Crafts from ear sticks and cotton pads. Crafts from cotton pads - original ideas and a master class for creating jewelry (95 photos)

Good afternoon! Probably, on the eve of the holidays, we are all preoccupied with one thing, the choice of surprises. Of course, you can buy them, but you must admit, it is much more pleasant to make them yourself. Come up with or find a suitable idea and design something unusual. How about you? Agree, it sounds interesting. But what does it look like? And is it possible to repeat, embodying the idea in your work? That's what we'll talk about!

Before we start building, let's take a look at the possibilities of the new material. Then we will understand what will work best from it and cook most beautiful crafts.


  • Soft. This means it is safe for kids. They can be cut out, glued, fixed with a stapler or tape.
  • Thin. Can be folded multiple times.
  • White. So, the choice of color is ours! After all, white is easily dyed.

Today we will check all these pluses. And at the same time, let's see what kind of gift you can prepare with a crumb to school.

If you have felt, then you can make a wonderful gift

It turns out crafts from disks can be beautiful

I will divide this part into 2 topics: flowers and applications. The fact is that you will see how much you can come up with on one and on the second topic.


Each sponge is a petal. We twist the first one. We wind the second and subsequent ones on the previous ones, slightly bending the upper edge of the disk. Having received a magnificent bud, we fasten it at the bottom with a thread. Such a bouquet can be presented mom.


It is made in two ways: by cutting out the petals or by turning both lower edges to the middle. By collecting a few petals around the yellow center, you can get a chamomile.

Lily (calla)

Let's talk more about this product. For him we need:

  • sponge;
  • cotton swab;
  • Yellow paint;
  • The sheet of paper is green;
  • Cocktail tube.

I will describe the work step by step:

  1. Cut the cotton swab in half.
  2. We color the cotton wool at its end.
  3. We put the stick in the middle of the disk and bend the edges. We glue them.
  4. We fix the cocktail tube like a stalk.
  5. Cut out leaves from paper and fix them on the stem.

So you can make a whole bouquet and give lilies to all girlfriends.


Here is a completely different technique. Yellow-dyed sponges are cut into small pieces and glued to the base. Leaves are added.
I would like to note that any flower can be fixed on a stick, cocktail tube or twig. And get a bouquet. And you can put it on glue and make a beautiful postcard or picture. This is how we smoothly move on to applications.

different flowers

Do not forget about mimosas, snowdrops, tulips.


Number "8". It's easy to do. It is enough to cut the middle in two sponges. Glue them one on top of the other. Here's the eight!

Caterpillar. Our kids will love every step of this activity.

  • First, you need to decorate each circle. It can be the same, but different colors will look more fun.
  • Then sponges, slightly overlapping each other, glue on the sheet. On the head of the caterpillar draw eyes, a mouth and antennae.

Butterfly. There are many options, I will describe the one that I liked the most. I pinch 4 sponges (wings) a little from one edge, and sew them to the strip cut from the disk (butterfly body). I glue 2 halves of a cotton swab (antennae) to the butterfly's head. Such a craft can be decorated and made elegant before giving it. girl.

Of course, the list is far from complete. And so it’s worth it to dream up a little yourself!

Video master classes

You can make mom an angel as a gift with a postcard "Mommy - you are an angel"

I love crafting. And I love it when it turns out to embody everything that I have in mind! This is what I wish you all! I wish you find a suitable model and copy it successfully. I also wish you happy holidays. And get a subscription from me as a gift! Design it and you will always have a collection of interesting ideas at hand. Do not forget to make a gift to your friends by telling them the address of our site!

All! Bye-bye everyone!

We bring to your attention an interesting material for needlework. It is inexpensive, but what amazing crafts from cotton pads are the result!

Do-it-yourself topiary from cotton pads

Isn't it true that such a bouquet will be an excellent decoration and a present? It looks gentle and elegant, and is made of the most ordinary objects. Here is what was used in the work:
  • 50 pieces of cotton pads;
  • hot glue;
  • beads;
  • a jar of cotton swabs;
  • 1 meter green satin ribbon 5 cm wide;
  • brown ribbon - 5 cm wide, and the length is equal to two girths of the jar;
  • mounting foam;
  • pins, needle, thread.
We begin to make flowers from cotton pads. After all, they are the basis of the composition. For one rose, you will need 2 cotton pads and a bead.

Take the first one, twist it into a bag. Attach the second to it and wrap around the first.

Here's what you should have so far.

Secure the bud with a thread with a needle, then thread it from below and point it up to prick a bead on the tip of the needle.

Initially, do not make a knot on the thread - it will not give a secure fixation, since the cotton wool is soft. When you pass a bead inside the bud, then cut the thread and tie its tip to the one on which the knot was not made.

For such crafts from cotton pads, with your own hands or with the assistance of an assistant, you need to make 25 roses. Let some be with beads, others not.

Now we need to make the leaves. For the first, cut a 10 cm long strip from the green ribbon, wrap its right and left corner down so that the wrong side is at the top.

To make the craft from cotton pads further, sew along the edge of this blank, and then turn it on the front side and gather it onto a thread to give the ribbon the shape of a leaf.

Flowers from cotton pads should be placed in a beautiful container. To make it, fill an empty jar of cotton swabs with mounting foam. When it swells and dries, cut off the excess at the top.

Decorate the outer sides of the container with a brown satin ribbon. It can be pulled tight and sewn to the side or glued to a jar.

Evenly distributing, pin the leaves with pins to the outer circle of the foam.

Lubricate the flowers from the discs with hot glue, start attaching them from the bottom tier, moving up.

It remains to decorate the jar with a thin satin ribbon, tying a bow and you can admire the work done, what a wonderful topiary you made with your own hands. It can also be made from cotton buds. It is also fertile material for creativity. It is fun and easy to create, so even a child can handle the task.

Children's fake cotton buds for the competition

If you asked this question, now you can quickly solve it. Such unfading flowers from cotton buds will certainly be noted at the competition.

Here are the materials and equipment you need for the job:
  • cotton buds;
  • floral ball;
  • scissors;
  • dye;
  • wire;
  • ribbon.
Have your child cut all the cotton buds in half. If it is not easy for him to do it himself, then adults will help. Now each blank obtained must be stuck into a foam ball so that the area with cotton wool is outside.

Thus it is necessary to arrange all the cotton buds. Next, dilute the paint in a small amount of water. Dip a flower from cotton swabs into it.

Use rubber gloves to avoid getting your hands dirty. You can first pierce the flower with a stem and, holding it, lower it into the paint.

As a stem, you can use a wooden stick (skewer or sushi), then it must first be painted green. There is another option - to wind green electrical tape or floral tape on the wire and use this stem.

Such flowers from cotton swabs can be brought not only to children's crafts competitions, but also to decorate a house, office, shop with them.

If you do not have a flower ball, have your child replace it with plasticine, from which you need to mold a round blank. In this case, it is better to first color the halves of cotton swabs, and then stick them into a plasticine ball.

Other products from cotton buds

See what else you can make for children's craft contests using the same material.

Cotton buds form the basis of this adorable panda.

To create it, you will need the following:
  • cardboard;
  • black and white paper;
  • cotton buds;
  • white plasticine;
  • glue;
  • black paint.
From cardboard you need to cut a panda with a round head and body, two ears and four paws. Attach this blank to black paper, outline, cut out; and from a white sheet - the inside of the ears.

Glue the black blank on the cardboard, and the white one for the ears in place. Cut out claws from paper of the same color, attach them to the paws with glue.

Let the child knead the plasticine and stick it on the panda's face. Now you need to cut the cotton buds and stick them into the plasticine. Decorate the work from the outer edge, gradually moving to the inner. The belly of the beast is decorated in the same way. To make the panda look like a real one, you first need to dip a few cotton buds in black paint, use them to make spots of this color on its body.

Oval eyes are cut out of white paper. Draw pupils, edging on them and glue in place.

But what other crafts can be made from cotton wool. This fluffy poodle is made from cardboard and the top of cotton buds. Glue it as shown in the photo.

Do-it-yourself volumetric paintings

Cotton buds give ideas for paintings.

For the first one you need:
  • a sheet of cardboard;
  • blue, green, brown paper;
  • cotton buds;
  • glue;
  • yarn;
  • small beads;
  • scissors.
This cotton bud craft for kids starts by gluing green paper onto a piece of cardboard. Now you need to draw a sky on blue, cut it out and glue it at the top of the composition.

Next, let the child cut out a house from brown paper. To make the structure log-like, we use cotton swabs. In place of the walls we glue them horizontally, at the top they repeat the outlines of the roof. It remains to glue the windows, and a beautiful children's craft-house is ready.

But the work is not yet complete. Two cotton buds are folded together, the other 2 need to be cut in half - these will be the hands of a little man. Now you need to attach the parts to each other with yarn, at the same time making out the top of the body in the form of a sweater, and below, like a skirt or pants.

Wrap more cotton wool on the tops of two sticks, let the face become more voluminous. Hair can be easily made from brown or yellow yarn. The glued strands of threads are made in the form of a tree, and yellow ones were used for the sun.

It remains to glue people from cotton buds, decorate the work with beads, and the three-dimensional picture is ready.

On the second panel, the braid is laid out in the form of the sun, and people made of cotton buds are glued between its rays.

Swans and flowers from cotton pads

This material is very malleable. It can be cut with scissors, painted, folded, glued. Cotton pads easily turn into swans, daisies.

Here's how to make such a three-dimensional picture. Take a cotton pad, roll it into a bag, secure with a stapler. Make several of these petals, lay them out on the table in a circle, connecting with a stapler. Cover one cotton pad with yellow paint, let it dry. Then glue this core to the center of the flower.

You can make daisies in a different way.

To make flowers from cotton pads, which are in the photo on the left, you will need this:
  • scissors;
  • yellow and green paint;
  • colored cardboard;
  • glue;
  • tweezers;
  • cotton pads.
Take the first disk, cut its edges in a circle to indicate the petals. Do the same with other flowers. Glue them onto colored cardstock. Tear off a piece from a cotton pad, roll it into a ball. Make a few more of these cores, dip them in yellow paint diluted with water. Remove with tweezers, spread on the surface, let dry. Then glue these blanks in the center of the flowers from the disks.

Cut out the stems from green colored paper, and the leaves from cotton pads. Cut them with scissors along the edges, paint. Let dry, glue in place.

If a child wants to make swans with his own hands, help him with this. Such work begins with the preparation of the necessary, namely:

  • blue cardboard;
  • white, green, brown, blue, yellow paper;
  • red, black paint;
  • cotton pads.
You will also need scissors, with them cut out the head of a swan along with the neck, wings from the discs.

If only white cardboard is available, then you need to stick a sheet of blue paper on it, let it dry and get colored.

The lake is cut out of paper in a contrasting color so that it can be seen against a blue background. Glue it on the cardboard, and on top of the cotton pad is the body of the swan. Glue wings to it, a head with a neck. From brown paper you need to cut out reeds, from green leaves and stems, stick them on the picture, as well as the sun on the sky.

Waves can be cut out of blue paper or drawn with paint of this color. It remains to paint the eyes with black paint, and the beak with red paint, and a beautiful picture of cotton pads is ready.

From this material you can make such a picturesque poppy.

For this you will need:
  • cotton pads;
  • glue;
  • gouache;
  • green paper or tape;
  • wire;
  • tassel.

For work, it is better to take thin cotton pads. Tape is an elastic band. If there is starch in the house, use it, then the disk flower will have denser petals.

Pour in 1 tbsp. l. starch in half a glass of cold water, mix. Separately, boil a glass of water, pour in a thin stream here, stirring, diluted starch, turn off the heat, cool. Soak 5 cotton pads in brewed starch, wring out a little, straighten, put to dry on an oilcloth.

After that, paint them with red gouache, when it dries, apply orange, white streaks. Now cut out poppy petals from these dried blanks, glue them together, giving the shape of a flower. Make stamens from a piece of cotton wool to be painted with black gouache.

Starting from the bottom, wrap the wire with green tape. In the middle of the stem, make a leaf out of tape or paper, continue wrapping the stem further, making another leaf. Glue this green branch to the poppy flower.

Christmas decorations from cotton pads

They can also be made from cotton pads. And this angel will decorate the room at any time of the year. Such crafts can be made with children in kindergarten.

The following master class with step-by-step photos will help you quickly understand the intricacies of the work. First, here is a list of the necessary for needlework:
  • cotton pads;
  • beads;
  • fishing line or thread;
  • scissors;
  • glue;
  • stapler;
  • thread with a needle;
  • jewelry ring;
  • rhinestones or sequins.
Let the child put the disk in front of him, place a bead in its center. Now you need to wrap the edges of the cotton blank up and wrap the area with a bead thread or fishing line. Make the edging of this cotton pad with scissors wavy. It turned out the head and wings of an angel.

To make it a long robe, fold the disk in half, then divide it into 3 parts, bring the two sides back. Secure with a stapler or sew. Glue the robe to the wings. It remains to decorate the angel with sequins, sew or glue a ring to the head, and the disk craft is ready.

Such an amazing wreath for the New Year is also made from this material. First you need to prepare the base. It can be a large foam or rubber ring. If you do not have these, then roll up a few newspapers, gluing them to each other, give the desired shape.

When the workpiece is dry, glue the elements from cotton pads. To make the first, roll the disk in the form of a bag, wind the second, third on it. Thus, you will get a rose, twisted with your own hands.

In the center of some flowers, you can glue a bead or sew it on, as described above. Glue the roses to the base of the wreath, placing them close together. Fill in the gaps with large beads, decorate the New Year's wreath with a large satin bow.

Here are how many crafts from cotton pads, sticks can be made, including for children. Videos will introduce you to other ideas:

Tatyana Semenyako

New Year holidays are the most joyful and favorite time for all Russians, young and old! You can sleep, watch your favorite movies and take a walk in the fresh air, since we, in the Moscow region, have perfect weather for this! But now all the snowmen have been fashioned, all the slides on the ice rinks have been explored, the family has returned home and in the evening the children again demand attention. I propose to brighten up family leisure with a simple, but exciting and useful activity - artistic creativity with the help of cotton pads. Now they can be found in every home. What else will be needed? Scissors, glue, colored cardboard and paper, paint, and your imagination!

Simple for small children picture- funny caterpillar or snake - a symbol of the year. Prepare only the right cardboard for background and pieces 6-7 cotton pads, glue and paint to finish details:

With older kids, you can make a hare. It will take 5 cotton pads. 2 disk- head and torso - leave whole, 3 cutting disc in half: These are ears and paws. We place it on the background, glue it, add details. We develop imagination and creativity!

Another composition is fish. For two fish, take 4 disk.

2 disk - body of fish, 1 disk cut in half - these are tails, one more disk cut into 4 parts - fins. Cut out algae from colored paper, add waves and air bubbles.

You can leave it like that, or you can color the fish and turn them into GOLD!

And, finally, the decorative composition CHRISTMAS BALLS, I think, will please the girls. cook discs, colored paper, narrow colored ribbons and paints on glass.

Pick a background, cut out fir branches from colored paper folded like an accordion (to get several branches at once).

Place nicely discs under the branches are balls.

Then decorate the ball as you wish whatever: paints, sparkles, confetti, glue bows from ribbons and - you're done!

Why are cotton pads needed? - Of course, in order to do crafts! Surely, such a childish answer will more than satisfy the curiosity of "inquisitive" parents and encourage them to work together. We, in turn, offer you more detailed instructions on the use of these hygiene products.

Crafts from cotton pads for children with their own hands

An unconventional approach to creativity, a minimum of imagination and improvised means - this is all you need in order to make something original and beautiful. First, we will start with simple crafts, the manufacture of which will not take much time, but will allow you to diversify your leisure time with your child. So, do-it-yourself flower crafts from cotton pads are a few simple options for your attention.

Example 1

An ordinary multi-colored chamomile flower looks more than original, while children can make such a miracle on their own. Prepare a sheet of paper, paint, pipette and glue, and then tell us in what sequence to proceed:

Example 2

Having mastered the elementary skills, let's try to make a more complex craft from cotton pads with our own hands - these are the roses that can be safely called an exam paper. Of course, such a masterpiece requires perseverance and patience, and children cannot do without the help of their parents. Let's get started:

  1. We take a cotton pad and twist it with a tube.
  2. We wind the second disk on top, fasten the resulting bud with a thread.
  3. Place a bead in the middle of the bud and carefully sew it on.
  4. We repeat the procedure as many times as we want to place roses in our pot. At the same time, it is not at all necessary to supplement each flower with a bead - unopened buds will make our composition more realistic.
  5. Next, let's make the petals.
  6. After that, we will prepare the pot by filling the plastic box with polyurethane foam.
  7. Decorate the finished pot with a brown ribbon.
  8. Now we will assemble the composition with hot glue.

Example 3

Let's digress a little from the floral theme. Here is such an original colorful bird, another example of a simple craft from cotton pads that you can do with your own hands in a matter of minutes.

We prepare everything you need: discs, paints, beads for the eye, a piece of yellow felt or colored paper, colored feathers.

Now we will decorate the cotton pads according to the technology already familiar to us.

Example 4

If the kids liked making crafts from cotton pads, then you can pass another evening by doing such a picture.

So, for its manufacture we need: 6 cotton pads, colored cardboard and paper, felt-tip pens, scissors and glue. Let's get started.

Do-it-yourself children's crafts from cotton pads are inexpensive and hygienic, they are safe to give into the hands of kids who are learning to make their first applications and show imagination. You can make flat and voluminous figures - flowers, snowflakes, snowmen, dogs, and even roll up a snowball - but soft and fluffy, not cold!

Handicrafts of flower and New Year's subjects turn out well. This activity is a useful joint leisure of parents and children.

If the craft turns out to be especially successful, it can become an original decoration for the interior of a children's room, a unique present, and even take a prize at a do-it-yourself school exhibition of works.

Why are cotton pads good?

It is convenient to work with cotton pads for children's hands - they are easy to cut with small scissors, fold and bend, glue, paint with watercolor paint, a marker or felt-tip pen, and combine with other materials.

It is enough to follow simple instructions on how to properly make crafts from cotton pads, and even a small child will get a real masterpiece.

Working with a round colorless object develops children's imagination - it teaches them to look at the usual form in a flexible and non-standard way, and this will come in handy when they become adults.

A selection of photos of crafts from cotton pads clearly demonstrates how many great little things you can make from them, and can prompt your own idea.

It is better to start with the simplest workshops on crafts from cotton pads. Those who have learned the very technique of work and understand the possibilities of this ornamental material will start to get very beautiful and high-quality things, and the skill will improve with each craft.

Tools and improvised means

Special devices are not required. As a rule, you need a sufficient number of disks themselves, stationery scissors and glue, a needle and thread, watercolor, a brush, decorative pins, sheets of cardboard and colored paper - plain and self-adhesive, multi-colored beads of different sizes made of glass and plastic, beads, shiny sequins, beautiful buttons, satin ribbon and other similar decorations.

Depending on what kind of craft is conceived, plastic cocktail straws (for example, for a flower stem), toothpicks, spruce and pine cones, tree leaves, coniferous twigs - anything that your imagination tells you can come in handy.

Below are beautiful ideas for crafts from cotton pads, simple to perform even for a six-year-old child.

Christmas snow-covered tree

Before you start work, you need to prepare:

  • many white cotton pads;
  • a sheet of white cardboard of the same size as the height of the tree;
  • stapler and paper clips to it;
  • stationery glue;
  • braid;
  • large multi-colored beads - these will be Christmas balls.

Christmas tree creation

A sheet of cardboard is folded into a narrow cone and glued along the edge. The trunk must be stable, so the base of the cone is made even, if it did not work out properly, you need to cut it with scissors.

All cotton pads are folded into triangles - first in half, then in half again: these will be spruce legs.

Starting from the base - from the bottom to the top - the disks are fastened in horizontal rows tightly to each other to make the Christmas tree fluffy. You can attach with pins with colored heads - decorations will immediately appear on the Christmas tree, or with a stapler.

The Christmas tree is decorated with balls - beads can be sewn or glued. If you wrap the Christmas tree with braid, it will play the role of garlands.

Such a Christmas tree can be decorated to your liking - with rain, confetti, even hang real glass Christmas decorations of a small size.

snowman card

When making crafts from cotton pads, it is important to act step by step, without overtaking events - this will teach the child perseverance. For this fun and unusual postcard, you need the following materials:

  • 2 thick cotton pads (so that the image is voluminous);
  • a sheet of thick colored paper or thin cardboard - the color you want a postcard;
  • sheets of thin colored paper for a hat and scarf;
  • orange colored paper for a carrot nose;
  • scissors;
  • stationery glue;
  • 2 buttons (for eyes);
  • markers.

Create a postcard

One of the cotton pads is cut with scissors for the head so that it becomes smaller than the diameter of the base disk of the snowman. Eyes-buttons are glued to the head with glue. (The eyes can be made from special stickers or cut out from colored paper.) A hat, a scarf and a carrot for the nose are cut out of colored paper.

The cardboard sheet is neatly folded in half. To make the fold perfectly even, and the cardboard bent well, you can draw a line along the ruler with the blunt side of the scissors. This is a postcard. Cotton pads, a hat, a scarf and a nose are glued to the front side of the postcard.

Postcard is ready! From such a snowman, you will also get a decoration for window glass, if you make it not on cardboard, but on a transparent film with glue applied to both sides of it. Such a film can be bought in any department of goods for children's creativity.


Snowballs can be hung on a live Christmas tree, or you can attach a thread to a snowball and play with a cat. All you need is cotton pads, ribbon and glue. All discs are folded in four - to make triangles. A drop of glue is applied to the tip of each triangle.

Together with these tips, four folded disks are glued together. If this is a toy for a cat, then it is better not to glue them, but to sew them together.

From four disks, half of the snowball is obtained, the same is made for the second half. The halves are attached to each other. To each snowball you need to sew a ribbon in the form of a loop. Craft options are many. The main thing is to show imagination.

Photo of crafts from cotton pads
