DIY rug square hook. Crocheted rugs with knitting patterns, photos and videos

Things made with your own hands have always been valued. A carpet can transform any room, making it cozy and unique. How to knit a carpet with your own hands? There are many different ideas that will help you make your own rug from scrap materials. By varying the size of the product, you can get not only rugs, but also covers for chairs or armchairs

In order to knit a carpet with your own hands, you don’t need any special skills, just stock up on the necessary materials and patience.

A carpet can transform any room, making it cozy and unique.

Recently, home decor and interior elements made in the handmade style have been gaining popularity. You can knit a carpet from cord, thick threads or old unnecessary things. There are many options.

For beginning craftsmen, there are various video instructions on how to knit a carpet with your own hands or how to crochet a carpet. You can view them in magazines and books on needlework, or on specialized websites.

Knitted carpet

Rugs made from sea pebbles, moss or small pompoms also look original. Carpets crocheted from cord have an aesthetic appearance.

Today, popular materials are:

  1. For small rugs that can be thrown under your feet near the bed, wool blend yarn or acrylic are suitable.
  2. Many people use regular clotheslines or cords to knit a rug that fits perfectly at the front door. Such products have a dense texture and perfectly remove dirt and street sand from shoes.
  3. Polyethylene threads are an excellent alternative to store-bought bathroom rugs.
  4. Old things will make universal rugs that can be placed in different places in the apartment.

For small rugs that can be thrown under your feet near the bed, wool blend yarn or acrylic are suitable

A crocheted rug looks very original. For knitting you will need the following tools and materials:

  • scissors;
  • old unnecessary knitwear items;
  • hook.

Small knitted rug

In some cases, you may need a mesh for the base of the product. As a result of small manipulations and actions, you will be able to make an excellent bedside rug or rug for the bathroom.

A crocheted rug looks very original

On a note! By choosing a color scheme for a future piece of furniture, you can add your own twist to the overall style of the apartment and complement it with an exclusive item.

If in the process of knitting any items there are skeins of yarn left over, you can use them to knit a fun multi-colored rug that will lift your spirits even on gray autumn days. A few hours of free time watching your favorite movie - and your cozy rug is ready!

For the needlework process you will need scraps, scissors and the hook itself.

Crochet rug

How can you crochet a rug using regular crochet? Thick yarn or ordinary scraps of fabric will come in handy. Old unnecessary things are taken as the main working material.

For the needlework process you will need scraps, scissors and the hook itself.

Crochet rug

You need to rip the selected item apart at the seams and cut it into strips. It is better to start cutting from a corner, and the width of the strips should be within 2 cm. You can increase their width if the finished product should be more massive. It all depends on everyone's preferences. During the process, you must try to cut the fabric in such a way that the strips are as long as possible. Experienced needlewomen advise choosing the width of the strips depending on the thickness of the fabric. Accordingly, the thicker the fabric, the thinner the width of the tape should be.

After the material is prepared, you should carefully tie all the resulting strips into one large ribbon, which you need to wind into a ball.

For a multi-colored rug, stripes of different colors alternate. The more colors you make, the more fun the finished product will be. Before knitting a carpet, you need to decide on the room where it will lie. The product must be in harmony with the color scheme of the room.

For knitting you will need a hook (No. 7 or larger), cast on the required number of air loops. This will give you the width of the future carpet. Next, the knitting process is carried out in single crochets. This is the easiest way. Interesting options for rugs are obtained if you change the colors of the balls every 2-3 rows.

For knitting you will need a hook (No. 7 or larger)

Advice! For beginning needlewomen, it is best to choose a square-shaped rug - this is the easiest option.

Then you can try crocheting a round rug on the floor. If difficulties arise during the work, you can watch video tutorials on how to crochet a carpet.

Knitted rug

How to make a carpet on the floor using a regular cord?

Today, the option of knitting rugs is becoming popular, when polyester cord is taken as the main material. The fact is that such a cord is made on the basis of synthetic fibers, due to which it has a number of significant advantages over other materials:

  • does not deform during use or after washing;
  • will last a long time;
  • does not absorb moisture;
  • does not absorb dust.

Finished products made from this material look very elegant.

Polyester Cord Carpet

How to crochet a carpet from polyester cord? This question can often be heard from needlewomen.

Knitting patterns and patterns can be found in any book on crocheting openwork napkins. In order to determine the length of the cord, it should be taken into account that to knit a product with a diameter of 1 m you will need approximately 800 m of cord. If the carpet will accommodate a large number of volumetric elements, then much more material will be required.

On the Internet you can find a huge number of videos that will tell you in detail and show how to knit a carpet from a cord.

You can knit such a carpet using different shapes, such as a circle, semicircle or oval. It all depends on the future location of the finished product. In order for the finished product to be in the shape of a semicircle, it is enough to “cut” the finished weaving pattern. Knitting will not go in a circle, but in straight and return rows.

Knitting patterns and patterns can be found in any book on crocheting openwork napkins

Original pompom rugs

Rugs made from pompoms are very successful. They bring coziness and comfort to the home. In order to knit a carpet from such elements, you will need the following materials:

  • thick woolen threads for knitting;
  • mesh base for the future product;
  • scissors.

Rug made of pompoms

You can take a variety of mesh bases to form a carpet, but plastic canvas is best. This is a mesh with fairly large holes. Nets are available in a variety of sizes and shapes. This plastic canvas does not crumble when cut and does not unravel. The future base can be given any shape.

Pompoms for the future rug can be made in different colors or even different sizes, it all depends on everyone’s taste preferences.

Scheme for making a rug from pompoms

Pompoms can be made in different ways

  1. One of the most famous and old methods is using cardboard circles. You will need 2 equal sized circles with holes in the middle. To get a pompom, you need to wind knitting threads around circles, then carefully cut the threads on the sides. Pull apart the cardboard “bags” and connect the middle with thread. Remove the cardboard and fluff the finished pompom. To make it fluffy, you can fold the threads in half or three times when winding. The more yarn you wrap on the cardboard, the fluffier the finished pompom will be.
  2. If you need to make small pompoms, you can use a regular dinner fork. You need to wind the yarn across the cloves and knit in the middle of the skein. Remove the yarn from the fork and carefully cut along the sides.
  3. You can not use improvised materials, but make pompoms on your fingers. To do this, wind the threads around your fingers (use 2, 3 or 4 fingers), then remove the yarn from your hand and place it carefully on the surface. Tie the resulting skein crosswise with a thread, cut the yarn on the sides and fluff it up.

If you need to make small pompoms, you can use a regular dinner fork.

When the working materials are ready, you can begin making the rug. To do this, you need to snap each element to the grid. If pompoms of different colors were prepared, the color scheme should be followed.

If desired, you can sew or knit the backing so that the new rug is beautiful on both sides. In the absence of a mesh, any dense fabric is taken as the basis.

An ordinary hoop is the basis for a future rug

At home, you can knit a round carpet using such improvised materials as a regular hoop (hula hoop) and unnecessary things.

Long strips are cut from unnecessary T-shirts or other things (old towels), which are subsequently connected into rings. To weave such a product, it is better to use fabric that does not stretch much, otherwise the finished rug will not hold the required shape.

Using a hook, you can dress in wonderful things, decorate the interior of your apartment, and make holiday gifts. A hand-knitted rug can be a wonderful addition to decorating the interior of a building. Knit it, perhaps, from threads, scraps of fabric, or just old things. Let's look at how to crochet rugs. Such products can be placed anywhere in the house.

The choice of thread, its color, thickness depends on the place where you place it, on the purpose of its creation. If you need it for beauty, just decoration, it can be made of thin threads, light shades. If you decide to put it at the threshold, take a thicker, darker thread. I want my bedside rug to be soft, fluffy, and gently hug my tired feet. A bathroom rug can be knitted tightly and of large volume.

The location of a hand-knitted rug can also be furniture. In such cases it looks more like . When you decide on the thread, select a hook for it. Its size should be twice the diameter of the thread. In this article we will look at a description and a master class of several carpet models that you can easily knit yourself using a hook and our patterns.

The size of the future square rug will be 114/84. Buy a kilogram of white yarn, possibly polyester, 400 grams each of blue and yellow, hook No. 15. To make your future masterpiece compact, take three balls and combine them into one. When starting any odd row, don't forget about the aerial ones. Cast on a chain of 32 loops.

  • 1r. Using a yellow thread, knit 3 double crochets into the third loop, skip two, then repeat: 3 double crochets in a single loop, skip two, 3 double crochets in the loop ending the chain, knit a double crochet.
  • 2 rub. Take a blue thread and use it until you finish. Single crochet, chain two stitches, skip three, knit a single crochet between subsequent loops.
  • 3 rub. Now you will need a white thread. Without skipping arcs, knit 3 double crochets, finish by knitting a double crochet into the final loop.
  • 4r. Change the thread, take a yellow one. Knit according to the example of the second one.
  • 5 rub. Return the blue thread and knit according to the third pattern.
  • 6r. Knit with a white thread, as you did the second one.
  • 7r. Use the yellow thread again and knit like the third row.
  • Subsequently, rows are repeated from 2 to 7. The total is forty-three rows or one hundred and thirty centimeters of the product.

Knitting pattern for a square rug

When finished, tie the square rug around the edges with white thread in two rows. The first with single crochets, the second, as the instructions show: 1 single crochet, skip two loops of the previous row, 3 double crochets in a single loop, skip two, thus knit until you complete the row. Finally, form a unifying one on the product.

Another example and pattern of a crocheted rug is shown in the following video:

Every home always accumulates a lot of unnecessary rags. Don't rush to throw them away, they can get a new life. A particularly good option would be rags made from linen and knitwear. Their multi-colored appearance will add brightness to the product. Using scraps, you can knit rag rugs of different shapes, for example, square, rectangular, diamond-shaped. In such cases, imagination always comes to the rescue. The only thing you need to have is at least basic technical skills.

Before starting work, you need to prepare the material that will be needed, draw diagrams of the carpet, and look at photos of finished products.

Take unnecessary things and cut them into shreds. The width of such tapes is usually three centimeters. Tie the ribbons and roll them into a ball. Take a hook twice as thick as the resulting ribbon. Even in the last century, rugs knitted independently from multi-colored scraps were considered fashionable. How to crochet rugs from scraps is not a complicated science; people have passed it on from generation to generation.

Every house had a large variety of such products. Mostly round in shape. They were lying everywhere: near the bed, at the threshold, next to the closet door, near the stove. Why round? Because this technique of knitting a round rug is the simplest. It is not difficult to study it, remember it, and carry it out.

DIY patch rug

Follow these instructions step by step, and everything will work out quite easily and quickly:

  • Cast on the first loop as you always do when starting to knit.
  • Knit 6 chain stitches.
  • Connect them into a circle; a half-column will help with this.
  • Then knit an air loop for lifting.
  • Knit as if you were knitting a circle with double crochets using regular threads.

You can make approximate additions without adhering to any strict rules. If it is more convenient to use a reminder, then:

  • 1r. Knit two single crochets into each stitch.
  • Divide the circle into six equal parts. In the final stitch of each part, work a double crochet increase.

The finished product will have an even appearance if you do not forget to knit, starting each row of the circle, an air loop for lifting. Finally, combine the rows with a half-column.

Many women often ask how to crochet rugs from rags or other fabric and threads. We hope that here they will receive a complete answer to their question. Considering that knitting is becoming a popular type of needlework.

For those who do needlework and are familiar with the basics of crochet, it will not be difficult to create stylish rugs for the home from multi-colored cords.

In addition to the many advantages of the material itself, such rugs will delight you with a bright and sophisticated appearance: thanks to the many knitting patterns, you can easily choose an option that will harmonize with your home interiors.

We suggest starting by considering the characteristics of the material and getting acquainted with some patterns for crocheting cord carpets.

Crocheted cord rugs, photo

Necessary materials

The traditional material used in such work is polyester cords for knitting carpets. These threads are synthetic fibers that are one hundred percent polyester.

Thanks to the springy structure of the material the mats are elastic and when stretched they easily return to their original shape.

Polyester cords for knitting carpets

In the photo above there is a polyester cord for knitting carpets and rugs with your own hands, diameter 6 mm, packaging price - 280 rubles per 100 meters. How much cord does a rug need?

Important! Cord consumption for making it yourself (approximate): a meter rug will take about 800 meters, a 2-meter rug will take 2200-2300 meters.

It is worth noting the beneficial properties of polyester cords:

  • long service life and resistance to abrasions;
  • the material does not absorb moisture, the mats dry quickly;
  • resistance to mold formation;
  • high strength of products;
  • soft texture.

Many people use polyester cord with a core for knitting carpets: inside it there is a thinner cord entwined with fibers. It is this structure of the material that provides it maximum wear resistance and resistance to deformation.

Rugs knitted from such material will delight you and ease of care. They will not accumulate dust, so dust mites will not threaten you either.

To clean the surface of the rug, just wash it in a washing machine at 30 degrees, and after washing, spread it out on a flat surface.

Attention! Polyester rugs retain their color perfectly even after numerous washes.

This type of material is environmentally friendly, does not cause allergic reactions, is of high quality and pleasant to the touch, and it looks like natural raw materials, so the rugs will fit into any interior.

Carpets made of polyester cord, photo

To create crocheted cord carpets using patterns, you can also use cotton materials. The cotton cord also has a pleasant texture and does not require complicated care. So you can look for such craft materials as well.

Before moving on to diagrams and descriptions of crocheted cord rugs, let's find out how much material we need.

Please note that as the number of complex and voluminous patterns on the surface of the rug increases, the need for raw materials will also increase. The weight of such a homemade rug will be at least 3 kg.

Description of work

You need to start crocheting cord rugs from the center. But for this there is no need to create air loops: we suggest you use another technique. Wrap the edge of the lace around your index and middle fingers twice, then remove them and knit the required number of stitches inside (for rugs like the one in the photo below - about 20 double crochets in the first row).

  • three air loops (VP) for lifting, after which four air loops and a double crochet (DC) are made to the end of the row;
  • three air loops and 50 double crochets;
  • three VP and repeat to the end from three VP, five double crochets with a common top, three VP and one double crochet;
  • three VP and 90 SSN;
  • repeat of five VPs and a single crochet;
  • once again a similar series;
  • air loop and repeat of 4 double crochets, three chain loops, four dc and one single crochet.

Since the pattern has a scalloped outer row, your rug will look like a flower.

Patterns of knitted cord carpets

Any other patterns are knitted similarly, and you can even use patterns to create napkins by changing their parameters.

If you want to knit a semicircular rug according to such patterns, perform the following manipulations:

  • knit the first row with only half the required number of double crochets;
  • unfold the fabric, make three air loops with lifting - and start knitting the second row;
  • do a similar procedure for the remaining rows;
  • the last two rows are made without three air loops.

Thus, the knitting procedure will not proceed in a circle, but by creating straight and return rows with loops.

Cord carpets, photo

"Gorgeous" pattern

Let's move on to patterns for knitting cord carpets. To create a patterned raised rug, you can use the Gorgeous pattern pattern.

Thanks to its texture, it will even act as a foot massager, therefore providing a relaxing effect.

Using this pattern, you can knit a carpet with a diameter of 1 meter. For convenience, you can use video instructions, of which there are many on the Internet. Here is one example of such a video of crocheted cord carpets:

Carpet "Grand"

Another popular knitting option is the “Grand” pattern. Such a rug will have a diameter of about 2.3 meters. For knitting you will need about 2200 m of cord. Weight will be from 9 kg.

Carpets in the Grand style can be laid in any living room: they will not only make the interior more comfortable, but will also add new bright colors and expressive patterns to it. Like the previous knitting model, Grand allows you to feel the massage effect on your legs.

Attention! Unlike ready-made rugs woven on looms, hand-woven rugs of this type can be easily folded and hidden in a suitable place.

By the way, schemes of this type can be replaced with any others. You can even choose patterns for crocheting napkins and create new, unique patterns.

We suggest you start with the following options for crocheted cord rug patterns:

Useful video and master class on crocheting cord rugs:

Oval rug

The Grand rug or any other can be optimized to fit the size and parameters of your room. Often patterns are lengthened to create an oval shape. Download patterns for crocheting cord rugs for free on the Internet or choose one of the options below.

This rug has dimensions of 1.05 by 1.4 m. To weave it, you will need a cotton or polyester cord 700 m long. The finished product will weigh about 3 kg.

Thanks to its good density and resistance to moisture, it can be laid not only in the bedroom, living room or nursery, but even near the bathroom or shower.

If you know the basics of crochet, creating a stylish handmade rug for your home will be easy.

When knitting, you can use brightly colored cords and even combine them with each other to create a more elegant and positive design. Such a rug will be an excellent gift for a housewarming or for any other occasion, so you can please not only yourself, but also your friends and loved ones.

How to create comfort in your home is probably the most popular topic among women of all ages! And no matter whether a young housewife or an experienced one, everyone wants to update and add a cozy zest to their home. Handicrafts are especially good at this, because you can create unique masterpieces with your own hands for very affordable money.

In this article we will tell you (and hopefully inspire you) how to knit a floor rug using a wide variety of techniques. We hope that after reading this article, you will add at least one exclusive rug to your home!

Round crocheted rug for the floor for beginners: diagram, description, master class, photo

There was a time when we actively threw away textile rugs knitted by grandmothers from old yarn and scraps, even from dachas and summer houses. But a few years ago, just such rugs became trendy, but with some modifications. So - we knit fashionable grandma's rugs.

For knitting, we need bright knitted yarn of one or more colors. If it’s too expensive for your budget, you can make this yarn yourself from old knitted T-shirts. Details on how to do this in the video below.

Video: Yarn from a T-shirt. Knitted Improvisation

The yarn is ready, let's start knitting! We take the thickest hook that is in the house and start knitting. Remember, the ease of work and density of the mat depends on the size of the hook. We knit an air loop and carefully hem it with thread No. 40 to match the knitted yarn for convenience. And we start knitting:

Row 1: 2 chain stitches and 11 double crochets.

2nd row: 2 chain loops and 2 double crochets from each loop (according to the diagram).

3rd row: 2 double crochets and 2 double crochets from one loop (according to the diagram).

Row 4 and subsequent ones: according to the pattern, each time adding one double crochet in each section.

We knit the last row to the end and tighten the last loop tightly. As at the beginning of knitting, we hem the edge with thread No. 40 for strength.

Please note that such a rug can be knitted with either plain or multi-colored threads. But it is important that the colors come in sections, and not ripple like our grandmothers. It is this trick that distinguishes fashionable models from grandma's rugs.

Crocheted square rug for the floor from old tights: diagram with description and photo

For those who have already cut up all the T-shirts, but really want to create, don’t be discouraged and take out the tights! In this section we will teach you how to knit an interesting and very original rug from tights! So, we will need everything, we will notice everything! Unnecessary tights and granular filler of your choice, it can be holofiber, silicone, etc.

We cut the tights into different pieces from 10 to 20 cm; different colors of tights will give the rug texture. We sew each piece on one side, fill it and sew it tightly into a “pebble”. If the tights are thin, we wrap one stone in several layers of tights so that the filler is not visible. We sew the “pebbles” together and sew them to the base. The rug of “soft stones” is ready!

Well, that's not the only way to turn the ordinary into the wonderful. We complement our master class with several inspiring videos.


Video: How to knit a rug from old tights?

Crocheted oval rug for the floor from old T-shirts: diagram with description and photo

And in this section we will tell you how to create a beautiful oval rug from old T-shirts or knitted yarn. We talked about exactly how to cut and fasten T-shirts in the first section and won’t dwell on that.

We collect from 6 or more air loops. Limitations - the size of the place where the rug will lie. The calculation is simple - the width of the desired product is divided in half and subtracted from the length of the product. Do not forget that when knitting the chain stretches by 30-40%.

After finishing knitting, you can sew/glue the rug to the base so that it is rigid and does not bunch up at the edges.

Crocheted rectangular rug for the floor from old jeans: diagram with description and photo

Another simple and original rug, now made from old jeans. We will need a large mesh from a hardware store and jeans cut into 5*15 cm pieces.

At each crossing of the mesh, use a hook to thread a piece of denim and tie it in a knot so that the ends diverge in different directions. If desired, the ends can be slightly tousled, then the rug will look even more delicate. Just? Yes! Beautiful - of course! Ideal for youth housing.

The same option looks great with knitted pieces.

Video: Rugs made from old things

For those who want to knit an openwork rug, you can take both cord and knitted yarn. The essence of knitting will not change because of this, but the size and, naturally, thickness of the carpet directly depends on the thickness of the yarn. Please note that openwork rugs, unlike dense products, cannot be glued to a dense lining.

Knitting is quite simple. One air loop is hemmed for strengthening and further according to the diagrams below.

Don’t forget to also thread and reinforce the last loop at the end.

Video: Knitting together an oval rug from the “Lacy” cord

Video: Crochet floor mat star made of knitted yarn

Crochet rug for the bathroom floor made from plastic bags

A bathroom rug made from plastic bags looks very impressive. But its production will require a lot of effort and time. This is worth remembering before you start working.

Preparation: cut strips of equal thickness from garbage bags (or any other dense ones) (3 cm for thinner ones and 1.5 cm for dense ones). We cut lengthwise and then tie it with neat sea knots.

Since the technique of knitting from a series is easier to see once than to read a hundred times, we are attaching three step-by-step videos on which you will probably quickly knit your first and perhaps not the last rug from bags.

Video: Crochet rug from bags, part 1

Video: Crochet rug from bags, part 2

Video: Crochet rug from bags, part 3

Video: Making a mat from plastic bags

And these rugs can be knitted from a wide variety of materials, everything is limited only by your imagination! Below we present a pattern according to which we knit one motif, and then repeat the same six copies.

Now we need to connect the elements according to the following diagram, after which all that remains is to wash and starch the openwork rug.

Video: Crochet rug for the toilet floor

Video: Crochet rug made from ribbon yarn

Video: Crochet rug from sheets

Now it's time for the amazing rugs for the stools. To work, we will need all kinds of leftover yarn, or purchase a lot of multi-colored threads.

We knit 12 air loops and connect them into a single ring, after that we knit 5 air loops and knit the core - 24 columns with 5 crochets. The element is ready. Next, we knit exactly as much as required and use threads and a gypsy needle to sew the elements into a single rug.

Video: Crochet rug made from motifs with twisted columns (rug crochet)

Sometimes you need a simple, yet durable rug, most often for the veranda, hallway or dacha. In order for dust and fine dirt to pass through it well, and for minimal maintenance, a mat without a lining is required. Rope and thin thread are great for this.

So, we take the rope, fold it as in the photo and stitch it with thread No. 40. And then we knit layer by layer in single crochet columns so that the cord is always inside. These can be both small and very impressive carpets.

If you want the carpet to be oval, then instead of a circle, tie a cord of the required length around the first row and then just like in a knitted rug, only with a cord inside.

Video: Rug knitted from cord

Video: Crochet rug made from twine

The new is the well-forgotten old. Retro style always in fashion, because it incorporates the best from different eras. Therefore, it is not surprising that many fashion trends tend to come back. And this applies not only to clothing, but also to interior items.

Any interior begins to look more refined and elegant if it contains at least a small zest from past eras, be it a figurine of a ballerina, an elegant candlestick or a lacquer box.

A bright accent on the floor will add zest to your interior.

The carpet also belongs to the same retro accessories.. At one time, carpets were not only laid on the floor, but also hung - this was a sign of the well-being of the family. Besides, it was fashionable. But today we will talk about other carpets - knitted hand crochet. They are also always at the peak of fashion, because everything made by hand is invariably in high demand. People have always appreciated the warmth and craftsmanship that goes into any handmade product. And the combination of ancient traditions and modern trends makes such things unique.

A little history

An old version of the model. It can be found in our grandmothers' bins.

Once they were in almost every home, made from scrap materials and, unlike their large woolen or synthetic counterparts from the department store, were not a sign of wealth and prosperity. They lay in both city apartments and rural houses. The fashion for this piece of furniture has gone back centuries and dates back more than 25,000 years, that is, it began, in fact, at the dawn of humanity.

Knitted carpets in Rus' It was customary to cover benches, beds (beds near the stove), and chests. Rugs were placed by the bed, under the table, at the entrance, and often the entire floor of the house was covered with woven runners. This was done due to the fact that the floor in the house quickly became cold, and the carpets at least retained some heat and protected them.

Weaving rugs is a “low-tech” technique because it does not require great skill from the performer. Even a novice housewife had weaving and tying skills, and each craftswoman performed this work in her own way, using different colored threads or adding a piece of her personality to the pattern. Therefore, the canvases always turned out to be different from others and became a wonderful interior decoration.

Nowadays, crocheted carpets have not lost their relevance. They are laid in living rooms, at the entrance to the apartment, and in the bathroom. The number of techniques and materials has increased, so any modern housewife, having basic needlework skills, can create beauty with her own hands and knit it, which will fit perfectly into the interior of her apartment.


So, what materials can we use:

  • cord or rope;
  • thick yarn (or several connected threads);
  • plastic bags;
  • old clothes;
  • nylon tights.

The shape of the rug can be very different:

  • round
  • oval
  • in the form of a track
  • in the shape of a star, an animal's face or, for example, in the shape of a toilet lid

The hook size is selected depending on the thickness of the yarn.

Creating the simplest canvas for beginners

Several multi-colored squares can be combined into one large canvas.

You will need several old, preferably bright, T-shirts and a thick hook. T-shirts have sleeves, collar trim and other dense parts cut off. Then the canvas is cut into strips 2-3 cm wide. Each strip should be slightly pulled in length, it will curl inward and turn into a cord. The cords are wound into balls.

Description of work:

  1. You need to tie three loops and close them into a ring.
  2. Next, knit according to the so-called “rule of the circle”, focusing on the diagram: in each of the 3 loops of the circle, knit 2 loops of a single crochet (hereinafter referred to as dc).
  3. Having divided the circle into 6 sectors, in each row add 6 st.b/n for each row (one column in each sector). Thus, in the first row there will be 6 tbsp, in the second - 12 tbsp, in the third - 24 tbsp.

Having enough experience, you can not bother with dividing into sectors, but simply add loops evenly in the process, carefully ensuring that the fabric does not deform: if you add a few additional columns, the product will bend inward, if there are many, the edge will turn out to be wavy.

A little secret. It often happens that there is a lot of white cord from T-shirts, but not enough colored cord. To make it look impressive, you need to knit the center with a bright color, put at least one stripe in the middle, and also knit the final row with a colored thread.

Using the same pattern, it is knitted from plastic bags. You can use old bags or find interesting colors in the hardware section of the store that sells trash bags. They make bright and practical knitted rugs.

"Granny Square"

The products are very unusual, knitted from granny squares. This is truly an amazing piece of handicraft. It is used to knit bags, blankets, pillowcases, lampshades, jewelry, clothes, and, of course, it would be a mistake to ignore it.

For such a knitted element it is quite leftover yarn will do, left over from the creation of larger products. You can take 2-3 colors or knit each row of the square in a new color. In any case, the result will not disappoint.

The “granny square” pattern may seem complicated only at first glance, but having mastered tying double crochets, even the hands of a novice knitter will cope with the task with ease. And then the scope for imagination is endless. This method is all the more convenient because each square is knitted separately and does not take up much space. It is convenient to do such needlework, for example, on a trip, without fear of burdening yourself with voluminous work, and your luggage with excess weight.

Openwork knitted carpet made of polyester cord

This unusual pattern is reminiscent of the ancient Russian art of creating such things.

Even a novice needlewoman who has ever knitted a lace doily from ordinary, thinner threads can easily knit it. There is nothing complicated about it, especially since on the Internet you can easily find various schemes for such variations - from the simplest to quite complex.

The polyester cord has a number of practical qualities:

  • it is durable;
  • durable;
  • moisture resistant;
  • soft enough;
  • elastic

Thanks to them, fabric made from this yarn works perfectly in any room. And its appearance allows you to create a beautiful and stylish product.

Polyester cord can be purchased at a hardware store. About 1 thousand meters of material will produce a product with a diameter of 1–1.2 meters.

Where to start knitting? Take a simple pattern of an ordinary openwork napkin. Wind the end of the cord around two fingers and knit 20 double crochets in the resulting ring. Follow the description below:

  1. 3 military personnel, 50 st.s/n.
  2. 3 v/p, *3 v/p, 5 st.s/n with a common top, 3 v/p, st.s/n*.
  3. 3 military units, 90 st.s/n.
  4. *5 v/p, st.b/n*.
  5. *5 v/p, st.b/n*.
  6. military service, *4 senior s/n, 3 senior military officers, 4 senior s/n, senior b/n.

A total of seven rows will have approximately 1 m in diameter. Thus, if you take a napkin pattern with a large number of rows, the result will be more voluminous in size. It knits quickly: literally 2–4 pm and the stylish knitted interior element is ready! Such a carpet no shame in giving as a gift, made with your own hands, it looks far from handicraft, but very, very elegant.

Knitting on loin net

The basis is fillet mesh of the required size. It is knitted according to a simple pattern. Next, each grid cell is tied with non-woven columns in accordance with the selected pattern. If the thread is thin, then the arrangement of the rows should be quite dense. After tying the cells, the mesh becomes invisible.

Popcorn pattern

Such a doormat knits very easily and the whole thing consists of cones, due to which the rug turns out lush and soft. This option is perfect for children's rooms, and any young mother and novice housewife can knit it.

Click on the picture to enlarge

Step-by-step diagrams for creating a beautiful product.

For such a rug, you can use small balls of yarn left over from knitting large items. The combination of two or more colors will make the rug bright and elegant.

The “popcorn” pattern is s/n stitches knitted from one loop and tied in a special way. The attached diagram shows step by step how this is done.

Crocheted rugs are not just a hobby for knitters. This is a wonderful accessory that, with the warmth of your hands, transforms even a modest interior into a cozy home.

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DIY knitted rugs
