Quiz game for children of the preparatory group in kindergarten. “My home, my family” Friends! We wish that sports competitions and intellectual competitions will help you expand your circle of friends

(Wednesday, 13 November 2013 12:42)

Very creative teachers work in MBDOU kindergarten No. 40

  • #2

    A BIG THANK YOU to the teachers for the kindness with which they greet our children!!!

  • #3

    I went to the page of the kindergarten where my son went and looked at the photographs - and I remembered so many things, it made me feel a little sad...
    We left Pochemuchek two years ago, now my son is finishing second grade.
    And it seems that just recently my son was under the careful supervision of “second mothers” - Nadezhda Vasilievna and Svetlana Nikolaevna! We, parents, could not worry about our kids at all when they were under the supervision of their favorite teachers. Svetlana Nikolaevna - with her charming smile and positive attitude towards life, and Nadezhda Vasilievna - with a slightly strict, but always kind and fair attitude towards everything. It was especially surprising how they managed to find a common language not only with our fidgets, but also with us, the parents. Nadezhda Vasilyevna always spoke to us in a fatherly way. She managed to find the right words to solve any situation that arose... And they complement each other perfectly. In my opinion, lucky are those parents whose children go to their group. If only there were more teachers like this - not out of duty, but out of vocation!
    And, although we have already left the kindergarten and it is not often possible to go and see them, my son often remembers his teachers and reminds him every holiday that he must definitely call and congratulate Nadezhda Vasilievna and Svetlana Nikolaevna. And this says a lot!
    They also did a great job preparing our children for school! In the first grade we did not have any problems with mathematics, because Nadezhda Vasilyevna managed to give the children a lot. And the skills instilled by Svetlana Nikolaevna in reading and writing greatly helped us in mastering school science!
    So both my son and I always remember our beloved teachers with warmth and are very happy about our rare meetings!
    Thank you, dear ones (and in 4 years they have become family to us), for everything!

  • #4

    Oksana, I completely agree with you! My daughter also graduated from this group 2 years ago. My daughter still remembers the kindergarten and her teachers. Dina Ivanovna, Svetlana Nikolaevna, Nadezhda Vasilyevna thank you for the love you give to children! Always be so kind and loving people! With respect to you, Larina Marina.

  • #5

    Our teachers are the best teachers in the world! Thank you for having us. These are the kindest people in the world. My son Alexander Tsygankov enjoys going to kindergarten and can’t even wait for the weekend to end and happy everyday life to begin again in his favorite kindergarten, with his favorite teachers. Svetlana Nikolaevna and Nadezhda Vasilievna, I wish you health, happiness and patience in your difficult work.!! Elena Dmitrieva-Chesalkina!!!

  • Program content:

    Formation in preschool children of love for their loved ones, awareness of the involvement of each person in the fate of the family, city, region, country;

    Instilling in preschoolers a sense of duty to their family, their peers, the people around them who create conditions for them to live a happy life;

    Developing an interest in understanding the world around us and a desire to make it better;

    Formation of moral and patriotic qualities of the individual.

    Design and equipment:

    On the central wall there is an image of a “wise owl”; story pictures; pictures depicting famous places of the city, cut into pieces; cards with letters.

    Progress of the game

    Hello, dear friends! Today we met with you to chat, play and test our knowledge. In our intellectual game, the motto of which is “My city, my home, my family,” there are teams: “Sunflowers”, “Rainbow”, Pochemuchki”, “Wise Men”.

    The motto of the Sunflowers team:

    “Live, have fun, but remember one thing,

    That friendship is the most valuable thing in the world.”

    Team Rainbow's motto:

    "If you want to know a lot,

    It's time for everyone around to give up,

    You can't hold out against us.

    We are strong and brave

    Dexterous, skillful.

    Our motto: “Don’t lose heart!

    Go through everything and find out everything!”

    The motto of the Pochemuchki team:

    "We are inquisitive minds,

    We are asking questions on a first-name basis.

    “Why” is a favorite question,

    Helps us grow."

    The motto of the "Wise Men" team:

    “We are almost “Wise Men”

    We read a lot

    Smart guys and smart girls

    We want to know a lot."

    There are fans in our hall. The team's victory also depends on them. We remind you of the rules of conduct:

    DON'T: shout, make noise, interfere, give hints.

    YOU CAN: root for the team, answer when asked, follow the results of the competition.

    There is also a jury present in the hall, which will monitor the correctness of the teams’ answers and sum up the results.

    So, before we start the game, a little warm-up for everyone present. (Tour of our city):

    1.What city do we live in?

    2.How old is our city?

    3.Who is the mayor of our city?

    4.The main river of our city?

    5.What large enterprises are there in our city?

    6.What theater is in our city?

    7.What kind of cinema is in our city?

    Well, it's time to move on to the competition.

    First task. "I and my family":

    " What is family?

    Dad, mom, brother, sister.

    And of course grandma

    And of course grandfather.

    I'm very, very happy.

    My whole family is together!”

    Each team must answer the following questions:

    Who is your mom's dad? (grandfather)

    What is a group of relatives living together called? (family)

    Who are you to daddy's dad? (grandchildren)

    Who is a woman in relation to her children? (Mother)

    Who is your daddy's mom? (grandmother)

    If a man and a woman live together, who are they to each other? (husband and wife)

    Who is your daddy's sister? (aunt)

    A boy in relation to his parents? (son).

    Second task. "Me and my friends"

    “How many are there in this world?

    Kind and sympathetic people,

    That good will not win on the entire planet,

    Even the most experienced villain.

    If we smile, we will become kinder,

    We need kindness more than anything in the world.”

    What do proverbs mean?

    1. Don’t have 100 rubles, but have 100 friends?

    2. Look for a friend, and if you find him, take care.

    3. They are not afraid to hold on to each other.

    4. Friendship and brotherhood are more valuable than any wealth.

    Third task. "Me and my home"

    “You won’t find it on the world map,

    The house where you live.

    And even native streets

    You won't find it on that map.

    But we will always find it,

    Our country is our common home.”

    Use the parts to assemble a picture of the city. Name what is depicted on it and tell everything that is known.

    Fourth task. Blitz tournament:

    1. What city do we live in?

    What museum is there in our city?

    2. What is the name of our district?

    What cinema is there in our city?

    3. What “tasty” factory do we have in our city?

    How old is our city?

    4. What is Oskol?

    What cultural institutions are there in our city?

    Fifth task. Make up the words:

    Make words from letters: THEATER, ZOO, CITY, MUSEUM.


    “A true citizen will not:

    Annoy people

    To offend the house and the city,

    Open the door with your foot,

    Play with buttons in the elevator

    And draw on the walls,

    To offend birds, animals,

    Throwing rubbish in the street

    Violate traffic rules."

    Summing up the jury's results.

    Dynamic pause. Games for everyone:

    1. “Say hello”: with your eyes, eyebrows, whisper, face, head, words, hands.
    2. “The ABC of beautiful words”: A - neat, B - grateful, etc.
    3. “Who is the youngest in the family? Old, adult, small.
    4. “Finish the sentence”: Mom was happy that I.....

    Dad got angry because I...


    Our group “Why”?
    And our motto is simple:
    We want to know more
    About the huge globe,

    So you can hear it in the garden;
    “Why, yes, why?”


    Why are the preschool children very smart guys: 13 boys and 15 girls. Everyone is very different: cheerful and sad, calm and noisy, mischievous and obedient. We love to play and have fun, sculpt and draw, exercise, sing and dance. Nobody gets bored in the group!



    Myshakova Olesya Vladimirovna

    Sokolova Larisa Rafailovna

    Jr. teacher:

    Yushkova Lyudmila Vasilievna


    Head of MKDOU "Smile"

    Timoshevskaya Tatyana Vladimirovna

    Deputy head of educational work

    Bikmukhametova Natalia Alexandrovna

    Physics instructor culture

    Shishkina Svetlana Vasilievna

    Music director

    Kupriyanova Anna Nikolaevna

    Nurse MKDOU

    Ermakova Natalia Alexandrovna

    When organizing the subject environment in the group room, in the reception area, we tried to take into account everything that would contribute to the development of the basic personality characteristics of each child.

    The kindergarten is a second home for employees and children. And you always want to decorate your home, make it cozy, original, warm, and different from others.

    In our group, teachers and parents have created a variety of developmental environments. What makes them useful for the all-round development of children. The group effectively implements the development environment model.

    For several years now we have been creating comfort in our group. We think through every corner and decorate it so that the children feel cozy and comfortable. I really want the children to go to kindergarten with pleasure.

    Much was done with our own hands. Thanks to this, we created an atmosphere of warmth and comfort. With children, we try to maintain order, cleanliness, comfort and good mood.

    The group is very bright, and the guys are cheerful.

    The group is called "Why"

    The entrance to the group from the reception area is designed as follows:.

    There is a stand on the wall where we post interesting and useful information for parents. Menu information block. Parents always have information about their children's nutrition.

    An inscription with the child's first and last name was pasted onto the lockers.

    Also in the reception area we have an algorithm for sequentially dressing children. Very convenient and, as practice has shown, useful information for children.

    In the design of the reception room there is always a place for children’s work and creativity.

    The entire group space is divided into centers, zones, and corners that are accessible to children.

    Study area positioned so that the light on the work tables falls from the left side. Each table and chair is marked according to the height of the children.

    Opposite the tables we placed a magnetic board and a flannelgraph; here we have everything for GCD.

    Corner of nature is not only a decoration for the group, but also a place for children’s self-development. The main part of the plants is located in this corner. The central place in the corner of nature is occupied by the nature calendar.

    One of children's favorite activities is experimentation. For this we have createdExperimentation corner. Where there are objects made of various materials (wood, iron, plastic), as well as sand, salt, stones, magnets, various types of paper. There is equipment for experimentation: magnifying glass, pipettes, flashlights, etc.

    Game Zone. There are a variety of games for children, taking into account age and gender education.

    Music corner

    Design Corner

    Design Corner




    Safety corner

    Sports corner in the group. It contains equipment for individual lessons, corrective gymnastics, and material for moving exercises.

    Art Corner helps us satisfy children's needs for self-expression through theatrical activities, drawing, and modeling. The corner displays a variety of visual materials.

    Duty Corner, presented this way. The photo of the child was pasted onto cardboard cut to the size of the pocket, and the child’s last name and first name were signed. It is very convenient for children to see who is on duty in the dining room today.

    There is also in the grouplibrary.Activities in this corner are aimed at developing interest in books and the need for reading.

    Corner of theatrical activities. We use a variety of puppet theaters (finger, tabletop, bibabo)

    DIY games

    By creating a subject-based development environment, we tried to make it informationally rich, which is ensured by a variety of topics, a variety of didactic and information material. All components of the developmental environment are combined with each other in content, artistic design, and ensure meaningful communication between adults and children.

    All day long all the children ask questions:
    Why does Mashenka have such a snub nose?
    Why is there water in the river? Where are the clouds going?
    Why do birds fly and not get lost?
    Why should we sleep, we’ll have to get up again tomorrow!
    Brush your teeth, wash your face, get ready for kindergarten?
    Why should we eat and listen to the teacher?
    Hundreds of "Why" questions! Answer one at a time -
    You spend a whole year explaining it to the inquisitive!
    One hundred questions - one hundred answers. It’s impossible to tell everything at once.
    Gradually you will learn everything, then you will learn to read...
    In the meantime, listen to mom, play games with dad,
    Eat porridge with your grandmother, read a book with your grandfather.
    A mysterious, spacious world awaits the discovery of good deeds.
    He will give everything to you, no doubt, what you wanted to know.

    Whoever considers himself defeated in advance is truly half defeated before the start of the struggle.(D.I. Pisarev)

    Courage is the beginning of victory.(Plutarch)

    All victories begin with victory over yourself.(L. M. Leonov)

    In this section of the site you can find a suitable team motto and emblem to prepare for any sports or intellectual competition.

    Motto(French devise) - a word or short phrase that defines the behavior and aspirations of a group of people or an organization. In heraldry, an armorial figure or saying on a coat of arms. The motto can be in any language, but in the Western world they mostly use Latin. (Wikipedia)

    Emblem(from ancient Greek ἔμβλημα “insert”) - a conventional image of an idea in drawing and plastic, to which one or another meaning is assigned. The emblems must certainly be clear and simple; the viewer must see in them what they wanted to say.

    Friends! We wish that sports competitions and intellectual competitions will help you expand your circle of friends!

    Give goodness to the world every day.
    Give people smiles every day!
    Let everyone be comfortable and light,
    Forgive your loved ones all your mistakes.
    And the world will suddenly become kinder with goodness,
    And people in the world will become all open,
    Evil will disappear and the world will become brighter,
    Then he won’t be bloody and unsteady.
    There will be no wars and tears, there will be no evil,
    There will be no troubles, losses or disorder,
    Let souls be like mirrors
    May peace, friendship and unity win!

    Team names and mottos


    We are great athletes
    We are explosive
    Who will win today?
    Well, of course, Dynamite!

    We are a fun team
    Because we are "B-A-N-D-A"!
    No step back! Not a step in place!
    Just go ahead! And only all together!

    Our motto: Don't lose heart!
    Go through everything and find out everything!
    You, enemy, wipe your nose,
    Let's do it one, two, three,
    Listen, fear and see -
    The heroes are going into battle!
    We are ready as always
    It's easy to defeat you.
    We will fight for victory,
    You will have to try!

    A team is not a gang!
    A team is not a pack!
    A team is not a place for squabbles and discord!

    Sport is strength, sport is life!
    Let's achieve victory! Opponent, hold on!

    We are penguins - just cool,
    Win try us!

    Although our light is weak and we are small,
    But we are friendly, and that is why we are strong.

    The comet is in the sky, and we are on earth!
    Long live happiness always and everywhere!
    Let's fly forward and win!
    We help everyone who is lagging behind!
    The comet has a motto:
    "Never fall down"

    Cheburashka is a faithful friend,
    Helps everyone around!

    Motto 1:
    The wind blows in the sails
    Youth believes in miracles.
    Motto 2:
    Swim always, swim everywhere,
    And you will find the path to your dream!

    Camelot - always forward,
    Always came first, Camelot!

    We are like the colors of the rainbow
    Never inseparable!

    We are like orange slices
    We are friendly and indivisible.

    Motto 1:
    We are a team - no matter where we go!
    We are all masters in sports.
    We'll run and kick the ball,
    Fight for victory
    Motto 2:
    If a friend gives his word,
    Will never let you down!

    Life without a smile is a mistake,
    Long live laughter and smile!

    Kapitoshka is at the helm,
    Never gives up!

    Burn, don’t smolder and be able to do everything!

    Motto 1:
    Our motto: Friendship and success!
    We will defeat everyone today!

    All for one, one for all,
    Then the team will be successful!
