Signs of whether it is possible to celebrate a wedding. Wedding signs

A wedding is perhaps one of the most important events in a person’s life. This is an important step that radically changes life, connecting two loving hearts into a single whole - a family.

Very exciting for both the newlyweds and their loved ones, relatives and invitees. Every detail, every minute of celebration is thought through, aimed at arranging the happiness of the young. In a word, wedding! Signs and customs on this solemn day become especially relevant. Their goal is to protect those getting married from failures in marital happiness and to preserve love for many years to come. Of course, not everyone believes in wedding omens (what can and cannot be done on this significant day); many are skeptical about them and consider them prejudices, but their knowledge has never harmed anyone.

Signs before the wedding

    Wedding signs for the bride say that a wedding on a new moon means a happy new life, on a waxing moon - on a rapid increase in money capital, on a full moon - life will be like a full cup. If you get married during the waning moon, then all troubles and sorrows will go away.

    If on the wedding day in the morning the newlyweds or relatives are attacked by a sneeze, this is fortunate.

    The groom stumbled over the threshold of his chosen one's house - there will be another wedding.

    It will work out if the bride, on the night before the wedding, puts on her nightgown inside out and puts a mirror under her pillow.

    Wedding omens for the bride say: if the newlywed loses a glove or breaks a mirror before the wedding, this is a bad omen.

    On the eve of the wedding, the bride should not see the groom under any circumstances, and even more so, the future husband should not see her in a wedding dress, otherwise the marriage will be unhappy.

    Until the moment of the wedding (painting), the bride should not see herself in the mirror in full attire.

  • You cannot give each other photographs with your own image the day before.
  • Signs about clothing and jewelry

      Signs for the bride on her wedding day say that the happy chosen one must wear shoes with closed toes and heels when getting married. Then happiness will not leak out of the house. And if you also put a copper coin in the right shoe, then the life of the young people will be successful and rich. Getting married in sandals means living barefoot.

      If a woman who has been successfully married for 7 years helps the bride put on her wedding attire, then the newlywed will be healthy and successful.

      The bride should not allow her friend to stand in front of her in front of the mirror, otherwise the latter will beat off the groom. The same applies to the groom and his friends.

      In order to protect against the evil eye, newlyweds need to fasten it on their clothes with the head downwards for the groom - in the area where the boutonniere is attached, for the bride - on the inside of the hem of the dress. It is also recommended for the lucky chosen one to make a number of stitches with blue thread on the inside hem of the dress: as wedding signs say for newlyweds, this will protect the newlywed from the evil eye.

      Old shoes on the bride mean good luck in the new family. Therefore, a day or two before the celebration, it is recommended to wear shoes that will be worn at the wedding.

      Pearls worn by a bride to a wedding bring tears to her eyes.

      You should not wear jewelry to a special event - only costume jewelry - this is exactly what folk signs for a wedding say.

      What can and cannot be done for parents? The mothers of both young people should wear one-piece dresses (not suits) so that the family life of their children is free of discord.

      Wedding Dress

      A wedding and wedding signs are one whole, because the solemn event is so significant that you should pay attention to every detail. This also applies to the bride’s wedding dress:

      The bride's bouquet

        Wedding signs (what young people can and cannot do) clearly state that under no circumstances should the groom give his beloved’s bouquet to anyone until he himself gives it to him.

        She must protect hers throughout the festive evening; if he is released, happiness will fly away. At the wedding feast, you can put it on the table in front of you, and if there is a great need, then give it to the groom or your mother to hold.

        A wedding bouquet fell on the floor - there will be another wedding in this house.

        The one of the bride's friends who catches the wedding bouquet will be the next to get married.

        Wedding ring

        Oh, these signs for a wedding! What can and cannot be done for newlyweds with wedding rings? This question worries young people very much.

          Purchasing wedding rings is the responsibility of the groom.

          Rings must be smooth, without stones or notches, so that life is smooth, without pitfalls.

          The bride's ring should be wider than the groom's ring.

        Before leaving for the registry office

        On the way to the registry office and at the registry office

        The road towards an important event is an important component of the solemn process. Therefore, it is also worth considering the signs for the wedding here. What can and cannot be done on the way to the registry office for young people, their parents and guests?

        • You cannot cross the path of the bride and groom, so as not to deprive them of luck in life. If such a danger occurs, then the witness and witness should walk a little ahead.
        • You need to go to the registry office in different cars so that you still have time to think about such important changes in your life.
        • The more confusing the route that the bride and groom take, the happier their family life will be. In the old days, wedding trains chose the most confusing routes to the church in order to mislead the evil spirits.
        • If a cat crosses the road, you need to take a different route.
        • No one should pass between the bride and groom for family life to be happy and calm.
        • After leaving the registry office, the newlyweds leave holding hands. Whoever has the hand on top will be the head of the house.
        • If you touch the rings of the bride and groom, it means that you will soon be walking at your wedding. If after the registry office someone crosses the path of the bride and groom, it means that family life will not work out. This is what time-tested wedding signs say.

        What is possible and what is not allowed on your wedding day?

          If the bride's heel breaks, this means a “limping” family life.

          If a dress is torn at a wedding, then there will be an evil mother-in-law.


          Wedding candles need to be blown out at the same time, this will be the key to a long and happy life.


        • If the witnesses are divorced, then the marriage of the young couple will be in danger of disintegration.
        • If the witnesses are married, it is unlucky.
        • If the witnesses are a married couple, then their marriage will break up.


        • Before entering the hall, the newlyweds treat each other with salty bread. This should be the last time they hurt each other.
        • After the registry office, the most revered relative leads the newlyweds around the festive table three times, this symbolizes the inextricable bond of the married couple.
        • You should definitely break the first glass of champagne - for good luck! If dishes break at a wedding, it is fortunate.
        • At the wedding table, the newlyweds are required to sit not on chairs, but on the same bench, so that family life can be friendly.
        • There is such an interesting sign: if the bride accidentally drinks from her betrothed’s glass, it means that she will take his entire salary.
        • So that the newlyweds always have money, the newlyweds place a scarf with dry cockroaches under the bench.
        • If one of the guests drops a piece of food on the floor, the young people will always have a lot of treats.
        • If the bride's friend accidentally stepped on the hem of her wedding dress, it means she will soon be married.
        • If the young woman knocks back a full glass, the husband will drink.
        • If there are many children at the wedding, this means a fun and noisy family life.
        • A special decoration of the table is the wedding cake. The bride needs to cut it, and the groom supports the knife. The young people are treated to the first piece of cake - for good luck.


        As you know, not a single wedding in Rus' is complete without “Gorko!” This custom is quite old and arose as follows: the young woman used to go around to all the guests with a tray on which they put money. There was a glass on the tray, the guest drank it and said: “Bitter!” - as a sign that what was drunk was vodka, not water. Next, the invitee kissed the bride, thus sweetening the bitterness received from alcohol. Gradually, this method was replaced by the requirement of a kiss from those getting married.


        Wedding gifts are considered an important aspect of the special day. Signs regarding this part of the important day read:

        • You cannot give sharp objects: knives, forks, which carry aggressive energy that can fill a new family. If such a gift was nevertheless presented, the donor should be given a handful of coins so that there will be no troubles in life.
        • You cannot give a watch, because it will count down the minutes and seconds of your life together, and it will last as long as the gift will work.
        • Spouses are advised to choose their own bed linen, because intimate life is a private matter, not a public one.
        • You cannot present towels and handkerchiefs, so as not to condemn the newlyweds to tears and sadness.
        • Icons can only be given by the closest people: parents, grandmothers, godparents, because it is with such a valuable gift that the energy of the family is partially transferred into the hands of the young. If one of the invitees decided to make such a present, then the icon must first be consecrated in the church.
        • You also cannot give antiques that retain the energy of their previous owners. After all, they will influence the young family in their own way, and such influence may not always be good.
        • You cannot give a mirror. This is a magical object, and what is reflected in it is an astral projection of everything that a person sees in reality. As a wedding gift, the mirror will become a door to a parallel world (illusionary), which will provoke the newlyweds to lead a double lifestyle.
        • You cannot present pearl jewelry to the bride, otherwise the latter will often cry and grieve in her family life.
        • Also, guests should not give rings or cufflinks with amber, the energy of which can cause failure in their career. It is recommended to re-gift such gifts immediately.
        • For a smooth path in life, the bride should be given a white tablecloth as a gift.
        • You cannot give red roses. It is better to prefer them from daisies, cornflowers, lungwort and others, symbolizing love and tenderness. Lilies of the valley will be original as a wedding bouquet - a symbol of romance, happiness and fidelity. You can opt for violet - a flower that symbolizes the purity of soul and thoughts.

        Signs for guests

        Guests who come to congratulate the newlyweds should also know some wedding signs. What can and cannot be done for guests on this important day for the newlyweds?

        • You cannot come to a wedding wearing black clothes.
        • The number of guests at a wedding should be odd.
        • Guests should be seated according to their age. The youth sits with the bride and groom, then in order of seniority. The oldest people sit at the opposite end of the table from the younger ones.
        • Those invited from the bride's side sit in relation to her on the left side, the groom - on the right. After all, the left side of space symbolizes the feminine, the right - the masculine.
        • Seats for parents are at the end of the festive table.

        When is the wedding?

        • The optimal days for weddings and paintings are Saturday and Sunday. By the way, Americans prefer Monday for such events. In terms of time frames, the second half of the day is most successful.
        • Getting married in May means a lot of toil.
        • Previously, weddings had never taken place on the days of fasting: the Great, Rozhdestvensky, Uspensky and Petrov fasts. Christmastide (from the Nativity of Christ - January 7 - to Epiphany - January 20) was also not recommended for marriage.
        • The best for marriage are considered to be the 3rd, 5th, 7th, 9th and those that add up to the above.
        • You can't schedule a wedding for the 13th.


        • Snow or rain at a wedding is fortunate.
        • Strong wind - to a windy life.
        • If on the wedding day the weather was sunny, and then it started to rain suddenly, the family will live in abundance.
        • If a storm breaks out during the wedding, it will be a disaster.
        • If there is a strong frost on the newlyweds’ special day, then a strong and healthy boy will be born first.

Favorable month for marriage:

  • Wedding in January - early to be widowed;
  • Wedding in February - live in love and harmony;
  • Wedding in March - living in someone else's house or country;
  • Wedding in April - happiness will be short-lived;
  • A wedding in May means treason;
  • Wedding in June - life will be like a honeymoon.
  • Wedding and July - life will be changeable;
  • A wedding in August means long-lasting love and strong friendship between the spouses;
  • A wedding in September means a quiet and peaceful life;
  • A wedding in October means a difficult life;
  • A wedding in November means a rich life;
  • Wedding in December - love will intensify over the years;

What will each day bring to the newlyweds??

  • To get married on Monday means to be healthy;
  • Getting married on Tuesday means wealth;
  • Getting married on Wednesday is the best day for a wedding;
  • Getting married on Thursday means difficulties
  • It’s better not to plan to get married on Friday

Marriages concluded in the afternoon are considered more successful.
People born (July 7) on Ivan Kupala should not get married on the 7th.
Whoever marries Kazanskaya (November 4) will be lucky.
Getting married on your birthday is not good, i.e. not a number, but a day of the week. For example, if the groom was born on Tuesday, then the wedding cannot be held on Tuesday.
If the wedding falls on Intercession Day and it snows, this is a sign of happiness and well-being in the family. Marriages concluded on Palm Sunday are also considered happy.

Bride's dress:

You can only get married in a white dress for the first time. If you remarry, this color can bring misfortune. Even when getting married for the first time, some girls sometimes prefer dresses of other colors. But that's what they say wedding signs:

  • White dress - God's Grace;
  • A silver or gray dress means a short-term marriage;
  • Red dress - to quarrels and conflicts in the family;
  • Blue dress - feelings will soon cool;
  • Blue dress - the husband will be walking;
  • Green dress - to lack of money;
  • Yellow dress - live together for six years;
  • Golden dress - to a rich life;
  • Brown dress - sharing acquired property;
  • Black dress - early to become a widow;
  • Pink dress - for long lasting love.

Getting married in a hat means divorce,
To get married in a short veil is for sick children.
Getting married without a veil means betrayal and suffering.

Groom suit:

  • A black suit is considered traditional and portends a happy life;
  • A gray suit means a hasty marriage, but often a long one;
  • White suit - the groom will suffer;
  • Blue suit - quarrels over money;
  • A green suit is a marriage to make people laugh;
  • A red suit means that the groom will not live long;
  • A brown suit means a strict, demanding husband.

If the groom wears a bow tie, he will cheat
If the groom wears light-colored shoes, he will have poor health and will not live long.

Without signs there is no way - wedding signs on the eve of the wedding:

  • The wedding dress should not be ironed by the mother and the bride.
  • The longer the train of the dress, the longer the married life will be.
  • A spider on a dress or veil means goodness and wealth.
  • The bride should not wear sandals, open-toed shoes, or shoes with laces - this will lead to poverty for the newlyweds.
  • The bride should not put on the dress through her legs; she should put on the dress first by putting her head through then her hands.
  • A bride should not try on a wedding dress before the wedding: seeing herself in the mirror in a wedding dress means imprinting it on her and not repeating it in life. But before the wedding, before leaving the house, the bride should look in the mirror and add some other thing to her outfit - a brooch, bow, etc. Otherwise she might be out of luck.
  • Girlfriends, sisters or anyone should not try on the bride's wedding dress, and also try on jewelry from the bride's head (veil, twig) - a sign - to take happiness to yourself.
  • The groom is not allowed to see the bride trying on her wedding dress.
  • You should not let anyone try on your wedding rings, both before and after the wedding - they can measure your happiness.
  • After the newlyweds exchange rings, they are not allowed to take the box from them, and the one who does this next will go down the aisle.
  • The bride should not fiddle with the wedding ring on her finger; married life will not work out.
  • If the bride wakes up on her wedding day to the singing of birds, it means she will be happy in her family life.
  • A traditional wedding sign - before going to the wedding, the bride must feed the cat. Be sure to pay attention to how the animal behaves, if it runs away - nothing good will happen to the bride, if it rubs against her legs - this is a very good sign.
  • It is not good if the surname of the bride and groom begin with the same letter. Such couples were not given blessings for marriage.
  • It is a bad omen to write down your husband’s future surname before the wedding. Try to sign or simply name your future surname.
  • On the eve of the wedding, the groom should not cut his hair - the children will get sick.
  • The bride and groom are not allowed to take photographs on the eve of the wedding.
  • Taking photographs separately at a wedding for the bride and groom means separation.
  • Giving a photo to each other before the wedding means separation
  • The bride is not allowed to knit with the groom before the wedding - this means treason.
  • There is a wedding sign according to which the bride should cry a little before registering. This will bring prosperity to the family. However, tears just before the wedding do not bode well.
  • The bridesmaids in front of the mirror should not stand in front of her, the same applies to the groom, there is a sign that they can take away the “half”.
  • The bride and groom are not allowed to see each other before the wedding.
  • It is forbidden for any of the guests to adjust the clothes on the bride or groom. This can be done by parents or a happily married older friend.
  • It is considered a wedding sign that if the groom puts a coin in his right shoe, then this will bring prosperity to the family.
  • In order not to jinx the bride, pins were stuck into her hem with the point down, and a red ribbon was tied around her waist. Also, the bride should wear a veil, and upon entering the Wedding Palace, she can throw it away.
  • Before going to the registry office, the mother of the bride should give her daughter some item from family heirlooms, a brooch, earrings, ring, etc. This protects the bride.
  • The bride should not part with the bouquet that the groom gave her. It can be temporarily given to the groom or mother. At the wedding reception, the bride must place the bouquet in front of her, and at the end of the ceremony, take it home.
  • The groom, who has picked up his bride from her parents' house, should not look back on the way to the registry office.
  • To make it easier for the bride to live in a new family, the house should be wet cleaned as soon as the wedding cortege has left for the wedding ceremony, but you cannot wash the threshold - this means the bride will return to her parents' home.
  • The bride and groom should not allow anyone to pass between them, and during the feast, it should not be allowed for any of the guests to sit in the place of the bride or groom. Then their marriage will be long and inseparable.
  • Newlyweds should not eat from the same spoon - this is a sign of “eating” their destiny.
  • It is forbidden for divorced or married people to be witnesses for the bride and groom. They must be single and benevolent in nature.
  • It is a bad omen to postpone the scheduled wedding to another day.
  • There is a tradition for the husband and wife to live in abundance; they throw coins at the feet of the newlyweds, sprinkle them with grain or hops, so that they have many children.
  • Wedding omen - to make life sweet, the bride and groom must secretly eat a chocolate bar for two before registering at the registry office. This must be done before leaving home for the wedding.
  • If it rains on your wedding day, it is a good sign and so is the appearance of a rainbow.
  • It is a bad omen to forget your rings at home or drop them during the ceremony.
  • A good wedding omen is that if the newlyweds look in the mirror after the wedding ceremony, it will bring good luck. But you cannot photograph your reflection in the mirror.
  • Strike “for luck.” If during the celebration one of the newlyweds’ glasses is broken, then the second one should also be broken.
  • You should not give newlyweds sets of knives and forks - this will lead to divorce and quarrels.
  • A common wedding sign is the throwing of the bride's bouquet. The girl who catches the bouquet will soon get married. A girl should keep this bouquet in her bedroom for a year. There is a similar tradition for bachelors; the one who catches the garter from the bride’s leg will get married in the near future.

    It is better to go to the banquet not on a straight road, but as if wandering, in order to confuse the evil spirits. It’s even better to drive around seven bridges before registering your marriage - to great happiness.

    As you know, life and dare go together. If, nevertheless, your wedding car meets a funeral car, of course this is not very good news. You can neutralize it by saying: Wreath is different from wreath. Amen

  • There should be no “single” portraits in the newlyweds’ bedroom before their wedding night. And the pillows must be placed so that the cuts of the pillowcases “look” at each other. Then the young couple will live in love and harmony.
  • Alder is considered a magical talisman. Therefore, pieces of alder bark were placed in the newlyweds’ pockets to prevent damage.

A wedding is one of the most important and responsible celebrations of every person embarking on the path of family life. Newlyweds perceive this as a kind of turning point, a start to a new unknown life, they have the highest hopes and are afraid that at least something will go wrong. It is not surprising that a huge number of different signs and superstitions are associated with a wedding and pre-wedding efforts. People believe that by following them, folk wisdom passed down from ancient centuries, they will be able to protect their union from everything bad: from family quarrels and troubles, from misfortune, from envy and evil of others, from the influence of otherworldly forces. That is why some of the common wedding signs have even managed to develop into the rank of rituals.
One can argue for a long time as to whether they can really change a person’s life, protect him from anything. On this score, skeptics have clear logical explanations as to why this or that sign was so important for our ancestors. However, one thing remains unchanged - faith. If a person believes that following these tips, he will be able to achieve what he wants, then this is sometimes the key to success.

Well, let's look at the most common wedding signs and superstitions. It is believed that the month in which the marriage takes place is of great importance for the entire future life of a married couple.

Signs for choosing a month for a wedding:

Getting married in January means the risk of becoming widowed very early;
. Getting married in February means living in harmony with your husband;
. Getting married in March is a risk of living on someone else's side;
. Getting married in April - marriage promises changeable happiness;
. Getting married in May means seeing betrayal in the house with your own eyes;
. Getting married in June is a honeymoon for the rest of your life;
. Getting married in July means bittersweet memories of family life;
. To get married in August means to find a husband, a lover and a friend;
. Getting married in September means a calm, measured life;
. Getting married in October means a difficult and difficult life;
. Getting married in November means a rich, happy life;
. Get married in December - every year the shine of the stars of love will become brighter.

Folk omens also attach no less importance to the day of the week on which the wedding occurs.

Monday is one of the most suitable days for registering a marriage. Your chosen one will become a true support and support in everything;
. Tuesday is an unfavorable day for marriage. To frequent quarrels and troubles;
. Wednesday is a lucky day for marriage;
. Thursday - promises difficulties in family life;
. Friday is also not the best day for celebration;
. Saturday - you will have to sacrifice your career and personal life for the sake of family happiness;
. Sunday is a wonderful day for marriage. The chosen one will become a source of inspiration and will also help you realize your dreams.

Our ancestors also tried not to get married on the 13th. Typically, all odd numbers (especially 3, 5, 7, 9) were considered lucky “wedding dates.” Also, in the old days, weddings were not held during church fasts. From ancient times in Rus', late autumn was considered “wedding season” - after the harvest. In addition, Maslenitsa was a good time.

Signs associated with the dress of the bride and groom:

The bride cannot be in full wedding attire before the wedding day: failure will await her, and the wedding may not take place at all. When trying on, it is customary not to wear some part of the toilet (for example, one glove). If the outfit is not complete, it is considered that it is no longer an outfit. It is also forbidden for the groom to see his beloved in a dress before the wedding - to trouble;
. For a successful union, the young man's wedding attire must consist of something old, something new, something borrowed and something blue;
. It is not customary to start putting on a wedding dress from the sleeves - you should stick your head in first. You also cannot wear a dress over your legs;
. You cannot rent (borrow) jewelry for a wedding dress;
. If the bride wears a veil not with a wreath, but with a hat, it means the breakdown of the marriage;
. The bride should wear exclusively white underwear;
. The bride should not be dressed by her namesake friend;
. You cannot glue flowers to the bride’s belt - this means a difficult birth;
. It is not recommended that the dress have an odd number of buttons - the husband will cheat;
. The bride should not hem the hem of her wedding dress herself;
. A wedding dress must be below the knees. The longer the outfit, the longer the married life will be;
. You cannot let anyone try on your dress - neither your sisters nor your friends;
. It is recommended to get married in shoes (necessarily with closed toes and heels), otherwise happiness may run away from home. However, you should not wear shoes with laces;
. You cannot sell your wedding veil or lend it to friends - your marriage will be unsuccessful;
. You must definitely get married in a dress, but not in a corset with a skirt, otherwise your life will be separate;
. After the wedding, the dress is not sold, it must be kept for the rest of your life - otherwise the marriage may break up;
. You can't wear pearls - it will make the bride cry. It is also not customary to wear jewelry, exclusively costume jewelry. For a happy marriage, a happy married friend should put earrings on the bride;
. Young people should stick a needle into their outfit so as not to be jinxed;
. If the bride’s heel breaks on the wedding day, family life will also be “limped”;
. If the bride's dress is torn on the wedding day, the mother-in-law will be angry;
. So that a married couple does not need money, the groom should put a coin in his right shoe on his wedding day, which is then kept as a family heirloom.

Signs associated with the choice of wedding rings:

Marrying with your parents' rings means repeating their fate, adopting their family relationships;
. A ring dropped during a wedding means treason;
. Wedding rings must certainly be smooth (classic) - for a happy family life. It is not recommended that rings have stones or notches;
. You can’t let someone try on your wedding ring - you can give away your destiny. If it is inconvenient to refuse, the ring must first be placed on the table. Let them take it from the table, but not from your hands;
. The bride's friend should pick up the empty box from under the rings, and in no case the bride herself.

Signs related to the weather on your wedding day:

Snow or a blizzard on your wedding day - to prosperity;
. Rain on the wedding day promises wealth for the young family;
. Strong wind on the wedding day - the couple’s life will be windy;
. A thunderstorm or storm during a wedding means misfortune;
. Severe frost hit on the wedding day - the first-born will be a boy.

Signs associated with the choice of witnesses:

Witnesses at a wedding must be an unmarried boy and girl. It is also undesirable to choose witnesses from divorced acquaintances. Otherwise, you can jeopardize a happy family life;
. If the witnesses are married, this promises misfortune;
. If your witnesses are divorced, your own marriage will not last long either;
. If you have a married couple as witnesses, they may soon separate.

Signs associated with the wedding ceremony and banquet:

The newlyweds cannot be photographed separately - they may separate;
. The bride and groom should always be close, not allowing someone to come between them - also leading to separation;
. Which of the newlyweds will be the first to step on the mat (rushnik) during the ceremony will be the head of the family;
. When a bride accidentally pricks her finger during a wedding, this means frequent quarrels with her husband;
. You cannot invite an even number of guests to a wedding - a very bad omen;
. Guests are not allowed to wear black clothes to the wedding - this is a bad sign for the newlyweds;
. Parents of newlyweds are not recommended to attend the ceremony at the registry office;
. If on the way to the registry office of the wedding procession there is a funeral, you need to take a different road, otherwise you will invite trouble;
. The bride's left palm itched - for a rich life, her right - for frequent guests and fun;
. If after the registry office the bride enters the house first, she will lead the family, if the groom, then he will be the rightful owner;
. The newlyweds need to be led around the banquet table three times - for good luck;
. So that the young do not need either bread or money, they need to be sprinkled with cereals from rice, oats, millet, and wheat grains;
. The father-in-law and mother-in-law should welcome the newlyweds home with bread and salt. Whichever of the young people bites off the larger piece will dominate the family;
. It is customary to throw old, worn shoes after the young people. By doing this, they believe that everything old and bad is in the past and will never be remembered;
. Coins placed in the glasses of the newlyweds during the wedding feast are kept at home under the tablecloth - to constant prosperity;
. To avoid quarrels in everyday life, the newlyweds must break the plate by stepping over the pieces together. Only after this is it customary to sit down at the wedding table;
. At the table, the newlyweds should be seated on a fur coat with the fur turned upside down - to a rich life;
. At the table, the newlyweds sit on the same bench, but not on chairs - to join a friendly family;
. Young glasses should not contain any remains of wine (or other drinks) - this will lead to frequent tears;
. During a wedding, two bottles of champagne are tied with a ribbon and left untouched. It is believed that the young family will then celebrate both their first anniversary and the birth of their first child;
. A wedding tablecloth is used to cover the table on the wedding anniversary for three years in a row in order to live in peace until old age;
. Newlyweds should dance only with each other or with their parents. Moreover, after the dance, the parents always bring the newlyweds to each other;
. The bride must cut the birthday cake, the groom only holds the knife. At the same time, they place a piece of the wedding cake on each other's plate. And only after that the guests are treated. This sign symbolizes support and mutual assistance;
. Young people cannot eat from one spoon - to dissatisfaction with each other;
Signs associated with the wedding ceremony
. The mother of the bride during the wedding (when the wedding candles are lit) should say: “Lord, help, Lord bless. Let your candles shed tears. And only then will these candles develop, and only then will the husband and wife separate. Truly";
. When leaving the church, the bride must tie a knot on a handkerchief, then immediately untie it with the words: “As I can easily untie a knot, so I can easily give birth in due time.” Amen";
. During a wedding (at the moment when the crowns are over the heads of the newlyweds), the wedding couple cannot look into each other’s eyes - otherwise there will be treason. It is also not recommended to look at candles, preferably at the priest;
. At a wedding, the bride cannot wear a wedding ring over her gloves - there is a 100% guarantee that the couple will separate;
. Getting ready for the wedding ceremony, the newlyweds close the new lock with a key. After the ceremony, the father of the groom must throw one copy into one river, and the father of the bride into another. This is done to make the marriage last forever;
. When getting married on a leap year, you need to say: “I am getting married with a crown, not a leap end” - this is done so that the marriage does not have to be dissolved;
. You cannot leave a wedding towel and other attributes in the church. They should be kept at home;
. After the wedding, the bride and groom should remain silent for as long as possible. It is believed that whoever remains silent the longest will be the head of the family;
. After the bride has left the church, a person close to her should break a raw egg - for an easy birth and numerous offspring;
. When the bride has left to get married, the floors in the house should not be washed so that she does not have to return to her parents;
. After the wedding, newlyweds should look in one mirror - for good luck;
. The ringing of bells during a wedding is a sign of great happiness;
. The bride and groom must blow out the wedding candles at the same time - this promises a long family life.

Signs associated with a wedding bouquet:

The bride should not drop or let go of the wedding bouquet or let it be held in the wrong hands. If necessary, only the groom or mother can hold it. At a banquet you can place it on the table in front of you. The released bouquet symbolizes missed happiness;
. The girl who catches the wedding bouquet is the next one to get married.

Signs associated with wedding gifts:

All sharp objects, forks, spoons and knives are considered a bad wedding gift. Giving something like this is a bad sign. If they do give you cutlery, pay in small coins so that there is no disagreement;
. It is also not customary to give red roses for a wedding;
. You cannot give a photograph on the eve of the wedding - it means separation.

Other wedding signs:

On her own wedding day, the bride should cry - she will be happy;
. Newlyweds cannot cross the road - otherwise they will not live together;
. If the groom steps into a puddle at the bride's house, she will live with a drunkard;
. Only the mother of the bride can remove any fallen hairs from her dress;
. Dried wedding flowers should not be stored;
. It is customary that the newlyweds spend the night before the wedding separately;
. The groom should not look back after he takes the bride from her parents' house;
. The bride should not allow her friends to stand in front of her at the mirror - the groom may be taken away.

However, it is worth remembering that not a single omen, even the kindest one, guarantees you family happiness as much as a correctly made choice. Therefore, trust your own heart and make sure that next to you is the person with whom you will live happily ever after for the rest of your life. It’s not for nothing that the word superstition comes from vain faith.

There are many signs and superstitions associated with the date of marriage. So, based on the month, time of year, date or day of the week, one can guess how the family life of the newlyweds will turn out.

Probably, each of these signs has its own, well-founded roots, it’s just that much has long been forgotten or has lost its relevance. But, for example, it is quite possible to understand why, according to popular belief, it is not recommended to have a wedding during church fasts - what kind of family life is there in wealth and prosperity if the wedding meal is very modest - without any meat delicacies.

Everything about major religious holidays is also clear: it was not right for ordinary people to put themselves above the Church. Well, as for other superstitions, each of them has its own history, hidden somewhere in the mists of time.

To believe or not to believe in omens? Here everyone decides for themselves. But if people sincerely love each other, then no superstitions can destroy their happiness. And folk wisdom says: “If you don’t know about the omen, then it won’t come true.”

But in any case, when setting a wedding date, you need to be guided by common sense, convenience, and take into account the traditions that have developed in the families of the bride and groom and various family circumstances. Think for yourself: the more satisfied guests there are at your wedding, the more positivity, joy, fun and good wishes addressed to the newlyweds, and the less chance that someone will overshadow your celebration with their irritation and petty grievances. So let the atmosphere of your holiday be filled with warmth, joy and happiness!

Well, now let’s get acquainted with some wedding signs, superstitions, customs and traditions associated with the time of marriage. Unless you change your mind, of course.

Months, dates and times

When choosing a wedding date, folk signs were often taken into account. A superstition has survived to this day: to get married in May - then toil for the rest of your life, but they have forgotten about the other months. And folk wisdom had its own advice for the entire calendar year.

  • Wedding in January can lead to rapid separation from your loved one.
  • February marriage promises a happy life in harmony with your spouse.
  • Wedding in March predicts a girl's life on a foreign side.
  • April marriage is like April weather: clear days with partly cloudy skies.
  • May the warnings are still alive today. To avoid trouble, the bride needs to kiss the groom three times in a row before the wedding ceremony.
  • June famous for long, happy marriages.
  • In July Getting married means keeping sweet and sour memories in your life.
  • Have a wedding in August- the husband will be not only a lover, but also a devoted friend.
  • September the wedding promises you a quiet and peaceful life.
  • If in October got married, get ready that you will have many difficulties in your marriage.
  • If you want your family to always have prosperity, then november- it's time for your wedding.
  • From December a marriage of wealth may not be worth waiting for, but love will become stronger every year. Such a forecast can be taken as a joke, or you can listen to the experience of folk wisdom.
  • Wedding in winter leads to overspending in the future family.
  • Spring a wedding means that the newlyweds will live a cheerful and happy life.
  • Wedding in summer- warmth and joy in family life.
  • Autumn marriage is considered the most durable and lasting.
  • If the wedding takes place on Ivan Kupala , then the family will have good wealth.
  • If the wedding has to on Maslenitsa, then both newlyweds will ride like butter all their lives, everything will be fine for them.
  • If on Yablonevy saved , then the husband will never go broke.
  • It is believed that if the wedding takes place on an even day , then a boy will be born first, and if on an odd number, then a girl.
  • Can't get married in a leap year .
  • Misfortune promises those couples who have announced their upcoming marriage at the end of one quarter of the year , and the wedding took place early next year.
  • Seventh and twelfth – happy dates for the wedding, the marriage will be successful.
  • On the thirteenth It’s better not to get married, although many now schedule a wedding for this day, considering it happy.
  • Good omen - full moon in a day or two until the wedding. The marriage will be long and happy.
  • The most successful marriages are considered to be marriages afternoon.
  • If before the Assumption of the Virgin Mary (August 28) If the girl doesn’t look after the groom, she will spend the whole winter as a girl.
  • At Annunciation Girls can’t braid their hair: they won’t have their own home. Let us remember the proverb that was widely used in Rus': “On Annunciation, a bird does not build a nest, a maiden does not braid her hair.” Once upon a time, the cuckoo broke this rule, and since then the name of this bird has been given to a mother who abandoned her children. A girl of marriageable age (like any person) should not do any work on this one of the most significant Christian holidays, not even braid her hair.

What day of the week to get married:

  • Monday- wealth.
  • Tuesday- health.
  • Wednesday- the best day.
  • Thursday- loss.
  • Friday- crosses.
  • Saturday- unlucky day.

There is a popular song in America about which days you should get married and which days you should be careful:

There will be happiness on Monday
And on Tuesday - a lot of money,
Well, the best day is Wednesday!
Don't even try on Thursday
On Friday - beware
And never on Saturday!

Happy days for weddings:

  • January — 2, 4, 11, 19, 21.
  • February — 1, 3, 10, 19, 21.
  • March — 3, 5, 13, 20, 23
  • April — 2, 4, 12, 20, 22.
  • May — — 2,4, 20, 23.
  • June — 1, 3, 11, 19, 1.
  • July — 1, 3, 12, 19, 21, 31.
  • August — 2, 11, 18, 20, 30.
  • September — 1, 9, 16, 18, 28.
  • October — 1, 8, 15, 17, 27, 29.
  • November — 5, 11, 13, 22, 25.
  • December — 1, 8, 10, 19, 23, 29.
  • Marry on the new moon- to a new happy life.
  • Get married at waxing moon - to rapid capital growth.
  • Marry on the full moon - life will be a full cup.
  • At waning moon get married - all sorrows and adversities will go away.

Unfavorable time for weddings:

  • Your birthday .
  • Who got married on your angel's day - will be unhappy.
  • On the same day or in the same year, h so is your sister . There is an opinion that of two sisters who get married on the same day, one will certainly be unhappy.
  • Before big sister . In the old days, it was believed that the eldest daughter must marry first. If the youngest gets married first, she will be childless, and all sorts of bad luck will befall the parents.
  • According to the assurances of the ancestor, it is not recommended to play weddings during the Kalada periods (from January 6 to January 21) and during Maslenitsa week (just before the beginning of Lent).
  • Such things are strictly contraindicated for weddings. major Christian holidays , like Candlemas, Trinity, Nativity of the Blessed Virgin Mary, Annunciation, Exaltation, Intercession and Nativity of John the Baptist.
  • Never had a wedding on memorial Saturdays (Grandfathers), this day was reserved exclusively for memories and visiting the graves of people who left this world in the cemetery.
  • One should not neglect traditions and celebrate a triumph if less than a year has passed since the death of a loved one a relative of the bride or groom, here we are talking about parents, grandparents, siblings and cousins.
  • After sunset It is not recommended to get married because it has long been believed that with the onset of darkness all kinds of evil spirits wake up and can harm the young.

Posts- bad time for weddings. When wondering when is the best time to get married, you should immediately exclude the period of fasting; for many years the church refrained from marrying people at this time. Centuries-old popular observations indicate that young people will not have a prosperous family life if they violate the canons established by the church and their ancestors.

You cannot get married during four fasts:

  • - Rozhdestvensky - from November 28 to January 6 (six weeks);
  • - Great - from Maslenitsa to Easter (seven weeks);
  • - Petrovsky - from the second Monday after Trinity until July 12 (Peter and Paul Day);
  • - Uspensky - from August 14 to 28.

Good time for weddings

The ideal time to get married is the period from the end of August to the end of November, when the Nativity Fast begins.

Cover- wedding time. Brides wear a wedding dress - a snow-white veil. If snow falls on Pokrov on the wedding day, happiness is given to the newlyweds.

Meat eater- from the second half of January until Maslenitsa week. Usually in the villages it was at this time that matchmaking began and cheerful weddings took place. Our ancestors answered the question better than any psychic in which month is it better to get married. True, we should not forget that even in these favorable months we should not forget about funeral Saturdays; they should definitely be excluded from the wedding calendar.

Wedding before the full moon portends a prosperous marriage. Old people recommend scheduling a wedding on the days just before the full moon; they are considered the most successful.

When choosing a day for a wedding, even this factor is important: like the phase of the moon. There is a popular belief that if you start a business on the rising Moon, it will definitely be successful. The same principle applies to a wedding.

Best day of the week for a wedding - Friday. If you know the history and traditions of the Slavic peoples, then the obvious answer arises - on Sunday. However, the problem is that these days registry offices are open only six days a week.

In past centuries, weddings in Rus' began on Sunday and lasted three days. Today the church has accommodated the newlyweds, giving them the opportunity to get married on Friday and then organize a big three-day celebration until the start of the work week.

This is not a complete list of signs associated with the wedding date. Each locality or ethnic group has its own wedding signs, because our country is huge and multinational. But you can notice that often the signs do not coincide or simply contradict each other, because our life is also very contradictory.


  • Marriage proposal It’s better to do it on Friday evening and announce the engagement on Saturday.
  • Engaged couples should not be photographed together otherwise their marriage will be unhappy, or they will soon separate. Also, you should not make appointments at intersections and bridges, near canals and ponds. Otherwise, the relationship will be bad, and perhaps there will even be hatred towards each other.

Wedding rings

  • You can't try on the ring for an engaged girl, this could lead to a break in the relationship.
  • wedding ring must consist of one metal. Preferably without engraved patterns.
  • It is better to buy rings on the same day, in the same place. Then the union will be long-lasting and strong. It is advisable that the groom buys both rings (for himself and for the bride), then he will be the breadwinner in the family.
  • After purchasing the ring When you return, without entering the house, say the following words three times: “For a good life, for a faithful family. Amen".
  • Rings cannot be used sawn or melted down from the rings of their parents
  • Rings that are passed down from generation to generation are the best gift. Moreover, the higher the degree of inheritance, the stronger the protective potential they have. But this is only provided that the parents passing the ring have already celebrated their silver wedding. Especially if they were passed on to young people from golden anniversaries (grandfathers and grandmothers).
  • Rings, veil, dress You can’t let your friends or sisters measure it. Otherwise there will be no harmony in the family.
  • If the ring falls during the wedding, the family faces a quick divorce or the death of one of the spouses.
  • Losing a wedding ring both during a wedding and at any other time, foreshadows major health problems or divorce.
  • You can't get married with a widow's ring.
  • Widowed woman (or man) keeps wedding ring. but he wears it no longer on his right hand, but on his left hand.
  • If a widow remarries. That new ring should only be worn on the right hand. A ring from your first marriage cannot be worn, but stored in a box. This ring cannot be passed on to your children. Since it will entail repeating the unhappy life path of the parents.
  • After a divorce, do not use the ring even as ordinary jewelry. Moreover, this ring cannot be used in a wedding ritual.

Wedding, wedding

  • Before the wedding, the bride should cry a little - the marriage will be happy.
  • Before the newlyweds go to the crown You must put a lock under the threshold. And after they cross the threshold, close the lock with the key and throw the key away. Keep the castle - then the young people will live well and happily.
  • Before getting married, it is advisable for the newlyweds to take an oath of future fidelity to each other near any body of water. In this case, the marriage will be strong.
  • Until registration the bride should not see herself in the mirror in full dress. For example, you can look at yourself without gloves or in a dress, but without a veil.
  • Before the wedding, it is advisable for the bride to wear a veil against the evil eye. When she enters the House of Celebrations or the church, the veil can be thrown back if desired.
  • The bride must go one way to the crown, and another from the crown.
  • During the wedding Crowns must be placed on the heads of those getting married, despite the fact that they are heavy. If, due to the weight, the crown is not put on the head, then the marriage will be unhappy.
  • The one who will rule the family will be At the wedding, which of the spouses will put a ring on the other to the very base of the finger.
  • Ring that fell during engagement means the breakdown of a family or the death of one of the spouses.
  • During the wedding, the couple's candles crackle loudly their life will be very turbulent.
  • Whose candle will burn more during the wedding ceremony? one of the young will live a short life.
  • During marriage registration, after the groom has put a wedding ring on the bride, neither she nor he should take the empty ring box or the plate on which it was lying. It is better to take the box to an unmarried girlfriend or friend.
  • On the day of marriage registration, Parents must ensure that no strangers or guests adjust the clothes on the bride and groom.
  • Newlyweds must must stay together at all times so that no one passes or stands between them, so that the union is indestructible.
  • The towel on which they stand in the registry office or got married in a temple, you cannot give it to anyone. The towel symbolizes the newlyweds’ path in life, so it should be kept at home for the rest of their lives.
  • Wedding candles The bride and groom should blow at the same time - this means a long life together. They are also stored for life. They help with difficult births.
  • It is advisable to make a ritual gift to the temple for performing the sacrament of marriage. Traditionally, this gift was a linen towel in which a loaf of freshly baked bread was wrapped.
  • So that the family has prosperity On the wedding day, the groom must put a coin in his right shoe, which is then kept as a family heirloom.
  • The bride should not let go of the groom's bouquet throughout the day. In an emergency, you can let the groom or mother hold the bouquet. Only at a wedding banquet can you put it on the table in front of you, and in the evening you should take it to your bedroom.
  • After marriage registration young people should look in one mirror - to good luck, to a friendly and happy life.
  • When leaving the church/registry office you need to sprinkle the young with cereal: rice, millet or wheat grains - this means living in abundance.


  • After registration, on the way to the banquet young people should not travel on a straight road. People say that it is necessary to mislead the evil spirits, and therefore they choose a complex, ornate route.
  • Approaching the celebration site The car should beep loudly, scaring away evil spirits.
  • The part of the table where the young people sit, should be oriented to the east. Moreover, the place for the young people must be chosen so that there are no gaps or joints between them. And especially so that they don’t end up at different tables.
  • Before the newlyweds sit down at the wedding table It is important that nothing is poured or poured on their chairs or under their chairs, and that no one sits in their seats.
  • It is important that no one passes between the young otherwise the marriage will not last.
  • Sitting young during a wedding preferably not on separate chairs, but on a common bench. If difficulties arise with the bench, then at least put a common blanket on the chairs, or better yet, a casing turned inside out. And for them to have a rich life, it is better to lay something fluffy on the seat, for example, a shaggy fur coat.
  • The most optimal table shape is L-shaped. In this case, the young should be seated on a corner (but in no case through the corner of the table), and representatives of their clans are seated next to each of them.
  • Sits next to the bride her boyfriend, and next to the groom is his friend. Following the witnesses, the godparents of the bride and groom sit down.
  • Guests are seated in accordance with age: in the red corner next to the young - youth, and the further from the red corner, the older and older. The oldest people should sit at the opposite end of the table from the youngest. Guests from the young man's side should sit to his right, and the bride's relatives and friends should sit to her left (traditionally, the right side of the space symbolizes the masculine principle, the left – the feminine). Parents sit at the end of the festive table.
  • On the table of the young everything was the same: two wine glasses of red (protective, shielding) color, two plates with the same pattern, two silver or gold-plated spoons and forks, it’s better not to put knives at all (less “cutting”, i.e. they will quarrel with each other).
  • Young people should drink alcohol drink as little as possible. Then their life path will be calm.
  • During the feast, it is customary to break dishes, The more fragments, the more happiness the young people will have.
  • So that love and fidelity reign in the family of the young it was necessary to say special words on the bread and salt and give the newlyweds to eat this bread at the wedding table. “Just as people love bread and salt, so a husband would love his wife. Just as salt cannot be replaced with sugar, so a husband cannot cheat on his wife, neither with dark, nor with light, nor with fat, nor with thin, nor with smart, nor with stupid, nor with any other slave. Just as people love bread and salt, so a wife would love her husband. Just as salt cannot be replaced with sugar, so a wife cannot cheat on her husband, neither with a dark one, nor with a light one, nor with a fat one, nor with a thin one, nor with a smart one, nor with a stupid one, nor with any other slave. Amen".
  • When young people kiss it is necessary to say the following words, then the young people will not be torn apart by any separation slander: “As they look at the crosses on the holiday of Christ, so if the young people looked at each other, they would not have seen enough. Just as Christ loved his Mother of God, so a husband would love his wife, and a wife would love her husband. Amen".
  • Third toast at the wedding must be “for love” and only after the third toast can the young people shout: “Bitter!” - and ask them to kiss.
  • Throughout the wedding Young people should only be together, including dancing. The first dance is performed by the bride and groom in the middle of a circle formed by the guests present. If one of the young people danced with their parents, then after dancing with their children, the parents must reconnect them again, bring them to each other.
  • Mandatory rule: The newlyweds should enter the wedding table only in a clockwise direction or in the direction of the sun, and leave in the opposite direction.
  • The wedding cake is cut by the bride, the groom holds the knife. The groom places a piece of cake with the main design on his fiancée’s plate, the bride presents the next piece to the groom, and then to the guests. This is a sign of mutual agreement and helping each other.
  • Immediately after dividing the loaf or (wedding cake) it is necessary to perform a ritual with a veil. The groom's mother approaches the newlyweds, removes the bride's veil and ties the attributes of the female lot: a headscarf and an apron. The veil is placed on the head of the young honorary witness, and she had to wrap herself around herself three times. This ritual symbolizes the passing of the baton of life: it is assumed that it is the first witness who should marry next. After her, the veil is passed on to other girls participating in the wedding. They repeat the ritual. Then the groom's mother takes the veil and hangs it in the red corner under the icon.

The wedding night

  • Prepare the wedding bed for the newlyweds should be either the groom's own or godmother.
  • To the room where the first wedding night of the newlyweds will take place You cannot let anyone in under any pretext (including your closest relatives and wedding guests).
  • Before the young ones are left alone in the room take it and spray the room and bed with blessed water three times in a cross shape.
  • The following is accepted as a talisman. the mother announced that the young couple would sleep in the room, prepared the bed, showed off the feather bed, but when the time came for the wedding night, she quietly took the young couple to a completely different place, which no one even knew about.


  • On the 7th, 9th and 40th day after the wedding the wife must feed her husband with the same spoons that they used during the wedding. Then the young people will never separate.
  • So as not to harm the young Matchmakers should not borrow salt from each other - their children will not live together, they will separate.

Weather, wedding dates

  • A wedding in May is a bad sign. Marriages concluded in May are not happy. No wonder many proverbs have been written about this. “Good people don’t get married in May,” “whoever gets married in May will suffer for a century.” If you get married in May, you will suffer all your life.
  • Wedding during Maslenitsa a good sign in the house there will always be prosperity and a cheerful life.
  • Wedding on the 13th the marriage will be unhappy. However, if your wedding falls on an “unlucky” number, remember the Japanese meaning of numbers: 13 is the most common.
  • Most suitable wedding dates 3, 5, 7, 9 of every month except May.
  • Rain during a wedding good omen. If during the wedding the weather was sunny, and suddenly it started to rain, the young family will be rich.
  • Wedding on a snowy day to a wealthy, prosperous life.
  • Strong wind during a wedding Life for the young will be windy, they will often move from place to place.
  • Thunderstorm or storm during a wedding portends misfortune.
  • Severe frost hits on wedding day This means that the first-born will be a strong and healthy boy.

Wedding outfit

  • Dress up the bride It is strictly undesirable in your home or apartment. She was changed at a neighbor's house.
  • The bride cannot be taken across the street. Therefore, she was dressed up in that house, which stood on the same side as her parents' house.
  • The newlywed's cortege must pass past the bride's house to the house where the bride was dressed and where the groom will bathe her.
  • Highly undesirable dress the bride in the house in which someone has died within the last year.
  • You cannot dress a bride in those houses in which there are widows, divorced spouses, childless couples, in which someone hanged himself, drowned, died in a car accident, there was a fire, etc. It is best to perform this ritual in the house in which a friendly, happy and wealthy family lives.
  • White wedding dress with veil Only a virgin bride has the right to wear it. In another case, she chooses a dress of a different color (beige, pink, blue or some other color).
  • If the bride is pregnant then she must shield her unborn child with a wide red ribbon or belt hidden under her clothes. For the same reason, the bride wore a red outfit on her second wedding day. After her wedding night, she could become the bearer of new life. In order to protect herself and the future of her family - the child, she dressed in clothes dominated by the color red, which, according to popular belief, is a reliable energy talisman.
  • Dresses with deep neckline or bare shoulders are best avoided. Showing off all the charms of her figure, the bride makes herself completely unprotected and easily vulnerable. And after 9 months, when the time comes to feed the baby, for some unknown reason there will be no milk in the mother’s breast...
  • Buying an outfit for the bride try to buy a veil and dress on Wednesday, shoes - on Friday.
  • Buying an outfit for the bride Before leaving the house for the store, they read a hex and leave the apartment with their backs: “My angel, a golden crown, cover it with a clean veil. Not for a month, not for a year, how long will the slave (name) live. Amen. Amen. Amen".
  • The bride should wear closed-toe shoes.
  • Change from the purchase of veils, shoes and dresses do not spend as long as possible. It must be stored for at least three months. It is important to remove this money so that it is not taken into the hands of a stranger.
  • Wedding dress and veil required Carefully take care of it and not let other people try it on. Otherwise, your ill-wishers can bring a lot of troubles and misfortunes upon you.
  • So as not to jinx it During the wedding, the newlyweds need to pin a pin on the back of their clothes, head down, but so that the pin is not visible. Or a small piece of red ribbon (crosswise).
  • To protect against damage put rowan leaves in the shoes of the young people, and the fruits in their pockets.
  • As a talisman, buy a small icon of the Virgin Mary for the bride, and an icon of Jesus Christ for the groom. They need to be hidden in clothes and let them be with the young people throughout the wedding. You can also buy personalized icons for newlyweds.
  • When dressing the bride, do not forget to gird her with a red amulet belt. It must have salt consecrated for Easter or Maundy Thursday with it.
  • When going to the altar, the bride should wear something old (for example, a gift from her mother), something new, something blue and borrowed (necessarily from a married woman, happily married). Old symbolizes peace and wisdom in marriage. What’s new is the girl’s new family. Blue means love, modesty, loyalty. And with the borrowed item, a blessing for a good family life is transferred.
  • The bride's veil is a strong and reliable amulet for a married couple. It can be used to remove evil eyes and slander from your children. The veil should not be given away, sold or taken to a consignment store. When a child is born in a family, a veil, for example, is used to cover the baby when he is sick, or hung over his crib to protect him from the evil eye.
  • The bride needs make a couple of stitches on the hem of the dress or in another place invisible to the eye. This ritual will protect against the evil eye.

Use and reprinting of materials
