Recipes for skin rejuvenation around the eyes: cosmetic procedures. Laser rejuvenation of the eyes and eyelids

The skin around the eyes is very sensitive. If she is not properly cared for, she loses moisture with age, due to which wrinkles, crow's feet and nasolacrimal grooves appear. Consider the 7 most effective cosmetic procedures that allow you to return the skin around the eyes to a young and fresh look.

1. Hardware massage.To get rid of the "slipping" of the skin around the eyes, cosmetologists offer hardware massage or its combination with microcurrent therapy. Already after 2-3 procedures, due to the disposal of blood vessels from congestion, the skin under the eyes is smoothed and excess fluid is removed. To consolidate the achieved effect, you should go through another 10-15 sessions with a frequency of 2-3 times a week.

2. Facebook building.If your age is 30-35 years old, and wrinkles near the eyes are not yet clearly expressed, you can eliminate their first manifestations using a special massage technique - facebuilding. This type of massage helps to improve blood circulation, lymph outflow, oxygenate the skin and strengthen blood vessels.

3. Botulinum toxin injections (Botox).The result after the procedure - complete smoothing of even pronounced wrinkles - will be noticeable within 2 to 14 days. Smooth skin around the eyes and a fresh look will last for 6-8 months, then the procedure can be repeated. In some cases, the drug may expire faster (depending on care and lifestyle).

4. Mesotherapy and biorevitalization.Mesotherapy involves the introduction under the skin of a cocktail of drugs that increase skin tone - amino acids, vascular agents, enzymes, trace elements, antioxidants and vitamins. The composition is developed by a cosmetologist individually. With biorevitalization, the mechanism for administering the drug is the same - the procedures differ only in the composition of the cocktails.

5. Oxygen-ozone therapy.This procedure, aimed at eliminating dark circles under the eyes, is carried out in a course of 5-10 sessions. Thanks to her, the skin under the eyes is clearly brightened, the face becomes fresh and radiant. After a course of oxygen-ozone therapy, you can look younger by 5 or more years.

6. Contour plastic.The purpose of the procedure is to smooth out the nasolacrimal sulcus (a notch from the inside of the eye to the middle of the cheek, which visually adds about 10 years). For contour plastics, a gel with hyaluronic acid is injected under the skin, which fills the furrow, visibly smoothing the skin. The effect lasts from 6 months to 1 year.

7. Blepharoplasty.This surgical operation is aimed at getting rid of a hernia of the upper or lower eyelid. Successful blepharoplasty allows you to achieve smoother contours in the area around the eyes, reduce the number of irregularities and get a younger and fresher look.

To determine which procedure or set of procedures will be most effective in your particular case, you need to get a face-to-face consultation with an experienced cosmetologist. Remember: the sooner you start fighting the signs of aging, the easier and faster it will be possible to defeat them.

The skin around the eyes is the first to surrender to the years lived - this is how the subtlety of her nature, increased vulnerability affects. In addition, we smile, squint at the sun and thereby exacerbate the problem.

Wrinkles, like cobwebs, twine around the eyes, and it is becoming more and more difficult to deal with this day by day. Surgical methods of correcting appearance, for various reasons, are not suitable for everyone. Therefore, there is nothing surprising in the huge popularity of such a procedure as laser rejuvenation of the skin around the eyes.

Hits the target without damaging

With its help, you can fight with skin aging and wrinkles in this area, formed on the eyelids by "extra" skin. Laser beams can be thanked for the miraculous effect: they hit right on target without damaging tissues nearby.

strong effect

Pigmentation becomes less noticeable, metamorphoses occur with wrinkles. If they are small, they may disappear altogether, and deeper ones level out. At the same time, laser rejuvenation will allow you to forget about irritation and peeling for a long time.

Start rejuvenation

The benefit of this technology lies not only in achieving a remarkable external effect, but also in the fact that a serious internal effect is exerted on the skin. The process of its rejuvenation starts, elasticity and firmness increase.

For you personally

The power of the beam, the depth of its penetration into the skin are adjustable, which allows each patient to choose their own set of parameters.

Without pain

During treatment, they do not feel any pain, especially since local anesthesia is used.

The eyelids will survive

The procedure is safely experienced even by such delicate places as the eyelids.

A little rehab

This technique does not force women to carve out a lot of time not only for the procedure, but also for rehabilitation. Literally a day later, the skin near the eyes parted with redness, and others are unaware that some cosmetic manipulations lie behind the transformation.

After the procedure

Since there are no open wounds, there is no risk of infection of the treated areas. Directly before the procedure and three weeks after it, you can not sunbathe naturally and in the solarium. Cosmetics - both for care and decorative - must protect against ultraviolet radiation.


Not everyone can afford the luxury of laser eye rejuvenation. You will have to wait out the high temperature and the common cold, the stage of exacerbation of atopic dermatitis, inflammation at the site of future treatment. The procedure is not suitable for those women who less than two weeks ago had a chemical peel, suffer from psoriasis and epilepsy, and are preparing to become a mother.

What is the price?

For rejuvenation of the area around the eyes, clinics ask from 18,000 rubles, and for the treatment of the lower and upper eyelids - from 9,000 rubles.

Wanting to make an impression about a person, we, first of all, pay attention to his eyes. Everything matters - the size of the pupils, the shape of the eyes, the position of the eyelids and eyebrows, the presence of wrinkles-"rays", the absence of red streaks on the "squirrels", the brightness of the color of the "iris". Unfortunately, the eyes betray not only our mood, but also our age.

From the point of view of a specialist, the cosmetic problems of the area around the eyes are divided into:

  1. wrinkles around the eyes
  2. reduced skin elasticity, pigmentation
  3. "bags" under the eyes, swelling
  4. nasolacrimal groove
  5. hernias of the upper and lower eyelids
  6. dark circles under the eyes

Often these problems are interrelated with each other - one pulls the other. Usually it all starts with a decrease in the elastic properties of the skin and congestion in the microvessels of the area around the eyes. The skin that has lost elasticity begins to “slide”: the border between the orbit and the cheek shifts downward, the eye begins to look older due to the fact that soft tissues no longer cover the lower edge of the orbit, it is covered only by a stretched eyelid. Here it is very important to “capture” the process at the very beginning in order to prevent the skin from seriously shifting. Otherwise, it will be possible to tighten it only surgically.

Rejuvenation of the skin around the eyes should begin with the restoration of its elasticity, strengthening the muscle frame and activating cell metabolism in this area. But this does not mean that there is a standard course of rejuvenation "for everyone." As a rule, experienced specialists select methods taking into account existing problems and the current condition of the patient's skin.

Problem 1. Wrinkles around the eyes

Botulinum toxin injections (Botox, Dysport) will help erase wrinkles around the eyes. This is a single procedure, the result of which becomes noticeable after 2-14 days, and the effect lasts for 6-8 months. In people prone to edema, before using Botox, a course of hardware cosmetology is performed to eliminate this problem, as well as mesotherapy aimed at improving blood and lymph circulation.

It is very important to remove wrinkles correctly so that they do not appear compensatory on the nose (this happens), to ensure a beautiful and natural position of the eyebrows, not to aggravate swelling, to preserve the individuality of facial expressions. This is achieved by the right choice of Botox injection points and the use of additional rejuvenation methods, more often hardware cosmetology.

Problem 2. Reduced skin elasticity, pigmentation

Combined programs, including chemical peeling, mesotherapy or biorevitalization, will help to increase skin elasticity and get rid of pigmentation, and at the same time from fine wrinkles. Mesotherapy differs from biorevitalization only in the preparations used. With biorevitalization, it is hyaluronic acid with a rather large molecule, which allows it to stay in the skin longer and have a more pronounced rejuvenating effect.

Biorevitalization is prescribed at intervals of one week after the peeling. The optimal program for skin rejuvenation around the eyes consists of alternating procedures: four biorevitalizations and four peels (with an interval between them of one week).

To rejuvenate the skin around the eyes, it is desirable to use preparations designed specifically for this area, which will increase the effectiveness of the procedures and make them as physiological as possible.

The ideal choice for biorevitalization of the skin around the eyes is a product based on hyaluronic acid - Viscoderm 0.8, which is designed for procedures in delicate areas with a minimal risk of swelling. The drug is administered in large "drops", which significantly reduces skin trauma.

As a peeling of the skin around the eyes, it is recommended to use Enerpeel EL. It contains a combination of two acids, lactic and trichloroacetic, which have a pronounced depigmenting and rejuvenating effect. They are used in small concentrations, which reduces the risk of irritation, but by summing up the effect of the two acids, the desired effect is achieved. In the production of peeling, the technology of a "gradually released" active substance is used. After the procedure, peeling is usually small, insignificant. It starts approximately on the second day and ends by 4-5 days after the first procedure, after repeated procedures it is faster.

Problem 3. "Bags" under the eyes, swelling

Patients with "bags" under the eyes are shown the Lift-6 apparatus massage in combination with microcurrent therapy, which allows you to strengthen the skin and remove congestion. The result is noticeable after 2-3 procedures, but for a lasting effect it is desirable to take a course - 10-15 procedures 2-3 times a week. The complex procedure (Lift-6 apparatus massage + BioGold microcurrent therapy) takes about an hour and is very comfortable.

Problem 4. Nasolacrimal trough

This is one of the most "unsympathetic" age-related changes - a furrow running from the inner corner of the eye obliquely along the cheek. It appears as a result of age-related shift and sagging of the skin down.

Gels based on hyaluronic acid or collagen will help to remove a deep nasolacrimal groove. This procedure is one of the most spectacular - filling the nasolacrimal sulcus literally “rejuvenates” the face for 5-10 years before our eyes. The procedure is fast and almost painless. The result is stored for 6-12 months.

Problem 5. Hernias of the upper and lower eyelids

In some cases, it is possible to mask hernias of the lower eyelids by introducing a gel based on hyaluronic acid or collagen. If this method is not suitable, the hernia is removed surgically - an operation on the eyelids is called blepharoplasty.

When preparing for plastic surgery, it is desirable to conduct therapeutic preparation using cosmetic techniques. This will significantly improve the course of the postoperative period and significantly reduce the likelihood of complications.

Problem 6. Dark circles under the eyes

Oxygen-ozone therapy will help to get rid of dark circles under the eyes. Ideally, it is carried out in a course of 7-15 procedures. The same technique is shown to smokers and people who are practically never outdoors. It refreshes the face and improves the elasticity of the skin, the eyes become shiny and clear.

If you are over 25 years old, be sure to come to the beautician. A program of individual prevention of aging will be developed for you, taking into account the anatomical features of the face. Someone is threatened by hernias, someone has dark brown circles around the eyes, someone has “crow's feet”. An experienced cosmetologist will immediately see your “weak points” and advise what to look for.

A common misconception “to a beautician, the later you turn, the better” is fundamentally wrong! Because of it, a huge number of people miss the opportunity to prevent aging of the face and skin around the eyes.

In conclusion, we note that we should not forget about the most effective methods of rejuvenating the area around the eyes. This is a good sleep, fresh air and the absence of bad habits.

Most often, these problems are interrelated. It all starts with a decrease in skin elasticity and the appearance of congestion in the microvessels in the area around the eyes. As soon as the skin loses elasticity, it begins to slip. As a result of this, the border between the cheek and the orbit moves down, and the eyes begin to look older due to the fact that the soft tissues do not cover the lower edges of the orbit. At the first signs of anti-aging changes, it is necessary to act immediately, because if the skin is strongly displaced, then it can be corrected only by surgery.

Rejuvenation of the skin around the eyes begins with the restoration of its elasticity, activation of cell metabolism and strengthening of the muscle frame. There is no single general technique. As a rule, cosmetologists select rejuvenation methods individually, based on skin type and existing problems.

Problem 1. Wrinkles around the eyes

Wrinkles around the eyes are well helped by injections of botulinum toxin (Dysport or Botox). This is a quick procedure that needs to be done once. The result becomes noticeable after a few days - after 2-14 days. The effect lasts up to eight months. If you are prone to puffiness, then before such a procedure it is necessary to conduct a course of hardware cosmetology to eliminate edema. To improve the circulation of lymph and blood, it is recommended to take a course of mesotherapy.

It is very important to find a good master. Wrinkles need to be removed correctly so that they do not appear in other places. In addition, it is important to give the eyebrows the correct and beautiful position, to maintain facial expressions. To do this, you need to choose the right point for the introduction of Botox. Often, additional methods are used, for example, hardware cosmetology.

Problem 2. Reduced skin elasticity and pigmentation

Combined procedures will help to increase skin elasticity, get rid of fine wrinkles and get rid of pigmentation: mesotherapy, chemical peeling, biorevitalization. Mesotherapy differs from biorevitalization only in the preparations used. In the second method, hyaluronic acid with a large molecule is introduced, thanks to which it stays under the skin longer and has a longer rejuvenating effect.

Biorevitalization is carried out after peeling a week later. For optimal results, it is best to do four peels and four biorevitalizations. It is very important to alternate them with each other with an interval of one week.

To rejuvenate the skin around the eyes, it is very important to use only those products that are designed specifically for this area. This will not only increase the effectiveness of the procedures, but also make them as physiological as possible. Today, one of the best preparations for biorevitalization is a preparation based on hyaluronic acid - Viscoderm 0.8. This preparation is specially designed for delicate areas and after it there is rarely swelling, which is very important. The drug is administered in large drops, due to which the skin is less injured.

For peeling the skin around the eyes, it is best to use Enerpil El. It contains a combination of trichloroacetic and lactic acids, which have a rejuvenating and depigmenting effect. These agents are used in small concentrations to reduce the risk of irritability. However, by combining these agents, the desired result is achieved. In the production of peeling, the technology of "gradual release" of active substances is used. Therefore, after the procedure, the skin does not peel off much and this is almost imperceptible. Peeling of the skin begins on the second day and ends on the fourth or fifth day after the first procedure. After repeated procedures, the peeling process is much faster.

Problem 3. "Bags" under the eyes, puffiness

"Bags" under the eyes appear in many women. Sometimes they occur due to normal fatigue and lack of sleep, but go away on their own. And sometimes they appear as a result of age-related changes. To get rid of this problem, cosmetologists recommend doing Lift-6 hardware massage. It is recommended to combine it with microcurrent therapy to remove congestion and strengthen the skin. The result is noticeable after two or three procedures. However, to achieve a lasting result, it is necessary to go through ten to fifteen procedures. The interval between treatments should be an average of two days. The complex procedure of microcurrent therapy Bio Gold and apparatus massage Lift 6 is very comfortable and takes no more than an hour.

Problem 4. Nasolacrimal trough

This age-related change is common - a furrow that runs from the inner corner of the eye obliquely across the cheek. It appears due to sagging of the skin down and age shift. You can get rid of it with the help of gels based on collagen and hyaluronic acid. This procedure is very effective. The nasolacrimal sulcus is filled and the face is rejuvenated for five to ten years. The procedure is almost painless and fast. The results are stored for up to a year.

Problem 5. Hernia of the upper and lower eyelids

There are two ways to fix this problem. If the problem is not very pronounced, then it is masked with gels based on collagen and hyaluronic acid. If the problem is pronounced, then the hernia can be removed only by surgical plastic surgery - blepharoplasty. If it was decided to use plastic surgery, then it is necessary to prepare for it. In advance, you need to conduct therapeutic preparation using cosmetic techniques. This will not only reduce the risk of complications, but also improve the healing process in the postoperative period.

Problem 6. Dark circles under the eyes

The best way to get rid of dark circles under the eyes is a course of ozone-oxygen therapy. It is best to go through seven to fifteen procedures. This procedure increases the elasticity of the skin of the eyes, refreshes the face, after which the eyes acquire clarity and brilliance. By the way, cosmetologists recommend this procedure from time to time for all girls at any age, especially for those who rarely go outside or smoke.

Many women turn to a cosmetologist only when age-related changes are already pronounced. However, the more they appear, the more difficult it is to get rid of them. In advanced cases, only plastic surgery is suitable. Therefore, it is very important to understand that the sooner you start visiting a beautician, the better. Today, science does not stand still. And many cosmetic procedures have been developed for skin rejuvenation. It is necessary to contact a beautician regularly from the age of 25. He will develop an individual program for the prevention of aging for you. When developing such a program, the beautician must take into account the anatomical features of the structure of the face. After all, every girl has her own problems: some have bags and dark circles under their eyes, some have hernias, and some have crow's feet.

An experienced cosmetologist will immediately be able to identify all your problem areas. Therefore, always look for good specialists.

Age-related changes, which begin after 25-30 years, are primarily reflected in the periorbital region. The skin around the eyes is the thinnest, most sensitive, contains a small number of sebaceous and sweat glands, and the subcutaneous fat layer in these areas is insignificant. In addition, the tissues here are constantly stretched due to the frequent contraction of the circular and other facial muscles.

These areas are most affected by negative environmental factors and are often a reflection of various violations of physiological processes in the body, poor care, lack of sleep, etc.

Therefore, women tend to start non-surgical rejuvenation of the area around the eyes as early as possible. For this purpose, various home and cosmetic products are used in the form of various vegetable oils and vitamins, gels and creams, masks with fruit and vegetable juices, and massage. However, all this is more suitable for the prevention of early withering of the skin, but has almost no effect on the appearance of wrinkles and folds, dryness, "bags" and dark circles under the eyes, age spots and rosacea.

How to rejuvenate the skin around the eyes

Various innovative procedures used in beauty salons and clinics allow you to quickly and almost painlessly get rid of cosmetic defects, tighten the tissues around the eyes, improve skin texture, give it firmness, elasticity and natural color. When choosing methods of rejuvenation, the cosmetologist pays attention to such problems as:

  • increased severity of the nasolacrimal groove (from the inner corner of the eye to the cheek), which occurs as a result of tissue ptosis due to the loss of their elasticity;
  • dryness of the skin surface and deterioration of its color;
  • swelling, hernial bags of the lower and upper eyelids and dark circles under the eyes, which appear due to a decrease in blood flow through the veins;
  • decrease in elasticity and the appearance of wrinkles in the area of ​​​​the outer corners of the eyes (“crow's feet”);
  • the presence of age spots and rosacea phenomena under the eyes.

Depending on the degree of skin changes around the eyes, the specialist selects certain techniques, their combination or course combination.

It is an introduction into the skin structures of an individually selected composition of preparations from vitamins, microelements, pharmacological vascular agents, antioxidants, amino acids, enzymes. They stimulate cellular metabolism, normalize blood and lymph microcirculation, restore the natural structure of tissues, increase the tone of small vessels, thereby reducing the effects of rosacea.

It differs from mesotherapy by the introduction of preparations containing alone or in combination with other components used in mesotherapy. Hyaluronic acid is stored in the skin for a long time and binds a large number of water molecules. As a result, the skin acquires firmness and elasticity, fine wrinkles are smoothed out.

With the use of trichloroacetic and lactic acids in low concentrations, which reduce the severity of age spots, swelling and dark circles under the eyes and have a rejuvenating effect.

Technically, the procedure is similar to mesotherapy, but the tightening effect is achieved by introducing your own plasma into the area around the eyes. This is especially useful if the patient is allergic to many pharmaceuticals.

And - hardware methods of using electromagnetic waves, with the help of which an increase in tissue elasticity and a decrease in swelling in the infraorbital region are achieved.

One of the most popular procedures for rejuvenating the skin around the eyes, due to the speed and duration of action of which there is an effective smoothing of mimic wrinkles. It consists of injections into the facial muscles, or (botulinum toxin preparations “A”).

It is an injection correction of cosmetic defects using subcutaneous or intradermal injection of biodegradable or. The introduction of fillers that fill the defect of the skin surface strengthens the contour around the eyes, eliminates wrinkles in the corners of the eyes, smoothes the nasolacrimal groove and evens out the relief.

Widely used in cosmetology. The method of introducing an oxygen-ozone mixture into the skin and subcutaneously using special needles is especially effective. Saturation of blood with oxygen significantly increases vascular tone, improves microcirculation in the skin and its biomechanical characteristics, contributing to the correction of wrinkles in the corners of the eyes, smoothing the skin relief, reducing puffiness and eliminating "bruises" under the eyes.

It is a hardware technique in which two types of exposure are combined - radio waves (RF) and light energy. The procedure stimulates metabolic processes, the production of collagen and elastin in tissues, improves blood circulation. It is indicated in the presence of fine wrinkles, age spots and enhanced vascular pattern.

This technique consists in the mechanical formation of multiple microscopic channels in the skin using a small roller with microneedles, called a dermaroller or. The application of microscopic damage has a stimulating effect on the production of collagen and elastin. In addition, the introduction through these channels of the necessary cosmetics is improved. As a result of the procedure, the tone of the skin increases, it becomes toned, elastic and acquires a normal color.

Laser technologies of rejuvenation

Among anti-aging cosmetic procedures, laser rejuvenation of the skin around the eyes has won well-deserved popularity, due to the highest rejuvenating effect compared to other methods. is the most demanded procedure in aesthetic cosmetology and plastic surgery.

The essence of laser rejuvenation technologies is the absorption of light radiation energy in a certain range by the surface layer of the skin, the thickness of which is measured in microns, heating it in an ultra-high-speed period of time, followed by ablation (removal). At the same time, the main fabric and areas adjacent to the impact points are not subjected to high thermal effects.

The safest and most effective laser procedure is during which multiple microscopic portions of old skin are removed. Around damaged areas, regeneration and growth of young cells are stimulated. As a result, remodeling begins. The restructuring of the skin tissue occurs at a great depth - in the reticular layer of the dermis, which is the underlying structure for most wrinkles. In place of the destroyed areas, areas of new skin appear with all the properties that are characteristic of young tissue.

The laser, thermally acting on age spots, destroys not only melanin, but also directly melanocytes - cells that synthesize and accumulate pigment. Destroyed melanin undergoes further transformations by surrounding cleaning cells and is removed from the body. After that, new melanocytes appear on the damaged areas, which synthesize and accumulate the amount of melanin adequate to solar exposure.

A fractional laser is much safer due to the possibility of individual computer selection of procedure parameters, beam energy, treatment level (number of microdots or microfractions, as well as the number of passes on a specific skin area).

Fractional laser is many times more effective than other methods of periorbital rejuvenation, such as chemical peeling, photorejuvenation, classical laser resurfacing.

As a result of an untimely appeal to a cosmetologist, many women miss the opportunity to prevent or eliminate the first signs of age-related changes in the skin around the eyes.
