The hero of the day will look forward to congratulatory words from his children. Think carefully about your speech.

    So, a congratulation from a son should contain respect, gratitude for his upbringing, support and life experience. Appreciate your father's success. Wish him good health and vitality.

    But congratulations on dad’s anniversary from his daughter should be filled with love, tenderness and warmth. For him, you will always remain the same little girl as in childhood. Thank him for his wise instructions, protection and happy childhood years.

    Happy anniversary: ​​brother turns 70

    Your brother, a man you have known since childhood, is 70 years old today. This is a reason to think about a special congratulation in order to surprise not only the birthday person, but also all the guests present.

    If possible, prepare a poem. The congratulation itself should express respect, gratitude and love for your brother. Wish him good health and unquenchable vital energy. Remember a funny story from childhood, this will once again emphasize your degree of closeness.

    Happy anniversary: ​​colleague turns 70

    On his 70th birthday, a man will be very happy to hear good, kind words addressed to him from colleagues at work. After all, employees often become good friends who will always come to the rescue.

    Congratulations should not be pretentious and rather complicated. Express your emotions in a simple, accessible form. In your congratulations, note the professional qualities of the hero of the day, appreciate his contribution to the common cause, thank him for the relevant instructions, and also wish him good health and vitality.

    Beautiful poems, songs, toasts and scenes for a man’s 70th birthday

    On a festive evening dedicated to celebrating a man’s 70th birthday, you definitely need to add some variety. The evening program should be designed so that the guests do not get bored, and the hero of the day feels like the center of everyone’s attention. For such a case, beautiful poems are suitable, better than your own composition. The hero of the day will be pleased to hear poetry in his honor. Also think about how you can congratulate the birthday person using a song. You don’t have to compose it, it’s enough to take a well-known one and remake it a little.

    To liven up the feast, don't forget about toast. They should not be long, but have meaningful content. Also prepare some competitions. For such an event, table games are more suitable: these could be quizzes, comic riddles, or a lottery. But for younger audiences, organize small outdoor competitions and games. Dance competitions will do. You can show a skit in which the grandchildren and great-grandchildren of the hero of the day are involved. Think about what prizes to give to the winners.

    The musical accompaniment should be prepared taking into account the preferences and tastes of the birthday person. The repertoire should include retro hits and songs of past years. It would also be appropriate to arrange karaoke. Many people will want to compete in singing songs, or just sing in a group.

    We make a gift for the anniversary of a 70-year-old man with our own hands

    It is not at all necessary to present expensive gifts. Handmade gifts are best. After all, these are the things that carry the warmth, love and care of the giver. And the hero of the day can later boast of such a unique gift. For example, a beloved grandfather will be pleased with drawings, fakes, postcards, and appliqués made by the hands of his grandchildren and great-grandchildren.

    For your beloved father, brother, friend, you can prepare an interesting photo book, create a film in honor of the hero of the day, or give a beautifully designed story in the form of a small book about the birthday boy. You can also present an individual award and diploma. All this will be an interesting gift and the birthday boy will be pleased with such attention.

    What to give a man 70 years old for his anniversary

    Take the choice of a gift for a man’s 70th birthday very seriously. Take your time, consider several options. A man at that age doesn’t need stylish, creative things. The gift should be useful. So, you can give household items, such as a robe or a set of towels. The hero of the day will be very happy about the rocking chair. Good gifts would be an umbrella, a watch, a lamp. If the birthday person leads a healthy lifestyle, give him a pedometer.

    Gifts related to the hobbies of the hero of the day and his hobbies are well suited. This could also include some fishing gear or a set for outdoor recreation. Perhaps the man is a numismatist, then he will be very happy with a new coin to replenish his collection.

    Expensive alcoholic drinks would also be appropriate gifts. Wine, cognac, whiskey are well suited for such a gift. Or, as an alternative, quality cigars.

    The book is also a good gift. Perhaps the hero of the day has a favorite writer, which means you can give a gift collection of collected works. This is an expensive and worthy gift.

    Take care of the health of a 70-year-old man. You can give an orthopedic pillow. An option with a walking cane is possible; keychain for finding keys. Glasses with good frames and a case will also be a valuable gift.

    How to beautifully sign a card for a man’s 70th birthday

    Any gift is accompanied by a postcard. Therefore, it is very important to know how to sign it correctly and beautifully. There are several options here:
  • Buy a ready-made postcard with beautifully written text. It is very important to choose the appropriate picture and greeting.

  • Buy a blank picture and sign the congratulatory words with your own hand. This way you can sincerely express your feelings for the hero of the day.

  • Make a postcard yourself, designing it properly.
  • The greeting in the card should be sensual, written without errors, and appropriate to the age of the hero of the day.

    70 years is a very important and respectable date. Such a solemn event should emphasize the importance of this event. It is necessary to let the hero of the day understand how dear he is to his loved ones, how much they value, love and respect him. Approach the organization of a holiday dedicated to a man’s 70th birthday quite seriously, think carefully about everything down to the smallest detail. After all, the success of the event, the mood of the guests and the hero of the occasion depend on this.

    Fanfares sound and fireworks thunder
    An example of longevity!
    We would like to congratulate you together
    Happy 70th birthday!

    Health so that the supply does not run out
    And the mind was always pure and bright
    They propose a toast to you
    All grandchildren, great-grandchildren and children!

    Congratulations to a man on his 70th birthday from friends

    You are 70 today,
    On your anniversary I want to tell you,
    So that nothing depresses you,
    It didn’t force me to engage reverse!

    You should know - friends will always help,
    Let your soul always glow with happiness!
    Let love always be at the doorstep,
    Health and warmth!

    Congratulations to a man on his 70th birthday in verse

    Today is a special day for you,
    You are 70, but there is no need to hide them.
    don't let these years frighten you,
    they are your wealth and reward.

    And it doesn’t matter that the hair turned gray,
    the soul remains young as before!
    and 70 is not autumn, not the limit,
    then your maturity, wisdom, is not the limit,
    that is experience, joy, but not yet old age.

    70 is not a celebration of old age.
    Let your heart not feel tired.
    This is maturity in everything and always,
    This is an experience of great work.

    This is a very young age
    If you don't grow old in soul.
    I wish you a full cup of happiness
    For your work and responsiveness.

    Maturity knocks at 70
    Soft, velvet wing
    Everything has happened, everything has happened,
    There are no tasks for later.

    We wish you on your birthday
    The heart is restless,
    So that the slightest desires
    They were performed in one breath!

    Congratulations on the 70th anniversary of a man

    On this holiday,
    When your anniversary came,
    From my heart I sincerely want to wish
    Live a hundred years without knowing trouble.

    Your age is admirable
    I'm ready to listen to all the moralizing,
    But at your 70s, let me wish you,
    Health, happiness, don’t forget past years.

    Congratulations on your 70th anniversary from relatives

    70! Serious date!
    She demands respect!
    Let the temples be a little gray,
    But there is still spring in my soul,
    And to become - the envy of all young men!
    We want to wish you now,
    In addition to the pompous but routine phrases,
    To live for years without snarling,
    Live your own life without splurging on too much,
    Nurture the beloved grandchildren's ovary,
    And - health! Happy anniversary to you!

    Congratulations on the man's 70th birthday

    Today is your wonderful anniversary!
    You are 70 years old - congratulations!
    Siberian health and happiness
    We sincerely, from the bottom of our hearts, wish you!
    You have done so much, you have accomplished everything in life!
    A house has been built, gardens and sons are growing!
    We wish you care and attention
    You are surrounded by your friendly family!

    You are not tired of being kind and gentle,
    Still beautiful at 70 years old
    You have achieved everything, raised your children,
    And we wish you further victories.

    May your sunset be brighter than the dawn,
    And autumn will warm you up more reliably than summer.

    70th birthday for a man - congratulations

    With all my heart, with great excitement,
    Sometimes I can’t find words,
    We congratulate you on your birthday,
    Happy 70th birthday to you.

    Our dear hero of the day, don’t worry,
    Don't get old, don't be sad, don't be bored
    And many more years
    Celebrate birthdays.

    Don't regret the past years,
    Life is always good.
    Congratulations on your anniversary
    And we wish you health and goodness.

    Congratulations to dad on his 70th birthday

    Daddy, accept from us children,
    Congratulations on your glorious anniversary.
    70 is a long time for everyone,
    But we want you to continue

    Delight with your presence.
    You know how dear to us, we love.
    How we need your tender gaze,
    Your humor - you are always rich in it,

    Wise, from the heart, instructions.
    On the anniversary, glorious birthday
    We wish you joy and goodness,
    So that life is not boring,

    So that illness does not torment you.
    Our souls would not ache for us.
    I was in an excellent, cheerful mood,
    Like today, on your glorious birthday!

    Congratulations to a friend on his 70th birthday

    Are you 70?! God:
    On this day, at this hour
    You are stronger, younger
    And smarter than all of us!

    True eye, strong hands,
    Lots of cute grandchildren...
    Live in health, without boredom
    Another fifty years!!!

    Congratulations to my husband on his 70th birthday

    In these good 70 years,
    I want to give you some advice:
    Live and enjoy
    Try to be happy.
    And don't regret anything,
    And you will never get sick.
    May there always be a holiday in your soul.
    May your years be long.

    Congratulations to grandfather on his 70th birthday

    You have lived for many years already,
    And 70 is an impressive date.
    Continue to live without knowing troubles.
    I love you like my own brother.

    We shared both grief and misfortune together
    Sometimes we defended each other in fights.
    Now you’re a grandfather, and I’m waiting for my grandchildren,
    But may you not encounter sadness in life.

    Let life play like wine in a glass,
    And let the sun shine brighter day by day.
    And I can hardly forget our friendship,
    And please don't forget me.

    70 years is a wonderful date!
    It doesn't matter that the years go by,
    Life is beautiful and very bright,
    That you should never be sad.

    Where can I get some prosperity?
    This doesn’t happen - that’s a fact!
    But let more be “better”
    And there will be less “somehow”.

    We wish you to always be loved,
    Among friends - necessary,
    You can't see evil in life
    And let everyday adversity
    They will never scare you!

    Congratulations to a man on his 70th birthday

    70 is not that much.
    After all, you still have to live and live,
    There's still a road ahead
    It lies very long.
    May God grant you health,
    Children will be surrounded by love,
    Let your evening be cozy,
    As it once was in the morning.

    70 years is a celebration of perseverance and honoring the life achievements of the hero of the day. Most often, birthday people spend this day with their family, gathering around them only those closest to them: children, grandchildren, perhaps even great-grandchildren and time-tested friends. To make this day one of the most pleasant and memorable for the hero of the occasion, loved ones should prepare a scenario for the man’s 70th birthday. This way you will please the birthday boy and will not let him get lost in gloomy thoughts about old age.

    70th birthday ideas

    At this age, the attention of all people close to him will be very important for the hero of the day, so it is worth taking care of the design and mailing of invitations in advance.

    It is best to celebrate at home so that the birthday person feels comfortable, but this does not mean that everything should be carried out within four walls. If you have a country house with amenities, then it will be an ideal place for a holiday. Fresh air, space, birdsong and no city bustle. It is very important that a couple of weeks before the holiday you have a script ready for execution. Don't miss a single detail so as not to create unforeseen situations.

    Music should be selected in accordance with the tastes of the celebrant. There is no need to insert anything of your own, just follow the wishes of the birthday person. It would be nice if there was an accordion player at the celebration. It also wouldn’t hurt to have karaoke, in case guests want to show off their vocal abilities.

    How to decorate a holiday place?

    An anniversary is not a joke, so you shouldn’t skimp on creating a festive atmosphere. Decorate the most prominent place on the festive site with the number “70” made from balloons. Cover and hang everything around with bright large and small pom-poms made of corrugated paper. Gold ribbons will look beautiful on the walls, and balls of thread will look beautiful on the ceiling. Make a huge stand with collages of photos of the birthday boy. More fresh flowers and beautiful dishes. Let the hero of the day feel like an emperor at the reception. If you are celebrating outside the city, we recommend ordering a daytime or nighttime fireworks display. Or you can have both options at once. And be sure to prepare congratulatory speeches!

    Scenario for a man's 70th birthday. There is life in the old dog yet!

    The scenario was selected to be carried out in a calm, homely environment. A large space is not required for the event. Competitions and games are selected taking into account the age of the hero of the day and do not require any special physical effort. Number of participants from 5 people or more.


    Low bow to the dear birthday boy! And I welcome you, dear guests! How are you? Would you like to take part in interesting competitions and win a couple of trophies to please our hero of the day? Then let's begin!

    Quiz “Trick Questions”

    A good option for fun entertainment could be a quiz. To interest people, you can promise some kind of worthwhile prize to the participant who gives the largest number of correct answers.

    Examples of trick questions:

    • The man is in the room, but his head is not in the room. How so? (He leaned out of the window.)
    • How do day and night end? (Soft sign.)
    • How to make sure that several people remain in the same boot? (Remove one boot from each person.)
    • A bird is flying, and a dog is sitting on its tail. How is this possible? (The dog sits on its own tail.)
    • In which month does the most talkative person say the fewest words? (In the shortest time - February.)
    • When you buy a horse, what kind of horse is it? (Wet.)
    • A person has one, a cow has two, a crane has none. What is this? (Letter "o").
    • You own it, but others use it hundreds of times more often than you do. What is this? (Your name.)
    • In which year do people eat more food than in other years? (On leap days.)
    • Can an ostrich say that it is a bird? (No, he can't talk.)
    • What stones are not in the sea, or in the river, or in the lake? (Dry.)
    • What disease does no one ever get on earth? (Nautical.)
    • What can you cook but can never eat? (Homework at school.)
    • Which hand is considered comfortable to stir tea? (It’s more convenient to use a spoon.)
    • What will increase in size if you turn it upside down? (Number "6".)


    So, the first prize has already found its owner! Let's not dwell on this, friends!

    Competition "Bag of Money"

    2 teams are participating. Each person is given a bag containing souvenir banknotes from different countries (rubles, euros, dollars, etc.). Moreover, there should be bills of different denominations. Players must sort the general pile by type of banknotes and put them in piles in ascending (or descending) order. Whichever team did it faster won.


    Wonderful! As I can see, our birthday boy has outshone everyone here! Let's raise a glass to this tireless fighter! Who is ready to say a few warm words to the hero of the day? Do not be shy! In the meantime, I’ll prepare the next tasks!

    Competition "Harvest Gatherers"

    There are 3 people involved who play the role of harvesters. The hero of the occasion (birthday boy) plays the role of host. A basket with different fruits (apples, pears, etc.) is placed in front of each participant. Bowls or plates are placed nearby (their number should correspond to the number of varieties of fruit). Participants are blindfolded. On command, they begin to sort the fruit. At the same time, they must hum something or read poetry so that the owner is sure that the players are not tasting the fruit. The winner is the participant who puts the fruit on the plates the fastest. As a prize, the owner gives him some part of the harvest.

    Competition "Answer"

    The presenter selects three to four people who will answer questions related to the hero of the day. There is only one difficulty - all their answers must begin with the first letter of their name, for example Mikhail. The most resourceful person gets a prize.

    What questions might there be:

    • What does the hero of the day like to eat for breakfast? (Meat).
    • The best character trait of the birthday boy? (Sincerity).
    • What does the hero of the day like to drink? (Hennessy).
    • The hero of the occasion's favorite place to go? (Alley).
    • What kind of wife/daughter does the hero of the day have? (Ideal).
    • What was the birthday boy's favorite lesson at school? (Literature).


    How resourceful and attentive you are! You know everything about our dear hero of the day! Let's take a little break and once again raise our glasses to the host of the holiday! And then we will have to ask him to retire to the next room for a while.

    Contest "Greeting Card"

    The hero of the day is asked to go to another room. Guests of the celebration write their congratulations on a piece of paper (or whatman paper) without signing them. At the end of the greeting card, the birthday person is called back. His task is to guess (based on the handwriting and/or content of the congratulation) who owns which entry. The hero of the day has three rights to make a mistake; if he uses all three and still does not guess the author of the congratulation, he will have to dance or sing. Attention: do not forget to remind guests at the end of the competition (or during it, if the entry they left is correctly guessed by the birthday boy) to sign their congratulations.


    Do you still have kind words for the hero of the day? A lot, you say?! Well, let's see how inexhaustible your supply is!

    Competition "Ball of Wishes"

    Two people participate. They are given one balloon. The participants’ task is to throw the ball to each other with their heads and at the same time wish something to the hero of the day (good luck, health, happiness, etc.). The one who dropped the ball or did not have time to say a wish loses. The winner gets a prize.


    Now let's move on to music competitions! Who's ready to show off their vocal talents?

    Competition "Adroit Vocalist"

    Take a microphone and pass it along to the music to the guests sitting at the table. When the music stops playing, the guest left with the microphone in his hands should sing a short excerpt from any song (preferably on the theme of the celebration). The most cheerful and artistic performer wins.

    Game "Leisya, song"

    To participate in this competition, it is necessary to select five guests from the total crowd to perform the role of singers. Before this, you should prepare the same number of pieces of paper with various musical styles, from opera to rock. Next, the birthday boy voices his favorite song and the one-minute countdown of the time given for preparation begins. Depending on what musical style they are given, the participants perform the named song in it, while showing their talent and creativity. The best performer and winner are chosen by the birthday boy and guests, who are awarded the title of singer of the evening.


    And now a couple more entertainments, and I will have to leave your holiday. But nothing! After all, we will probably meet again!

    Competition "Explanatory"

    Participants of the competition should not know about its conditions in advance. In three minutes, everyone must come up with an excuse for being late for work three times in a row. The more fantastic the story, the higher the chance of winning the competition, the winner will be determined by the hero of the day.

    Competition “Squeeze all the juices”

    Several people receive half a lemon, a glass into which they can squeeze the juice on command, and an apron to protect their clothes. Whoever has the most juice in the glass is the winner.


    See you soon, dear friends! Once again, happy birthday! I wish you happiness and long life! See you!

    This scenario for a man’s 70th birthday will definitely please everyone, including the birthday boy. Fun, playful and taking into account the age of the hero of the occasion. Happy holiday!
