Vanilla, Vanilla girl - what does it mean? Who are Vanillas? Who is Vanilla?

More recently, the ranks of youth movements have been replenished with a new style, the representatives of which are exclusively girls. This subculture is called vanilla. We can say that this style appeared thanks to a mixture of two trends - emo and glamor. Vanilla girls love to cry and portray a tragic mental breakdown, but at the same time they do not shy away from glamor. As a rule, vanilla beans grow in a family of wealthy parents - this is perhaps their main feature. It should be noted that these girls are quite sensitive and emotional, they live in a romantic world and try to bring their favorite pictures to life.

How do vanilla girls dress?

Many modern girls, aged 12 to 16 years, are haunted by the newfangled youth trend, and most importantly, they are tormented by questions - how do vanilla girls differ from ordinary girls and how to become one of them? Becoming a representative of this movement is quite simple, since the vanilla style has a number of characteristic attributes that are manifested in hairstyle, clothing, and also in behavior.

Vanilla girls prefer T-shirts with the British flag, or with the inscriptions “I love you (NY, coffee, London, New York, Paris).” Representatives of this subculture often wear tinted glasses or regular glasses with plain lenses to maintain a more “smart” appearance. For footwear, depending on the season, Vanillas prefer Ugg boots, high heels or large multi-colored sneakers. As for the hairstyle, most often it is casually loose hair and always bangs covering one eye or a hastily assembled uneven bun of hair. The final image of a real vanilla is completed by the presence of an expensive professional camera, with the help of which they convey their emotional mood.

How are vanilla beans dyed?

In order to give their image tenderness and subtlety, vanilla women almost never use cosmetics, since they are not supporters of artificial beauty. The basis of their attractiveness is naturalness, well-groomedness and sophistication. But if a vanilla girl does have makeup, it is usually pale pink lipstick, a light blush on her cheeks and long black eyelashes.

What do vanilla beans listen to?

We have already said that Vanillas are too romantically inclined girls and are unlikely to listen to rock or club music. They prefer songs about love and unrequited feelings, so they prefer pop music of different styles. Among foreign vanilla performers, Morcheeba, Sade, Emily Wells, Lenka are loved, and Zemfira, Bahh Tee, Lil Kate, Maxim, Loc Dog, Marcel, Fleur - these are the best Russian performers that real vanilla listens to.

What do vanilla beans read?

Unlike other modern youth movements, Vanillas love to read and have a greater preference for Western literature. On their shelf you can find absolutely any book that will suit their refined and delicate taste. Some of the most beloved vanilla authors are the philosophical Paulo Coelho and the cynical Beigbeder.

What do vanilla beans like?

Vanilla girls love to stand out from the crowd and try to maintain their status. For example, they constantly drink coffee with a cigarette. They are attracted by both the process of preparing this drink and its impeccable taste. They love to smoke vanilla-flavored cigarettes, but it should be noted that most likely they are more attracted by the charm of the wisp of smoke flying away than by the taste of nicotine itself.

Vanillas love to sit by the huge windows on a wide windowsill and peer into the endless distances, and at night they sleep with teddy bears and are huge fans of flowers.

They spend most of their free time on social networks, where they post their own photos and write their favorite quotes from their favorite books. From this we can conclude that vanilla girls chose this style not for themselves, but primarily for those around them, in order to be noticed - gentle and romantic girls.

Do you want to find out who vanillas are? Wikipedia is unlikely to answer this question. But we will try to give you accurate information about this new youth movement.

But all this is still not enough to understand who vanillas are. After all, the most important element is their style:

  • T-shirts or T-shirts with the inscriptions: “I Love London”, “I Love NY”, “I Love COFFEE”, etc. And it doesn’t matter at all whether they were in London or New York or not... They love them, and you have to deal with it.
  • Clothing and accessories with the American or British flag, be it shoes, hair clips, watches or pajamas. If they have a flag on them, Vanillas will definitely buy them.
  • Tight-fitting skinny jeans or leggings, the so-called "slippers".
  • As for shoes, Vanilla prefers the well-known UGG boots, multi-colored sneakers and ankle boots.
  • Vintage items remain Vanilla's favorites: grandma's knitted hats, knitted arm ruffles, sweaters, old jackets or a worn leather shoulder bag. If a thing smells of antiquity, you will definitely see it in vanilla.
  • Don't forget about the hairstyle, which is the main element of the entire vanilla style. Vanilla's favorite hairstyles: bun or so-called “bump”; long hair with bangs that always fall over one eye. The more messy your hair is, the better.
  • Another main accessory is large glasses, behind which you can hide your vanilla dreams and tears.
  • Vanillas prefer either natural, unnoticeable makeup, or bright and vulgar. But scarlet lipstick should be worn on the lips in most cases, especially when going out.
  • A bright multi-colored manicure makes the life of vanilla beans more positive and fun; it is advisable that each finger be painted with a separate color, because it is so cute and funny!
  • Vanilla's favorite musical style is Western rock. But not always.

We hope that we were able to answer your question about who Vanillas are. After all, in order to find out all the answers to this question, it is not necessary to search for them for a long time. It’s enough to go outside and pay attention to girls who have the above-mentioned style elements.

More and more often on the Internet you can find a society of “vanilla” girls. This new direction is gaining great popularity among young girls from 12 to 16 years old. Let's try to figure out who vanilla girls are and what they are vanilla style

By the way, if among the readers there are those who adhere to this style or are at least somehow familiar with it, we are very much looking forward to hearing from you in the comments. It will be useful and very interesting to know the opinion of a true vanilla girl on this material.

Having studied many articles on the topic of vanilla on the Internet, this picture emerged:

The “vanilla” style first originated in South America and Western Europe, where young ladies were very tired of the lustful attitude towards them of people of the opposite sex. After thinking carefully, they came to the conclusion that changing the attitude towards oneself must begin with changing oneself: with clothes and behavior (a very wise decision;)). After all, ultra-short, low-cut T-shirts, swearing in conversation and a cigarette in hands do not at all evoke tender feelings in the opposite sex. So they decided to radically change their wardrobe, their vocabulary and their behavior.

Short shorts, too open dresses, skinny jeans were replaced by cute, girlish sundresses made of soft flowing materials in a floral print. The heels were replaced with comfortable pumps and ballet flats, with airy skirts in delicate colors, and make-up that was inappropriate for one’s age was removed completely or only the most delicate part of it was left: soft pink lipstick, a little blush and a little mascara on the eyelashes.

Having changed their appearance, the girls went even further: they began to read romantic books about love and listen to appropriate music. Dreams of princes returned to their young heads, and they began to look at their entire lives through “rose-colored glasses” (which is quite natural at this age).

K:Wikipedia:Pages on KU (type: not specified)

"Vanilla"(Also "vanilla") - a youth subculture that appeared in the early 2010s and cultivates demonstrative romance and depression, as well as a love for everything sweet, which gave the name to the subculture. Traditionally, "vanilla" is considered akin to the subculture of modern hipsters. Unlike protest subcultures, such as hippies, emo, the “vanilla” subculture is based on escapism - an escape from reality into a fictional beauty, while demonstrating amorphous and apathetic behavior in real life. The dominant elements of “vanilla” behavior are demonstrative daydreaming and romanticism, along with ostentatious depression, while not as pronounced emotionality as in emo.

Characteristic affections are a passion for coffee, cigarettes, windows, rain and distant countries. Among the disadvantages of “vanilla” people are the abuse of alcohol and cigarettes, indiscriminateness in the means of achieving goals, as well as a rude manner of communication: “vanilla” people are accustomed to behaving “dishonestly,” and they use obscene words with a straight face, contradicting the main idea of ​​the subculture.

The Internet plays a major role in replenishing the subculture and communication between its adherents, in connection with this, Internet addiction is humorously emphasized even by the “vanilla” ones themselves as the most important attribute of a member of the community.

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An excerpt characterizing Vanilla (subculture)

- Scold! Swearing! Pure march! - shouted at that time another new voice, and Rugai, his uncle’s red, humpbacked dog, stretching out and arching his back, caught up with the first two dogs, moved out from behind them, kicked with terrible selflessness right over the hare, knocked him off the line onto the green, Another time he pushed even harder through the dirty greens, drowning up to his knees, and you could only see how he rolled head over heels, getting his back dirty in the mud, with the hare. The star of dogs surrounded him. A minute later everyone was standing near the crowded dogs. One happy uncle got down and walked away. Shaking the hare so that the blood would drain, he looked around anxiously, running his eyes, unable to find a position for his arms and legs, and spoke, not knowing with whom or what.
“This is a matter of march... here is a dog... here he pulled out everyone, both thousandths and rubles - a pure matter of march!” he said, gasping and looking around angrily, as if scolding someone, as if everyone were his enemies, everyone had offended him, and only now he finally managed to justify himself. “Here are the thousandths for you - a pure march!”
- Scold me, fuck off! - he said, throwing the cut-off paw with the earth stuck on it; – deserved it – pure march!
“She pulled out all the stops, gave three runs on her own,” Nikolai said, also not listening to anyone, and not caring whether they listened to him or not.
- What the hell is this! - said Ilaginsky the stirrup.
“Yes, as soon as she stopped short, every mongrel will catch you from stealing,” said Ilagin at the same time, red-faced, barely catching his breath from the galloping and excitement. At the same time, Natasha, without taking a breath, squealed joyfully and enthusiastically so shrilly that her ears were ringing. With this screech she expressed everything that other hunters also expressed in their one-time conversation. And this squeal was so strange that she herself should have been ashamed of this wild squeal and everyone should have been surprised by it if it had been at another time.
The uncle himself pulled the hare back, deftly and smartly threw him over the back of the horse, as if reproaching everyone with this throwing, and with such an air that he didn’t even want to talk to anyone, sat on his kaurago and rode away. Everyone except him, sad and offended, left and only long after could they return to their former pretense of indifference. For a long time they looked at the red Rugay, who, with his hunchbacked back and dirt stained, rattling his iron, with the calm look of a winner, walked behind the legs of his uncle’s horse. What does Vanilla girl mean? You need to understand that every teenager considers himself the navel of the universe. Therefore, he wants to stand out from the crowd, especially when girls 13-15 years old. Some girls naturally have an attractive appearance, and they don’t have to make any effort to drive the guys they know crazy. Others are left to spend hours in front of the mirror, choosing their style in order to become more noticeable and vibrant. Today, fortunately, many fashionable subcultures are open to girls, which will allow them to become not like everyone else. Many people today are interested in What does Vanilla girl mean?? However, before continuing, I would like to recommend you a couple more interesting publications on the topic of fashion slang. For example, what does Anti-Style mean, how to understand the word Sadboy, what Outfit is, what Duckface means, etc.

Relatively recently, namely in 2010, our teenagers copied and pasted another subculture called " Vanilla", the word can be translated as "vanilla", and at the same time this concept has a couple more meanings - this is " boring", "depressed".

Vanilla girl- this is a new generation of teachers, they pretend to be a girl with a fine organization, their hair is tied up in a bun, T-shirts with the British flag or “I Love NY” are obligatory, they carry large professional cameras with them everywhere to take selfies, they wear glasses with huge glasses. Constantly change statuses, for example, “I’m listening to music, sitting on the windowsill and thinking about you”

Vanilla- this is a girl pretending to be an intellectual with a cup of coffee in one hand and a cigarette in the other, considers herself a talented writer and photographer

Usually girls vanilla They watch their diet, they look very attractive, although some of them resemble anorexics. A vanilla baby will always choose clothes with great taste for herself, while wearing many different accessories, for example, ornate jewelry, all kinds of headbands, bows, long chains, massive pendants, etc. Vanillas also adore elegant handbags with long straps, which become their indispensable attribute.

Hairstyles vanilla girls are surprised by their diversity. However, do not think that they are stupid dummies. In fact, each of them has a hobby for the soul that allows them to express themselves. Usually, if you meet a thin girl, wearing huge dark glasses, a bright hairstyle, an “I Love London” T-shirt, and a three-kilogram camera, then calling this individual Vanilla, you can't go wrong.

These young ladies are trying very hard to lead extravagant way of life, they visit nightclubs, hang out on appointments, visit fashionable restaurants. After such adventures, the next day a detailed photo report is posted without fail, which, by and large, is of no interest to anyone except her and a few friends.

Moreover, the girl vanilla love reading, although her love is of a specific nature. She reads books, not for pleasure, but to fish out smart thoughts, which her admirers can then see in the status of this young lady, as a signature under a photo, done very creatively, using Photoshop.

Feeling that she has seen a lot in her lifetime, such a 15-year-old individual begins to express her thoughts on paper, creating small Essays, short stories or short stories. For such a creative impulse, she needs confidence in her rightness, a feeling of need and involvement in the subculture vanilla with whom she communicates on the Internet.

Most gadgets that use Vanillas, emphasize its elitism. After all, not everyone can purchase the company's products. Apple, and this young lady has the full set.

The strongest impetus for creating your own works is the negative side of life. Especially when the romantic relationship she so carefully nurtured turns to dust. Unhappy love turns her life upside down and puts everything in a well-known position. After which, she suddenly awakens the gift of expressing her thoughts on paper. After all, for vanilla, the most important and important object for reverence and love is her man. If everything is fine with her, then she tells the whole world about it, publishing happy selfies and romantic comments. Reports about her relationship with her beloved are constantly updated, photo albums are full of thousands of similar photographs depicting a happy SHE and her boyfriend. After the breakup, there is a series of dark days when she wants to be alone, and at the same time she experiences perverted pleasure from this whole situation.

After reading this short article, you learned what it means Vanilla, and what it is eaten with.
