Why shouldn't children play before bed? Baby baths before bed

Many children are very reluctant to go to bed, even if they are tired and their eyes are drooping. They stubbornly resist this, afraid of missing out on something interesting. However, a nice evening ritual can help them calm down and get ready for bed, and your child will look forward to spending a few happy moments, receiving warmth and attention from you. For adults, these will also be pleasant and joyful moments when they can keep secrets and express their feelings.

Before you turn off the lights and put your child to bed, spend some time with him and make sure that no one disturbs you. This will help your baby feel your love and care more fully.

Children who usually have difficulty falling asleep need special approach. Put them to bed the same way. For example, gently rub your child’s back or, lightly touching your fingers, stroke his face, while repeating the same poem, at least this:

Children, animals and toys -
Everyone dreams of a pillow
If you are very tired during the day,
Good night, Good night!


Try to make sure that getting your baby ready for bed is an enjoyable time for you too. Place a comfortable chair near the crib - a large rocking chair is best. This important detail will make your communication with your child more relaxed.

If you've had a hard day and you're too tired to play, retreat to your bedroom for a while. Your thoughts should be free from worries, and all your muscles should be relaxed. Gradually begin to breathe deeply and focus on the fact that you have a few moments of real pleasure with your child. Try to hold this image in your imagination. See if you can get rid of your fatigue.

Magic carpet

Choose a place in the room where it would be convenient to talk funny stories. Place a bath mat there or small blanket and call it the “magic carpet.” Sit on it with your child.

Let your child close his eyes and imagine that he is going to Wonderland. Of course, he must be one of the heroes of the fairy tale. Start with the words: “Tonight our magic carpet will fly...” After this, the child continues the phrase, choosing the place where the magic carpet will go. It could be Disneyland, Africa, Mars or a zoo. Let the child fantasize on his own (you help only when necessary).

Continue to “travel” until the baby calms down. Make sure the magic carpet returns to the bed and then rolls it up for your next evening trip.

Advice to the Storyteller

The best way to stimulate creative imagination child - pay attention to everything he says. Admire the heroes of fairy tales that he himself created in his imagination, and do not be too harsh on them. Don't be surprised if the story goes beyond the boundaries of common sense.


Most The best way to help the child fall asleep - quietly hum something lullaby song. Pick a tune and hum it every night before bed for a week. Let the baby sing along to you quietly, without words. And when he starts to fall asleep, you carefully leave the bedroom, continuing to hum. Your repertoire may include traditional lullabies, contemporary love songs, or folk melodies. The child himself can suggest a song from those he learns at school or in kindergarten.

How to relax

If you feel that your baby is overexcited, try to calm him down by relaxing your baby's body. To do this, invite him to lie on the bed, taking comfortable position, and close your eyes. Explain that he must listen and do everything you say. Then, in a soft, calm voice, tell him to try to relax every part of his body: “Relax your toes: do they feel nice?” Wait a few seconds and then tell him to gradually relax his feet, all the muscles in his legs, hands and arms. Pause for a few seconds and continue giving commands to relax your shoulders, neck and finally your head. After this, tell your baby to completely relax, calm down and think about something pleasant and good. Now gently place your hands on his forehead and explain that you can relax at any moment, taking a comfortable position and mentally reaching this state.

Evening diary

A notepad is suitable for this activity, Notebook bound or just sheets of paper.
Together with your child, write down what remarkable events happened that day. Ask him what stood out to him most and write it down. Some children will happily talk at length and in detail about what they would like to write down. Others will need suggestive questions: What did you like most today? Did anything upset you? Do you want to do this again tomorrow? Remember some funny incident. Tell me what new you learned today. Was this interesting to you? What would you like to write in your diary?

Let's talk about animals

After turning off the lights, ask your child to talk about how he spent his day. Try asking him this question: “Do you think this day is like an animal?” And if the answer is positive, then ask to name this animal. This game provides an excellent opportunity to talk in detail with your child about the animal world. You will get great pleasure talking with him about different birds, animals and insects. A hot and long summer day, it turns out, can be compared to a slow turtle, and a day filled with worries, bustle, and haste can be compared to a monkey, lizard or fox. First, you must say yourself who your day reminds you of, for example: “Today I worked like an ant and am very tired.” Then ask your child: “Who was your day like?”

Spatial perception

Make a panel by gluing a large piece of plain flannel onto cardboard. Cut out various shapes from multi-colored felt. For example, several large, medium and small squares; blue, red and yellow triangles. Alternatively, cut a long strip of black flannel.

Let your child create a beautiful envelope, folder, or box to store these items. Keep the envelope in your bedroom and when evening comes, play with them. Here are some options for the game. Alternately place the figures above and below the black stripe: one evening arrange them according to size, in next time- by color. Ask your child to find the largest red triangle and place it above the black line. Then, at the child's request, you place the smallest triangle above the strip. Or this: having found the largest rectangle, the child must place the smallest circle inside it. The next evening, you can arrange the figures by color or shape. During the game, try to use comparisons when describing objects. Use words like “big”, “huge”, “giant”; “less than...”, “more than...”, “same as...”

We are looking for a letter

To add variety to this game, use printed letters. You can buy them, or make them from flannel, or write them on large sheet paper - several identical letters. Then you can offer the child a task to find, for example, all the letters “M”. At the same time, note how much time it takes him to search. Once he finds the letters, he can count them. If the letters are drawn on a piece of paper, circle them.

A story about a toy

Most children have toy animals. When going to bed, the baby feels safe if his favorite doll or animal lies next to him. Therefore, make one of the toys the main character of an evening fairy tale. Let the child choose which one he wants and tell a story about it. You just need to help the baby.

Start the story and then invite him to continue. For example: “Once upon a time there was a lion named... A lion lived in... He loved to eat...” Now ask: “Who do you think was his friend?” This will awaken the child's imagination and fantasy. Ask where the lion liked to walk, what he thought about when he woke up in the morning, etc. Try to understand everything the child wants to say and help him write an interesting story.

Let's read together

All parents know the important role reading plays in a child's development. This activity is traditional, but it has always fascinated children. Studies have shown that a child who is read to a lot begins to read independently faster. Some children love to return to the same book again and again. Others prefer variety.

If your child is learning to read and write, try to take turns reading the same book with him. Choose good children's literature whenever possible - consult a librarian, teacher, or look through brochures and other information sources about best books for children. It is necessary to select publications that are appropriate to the child’s age, well written and colorfully designed. Such literature stimulates the child's imagination, and if the book is truly interesting, it will bring pleasure to you too.

When your baby begins to read on his own, don’t stop reading aloud to him. Even children who have already mastered literacy well love to be read to before bed. If the child, being carried away, cannot stop, then bookmark several pages ahead in advance and stop reading when you reach this point.

Super hero

Of course, reading aloud, telling stories and making up all kinds of stories before bedtime gives a child great pleasure. Here is one way to tell fairy tales so that the child feels special interest in them. Come up with a story, the hero of which, of course, should be your child. He decides everything complex tasks and finds a way out of any situation. For example, after numerous bizarre plot twists, your story has moved toward the point where “The little lion cub is lost; he whines pitifully, not knowing where to go, curls up on the ground and is about to cry. When suddenly... Sally appears. Sally came to help him out. Only she knows what to do."

My calendar

If you have a calendar hanging in your kitchen where you mark important events in family life, or simply have a notebook that you can’t do without, the child, imitating you, will certainly want to start his own calendar. For this, take paper cards, punch holes in the corners and fasten them together metal ring or a string. Put a number on one side of each card - from 1 to 28, 30 or 31, depending on the month. Every evening you or your child should draw on back side cards with a picture depicting some episode of your day. Discuss with your child how his day went and choose an event that can be depicted on paper. Scroll through your calendar in advance and mark the most important things that await you during the week or month. You can leave notes to each other in it: “Mom, remember about Balloons", "Andrey, don't forget to make the bed."

Do you know how I feel?

Time before bed is the most convenient moment for a confidential, intimate conversation. By opening up to each other, you can find out whether the feelings that take over you and your child coincide in a certain way. life situation. You can ask general questions, for example: “How do you feel when you encounter something unpleasant? How do you feel if your friend acts dishonestly?” Questions can be more specific: “How did you feel when we met the doctor this morning?”, “What did you think when dad got angry with Sasha at lunch?”

The conversation should be started by an adult and at the same time be sincere. Then the child will speak frankly and will be able to understand that adults are also capable of experiencing.

Once you master this game, it will become easier for you to deal with unpleasant situations, and she will teach the baby to communicate with other people and share his feelings. Finally, you will learn a lot about your child.

Attention: never tell your child how to or should not treat a particular event, or that he incorrectly names the feelings he experiences. If a child says: “I’m going crazy,” and you think that he was just scared, you can say: “And when I found myself in such a situation for the first time, I didn’t go crazy, I was just afraid.” If you want to maintain a trusting and close relationship with him, never say: “You are not crazy, but just afraid.”

Friends in the picture

If you're going away from home for the day, ask your child to look through old magazines (that you don't need) and look for pictures of children or animals. Have someone help him cut them out and glue them onto a piece of construction paper. In the evening, before bed, talk to your child about these pictures. Advise him to come up with a name for the animal or person, family, friends, favorite games, favorite food.

Collect a collection of such pictures and let your child choose from them the one he would like to talk about this evening. You can introduce one character to another.


Children generally love to listen different stories from the lives of their parents, brothers and sisters. One evening open the old one Family album and tell the child who was taken in the photographs, where and under what circumstances certain photographs were taken.

A game of shadows

This game is based on the active use of light and shadow. Both adults and children enjoy playing it. Hang a piece of paper in the center of the room. Turn off the light and shine a flashlight on the sheet from the back. At the same time, someone should move their fingers and hands between the sheet of paper and the flashlight, projecting a shadow onto the paper. Those sitting in front of the “screen” must understand what the shadows are like and tell a story. This game is best played in the evening on weekends when relatives and friends come to visit you.


In the evenings, you can talk with your child, discuss the events of the day, read, and keep secrets. However, it happens that such communication is not enough for the baby - he wants to feel your touch. A soft, gentle massage will help him calm down and fall asleep. What could be more pleasant than a gentle stroking of the back, especially if at the same time they are also telling a fairy tale or quietly humming a song.

If your baby is overexcited, start the massage with the feet (unless he is ticklish), inviting him to relax and close his eyes. Massage your legs in the calf area, after which the leg muscles should relax, and then do the same with your baby’s arms. Then ask him to relax his shoulders and massage them gently. Once complete, move to the neck and finally the head.

Do this in low light, very quietly, speak in a monotone voice or hum softly and see if it helps your baby fall asleep.

Many children are very reluctant to go to bed, even if they are tired and their eyes are drooping. They stubbornly resist this, afraid of missing out on something interesting. However, a nice evening ritual can help them calm down and get ready for bed, and your baby will look forward to spending a few happy moments receiving your warmth and attention. For adults, these will also be pleasant and joyful moments when they can keep secrets and express their feelings.

Before you turn off the lights and put your child to bed, spend some time with him and make sure that no one disturbs you. This will help your baby feel your love and care more fully.

Children who usually have difficulty falling asleep require a special approach. Put them to bed the same way. For example, gently rub your child’s back or, lightly touching your fingers, stroke his face, while repeating the same poem, at least this:

Children, animals and toys
Everyone dreams of a pillow,
If you are very tired during the day,
Good dreams, good night!

Magic carpet

Choose a place in the room where it would be convenient to tell funny stories.

Place a bath rug or small blanket there and call it a “magic carpet.” Sit on it with your child.

Let your child close his eyes and imagine that he is going to Wonderland. Of course, he must be one of the heroes of the fairy tale. Start with the words: “Tonight our magic carpet will fly...” After this, the child continues the phrase, choosing the place where the magic carpet will go. It could be Disneyland, Africa, Mars or a zoo. Let the child fantasize on his own (you help only when necessary).

Continue to “travel” until the baby calms down. Make sure the magic carpet returns to the bed and then rolls it up for your next evening trip.


The best way to help your baby fall asleep is to quietly hum a lullaby. Pick a tune and hum it every night before bed for a week. Let the baby sing along to you quietly, without words. And when he starts to fall asleep, you carefully leave the bedroom, continuing to hum.

Your repertoire may include traditional lullabies, contemporary love songs, or folk melodies. The child himself can suggest a song from those he learns at school or in kindergarten.

How to relax

If you feel that your baby is overexcited, try to calm him down by relaxing your baby's body. To do this, invite him to lie on the bed, take a comfortable position, and close his eyes. Explain that he must listen and do everything you say. Then, in a soft, calm voice, tell him to try to relax every part of his body: “Relax your toes: do they feel nice?” Wait a few seconds and then tell him to gradually relax his feet, all the muscles in his legs, hands and arms. Pause for a few seconds and continue giving commands - relax your shoulders, neck and finally your head. After this, tell your baby to completely relax, calm down and think about something pleasant and good. Now gently place your hands on his forehead and explain that you can relax at any moment, taking a comfortable position and mentally reaching this state.

Evening diary

A notebook, a bound notebook, or just sheets of paper will work for this activity.

Together with your child, write down what remarkable events happened that day. Ask him what stood out to him most and write it down. Some children will be happy to talk at length and in detail about “what they would like to write down. Others will need leading questions: what did you like most today? Did anything upset you? Do you want to do this again tomorrow? Remember some funny incident Tell me what new you learned today. Was it interesting? What would you like to write in your diary?

Let's talk about animals

After turning off the lights, ask your child to talk about how he spent his day. Try asking him this question: “Do you think this day is like an animal?” And if the answer is positive, then ask to name this animal. This game provides an excellent opportunity to talk in detail with your child about the animal world. You will get great pleasure talking with him about different birds, animals and insects. A hot and long summer day, it turns out, can be compared to a slow turtle, and a day filled with worries, bustle, and haste can be compared to a monkey, lizard or fox. First, you must say yourself who your day reminds you of, for example: “Today I worked like an ant and am very tired.” Then ask your child: “Who was your day like?”

Let's read together

All parents know the important role reading plays in a child's development. This activity is traditional, but it has always fascinated children. Studies have shown that a child who is read to a lot begins to read independently faster. Some children love to return to the same book over and over again. Others prefer variety.

If your child is learning to read and write, try to take turns reading the same book with him. Choose good children's literature whenever possible - consult a librarian, teacher, or look through brochures and other information sources about the best books for children. It is necessary to select publications that are appropriate to the child’s age, well written and colorfully designed. Such literature stimulates the child's imagination, and if the book is truly interesting, it will bring pleasure to you too.

When your baby begins to read on his own, don’t stop reading aloud to him. Even children who have already mastered literacy well love to be read to before bed. If the child, being carried away, cannot stop, then bookmark several pages ahead in advance and stop reading when you reach this point.

Super hero

Of course, reading aloud, telling stories and making up all kinds of stories before bedtime gives a child great pleasure. Here is one way to tell fairy tales so that the child feels special interest in them. Come up with a story, the hero of which, of course, should be your child. He solves all complex problems and finds a way out of any situation. For example, after many bizarre plot twists, your story has come to the point where “The little lion cub is lost; he whines pitifully, not knowing where to go, curls up on the ground and is about to cry. When suddenly... Sally appears. Sally came to help him out. Only she knows what to do."


Children, as a rule, love to listen to different stories from the lives of their parents and brothers and sisters. One evening, open an old family album and tell your child who is in the photographs, where and under what circumstances certain photographs were taken.

Tired couple

If you've had a hard day and you're tired, this is the kind of rest you both need. Turn off the lights, lie down next to the child on the bed, of course, if its dimensions allow, and say: “Dad (or mom) is terribly tired this evening, so can you tell me some good fairy tale to make it easier for me to fall asleep. Let's see which one of us falls asleep first." Try to fall asleep next to your baby. If the bed is small, take a pillow and sit next to it on the floor.


This activity may not seem as fun if you live in a city. But if you have a house in the suburbs, or even better in rural areas, this game will leave indelible impression for you and your baby. You can turn it into an annual ritual when you vacation outside the city. If meteorologists predict clear and warm weather, allow your child to stay up until dark, and go outside together, taking sleeping bag or a blanket and pillow. Lie down comfortably and look at the stars, discussing what you see. If you manage to find time for this activity, you will not regret it.

So, firstly, all the proposed games can be played with the lights dimmed, because we know that melatonin, a sleep hormone, is better formed in the dark, and light and various electronic devices, such as a TV, laptop, tablet, phone, destroy it . Avoid watching cartoons before bed, or better yet, turn on calm music and play with your baby on the carpet next to his crib.

What to play with a baby from six months to one and a half years?

A feature of games for children under one year old is, firstly, the repetition and gradual complexity of the game, as well as the much greater participation of an adult than the child himself. The emphasis in games is on visual perception And in simple words, which the baby learns to repeat.

  1. Show me where? We look at a doll or soft toy, paying attention to small parts: eyes, ears, nose, fingers, show on the toy and on the baby, let the baby answer questions and show where the nose or eyes are on the doll or on the mother.
  2. Search for toys. Pour large grains, such as pearl barley or rice, into a deep bowl and hide a few in it. small toys. We invite the child to find and get them.
  3. Putting it in a box: choose a lot of small toys, rattles and cubes and ask your baby to put all the toys in the box. You can replace the box with a saucepan and put, for example, spoons in it (to make the game quieter, offer your child plastic spoons). Or, on the contrary, you can put the child in big box, filling it with all sorts of soft toys and his clothes and watch as he enthusiastically throws everything out of there.
  4. Game with a colander. Take an ordinary colander or a steamer mold from a multicooker and invite your child to insert spaghetti or plastic juice straws into the holes. A simple bottle will also do, into the neck of which you can stick, for example, a button or pasta. Be sure to be close to your baby so that he doesn’t taste the small details of the game.
  5. For games with toys, all kinds of pyramids or cups are very suitable, which can be placed one inside the other and then taken out, cubes to build a tower; it will also be very interesting for the baby, for example, to open a nesting doll and take out more and more new dolls.

What to play with a child 1.5 years old - 3 years old?

At this age, kids are big fidgets who are interested in everything, and also like to insist on their own. Choose from the proposed games the one that suits your child best and does not amuse him too much.

1. Playing with paper. Take an old newspaper, or just clean sheets of paper and show your child how to tear it into long strips, into small pieces, teach your child to make a ball out of crumpled paper, and out of several balls different sizes you can even try to build a snowman. Cleaning up such paper can also become a kind of game. For example, a boy may be crane, who must pick up and put all the pieces of paper in a bucket.
2. Putting you to bed. Explain to your baby that his toys are also very tired and want to sleep. Put the cars to rest in the garage, put the dolls in their beds, sing lullabies with your baby and wish the toys good night.
3. Games in the bathroom. Bathing is often part of a ritual, and warm water has a calming effect on many babies. Offer your child different plastic jars and bottles while bathing and show how to transfer water from one to another. Take a sponge, wet it with water and add a little baby soap, many children like to press the sponge and see how it foams.
4. Draw a fairy tale. Let's take it Blank sheet paper, and draw at the same time while telling a fairy tale. It turns out very interesting, for example, “Turnip” or “Kolobok”, depending on the age, the child can help draw or color, he can draw himself, or he can tell and draw.
5. Secret bag. Take old bag, it is desirable that it has many pockets that can be unzipped, and fill it with interesting small things, for example, large buttons, beads, small toys. Invite your child to open his pockets and take out all sorts of interesting things. By the way, this game is suitable for younger children.

What to do before bedtime for a child aged 3 years and older?

So, bathing is completed, the child is dressed in pajamas and we have 20 minutes before bed to spend quiet time: either already in the crib, or on the carpet in the nursery.

1. Pantomime. We sit on the carpet next to each other. Mom or dad starts the game by showing, without words - through pantomime, any simple movement, for example, brushing teeth, washing hands, stirring with a spoon, etc., and the baby must guess what kind of movement it is, then the child himself can come up with something and show. Of course, tell him and help him if he needs it.
2. Repeat the movement. By analogy with the first game, we select a leader who shows the movements, and everyone must repeat after him; those who could not repeat exactly become the leader themselves. Most often it will be the child himself, and most likely he will be completely delighted with himself.
3. Remember the toy. We select several small toys. We give the child time to remember what kind of toys were lying in front of him on the carpet, and then we remove one. The child tries to remember what kind of toy was missing. Invite your child to be in this game and the presenter too.
4. Guess by touch. Again, we select several toys, show them to the baby, and then cover them with a cloth and invite him to guess by touch what he picked up. Be sure to try to guess the toy yourself. If you guess correctly, then you take the toy, the one who has the most toys at the end of the game wins.
5. And of course, all sorts of things: puzzles, construction sets, coloring books– everything that requires calm stay in one place and concentration.

Make bedtime a special time for your entire family and help your baby sleep peacefully.

March 28th, 2011

When choosing games for a holiday designed for children aged 2-3 years, special emphasis should be placed on the development of motor coordination, including fine motor skills hands Also note that at this age very quickly development is underway speech and the number of words used increases sharply, imagination begins to form. While playing, it is good to expand a child’s horizons, increase vocabulary, develop speech and memory.

Here are some suitable games:

    1. Loaf (round dance)

    Calm and active game. Teaches children to walk in a circle and perform movements together in accordance with the text. Develops coordination of movements, reinforces the concepts of “high - low” and “wide - narrow”. Suitable for indoor and outdoor use.

    This is a widely known round dance game. They usually play on name days, but you can just play because it’s fun.

    Everyone stands in a circle, holding hands. The birthday boy stands in the center of the circle. Then they dance around the birthday boy with a song:

    As on _(name)_ name day

    We baked a loaf

    This is the width (the circle expands as far as your hands allow)

    This is the kind of dinner (the circle narrows, everyone stands as close as possible and hands forward)

    This height is like this (the circle diverges a little, and everyone raises their hands up)

    This is the kind of low place (everyone squats down, hands to the floor)

    Loaf, loaf,

    Whoever you want, choose. (we do a round dance again)

    Of course I love everyone

    And _(other player's name)_ is the most!

    After that, everyone hugs the selected player, he stands in a circle, and the game starts from the beginning.

    1. Train

    Active game. Develops coordination of movements. Teaches children to listen to verbal signals and perform given actions. Suitable for indoor and outdoor use.

    The game is especially good because it gives restless kids the opportunity to run through all the rooms.

    The presenter announces: “We are turning into a train. I am a locomotive, and who are you?” The guys answer: “cars” (we prompt you if the pause is too long). The leader stands in front, and the kids follow him in single file. Accompanied by cheerful comments from the host and/or music, the train starts and travels through the rooms. From time to time the presenter announces the station, and its name is unusual: “Jumping”, which means that everyone here jumps, whoever is higher. Selfless jumping begins. The leader commands: “Let’s go” and the journey continues. The stations replace one another: “Khokhotalkino”, “Kruzhilkino”, “Obnimalkino” and others that your imagination tells you. You can also make the movement more difficult: speed up, slow down, goose-step, or crawl under obstacles.

    1. Nest

    "Flickering" game. Teaches children to run without bumping into each other, to start and end the game on a signal. Develops coordination of movements and attentiveness. Suitable for indoor and outdoor use.

    A game in which children and their parents participate. The presenter becomes an owl, and the parents take on the roles of trees, freezing in different poses corresponding to the character or external signs one tree or another. The guys pretend to be animals, butterflies, birds and sit under the trees. Each of them has its own nest. At the command of the presenter: “The day comes - everything comes to life!” – the players run around the playground, pretending to be bugs, butterflies, birds, and animals. The “owl” is sleeping at this time, i.e. sits with his eyes closed. When the leader commands: “Night comes - everything freezes!”, all children should immediately return to their nests and freeze, hiding. Trees make sure that only their inhabitants are hiding under them. The “owl” at this moment “flies out to hunt.” She looks out for those who are moving or laughing, and takes the guilty ones into her circle. They become “owls”, and when the game is repeated, they all “fly out to hunt” together. Then the game can be complicated: after the command “The day comes - everything comes to life!” the trees also move, change places and change poses. Now the guys need to be very careful not to lose their nests.

    1. Find the color

    Quiet game. Develops color perception, observation. Suitable for indoor and outdoor use.

    Very simple, but exciting and fun game. Good for the start of the holiday.

    The presenter names a color. Children must find this color in their friends’ clothes or things and touch it.

    1. Who says what?

    Quiet game. Develops speech, attention, broadens horizons. Suitable for indoor and outdoor use.

    To each player in turn, the presenter names an animal, and the children must say how this animal speaks. Then the presenter names onomatopoeic words, and the children need to answer who or what can speak or sound like that. Remember that there are possible answers.

    1. Big small

    Quiet game. Develops logic, coordination of movements, reinforces the concept of “big - small”. Suitable for indoor and outdoor use.

    The presenter names objects and animals. If the object is large, children raise their hands up and stand on their toes, and if it is small, they squat and cup their hands.

    1. Accurate shooter

    Active game. Develops coordination of movements and accuracy. Suitable for indoor and outdoor use.

    Props required are a large basin and a ball. Children take turns trying to hit the ball with the ball.

    1. Sun

    Calm-active team game. Develops coordination of movements and fine motor skills. Suitable for indoor and outdoor use.

    For this game you will need two larger sheets of paper (for example, A3 or Whatman paper), on each sheet there is a large circle drawn (the future sun) and a couple of felt-tip pens (or crayons, if it happens outside). Children are divided into two teams. Each team stands in front of its future drawing, a few meters from the sheets, after which each member in turn runs up and draws a ray of sunshine. The winner is the team that quickly completes the sun with as many rays as there are guys in the team.

    1. On a flat path

    Calm and active game. Develops coordination of movements. Suitable for indoor and outdoor use.

    The game is a warm-up. Children sit on ottomans, chairs, carpet, etc. The presenter offers to travel a little. Children stand one after another in a chain and move, listening to the words:

    On a level path, on a level path,

    One two Three!

    One two Three!

    (You need to repeat this several times. At this time, everyone walks calmly.)

    Over the hills, over the bumps,

    Over the hills, over the bumps,

    One two Three!

    One two Three!

    (Children jump on two legs)

    In the hole - bang!

    (Everyone squats)

    We got out of the hole! Wow!

    (The children straighten up and also say: “Wow!”)

    Everything is repeated several times. At the end of the game there is a rhyme:

    We trampled the paths,

    Our legs are tired

    Let's go back to the house

    Where we live!

    (And everyone runs to the places where they sat at the beginning of the game).

    1. Dragon's Lair

    Both toddlers and older children enjoy playing this game.

    The leader is the "dragon". He lies in his “den” - a circle drawn on the floor or lined with tape, and sleeps. Children crawl around, sometimes touching the dragon, teasing it. At some point, the dragon jumps up and rushes after the children. They try to escape to their house - a pre-agreed place where the dragon does not touch them. The role of the dragon is best played by an adult who can make sure that all the children have time to run for cover in time.

    1. What did Pavlusha wash?

    A calm game to develop logic and expand your vocabulary. Suitable for indoor and outdoor

    The presenter recites a poem:

    Pavlusha says: “I will

    Wash the dishes with mom!"

    Now listen

    What did Pavlusha wash?

    And each child in turn must name something from the dishes. You can come up with a lot of similar games.

    1. Little frogs

    Active game. Develops dexterity and coordination of movements. Suitable for indoor and outdoor use.

    A simple fun game that gives children great pleasure.

    Mark two lines closer to the opposite walls of the room. The distance between them should be 5-7m (depending on the age of the children). The place behind the lines is the shore of the swamp where little frogs live. At the beginning of the game, everyone squats down at one line and, overtaking each other, tries to jump to the opposite line. When jumping, children should croak desperately. The one who stumbled and fell starts over. Not only those who jump well win, but also those who croak well.

    1. Baba sowed peas

    Active game. Develops coordination of movements and the ability to dance improvisation. Suitable for indoor and outdoor use.

    Dance improvisation, which will require musical accompaniment. A repetitive game that begins with a calm rhythm and ends with a dashing dance. The children and the leader hold hands, jump in place and repeat:

    The woman was sowing peas, jump-jump, jump-jump!

    The ceiling has collapsed (everyone sits on the floor), jump-jump, jump-jump (everyone jumps)!

    The woman walked, walked, walked (the presenter shows how she shifts from foot to foot, everyone repeats)

    I found the pie (everyone bends down together, straightens up and raises their hands up, making fun of the woman’s joy),

    She sat down, ate, walked again (squatted, stood up, walked swaying)

    Baba stood on her toes (stand on her toes),

    And then on the heel (stand on the heels),

    She began to dance in Russian (they turn to the neighbor on the left and right, dancing rhythmically),

    And then squat! (everyone dances, the brighter the improvisation, the better).

    The best dancers are awarded.

    1. Mice, hide in the hole

    Active game. Develops coordination of movements.

    To play, you need to stretch a rope between two chairs and hang a bell from it. The game is that children, pretending to be mice, must, at the command of the leader: “Mice, hide in the hole,” crawl under the rope without touching it. The “mice” that hit the rope must go back and crawl again.

    1. Stroke

    A calm game to develop fine motor skills, eye-hand coordination, and imagination. Suitable for home.

    The presenter prepares objects of various shapes for the game (a jar lid, a small book, construction kit parts, bottles different forms etc.). Each child chooses an object. After this, the presenter gives the task - to outline it with a pencil, and then tell what the outline looks like. For example, a circle may look like a sun, a face, etc. Then the children, with the help of adults, complete the pictures. You can trace your palm (and turn it into a hedgehog, ghost, etc.)

    1. What is inside

    A calm game to develop logic and broaden your horizons. Suitable for indoor and outdoor

    The presenter names an object (for example, a closet, a refrigerator, a nest, etc.), and the players take turns saying what might be inside. Those who find it difficult move to the end of the chain of respondents (options: drop out of the game or complete some task).

    1. Magic bag

    A calm game to develop fine motor skills, tactile sensations, logic. Suitable for home

    The presenter shows the things or toys that he puts in the bag. At the same time, he pronounces the name of each toy and draws the children’s attention to its features. Then the children take turns feeling the object inside the bag, trying to determine what it is. It is important that among the objects there are no identical ones in shape and texture.

It's no secret to any mother that time is getting closer the more active and playful the child becomes. His energy is overflowing, his laughter is getting louder every minute, and in response to any harmless phrase about an upcoming dream, you can hear a very loud “No!” But you have to put it down somehow? And not just to put him to bed, but to prepare the baby for a peaceful sleep. And also give him a feeling of warmth and care from his parents, which he strives for with all his might...

Create rituals

Psychologists, sleep specialists and experienced mothers- almost everyone unanimously asserts that the main easy rule Children falling asleep is the observance of some ritual invented by their parents. This works especially well with young children, for whom the daily sequence of procedures performed can become a signal for going to bed on an instinctive level. But the older the child gets, the more the mother has to “reinvent the wheel,” because the desires of a grown-up person can change not only from day to day, but every minute. Certainly, age-related changes can make adjustments to the usual rituals, but it is still very desirable to leave one thing unchanged from the entire chain of “sleepy” procedures. For example, games may be different during the week, but each day has its own. Or you can read a new chapter from the book with him every day before you wish your baby good night.

Today, the search engine produces 43 million results for the query “games with a child before bedtime”! Of course, not all of these methods can give your baby restful sleep, but many of them are quite applicable in practice and can be adopted.

Games on the sofa

In my practice, games at the table before bed are rarely used - at this time you already want intimacy, comfort, and hugs. Therefore, I try to choose games that you can play with your hands, but on the bed or sofa, sitting next to the baby and without thinking about something spilling or spilling. Such a game, for example, could be the famous “memo” and its various variations. Guessing a card invariably causes delight in a child, especially if it is accompanied by applause. Have a good time Insert puzzles for younger children and large puzzles for older children can become, but here I would still make a reservation about the child’s temperament - not everyone likes to put them together, although, of course, putting together puzzles is very useful for development logical thinking and fine motor skills.

Game "Magic bag"

It’s great when all family members get involved in the game - you can, for example, catch fish in magnetic fishing or play lotto together. Excellent family game could become a "Magic Bag". A bag is drawn on a large sheet of paper with a pencil and everyone inside it takes turns drawing what they like. This game not only brings parents and children closer together, but can also indicate cherished desires your child or possible experiences.

Conversational genre

Various speaking games promote the development of vocabulary and imagination. With younger children, you can take turns naming words in last letter the previous word or make up stories. With those who are already grown up, play cities, and make up stories from words starting with the same letter.

Finger games

Can be a great way to end the day finger games- a universal tool for all ages. You can play with them from birth, stimulating the baby’s speech centers, and when the baby grows up and can remember the sequence of movements himself, they can play together.
