How to celebrate a year old daughter. Child year: traditions and celebration

More recently, you and your baby came from the hospital, and his first birthday is already on his nose. Young parents are very sensitive to such a date, because this is the first big holiday in the life of their crumbs. How to celebrate a year old to a child so that the day is fun, easy and joyful, leaving vivid impressions behind? To do this, it is better to prepare in advance, having thought through all the details of the upcoming celebration.

We invite guests

First of all, decide who to call. It is better if these are close relatives and friends whom the little one knows well. You may also want to invite a few of the baby's peers with their mothers.

Please note that a large number of guests, especially of tender age, can overexcite the birthday man and lead to unnecessary whims. It will be better to choose one option: either relatives, or kids - playmates. Try not to have too many peers: 2-3 is enough. At this age, children still do not know how to play together, so a large number of small guests can ruin the holiday.

Choose a place and time

The best option would be to celebrate at home, in an atmosphere familiar to the child. This will allow you not to deviate from the usual mode. If funds allow, you can spend a birthday in a children's cafe, come up with an original script, invite a host. But most likely, the baby will quickly get tired, and he will no longer have fun.

A good option, if the weather permits, is a celebration in the fresh air. In this case, you can combine a holiday with a walk, as well as come up with a lot of fun active entertainment for children and adults.

Thinking about how to celebrate a birthday, consider the temperament, characteristics and preferences of your child. When inviting guests, be guided by the baby's daily routine. If he sleeps twice a day, choose a time from 12.00 to 16.00. If you switched to one daytime sleep, then it is also better to schedule a holiday after a quiet hour. At this time, the child will be full of strength and energy and will be able to take an active part in the fun.

Cooking a treat

On the first birthday, you can set a buffet table with light snacks. In this case, it will not be necessary to run after the children, each time leaving the table. Even if you set a regular table, prepare light salads, cheese, tartlets, meat rolls, cut fruit. Sandwiches can be designed in the form of animal figures. Better not abundance, but variety of dishes.

Set a separate table for children. You can put chopped fruits, curds, cookies, cakes, juices with straws. In order not to worry about broken dishes, buy disposable tableware with a holiday theme.

If the baby is alone, you can prepare a mini-cake for him. Take baby cookies, lay them in several layers, lubricating each with the same curd. Insert a beautiful candle into the cake.

Let the little one, with the help of his mother, blow out his first birthday candle, and after it, you can invite other little guests to do the same. For adults, you can order a beautiful birthday cake, decorated in a children's style. And mom can cook a cake for the kids. To do this, you need to take a simple recipe for biscuit dough, bake a couple of cakes, grease them with baby curd cream, and decorate with berries or fruits on top.

We decorate the room

To create a festive mood, decorate the apartment with balloons, multi-colored garlands, flags, streamers. You can arrange a surprise for the baby and do it when he falls asleep, or, conversely, involve him in the design.

  1. Dedicate one wall to the birthday boy. Design a train with wagons, in each of which place a photo of a baby with signatures: 1 month, 2, 3, 4, 5 ... and, finally, 1 year. For each month, add the baby's achievements.
  2. Another option is to issue a wall newspaper with photographs on a piece of drawing paper, accompanied by funny comments. Place the most successful and latest photo in the center, accompanying, for example, with the inscription “Here I am (what)!”.
  3. I don’t want to mess with whatman paper - make a collage of photos on a computer, print it in a photo studio in a large format. Such an image will remain for a long time and will delight you years later. Or you can just print the most successful photos of the little one and attach them to the walls throughout the apartment.
  4. A good idea is to hang in a conspicuous place the results of the joint work of the mother and the baby: the first drawings with watercolors and finger paints, hand or foot prints.

What to give for 1 year

Often, invitees ask what to give the crumbs for their first birthday. Do not be modest, but rather tell right away what the birthday man needs. This will save relatives from painful thoughts, and you from a bunch of unnecessary things.

Good 1 year birthday gift options:

  • rocking horse
  • educational books
  • musical and interactive toys
  • sorters, liners
  • cars
  • dolls
  • ball (large inflatable or small rubber)
  • pyramid
  • roly-poly
  • play house-tent
  • home puppet theater
  • large children's photo album
  • set of utensils for feeding.

How to spend a birthday

The apartment is decorated, the gift is prepared and, finally, the long-awaited day has come. This is also your parental holiday, so the mood should be birthday. Hug, kiss the child, tell us what is the event in your family today.

After breakfast, you can give the baby a gift from mom and dad, with whom he will enthusiastically play. For a walk, choose an interesting place, for example, a zoo, an amusement park. The main thing is not to overwork the child and put him to bed on time so that he gains strength before the guests arrive.

Entertaining guests

You can start the holiday with funny poems about the first year of life on behalf of the baby. Tell how great it is for him to live in your wonderful family, with such caring and loving parents. Dedicate touching and funny lines to mom and dad, remember the moment of birth. Let dad talk about mom, and mom talk about dad. Prepare in advance and show guests a video or slideshow dedicated to the birthday. Photo and video frames from birth to 12 months, superimposed on suitable music, will arouse interest and remain in memory for a long time.

For 1 year it is customary to conduct a fortune-telling game "Choice of fate". In front of the child, at some distance from each other, objects are laid out, each of which symbolizes something (the first thing the child chooses awaits him in the future):

  • ball of wool (long life)
  • garlic (health)
  • coin (wealth)
  • book (knowledge and intelligence)
  • brush (creative tendencies)
  • ring (successful marriage)
  • keys (welfare)
  • chocolate bar (sweet life).

Be sure to say kind words, thank you for your help in raising grandparents, godparents, aunts and uncles, if they are invited. It’s good to make all this also funny verses. You can prepare medals, for example, "Mustachioed nannies", "For flooding the grandson with toys", "Beloved aunt", "Caring godfather" and the list goes on.

Contest "Chamomile": who knows the birthday man best of all? Prepare a flower, on the petals of which there are questions about the hero of the occasion:

  • What weight was born? What height?
  • In what maternity home?
  • When did the first tooth come out?
  • When did you sit down? gone?
  • What color is the winter hat?
  • What time was born?

And so on, what is enough for your imagination. Prizes for correct answers. If there are other kids, consider entertainment for them too. Take a place in the room under the play area, cover it with a soft rug, lay out bright interesting toys. At the end of the holiday, sing "Loaf". Give gifts to everyone: balloons can be given to children, and magnets or calendars with the image of a birthday person can be given to adults.

How to celebrate the first year of the crumbs, it's up to you. The main thing is that this day passes easily and joyfully, gives your family pleasant impressions. Even if the baby does not remember this date, he will definitely have a feeling of a miracle with which he will celebrate his next birthdays.

The article contains ideas for simple but beautiful little things for the first birthday, as well as ideas for the concept of the holiday.

The first birthday of a child is a very exciting day for parents. How to spend it in such a way that memories of it remain for a long time, and the day spent is full of positive emotions?

How to organize the birthday of a child 1 year old?

Parents want to celebrate the first birthday in a special way. To organize a great fun holiday, you need to prepare for a long time and not miss anything:

  • Determine the venue: home, cafe, nature. Be sure to consider the needs of the child. If it's summer outside, then you can safely organize a holiday in nature. The child will walk outdoors with the rest of the children. And after the holiday, tired and full of emotions, go to a deep sleep
  • Determine the approximate time. With a small child, this is a rather difficult task, because the schedule of a child under 1 year old changes very often
  • Define a guest list. You should not invite people to the holiday whom the child does not know at all. Children react differently to strangers. Let only the people closest to the child be on the guest list. It will be very good if you invite children
  • Decide for yourself how you see the upcoming holiday: a fun holiday exclusively for children, or do you want to have fun for adults as well; everything will be thought out for the little things at the holiday or decide to get by with a beautiful cake and balloons; Will there be a holiday theme? By answering these questions, you will know you will be able to draw up a clear preparation plan.
  • Choose an outfit for the birthday

  • Make or order invitations (optional)
  • Make or order a wish book (not necessary, but it will remain as a keepsake)
  • Consider holiday accessories
  • Decide how you will decorate the room
  • Choose the right contests
  • Think about what the holiday table will look like
  • Order a beautiful cake in advance
  • Print photos of the best first year of life

IMPORTANT: Since a young mother has little free time, it is better to start all preparations 2 months before the event in order to gradually carry out each stage of preparation

Scenarios for the birthday of a child 1 year

The first birthday of a child is the holiday that can tire the baby. Therefore, the script should not be too intense for the child. Let the guests participate, but the baby does not need to be pulled to every competition. He gets tired of it quickly. You can draw up a general outline of the scenario. And already the mother, based on the list of guests, the nature of the child, the venue and the budget, will refine and supplement it.

General scheme:

  • Meeting with guests. Guests can be met in poetic form and officially. But, given that all the guests do not come at the same time, you can simply meet all the incoming guests with a birthday boy in your arms and receive gifts. The kid will be happy with such an abundance of new things.

  • Invite waiting guests to look at the photos of the birthday boy that you have hung on the walls or photo posters
  • When all the guests have arrived, you can invite everyone to the table for the first toast to the birthday man. After the toast, you can sing the classic song “Happy Birthday to you” to the birthday boy. Toasts during the evening can be pronounced in a funny way. It's a children's holiday. The speaker of the toast may sing a toast, may dance or speak while standing on a chair
  • Contests. In order not to tire the guests, it is better to present the contests in parts. Alternating children's and adults, mobile and drinking (read more about competitions in the article)
  • Arrange a photo session while the baby is not tired of everyone's attention

  • In the interval between competitions and toasts, together with the guests, compose a memorable telegram for the child. Print out the form. And ask the guests to take turns naming adjectives. Fill out the telegram. Then read the result

  • birthday cake
  • After the cake, you can include a film about the first year of the life of the birthday boy
  • After the movie, invite guests to fill out a wish book

IMPORTANT: For the birthday of a one-year-old child, this scenario is enough. Don't overdo the contests. Remember that your child is still a toddler. Don't let him get emotionally overwhelmed

Theme of the birthday of the child 1 year

Of course, the main requirement for choosing the theme of the holiday is that the theme should be for children.

If the birthday is boy

  • Football. Make all the decoration of the holiday with an emphasis on the famous football team. And dress the baby in a football jersey with the appropriate logo and shorts. For the photo zone, traditionally use a ball, whistle, boots (nothing like adults)

  • Gentleman. Dress your child in a shirt and bow tie. For a photo session, use photo props: mustache, glasses. Make skewers with tailcoats at the ends for a candy bar

  • Sea. Use blue tones in the design of the holiday. Dress the child in a jacket similar to a vest, tie a scarf. A blue beret would also come in handy. Seashells, stars, fish are indispensable elements of the holiday in any form.

If the birthday is girls, you can support the following topics:

  • Princess. The most popular topic. Everything is soft pink, beautiful and lush. A cute pink dress on the baby, a headband with a flower on her head, a lot of pink balloons. In general, everything is cute and pink

  • Masha and the Bear. You can make invitations, a photo poster, a wish book, a cake in the style of "Masha and the Bear". It will be problematic to dress a child in this style, since a scarf and a floor-length dress will obviously be uncomfortable for the child.

  • Owls. Use owl shapes wherever possible for you.

IMPORTANT: Do not forget that the child should be comfortable, even if for this you have to remove an uncomfortable shirt or bandage from him

Contests for the birthday of a child 1 year

You will find many different competitions for kids and adults in the article.

How to decorate a 1 year old child's birthday?

The process of decorating a children's birthday can be divided into several blocks:

  • Children's room decoration
  • Party venue decorations
  • table decoration
  • Use of accessories

IMPORTANT: Each block is described in more detail below.

Baby Birthday Accessories

Accessories are the little things that make a birthday dressy and themed:

  • invitations
  • Book for recommendations
  • Caps

  • Table decoration accessories
  • Stretch marks

  • Paper pom-poms, balls

  • Number 1
  • Decorated in various versions of the photo
  • Photo album of the first year of life

Book of wishes for a child's birthday

  • The wish book is the thing that you will keep for many years. Your child, when he grows up, will be able to read a book and experience the most pleasant emotions
  • A wish book can be ordered from the masters, you can buy it in a store, or you can make it yourself. It is quite realistic to make it yourself and it will be very pleasant to understand that all the efforts for your beloved child
  • It can be a paperback book (the most beautiful option), a hardcover book, a simply decorated purchased notepad
  • The book can be made exclusively for the first birthday and contain 10-15 thick sheets, or it can contain many sheets with the expectation that every year, according to tradition, the best words for the child fit into it.

Decorating a room for a child on their 1st birthday

It is better to decorate the room late in the evening, when the child is already sleeping.

So, waking up in the morning, the baby will be delighted with how his room has changed.

How to decorate the room:

  • Posters
  • Stretch marks
  • paper pompoms
  • Number 1
  • paper flowers

Table for the birthday of a child 1 year

The table can be decorated by using:

  • Beautiful tablecloth. In stores, you can find options for disposable tablecloths with a children's theme. The tablecloth will immediately give the table a festive look and the appropriate mood.
  • Disposable colored plates. Plates can be chosen in the same theme as the tablecloth. They come in different sizes
  • Disposable colored cups. Similarly, the theme can be matched to tablecloths and plates.

  • You can buy or make your own toppers for dishes

  • Champagne bottle can be pasted with appropriate stickers
  • You can tie small bows on the forks
  • Each guest can put a beautifully decorated napkin on a plate, and a beautifully packaged chocolate bar next to it. This will serve as a bonbonniere for the guest

Design deserves special attention children's candy bar:

  • Buy a lot of different sweets: gelatins, marmalade, sweets, dragees
  • Bake or order beautiful cupcakes. If you bake yourself, then bake in beautiful disposable paper cupcake molds
  • Prepare many themed toppers
  • Draw a streamer over the candy bar with the words "Happy Birthday, Elizabeth", for example
  • Put a lot of jars of juice
  • Arrange a lot of fruits on beautiful dishes

IMPORTANT: The design of a candy bar largely depends on your budget, as custom-made beautiful sweets are not cheap

Invitations for the birthday of a child 1 year

  • Invitations, like other accessories, you can make yourself, you can buy ready-made ones, or you can order from the master
  • Invitations must match the theme of the holiday
  • Please indicate the date of the event and approximate time on the invitation.

IMPORTANT: In a separate line, if possible, indicate that a more accurate time will be announced the day before, 3 days before the event. This clarification of time is connected with the constantly changing regimen of a one-year-old child.

Birthday cake for a child 1 year old

The child is unlikely to appreciate the beauty of the cake, but for memory and for a photo, you can order a beautiful cake that matches the theme of the event, the gender of the child, and the interests of the child.

Depending on the hobbies of your favorite child, the cake can be made:

  • With figures of Masha and the Bear
  • With a crown
  • With a ball
  • With bodysuits and booties
  • With bears

IMPORTANT: Cakes with mastic are popular, as they allow you to choose almost any design of the future cake

baby first birthday posters

It will be interesting to use posters containing photographs of the child in the design. The poster can depict anything in a children's theme:

  • The locomotive, in the cars of which the photos will be located
  • A watch with a photo of a child instead of time numbers
  • Just a beautifully designed poster without any theme, where there will be photos in frames

Posters can decorate a child's room or a corridor if there is a holiday at home. If the holiday is on the street, then hang it between the trees or on a prepared stand.

IMPORTANT: Place the best photos of the first year of the baby's life on the poster.

Balloons for the birthday of a child 1 year

  • Balloons at a children's party are a must. They create a festive atmosphere and make it clear that the main birthday is a child.
  • By the time the child wakes up, throw a lot of helium balloons at the ceiling, and throw colorful balloons on the floor. The child will be very happy with such a gift.
  • You can order a figure of balls: a hare, a bear, a car. And you can choose a ball in the shape of the number 1
  • For a child of 1 year old, you can buy the simplest balls without drawings, but in different colors

Number 1 for a birthday with your own hands

The number 1 is the symbol of the holiday. It can be easily done on your own if you start preparing in advance.

There can be many options for a number, but the meaning is the same everywhere: a number of the desired size is cut out of cardboard, flowers are made, and glued onto cardboard.

A simplified option would be to wrap the figure completely with a satin ribbon. On top you can attach a bow, for example.

Photo session of the birthday of a child 1 year old

You can arrange a photo session on your own, or you can invite a photographer. To make the pictures more interesting and so that the plates are not visible in the background, it is better to organize a photo zone.

A photo zone can be organized in the simplest way, which can be done without difficulty with the help of improvised means.

And you can try, spend more time preparing and make a very interesting and beautiful photo zone, near which any guest will want to take a photo. Or rent a photo studio for 1 hour.

When preparing the first birthday of a son or daughter, parents pay so much attention to decor, outfits, and treats that they completely forget about the entertainment program. Definitely, a beautiful picture plays a huge role in creating a festive mood. But without a well-thought-out birthday scenario for 1 year, the holiday will simply turn into friendly or family gatherings. Therefore, be sure to think over the event plan and decide on the sequence of events.

How to write a first birthday script

When planning a festive event, be sure to consider the number of guests, their age. An important factor is the presence of children of different ages at the festival.

Dedicate the program to your baby, but do not forget that 1st Birthday is also a holiday for parents who put so much effort into making this day happen and become truly solemn.

You should not rush to extremes and include only entertainment for adults or children's games in the script.

Get creative with the script, and the holiday will become simply unforgettable.

It is difficult for a one-year-old baby, emotionally and physically, to endure very violent and eventful events. And even your own birthday will not be an exception.

Therefore, it is better to include not many, but bright competitions in the program, rather than trying to arrange an entertaining show for guests.

Be sure to study the family and folk traditions associated with the celebration of the anniversary. Such rituals can be beautifully beaten, even with a biased attitude towards various signs.

Original script for birthday 1 year old girl, boy

While the guests are gathering, you can arrange a beautiful photo shoot at the press wall or in a special fabulous corner.

Start the holiday program with a video presentation, from which the invitees will learn about all the stages of the life of a one-year-old birthday.

Not only is such a video very interesting and causes a storm of emotions, it will also be able to set the guests in a festive mood.

After watching the video, thank the guests for being with you on this important day. And on a wave of high spirits, go to the story of the brightest moments or funny events in the life of the crumbs.

You can originally beat the date of birth or the name of the birthday man. Find out who was born on this day from celebrities, and present it as an interesting prediction of the fate of the baby.

Or tell us what the name of the child means and why you chose it.

After the introductory part, you can go directly to congratulations and presenting gifts.

But you can spread toasts and wishes from parents, grandparents, godparents and other relatives throughout the scenario, alternating them with cool contests.

Just do not forget to take an oath from the guests that on this day they promise to plunge into the atmosphere of childhood and not be surprised, not outraged even if they have to do stupid things.

Ritual of shearing the first curl

There are many signs and superstitions associated with the hair of young children. And some rules of the ceremony have survived to this day in a distorted form. If your family has its own traditions, you should not look for answers to far-fetched questions, but simply observe them to the delight of grandparents.

But if the parents are too superstitious or the traditions on the part of the father and mother strongly contradict each other, try to figure out where the legs of such rituals grow from.

Perhaps information about signs for 1 year will help with this. Of the ancient children, they tried not to cut their hair for as long as possible, since the hair symbolized the connection with the Universe, the Cosmos, something mysterious and sublime.

If we ignore mysticism, it was believed that cutting the hair of young children literally deprived them of their health.

Since not all babies lived to be one year old, the haircut had a symbolic meaning. This means that the child will remain in the family, and the cut hairs were kept as a talisman. If it was not possible to save the cut hairs, they were buried in an anthill, burned or floated on the water.

By the way, in the families of sorcerers, sorcerers, folk healers, it is not customary to cut children at all until they are 12 years old.

As for modern traditions, they have changed a little. First of all, there was a new ritual of cutting a child's head. Mothers of girls especially resist this rite. Even if a baby’s hair length does not allow the use of elastic bands or jewelry by the age of one, completely depriving her of her hair seems like blasphemy.

This tradition is justified by the fact that the hair will be thicker and stronger after cutting. Believe me, it has nothing to do with folk customs.

The baby's hair is cut in four places with a cross. Moreover, consecrated scissors are used for such a ritual.

If we talk about changing the structure of the hair after a haircut, then there is simply no scientific justification for such a technique. Visually, it seems that new hairs grow thicker, but this is due to their simultaneous growth.

In any case, with age, the baby fluff will gradually fall out, and hair will begin to grow, the structure of which is laid down genetically.

So feel free to object to persistent grandmothers, and do not let the little princess be deprived of her curls.

But the sign that prohibits parents from cutting a one-year-old baby has justifications.

Indeed, mothers do not cut their daughters' hair, but fathers do their sons, because by such an action they deprive them of happiness, as if cutting it off.

Therefore, entrust this traditional procedure on the 1st Birthday to the godparents. Beat the ritual itself colorfully by preparing for it beautiful scissors on a tray, a box or an envelope for storing cut curls.

Who will you become, baby: guessing in a playful way

Quite common at the first birthday is the ritual of the child choosing an object related to his future profession, habits, lifestyle.

By the way, this harmless entertainment has quite ancient roots. So even in ancient times they tried to determine the fate of the child.

If you comply with all the requirements of the ancient ritual, then you will need a real sheepskin coat, on which the baby is seated.

And around it lay out certain items related to professions, habits.

The main list of such things invariably includes:

  • A rosary or a cross, a small icon - the choice of the baby will mean that his future life will be righteous and pious. But some predict for such a child the fate associated with the church. That is, he will be a priest or a monk, a nun.
  • The book is a symbol of knowledge and wisdom. For a kid who takes such an object, the fate of a scientist is prepared, or he has a lot to learn.
  • Money, banknotes, coins as a symbol of wealth. The child will never be familiar with poverty, need. His enterprising qualities will allow you to live in abundance.
  • Hammer or other tool. Such items are associated with the profession, or they say that the baby will be a jack of all trades.
  • Pen - in the future, the child will beautifully express his thoughts. That is, he can become a speaker, an official or a writer.
  • Ring as a symbol of family life. Fate prepares the child for an early marriage or marriage. But someone explains this choice of happiness in marriage.
  • Threads. First of all, the threads symbolize needlework, but can be associated with the future of a good housewife.
  • Garlic. The child will be in excellent health.
  • Flute, pipe, drumsticks. The child will have musical abilities and, perhaps, he will become a good musician.
  • Map. A child who chooses such an item will connect his life with traveling or sailing.

But there were also special items that did not bode well. But it is undesirable to refuse them, or fortune-telling will lose its meaning.

  • Glass or bottle. The future of the child will be overshadowed by a love of strong drinks or a propensity for a dissolute life.
  • Playing cards. The explanation for this choice is unambiguous - the player or the spender will grow.
  • Bag. Such an item promises poverty, but some interpret the choice as wanderlust.

All these items are laid out in front of the baby and give him the opportunity to choose his own destiny.

Do not call the child, distract, draw his attention to certain objects.

And he can choose several things. Try to use them to get an idea about the future of your son or daughter.

For example, a boy can choose money, a hammer, and a card at the same time. This means that he will earn good money with his skill, which will allow him to travel.

In modern realities, the list of items for divination can be significantly expanded. It all depends on the imagination of the parents.

Put in addition in front of the baby:

  • comb - will be a hairdresser, makeup artist or stylist;
  • a spoon, a ladle - to be a cook for a child, and maybe the owner of a restaurant business;
  • pills - perhaps a future doctor is growing in the family;
  • computer mouse - the fate of the child is connected with working on a computer;
  • photograph - to be his photographer;
  • a brush - a famous artist, designer;
  • matches - we are waiting for a child; the profession of a fireman;
  • toy gun - will be military;
  • hammer - will be a lawyer, judge, lawyer;
  • glasses - a teacher or a scientist;
  • a typewriter - will be fond of cars, and possibly become a driver, owner of a car repair shop or car dealership;
  • a toy dog ​​- will become a cynologist or a veterinarian;
  • a flashlight - a detective, a policeman;
  • ball - a sports career is waiting for a child;
  • phone - to be his leader.

Someone is trying to arrange a prank around such fortune-telling. Relatives try to draw the attention of the baby to their subject.

It is better not to do this, but fortune-telling can be diversified by predicting relatives which item the birthday person will choose.

They write their options on the leaves next to their name. After the fortune-telling, they read out what future the guests predicted for the baby.

Cool competition for attention

This entertainment is completely dedicated to the baby, or rather, what relatives know about the birthday boy. Definitely, parents who know exactly all the answers do not take part in the game.

You can write prepared questions on chamomile petals, which will come off in turn from its base. The one who gives the correct answer first is awarded a petal.

The winner is the guest who has collected the most petals.

Questions can be selected the most diverse, and sometimes cool. Let the guests try to remember:

  • How much did the birthday boy weigh at birth?
  • How tall was the baby at birth?
  • What day of the week was the baby born?
  • Under what zodiac sign was the child born?
  • State the exact time of the baby's birth.
  • When did he start sitting?
  • When did you take the first step?
  • When did the first tooth appear?
  • How many teeth does he have now?
  • What is the name of the child's parents?
  • What is his favorite toy?
  • What is your favorite fairy tale?
  • What does the birthday boy like to eat?

As a reward for the most attentive guest, prepare a drawing that the baby will make with his little hands.

Letters to the future

To complete the holiday, prepare a spectacular competition that will be remembered by guests and will be a great occasion to meet the same company in 18 years.

Hand out beautifully designed leaves or scrolls, as well as pens to all guests. Let each invitee write his sincere wishes for the child on it.

After that, you can distribute candles to all guests and turn off the lights. Approach each one and light his candle.

Let the participants of the holiday not only hand over their secret wishes, but also say beautiful words intended for the child.

Already these competitions will be enough to organize the first birthday of a boy or girl in a fun way.

But if you wish, you can add funny entertainment to the script with drinking alcohol from baby bottles, crawling in crawlers, playing improvised instruments, singing children's songs.

Just remember that a large amount of information, emotions, impressions, a child can simply get tired and start acting up.

Therefore, limit yourself to 4 - 5 contests or games that you will later remember with special awe and admiration.

Video: first birthday in detail

Celebrate your beloved baby's first birthday in a fun and noisy way! And even if the child does not yet understand all the hype around him, adults will have fun from the heart. Our script will help you make the holiday original - with poems, songs and contests.


Presenter: Today we gathered at the festive table to congratulate our beloved girl (boy) on the first year. The birthday girl (birthday boy) has the most beloved person in the world who will say the first toast. This is mom!

So the first year has turned!
Someone might say: "not enough"
But really knows
How not enough - only mom!
How much to become that mother!
The most tender and beloved
The most important, the most-most!
Become strong and vulnerable!
Like tired at the crib
Be happy, cry quietly
From what is in the world
The one who matters more than life!
The one who hugs for the first time
Smile cleanly, cleanly
Say something wonderfully "MAMA"
In the first year of your life!
Here comes the first year!
Still, there wasn't much in it.
Only knows for sure
Only mom! Only mom!

Mom's toast.

presenter: (name) has another favorite person who can do EVERYTHING!

Can read a book
Can you warm up the soup?
Can watch a cartoon
He can play checkers
Might even wash the cups
Can draw cars
Can collect pictures
Can give me a ride
Instead of a fast horse.
Can he catch fish?
Fix the faucet in the kitchen.
For me, always a hero -
My best dad!

papa's toast.

Presenter: I sat down and sit
And I don't go out for a walk
I don't turn on the TV
I gave up tea
I don't want to eat or sleep
I'll be waiting for my grandmother!
Why didn't you come
Maybe urgent business?
Maybe she's tired
Laid down and fell ill?
All! Decided to run
I'll help her all by myself!
Suddenly, I hear: knock-knock-knock!
It's Grandma knocking on the door!
Hello my dear
I will hug her, love!
Let the whole wide world know
No one has such a grandmother!

Grandma's toast.

Presenter: My grandfathers are with me
And that means that we are the main ones in the house,
I can open cupboards
Watering flowers with kefir
Play pillow football
And clean the floor with a towel.
Can I eat cake with my hands
Slam the door on purpose!
It won't work with mom.
I already checked.

Grandpa's toast.

Leading. Those beloved ones who baptize the baby,
Promote development and growth slowly.
According to the old custom that has been around for a long time,
It is given to them to cut the first curl of the goddaughter!

Godparents cut their locks in the form of a cross and perform a divination ceremony to determine the future of the baby. Required props:

A ball that symbolizes long life.
The book is knowledge and intelligence.
Money is material well-being.
Garlic - health.
Keys - a good solution to the housing problem.
Candy - sweet life.
The brush is creativity.
Ring - great love.

Whatever the kid pulls the handle for first, that will be his fate.

A toast from the godmother and the godfather.

Leading. Anyone will confirm, and you will understand everything,
And I'll tell you, without hiding anything,
That there is nowhere better than an aunt in the whole world,
Than my dear aunt, my dear.

A toast from my aunt.

Presenter: I want to hear from you on this day
Wish you health and happiness.
Nowhere else can you find such an uncle,
And I'm lucky - I don't have to look.

Uncle's word.

Although my mother's girlfriends rarely come,
We hope to fix them
It's just that they seem to be
Let us listen to their instructions.

A word to mom's friends.



And now let's check how well you know the birthday girl (birthday boy).

1) With what weight was (name) born?

2) How tall?

3) What color are her eyes?

4) What is the name of the doctor who delivered the baby?

6) Favorite food?

7) What time did the first tooth come out?

8) When did you crawl?

9) When did you go?

10) How many teeth are there now?

11) How tall are you now?

13) What is the sign of the zodiac?

14) In what year was she born?

15) What time was she born?

16) What day of the week was she born?

17) What color is the birthday girl's eyes now?

19) What is the birthday girl's house number?

20) What is the name and patronymic of the godfather?

21) What is the name and patronymic of the godmother?

22) What can (name) already show?

23) What date were they baptized?

Competition "Spit the pacifier"

Several participants - how many nipples there are. A competition to see who can spit out a pacifier the furthest. It is carried out in 3 attempts, the place where the nipple fell is marked with a paper circle, and after each spit, the participant must sterilize the nipple in a cup of hot water.

Verse for the winner

Competition "Scales"

Adult men hardly become, they weigh the birthday girl. Whose answer will be closest to the real weight, he won.

Competition "Bottle"

Two men are given a bottle each filled with the same amount of champagne or beer. Through the wide opening nipple, contestants need to drink their bottle as soon as possible.


Prepare diapers and dolls. 3-4 participants are needed, who should temporarily put a diaper on the toy, swaddle it and tie a bow beautifully.

Competition "Puffy-cheeked lip-slap"

This competition is more likely for men or for brave women. Candy canes are needed for the contest. Each participant takes a candy in his mouth and says the phrase “I am a fat-cheeked lip-slapper”, after which he adds another one to his mouth. The winner will be the person with the most candy in their mouth and the best diction. The competition is very funny, you can hold it as long as there are people who want to. It will also cause laughter that the most “fat-cheeked lip-slapper” will receive a pack of candies as a gift!

Shift game "Guess the name of the fairy tale"

Square ("Gingerbread Man").
Green slipper ("Little Red Riding Hood").
Zharishche ("Frost").
Hundred meters ("Thumbelina").
Beggar's old trousers ("The King's New Clothes").
Palace ("Teremok").
Tin animal ("Goldfish").
Solar servant ("The Snow Queen").
Silver fox and 3 giants ("Snow White and the 7 Dwarfs").
A goat and five wolf cubs ("A wolf and seven kids").
Saucepan of cabbage soup ("Pot of porridge").
Radish ("Turnip").
Slender mare ("Humpbacked Horse").
The Cowardly Shoemaker ("The Brave Little Tailor").
Hen - silver paw ("Cockerel - golden comb").
A dog without a hat ("Puss in Boots").
How the cod wanted ("By the Pike's Command").
Ducks-cranes ("Geese-swans").

Contest "Guess what you ate"

Men with closed eyes taste baby food (from cauliflower, pumpkin, etc.). Guessing - a prize.

Competition "Children's songs"

Guests sitting at the table should be divided into two teams: one team to the right of the leader, and the other to the left. Teams take turns singing children's songs. The one who sings the most songs wins.

Most often, mothers do the design of the anniversary. But dads unobtrusively hint that the baby still does not understand anything in order to arrange a colorful show, but, surprisingly, they take part in the preparations with pleasure.

But you really want to congratulate your son beautifully on his birthday, a year old. And here interesting design ideas and thematic options for holding the boy’s first birthday will come to the rescue.

Traditional birthday decoration for 1 year old

Definitely, a thematic birthday requires strict adherence to the chosen direction.

Therefore, some parents prefer the traditional festive decoration of the holiday.

An entourage made in a certain color scheme will look much more concise.

It is better to choose colors that are not poisonous, not too bright, so as not to distract the baby.

Pastel, muted tones are ideal. You can stop at white, green, brown and honey tones. It is not necessary to make jewelry in boyish blue shades.

Play with colors, combine several options.

All decorations must be large enough and safe.

Remember that the baby learns the world not only visually, but also by touch.

The child will try to touch and even taste the scenery.

Therefore, be sure to consider this and avoid the use of glass, fragile jewelry.

Balloons, streamers with congratulations, various flags and pompoms are ideal. Children really like various animals made of balls, as well as huge balls filled with smaller ones or toys.

Just keep in mind that the child may be scared if such decor suddenly bursts.

Be sure to make a play area for kids.

Here you can install a toy house, an inflatable slide, ladders, structures made of large cubes.

If the holiday takes place in the summer and on the street, a pool, a swing, a sandbox will do.

How to congratulate a boy on his first birthday in an original way: choose a theme

But if you want to congratulate your son on his first birthday in a non-standard way, choose the right theme.

After all, thematic holidays are always distinguished by their creativity and originality.

We offer several themes that are ideal for organizing a boy's first birthday.

Creating an atmosphere of mysterious space is not so difficult.

It is enough to figure out how to convey the beauty of the starry sky. You can make heavenly bodies in the form of stars, comets, planets from ordinary cardboard. Give them shine by pasting with foil or decorating with fluorescent spray paint.

These neon-effect jewelry will glow in the dark. Also, finished figures can simply be sprinkled with broken Christmas tree decorations, crushed into crumbs.

The main color of the holiday will be blue, diluted with white and silver. In tone, we make flags with the image of stars or in the form of small space rockets. The same rockets and stars will decorate treats.

And we dress the baby with a small astrologer. We prepare caps with stars for guests.

Happy birthday to son for 1 year, like a little prince

Create a real fairytale kingdom for your little prince.

To make the setting reminiscent of ancient knightly times, make a real castle out of cardboard. It can be made voluminous or used as a background by placing it on a wall or curtains.

It is not necessary to make a whole fabulous town or huge buildings - a couple of towers will be enough.

Helium balloons look cool at the birthday of the little prince, on the ribbons of which you can stick fairy-tale figurines. To congratulate the baby, we are preparing a colorful thematic banner.

The main color schemes of such a holiday will include a combination of blue with silver and gold. It is in this color scheme with the image of crowns, coats of arms, medals that you can make invitations for guests and cool caps.

Be sure to make a colorful candy bar where you can display sweets, cakes, drinks and cake as treats, decorating them with themed toppers.

How to wish a happy first birthday to a son - a little gentleman

Another great idea for a boy's birthday party is a gentleman's birthday party.

The main accent in the decoration will be antennae and butterflies.

We dilute the main color with multi-colored stripes and peas, which will make the atmosphere more fun.

We choose for the crumbs a festive outfit with a vest and, of course, a butterfly.

We use the same elements, as well as images of glasses, hats, canes to decorate the room and for a photo shoot.

Great classic set for big and little gentlemen's birthdays!

Let the first birthday of the crumbs be remembered for its originality and chic.

Happy birthday baby: 1 year old in a marine style

Happy birthday, one year old boy: ideas for decoration

Not only the right theme will help to give individuality to the holiday, but also ideas that can be brought to life exclusively on the anniversary.

They can be the start for traditions that can be continued on the second, third and subsequent Birthdays.

Poster "I'm growing up..."

It will be interesting for guests and relatives to see how the baby grew up, how it changed throughout the year.

Indeed, in the first year, the baby grows very quickly and not everyone had the opportunity to observe these fascinating changes. Therefore, posters with photographs of a child taken in each month of the past year, from birth to anniversary, are very popular.

You can design such a poster in the most unpredictable ways. Cool locomotives look with a photo in the windows of trailers. You can draw a clock and place a corresponding photo on each digit. Or make a flower with 12 petals and stick a corresponding picture on each of them.

Just a poster or banner will do, where you can stick a photo of the baby.

Collages with photographs look no less interesting, where you can display cool situations and child skills.

In this case, plot photos with the image of the baby together with parents, grandparents are ideal.

If you wish, you can pick up interesting captions for the plots or short rhymes.

Such a poster of achievements can be hung in the common room or at the entrance.

Slide show

If you know how to work with video programs, be sure to make a colorful slide show. Such a video will be a great addition to the birthday script and a gift for the baby. Here you can use not only the most interesting photos, but also videos that have accumulated throughout the year.
