How to draw a family tree for a child in kindergarten. DIY family tree

Portraying your family using a family tree is a great way to show children their heritage and introduce them to great-grandparents and other relatives they may not get to see in person. For older people, this is a great opportunity not to forget those who are no longer with us, and to create a kind of history.

We study the history of our kind

First you need to know more about your origins.. Some people are quite familiar with the history of their family, while others know practically nothing about their ancestors, brothers and sisters along other family lines. Before drawing a family tree, you need to collect all the important information that will help you in your work. You need to do this in this order:

  • First you need to find out all the information about your family. This can be done with the help of family members or other relatives, through questioning. If you were asked to create this family tree at school, then perhaps the information that your close people will provide you with will be quite enough. If you want to learn more deeply about the history of your family, you can use a genealogical database. You can find all the necessary sites on the Internet.
  • Please note that if you miss one of the family members, the family tree will partially lose its meaning. Therefore, you need to make sure that all the information you find is correct. To do this, it is better to check with several sources.

The most interesting- study the entire history of your family as thoroughly as possible. But if you are drawing a family tree, then it will be quite difficult to fit all the information received into it, since you will not go beyond the selected sheet of paper, and there will be quite a lot of names.

  • Some consider it necessary to focus on great-great-grandparents, as well as brothers and sisters, since these relatives are more closely related to you than distant ones. That is why, in order to draw all the relatives on the family tree, you will have to stop at these generations. If your family is not very large, then you can expand your tree to a more distant generation.

Preparing for drawing

First you need choose the appropriate paper size and drawing supplies. It is best to choose quality painting materials to ensure your work looks good.

  • Large sheets of paper are sold individually in specialized art workshops and stores. You can choose one strong and beautiful sheet of paper, for example, watercolor.
  • You can also purchase one sheet of poster board. It is also sold individually and in a variety of colors. You can buy it at an art workshop or stationery store.
  • You will draw the family tree with a simple pencil and trace it with a marker or ink pen. Therefore, do not forget to purchase these items too.

Choosing a tree shape. Most often, a family tree is drawn in the form of a real tree with many branches. Each branch represents your family. Sometimes the tree is depicted in the form of a diagram, where the tree-like form is ultimately obtained, but without the surnames. You can draw a family tree however you like, as long as you like it.

Drawing a family tree

First, you need to imagine what your family tree should look like and how much space you need to leave for writing names. Drawing with a light pencil, you can erase this or that branch at any time and simply redraw it. This is why you first need to apply it with a simple pencil.

Now enter your name. If this is your family tree, then it will begin with your name. You need to write it so that there is enough space around it for the names of your many relatives.

  • The family tree will begin with your name. If you write it at the bottom of the page, then the branches can be drawn upward; at the top, then the branches on your behalf will go down. Some people start from the side, in which case the branches will go to the side. Do it as you feel comfortable and as you like.
  • If you still decide to depict your family tree in the form of a real tree, then in this case you need to draw it with a light pencil on paper, and place your name in any part of it - this will be the beginning.

Now it's time to add your relatives: parents, brothers, sisters. Parents' names should be placed directly next to your name on the top, bottom, or side. Depending on what kind of tree you depicted. Siblings' names are written at the same level as yours to show that they are related to your parents.

  • If they have spouses and children, then they should also be listed on your family tree. The names of the spouses are written next to each other, and the names of the children are written below them. You can also draw connecting lines from parents to children, but this is optional.
  • It is necessary to draw a family tree as close as possible to the composition of your family. You need to indicate both parents, stepmother or stepfather, even half-brothers and sisters, since they are also part of your family. The main feature of the family tree- make sure that you have not forgotten any of your relatives.
  • To avoid forgetting anyone, it is best to list relatives in the same order. For example, first enter the older brother or sister on the left side, and then the others from left to right or vice versa.

Now you need to enter uncles and aunts, their children, and grandparents. From this moment on, the family tree will begin to branch out. Next to your father's name, list his siblings and their families (spouses, cousins). Next, write down the names of your dad's parents and connect them with lines going from each to their children. Do the same with your mother's relatives. It is necessary to depict as many relatives as possible on your tree.

After this, you must continue to enter the names of your great-aunts and uncles, great-grandparents, and, of course, do not forget about their families (spouses and children). You need to do this until your family tree reaches the level of completion that you intended.

After you finish entering names, you need to outline the tree with black or colored paints, markers, felt-tip pens, highlighting the names and outline. To make your tree look more colorful, you can decorate it with decorative details:

  • You can use different figures of boys and girls. For example, to indicate the gender of your relative on a tree, you can cut out circles to indicate the female gender, and triangles for the male. Thus, by looking at the tree, people will immediately be able to distinguish the gender.
  • You can also use a dotted line to indicate spouses who are divorced. This will give you the opportunity to depict the relationship between two people.
  • Your tree can also include the date of birth or date of death of a family member. This will give your tree additional information content. Or you can briefly indicate the biography under each name (date of birth, maiden name, middle name, etc.).

Hello, my dear readers! Surely each of you has thought about your ancestry at least once. It is so interesting to know who your ancestors were, what they did, who they worked for, how they spent their free time. Some even look into archives to find out about their great-grandfathers. And today I want to tell you how to compile your pedigree and arrange it into a family tree with your own hands.

It is very good if a family has a decorated family tree at home. How interesting it is for children to learn that dad’s grandfather was a military man, and his great-grandmother had her own barnyard. If everyone knew everything about their relatives, there would be fewer losses in the family, fewer tears, and there would be no need to search for relatives for years.

What is a family or genealogical tree? This is a kind of diagram representing the relationship between generations of relatives. It’s not for nothing that it is designed in the form of a tree. After all, it symbolizes life and procreation.

As a rule, I use 2 Ways to Represent Relationships.

  • The first is when the ancestor of the clan is at the head, from whom the history of the family name began.
  • The second is when you lead a branch of relatives from yourself.

They can be composed both from top to bottom and from bottom to top. It all depends on which design option you prefer.

How to make a family tree?

Firstly, the most important step in this matter should be the collection of information. It must be reliable and accurate. To compile a family tree, it is not necessary to know the entire biography of your ancestors, it is enough to know the full last name, first name and patronymic, date of birth, find a photograph, and it does not have to be in color or in adulthood, the main thing is that it is. Be sure to accurately determine the relationship of all family members.

Another question is where to get information. Well, this, of course, is conversations with close and distant relatives - uncles, aunts, cousins ​​and brothers. I think they always have a story to tell. Even every little thing can become useful. Old letters, diaries, family photographs, archives and even medical records can also be an excellent source of information.

The more people participate in drawing up a family tree, the more beautiful, original and better it will turn out. Involve your parents, don’t be afraid to call distant relatives with whom you don’t communicate. This is a great reason to reconnect and find support in their faces.

I would like to say a few words about services that “help” establish the connection and gender of a surname. Firstly, I myself somehow fell for this bait, and it turned out that this was just a scam for the purpose of profit. Secondly, in the Russian Federation there is a law on personal data, according to which no one has the right to transmit similar and truthful information to everyone, even for money. Therefore, if you come across a site with supposedly a database, then these are most likely scammers with false and speculative information.

Family tree in the interior

There are a huge number of options for designing a family tree. You can make it as an interior item that will be a great decoration for your home. Guests and friends will always appreciate this kind of ingenuity. Here are some ideas.

If space allows, a tree of this type would be a good option. This will be the highlight and distinctive feature of a black room. Moreover, it is not necessary to be able to draw beautifully. Now they sell special vinyl wall stickers that make it easy to decorate photos beautifully and neatly.

Desktop family trees have been very popular at all times. The only problem that may arise is that the photos will have to be reduced in size or even cropped. Overview images will be of no use here; it is better to take faces. They sell a lot of blanks, for every taste and color: metal, wood, plastic.

The design of a family tree in a frame is popular. You can hang it like a painting and even give it as a gift.

A budget-friendly, but no less beautiful way is to compile a pedigree in special programs and print it out in the form of a large photo card. There are many templates of any subject. Don't forget to scan your photo in advance.

For creative people who like to do everything with their own hands, creative ideas are suitable. This kind of tree can be made together with children in kindergarten or as a gift to grandmother, for example.

DIY family tree

The branch can be varnished, painted with acrylic paint, or simply left unchanged, just sanded in places with coarse sandpaper. By the way, here you can experiment with color. It seems to me that a golden, silver or simply black branch would look unusual (but that’s just my opinion).

Next, take the pot. Plastic, glass or ceramic, it doesn’t matter. The main thing is that it is opaque. Our task is to secure the tree so that it stands level. To do this, take polystyrene foam the size of the pot and simply insert a branch. The cracks along the edges can be filled with paper or other material of your choice. Another option to keep the branch in the pot is to use gypsum. Then the product will be a little weighty.
To cover the contents of the pot, place moss, artificial greenery or beads on top.

Next is the most interesting part – we design the photos. Cut out photos of relatives in the shape of a circle. Here you need to take into account that they must be the same in size. Cut it out? Great! Then we make the base. From felt, cut out flowers with a diameter slightly larger than the photographs. Instead of flowers, hearts, leaves or stars are perfect. And felt can be replaced with colored cardboard.

You can attach photos to branches in order of family hierarchy. It also doesn’t hurt to decorate the tree with ribbons or beads. It all depends on your imagination. Finally, cut out the label with the name of the fake and glue it to the pot. That's all! Our family tree is complete. Designing photographs with your own hands is a very exciting activity, believe me!

Imagine how nice it will be to receive such a fake or piece of furniture as a gift to an elderly person, where the entire previous and future family will be displayed on a small piece of paper or plywood.

You can also draw a family tree with your own hands. This is the easiest way to document your pedigree.

To do this, you need a thick sheet of paper, such as whatman paper or a landscape sheet. The size of the base will depend on the size of your drawing. Consider the presence of photographs and their parameters. However, in any photo editor you can either enlarge or reduce the image, adjusting it to the desired format without losing quality.

So, draw a template for the future drawing with a simple pencil. It can be a branched tree or with a crown. Look at the photo below and estimate the approximate format of your fake. Then think about what you will be comfortable working with: colored pencils, markers or paints. Plan the location of portraits of relatives in advance, using the diagram at the beginning of the article.

Then all you have to do is color everything and glue the photos. A great way to decorate it would be a frame. Thus, it can be hung on the wall or placed on the table.

As you can see, making a family tree with your own hands is not at all difficult. The main thing in this matter is to find and collect reliable information. There can be no guesswork here, because what is at stake is memory, which will be passed on by inheritance. I hope you liked this idea. Good luck to all! Bye bye!

Creating a family tree for your family is an exciting activity that will help you get acquainted with the life of your ancestors, hear many interesting stories about relatives, and simply unite with your family in the process of searching for information. The finished family tree will be a wonderful gift for a loved one or an excellent home decoration. Read the article on how to make a family tree with your own hands.

Selection of information

A family tree is essentially a list of relatives in a hierarchical form based on years of life. Before compiling such a tree, first of all, decide how far back into generations you want to find out the information.

There are several ways to find the necessary information:

  • Survey. First, collect basic information that your family, neighbors, and acquaintances can provide. Ask about the places where your ancestors lived, worked and studied, dates of birth, death, character, ask for a photo. In conversation you will find out what kind of person the ancestor was.
  • Studying the family archive. It’s good if your family has old photographs, notes, letters or diaries. These records will be a valuable source of information that relatives could not remember. Carefully study the family archive.
  • Drawing up a preliminary diagram or table. Enter the obtained data into a table or make a diagram. So, you will see what data you are missing.
  • Studying reference books and state archives. The archive contains a vast amount of documents that will help determine the belonging of ancestors to a certain class, learn about positions held and the awarding of state awards and honorary titles. The archive also contains old audio recordings and photographs. But keep in mind that contacting the fund is possible only after receiving permission from the local administration, which will provide access to the regional and federal archives.
  • Visit to the district library. Here you will find archival documents, newspapers, reference publications. They will make it easier to reconstruct your family tree.
  • Visiting museums. There may also be information about ancestors.
  • Non-state archives and private investigation agencies. Such organizations collect data about people for a fee.

Having collected the necessary information about your ancestors, proceed to draw up a family tree.


Family trees are:

After choosing the type of future tree, decide on the information that will be contained in it and the design scheme.

Schemes for designing a family tree:

  • Branches. A variant of an ascending tree, where the place in the center at the bottom is allocated to the child (tree trunk), and the branches ascend to the top and represent relatives.

  • Roots. Descending tree option. At the top center is a photo of a common ancestor, and branches of relatives radiate downwards. This scheme makes it possible to reflect a large number of relatives, including cousins ​​and second cousins.

  • Butterfly. The diagram is great for reflecting the couple's relatives. A couple is depicted in the center, and the branches of the ancestors diverge from it in the corresponding directions. The “butterfly” scheme allows you to avoid depicting the husband’s and wife’s relatives separately.

  • Hourglass. Gives you the opportunity to portray relatives of an elderly couple. In such a scheme, grandparents are key. The branches of their ancestors extend upward from their image, and the descendants - children, grandchildren and great-grandchildren - extend downward.

  • Fan. This reflection of family ties best saves space and is the easiest to implement.

  • Circle.

Information about relatives

The amount of data about relatives depends only on the desire and purpose of compiling a family tree.

If you have an idea to visually show your child relatives, to do something nice for your loved ones, or if it’s a craft for school, then the surnames, first names and photographs of your closest relatives are enough.

If you want to create a full-fledged historical document, you should additionally indicate dates of birth and death, place of birth, profession and other data. If possible, find photographs of as many ancestors as possible, this will help make your family tree informative and interesting. In the cells of relatives whose photos you did not find, place a picture of the family coat of arms so that the spaces do not look empty.

Design features

  1. Before creating a sketch, imagine what the tree will look like or watch a master class on how to create one. Correctly calculate the number of branches required, the distance required to place photos and information about relatives. Mark the sheet with a simple pencil so that you can easily correct inaccuracies later.
  2. Design the frame of the tree and determine a place for the central figure on the tree trunk. Designate a space for photos and information about the person.
  3. Go to the second tier - direct descendants or ancestors (depending on the chosen tree option). Place data about people of the same generation at the same level with each other. For brothers or sisters, please provide details of spouses and children. At the same time, keep in mind that information about the spouse is indicated next to it, and the children’s information is slightly lower below them.
  4. As the size of the tree increases, do not forget that each branch has 2 meanings: it shows the connections between generations and relatives, and also decoratively forms the composition. Therefore, be creative when depicting branches, but do not overdo it so that the connections are visible.
  5. When the tree diagram is ready, all that remains is the decorative design. At this stage, let your imagination run wild and decorate the tree to your liking. You can make a tree in the form of an applique by gluing a textured trunk and branches, separately gluing photos and cuttings with information about relatives, and make the leaves three-dimensional by cutting them out of colored paper. You can simply color the image of the tree with paints, leaving space for pasting photos and entering information. Another option is to print an image of a tree on photo paper, paste it onto a prepared sheet, and paste the relatives’ data separately.

Tree options

Programs and online services

If you don’t want to waste time compiling and designing a family tree yourself, use special computer programs.

  • Online services They allow you to order the production of a family tree or create it yourself. To do this, select a blank template with space for photos and information. After filling out the family tree, all that remains is to download the finished image to your computer and print it. Popular services:,,
  • Editor programs. They are downloaded to your computer and allow you to draw and fill in the tree yourself. Some of them have ready-made templates that you just need to fill out as a picture or table. In some programs, you can attach not only a photo, but also a video or audio recording to data about a relative. In all programs, for each family member you can fill out a questionnaire with data and even a description of appearance and interesting facts from life. Popular programs for creating a family tree: SimTree, Family Tree Builder, RootsMagic, GRAMPS, GenoPro, Tree of Life.

A family tree with your own hands is a very necessary and important thing for everyone. After all, family plays a very important role in our life path. A family tree is needed in order to always remember the details of relatives, visit them and congratulate them on important dates. It’s not difficult to buy such a product in a store, but it’s best to spend a little more time and make it at home yourself. You can involve children in the process, because the family tree will definitely be useful to them for kindergarten or school.

In this master class you can find the best design ideas and a lot of useful information about the “Family Tree” craft.

Family tree picture

Necessary materials for working with a picture of a family tree from photographs:

  • 4 boards of the same width;
  • plywood;
  • frame with glass;
  • hook and loop;
  • paints (white and brown);
  • sackcloth;
  • green paper;
  • glue gun or glue;
  • photographs and cardboard;
  • putty.

First you need to measure the frame with glass.

Then make a frame from wooden boards. You can choose the width and length yourself.

Cut the plywood to the size of the frame and attach it to it.

Then make a recess and markings on the frame for attaching the hinges.

To the bottom of the resulting box, starting from the middle, glue burlap or other fabric that looks natural.

Cut out a tree trunk from plywood or thick cardboard, apply putty to the entire surface, make rough edges and knots so that the roots look like real bark. Let dry for 12-14 hours and then paint with brown paint.

Cut out leaves from paper, fold them in half and unfold, glue them to the trunk in any order. Then cut out the photos and glue them first onto cardboard, slightly larger than the photos themselves.

Attach the cardboard with the photo to double-sided tape in the desired order. The family tree picture is ready! Now you can hang it on the wall in the living room.

To make a family tree, you can use the basics of scrapbooking techniques, connecting the fastened branches with glued small leaves and inscriptions.

Tree with hearts

In this part of the master class you can learn how to make a family tree step by step in the form of an original craft.

To make a cute family tree with hearts, you need to take wires about 30 cm long. Wrap them with tape, but leave the tails unwrapped by 5-7 cm.

Wrap all 15 wires in this manner. For strength, coat the ends of the tape with hot glue.

To create gypsum, you need to dilute ordinary building plaster with water to the state of liquid sour cream. Pour into a jar, collect the wires into a bundle and insert them into the plaster. Do not hold it for long, the plaster will dry quickly.

Now you can leave the frame for now and start making the hearts. Draw 30 hearts using the template.

Cut out hearts with scissors.

Cut the crepe paper to the size of the hearts, leaving a slight allowance.

Cover the hearts with paper, after cutting off the tails of the crepe paper.

Make a tail out of twine and glue it to the back of the heart.

Then take two hearts and glue them together.

Decorate the resulting joints with twine.

Glue beads on top and bottom.

The red heart is included as an example; there should be photographs in that place. Size about 5x5 cm.

Wind the wires for the wood. Using pliers, twist the edges of the wire.

Hang the hearts on the formed hooks.

Now glue the leaves.

Cover the jar with crepe paper just like the hearts.

The cute family tree is ready!

Video on the topic of the article

Why do genealogy? I will try to answer this question with the words of the famous Russian writer Aksakov: “... for the most part, we don’t know anything about our ancestors, they don’t respect family traditions, they don’t know Russian history, they don’t value family antiquity.” Let me agree with this only partly, not everyone in our country is an “Ivan who doesn’t remember their kinship,” we have a category of people in Russia who are very interested in genealogy and practice it professionally. Experience accumulates over the years, as long as you have the desire and perseverance. For those interested, I wrote an article about the family tree.

There is the simplest family tree, for example, in an album, where you are located below, and above and above, your mother and father, then your father’s and mother’s parents, their parents, and so on. The branches of the tree seem to expand from bottom to top.

For example, a mixed ascending vertical scheme is built on this principle:

15 great-grandmother
14 great-grandfather
13 great-grandmother
12 great-grandfather
11 great-grandmother
10 great-grandfather
9 great-grandmother
8 great-grandfather
7 Grandmother's name
6 Grandfather's name
5 F.I. O grandma
4 Grandfather's full name
3 Mother's full name
2 Father's full name
1 own full name

That is, the taller our tree, the more branched it is from generation to generation.

Osenkin Ultsev Ogoltsov Kazakov Ogoltsov

Or, for example, you can build a tree from a representative of a family known to you in the past, as, for example, in my case, where it is clearly visible that the family has children and their division into separate family branches.

Then I describe each representative of the second generation, naming their offspring and so on.

Now the descendants of the second daughter of the Ogoltsovs, Vasily Merkuryevich and Christina, and so on.

Nikolay Ultsev (1924-09/13/1988), builder
Wife Vera Ivanovna
Maria Ultseva 09/07/1927-06/18/2011) teacher, seamstress
husband Kalashnikov Mikhail (29.10.39-19.03.2006)
Victor (02/07/1929-10/10/1982) collective farmer
wife Elizaveta Nazarova (2.02.1929-2.11.1996) collective farmer
Alexander (b. 1931, went to serve in Azerbaijan, stayed there, cooper
Lyubov (11/10/1933), worked as a builder Divorced
husband Lutkov Alexander Stepanovich Raisa (02/26/1936-02/1/1997) Worked at YuUNK
Burin's husband Viktor Ivan (11/25/1939-09/14/1999), electrician at YuUNK
wife Anastasia Claudia (04/29/1942-02/19/1997), nurse, divorced
Or when constructing a tree, the so-called descending horizontal scheme is used:


(father, man)

mother, wife__________

daughter-in-law, son's wife

son-in-law, daughter's husband

grandson's wife

granddaughter's husband


That is, in my case, a top-down scheme is used, since the tree is drawn from a well-known representative of the genus to the modern generation, and not vice versa.

Actually, do what is convenient for you, the main thing is that there is enough material so that this family tree becomes branchy.

And once again answering the question of why do genealogy, I will say: “If history is people’s identity, then, of course, family genealogy as family identity is the axis of people’s history.”

Good luck everyone!

A small addition from December 13, 2014: in the article I showed how to automate the process of compiling a pedigree. The article describes the free program, and you can download it there.
