Cherry stains on clothes - what to do? How to remove stains from cherries and cherry juice.

Especially young mothers are always worried about how to remove stains from different berries, which kids constantly manage to put on new things.

Such spots consist of natural dyes, they will change their scarlet color to blue-violet from alkaline solutions (for example, ammonia or soda), and from reaction with acids they will turn red again.

The stain removal method directly depends on the properties of the material.

  1. Linen and cotton fabrics should be treated with a soft sponge, after wetting it with oleic acid.
  2. Wool, as well as silk, can be cleaned well with gasoline soap.
    • Rub the solvent well into the cloth with your fingers, then wipe the stain well with dichlorethylene.
    • For convenience, place a board wrapped with a white cloth under the product and clean again.
    • Wipe the dirty area on the clothes with a cotton pad dipped in gasoline, then sprinkle it well with talc (baby powder).

If the traces are still visible, then take a soft brush soaked in a 5% ammonia solution and rub the dirty mark. Then it must be rinsed with water and dried thoroughly with a dry towel.

When purple spots appear, you need to bleach them:

  • Linen and cotton fabrics - using hydrogen peroxide, you can take advantage of whiteness.
  • Products made of wool, rayon - only with potassium permanganate, hydrogen peroxide, and also sodium hydrosulfate.
  • Synthetics (for example, nylon, perlon, etc.) - with the help of whiteness.

Please note that sodium hydrosulfite, as well as hydrogen peroxide, are used exclusively for bleaching white things. Always dilute bleach with cold water only.

On a white background, traces of berries stand out especially brightly. How to remove a stain from fruit and berry stains, professionals will tell you.

Linen or cotton items should be left for some time in ordinary milk, then washed as usual.

And how to remove stains from blueberries and cherries from white linen? the reader will ask. The advice is as follows: you need to use whiteness or rub the stain with half a fresh lemon.

Do not panic!

  • Mix one egg yolk and 50 grams of glycerin, apply to the contaminated area, leave it for 2 to 3 hours, then rinse well with warm water.
  • Traces of various fruits and berries can be removed from clothing with another mixture.
    1. Heat alcohol 95% (20 grams) with citric acid (2 grams) to 40 ℃
    2. Dip the dirty areas into the solution until the stains dissolve. Then rinse well in the following sequence: in clean warm water, then in a 1% ammonia solution, again in water (with the addition of citric acid or a few drops of table vinegar).

Fresh stains obtained from blueberries and cherries are easily removed. They can be wiped with ammonia solution. Old stains are very difficult or almost impossible to remove.


Vanish will help remove blueberry or cherry stains from a white item. Dilute a little with water and leave for 2-3 hours on the stain. Then rinse the product well.

Alcohol pure

Cherry stains must be removed immediately, pure alcohol (can be diluted with ammonia), moisten the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe fabric well, then wash with powder.

Let's show you how to remove a stain from cherries and cherries using proven "old" methods:

A saturated solution of lemon juice and pure alcohol will help you (you can take vinegar). Soak a sponge (cotton pad) in the resulting mixture and gently apply to the contaminated area. You can soak the product in sour milk. Then the natural dye will brighten, it is necessary to wash off the acid from the product, otherwise the color will continue to lighten, the thing will deteriorate.

Now you know how to remove fruit stains and you can safely buy cherries, cherries, blueberries and other healthy berries for kids and adults.

Who doesn't love cherries?! If someone refuses fresh berries in the summer, then it’s definitely impossible to resist a lush bun with cherry filling. Children love this delicacy, but you need to eat it carefully.

Children cannot sit still and often bright red marks remain on the fabric. And moms then puzzle over how to remove cherry stains. Today we’ll talk about how to remove a cherry stain on clothes, and do it as quickly and without traces as possible.

To remove traces of berries from clothes you will need:

  1. Boiling water;
  2. bleach;
  3. table salt;
  4. lemon juice;
  5. hydrogen peroxide.

Action tactics

It is better to remove stains immediately, until the cherry has been absorbed into the fiber structure.

Easy way: pull the soiled thing over a cup or basin and pour boiling water over the stain. Keep pouring water until the stain is completely gone. The method is suitable if the stain has just been planted.

If the stain was planted a long time ago, you will have to use other means. Please note that boiling water is recommended to be used for those things that have a dense fabric and are painted in not flashy shades. Otherwise, you may damage the product.

Mild stain removal

If you are looking for a method on how to remove cherry stains as gently as possible, then ordinary edible salt will come to the rescue, which is sure to be found in the house.

  • Lay out the clothes and apply a thin layer of salt on the stain, after wetting it.
  • Next, you need to wait 10-15 minutes and wash off the salt by washing the thing in warm or hot water.
  • When washing, add a special powder to remove stains or any detergent.

If you do not know how to remove a cherry stain from light-colored clothes, then use ordinary hydrogen peroxide.

If there is no peroxide at home, it can be replaced with a solution of water and acetic acid, which are taken in a ratio of 5 to 2.

  • Stretch the thing or lay it out on a flat surface;
  • pour the stain with the solution and wait half an hour;
  • then launder thoroughly to remove any acid or peroxide.

What else can you try...

If hydrogen peroxide or acetic acid is not at hand at home, then you can mix ordinary table vinegar and fresh lemon juice.

Scrub the stain with a sponge. It is necessary to act as carefully as possible. Treat the edges of the stain first, and then go to the center. Then wash the item thoroughly so that the vinegar or lemon juice does not remain on the clothes. Otherwise, you risk ruining the whole thing.

old stains

It is not always possible to quickly eliminate the stain. Therefore, housewives quite often wonder how to remove a cherry stain on clothes if it was planted a long time ago. The best remedy is laundry soap!

Just rub the soap and apply it on the stain. Next, fill the area with boiling water and wait 30-40 minutes, wash.

Bright saturated stains from cherry juice that accidentally appeared on your clothes or your baby's clothes are not difficult to remove. To do this, it is not at all necessary to use modern stain removers and expensive powders, since there are simpler ways to solve this problem, which we will talk about today.

Effective methods to help remove cherry juice

  • Boiling water. If the cherry juice stain is very fresh, you can get rid of it in seconds by boiling some water, pulling the stained cloth over a large pot or basin in the bathroom, and then spraying boiling water over the stained area. Pour until there is nothing left of the traces. Note that if you add a little alcohol to boiling water (1 teaspoon of alcohol per liter of water), the traces will disappear faster.
  • Salt. Of course, not every fabric is able to withstand such an aggressive effect of hot water. If this is the case for you, then remove the cherry juice with salt. To do this, generously sprinkle salt on the stains you want to get rid of, wait a few minutes, then shake everything off, then sprinkle the cherry marks again with salt. After 2-3 minutes, rinse the soiled product in hot water with the addition of washing powder or wash it in the usual way.
  • Lemon juice and vinegar. In a shallow bowl, mix 1 tbsp. l table vinegar with 1 tbsp. l lemon juice. Then dip a gauze swab or piece of clean white cloth into the resulting mixture, process the marks, moving from the edges to the center, and wash the clothes with the addition of powder.
  • Hydrogen peroxide. Hydrogen peroxide. If cherry juice spilled on a white cloth, then try to remove bright saturated traces with peroxide or vinegar solution (take 2 tablespoons of 70% vinegar for 5 tablespoons of water). So, fill the stains with peroxide or prepared vinegar solution and leave for 30 minutes. After the allotted time, wash the fabric in the usual way.
  • Milk. Mothers whose children are very fond of cherry juices know how to solve the problem in question. They argue that the contaminated thing should be lowered into a container with ordinary milk and left for 10-15 minutes. After that, wash it in a washing machine with the addition of powder.
  • Laundry soap. To get rid of old stains, use this method: rub a piece of laundry soap on the problem area and leave for ten minutes. Then pour boiling water over the clothes and after 30 minutes wash them in the usual way for you.


Now the answer to the question "How to remove cherry juice from clothes?" you know. We hope that the above methods will help you solve the problem in question. If simple home remedies don't work for you, buy an all-purpose bleach from the hardware store and use it.

Thank you for your attention!

Summer and autumn are a sweet time for children and adults, because many different berries and fruits ripen, which everyone loves to treat themselves to. But all these goodies, and especially cherries, often leave traces of juice on clothes, tablecloths, towels, which, without knowing special methods, are almost impossible to remove.

But it’s too early to take the thing to the trash: there are several options for how to remove cherry stains even at home.

What should not be done?

Washing such dirt with ordinary powder or detergents is not only useless, but also dangerous. The fact is that the anthocyanin dye, which is part of the juice of this delicious berry, is a natural chemical indicator. When in contact with an alkaline environment, which is the majority of washing powders, it becomes blue or even purple. And in combination with acidic liquid detergents, it turns bright red.

Accordingly, it also dyes the fabric in these colors, and it is several times more difficult to remove these stains, even using professional chemicals. Therefore, having noticed traces of cherry juice on clothes, do not rush to wash it with the means voiced above, but use the following tips.

How to remove cherries from clothes? Working with fresh stains

Recent juice stains of almost any fruit and berry are easy to remove. It is enough to treat them with a cloth or swab dipped in ammonia or a weak solution of ammonia. A solution of soda, prepared in the proportion of 1 teaspoon per glass of water, is also perfect.

After treating the problem area with means, the clothes should be thoroughly rinsed, and even better - washed as usual. If we are talking about white clothes made of cotton or linen, then it should first be soaked in milk.

There is one simple but effective method that our great-great-grandmothers used. You just need to stretch the fabric with a stain over some deep dish and pour boiling water over the contamination in a thin stream. There will be no trace of juice left! The only negative is that this method is only suitable for removing very fresh stains. And, of course, you should not use it for things that simply do not tolerate high temperatures.

Another important point is to use only boiling water. Just hot water will be less effective.

How to wash cherry juice? Removing old dirt

Old, dried traces of juice are, of course, more difficult to remove, but possible. The first thing to try is a gasoline soap. It does a great job with a variety of types of stains, it can help you too. If it failed and blue spots remained on the fabric, you will have to work a little more.

You will need to mix 2 g of citric acid and about 20 ml of ethyl alcohol, heat the mixture to 40 degrees and treat it with juice. After that, the fabric must be rinsed in warm water, treated with a diluted solution of ammonia and rinsed in cool water with the addition of a small amount of vinegar.

How to remove cherry stains from white?

Of course, the methods described above are not suitable for white things - even the smallest traces of juice will be visible on them. Especially when it comes to old stains. To remove them, you will need a pinch of sodium hydrosulfite powder, which is sprinkled on a damp cloth. From above, it is necessary to drop a little hydrogen peroxide solution with a pipette. At the end, be sure to rinse the clothes and wash them in water with the addition of a small amount of acetic acid.

Khimchistka 22 will clean your clothes!

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« How to wash cherries?"- a rather popular question in the summer, when the first harvests of sweet and ripe berries appear on store shelves. There is nothing surprising in the fact that slight red spots appear on clothes, especially if the cherry variety is very juicy. When it comes into contact with clothing, cherries are quickly absorbed into the fibers. It is almost impossible to remove old berry stains, but it is possible to cope with the pollution that has just formed. In the article, we will analyze folk remedies that can be used to cleanse any type of fabric from cherry stains. We will also talk about effective household chemicals.

Removing cherries from clothes

In order to remove the cherry from the fabric with high quality and without consequences, it is necessary to act as quickly as possible. Many experienced housewives advise, if possible, to gently soak the stain with a damp cloth in the very first seconds to remove most of the juice. However, in no case do not rub the fabric, otherwise the stain will only increase in size.

  • before using any of the products described below, be sure to check that it is safe for the fabric;
  • study the clothing label, select the appropriate temperature regime for removing stains from cherry juice;
  • if possible, be sure to soak the stain in soapy water before washing the fabric in the usual way;
  • if you decide to use a stain remover, then be sure to read its composition and recommendations for use before using the product on fabric;
  • cherry stains have an organic structure, as well as a strong coloring pigment, if you use alkaline bleaches, the pollution will change its color from red to dirty purple;
  • using an acidic cleaner will have the opposite effect, that is, the purple spot will turn red again;
  • a lot depends on the type of fabric, for example, cherry stains can be removed from cotton fabric with fatty acids, while silk and wool are cleaned with a special gasoline soap;
  • removing cherry stains without consequences from white clothes is much easier than from colored clothes, because in the first case you can use aggressive household chemicals.

Household chemicals

Household chemicals are the first thing you think about if your clothes are stained with food, paints or any other products. This is because the composition of such products contains a large number of compounds and elements specifically designed to remove stains. However, you need to know which tool can be used for a particular type of fabric.

  1. Bleach is the first thing that comes to mind when it comes to removing stains from clothes. If we are talking about light fabric, then you can use whiteness, which includes chlorine. However, this product is not suitable for some types of fabric, such as linen. A stain from cherries or cherries from colored clothes must be removed using household chemicals specially designed for this, for example, Vanish. Most often, the technology for using factory household chemicals consists in applying the product to the stain. More detailed instructions for use can be found on each tool separately. Be careful when using bleach or stain remover, first test the product on a small area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe fabric.
  2. Dishwashing liquid or liquid soap is also suitable for getting cherries out of clothes. Any gel household chemicals can help to remove organic pollution delicately and without harm to the fabric. Most often, it is enough to apply the gel to the stain and lightly rub the fabric. If the desired effect has not been achieved, prepare a soapy solution and soak clothes with cherry stains in it.
  3. Laundry soap is a product that can help in any situation. This tool can be used in several ways. First, try gently rubbing a piece of laundry soap on the cherry stain, then wait for a few hours. During this time, the soap will take on a crust. Run a cloth under a stream of warm water and dampen the soap, and then wash the clothes in the usual way. This method is suitable for delicate fabrics. You can also prepare a soap solution by adding shavings to hot water and stirring thoroughly. After that, you need to insist clothes in soapy water for half an hour, and then wash them in a washing machine.
  4. Antipyatin is a series of products with a sparing effect. Such household chemicals are suitable for removing various types of contaminants, even from the most delicate fabrics. However, the product is not suitable for removing cherry stains from colored clothes. The method of using the tool is similar to that described in the previous paragraph.

All this household chemicals can be used to remove cherry stains from clothes at home..

Folk remedies

Folk remedies for removing berry stains from clothes can also be used. Most of them can be even more effective than household chemicals. The table below contains simple and affordable ways and means to remove cherries from fabric.



The easiest and most affordable way to quickly remove a stain from a cherry from a natural fabric is boiling water. Hot water will only help if the stain is fresh. To remove the stain, you need to stretch the fabric over the tub and pour boiling water over the stain. Remember that this method is not suitable for delicate fabrics or synthetics.

table vinegar

In some cases, if the stain is small, you can use ordinary table vinegar mixed with clean water in equal proportions. Then it is enough to soak the clothes in the prepared solution and wait until the cherry stain disappears.

Table vinegar + lemon juice

You can enhance the cleansing effect of table vinegar with citric acid or juice. Squeeze half a lemon into a bowl, add two tablespoons of vinegar to the container and mix the ingredients. Using a cotton swab or a new sponge, apply the product to the stain from the cherry or cherry. Apply the product starting from the edges of the stain. Then leave the fabric alone for another hour. After the specified time, the cleaning agent should simply be washed off with water.

Lemon Juice + Hydrogen Peroxide + Baking Soda

To remove cherries from delicate fabrics, you can prepare the following folk remedy. Squeeze half a lemon into a bowl, add 50 milliliters of table vinegar and two tablespoons of baking soda. Wet a cloth stained with cherry juice, then apply the product to the stain. After half an hour, rinse the clothes and wash in the usual way.

Hydrogen peroxide

In some cases, if the stain is fresh and small, you can try removing the cherries from the fabric with 3% hydrogen peroxide. Soak a cotton ball in the liquid and work the dirt, starting from the edges and ending in the center. Once the fabric is saturated with peroxide, leave the clothes alone for half an hour. After the specified time has passed, clothes stained with cherries should be washed in an automatic machine.


If you mix table salt with warm water until a slurry forms, you can clean a fresh cherry stain on any fabric. To do this, apply a gruel of salt to the stain, and then wait until the product dries completely. Then the salt should be washed off under a stream of warm water, and the clothes should be washed in soapy water.


Ammonia can be used in the same way as hydrogen peroxide. It is enough to treat the cherry stain with liquid, and then wait. It is very important to work with ammonia in a well-ventilated area, since the fumes of this product are very caustic.

Warm milk can be used to remove berry stains from light-colored clothing. It is enough just to soak the fabric in a heated liquid. Any fermented milk product can be an alternative to milk. After infusion in milk, clothes must be washed in the usual way.

In some cases, you can try using gasoline, but you need to be careful not to ruin the fabric.

All presented folk remedies will help to effectively remove cherries from clothes in the same way as the household chemicals described above. The main thing is to act quickly, and then you can avoid the consequences in the form of ugly residual stains on your favorite T-shirt or blouse.
