Creative project “Russian folk doll. Short-term project "Folk rag doll" for children of senior preschool age Creative project folk doll

GBOU of the city of Moscow "School No. 2026" SPsh 2035

creative project

« folk doll »

students of the 5th "M" class

Gorshenina Anastasia

Project Manager

technology teacher

Khusainova Nailya Kimovna

Moscow, 2016

Objective of the project :

Awakening interest in Russian culture and the traditional folk doll.

Project objectives :

To study the history of the emergence of folk dolls;

Explore the types of dolls;

To study the technology of making folk dolls;

Make a folk doll;

Cultivate a sense of patriotism, respect for national traditions.

Project relevance

Interest in folk crafts in the modern world is increasing. And this happens because once there was a gap, a void. And now there is a great need to fill it. Our current desire to know what a folk toy was, how it was played, and what it meant, this is not only a cognitive interest, but also a natural desire to know and remember the past of our people.

The Russian doll is considered one of the most mysterious symbols of Russia. This is not just a children's toy, it is an essential attribute of ancient rituals. From time immemorial, craftsmen have mastered the art of making such dolls, which have absorbed all the cultural traditions and customs of Russia.

It was believed that do-it-yourself dolls from improvised materials had magical properties. Our ancestors believed that dolls were able to drive away evil spirits and bring happiness to the house. This is probably why these dolls were often worn as talismans.

Stages of project implementation

1. Studying the history of the origin of the folk doll

2. Studying the types of dolls

3. Studying the technology of making dolls

4. Making a Russian folk doll "Bell"

1. The history of the origin of the folk doll

Most dolls in Russia were amulets. Dolls - amulets in Russia lead their history from ancient pagan times. They are made from natural materials that are brought from the forest: wood, vine, grass, straw. The main feature of Russian folk dolls is a clean face, without a nose, mouth and eyes. Because according to ancient beliefs, it was believed that "if you do not draw a face, then evil spirits will not move in and will not bring harm to a child or an adult." Then the amulets had other "duties". Wedding lovebirds protect the young family from the evil eye.

A very significant part of them were ceremonial. Our ancestors lived quite cheerfully - that circle of life that takes place during the year was accompanied by certain actions, rituals and holidays (some of them have survived to this day), and in them one of the leading roles was always assigned to the doll.

The doll was carefully passed from hand to hand - from mother to daughter, from grandmother to granddaughter ... So, they are the same as they were invented by distant ancestors, our grandmothers, great-grandmothers. The doll is not born by itself: it is created by a person. It comes to life through the imagination of its creator. Being a part of the culture of all mankind, the doll retains in its image the originality and characteristic features of the people who create it. This is the main value of the traditional folk doll.

In puppet games, children involuntarily learned to sew, embroider, spin, comprehended the traditional art of dressing. The doll stood in direct relation to the activities of the future member of society.

The need for communication was clearly expressed in the toy. It was one of those centuries-old means by which the older generation could pass on, and the younger generation could accept, preserve and pass on an important part of the accumulated life experience.

A traditional toy in the life of the Russian village, even in the poorest peasant families, has long been a rag doll. In other houses, up to a hundred of them accumulated.

Dolls were not only girlish fun. Until the age of 7-8 all the children played while they were wearing shirts. But only boys began to wear ports, and girls began to wear skirts, their playing roles and the games themselves were strictly separated.

While the children were small, mothers, grandmothers, older sisters sewed dolls for them. From the age of five, any girl could already do such a nursery rhyme.

Cloth doll - the simplest image of a female figure. A piece of cloth rolled into a "rolling pin", a face carefully covered with linen white rag, breasts made of even, tightly stuffed balls, a hair braid with a ribbon woven into it, and an outfit of colorful rags. Getting older, the girls sewed more intricate dolls, and sometimes turned to a craftswoman, a woman who made these dolls, painfully good, and she made them to order.

Toys were never left on the street, they were not scattered around the hut, but they were kept in baskets, boxes, locked in chests. They took it to the harvest and to gatherings. Dolls were allowed to take on a visit, they were put in a dowry. They allowed to play the "young woman" who came to the groom's house after the wedding, because they were married from the age of 14. She hid them in the attic and secretly played with them. The elder in the house was the father-in-law, and he strictly ordered the women not to laugh at the young woman. Then these dolls passed to the children.

A doll or a child was given into the hands of the bride in order to provide a new family with offspring. This ancient custom has now become a joke ceremony. At the wedding table, an offering was made to the bride, and she had to "publicly" look at it. The gift was wrapped, wrapped, and in it was a small doll. In many Russian fairy tales, magical helper dolls are found and help the heroes.


According to their purpose, dolls are divided into three large groups: dolls - amulets, play and ceremonial.

2.1 Dolls - amulets

Charm - an amulet or a magic spell that saves a person from various dangers, as well as an item on which the spell is spoken and which is worn on the body as a talisman.

It used to be thought that if a child hangs over the cribKuvatka , then she drives away this evil force.

Two weeks before the birth of the child, the expectant mother placed such a doll - a charm in the cradle. When the parents went to work in the field, and the child was alone in the house, he looked at these little dolls and calmly played.

It is known that doll dresses were sewn not just like that, but with meaning. Firstly, the outfit should always have a red color - the color of the sun, warmth, health, joy. And they also believed that it has a protective effect: it protects against the evil eye and injuries. The embroidered pattern that once decorated the doll's outfit was also not accidental. Each of its elements kept a magical meaning, and the pattern in the face of the doll was supposed to protect the child. As a rule, these toys were small in size and all of different colors, this developed the baby's vision.


The bell is a doll of good news.

The birthplace of this doll is Valdai. From there came the Valdai bells. The ringing of the bell protected people from the plague and other terrible diseases. The bell rang under the arc on all the celebratory troikas. The bell has a domed shape, and from above it resembles the sun.

The doll has three skirts. Man also has three kingdoms. Copper, silver, gold. And happiness also consists of three parts. If the body is well, the soul is joyful, the spirit is calm, then the person is completely happy.

This doll is cheerful, perky, brings joy and fun to the house. This is a charm of good mood. Giving the Bell, a person wishes his friend to receive only good news and maintains a joyful and cheerful mood in him.

2.2 play dolls

Play dolls were intended for fun for children. They were divided stitched and folded. Rolled dolls were made without a needle and thread. A thick layer of fabric was wound around a wooden stick, and then tied with a rope. Then a head with handles was tied to this stick and dressed in elegant clothes.

butterfly doll

The simplest traditional rag doll existed in several districts of the Tula province. The Butterfly doll was hung over the cradle, both girls and boys played with it. The doll was placed in the cradle even before the birth of the child, so that she would protect this place from unkind looks and evil spirits. People believed that the doll protects the child's sleep and calmness, and therefore she was always next to him during sleep and in the first games. Even the smallest children could make this play doll with their own hands. At the same time, it is important to take into account the symbolism of color: red is a sign of the sun, fire, fertility, a symbol of the holiday and a synonym for beauty; yellow is a divine color, a symbol of warmth, infancy; green - health, youth; blue - high thoughts and the gift of communication.


Spring is a time of incredible joy that brings renewal in life. She was expected, high hopes were pinned on her. By the spring, many different dolls were made - ritual and play ones, to please the children. After a long winter, they could finally spend a lot of time outside. Neither rain nor mud - nothing could keep the numerous children at home.

Vesnyanka is a small play doll the size of a palm. They made it in the spring and gave it to the kids for Easter. Vesnyanka is a chrysalis on a string. The street was still muddy and slushy, and the child put the doll with a loop on his finger and moved it around like a puppet. When he had played enough, he could hang the doll on his button. The stonefly was a one-day-old chrysalis. The doll, soiled during the day, was burned.

2.3 Ritual dolls

The Russian land is rich in rituals. Ritual dolls were revered and placed in a hut, in a red corner. They had a ritual purpose.

Vep doll - This is a ritual doll, symbolizing fertility and prosperity.

From old things, women without the use of scissors and needles made a “Vepsian doll” so that the child’s life was “not cut and not chipped.” Before the birth of the baby, the doll was placed in a cradle to warm it. After birth, she hung over the child, protecting him from damage.

The doll is made of linen and cotton fabrics. They twist the doll without letting go, until the last knot. In the manufacture of this doll in the old days, they did not use a needle and scissors, manually tearing the fabric into shreds of the desired size.

Ritual multi-armed dolltenhandle .

It was made from bast or straw on October 14 on Pokrov, when they sat down for needlework. In the manufacture of used threads of red color, which is protective. The chrysalis was intended to help girls prepare their dowry and women in various activities such as weaving, sewing, embroidery, knitting, etc. The doll "Ten Hands" is given for a wedding, so that the woman has time to do everything, so that everything goes well with her.

And in order for the house to be satisfying and rich, the mistress of the house made a dollgrain, orkrupenichka .

They did it after the harvest. At the heart of the doll is a bag with grains collected from the field. They stuffed it with different grains. Also, this doll was made by a woman so that she would have children.

Some ritual dolls weremedical.

herbal pod

Herbal capsule is a doll that gives good mood and health, thanks to the aroma of dry herbs hidden in bags. One large bag is the lower part of the doll, two small bags are in her hands. These bags are filled with a dry mixture of plants and flower petals. When kneading the bags, the aroma of essential oils is felt. According to legend, this doll maintains health and brings protection.

Making a bell doll

We need 3 round pieces of fabric of different colors, one smaller than the other; diameter of the larger one is about 20 cm, the second one is 18 cm, the third one is 16 cm.

We put a rag (or cotton wool) in the center of a large patch, form a head and tie it with a thread around the neck. Carefully straighten the folds.

On top of the head we put on the second round flap, we also tie it around the neck, and then the third, the smallest.

We put a rectangular piece of fabric (18 cm x 6 cm) diagonally on the doll's head, straightening the corners to the sides - these will be the hands. Tie around the neck. We form the palms, bending the corners inward and tying with a thread. The corners of the "shirt" in front and behind are also bent inward to the body of the pupa.

To tie a triangular scarf (17 cm x 13 cm x 13 cm) to the bell, we tuck the edge of the scarf that will frame the doll's face, put the scarf on the head and bring the ends under the handles back, where we tie. You get a doll in a handkerchief, the edge of the shirt can be seen. The scarf should cover the forehead, basically tied up like that. Girls could tie with a corner above the forehead. The bell is ready!

3. Business case

The cost of raw materials, materials, accessories per unit of product

20cm x 20cm

18cm x 18cm

1 6 cm x16 cm

18cm x 6cm

17cm x 13cmx13cm

180 rub. for 1m 2


cotton wool

3cm x 3cm


50 cm

50 rub. for 200m
(1 coil)





A doll is a sign of a person, his game image is a symbol. In this role, it focuses time, the history of culture, the history of the country and people, reflecting their movement and development. It is to this fertile source of spirituality that those who study folk culture, who seek to convey to their descendants its precious grains, turn.

A traditional rag doll in today's Russia, she is experiencing a true revival. The hand-made patchwork figurine now performs a new communicative function. It has become a living means of communication and familiarization with the folk cultural experience.

Dolls are not only toys, but also close friends. In games with dolls, children learn to communicate, fantasize, create, show mercy, train their memory. But the main thing in these games is emotional contact with the doll. Children do not just get used to dolls - they become attached to them as to living beings and painfully part with them.

The doll is not born by itself: it is created by a person. It comes to life through the imagination and will of its creator. Being a part of the culture of all mankind, the doll retains in its image the originality and characteristic features of the people who create it. This is the main value of the traditional folk doll.

As a result of the project, the following has been achieved:

the history of the traditional Russian folk doll and its types was studied

mastered the execution technology;

Samples have been made.


    Dine, G.L. Russian rag doll. Culture, traditions, technology / G.L. Dain, M.N. Dine.- M.: Culture and Traditions, 2007.- 120 p.

    Dolls from a chest. Handmade toys. I.A. Lykova - Moscow, "Color House", 2012

    Doll chest. Traditional folk doll with their own hands. E. Bersteneva, N. Dogaeva, compiled by N. Astakhova. – Moscow, White City, 2010

    3. Kotova, I.N. Russian rituals and traditions. Folk doll / I.N. Kotova, A.S. Kotova.- St. Petersburg, Parity, 2003.- 240 p.

    Folk doll: [Electronic resource] //

    Country of Masters: [Electronic resource]

Municipal educational institution

"Secondary school No. 3 with in-depth study of musical subjects named after"




Sorokina Antonina,


Bezhetsk 2015


Project name: "The doll is a folk toy."

Project Manager : .

The academic subject within which the work on the project is carried out: technology.

Academic disciplines close to the topic of the project: the world around, history, fine arts.

Age of students for whom the project is designed: 8-10 years old.

Project type: individual.

Project goals: find out the importance of dolls in human life. Track what stages of a person's life they were associated with.

Project objectives:

1. Find information on the selected topic.

2. Learn the history of dolls.

3. How and from what the dolls were made.

4. What and for what they served.

5. Learn how to make traditional folk dolls on your own.

6. Conduct a master class on making dolls with your classmates.

Project questions:

1. What is a doll?

2. How did the doll appear in Russia? Her appointment.

3. What groups are rag dolls divided into?

4. Is it possible to make a rag doll at home?

Necessary equipment: photos of dolls, books, a computer connected to the Internet.

Project relevance:

Nowadays, on the shelves of stores, we see an infinite number of beautiful

dolls, but they are made in factories and therefore do not carry warmth.

The doll, created by the hands of the master, is individual in its own way. It has its own history of creation and its own unique image. Through the centuries and generations, the people's memory carried the traditional images of dolls.

Stages of work on the project:

1. Selection of material on the topic.

2. His research and selection.

3. Making rag dolls with your own hands.

4. Writing design work and its design.

5. Create a presentation.

List of used information resources:

1. Libraries.

2. Internet.


Our ancestors turned to pupae for help, who helped in solving their life problems. It was believed that through dolls you can communicate directly with the gods and ask them for help and protection. There were dolls that helped in business, healing dolls, protective dolls, dolls that helped to save or attract wealth to the house, etc. There were a huge number of dolls in Russia. Some houses kept up to 500 pieces.

Russian folk doll has its own glorious history and rich traditions. Rag dolls, made in the traditions of the people, are dolls that were made using ancient techniques and technologies. If you really want, then everyone can make their own doll, without limiting themselves in their fantasies. She will have her own character, her own bright personality. .


I. INTRODUCTION. The relevance of the project. ………………………………………5

II. MAIN PART………………………………………………………..5

1. Theoretical review of the topic.

1.1. What is a doll and its features ……………………………………..5

1.2. Types and purpose of the doll ……………………………………………...6

1.2.1. Guardian dolls………………………………………………………...6-7

1.2.2. Game dolls ………………………………………………………..7-8

1.2.3. Ritual dolls ………………………………………………..…….9-10

2. Practical part of the work …………………………………………………………………………………………………………10-11

2.1. Making traditional folk dolls………………………………………………………………11-12

2.2. Master class on making dolls "Martinichki"

with classmates ………………………………………………………11-12

III. CONCLUSIONS …………………………………………................................. .......13

IV. BIBLIOGRAPHY. ………………………..…fourteen

V. APPENDICES. …………………………………………………………… 15-17



V. Pelevin

I. Introduction. The relevance of the project.

Topic of my work "The doll is a folk toy." Why did I choose this topic?

Interest in folk crafts in the modern world is increasing. And this happens because once there was a gap, a void. And now there is a great need to fill it. Our current desire to know what a folk toy was, how it was played, and what it meant, this is not only a cognitive interest, but also a natural desire to know and remember the past of our people.

The Russian doll is considered one of the most mysterious symbols of Russia. This is not just a children's toy, it is an essential attribute of ancient rituals. From time immemorial, craftsmen have mastered the art of making such dolls, which have absorbed all the cultural traditions and customs of Russia.

I was very interested in what kind of dolls were made in the old days?

What events in people's lives were dolls associated with?

I suggested that in the old days, craftswomen did not just make dolls, but put a special secret meaning into them. I wanted to learn more about it and I started research work.


1. Theoretical overview of the topic

1.1 What is a doll and its features.

To answer this question, I turned to the dictionary.

The Dictionary of the Russian Language by Ozhegov explains that a doll is a child's toy in the form of a human figurine, even if it is not a child's toy. From Japanese, "doll" means "the image of a person." After interviewing the girls in my class, I found out that a “doll” is a toy, entertainment, room decoration, childhood friend, first daughter, best friend, a toy that looks like a person.

From books, I learned that there were no toys in the store before, and they were made by ourselves: from wood, straw, pieces of cloth and other materials. Dolls were also made in order to protect a person from evil forces. But most of all I was interested in dolls made from scraps of cloth, ribbons and threads, that is, rag dolls.

1.2. Types and purposes of dolls

rag dolls- one of the oldest and most beloved in the world. People made such dolls themselves for their children. They are so nice to hug, put to bed with you, carry everywhere - because they are very light and do not take up much space. Rag dolls, made in the traditions of the people, are dolls that were made using ancient techniques and technologies. According to their purpose, dolls are divided into three large groups: amulets, ceremonial and gaming.

1.2.1. Dolls - amulets

Patchwork amulet dolls is a reflection of the picture of the world in which people lived. Traditional technologies for making dolls-amulets have their roots in the pagan period of Ancient Russia. In ancient times, dolls had a different purpose, it was a person's protection from illness, misfortune, evil spirits. The doll took care of a person, they called her that: a talisman or a coaster.

The rag dolls did not have a face. The absence of a face was a sign that the doll was an inanimate thing, and therefore not available for instilling evil forces into it.

These types of dolls include:

"Veps doll". Such a doll was made from the old things of the mother without the use of scissors and needles. This rule was observed with the aim that the life of the child was "not cut and not chopped." Before the birth of the baby, the doll was placed in the cradle to “warm” her. After the birth of the child, the Vepsian doll hung over the cradle, protecting the baby from damage. When the child grew up, it was given to him to play.

"Home Shrovetide". It symbolized strong prosperity and healthy offspring of a young family. They kept this doll in a red corner or at the entrance to a dwelling. On one of the days of the festive Maslenitsa week, when young people came to their mother-in-law for pancakes, this doll was put up in windows or yards.

Swaddle- the oldest doll-amulet. The diaper was in the cradle until the baby was baptized. The swaddled doll could be used by children in games. This doll was kept in the family along with the baptismal shirt.

Plantain - a protective doll of a small size that fit in the palm of your hand, because they took it with them on the road. She protected on the road from troubles..jpg" width="157" height="207">.jpg" width="158" height="208">DIV_ADBLOCK210">

These types of dolls include:

Doll "Gift for a gift"- educational doll. She helped teach the child gratitude. It was the first doll that a child must make himself at the age of 3-4 years. Grandmothers taught children how to make this doll so that children could give it to someone in return for a gift.

Doll "Lady". It was made for young children.

First, the torso was made (without sewing with a needle), covered with a white cloth and tied in three places, then they took a long flap, covered part of the torso with it, bandaged it, separating the head. The remnants of the fabric on the sides were cut into three parts and braided pigtails - these were the hands. A skirt, an apron were put on the doll, a scarf was tied on her head.

Doll "Vesnyanka" - This is a small play doll the size of a palm. They made it in the spring and gave it to the kids for Easter. She was a one day doll. The doll, soiled during the day, was burned." width="204" height="216">.jpg" width="182" height="298">Wedding" href=" /text/category/venchanie/" rel="bookmark">weddings, a couple of dolls were hung under the shackle of the harness: the Bride's doll and the Groom's doll, so that they avert unkind looks at themselves. The dolls get one common hand so that the husband and wife walk along life hand in hand, were together in joy and in trouble.After the children were born, the dolls were moved apart and small dolls were placed between them according to the number of children.Such dolls for the young were made by girlfriends.

In order for the house to be satisfying and rich, the mistress of the house made a doll “ Grain". It was made after the harvest. At the heart of the doll is a bag with grains collected from the field. In the spring, the contents of the Zernovushka spilled into the first furrow. Also, this doll was made by a woman so that she would have children." width="220" height="295"> Carelessness" href="/text/category/bezzabotnostmz/" rel="bookmark">carefree, cheerful, playing in the street. her condition is different, she looks more into herself and protects her home.

The Maid-Baba doll reflects 2 essences of a woman: she can be open to the world and give beauty and joy, and she can be turned to herself, to her unborn child, and keep peace.

"Nurse"- a woman with a baby in her arms. The doll is educational. Shows that a woman should love, raise and educate children.

"Plenashka", "Vepsskaya" I have already spoken about these dolls.

"World Tree" There were also dolls on the wedding cake. The pie was decorated not only with dough figures, but also with real rag dolls. The center of the ruddy cake was always pierced with a birch horn. On this horn were placed the doll-bride and the doll-groom. "The World Tree" - this is the name of this composition. Relatives of the young people were treated to a wedding cake, and the very middle of the cake with the world tree was always given to the bride and groom. They placed the tree in a place of honor in their home.

Now I am working on a rag wedding doll." width="223" height="260">.jpg" width="268" height="258">Class hour" href= "/text/category/klassnij_chas/" rel="bookmark">I held a master class during the classroom and introduced the guys to making the simplest female doll "Martinichka".

1. A story about the role and significance of dolls in the life of the Russian people

and about the martinichka doll(Attachment 1).

2. Practical part(Appendix 2).

To make a doll, we need: red and white woolen threads, scissors, a cardboard template, a crochet hook, a ribbon.

The technique of making a martinichka doll includes the following successive steps, namely:

Making the torso, head and legs:

Let's make the body. Wind the red threads carefully onto the template (along the length) 40-45 turns of yarn. We cut the thread. Cut the red thread about 10 cm long. Pass the fold under the yarn and make two knots. Remove the bundle of threads from the template and cut on the opposite side of the knot. These will be the head, torso and legs. Let's make a head. To do this, we retreat from the knot about 2 cm and tie the threads with white color.

Making hand details:

We wind white threads on a template (in width) 20-25 turns of yarn. Let's cut the thread. Carefully remove the threads from the template. Tie knots with red threads around the edges.

Part connection:

We decompose a bunch of red threads into two parts. Between the strands of the beam we will put the part of the hands, under which we will then connect the two parts with a white thread.

Doll finishing:

Trim the edge of the doll's skirt with scissors. The yarn can be fluffed up a little. And here's what we got. DIV_ADBLOCK212">

See Attachment


1. Dine folk toy. - Moscow, Enlightenment, 1981

2. Beautiful with your own hands. - Moscow, Children's Literature, 1987

3. The most beautiful and famous dolls in the world. - Moscow, Avanta +, 2003

4. I know the world: Children's Encyclopedia: Toys. Author - compiler - Moscow, "Publishing house ACT", 1999

5. and Shvedova Dictionary of the Russian Language. -

Moscow: Technologies, 2008

6. http://letopisi. ru/index. php/ ragdoll_history.

7. Internet resources:

www. krupenichka. en

http://www. oxanafa. en/narkykla/

http://slovarozhegova. en

http://www. rukukla. en


Attachment 1

Doll "Martinichka"

The name "Martinichki" already indicates that this doll was made in March. She "called" spring, brought her beginning closer, celebrated and rejoiced at her arrival. Spring is traditionally called on March 21 , On this day they sang the calls of spring. The time for the holiday was not chosen by chance - this is the time of the spring equinox. And since March is the time of the meeting of two seasons, the holiday was always decorated with martinichki dolls. They are knitted in pairs: from white threads - a symbol of the outgoing winter, from red threads - a symbol of spring and the red sun. They also pinned "Martinichki" to clothes, tied to belts, hung them in the house, in the yard and on tree branches. And nearby, the children sang stoneflies and played with little larks baked from dough.

In addition, they also had ritual significance. These dolls at the birth of a child were hung to a pair of wedding dolls. How many children in the family, so many dolls on the shoulder of the parents. It was customary to plant pupae in a hut, in a red corner. From the moment the child appeared in the family, the dolls moved apart a little to the sides, giving way to the chrysalis between the parents. The number of dolls on the shoulders of a couple was equal to the number of children in the family.

In the 60s of the 20th century, when the symbolic meaning was replaced by a decorative and artistic perception of images, they began to make a girl doll and a boy doll. They differ as follows: braids and dresses with aprons for girls and short hair and legs (pants) for boys. Of course, the colors of the threads have become much more diverse. The tradition of making such dolls is still alive today. They are made as souvenirs. "Martinichki" give for happiness, attaching as a decoration to clothes. Such a doll is perfect for a dollhouse, it is also suitable for decorating a Christmas tree.

Appendix 2

Dolls from threads "Martinichki"

For work you will need:

25 g of thin strong woolen threads (preferably red and white),

scissors, a piece of cardboard 16x16.

We wind woolen threads on a cardboard with a thick layer. Cut along the edges with scissors.

We take a thread and tie it in the middle of our bunch of threads.

Let's make a head, step back a little from the top and tie it with a thread. Got a head. We make hands in a similar way, only we tie them with a thread on both sides.

We will tie two bunches along the edges with a thread - we get hands.

We put our hands under our heads and tie them with a thread, we got a dress.

If we want to make legs at the doll, then we divide the bundle of threads into 2 halves and tie each one at the bottom with a thread.

We tie a string to each doll.

Charm doll is ready!

Svetlana Sautner

Children's research project« Doll - folk toy"

Creators project: Kutsy Marina Vasilievna - head of the kindergarten.

Kiseleva Oksana Leonidovna - teacher

Sautner Svetlana Vilgelmovna-educator.

Members project: children of senior preschool age, their parents, educators

Target: creation of a developing environment to enrich the playing experience of children, familiarize them with folk gaming culture


Get to know diversity folk toys(clay, wood, rag, straw, birch bark, etc.)

Familiarize yourself with the content of games with folk toys, the possibility of using them in different forms children's activities(moving, plot, directing games, theatrical activities, fine art based on folk toys)

Develop cognitive interests, aesthetic perception, logical thinking, attention, imagination, sensorimotor skills, dexterity, ingenuity

Develop communication skills, desire to use folk toys in joint and independent activities Implementation stages project.

Acquaintance with the history of origin folk doll.

The study of types of dolls.

Studying the technology of making dolls.

Manufacture of amulets and play dolls.

Methods: research; social survey and analysis of results; practical.

Estimated results of implementation project:

Knowledge of various folk toys, game content with them

Ability to organize joint and independent gaming activities with folk toy

Persistent desire to play with folk toy

Working with parents:

Working with parents:

Advice for parents « Folk toy. Tips for parents »

Information and poster materials: "How to make a rag doll» , "Making from straw haircut dolls and horses» and etc.

Parent participation in children's research on« Folk toy»

Childish-parental creation: making rag dolls,

Parent involvement in acquisition toys for group games

Selection of literary and folklore material for games with folk toys(poems, nursery rhymes, proverbs and sayings, riddles)

Directed games with rag dolls

The chosen topic seemed interesting to us because doll the oldest and most popular a toy. She's an obligatory companion children's games and the most accessible work of art for children. Nowadays, on the shelves of shops you can see a lot of beautiful toys. But they are made in a factory and do not carry the warmth of the soul of their creators. Therefore, we believe that in the 21st century, children should again see not only toys made by machines, but also by hand.

We decided to study this topic in order to find out when traditional rag dolls what traditional Russian people had dolls What was the purpose of each doll until what age did children play dolls. It was also interesting to learn the manufacturing technology of traditional folk doll.

Therefore, the subject of our studies have become traditional folk dolls.

Working on project, we learned the history of the origin folk toys. Art is very ancient, pre-Christian. This is evidenced by the images and technology of making rag dolls: the doll was not sewn, but folded from a single piece of matter.


First doll- motanka was made more than 5 thousand years ago. Its history can be traced from the time of the construction of the Egyptian pyramids to the present day. The main value of the traditional folk doll: It is part of the culture of all mankind, retains in its image the originality, the characteristic features of the person who creates it people.. Such dolls can be found in any country. It wasn't just a toy. It was believed that she protected a person from troubles and troubles. doll often used in rituals. When making a ritual dolls everything that a person wanted to get rid of was woven into it (trouble, illness, and burned at the stake, or drowned in water.

We learned that dolls were amulets and games.

Every girl loves to play dolls, and many adult women would not refuse to return to childhood.

Studying the manufacturing technology Kuvatka dolls, held a master class on e-making for preschoolers.

In the manufacture dolls it is unacceptable to use piercing and cutting objects. And it's very important to do doll with good intentions and in a good mood.

In Russia there was belief: "The longer the girl plays in dolls the happier she will be." But in ancient times the Slavic dolls served as powerful amulets and accompanied our ancestors from birth to death.

These dolls don't have faces. Faceless doll- an inanimate thing. Emphasizing this, our ancestors believed that no one could harm a living person through it. It carries only a good beginning. For each knot puppets make a conspiracy, for example, for marriage, or for the birth of a child, or for health, for happiness, etc., thanks to which they protect a person, take on illnesses and misfortunes, and help in business.

There was even such a sign - when children play a lot and diligently in dolls, family income; if carelessly treated toys, in the house to be in trouble.

Especially encouraged in girls playing with dolls, because doll It was also considered a symbol of procreation.

In Russia, it was considered bad luck to interrupt a child who was playing. The longer the children played dolls the calmer was the atmosphere in the family.

Traditional toy in the life of the Russian village in peasant families from ancient times there was a rag doll. In other houses, up to a hundred of them accumulated. In any peasant house one could see dolls. They performed different functions - they guarded housing, children, sleep, took care of the household. The children loved to play with them.

played in dolls up to 7-8 years old all children while walking in shirts. But only boys began to wear ports, and girls - skirts, their roles and the games themselves were strictly separated.

Making dolls was purely feminine. Men were not allowed to even look at the process out of the corner of their eye. All dolls made without scissors, needles and threads. Not only rags were used, but also clay, wood, bone, straw and even cottage cheese.

But our boys also decided to take part in project. Of course, they already did everything in a modern way, with the help of scissors and a sewing machine.

All Slavic dolls amulets were similar in one: They didn't have a face. Doll without a face, it was considered an inanimate object, inaccessible for evil, unkind forces to instill into it, and therefore harmless .. Doll was made fast: rags or straw were tightly twisted, tied with a string, a handkerchief was put on, and the doll is ready

The result of our project steel doll- amulets and gaming dolls handmade and presentation.

Implementation project

Excursions to the library: educational activity « Folk doll in Russia»

Children tell each other how they made their dolls. They also understand the old names of dolls and history. folk doll

On Paraskeva Friday I will wind up the doll,

good hostess,

sweet wife.

I will sing toasts incessantly,

I will braid the grass-spring into the head.

I'll lay out a cross with a ribbon on a white face,

I will dress up Mokoshenka in motley and braid.

There is no fret, I will hold it, punish the offenders!

Teach, handsome, happiness and intelligence.

Inclusion folk toys on holidays and entertainment, in different types children's activities, including joint and independent free games

The doll is not born by itself: it is created by a person. It comes to life through the imagination and will of its creator.

Being part of the culture of all mankind, doll preserves in its image the originality and characteristic features of the creator people. This is the main value of the traditional folk doll.

Kiseleva Karina, 8th grade student

This project tells about folk dolls.




Project passport

Project relevance

1. The history of the appearance of the doll

2. Types of dolls

2.1 Charm dolls

2.2 Play dolls

2.3 Ritual dolls

3. Business case




name of the project"People's doll"

Main developer of the project: Kiseleva Karina Alekseevna, student of the 8th grade

Supervisor: Kiseleva Marina Nikolaevna, teacher of fine arts

Objective of the project:

Awakening children's interest in Russian culture and traditional folk doll

Project objectives:

To study the history of the emergence of folk dolls;

Explore the types of dolls;

To study the technology of making folk dolls;

Make a folk doll;

Cultivate a sense of patriotism, respect for national traditions.


Interest in folk crafts in the modern world is increasing. And this happens because once there was a gap, a void. And now there is a great need to fill it. Our current desire to know what a folk toy was, how it was played, and what it meant, this is not only a cognitive interest, but also a natural desire to know and remember the past of our people.

The Russian doll is considered one of the most mysterious symbols of Russia. This is not just a children's toy, it is an essential attribute of ancient rituals. From time immemorial, craftsmen have mastered the art of making such dolls, which have absorbed all the cultural traditions and customs of Russia.

It was believed that do-it-yourself dolls from improvised materials had magical properties. Our ancestors believed that dolls were able to drive away evil spirits and bring happiness to the house. This is probably why these dolls were often worn as talismans.

Stages of project implementation

1. Studying the history of the origin of the folk doll

2. Studying the types of dolls

3. Studying the technology of making dolls

4. Making a Russian folk doll "Skrutka"

5. Presentation of the project


Since ancient times, a rag doll has been a traditional toy of the Russian people. Playing with dolls was encouraged by adults, because. playing with them, the child learned to manage the household, acquired the image of a family. The doll was not just a toy, but a symbol of procreation, a guarantee of family happiness.

She accompanied a person from birth to death and was an indispensable attribute of any holidays. Now 90 types of dolls are known. The folk rag doll was not just a toy, it carried a certain function: it was believed that such a doll guards children's sleep and protects the child from evil forces. Often the doll was made faceless. According to ancient beliefs, a doll without a face (that is, without a soul) cannot be inhabited by evil spirits.

Firstly, the toy was not standard even within the same street. Each family did it differently. Ivanov dolls differed from Petrov dolls. They bore the imprint of the spiritual environment of these families, their understanding of the world.

Secondly, they put their love and wisdom into the toys that fathers and mothers, grandparents created for their children. Children felt this and treated their dolls and toys with care. Is it possible to throw away parental love?

Most dolls in Russia were amulets. Dolls - amulets in Russia lead their history from ancient pagan times. They are made from natural materials that are brought from the forest: wood, vine, grass, straw. And this is not accidental, because the forest is the habitat of the Russian people. Dolls made on the basis of a birch wood are a talisman of family happiness. Aspen has always been considered dangerous for evil spirits, therefore, dolls made on the basis of aspen wood are amulets of the house, they drive away evil spirits from the dwelling. The main feature of Russian folk dolls is a clean face, without a nose, mouth and eyes. Because according to ancient beliefs, it was believed that "if you do not draw a face, then evil spirits will not move in and will not bring harm to a child or an adult." According to legend, once such a doll saved a life, replacing a person during a sacrifice. Then the amulets had other "duties". Wedding lovebirds protect the young family from the evil eye, and fever dolls will drive away all ailments.

A very significant part of them were ceremonial. Our ancestors lived quite cheerfully - that circle of life that takes place during the year was accompanied by certain actions, rituals and holidays (some of them have survived to this day), and in them one of the leading roles was always assigned to the doll.

In puppet games, children involuntarily learned to sew, embroider, spin, comprehended the traditional art of dressing. The doll stood in direct relation to the activities of the future member of society.

The need for communication was clearly expressed in the toy. It was one of those centuries-old means by which the older generation could pass on, and the younger generation could accept, preserve and pass on an important part of the accumulated life experience.

A traditional toy in the life of the Russian village, even in the poorest peasant families, has long been a rag doll. In other houses, up to a hundred of them accumulated.

Dolls were not only girlish fun. Until the age of 7-8 all the children played while they were wearing shirts. But only boys began to wear ports, and girls began to wear skirts, their playing roles and the games themselves were strictly separated.

While the children were small, mothers, grandmothers, older sisters sewed dolls for them. From the age of five, any girl could already do such a nursery rhyme.

Cloth doll - the simplest image of a female figure. A piece of cloth rolled into a "rolling pin", a face carefully covered with linen white rag, breasts made of even, tightly stuffed balls, a hair braid with a ribbon woven into it, and an outfit of colorful rags. Getting older, the girls sewed more intricate dolls, and sometimes turned to a craftswoman, a woman who made these dolls, painfully good, and she made them to order.

The face was embroidered or pointed with a pencil, and in earlier dolls with charcoal. They necessarily attached a braid and woven a ribbon into it if they sewed a girl, and if they sewed a woman, they really took apart the hairstyle. They dressed up beautifully, they would tie an apron and a belt over the shirt. Girls - handkerchiefs, women will put on a borushka.

The ability of the child was evaluated by adults. The doll was considered as a standard of needlework, often for gatherings, along with a spinning wheel, teenage girls took a cart with dolls. They judged the skill and taste of their owner. In puppet games, children involuntarily learned to sew, embroider, spin, comprehended the traditional art of dressing.

Toys were never left on the street, they were not scattered around the hut, but they were kept in baskets, boxes, locked in chests. They took it to the harvest and to gatherings. Dolls were allowed to take on a visit, they were put in a dowry. They allowed to play the "young woman" who came to the groom's house after the wedding, because they were married from the age of 14. She hid them in the attic and secretly played with them. The elder in the house was the father-in-law, and he strictly ordered the women not to laugh at the young woman. Then these dolls passed to the children.

Almost all village holiday ceremonies were played in puppet games. Most often, weddings are a particularly impressive, solemn and beautiful Russian folk ceremony. They took the game very seriously, keeping the sequence of the ritual, memorizing and repeating the conversations of adults, ritual songs performed by them. For the game they gathered in groups in the hut, in the barn, in the summer on the street. And each girl brought with her a box of dolls. There were up to twenty or more of them in the game: the bridegroom, the bride, the parents of the young, the bandage girlfriends, the kokushniki girlfriends, the thousand man, the cart driver and all the rest, as it should be at a real wedding. Scene after scene, the matchmaking, the establishment of a pilgrimage, gatherings, a bathhouse, a bachelorette party unfold. The doll bride was untwisted, and the girl who played for the doll friend began to cry. After the wedding, the bride-doll had her hair braided into two braids and styled like a woman, seated at the princely table, then the young people were left alone, and the puppet wedding ended there.

In a village doll, a female image was preferred, even in children's games, if a bridegroom or a man was needed, they just took a sliver.

Like other peoples, the Russians put a certain meaning into the toy. She was endowed with the magical power of fertility. That is why often a toy is a wedding attribute. Dolls dressed in red chintz rags adorned "kulichka" and "gingerbread" (that was the name of sacrificial bread in Russia).

A doll or a child was given into the hands of the bride in order to provide a new family with offspring. This ancient custom has now become a joke ceremony. At the wedding table, an offering was made to the bride, and she had to "publicly" look at it. The gift was wrapped, wrapped, and in it was a small doll. In many Russian fairy tales, magical helper dolls are found and help the heroes.

Of course, ceremonial dolls cannot be considered a child's toy. After all, the traditional rag doll is faceless. The face, as a rule, was not indicated, it remained white. In the villages, they explained this simply by the inability to beautifully paint the face, and there were no such colors. But the meaning is much deeper. A doll without a face was considered an inanimate object, inaccessible to evil, unkind forces, and therefore harmless to a child. She was supposed to bring him well-being, health, joy. This is a miracle: from several rags, without arms, without legs, without a marked face, the character of the doll was conveyed. The doll had many faces, she could laugh and cry.

The very image of a village rag doll is close to folklore: "White-faced, busty and scythe by all means, and dressed up anywhere." Here the beauty of the girl materialized in a doll that corresponded to the symbol - a beautiful image of girlhood.

Using the same techniques, amulets were also made from rags. These are twelve "lihodeek dolls": "Fire", "Ledey", "Shaking" and others, personifying, according to popular belief, Herod's daughters. Usually such dolls hung in a hut near the stove, protecting the owners from diseases.

On the dolls of the northern provinces, there is a traditional sundress and a solid kokoshnik, trimmed with a mesh bottom made of white and transparent beads, in continuation of the traditions of pearl trimmings.

And the costume of the peasant women of the Ryazan province is characterized by a riot of colors. The doll is dressed in a traditional poneva with a seam, which is always richly decorated, in a shirt with embroidered sleeves, and a woman's headdress "forty" with an embroidered headpiece and a beaded headdress is obligatory.


According to their purpose, dolls are divided into three large groups: dolls - amulets, play and ceremonial.

2.1 Dolls - amulets

Charm - an amulet or a magic spell that saves a person from various dangers, as well as an item on which the spell is spoken and which is worn on the body as a talisman.

God's Eye

This is the most ancient protective doll of our ancestors - the Eye of God, or God's Eye. The cruciform composition expresses the idea of ​​spreading the forces of good or guarding forces to all four cardinal directions.

"God's eye" is placed above the front door to the house, room, above the child's bed, in a place that is clearly visible to the incoming person. The bright and unexpected image of the amulet attracts the attention of the incoming, who forgets about the bad intention towards the owners of the house.

It used to be thought that if a child hangs over the crib Kuvatka , then she drives away this evil force.

Two weeks before the birth of the child, the expectant mother placed such a doll - a charm in the cradle. When the parents went to work in the field, and the child was alone in the house, he looked at these little dolls and calmly played.

It is known that doll dresses were sewn not just like that, but with meaning. Firstly, the outfit should always have a red color - the color of the sun, warmth, health, joy. And they also believed that it has a protective effect: it protects against the evil eye and injuries. The embroidered pattern that once decorated the doll's outfit was also not accidental. Each of its elements kept a magical meaning, and the pattern in the face of the doll was supposed to protect the child. As a rule, these toys were small in size and all of different colors, this developed the baby's vision.

They made a doll as a gift for a birthday Angel . This is a simple, but very pretty doll - a charm that existed in many provinces of Russia. It was made using the old traditional technology, having at hand only shreds of light-colored fabric, scissors and threads. This doll is made from four squares of fabric. The largest square is used to make the head and torso, two identical smaller squares are used for the wings and a very small one for the halo.

Bereginya is a symbol of the feminine. According to popular beliefs, which are rooted in the pagan times of Ancient Russia, this amulet is endowed with its power if certain conditions are met during its manufacture.

Bereginya cannot be pricked with a needle (sewing the flaps together), you cannot draw a face. If the amulet is intended for a small child, then the fabric is not cut with scissors, but is torn by hand. The uniqueness of the manufacture of Beregini lies in the fact that the flaps of which it consists are interconnected with the help of knots and threads.

There were charms for every time of the day. Day and night - two small angels: one is made of dark fabric, the other is made of light. They are connected by a two-color thread and are inseparable; one was placed forward during the day, the other at night.

Another "changeling" was called Girl-grandmother. He served for the game, during which the peasant girl found out how the traditional clothes of a girl and a married woman differ.

Exactly a year was released to the amulet, which was called " 12 fevers ". They made it in the form of 12 figurines suspended on a red thread above the stove to scare away the shaking demons that bring illness, which were called Decrepit, Stupid, Looking, Lenya, Nemeya, Ledeya, Shaking, Dormant, Fire, Vetreya, Zhelteya and Aveya. On January 15 of each year, the amulet was replaced with a new one.

Doll Bell

The bell is a doll of good news.

The birthplace of this doll is Valdai. From there came the Valdai bells. The ringing of the bell protected people from the plague and other terrible diseases. The bell rang under the arc on all the celebratory troikas. The bell has a domed shape, and from above it resembles the sun.

The doll has three skirts. Man also has three kingdoms. Copper, silver, gold. And happiness also consists of three parts. If the body is well, the soul is joyful, the spirit is calm, then the person is completely happy.

This doll is cheerful, perky, brings joy and fun to the house. This is a charm of good mood. Giving the Bell, a person wishes his friend to receive only good news and maintains a joyful and cheerful mood in him.

Doll Insomnia

This is a magic lullaby doll Insomnia. When, for no apparent reason, the baby began to cry, the mother, in order to calm him down and protect him from evil spirits, quickly folded a charm doll from 2 shreds of fabric and put it in the cradle, saying:


Don't play with my child

And play with this doll.

Such a doll remained in the house forever.


Such a girlfriend - the doll Zhelannitsa - was in the village of every girl. No one should have shown it. You used to make a wish, sew a bead on the doll’s dress as a gift, for example, and bring a mirror to your face: “Look, what a beauty you are. And fulfill my wish for a gift.” And then you hide your girlfriend in a secluded place for the time being ... You may not believe it, but everything you ask is fulfilled.

Doll Paraskeva

On the feast of St. Paraskeva, women together made a large Paraskeva Pyatnitsa doll, on the "arm" of which (a horizontal bar at chest level) they hung all kinds of women's handicrafts. Saint Paraskeva seemed to bless women's labor, as well as all other crafts. Paraskeva Pyatnitsa, after the arrival of Christianity in Russia, assumed the functions of "Makosh", became the patroness of weaving, spinning and other domestic work.


At first glance, the sacrum does not look like a doll at all, but some 100 years ago, the sacrum doll was used in games instead of male dolls. The games were called, as they are now, "Mothers and Daughters". In addition, the sacrum doll had a pronounced meaning. The village guys also made the sacrum. The doll was made at the end of December, during Christmas time. According to popular beliefs, it was on Holy Week that demonic forces were released. The most reliable way of cleansing was considered to be bathing in the hole on Epiphany (January 19th).

According to belief, the water on this day became holy or sacred. People believed that when bathing in an illuminated source, evil spirits leave the human body. So that the evil and insidious demonic forces would not again take possession of a person, people made the sacrum doll. She was a "deputy" person. The sacrum was placed in snowdrifts near the hole. In order to attract the attention of evil forces, the cross was decorated with bright colorful ribbons and rags. Since young healthy guys mainly participated in winter bathing, the sacrum doll began to symbolize a man.

This amulet is a symbol of the infinity of life, the masculine principle, without which the feminine is weak and fruitless. Later there was a tradition to give this amulet - a dollSimeon the Stylite -men, so that their strength never runs out.

Bbw-Kostromushka(protection against loneliness)

This doll is a talisman against loneliness. In a house where they are waiting and wanting a child, there was this doll. They put it in the bedroom in a conspicuous place. As soon as the child appeared, the doll was told: "The children have appeared - go play."

The doll should demonstrate a well-fed, rich life, should be smartly dressed. The doll's legs are very thin, always in shoes, the body is plump (a well-fed girl), her face is small so that her cheeks seem thicker. This amulet is completely stuffed with tows of flax.

2.2 Play dolls

Play dolls were intended for fun for children. They were divided stitched and folded. Rolled dolls were made without a needle and thread. A thick layer of fabric was wound around a wooden stick, and then tied with a rope. Then a head with handles was tied to this stick and dressed in elegant clothes.

Researchers believe that the earliest among the traditional play rolled dolls of Russia was a doll"log"" . It existed in the Smolensk province and was a wooden log, dressed up in stylized women's clothing. Later came a more complex doll. It was the simplest depiction of a female figure. The torso is a piece of fabric rolled into a "rolling pin", a face carefully covered with a linen rag. Towed or hair braid. Chest made of stuffed cotton balls. The costume, as a rule, was not removed from the doll.

Bunny on a fingerthey did to children from the age of three, so that they would have a friend, an interlocutor. The bunny is dressed on a finger and is always next to you. Parents used to give this toy to their children when they left home, and if you get bored or scared, you can turn to him as a friend, talk to him, complain or just play. It is both a friend and a guardian. Children are very responsive and see a kindred spirit in their favorite toy, open up and talk like with a living person.

Play folded dolls include dolls - spins which are very easy to make. The body is a piece of fabric twisted around its axis and fastened with a thread. The hands are made in the same way and, finally, a small ball - the head, attached to the body with the help of a thread.

The simplest folded doll is considered to be a doll Lady , which existed in the Efremov district of the Tula province. It was made for young children. First, the torso was made, covered with a white cloth and bandaged in three places, then they took a long piece, covered part of the torso with it, bandaged it, separating the head. The remnants of the fabric on the sides were cut into three parts and braided pigtails - these were the hands. A skirt, an apron were put on the doll, a scarf was tied on her head.

A play rag doll was distributedBaby is naked.A distinctive feature of the technique of its manufacture was that the fabric at the bottom was not left as a single "hem", but was divided into two parts and legs were formed, wrapping them with threads. The doll must be girdled. The "baby", as the name already implies, was naked, without clothes, but the belt was not only an obligatory attribute of the Russian traditional costume, but also a very strong amulet.

Doll "freehand""was a play sewing doll. She was sewn by girls up to 12 years old and was an exam in sewing and needlework.

Then the girls helped to prepare the dowry for the older sisters, getting acquainted with the traditional types of clothing, along the way picking up something for their dowry. Each girl wanted to quickly make a doll, on which she could show her knowledge of the costume, so as not to stay too long with young children and get to the gatherings in time. They sewed dolls "for free" mainly during the Christmas and Great Lent, and in the spring, after Easter, they walked around the village, showing off the sewn dolls. In some areas, these dolls had their own name. First doll - hairless. The second is a doll with a scythe. The third is young. Fourth - elegant doll , she was the exam that separated childhood from youth.

2.3 Ritual dolls

The Russian land is rich in rituals. Ritual dolls were revered and placed in a hut, in a red corner. They had a ritual purpose.

Vep doll (cabbage, rvanka)- This is a ritual doll, symbolizing fertility and prosperity.

How ritual checks of the guys were arranged with this doll: they watched how the guy takes this doll, what he pays attention to, how he examines it. And by this it was clear what was important for him now, and what he was passing by. According to the treatment of the guy with this doll, older women looked at his readiness for marriage.

The doll is made of linen and cotton fabrics. They twist the doll without letting go, until the last knot. In the manufacture of this doll in the old days, they did not use a needle and scissors, manually tearing the fabric into shreds of the desired size.

Ritual multi-armed doll Ten hand.

It was made from bast or straw on October 14 on Pokrov, when they sat down for needlework. In the manufacture of used threads of red color, which is protective. At the bottom of the sundress, 9 red thread-bows are necessarily tied in a circle. The chrysalis was intended to help girls prepare their dowry and women in various activities such as weaving, sewing, embroidery, knitting, etc. Traditionally, after being made, it was burned almost immediately. The doll "Ten Hands" is given for a wedding, so that the woman has time to do everything, so that everything goes well with her.

And in order for the house to be satisfying and rich, the mistress of the house made a doll grain, or grain.

They did it after the harvest. At the heart of the doll is a bag with grains collected from the field. They stuffed it with different grains. Also, this doll was made by a woman so that she would have children.

Ritual doll Pokosnitsa depicted a woman during haymaking.

"Pokosnitsa" is one of the simplest dolls in terms of the technique of making dolls. It is made without cuts and without a single seam, from a single piece of fabric. Then the head is formed and tied with threads. From the excess fabric on the sides, hands are formed and tied with threads. They put a skirt on the doll, an apron (but the "shirt" - the light base of the doll should be visible), tie a scarf. The general tones of the fabric used are different, light, because the first mowing has long been considered a holiday in the villages.

Doll Kupavka - This is a ritual doll of one day. "Kupavka" personified the beginning of bathing.

She was floated on the water, and the ribbons tied to her hands took human illnesses and hardships with them - such importance was attached to the cleansing power of water. This doll of the holidays of Agrafena Kupalnitsa and Ivan Kupala. The procedure for making "Kupavka" is very simple. Two sticks of different lengths are tied crosswise. On the upper part of the cross, they strengthen the head of a light-colored fabric stuffed with rags, the hands of the doll are covered with the same fabric. Fix the fabric on the neck, arms and belt of the doll. Tie the straps of a sundress made of bright fabric. They put a skirt, a scarf on the doll, tie a belt, and tie ribbons of fabric on their hands. Since this doll is summer, it is customary to decorate it with grass, fresh flowers, green twigs.

Kolyada - Slavic holiday of the winter solstice and, apparently, the deity of the same name.

The winter solstice falls on December 25th. At this time, the most severe frosts were observed, according to ancient beliefs, coinciding with the revelry of unclean spirits and evil witches. The celebration of Kolyada with its fun and optimism expressed the faith of ancient Russian pagans in the inevitability of the victory of good principles over the forces of evil. To help Kolyada win and drive away evil spirits, those who celebrated his day burned bonfires, sang and danced around them.

All Christmas carols went with Kolyada. This doll is a symbol of the sun and good relations in the family. She was a portly woman, dressed in everything new and smart. On her behalf, carolers wished happiness and prosperity. They sang joyful songs glorifying the owners.

In some areas, carols ended near the fire with good wishes for themselves and loved ones and the burning of Kolyada. With her arrival, happiness, peace and harmony between family members will settle in the house.

Kolyada doll is made from saw cut wood. Bread and salt are in bags suspended from the belt. A broom is stuck in the belt, with which Kolyada drives away evil spirits.

Ritual doll Maslenitsa made of straw or bast, but they always used a tree - a thin birch trunk. Straw, like wood, personified the exuberant power of vegetation. Clothes on the doll should be with a floral pattern. It was fixed on a wooden cross.

The doll was decorated with ribbons, artificial flowers. On her hands they put dishes used in the preparation of pancakes, hung ribbons, tying which people made wishes. These ribbons, in order for wishes to come true, had to burn down with the doll.

Home Maslenitsa- a doll that existed in the Tula province.

She was called the daughter of Maslenitsa or her younger sister. It is a small, 20 - 25 cm high, straw or bast doll with a white rag face. "Home Maslenitsa "" symbolized strong prosperity and healthy offspring of a young family. She was considered a strong talisman of the home, fulfilling the precepts of the owners of the house. This doll was kept in a red corner or at the entrance to the dwelling. On one of the days of the festive Pancake Week, when the young came to their mother-in-law on pancakes, this doll was exhibited in windows or yards. According to tradition, the bride and groom were greeted with "Home Maslenitsa" ".

Vesnyanka (Avdotya-vesnovka)

Magpies - Day of the spring equinox. This is another turning point in the national calendar. At this time, according to ancient signs, a flock of the first birds - forty larks - arrives from Paradise - Vyriya. The bird is the symbol of this holiday. Singing birds - whistles, into which children whistle, call Spring - Red. There is a model of image connection here. In the sounds of singing ritual birds, clay and birch whistles - magic sound spells, a prayer addressed to the gods. An important attribute of the holiday is ritual cookies in the form of bird figurines and cookies in the form of small stairs leading to the sky, to the supreme deity. Dolls - stoneflies, in the form of two anthropomorphic figures tied with a ribbon, complement the symbolism of this holiday.


Previously, these dolls were an invariable attribute of the rite of "invocation" of spring, in which young people and children mainly participated. Dolls were knitted in pairs: from white threads - a symbol of the outgoing winter, from red threads - a symbol of spring and the hot sun. Such pairs of pupae were hung on the branches of trees. These pupae also had a second meaning. With the birth of a child in the family, the inseparable pair of wedding dolls parted a little to the sides, giving place to the doll on the parent's shoulder. With each child in the family, the parental shoulders parted wider. How many children, so many dolls on the shoulder of a wedding couple.

Ryabinka doll - a symbol of female wisdom, motherhood, hearth. It is associated with the rowan tree.

The name day of the rowan tree was celebrated four times a year. In the fall, on the fourth name day, when the fruits ripened, this doll was made. As a sign of reverence for her, as a talisman, they made a large festive doll Ryabinka.

Spiridon-solsticeturning the wheel can completely change your life in the right direction.

Spiridon is made like a male doll. Like an ordinary haircut, only the lower bundle of straw (bast) is divided into two parts - legs. And a mandatory attribute is a wheel.

The meaning of Spiridon is a creature that turns the Sun. Those. the most important being responsible for the arrival of sunny days, for the onset of winter days. Accordingly, the hands should hold the Sun well (so that it does not fall out). A pigtail is woven from bast and straw. This is a winter doll.

Moskovka doll.

Another name for the doll is "The Seventh Self" (family). The doll has six children tied to a belt or screwed with a belt. The history of the doll goes back to the time of the formation of the Moscow principality, which annexed new lands. Moscow is a mother, a new principality is a new child. In the doll, this historical process stopped at the number 6. This doll is a symbol of maternal care and love. Just as a mother loves and cares for her children, so a mother loves her children, no matter how many there are.

In some provinces there was a doll Goat.

It is based on a wooden cross, and the muzzle, horns, beard are made of bast and straw. The "Goat" was dressed in a bright special dress and a sheepskin coat (or fur coat), on top of which ritual objects were attached: pipes, hurdy-gurdies, tambourines, a horseshoe as a gift for good luck, bells, bells, wooden beads, earrings, bags with gifts, wreaths of well-being with small red bags with grains of cereals, a wooden block as a gift to a bachelor, as a reminder of the need to get married. Doll "Goat" "was a symbol of vitality and she had to bring this strength to the owner of the hut and his land, his field, so that bread would be better born.

ash doll given to young people at a wedding.

This is an ancient symbol of procreation, an intermediary between those living on earth and the kingdom of the dead. The ash doll is, as it were, the spirit of the ancestors, addressed to the descendants. This is an ancient symbol of procreation, an intermediary between those living on earth and the kingdom of the dead.


Husband and wife are two halves of one whole, they should be inseparable. That's what this doll was given for. In the Russian wedding tradition, at the head of the wedding train carrying the young couple to the groom's house after the wedding in the church, a couple of dolls were hung under the arc of the harness: the Bride's doll and the Groom's doll so that they would avert unkind looks at themselves. This pair of dolls is special, it carried a deep symbolic meaning associated with the manufacturing process. The feminine and masculine began to unite into a single inseparable whole, because after the wedding, the married couple had to go through life together. The dolls were made by the bridesmaids from scraps of white, red and multi-colored fabric, using scraps of multi-colored threads.

The birth of a new family was likened to the birth world tree life, the mighty branches of which the young couple were to become.

The World Tree doll is made without stitching with a needle, "so that happiness cannot be sewn up." The friends vigilantly watched each other so that the ritual figures would not turn away from each other. After the wedding, the World Tree occupied a place of honor in the hut next to other dolls kept in the family.

The basis of the doll is made from dried birch horn, without flaws, the thickness of the little finger and about 15 cm long, the birch bark is not removed. The horn is carefully broken out without using a knife. First, they make the Bride doll on the left knot of the horn, and on the second knot, the Bridegroom doll.

Some ritual dolls were medical.

This is Kozma and Demyan. They were made from medicinal herbs: yarrow, chamomile and other herbs. There is such a legend. Two brothers lived in Russia - the weather. They were disinterested. These brothers treated people and did not take money or food for treatment. But one day one of the brothers took some food for work. Another brother was very offended by him and asked after death to bury them in different places, but the people judged in their own way. After all, food is food for existence, not money, and therefore they were buried together. For good deeds they were elevated to the rank of saints. Therefore, they used to make dolls in their honor and put them in a red corner so that they would bring goodness and health to the house.

herbal pod

This doll is filled with scented medicinal herbs. The chrysalis must be crushed in the hands, moved, and the herbal spirit will spread around the room, which will drive away the spirits of disease. After 2 years, the grass in the chrysalis must be changed. This is exactly what our ancestors did.

The herbalist makes sure that the disease does not enter the house. Warmth emanates from her, as from a caring hostess. She is both a protector from evil spirits of illness, and a good comforter. She was hung in the house over the cradle of the child. The doll was given to children to play with. She was also placed near the bed of the patient.

Rite" cuckoo's funeral

Many rituals in Russia were performed with the help of specially made dolls.

For example: the ancient rite "cuckoo's funeral". This is the initiation of 12-year-old girls into girls and their entry into the world of adulthood. This ceremony was performed before the Trinity. It consisted of the following: the girls went into the forest and made sure that no one followed them.

There they led round dances, Pele songs and kumilis. As a sign that two girlfriends became godmothers for 1 year, they exchanged wreaths and dolls specially made for this purpose. These dolls were a reflection of the hostess, because by making this doll, the girl put a piece of her soul into it. After kissing three times, the girls exchanged dolls and were considered godfathers. However, after a certain time and if desired, it was possible to make sense, removing the obligations of a benevolent attitude towards each other, but this happened extremely rarely. How can one be angry with a godfather if, along with her doll, she is entrusted with a part of her own soul! After all, when making a doll, the girl made an effort, thought about her, put all her skill into this work, and now she is given to her friend!

After the exchange of dolls, the girls dressed up in rags and shreds, a straw doll specially made for this occasion. It was made from dried grass "cuckoo's tears". Then the girls buried her, not necessarily buried, but in the sense - they hid, got rid of her. Thus, they got rid of those qualities that are inherent in the cuckoo. She is known to throw eggs into the nests of other birds, and does not care about the fate of her offspring. After the ceremony, the girl is considered a girl. Thus, this rite demonstrates the rejection of "cuckoo", the proclamation of motherhood. The girls say goodbye to their childhood by making a commitment to "not be a cuckoo".



Many have known Afanasiev’s fairy tale “Vasilisa the Beautiful” since childhood:

“In a certain kingdom there lived a merchant. He lived in marriage for twelve years and had only one daughter, Vasilisa the Beautiful. When her mother died, the girl was eight years old. Dying, the merchant’s wife called her daughter to her, took the doll out from under the blanket, gave it to her and said: “Listen, Vasilisushka! Remember and fulfill my last words. I am dying and, together with my parental blessing, I leave you this doll; take care of it always with you and do not show it to anyone; and when something bad happens to you, give her something to eat and ask her for advice. She will eat and tell you how to help misfortune ...
When her mother died, Vasilisa's father married an evil stepmother who disliked her stepdaughter. She harassed her, forcing her to do all the housework. However, “Vasilisa endured everything meekly, and every day she grew prettier and stouter, and meanwhile the stepmother and her daughters grew thin and stupefied with anger, despite the fact that they always sat with folded hands like ladies. How was it done?
Vasilisa was helped by her doll. Without this, where would the girl cope with all the work! On the other hand, Vasilisa herself would not eat it herself, and even leave the doll the tidbit, and in the evening, when everyone had settled down, she would lock herself in the closet where she lived, and regale it, saying: “Here, doll, eat, listen to my grief! I live in the father's house, I do not see myself any joy; the evil stepmother drives me from the white world. Teach me how to be and live and what to do? The doll eats, and then gives her advice and consoles her in grief, and in the morning she does all the work, for Vasilisa ... It was good for her to live with the doll ”...
This doll helped Vasilisa to endure a lot of grief and go through all the trials that her stepmother and Baba Yaga prepared for her. Vasilisa took care of her doll, and "... at the end of her life she always carried it in her pocket."

Previously, in every peasant house there were many such dolls. It was the most popular toy. Coming into the world, the first thing a newborn child saw in his cradle was a twist doll, which his mother made for his birth. A woman, when the time came to give birth, retired and made this doll, thinking about her unborn child, wishing him a bright and easy life. Carefully twisting the fabric, she, as it were, put love and affection for her child into this doll, creating with her own hands the body of the doll, hands, head.
There is a belief among the people - if a pregnant woman often and a lot looks at the beautiful, pleasant, then the child will be attractive and beautiful. Therefore, the woman made the doll neatly, carefully, dressed in bright, beautiful clothes. The finished doll was placed in the cradle, where she waited for the birth of the child,

protecting this place from unkind looks and evil spirits. People believed that the doll protects the child's sleep and peace, and therefore she was always next to him both in his sleep and in games.
Growing up, the children also began to “twirl” such dolls themselves. In many houses there were dozens of them, and it was believed that they brought good luck and wealth, promised a rich harvest and were symbols of procreation. Many dolls were passed from mother to daughter, and then granddaughter and great-granddaughter.
Teenage girls made such dolls for themselves, younger sisters and brothers, dressed them to their liking. They did this with great diligence, as the older women in the family looked at how skillfully and accurately the girl made clothes for the doll. Judged by the skill of making doll clothes
about the girl's readiness to learn a real craft.
If the dress turns out to be beautiful, and the outfit is harmonious, then the girl is ready to seriously learn how to sew adult clothes and she can be sent to study with a craftswoman. Many girls sewed their own outfit for the wedding, and this is already a serious and painstaking work.
And, on the contrary, if a girl does not show diligence in making dolls and in other work, they said: “Yes, she still plays with dolls!” and considered stupid. It was too early for them to get up in a girlish wedding round dance, and a serious
work was not assigned.
A beautiful doll, made with love, was the pride of the girl and her faithful friend.
Peace and joy come when you play with such a doll made of soft cotton and linen rags.
The main feature of this doll is that it is made without a needle.
Folding and tying the fabric, we do not make a single seam and needle prick, because this is our girlfriend and shore, and it is worthless to prick her body with a needle ...
Pieces of fabric of the desired size are also torn off by hand, without the help of scissors.

Making a doll

To make the body of the doll, we take a small dense fabric about 20x20 cm in size. Having folded one edge of the fabric inward by 3 cm, we make a tight roll-roll. This will be the “body” of our doll. Where the edge of the fabric is folded in will be the base. It will turn out thicker so that the doll is stable.
Now, approximately at the level of the neck and belt, we tie up our “twist” with a thread or rope.
Next, we make the head and arms. We take the same square of fabric, preferably white, so that our beauty is white-faced. We cover the “twist” in the center with a white cloth and form the head. Inside, you can put cotton wool or a small piece of fabric to make the head round, and tie it with a thread at the level of the neck. Now you need to straighten the fabric, determine where the doll's face will be, and remove the extra folds back, rounding the head.
We make hands. We align the opposite, free ends of the fabric, determine the length of the arms and fold the excess fabric inside the sleeve, removing the edges in the middle. From the edge we measure the dimensions of the doll's palm and pull the fabric with a thread.
We tie the remaining corners of the fabric around the body with a thread on the belt. AT
depending on the tension of the fabric, we determine the direction of the hands. They can be wide spread, and slightly lowered.
Traditionally, such a doll did not have a face painted, they were “faceless”.
It was believed that, having a facial expression, the doll acquired a soul and lost its mystery, magic and protective properties.
The base of the doll is ready. Now the most interesting and creative work: we will dress our doll. Here you can show all your imagination and skill. There are often a lot of shreds and scraps of fabric left in the house that can be used for our doll's costume. It can be a wide sun skirt, and a colored sundress, and a shower warmer, and a poneva.
Hair and braids can be made from wool or cotton yarn, measuring the desired length and number of threads. You can fix them on your head with a ribbon or scarf.
The rest of the details of the doll's clothes and decorations are a matter of the hostess's taste!

It is undesirable to give or give away the very first handmade doll. Leave it to yourself, it will surely decorate the favorite corner of your room, and will always delight its hostess. After all, it is made with love.


The cost of raw materials, materials, accessories per unit of product

Name of materials

unit of measurement

Unit cost

Consumption rate

price, rub.

Amount, rub.

Cotton fabric

0, 2










A doll is a sign of a person, his game image is a symbol. In this role, it focuses time, the history of culture, the history of the country and people, reflecting their movement and development. It is to this fertile source of spirituality that those who study folk culture, who seek to convey to their descendants its precious grains, turn.

A traditional rag doll in today's Russia, she is experiencing a true revival. The hand-made patchwork figurine now performs a new communicative function. It has become a living means of communication and familiarization with the folk cultural experience.

Dolls are not only toys, but also close friends. In games with dolls, children learn to communicate, fantasize, create, show mercy, train their memory. But the main thing in these games is emotional contact with the doll. Children do not just get used to dolls - they become attached to them as to living beings and painfully part with them.

The doll is not born by itself: it is created by a person. It comes to life through the imagination and will of its creator. Being a part of the culture of all mankind, the doll retains in its image the originality and characteristic features of the people who create it. This is the main value of the traditional folk doll.

As a result of the project, the following has been achieved:

the history of the traditional Russian folk doll and its types was studied

mastered the execution technology;

Samples have been made

· in the project to create a museum of folk dolls in the school.


1. Dine, G.L. Russian rag doll. Culture, traditions, technology [Text] / G.L. Dain, M.N. Dine.- M.: Culture and Traditions, 2007.- 120 p.

2. Zimina, Z.I. Textile ritual dolls [Text] / Z.I. Zimin. -

3. Kotova, I.N. Russian rituals and traditions. Folk doll [Text] / I.N. Kotova, A.S. Kotova.- St. Petersburg, Parity, 2003.- 240 p.

4. Folk doll: [Electronic resource] // -2008.- November 30

5. Russian ritual dolls: [Electronic resource] // -2008.- November 15

6. Handmade: Electronic resource]: /// .- 2008. - November 20

Nomination: "The world around"

Purpose of the study:Awaken children's interest in Russian folk culture.

Project objectives:

  • Get acquainted with the history of the emergence of folk dolls.
  • Explore the types of dolls.
  • To study the technology of making folk dolls.
  • Make amulets and play dolls.

Stages of project implementation:

  • Acquaintance with the history of the emergence of folk dolls.
  • The study of types of dolls.
  • Studying the technology of making dolls.
  • Manufacture of amulets and play dolls.

Methods: research; social survey and analysis of results; practical.

The chosen topic seemed interesting to us because the doll is the oldest and most popular toy. It is an obligatory companion of children's games and the most accessible work of art for children. Nowadays, on the shelves of stores you can see a lot of beautiful toys. But they are made in a factory and do not carry the warmth of the soul of their creators. Therefore, we believe that in the 21st century, children should again see not only toys made by machines, but also with their own hands.

We decided to study this topic in order to find out when traditional rag dolls appeared, what traditional dolls the Russian people had, what purpose each doll had, and up to what age children played with dolls. It was also interesting to learn the technology of making a traditional folk doll.

That's why subject of our research have become traditional folk dolls.

While working on the project, we learned the history of the emergence of folk toys. Art is very ancient, pre-Christian. This is evidenced by the images and technology of making a rag doll: the doll was not sewn, but folded from a single piece of matter. We learned that the dolls were protective and playful.

Having studied the technology of making a Kuvatka doll, they held a master class on its manufacture for classmates. When making a doll, it is unacceptable to use piercing and cutting objects. And it is also very important to make a doll with good intentions and in a good mood.

Every girl loves to play with dolls, and many adult women would not refuse to return to their childhood. No wonder there was a belief in Russia: "The longer a girl plays with dolls, the happier she will be." But in ancient times, Slavic dolls also served as powerful amulets and accompanied our ancestors from birth to death.

There was even such a sign - when children play dolls a lot and diligently, there is profit in the family; if they carelessly handle toys, there will be trouble in the house. Playing with dolls for girls was especially encouraged among the people, since the doll was also considered a symbol of procreation. In Russia, it was considered bad luck to interrupt a child who was playing. The longer the children played with dolls, the calmer the atmosphere in the family.

A rag doll has been a traditional toy in the life of a Russian village in peasant families since ancient times. In other houses, up to a hundred of them accumulated. Until the age of 7-8, all the children played with dolls, while they walked in shirts. But only boys began to wear ports, and girls - skirts, their roles and the games themselves were strictly separated.

Making dolls was purely feminine. Men were not allowed to even look at the process out of the corner of their eye. All dolls were made without scissors, needles and threads. Not only rags were used, but also clay, wood, bone, straw and even cottage cheese.

However, all Slavic amulet dolls were similar in one thing: they did not have a face. A doll without a face was considered an inanimate object, inaccessible for evil, unkind forces to instill into it, and therefore harmless. The doll was made quickly: rags or straw were tightly twisted, tied with a rope, a scarf was put on, and the doll is ready.

In Russia, and indeed, among all Slavic peoples. There was a wide variety of dolls.


  • The doll is not born by itself: it is created by a person. It comes to life through the imagination and will of its creator.
  • Being a part of the culture of all mankind, the doll retains in its image the originality and characteristic features of the people who create it. This is the main value of the traditional folk doll.

result of our project were dolls - amulets and play dolls made by hand.
